#miya is matchablossom’s son
duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Hi Ducky!! May I make a large order of ice coffee with extraaa ice! Any toppings of your choice, I'm not picky! The names on that order are Miya and Cherry Blossom! Thank you!
Congratulations on 1000 followers by the way!! Hope your event goes well!!!
What a perfect time to write this request 🥰
Lmao this was supposed to come out like a week ago, but i get sleeby at night
Happiest of belated birthdays to my sweet boy.
Miya is my son and this entire website will be aware of it. I will be known as his mother.
Wow damn fuck I really do be kinning Miya hardcore rn
CW BELOW THE CUT: mentions of parental verbal abuse
♫ -ᥕᥲі𝗍ᥱr, ᥕᥲі𝗍ᥱr, ⍴ᥱrᥴ᥆ᥣᥲ𝗍᥆r- ☕️
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It wasn’t like it was such a big request… Don’t get him wrong, he’s thankful for his life, but Miya was certain that his birthday was supposed to be a happy day.
So why wasn’t this day ever a good one?
His fourteenth birthday… Miya couldn’t believe that he had gotten this far, honestly. Even through all of the shit that his mom and dad made him go through… they still loved him… right?
Well, he didn’t have time to find out now. Blocking out the yelled, belittling messages, Miya grabbed his skateboard, and out the door he went. 
The boy hastily blinked away the threatening tears in his eyes. If his mom never saw him cry, she would never ever win.
Was this normal?
Surely this couldn’t be normal. What little boy was yelled at every single year, without fail, on his most special day?
Raindrops began to patter down onto the sidewalk below his feet- well, wheels. The pitch-black darkness of the sky didn’t help his vision either, but the boy picked up speed and went to find the two that he trusted the most.
He took out his phone, somehow managing to push the buttons in the worsening rain, and shooting a text to his groupchat with Joe and Cherry in it.
As he covers more and more ground, he’s filled with dismay when he doesn’t receive a text back. Oh well, at this point he’s just going to show up. The pattering raindrops against his skin are torture. He’s freezing, barely able to see a thing.
The boy reaches Sia La Luce and shakes the rain out of his hair. He opens the door with shaking hands, ignoring the shivers wracking through his body.
Two pairs of eyes are immediately glued onto him. He felt like he was on a talent TV show, only being able to murmur a strained “Help please… I’m really cold.”
Kaoru was at his side almost instantly, kneeling at Miya’s level, and draping Kojiro’s hastily removed jacket around the boy’s shoulders. The pink-haired man’s face was laced with pure concern as he brushed away the locks of wet hair stuck to Miya’s forehead.
Joe retreated to the kitchen, likely to grab something. Meanwhile, Cherry was carefully asking Miya open-ended questions, hoping to keep the boy from distress.
“Are you alright, child?”
The brunette nodded, pulling the jacket closer to him. He knew what was coming next, he just wasn’t sure how to answer.
“Do you think you can tell me what happened?” The man’s voice was uncharacteristically tender and soft. A gentle hand was laid on the boy’s back.
“Nothing major, really.” Miya murmured, looking up to notice Joe emerging from the kitchen. “I’m just glad I’m here…”
“Hey Miya, come here.” The green-haired man had a smile on his face.
The boy’s head barely reached over the top of the counter, so he turned to Joe with outstretched arms. Kojiro picked him up effortlessly, revealing the surprise on the counter.
There was a cake on the counter, a collaboration. Baking done by Kojiro, the loopy writing and frosting cats courtesy of Kaoru.
“Do you like i- Miya?”
Both men turned their attention to the brunette who had tears rolling down his cheeks. Their gazes turned sympathetic once more.
“How did you know today was my birthday?”
“How could we forget?” Kaoru asked with a smile, striding over to his companion’s side and placing a hand on Miya’s back.
The lamenting boy turned to Cherry, leaving Joe’s arms and latching onto him in one fell swoop. The pink-haired man hugged him in return, holding the child close to him and running his hand along his head.
“Thank you…” Miya whimpered, “for being my real parents.”
Kojiro joined in the hug, leaving the restaurant silent, save for the lamentations of the boy who had finally found what love feels like.
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giggly-squiggily · 8 months
I would like to order one matchablossom comforting their son Miya ❤️
I am request one Miss you and Puppy Love. GIVE MY SON THE PARENTAL LOVE HE DESERVES!!!!
DUCKY KJLERJKEKJRJEKRR LETS GOOO! :D It's been far too long since I've written Sk8- and for Machablossom and Miya no less! This was kinda light on tickles but full of parental love for Miya so I think I did them good? I hope you like it!
Miss you: "When's the last time you smiled?" + Darling: "Where are those giggles I love so much?"
“There we are.” Joe placed a plate of freshly made pasta before Miya, ruffling his hair as he did so. “My speciality; Joe Mama Spagetti!”
“When did you start calling it that?” Cherry looked at him with a raised brow.
“When my arms started getting heavy.” Joe winked, laughing at his joke. Cherry smiled, shaking his head. They waited, but nothing came from the smaller boy.
“Hey, what’s going on, kiddo? When’s the last time you smiled? Also- where are those giggles I love so much?” Joe mock pouted, leaning into his fisted hands and scrunching his eyes in hopes that would work. Still, Miya didn’t make a sound. “Uh oh- you’re really upset, huh?”
That got a small shrug, but it was better than nothing.
“Are you still upset about your new trick not working?” Cherry cut right to the heart of the matter, but his voice was gentle. Seeing Miya stiffen, he and Joe shared a look. “Miya..”
“I was so close!” The child exclaimed, a touch of a whine in his voice as he glared down at the pasta. “I almost had it- but then it failed again! Just like the first few times.” His voice wavered at the end, mouth forming into a shaky frown as he scrubbed at his eyes. “I suck…”
“No, no you don’t.” Cherry reached out, gently taking Miya’s chin in hand as he wiped away the tears starting to fall. “This is just a trick that takes more time. We all have ones we can’t get right away. The gorilla over there couldn’t accelerate for a good few months when he started skating.”
“Oh as if you’re one to talk, precious! Who kept falling off his board like it was made of ice for six months?” Joe retorted back with a huff. He was about to say something else when he saw Miya start to smile. “Oh, so that made you feel better- our bickering!”
“Pfft- it’s just hard to imagine you two failing so hard at basic things. It’s funny.” Miya giggled, squeaking in surprise when Cherry pressed into his ribs. “Ah! I thahahke it bahahhahck, I tahhahahek it bahahahhahck!”
“You better. Just because we weren’t good at first doesn’t mean we aren’t great now.” The pink haired man smiled as Miya squealed, releasing him with one last prod. “And that will be you too. Give it more time and practice and you’ll have the trick down with ease. If you want- I’ll help you.”
“Rheheally?” Miya perked up; making the two men laugh.
“Of course he will. So will I. But first- you’re gonna eat that pasta. And then you’re gonna laugh at all my jokes; I’ve got tons of them!” Joe grinned, earning a mock eyeroll from the pair.
“Best get a to-go container; I’ll lose our appetite.” Miya grinned as Joe clutched his pearls, Cherry bursting into laughter at the zinger. Before he could retaliate, Miya grabbed a forkful of pasta, shoving it in his mouth with a happy sound. “Thanks, Joe. Cherry.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” Joe tsked with a grin. “And you're welcome, kid.”
Send me a candy heart and I'll write a dabble for it!
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lovesyarnandnancydrew · 4 months
the 1st season is over and if you don't want to read any spoilers, you should skip the rest.
the number of times i gasped out loud, jumped in my seat or started bawling my eyes out is ridiculous and kind of embarrassing
langa is my son, i would kill for reki, shadow grew on me throughout the episodes, matchablossom are the best parents out here and i would be forever grateful to miya for calling them "mom and dad" out loud
renga are soulmates, and the episodes when they were not talking to each other were legit depressing and made me cry like a baby
adam can go fuck himself or die for all i care. i'll never forgive him for hitting cherry like that. his weird, borderline insane obsession with langa was creepy as hell, and all the nonconsensual touching made my skin crawl. i'm scared to think about the number of people he either viciously attacked or basically pushed off of the cliff
other than that, this anime looked vibrant and made me feel all sorts of things. ep.6 "family vacation" was the funniest, ep.9 "miserable hours" was the most painful one
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plaguethewaters · 5 months
kinda batshit insane but. dsmp sk8 au where beeduo are matchablossom. Hear me out.
older beeduo perfectly comfortable in their marriage keeping it a secret at S because its fun. Ranboo's competitivness stirring up that "tactical flirting" theyre too socially anxious to try in their daily life and tubbo having loads of fun showing off his "lawyer with a stick up his ass" worksona while also cursing his husband off at any point in time.
Tommy is shadow, in this dynamic, a little bit different than in og sk8. Ig he's a little closer to adam inn that hes the same age as beeduo and went to school with them but also hes not a pedo with weird codependent relationships. And i love the idea of him having a little flower shop but also dressing in full punk demonic regalia at S. Let him be fucking weird and extra.
if i want to have adam be close to sk8 canon Dream is the obvious choice. Weird obsession with a singular kid and an incessant need to have power over everyone and everything, with a couple of guys who where super friends with him in his youth but ended up dropping him because of the weird controlling behaviour? perfect. I like the idea of tadashi being punz in this situation, even if george would probably fit better but idk.
It works very well actually because - reki and the babygang would be second gen dsmp kids. In particular, reki would be michael, langa would be shroud, and miya would be yogurt (little subplot- wilbur is Oka in this au, fundy is a random guy thats his son and kinda hates that his own child chose the same hobby as his father). Thus we would have dream getting super super obsessed with shroud - not inn a weirdly sexual way like adam for langa, but as a replacement. Tommy's all grown up, hes not fun to play with anymore. What better than tommy's precious son to fill up the role? Especially since it gets tommy so worked up.
This also opens the way to another secret plot, because te kids would have absolutely no idea its their parents in the masks at S. Michael probably finds out when Nuke gets decked in the face by dream's skateboard during the beef, they have to call the ambulance and - oh prime thats my goddamn dads.
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alphnsemambo · 4 months
Reki and Langa are amazing and canon to me
Miya is the silliest and easily matchablossom’s weird cat son
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Yeas I am a trans langa and cherry truther sorry
so true……..(holds my hands out and raises a very tiny reki holding a trans flag) renga t4t………
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reckless-rider · 2 years
For the found family prompts... 5. defending them in front of others with Kaoru or matchablossom + one of the kids? <3
Thank you for the prompt Sparrow!! I was very excited to write this and started as soon as possible asdflksj
I hope you enjoy it and I hope your doing well!! <333
I'll always be on your side is on Ao3
    Kaoru was having a very, very bad day. First, he slept through his many alarms and was almost late for a meeting; he forgot to eat breakfast too. Then, he had to deal with clients that take up way too much time and space. And he had to kick out a very influential client for being too handsy and getting in Kaoru’s personal space after being told not to plenty of times. Finally, he kept having to restart a piece for an upcoming gallery because he didn’t like it. However, before he could throw his canvas across the room Carla dinged. 
    “Incoming call from Seaweed Brain.’”
    “Thank you, Carla. Please transfer the call to my phone.” It was the lunch rush, why was Kojiro calling him? 
    “Okay, Master, transferring call.” Once the call was transferred, Kaoru picked up immediately.  
    “Shouldn’t you be working right now, Gorilla?” Kaoru was worried, although he would never admit to it. 
    “Yeah, yeah, yeah, four-eyes, I should be working but I just got a call from Miya’s school,” Kojiro sighed. “Apparently he got into a fight with another student, can you pick him up? I can’t leave the restaurant, it’s incredibly busy.” Kaoru pinched the bridge of his nose, he could hear how stressed Kojiro was.
    “Yes, I can pick him up. Now get back to work,” He hung up without letting the other respond. 
    He was secretly thankful to take a break, after his incident with Adam, his wrist couldn’t handle working all day without breaks anymore. He would try to remember to take some painkillers and ice it after he picked up Miya. He grabbed his keys, locked up his shop and went to the school.
    It was lunch by the time Kaoru arrived and he was reminded of the fact that he forgot to eat this morning. He walked through the halls towards the principal's office, unfortunately, this wasn’t the first time that Kaoru had met with Principal Wakabayashi. He spotted Miya sitting outside of the office next to another kid.
    “Are you alright, Miya?” Kaoru calmly asked, he wasn’t happy with the younger skater but he wasn’t going to yell at him, he knew how it felt. He massaged his wrist, the pain was starting to get harder to ignore. 
    “Yeah, I’-” 
    “He started it! I didn’t even do anything!! He just comes up to me and hits me!” The other boy screeched and started to cry. This didn’t make his day feel any better, honestly the boy’s screeching was giving him a headache. Even so, Kaoru was livid, not only did this child interrupt Miya, he never asked what had happened and the child was making a very out of character claim about his son Miya. Knowing the younger skater, he would never start a fight without reason.
Kaoru looked the other kid straight in the eyes, calmly enunciating every word that came out of his mouth, “Did I ask?”
“N- Nnn -oo, no,” The child blubbered. Kaoru turned back to Miya and inspected him for any injuries. 
“Miya, do you want to tell me what happened before we speak with the principal?” They had to wait until the other boy’s parents showed up until they could speak with the principal. Kaoru would prefer to speak with Wakabayashi as soon as possible. 
Miya glared at the other boy before answering Kaoru’s question, “Daichi and a few other students were making shit up about Takashi. I told all of them to stop but they wouldn’t, instead they just tried to ruin my notebook.”  
“So,” Kaoru paused to absorb the information, “did you punch him first?”
Miya shook his head, “No, he started it. I tried to stay away from him but he tried to punch me so I fought back.”
“I did n-” He shut his mouth the moment he made eye contact with Kaoru. 
Kaoru sat between the two boys to make sure that they didn’t get into another fight while waiting for Daichi’s parents. While they were waiting, Miya was telling him about a new game that was coming out soon that he wanted to play. He was also telling Kaoru about teaching Reki a new trick and Reki was having trouble getting it down. He asked Kaoru if he could help Reki out with the trick later. 
Daichi’s mother showed up and apologized for being late, she couldn’t leave work right away. They all headed into the principal’s office to finally get this figured out. After everyone got situated within the office, Wakabayashi started speaking.
“Daichi, can you tell me what happened?” 
The boy told a completely different story from Miya’s with many inconsistencies. Wakabayashi didn’t even give Miya a chance to speak and immediately took Daichi’s side. 
“Are you not going to listen to what Miya has to say?” Kaoru asked. 
“I don’t need to. I know the Kato family very well and I know that Daichi would never bully or start a fight with anyone. Also, this isn’t Miya’s first offense, he’s been in fights before. So, why should I listen to a broken record?”
Kaoru stood up, placing his hands on the desk and leaned forward. “Why? Well, I happen to know that the Kato family pays you a lot of money to keep their children out of trouble. But if you do not take Miya seriously then I will tell the Board of Education every bad thing that you have ever done. Even if it is slightly bad they will hear about it, I will ruin you. Now,” he paused, “will you take him seriously?” 
All the principal could do was nod and look over at Miya to let him speak. After listening to both sides, he made a better decision. Miya was in the right and was defending himself and Daichi will be suspended for a week. Everyone was finally released from this shitshow of a meeting. 
“Hey, Cherry,” He turned to look at the kid, “You didn’t have to do that. I would have been fine, with whatever punishment he gave me.”
Kaoru just shook his head and frowned, “But that’s unfair, you should be able to tell your side and be heard. Does Kojiro just accept whatever punishment the principal gives without listening to you?” If Miya said yes, Kaoru was going to kill Kojiro. 
“No, he makes Principal Wakabayashi listen but it’s always my fault no matter how hard Joe tries to argue.” 
Kaoru just hummed, he’d talk to Kojiro more about that later. Speaking of Kojiro, the lunch rush should be about done by now. They agreed to head over to Sia La Luce for something to eat and Kaoru really needed to rest his wrist. 
“Incoming call from Seaweed Brain.” Speaking of the devil. 
Miya scoffed, “Seaweed Brain?” Kaoru may be fond of the kid, but Miya was uncultured in this moment and it disappointed him. 
“Thank you, Carla,” Kaoru glared at the younger teen before answering the call. “What do you want?”
“Hello to you too, Princess. How did the meeting go?”
“The meeting went fine, there’s no need to worry.”
“That’s good, are you coming by the restaurant?”
“Yes, Kojiro. Miya has homework he needs to do and I haven’t eaten, we’ll be there soon.” Kaoru once again didn’t wait for an answer and hung up, he was very hungry. 
Ten minutes later they had arrived at Sia La Luce and sat in their usual spot at the bar. Kaoru helped Miya with his homework while they waited for their food, Kojiro stopped by and talked with them when no one else needed his attention. 
After they ate, Miya went to hang out with Reki and Langa but would be back at the restaurant for dinner. Kaoru on the other hand, went up to his and Kojiro’s shared apartment above the restaurant to relax. He took some painkillers for his wrist and listened to an audiobook while putting ice on it. 
Later that night, Kojiro closed the restaurant a little bit earlier than he usually would. Everyone would be waiting for him to get upstairs, it was game night after all. Reki got to pick the game tonight and he had to have picked Monopoly. Little did anyone in their group know, Kaoru was a mastermind at this game and he was competitive, even more than Kojiro and he was competitive. Nevertheless, he was excited, it’s one of the only times everyone got together to hang out outside of S. 
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by Phia
Kaoru and Kojiro have a serious discussion about their “son" and what it would look like for him to join their family.
Written for the MatchaBlossom Reverse Bang 2023!
Words: 3195, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: SK8 the Infinity (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Chinen Miya
Relationships: Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Chinen Miya & Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Chinen Miya & Nanjo Kojiro | Joe
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Parenthood, Parental Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Parental Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Nanjo Kojiro | Joe and Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom Adopt Chinen Miya, Light Angst, Happy Ending, Fanart
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48084940
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abblegum · 3 years
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I dunno how to feel abt this one y’all… Inspired by @zilebastikevdeyoktunuz
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seri-tonin · 3 years
Not me projecting onto Miya's relationship with Joe and Cherry and making it the relationship I wish I had with my parents lmao-
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elizaabethh9 · 3 years
why does miya remind me so much of kaoru and reki so much of kojiro. they really take on the characteristics of their parents don’t they. langa just married into the family.
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emmettspeakz · 3 years
Sk8 the Infinity dub actors stream highlights:
-Jonah Scott (Joe's VA) has been typecast as the "dad character"
-Jonah thinks Joe has definitely smoked a joint before - "stoner joe"
-Jonah really wanted to say "yeehaw" in an anime cuz of his love of cowboys
-Jonah Scott and Daman (Cherry's VA) got matchablossom cookies in the mail
-Tadashi's VA got a dog collar in the mail
-Reki's VA is just as excitable as Reki himself
-whole cast loves the beach dubbed scene in episode 6
-whole cast says lgbtq+ rights!!!
-Daman said the show gave him yuri on ice vibes
-Adam's VA David says that artists must spend a lot of time on just Joe's chest
-Tadashi's VA says he's playing a "man who is dead inside"
-all the dub cast wants a season 2
-Miya's VA wants Harry who got basically 0 screentime to be the big bad if there's a season 2 (as a joke)
-Adam's VA says Adam is a gay queen or a drag queen
-Adam’s VA David confirms he adlibbed the “hey bitches, bros and non-binary hoes” and they KEPT IT IN!!
-Miya probably plays genshin
-Miya and Adam's VAs could play each other's characters
-Adam is in his own strange way is trying to help out the Renga boys
-Jonah Scott says Joe is trying to help the Renga boys come to terms with their feelings w/o trying to push them out of the closet because Joe has been in their shoes before
-A lot of talk about how Sk8 is a metaphor for homosexuality, how there doesn't need to be a name for those feelings but there's a lot of love there
-Daman talks a bit about Cherry's fluidity and his struggles with people misgendering him for dressing how he wants
-Howard (Langa's VA) is also a snowboarder and tried to put in pieces of Canadian culture in his rendition of Langa (i.e. "sorry")
-Miya's VA Ry played Tonyhawk's proskater when he was younger
-Jonah Scott skateboarded a lot, had and still has his thrasher hoodie
-Daman hypes up Jonah a lot and it's very sweet <3
-#HOWARDPOWER (Howard is Langa's VA)
-Jonah "are you winning son" and "mom and dad are very proud of you chat" Scott I'M DEADDDD
-All VAs relate to their characters in one way or another and it's really cute <3
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silverynight · 3 years
Listen I'm glad we all agree Miya is matchablossom's beloved child, but I want to add that Reki is also their son and that everyone, especially Cherry is very protective of him.
Like Reki is Cherry's summer child and nobody knows how it happened but Joe and Cherry have adopted him "officially" after what happened with Adam.
But then Langa and Reki start dating and Cherry is completely opposed to it because college is first and also Reki is "just a kid he shouldn't be thinking about any of that."
Joe tries to talk to him and calm him down because "they're young and in love, let them be happy together, what's the worst thing that could happen?" but sometimes his left eye twitches when he catches Langa's hand on Reki's thigh or their kiss turns to be more than just a peck on the lips and he purposely pretends he doesn't see Cherry hitting Langa's head with his hand fan.
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biancablack2474 · 3 years
Okay, I'll cut right to the chase! I saw your requests are open so please give me some third-wheeling with Matchablossom and Renga hcs! Also, just being a mood with Miya.. (and maybe how Adam would react after I kick him in the balls?) <3 I know you will do a really good job so GOOD LUCK!!!
Third Wheeling with Matchablossom and Renga
(+Hanging out with Miya and kicking Adam in the balls)
[Warning: Slight swearing but mostly fluff, a bit cringe]
(Pairing: Sakurayashiki ‘Cherry Blossom’ Kaoru x Nanjo ‘Joe’ Kojiro)
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First off, they would never want to let you third wheel. They do not like it. At all. So they assume the three of you would hang out as friends.
Except they can never help the “subtle” touches and the “obvious bickering” they’re flirting.
Not that you’d mind of course. They’re waaayy to cute and entertaining for you to be mad or awkward about it.
If you’re out shopping, then Kojiro would subconsciously slip his arms around Kaoru’s waist as he checks out a couple of clothes on the rack.
While walking around, if Kaoru sees something he wants or likes, he would latch onto Kojiro’s hand to pull him along and then conveniently forget to let go.
You obviously would take pictures of this from the side or behind because if you take it from the front Kaoru would notice, pull away blushing and smack Kojiro’s arm which would result in another round of bickering (which is still entertaining XD).
(Kaoru secretly loves those pictures and would make you send all of it to him)
The only time they wouldn’t make you feel like you were third wheeling is when the three of you are eating a meal together.
Kojiro likes to sit opposite Kaoru when eating a meal so you would be sitting next either one of them.
This means they can constantly see you so they involve you in all of their conversations and tell you a lot of stories.
The only form of touching during that time is kicking each other under the table because one of them said something dumb (although Kaoru would NEVER admit that).
The only person who is “allowed” to third wheel with them is Miya because (i) he’s too busy on his phone or doing something else (ii) they’re actually going out as a family and Kaoru and Kojiro treat him like their son (although none of them would admit that either).
Keeping up with them skating is HARD. They’re always bickering and trying to beat each other that sometimes you have to slow down on purpose to save yourself. 
(Pairing: Kyan Reki x Hasegawa Langa)
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They don’t mind anyone third wheeling. 
You really don’t feel like it either……. If you ignore the fact that they are almost always holding hands.
But that’s really only because Reki has a lot to show and he wants Langa to keep up.
They never forget that you’re there though.
Reki likes to take Langa to a lot street shops, for shopping and eating because Langa doesn’t know about a lot of these places.
So during meal times (unlike with Matchablossom) they sit next to each other as Reki excitedly feeds Langa and waits for his reaction.
And since Langa eats a lot in general, Reki is either feeding Langa for a while giving you time to take a lot of pictures after you’re done eating or if Reki is done eating and isn’t feeding Langa, he rests his head on Langa’s shoulder as Langa’s eating to take a break from his hyper active state.
They sometimes ask you to take some good couple-y pictures of them (apart from the candid ones you have)
You don’t mind because they stand in a lot of cute and obviously chaotic poses.
The only other person who third wheels often apart from you is Higa ‘Shadow’ Hiromi because they ask him to drive them places. 
He complains of course, but he doesn’t mind as much as he says he does. He thinks they’re cute because he’s a big soft romantic on the inside.
Skating with them is always fun. The three of you constantly try and try to come up with new tricks. It involves a lot of laughing and playing around.
Reki and Langa don’t try couple tricks when you’re there. No, they do that alone. 
You only stumbled upon them doing that on accident. You doubled back assuming you left something, only to find them practicing and giggling softly.
You walked away without disturbing them (not bothering to look for your thing) and with a precious video of them in your pocket.
Hanging out with Chinen Miya
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Hanging out with him means you definitely pick some good comebacks and a lot of tips on how to be salty.
The boy could probably write you a beginner’s handbook on all of this.
He doesn’t swear…. At least not too much.
He was raised that way and constantly being around elders or in the presence of the media, he quickly learned to control himself.
There were also Cherry and Joe who were quick to reprimand him when he did it in front of them once (parents amirite:|).
This means you get to teach him quite a few creative ways of swearing without actually saying the words.
Miya gets insecure sometimes despite acting like nothing people say about him affects him but it’s usually Reki that boosts his confidence.
You on the other hand either crack a lot of jokes with him or take him someplace to do an awesome prank with a foolproof plan.
Y’all have NEVER gotten caught.
Miya also loves some good gossip. He tells you a lot from his school and you tell him loads from your school/work.
If you two are in the same school then this exchange usually happens during lunch break.
Kicking Adam in the balls
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Let’s just say that anyone and everyone who’s ever known him would be happy.
Except Tadashi of course. He would find it a bit funny because he knows Adam had it coming but he would feel bad immediately after.
You would kick him with the intention of aiming for his shin but you would be so blinded by anger that you accidently knee him in the balls.
Not that you regret it.
You hear a loud “FUUUUUUUCKKKKK” come from him as a keels over, one hand on his balls and the other on the floor.
Just as he looks up, Joe and Cherry stand in front of you protectively, Joe smirking and Cherry glaring after seeing the look in his eye.
Miya wouldn’t stop laughing, especially after seeing how Reki is cheering.
Langa would be looking at you, impressed, making a mental note not to mess with you.
Tadashi would just quietly help up Adam.
Once Adam gets up, off the ground and notices how everyone is protecting you, he laughs a bit creepily and says, “You’ll pay for that. I challenge you to a beef.”
You would laugh and call him an asshole or a son of a bitch and decline the challenge because you know better than to accept that crazy motherfucker’s challenge.
Joe would offer to do it instead of you but Adam would blatantly ignore him and walk away.
I'm sorry it took so long lol but here it is!💞
I enjoyed writing this a lot and I hope y'all like it too! Enjoy 😚
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mollymauk-teafleak · 2 years
Id love to hear some more about the matchablossom babies!
Yay! Thank you so much!
So their eldest daughter Keiko is interested in skating from a very young age and shows an awful lot of talent. She has to beg a little for her daddies to let her skate at S, they tell her not until she's 14 even when she points out that Uncle Miya was younger when he started
Eventually they relent and let her enter (Kaoru takes the most convincing honestly, Kojiro was just going for a united front). She skates under the name Petal and spends ages designing her outfit, painting flowers on her sneakers and up the back of a jacket like her daddy's. Her first beef is against her Uncle Reki who they know will give her a fair match but never play dirty (though Kaoru still gives him a very stern talking to before had than genuinely terrifies him)
Kaoru does ask Keiko to let him upload Carla into her board so she can keep her safe but honestly, she is more of a freestyle skater like her daddy and most of the time just casually chats to Carla as she skates, ignoring her safety suggestions
That image of the guy holding up his baby to the security camera at the grocery store so their face is big on the TV? Thats Joe with all of his babies with the cameras at S
Also him tucking babies into his jacket and zipping it up to keep them cosy out late on the mountain
Keiko also shows an interest in art, one night Kaoru and Kojiro are called to the police station because she was caught graffitiing. Kaoru is trying very hard to be stern parent but he's also like....this is really good?? Once her grounding sentence is done, he lets her paint on the walls of his studio instead and supports her art wholeheartedly
Their son Keitaro is the one who shows an interest in AI and coding, they joke that the only time he ever sits still is when he's at the computer. He's also best friends with Reki and Langa's son Ollie (half named in honour of Langa's father, half so they can make the skateboarding joke)
Their youngest baby Bella is a bit of a surprise, they thought they were done but they took a second honeymoon to Italy and yeah. Things happen after romantic walks in the rain on Italian beaches. She looks identical to her papa and acts a lot like him too, but she's the one who shares Kojiro's interest in cooking and will end up working at Sia la Luce when she's older
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soupthatistohot · 3 years
Sk8 headcannons because brainrot pt. 6
- Langa learned how to make his own Canadian poutine, and it’s one of the few recipes that he has mastered since coming to Okinawa
- Kaoru cut his hair off in a fit of anger right after high school, but his hair always grew quick fast so he was back to his desired length within a few years (it was soon after this that he mellowed out, started his buisiness, and re-evaluated some of his life)
- Oka has an impeccable gaydar and knew the exact moment that he saw Reki and Langa being all chummy together that they were gonna end up being a couple
- Miya’s first RPG game was Pokémon Pearl, he bought it used from a store when he was five years old.
- I said in a previous post that Kojiro was a pokémon kid... so when he finds out that Miya also likes pokémon....
- when Reki and Langa go to Canada together for the first time, Reki will not admit that he is cold, even when he’s visibly shivering violently.
- Kojiro’s nickname of “Joe” came about when he went to Italy. He adopted a more westernized name when he was there to make interactions with people easier.
- whenever Langa gets hot, he lifts the hair at the base of his neck up to try to cool down a little
- when Reki and Langa start dating, Reki still calls Langa "dude" and "bro" but there's also some pet names mixed in there.
- Kojiro is shirtless around Kaoru as much as possible for two reasons, 1) because it pisses him off 2) because he likes showing off (and little does he know Kaoru is only pissed off because he has a hard time not staring too much)
- and when I say as much as possible, I mean as much as possible. Kojiro doesn't do it at Sia, even after hours, just because that's his place of work, but virtually anywhere else somewhat private is fair game. Especially Kojiro's apartment. He'll cook them late-night dinners sometimes after "S" (because Kaoru demands food) and he will cook shirtless with only a pair of sweatpants on Kaoru will bicker about it with him until the food is done
- Miya and Reki eventually bond over having friends that left them alone, it's late one night at "S" when they get on the conversation topic somehow, and both are kinda tired so they just sit and talk about it while the others are racing. For Miya it's really therapeutic since he's never had anyone to talk about it with, and Reki's just happy the kid opened up to him a bit. After, he ruffles his hair and they get to bickering and teasing by the time the others get back.
- Langa knows how to ice skate decently well, living in a cold climate and all. This also means he knows how to rollerblade.
- Both Kojiro and Kaoru suck at rollerskating/rollerblading. They go together one evening as teens thinking that the other will fail royally and that they'll be fine, but they both end up sucking and falling all over each other. This may or may not have contributed to Kojiro's bi awakening.
- Miya likes bubble tea, Reki is impartial, and Langa doesn't like it. He can't stand the tapioka's consistency.
- Reki played Minecraft when it was popular, though he wasn't particularly good at survival mode. It was still fun though, he always tried to tame as many wolves as possible and mourned every one of his dog's deaths.
- Langa keeps his apartment key on a lanyard, it'd get lost otherwise (something he found out the hard way when he was in middle school)
- Reki has one of those really disorganized wallets that's just absolutely stuffed to the brim with random coupons. He has a rewards card for, like, every single local store, too.
- Kojiro cracks his knuckles (and various other bones) and it pisses Kaoru the hell off. He knows the "you'll get arthritis" argument has no basis in science, but he uses it anyway. Sometimes it gets them talking about how they'll still be bothering each other in old age, and neither of them will admit the fact that they're kind of happy that they think they're going to stick around for the other's entire life
- there's a lot of mutual pining for adult matchablossom, but highschool? That shit's complicated.
- like Kojiro probably had a big fat crush on Kaoru, but he thought he was straight so he was completely unaware of it
- meanwhile Kaoru had a thing for Kojiro, then he fell head over heels for Adam, and sometime after Adam left the picture his interest in Kojiro resurfaced (just in time for him to go to Italy!)
- Miya had a bowl cut at one point in time. He hated it.
- Reki thought "your mom" jokes were funny in elementary school
- Kojiro thought "your mom" jokes were funny in high school
- Kaoru despised "your mom" jokes.
- Shadow was really mild-mannered in high school, he was always the teacher's pet even if his grades weren't the best. He was always good at science, especially biology and Earth science. He started college but dropped out because of financial issues.
- Kaoru totally thought about dying his hair black in high school, but Kojiro talked him out of it, and probably inadvertently complimented his hair in the process of doing so (and that's why Kaoru didn't change it).
- Reki LOVES snapchat filters, and only has the app for that reason. He does not send or recieve snaps, and has no friends on it. Reki always ropes Langa into taking selfies with him with the filters on, and Langa couldn't care less but thinks its nice to have some cute pictures with Reki.
- Miya goes to Reki's house once and lets Koyomi put nail polish on his fingers. He doesn't hate it.
- Reki's mom also offers to feed Miya a meal that is definitely not on his athlete diet, but he feels like he can't refuse the woman, so he just cheats for the night and enjoys his dinner.
- Reki's mom can tell that her son just totally adopted this sassy middle schooler as a younger brother and thinks it's the absolute sweetest thing in the world
- Kaoru started wearing yukatas when he made his calligraphy business, and found that they were actually quite comfortable, so he wore them in his daily life too.
- Langa has done shots of hot sauce at Reki's and Miya's insistence
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Crazy Rock’s Underground Copycat
by Corundum_Creations
“Master,” Carla’s voice cut through the excitement singing through his blood, “there are some skaters approaching-.”
 She couldn’t finish before he’d thrown himself down the mountain, commanding, “type: long.”
 Carla silently obeyed and he rocketed down to the finished line, skidding to a stop that was so slow to come, the people who’d approached his kid jumped away.
 Miya watched, wide eyed and surprised, at his back.
 “It wasn’t that long earlier, was it!?” Someone in the crowd yelled.
 “What do you want?” Cherry enunciated venomously at the three men. They looked between one another as if urging someone to speak.
 “Don’t mind them, they’re the founders.” Joro piped.
 “Wrong.” Cherry stated. When no one else spoke up to his face, he stated, “I’ve had enough of this playground.”
 “Me too,” Miya said and returned to smirking like a cat at his counterpart.
Kaoru just wanted to take a nice relaxing few days after a big commission on Japan’s main island… but Kojiro brought the kids, their younger brother, and Miya’s been challenged to a new S. Kaoru’s head hurts.
Words: 6374, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: SK8 the Infinity (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Chinen Miya, Kyan Reki, Hasegawa Langa, Higa Hiromi | Shadow, Kikuchi Tadashi, reluctant @d@m mention, Oka Shokichi, Original Characters
Relationships: Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Hasegawa Langa/Kyan Reki, Kyan Reki & Everyone
Additional Tags: TBI, Disabled Character, post S1, NOT @d@m friendly creator. He don’t exist son, Miya is Matchablossom’s son, so are Renga, MatchaBlossom, renga, theres a new bad boy in town boooyyyyyy, Lasting impacts from incident, disabled Kaoru, Found Family, No beta we die like Cherry’s tablet in this fic
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47175430
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