#miya atsumu thirsts
sluttsumu · 11 months
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☆ — ft. atsumu miya + getting leaked
warnings: 18+, tsumu being nasty
a/n: a little thought of mine, i can totally imagine msby being up in arms because there’s an “alleged” video out.
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atsumu is a nightmare for msby’s pr team.
at this point no one is even surprised when there’s a new viral vid on twitter of him fucking you from behind or stuffing his face in your ass. the lewd photography the two of you take may never have your faces in them but, it’s definitely you two, everyones knows that.
he has no shame, and neither do his teammates. the most recent scandal was a video of him fucking you in the new pair of handcuffs that seemed to get everyone’s attention.
it was another ordinary day for him as he walked in the locker room to see everyone on their phones after practice. the air was tense and everyone was thinking the same thing, he knew that they’d seen it and they were wondering why he didn’t care.
kiyoomi was the first to break the silence, as expected.
atsumu flips his towel over his shoulder not even sparing his friend a glance. “how many times did you cum from watching it?” he cockily chuckled leaving the rest of the locker room in awe.
“SO IT IS YOU” bokuto exclaimed before starting to laugh along side hinata.
“i have no idea what you’re talkin’ about bo-kun”
the devil was a liar, and so was atsumu miya.
despite lying to his team claiming that the video wasn’t his, he enjoyed toying with the curiosity of others.
sakusa muttered a small “tch” under his breath as he reached into his pocket for his phone.
the video started playing.
atsumu’s lips curl into a smile as he finally turns to face the rest of the locker room as sakusa holds his phone to the blondes face. “that’s literally your girlfriend, miya.”
experiencing it was one thing but watching it was something else. the 20 second video played over and over again of your face stuffed into the sheets as atsumu fucked you full of his cum, your muffled whining echoed throughout the room until sakusa finally turned his phone off.
“she sounds pretty doesn’t she?” he smirked.
everyone was guilty to getting off to you, and atsumu knew that, it simply boosted his pride.
grabbing his bag his walks to the door, but doesn’t leave until spewing condescending words just to keep his friends on their toes.
“knock yourselves out.”
the door closes behind him meanwhile everyone looks at each other confused before receiving a collective notification, to a google drive with all of your porn on it.
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© — SLUTTSUMU 2023
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xfgpng · 1 year
he couldn’t lie to himself. he’s always known how he felt about you and as much as he tells himself it’s so wrong, he can’t stay away from you.
he liked you first.
“this is wrong” you gasp against his lips but you grip him tighter, arms coming up to wrap around his neck so he can kiss you again.
it’s him that makes you feel this good. it’s his name you’re moaning and he’s the one you’re thinking about when you’re alone, not your boyfriend and certainly not his girlfriend.
“yeah” he agrees because it is wrong but he’s never wanted anything more in his life.
your pussy welcomes him like he’s meant to be inside you and you let him fuck you raw, something he doesn’t want to do with his girlfriend and he knows you’ll never let your boyfriend fuck you without a condom either.
“but you love it, don’t you baby?” he smirks, “you love me”
you nod, legs spreading wider all for him.
“yeah you do” he chuckles but he knows he feels the same way about you.
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|| bokuto, sakusa, atsumu, suna& iwaizumi
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kenjisatos · 1 day
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will probably make this a series. i just love this team so darn much *sigh*
this fic features…
haikyuu timeskip!spoilers, highly suggestive content (as the title entails), inappropriate language, sus atsumu 🤨, genre: crack, some of these are actual tweets i found lol.
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Set the scene: the MSBY quartet shuffle into frame, they each take their seat in front of the iconic blue backdrop. You hear Hinata and Bokuto exchanging lively words, Atsumu fixing his hair so it swooshes the right way, and Sakusa removing his face mask and handing it to their team’s pr manager who accompanied them to this shoot.
“Is one of us gonna say it or are we all gonna say it together?” Hinata asks, looking at his teammates.
“I think we should all say it,” Atsumu replies, to which Sakusa nods in agreement.
Bokuto claps his hands together, getting excited. “Let’s do this!”
- cut scene -
“Hi, we’re the MSBY Black Jackals and we’re here with Buzzfeed to read your thirst tweets!” They say in unison.
Bokuto makes a jazz hands gesture, “Sakusa Kiyoomi edition~” he sings, as Hinata bounces in his chair and Atsumu slaps Sakusa’s back in an attempt to hype up the outside hitter.
Sakusa sighs and lets out a defeated chuckle, “Lord, help me…”
- cut scene -
The crew tosses Sakusa a phone, he catches it easily and takes a deep breath before reading.
“I need MSBY’s #15 to bend that flexible hand inside my bussy. Please and thank you.”
Sakusa quirks a confused brow, “What’s a bussy?”
Atsumu snickers. Hinata smiles, “Well, at least we know Omi-kun isn’t chronically online.”
Bokuto puts an arm around Sakusa’s chair, knowing better than to drape it around him or else he’d throw a cold glare his way. “I told you to get on Tiktok, Omi.”
Sakusa rolls his eyes, “I am not getting that dancing app, Bokuto.”
Bokuto’s lips funnel into a pout, “Then how are you gonna learn the language of the people?”
“What, like bussy?”
Atsumu childishly laughs again. “Haha…bussy…”
Sakusa tsks, “Are you gonna tell me what it is already or what?”
Hinata sighs and puts his hands together, “I am sorry to tell you this, Omi-kun, but it means—“
“Butt pussy!” Atsumu blurts out, unable to hold it in any longer. “Like a boy’s pussy, Omi-Omi. Get it?”
Sakusa’s expression is one that makes it look like he was in physical pain, which he might as well be in at the moment. He side eyes Bokuto, “That’s the so-called language of your people?”
“It’s funnier when Miya isn’t combusting.”
Sakusa sighs, “I’m not using that word, let alone using my flexible wrists for it. Sorry, user. You were very polite though.” He says before he passes the phone to Hinata, who reads the next tweet:
Hinata lowers the phone and says, “That’s it. That’s the tweet.”
Atsumu wolf whistles and Bokuto hoots while shaking his head. Hinata is biting his thumb, trying NOT to burst out in laughter.
Sakusa blinks once, twice, before speaking up. “That’s…wow that sounds filthy.”
Atsumu barks with laughter, “Literally!”
Sakusa’s eyes widen in horror, “The bathroom?? Seriously? I get the other places, but really? The dirty bath—“
Bokuto intervenes, “Woah woah there Omi, you get the other places?”
Hinata snickers, “You hiding your freaky side from us, Omi-kun?”
Sakusa groans, dragging his hands over his face. “Please, let’s not discuss this on Youtube dot com”. He recovers and clears his throat, looking right at the camera, “Make wise choices, censored user.”
Hinata passes the phone to Atsumu. The blond setter chuckles before he even reads it out loud, Sakusa already feels the dread awaiting him.
“It’s the broad shoulders and tiny waist and the compression sleeves and the undershirt and the butt and that neck and those curls and his eyes,” Atsumu reads through breathless laughter.
He turns the phone around so that his teammates can see the screen, “And then, they attached a screenshot from a manga that simply transcribes ‘cock sucking noises’!” He wheezes, nearly dropping the phone.
Bokuto’s mouth hangs open but no noise comes out as he struggles to catch his breath, leaning his weight into Atsumu who is just as equally—if not more—cracked than he is. Hinata is busy hiding his face with his hands as he laughs, nearly folding himself up from how far he’s leaning down from his seat. Sakusa is watching his teammates loss their minds as he begins to question his life choices that led him to this moment.
Sakusa sighs, “There will be no cock sucking noises, but thank you for the compliment.”
Atsumu begins to recover, “Oh man…” he wipes a tear, “Omi-Omi, stand up and let ‘em see that slutty waist of yours.”
Sakusa shoots Atsumu a deadly look. Bokuto cheers to encourage Sakusa, while Hinata can’t help but glance at Sakusa’s waist.
“Allow me to correct myself; there will be no cock sucking noises nor will there be any showing offs of the slutty waist.”
Atsumu and Bokuto boo, Sakusa rolls his eyes at their reaction. Hinata winks at the camera, “But there will be some slutty waists in next week’s Calvin Klein feature that Sakusa did.”
Sakusa hums, “Yeah, so save those thoughts until then.”
Atsumu passes the phone back to Bokuto, who mumbles: “C’mon give me a good one…”
Bokuto clears his throat, “Sakusa Kiyoomi might be an outside hitter for MSBY, but i need him to be an INSIDE HITTER for this pus—“, he turns to the camera, “They cut themselves off there.”
Sakusa winces at those words. Hinata laughs, “I like the play on words.”
Sakusa adjusts his posture, “That would be very painful, no?”
Atsumu clarifies, “I think that’s what they want, Omi-Omi.”
Bokuto rubs his chin in thought, “Sakusa hits spikes pretty hard…I can’t imagine how hard he could go inside user-san’s—“
Sakusa waves his hand panickedly, “Please don’t finish that sentence.” He glances at their pr manager, who—by some unexplainable miracle—hasn’t said anything so far.
Sakusa clears his throat, “Unless the pay is higher, I will not be changing my position to your inside hitter, sorry. Actually, I lied; I am not sorry.”
The phone gets passed back to Sakusa, “Sakusa Kiyoomi has 47 moles and I intend to suck each and every one of them off his body.”
Hinata giggles mischievously, “Miya-san, did you write that?”
Bokuto cackles, “How else did the user know the exact amount of moles on Sakusa’s body? You’re the one that’s always staring at each of us in the locker room.”
Sakusa speaks up calmly, “It is accurate, actually.”
Atsumu goes pale at his words, “O-oh okay…but that doesn’t mean I wrote it!!!”
Sakusa disguises a laugh as a cough, “As much as I love to pick on Miya—“
“—I’m still impressed that the Twitter user got that number right. Bravo.” He then applauds. Bokuto and Hinata follow. “Maybe I’ll let you do what you said since you got it right.”
Hinata elbows Sakusa suggestively, to which Sakusa repels away from his touch, “Okayyy, Omi. Get it, I guess. Need me to find the user’s number?”
“No.” Sakusa says immediately, but he’s concealing a smirk. He passes the phone to the winking orange-head.
Hinata begins to read: “For Sakusa Kiyoomi, I would bathe in 99.9% disinfectant, drink that shit, even inject myself with it—if it meant getting a shot at bagging that man.”
Sakusa rolls his eyes, already huffing. “Look, I don’t know who started the rumor that I’m a crazy germaphobe, but let me sit the record straight now: I am not that deranged; I just like things to be clean and tidy.”
Bokuto nods, crossing his arms, “Yeah, you tell ‘em, Omi!”
Atsumu shakes his head in disappointment, “Ya guys keep making Omi-Omi sound like some freak. Yeah, he wears a mask everywhere and carries hand sanitizer wherever he goes, but that’s just basic hygiene standards. Do better.”
Hinata points at the camera with his chin up, “Yeah, the only time Omi-kun is a freak is when it’s in the sheets.”
Sakusa facepalms and sighs, “Give me my mask back; I’m leaving.”
“This is supposed to be a thirst tweets video, and yet my teammates seem to be the thirstiest of all.” Sakusa says to no one in particular.
“Call it team-bonding. Meian would be proud.” Atsumu responds, imagining the look of approval on their captain’s face.
Sakusa tilts his head back, appearing to be praying to some god. He looks back at the camera, “But to that user, please don’t do that. That’s deadly.”
Bokuto clasps his hands together, “Awww, Omi cares~”
- cut scene -
Sakusa tosses the phone back to the crew, “And that’s all, thank god.”
Hinata grins, “Thanks for sending us your tweets and traumatizing our Omi-kun.”
Sakusa grimaces, “Ah yeah, it was a delight.” He says sarcastically.
Atsumu flashes the camera a charming smile, “Tune in for the upcoming videos of the rest of us reading your thirst tweets.”
Bokuto throws up finger guns to the camera, “Can’t wait to see what you guys have in store for us!”
“This was the MSBY Black Jackals, goodbye!”
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Tsumu who only got together with you to get in bed with you, but the moment your warmth envelops him he gets sooo pussy drunk, ready to pull out a ring then and there. Turns so whiny and begs you to let him cum and cum and cum inside. His eyes big with love when he finally pulls out and watched his cum ooze out of you pretty pussy 💕 swears he'll treat you so fucking well for all of your life 💕
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saetoru · 2 years
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「 SYNOPSIS 」 ⋮ atsumu + mirror sex - atsumu finds a good way to put his olympic medal to use
♱ kinktober ⋮ find the masterlist here !!
♱ pairing ⋮ MSBY! miya atsumu x reader
♱ length ⋮ 1.3k words
♱ contents ⋮ nsfw and 18+ content, fem! reader, mirror sex, teasing, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, pet names (princess, angel, baby)
♱ notes ⋮ a heavily edited repost of last year’s abandoned kinktober because i deactivated in the middle fjsjffdjskd
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atsumu’s olympic gold medal.
it sits hung up for all to see in your comfortable little condo, the light reflecting across the surface from the large windows that he specifically had his eyes out for. and much like your boyfriend himself, the medal holds a large presence, all eyes falling on it the moment anyone steps foot into the room.
truth be told, it’s such a shame that it just sits there—no good use for it other than sitting on display. atsumu’s worked much too hard for it all go to waste, he’s earned that medal, and he thinks it deserves a more meaningful use than a cheap effort of interior design. so when he watches you dust over it in your efforts to clean around the place one day, polishing the surface to bring back its usual shine, he finally knows exactly how he’ll use it.
“there ya go, princess,” atsumu smirks, watching as his large hands spread your thighs apart, your wet folds on display to the mirror in front of you. his fingers ghost right over your entrance, making you whine, bucking your hips to signal him to plunge them in—but he’s got better ideas. “patience, angel,” he kisses your shoulder, sucking on the skin gently, trailing to your neck.
“tsumu,” you insist. “need you to—”
“come on, baby,” he grins. “got somethin’ i want ya to put on first.” he reaches behind him, grabbing his gold medal—the same gold medal that he put his blood, sweat, and tears to win—and he places it over over your neck, dangling perfectly in between the valley of your breasts.
“your medal?” you furrow your eyebrows, watching as his eyes darken through the mirror the sight of your naked body sporting his life long achievements.
it can’t get much better than this, he thinks, two of his best prizes right before his eyes.
“fuck, baby,” he groans, dick twitching at the sight, aching with the need to be buried balls deep inside of your perfect cunt, feeling your walls hug around him tight like they always do. “ya look so perfect fer me, angel,” he whispers, “gonna fuck ya while ya watch how pretty ya look,” he smirks, eyes glinting with mischief as his hands roam to your breasts, thumbs rubbing over your nipples and pinching them between his fingers.
you mewl, leaning against him, back arching against his chest as he keeps at it. he toys with them, rolling his thumbs over the sensitive buds as you writhe in his grasp, and in an instant, one hand falls to your dripping cunt, his middle and ring fingers plunging into you, curling against your walls as his thumb runs over your clit.
“tsu-tsumu,” you gasp, eyes rolling to the back of your head—but not for too long because almost instantly, his hand leaves your tit to grab your face roughly and turn you to the mirror, squeezing your cheeks together as a warning. your eyes immediately dart between your legs, and you watch as his fingers thrust in and out of you, coated with your slick as they curl into you and make you cry out.
“keep watchin’, angel,” he warns, “don’t ya dare look away. want ya to see everythin’.” he thrusts his fingers into you a quickly, bullying his digits into you as they plunge into the spot that makes you keen, thighs quivering as you try to stay upright on your knees while he abuses your dripping folds with his fingers. you feel the knot in your stomach letting loose with a few more thrusts of his wrist, and your orgasm crashing over you in waves as you whine his name, gripping onto his arm tightly.
smirking, atsumu grinds his throbbing erection against your ass, groaning deeply at the small bit of friction he chases as he helps you ride out your high. he gives you a few moments to catch your breath, eyeing the contrast of the gold against your shiny skin, a layer of sweat leaving a sheen under the light.
“are ya ready, baby?” he strokes his aching cock a few times, moaning at the feel—and by now, his mind is fogged with nothing but the thought of sinking deep into you as he splits you open with his cock. “need ya,” he whines, “need ya so bad, always so good fer me.”
 he slowly pushes into your cunt, hands gripping your hips tightly. he watches with fascination as his length disappears, only to reappear as he pulls out and sinks back in. somehow, he thinks he feels it a thousand times more intensely when he actually watches himself fuck into you, seeing his thick girth get coated in your wetness right before him. moaning, he bucks his hips desperately into you, and you watch with equal fascination as atsumu falls apart behind you, lip in between his teeth and eyes screwed shut as he thrust in and out of you. he looks stunning, the reddish hue flushing over his cheeks, his hair messy and falling out of place, sticking to his sweaty forehead.
“tsumu,” you gasp, whining when he bites at your neck, sucking on the skin and leaving a small mark. “tsumu harder,” you plead.
and he listens, ramming into you from behind at a quicker pace, balls slapping against your ass as he whines into your skin, watching your expression morph into one of pleasure.
“fuck, angel, ya feel so good,” he groans, moaning when you clench down on him at his words. you both train your eyes at the way his swollen cock sinks into you over and over again, angeled thrusts meeting the spot that makes you see stars every time. gripping onto his arm tightly again, you dig your nails into the skin, making him grunt into your neck. 
“tsum—fuck, more, need more, please!” growling, his hand snakes over your hips to find your clit, rubbing harsh circles as you mewl at the added stimulation. your head falls back to his shoulder, bumping against him with every rock of his hips as he ruts into you.
“‘s that what ya needed, baby? need me ta spoil ya, huh?” he grins, watching through the reflection as your entrance swallows him in with each time he slips his tip past your folds. your face breaks with pleasure, every slam of his pelvis making your expression shatter. 
“so good—f-feels good, tsum,” you whine.
“sh-shit—ngh—so pretty for me, princess,” he moans, the knot in his own stomach seconds from coming undone, “gonna cum, baby. cum with—fuck—cum with me,” he babbles.
and not too long after, you cum together—moans falling in sync as your spines burn with the pleasure. you feel him sploppily roll his hips to aid you through your highs while you’re creaming around his cock, feeling him panting into your skin. his voice cracks as he calls out your name, broken curses falling past his parted lips as he shoots thick ropes of cum and paints your walls white. each ribbon he fucks into you clouds his mind with nothing but his orgasm as he thrusts into you, riding you both through your peaks.
“oh fuck, baby,” he whines, voice lilting slightly high pitched and chest heaving as he slows the bucking of his hips, coming to a stop once you’re both done. slowly, your eyes both train on his cock as pulls out of you, his cum oozing down your legs. your eyes haze over with lust and his softening member twitches, rehardening at the sight—and with one glance at each other’s eyes through the mirror, you both know you’re nowhere near done for the night.
you flash him an innocent smile, taking the medal hanging down your neck, bringing it up to your lips and planting a kiss to the cold surface—something that should be a sweet gesture, but it only makes something carnal stir deep within him.
“c’mon tsumu,” you murmur through batted lashes, “i wanna watch you fuck me again. please?” you pout. he blinks at you before groaning, instantly sinking into your awaiting heat once more, hands squeezing your hips hard enough to leave handprints.
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© hanmas do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend on platforms outside tumblr such as tik tok
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aztecbrujeria · 8 months
His ass bounced off your hips, the recoil making it jiggle just right, the sounds of lube making that “squelch” echo. The way his hard dick and heavy sack slap against his lower belly while you reach around, resting your weight on his back, and stroke his slick shaft from base to tip. You watched his shoulders tense and his ass suck your silicone toy deeper inside.
The way every vein pulsed inside your too small hand while you twisted around his tip made your own pussy clench around nothing. You heard him whimper and moan like a bitch in heat before straightening up and pulling up a knee to really put your hips into it.
Gods the way he’s wrecked, drool spilling down his chin, tears streaming down his cheeks as you circle your hips and really thrust deep inside his gooey, stretched out hole…he looked so pretty wrecked and messy from the lube and false cum you filled his guts up with…
Itto, True form Sukuna, Toji, Choso, Kenjaku, Kaveh, Wriothesley, König, Bokuto, Keiji, Kuroo, Tendou, Atsumu, Osamu, Link, Cloud, L, Izuku, Shinso, Tighnari
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northofneverland · 2 years
Osamu has hated every gift his twin has given him. Osamu has hated almost every gift his twin has given him; except for the housewarming one. As he puts on the tacky apron embroidered with the saying “Kiss the Cook”, he turns to you expectantly, wagging his eyebrows.
“I don’t make the rules babe”, he says pointing to his chest.
Rolling your eyes, you saunter up to your boyfriend, brushing your soft lips against his, as you grin into the chaste kiss. Osamu wraps his arms tightly around your waist before lifting you onto the counter to keep him company. Watching him grab ingredients from the fridge and place them next to you, like clockwork, you ask “What’s cookin’ good lookin’?”.
No matter how many times he’s heard you say this, Osamu can’t help but smile to himself. After listing off a few options, he steals another kiss from you before he gets started with dinner and listens to you talk about your day.
Osamu will never tell his brother he likes the tacky apron because it isn’t the apron that he likes. It’s the extra few minutes he gets with you when he wears it.
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makasdisaster · 1 year
Call me insane, put me in a padded room, lock me in a straight jacket, muzzle me
the relationship between two (twin) brothers is just so 😩 they have such a close bond like no one else every could with them it’s perfect, their perfect,
And I want to be sandwiched between them!
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kiwanopie · 1 year
Just thought about atsumu with a five o’clock shadow and started stuttering
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mrs-nanami · 2 years
MSBY + Strip Club Headcanons ♢
Never comes with ones, always needs to have them broken at the door. Wears jeans, like a goddamn heathen. Wears golden chains and sometimes rings. Prefers getting lap dances from his favorite girl more than watching the girls on stage, loves getting up close and personal. Loves fishnet, prefers it over mesh or lace. Likes to talk his shit, but he never touches without invitation and he NEVER puts the money anywhere but her hand so she can put it in her clutch. Wants to see all that ass. Tips very generously. Definitely will tip better with some bantering and flirting. More drinks and he'll want some champagne room time. A lovable menace.
Atsumu, Inunaki, Adriah
Always has his ones ready and wears slacks with a button down, because he's a model citizen, even in the club. A slow starter, likes to watch the stage for a while as he nurses a drink before he even considers asking for a dance. Not a big jewelry wearer, probably wear a fitbit to the club lol. Tips the dancers on stage quite a bit, because he really respects their athleticism (we love to see it), and is very friendly when the girls on the floor are making their rounds. Twerking, cry baby, and booty bumps make them blush!! Might or might not ask for a lap dance, he really needs to feel comfortable with the girl in question before saying yes (girls would love to get him the champagne room just to talk to them because they're so nice). Big fans of stripper heels (the clear ones with the ankle strap), tidy pedicures, and standing edgework. Also a total sucker for wavy legs of any kind. A total peach.
Hinata, Barnes, Bokuto
Champagne room exclusive kind of man. Pulls up in a button down, slacks, and a nice watch with cologne (unf). Knows exactly what he likes — wants a dance with someone who actually dances nicely, who will actually deserve his money. Books out 1 hour with his favorite, expects his girl to turn up looking like what he likes (usually lots of sheer mesh and straps, he likes an elegant shibari/bdsm vibe). Likes heels, likes floorwork, likes low base polework. Wants a slow, melting lap dance, instead of a nasty, grinding one. Needs to feel a connection of some kind to feel like he can actually relax and enjoy himself. Doesn't really mind talking, as long as it's about something they're comfortable with. Has gotten a little emotional in the champagne room before, but doesn't really want to explore that. Just likes the vulnerability he can have without ever having to go into depth with it. Tips very generously: he's a fair man.
Sakusa, Meian
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xfgpng · 1 year
“stretch you out”
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you wanted to make it work. he was trying and while you knew you deserved better, you stayed because it was easier than starting over and over all the time.
the problem was that your rival and childhood crush was always around for you. despite the constant arguing and fighting, he always seemed to pull through just for you.
it was clear that he liked you just as much as you liked him but this, whatever it was, was easier than admitting your feelings. it worked for now and that’s all you needed.
“this pussy belongs to me baby” he grins, slapping your ass with every hard thrust, “all fucking mine”
“yeah” you moan, gripping the sheets so hard that it ripped, “it’s yours”
“that’s my girl” he smirks, pulling his cock all the way out just to spit on your pussy. you were already so wet and sensitive and he knew he never needed the extra lubricant but he loved making you feel dirty.
“bet he can’t make you feel this good, can he?” he asks but he knows you’re too far gone to answer him.
not that he cares, he knows you belong to him.
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|| eren, floch, suna, atsumu, dabi, chrollo
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nums-bird · 1 year
Mf in the sakuatsu community/Atsumu Stan clan have agreed that Atsume would be like those TikTok thirst trappers and I disagree.As inflated as his ego is, Atsumu's ego stems from volleyball not his own physic.Sure he might have confidence to flaunt a lil bit not a whole TikTok.I came to a compromise during history class and decided that he would be those tiktokers who are like "thirst trap of *insert object*'" in which in this case is a mikasa volleyball.I rest my case 😌
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lucaonthropy · 2 years
I tried replicating Atsumu's infamous setting pose for a picture and holy shit he must have been built different bcs only a few seconds holding that pose make my thighs and knees hurt
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shoyostar · 8 months
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my one and only all my life!
꒰ premise ꒱ : the nhk’s special broadcasts centered around the jnt ‘monster generation’ lineup’s future wives-to-be!
꒰ content ꒱ : haikyū!! / f!reader. JNT & staff. mini-series. established relationships. horrendously downbad fiancés. fluff (with suggestive moments).
series soundtrack. dear future husband : meghan trainor.
⁞ ‘✎ — vie’s love letter ؛ ଓ series updates irregularly. extremely suggestive at times (no explicit smut). mentions / allusions to sex or intimacy. sfw + fluff.
꒰ haikyuu!! masterlist. ꒱
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⌗ relationship advice with ; atsumu miya. rintarou suna. wakatoshi ushijima. shoyo hinata.
the nhk gives it’s viewers a peak into the love lives of the jnt’s lineup, interviewing the future wives of the jnt to crack the secret to a happy relationship! ❤︎
⌗ truth or drink with ; koutarou bokuto. morisuke yaku. kiyoomi sakusa. tobio kageyama.
the nhk is hosting another special broadcast featuring the fiancées of the jnt’s lineup! and this time, it’s truth or drink! ❤︎
⌗ would you rather with ; motoya komori. kourai hoshiumi. aran ojiro. kenma kozume.
due to popular demand, the nhk has organized another live special with the monster generation’s fiancées! tune in for this segment of would you rather + a surprise game with our special sponsor! ❤︎
⌗ QnA with ; tetsurou kuroo. hajime iwaizumi.
the fiancées of the jnt’s staff get a turn in the limelight in an all new special broadcast, a couples QnA spanning their several happy years of romance together! ❤︎
⌗ reading thirst tweets with ; tobio kageyama. wakatoshi ushijima. kourai hoshiumi.
this nhk segment is brought to you by the schweiden alders! thirst tweets with the jnt alder members, but not of them— they’ll be reacting to thirsts for their fiancées! ❤︎
⌗ two truths and a lie with ; shoyo hinata. atsumu miya. koutarou bokuto. kiyoomi sakusa.
with the jnt’s msby members comes two truths and a lie! it's a battle between two lovers; who knows the other better? ❤︎
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coming soon !
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⌗ event status : closed!
⌗ answered ask !
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pin-k-ink · 1 month
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fics ↴
⤠ star-crossed ⇾ goshiki tsutomu
⤠ freudian slip ⇾ kageyama tobio
⤠ trespass ⇾ sakusa kiyoomi
⤠ synergy ⇾ ushijima wakatoshi
⤠ axiom ⇾ miya atsumu
⤠ saccharine ⇾ kozume kenma
⤠ ardor ⇾ miya atsumu
⤠ refuge ⇾ kozume kenma
⤠ the sequel ⇾ suna rintarou
⤠ hunt ⇾ miya osamu & miya atsumu
⤠ eventide ⇾ tsukishima kei
⤠ spring loaded ⇾ kita shinsuke
⤠ lazy day ⇾ suna rintarou
⤠ glyph ⇾ terushima yuuji
⤠ possessory ⇾ kuroo tetsurou
⤠ sweet tooth ⇾ yaku morisuke
⤠ lusus ⇾ ushijima wakatoshi
⤠ feral ⇾ kyoutani kentarou
⤠ mania ⇾ hinata shoyo
⤠ maelstrom ⇾ miya osamu & miya atsumu
part one | part two
⤠ study session ⇾ akaashi keiji
⤠ fever ⇾ kita shinsuke
⤠ heat ⇾ kozume kenma
⤠ vestige ⇾ oikawa tooru
⤠ convenient ⇾ kuroo tetsurou
⤠ catharsis ⇾ sakusa kiyoomi
⤠ thirst ⇾ kageyama tobio
⤠ cotton candy ⇾ oikawa tooru
⤠ wolf’s den ⇾ sakusa kiyoomi & miya atsumu
part one | part two
⤠ quintessence ⇾ kageyama tobio
⤠ bliss ⇾ sakusa kiyoomi
⤠ cynosure ⇾ kageyama tobio
drabbles ↴
⤠ iwaizumi hajime
⤠ bokuto kotaro
⤠ nishinoya yuu
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brutallygod · 4 months
minors don't interact !
idea: how he eats you out. cw: afab!reader / terms, use "kitten" as a term of endearment (kuroo). characters: miya atsumu. bokuto koutarou. kuroo tetsurou.
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ATSUMU eats you out with the thirst of a parched man stumbling into a temple. he simply adores it. uses it to worship you. and to be honest? he does it mainly for his pleasure. he moans and groans, pulling you closer by your thighs as he flicks his tongue over your clit before going down and devouring you.
he’s someone who can cum just by eating you out.
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like atsumu, BOKUTO loves eating you out. he’s like an excited puppy as he presses kisses along your inner thighs, whining into your soaked cunt. he's enthusiastic, tongue rolling over your clit, paying close attention to that little bundle of nerve before lowering his head to sink his tongue in you. his thumb gently rubs your clit as he tongue fucks you.
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KUROO is an absolute asshole when he eats you out. he uses it to tease you—sucks and nips at your thighs, avoids your clit until the very last minute. he fingers you as his tongue sinks into your entrance, lapping up your juices as one hand grips your thigh. as you near your peak, he stops, looks up and smirks at you.
"go on, kitten, cum for me," he croons before latching on to your clit.
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