monizm · 3 months
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freezersig · 6 months
Wideo rejestrator samochodowy MIO MiVue 848.
Wideo rejestrator samochodowy to urządzenie elektroniczne montowane w pojazdach, które służy do rejestrowania obrazu i dźwięku z perspektywy kierowcy oraz z otoczenia samochodu. Jest to rodzaj kamery, która może być umieszczona na desce rozdzielczej lub na przedniej szybie pojazdu. Wideo rejestratory samochodowe są coraz popularniejsze ze względu na wiele korzyści, jakie oferują. Oto kilka zalet wideo rejestratorów samochodowych: Ułatwiają ustalenie rekonstrukcji zdarzeń na drodze kolizji, wypadków drogowych lub incydentów na , umożliwiając dokładne udokumentowanie tego, co się stało. To może być szczególnie przydatne w przypadku sporów prawnych lub ubezpieczeniowych. Nadzór nad pojazdem: Dzięki wideo rejestratorowi kierowca może monitorować swoje zachowanie za kierownicą, co może prowadzić do poprawy nawyków jazdy i zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa na drodze. Ponadto, może to być przydatne w przypadku udostępniania pojazdu innym kierowcom, na przykład członkom rodziny lub pracownikom. Ochrona przed oszustwami: Wideo rejestratory mogą pomóc w zabezpieczeniu się przed oszustwami i nieuczciwymi roszczeniami. Rejestrowanie obrazu i dźwięku może dostarczyć niezbitych dowodów w przypadku sytuacji, w których ktoś próbuje oskarżyć kierowcę o coś, czego nie zrobił. Monitorowanie parkingu: Niektóre wideo rejestratory samochodowe posiadają funkcje monitorowania parkingu, które mogą rejestrować obraz wokół pojazdu, gdy ten jest zaparkowany. To może być przydatne do identyfikacji sprawców wandalizmu lub kradzieży. Nagrania turystyczne: Wideo rejestratory samochodowe mogą być również używane do rejestrowania podróży i krajobrazów podczas jazdy. To przydatne narzędzie dla osób podróżujących, którzy chcą zachować wspomnienia z podróży. Prosta obsługa: Nowoczesne wideo rejestratory są zazwyczaj łatwe w obsłudze, często posiadają intuicyjne interfejsy użytkownika oraz możliwość automatycznego rozpoczęcia nagrywania po uruchomieniu silnika pojazdu. Wideo rejestratory samochodowe są więc nie tylko narzędziem do nagrywania, ale także mogą stanowić istotny element poprawy bezpieczeństwa i komfortu jazdy. Ich popularność stale rośnie, ponieważ kierowcy coraz bardziej doceniają korzyści, jakie mogą przynieść.
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bdpst24 · 1 year
Menetrögzítő kamera kerékpározáshoz a Mio™-tól Nagyobb biztonságban szeretnéd tudni magad kerékpározás közben? Izgalmas roadmovie-t készítenél az utadról? Egy biciklis baleset eseményeit kell rekonstruálnod? A Mio™, a minőségi menetrögzítő kamerák vezető gyártója lesz segítségedre ebben. Vidd magaddal utadra a márka MiVue™ M700 modelljét, csatlakoztasd egyszerűen a kormányra, egy gombnyomással…
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gaycarboys · 1 year
2023 Navman MiVue PRO 4K unboxing and REVIEW
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deloongao · 1 year
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The Mio MiVue M820WD is the first-ever dash cam designed specifically for motorcycles, offering riders added safety features. Alongside Mio's impressive DVR performance, it includes accurate GPS directions and reminders for safe speed limits. The set includes a main unit, cameras, and controller, all of which feature IP67 waterproofing, sleek design, and flexible installation mounts that fit various motorcycle models and installation positions. 
With two main unit options – practical display information or completely concealed within the bike interior – the MiVue M820WD is an ideal DVR for all types of bikers, even the most discerning.
Motorcycle dashboards are inherently limited in terms of the amount of information they can display, leaving riders with critical gaps in their knowledge while on the road, such as real-time speed limit reminders. The designers of the MiVue M820WD aimed to provide additional value beyond just driving records by adding graphical safety assistance. Despite this, they continue to prioritize the essence of a DVR, which is reliability. As a result, we continuously improve the product in terms of appearance, installation, and reliability of each part, ensuring the highest quality of Mio DVR.
Therefore, we developed a monitor prototype that can be installed on the motorcycle handlebar, and conducted on-road tests to verify the effectiveness of the display and sound alerts, ensuring that the feature is beneficial for the bikers.
Industrial Design Market research UX research
[The screen version is a development test edition, not for retail sale.]
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ladysbike · 2 years
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sentada · 1 year
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businesscasualart · 8 months
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It’s the one year anniversary for the creation my beloved mad scientist OCs! Yippee!🎉🍾
I usually don’t get write down the dates for my OCs when I make them but when I made this little research squad of Mad Scientists, I remembered to mark it on my calendar! January 28th!…oh man I gotta hurry with typing this description-
The premise is basically a research team, named I.D.I.I.O, is forced into existence by the leader Dr. Alexei Clark, to study eldritch beings, cryptids, and the like. They get into funny shenanigans!
I usually keep a small amount of OCs and make them in pairs if not individually, so I’m proud that I managed such a group! I made them bc I figured my constant craving for the mad scientist trope could totally power me through making a whole research team. And while I’m still adding more non-scientist members to the ever expanding personnell (e.g. the “security guard” ladies in the back there), the main group is done! I do love them all.
Ehhhh prolonged exposition on the individual characters below the cut <3 bc…I literally haven’t posted them before. Nobody look at me too hard
Dr. Alexei Clark (grey hair, blue-green shirt, middle of the drawing) — The leader of the group! Former mad scientist, current registered scientist.
He did everything he could to get a new life, then get this dubious team created and authorized to continue the studies of his youth and finally managed it, for better or worse. He’s cold and professional, but has started to ease up slightly as he ages, though he still emotionally stunted and awkward. He hold fondness for his peers, sons, and ex-“experiments” though. He thrives in this workplace and managed to pull strings so he could handpick all of the scientists in it, so it’s no surprise that he deeply respects the men around him…whether they deserve it or not
Dr. Sergei Clark (leftmost side of the screen) — Alexei’s eldest son. While having a great mind in his own right, he’s known for having the charisma and social skills his colleagues may lack.
He’s charismatic, ambitious, and family-oriented. He was happy to join his father’s team, although he cares less about the team’s goal of discovering and studying otherworldly creatures. His biggest goal is to find his mother, whom his father expertly avoids talking about, his brother is apathetic on, and he’s struggling to learn more about with any DNA test. It’s as if she never existed. Until then, he, being the one who’s not emotionally stunted, keeps his family a family, even if his brother and father are kicking and screaming. In the team, he’s a calm voice of reason, amongst all of the eccentricities.
Dr. James Clark (second from the left, sitting) — The youngest son of Alexei, looking to establish his greatness and surpass his family, by nearly any means possible.
Bitter, competitive, ambitious to the point where it harms his health, repressed, power hungry, even Actually Evil. All of these things can arguably describe James Clark. He accepted his oblivious father’s offer to join the team with nearly the sole intent of finding something irrefutable and great to get his name down in history, find the chance to seize the group’s discoveries for his own, or maybe even outright kill his father and succeed him in reputation in the scientific community...now why he doesn’t just get this over with is anyone’s guess. But he’ll swear up and down to you that he hates his colleagues and family and want them gone. The validity of this is still called into question.
Dr. “Al” Mivus (third from the left, carrying all the stuff) — While he has his moments, he’s generally regarded as not the most bright. Most of what he brings to the team is brawn and overall good vibes though. Much needed brawn and good vibes.
Al is happy to be here and considers himself friends with everyone on the team, to the chagrin of many. He’s always positive…though that may be because he’s always high. Nonetheless, despite his insecurities and how accident prone he may be, his spirit is indomitable and his mere presence can lighten the mood of a room. And even if that’s not enough, he’s a very strong man and will have his moments of astounding intelligence and creativity.
Dr. Dermot Diarmuid (the redhead in the wheelchair..wait the wheelchair isn’t even visible…the one third from the right?)— With all of the egos around, someone is going to have to knock them down a few pegs. That’s something Dermot is very good at.
With skills in engineering, cryptozoology, and of course, a few sciences, Dermot was an obvious choice for the team. He is probably one of the more sane scientists, miraculously, and isn’t going to let his colleagues get away with just anything. He’s known for enjoying poking fun at anyone who needs it and not being afraid of going headfirst into the unknown. When he’s not working, he likes to go back home to see his large family.
Dr. Gary Valentine (the one with the light colored hat and polka dot vest, fourth(?) from the right?) — He’s here for his paycheck and that’s IT! If it’s not in his job description, he’s not doing it. But he’s also not asking questions and has his talents, so what more can you ask for?
Surprisingly, given his fashionable eccentric style, Gary has always had a knack for blending in and slipping away unnoticed, on top of his habit of just staying out of trouble. It’s helpful for bailing the team out when they’re in too deep, however there’s no promises that he won’t tell the higher-ups of their blunders first. Besides that, he’s relatively charismatic and allegedly a bit of a romantic.
Millie Alexandra and Andy Quinlan (barely rendered in the way back, right side of the screen. Millie in pink and Andy in green) — As a consequence for Alexei picking all of the scientists, the people funding the team and the higher-ups picked everyone else, no debate. This duo of “guards” are some of them.
Andy and Millie are cousins, and the security detail for the team. The volatile duo watches over the facility, keeping people out, keeping creatures in, and keeping the scientists safe…save for some minor, vulgar verbal harassment and poking fun on their end. Their arsenal is unlimited and their hutzpah unmatched. Personality wise, Millie is more soft-spoken, slow, and kind, often following Andy. Meanwhile, Andy is more of a confrontational, fast-talking, delinquent type. They’re a force to be reckoned with though and can take a surprising amount of threats for people who only go the brute force route.
Oh I went on longer than I intended..uh…um…oh well. 30 minutes until midnight, I still have time to post!
If y’all have questions, ofc you can ask. I think I might even make a side blog specifically for OCs. But I’ll wait until the morning for that lol.
I’m glad I could finally celebrate an OC creation anniversary. I wanted to for so long. Thank y’all for making it this far!
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Datadex: Mivus
Planetary Data:
Orbital Distance: 1.2 AU Orbital Period: 1.33 Earth Years Day Length: 30 Earth Hours Radius: 6,276 km Surface Gravity: 0.85 g Surface Temperature: 26 °C No. of Moons: 1
Category: Homeworld Species: Velumian and Quvian Capital: Camionira Population: 5.1 billion
Mivus is a planet of extremes. Its mountainous surface has spots of greenery that range from lush jungles to sparse desert shrub-land, all surrounding its relatively small, but bounteous oceans. These green patches are interrupted in some areas by stretches of blackened and somewhat muddy-looking terrain from the planet’s semi-annual eruptions. Many of its beaches have dark, volcanic sand, as Mivus has continuously been actively volcanic since its formation.
As the birthplace of both the velumian and quvian races, once again the planet showcases extremes. The velumians were guided into the upper elevations of the world via evolution, and at present numerous clans make their homes in the caves that snake through mountains and cliff faces or in cities sitting atop the plateaus. Quvians evolved in the lower elevations and have remained there for the most part. Their tribes live in the valleys and underpasses, relying on the bounties of foothills and beaches for their livelihoods. The two races have peaceful relations and communal settlements are not unheard of.
In addition to being home to the velumians and quvians, Mivus is also home to a host of other smaller, but no less significant organisms. Soot frogs come out to play after eruptions, commonly found at the edges of lava flows where they hide amongst the fresh rock. The vibrant kazui firebirds roost in canopies all over the planet, providing early warning calls before eruptions. The most well known creature from the planet, however, is the flamewalker salamander. A well-loved snack of velumians, the little critters are abundant on Mivus’ surface and have been brought to many neighboring systems due to sheer demand.
Aside from its fascinating range of fauna, the planet is well known for its volcanic and tectonic activity, making it a popular spot of study for geologists, volcanologists and the like. Mivus’ governing body is usually courteous of such requests, but they have always reserved the right to deny or restrict access to areas of their planet if said areas are of cultural, environmental, and/or historical significance. Some governments and even entire races have been barred from sending scientists to Mivus due to violations of these rules.
It should probably be said that for the reckless and inconsiderate, Mivus is a near endless supply of bureaucratic red tape. As the homeworld of not one, but two, non-allied races, its governing body takes protection of both their people and assets very seriously. Visitors to Mivus can expect a thorough but efficient background check of their person, transport, and cargo, but the planets’ denizens are well-versed in making other races feel incredibly welcomed once they pass these check-ins. 
Once one manages to get past the mild tedium of arrival, Mivus quickly becomes a wonderful place to explore. Its capital, Camionira, is a beautiful city with even more stunning views. With the bulk of the settlement built atop a plateau and numerous sub-levels carved into the rock below, Camionira is a prime example of its inhabitants’ ingenuity and collaborative natures. Host to the planet’s primary spaceport, the capital has been designed with ease of access in mind to account for the hundreds of visitors it receives on a daily basis. Finding where one needs to go is almost never a problem, especially because its citizens are typically willing to offer assistance. 
This friendliness and willingness to interact with and support others is often credited to come from lessons learned during a troubled period in Mivus’ history. Roughly 300 years ago, the majority of the planet’s velumian clans were at war with each other for reasons no one can quite remember. These velumians suffered for the grudges of their ancestors and some only made it worse by enlisting their quvian neighbors as assassins and spies. When all was said and done - treaties made, the dead honored, and repentance performed to the planet itself - the clans and tribes involved agreed that in order to coexist with each other and their planet, they would never again take up arms against each other without due cause.
It is this agreement and how it carried over to dealings with other races once they became space-faring that has proved most interesting. Mivus is a truly neutral party that will not take part or choose to support any particular side in interplanetary or galactic conflicts unless they have truly no other choice. This pacifistic attitude doesn’t make either of its races very popular amongst more war-mongering races or their governments, least of all the Alliance. They have tried on numerous occasions to hound at least one of the two native races into supporting their conflicts, but these attempts are always met with a well-rehearsed list of reasons why it isn’t possible. With their home system so close to the edge of Alliance space, the Mivans cannot afford to not be prepared for such situations.
However, despite this, Mivus has entered into alliances with other non-allied races before. In these treaties, it has been clearly established that neither of its races wishes to be ammunition for any conflicts their allies get involved in. As they see things, upholding peace and cooperation is extremely important and those who wish to work with them must understand that. When sufficiently motivated to a cause, however, the people of Mivus are a force to be reckoned with.
Back to the Datadex Datadex Entry: Velumians Datadex Entry: Quvians
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rollercoaster59 · 6 months
mivue mission impossible, no,
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csajokamotoron · 10 months
Kisorsoltam a Mio MiVue™ M760D dual menetrögzítő kamerát
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Hétfőn volt a születésnapom, és ebből az alkalomból kisorsoltam egy Mio MiVue™ M760D dual motoros menetrögzítő kamerát. A nyertes pedig nem más... A sorsolás ezúttal a TikTok csatornánkon zajlott, és a játékban való részvétel feltétele mindössze annyi volt, hogy a leendő nyertesnek követni kell a profilt és megírnia, hogy milyen motorkerékpárra szerelné majd fel a megnyert kamerát. Megdöbbentően sokan vettek részt a játékban! Nem is tudtam, hogy a TikTok-on is ilyen sok motoros van. Sőt, még azokról is kiderült, hogy motoroznak vagy robogóznak, akiknek a profílján erre semmi nem utal. Szuper érzés volt látni a sok-sok visszajelzést, és legszívesebben mindenkinek küldenék ajándékba egy kamerát. Mindig nehéz eldönteni,hogy ki legyen a nyertes, hiszen szerintem mindenki megérdemelné, hogy ezúttal szerencséje legyen. Éppen ezért a technikát hívtam segítségül és egy online sorsoló program segítségével döntöttemel, hogy ki lesz a MiVue kamera új gazdája. A sorsolásról videó is készült: @csajokamotoron And the winner is.... Kisorsoltam a Mio MiVue M760D motoros menetrögzítő kamera nyertesét. @Nagy Lajos És Marcsi #csajokamotoron #nyereményjáték #magyarmotorosok #motorozás #motoroskamera #menetrögzítőkamera #motorostiktok ♬ eredeti hang - NaNa | Csajok a motoron A nyertes pedig nem más, mint Nagy Lajos és Marcsi (ez a neve a TikTok profiljuknak), őket már értesítettem a TikTok aplikációban, és a nyereményét hamarosan futárral küldöm nekik. Gratulálok a nyertesnek!   Írd meg hozzászólásban, ha szeretnéd, hogy legyen még több nyereményjáték az oldalainkon! Read the full article
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mayday0511 · 1 year
『デイトナ MiVue M777D』レビュー評価:バイクに取り付けて2カメラ式ドラレコ 自転車ならヘルメットカメラ式ドラレコに!
  近年、ドラレコは四輪車だけでなく、二輪車にも適したモデルが普及しつつあります。 しかもバイク用にも前後2カメラ式モデルがあり、四輪車と同等の勢いで売れつつあるんです。 バイクには四輪車と同じように、車体にバッテリーを積んでいるので、2カメラ式モデルも可能になったんですね。   一方、二輪と言っても自転車は搭載するバッテリーがないので、2カメラ式を搭載することができません。 本体内部にバッテリーを内蔵する、1カメラ式モデルが主流です。   でも、両方を1つで対応できるモデルがあるのを、あなたはご存知ですか? それが「デイトナ MiVue M777D」です。   バイクなら前後カメラを、それぞれ車体に取り付け2カメラ式ドラレコとし、自転車にはフロント本体をヘルメットに装着して、1カメラ式ヘルメット型ドラレコとして使えるのです。 今回はこのMiVue…
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lamolinastreetart · 1 year
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Art by Italian Edoardo Ettorre (@edoardo.ettorre) & Antonio Cotecchia (@antoniocotecchia) in Porretta Terme, Italy (2023) #edoardoettore #antoniocotecchia #streetart #lamolinastreetart 📷 via artists mysl.nl/mIvu
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gaycarboys · 1 year
Why Some DashCam Files Are Unreadable - Navman Pro 4K Test
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bdpst24 · 1 year
Útnak eredtünk, hogy kipróbáljuk mit lát a “harmadik” szem! 
Útnak eredtünk, hogy kipróbáljuk mit lát a “harmadik” szem!
A klasszikus MiVue C560 -1080p felbontású autós menetrögzítő kamera Ha autós menetrögzítőt használunk, biztosíthatjuk magunkat a váratlan, előre nem látható esetekben az események videós rögzítésével, mely egyértelmű bizonyíték vitás helyzetben. Az autós menetrögzítő bizonyítékként szolgálhat egy vitás helyzetben, ha egy koccanás vagy baleset során a vétkes fél nem ismeri el a felelősségét, vagy…
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