#mitsunari yanagisawa
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theconjurervfx · 6 months ago
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sarayashikidays · 6 months ago
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making gifs for my own character summary of Yuusuke for an art trade reff file... which is getting too big--!
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shizukais · 3 years ago
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pyreflyashes · 2 years ago
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recent warmup doodles
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rouge-the-bat · 3 years ago
okay but you KNOW that kaito, yanagisawa, and kido had the time of their fucking lives basically LARPing as villains against team urameshi. genkai gave them a mission to be actors and they fucking ran with it so hard
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yyh4ever · 3 years ago
Persons Concerned: Kaito, Yanagisawa & Kido
This is the end of the section "Persons Concerned" from the Yu Yu Hakusho Official Characters Book Reikai Shinshiroku. I'd like to give a big thanks to @jupiterprincesshouou for photographing the pages. Yu Yu fans, you are the best!
Other characters "Persons Concerned":
Yusuke Urameshi (p.14)
Hiei (p.22)
Kurama (p.30)
Kazuma Kuwabara (p.37)
Genkai (p.42)
Koenma (p.46)
Keiko Yukimura (p.48)
Botan (p.51)
Kuroko Sato (p.60)
Yukina (p.62)
Raizen (p.67)
Mukuro (p.121)
Yomi (p.125)
Yuu Kaito
A language specialist! Kaito is Kurama's classmate, and the biggest genius Meiou High School has ever had. He is a "language specialist", who has published several papers and books, and is also attracting attention in the literary circles at such a young age. He challenges Kurama and his friends to a game of "words" using the "taboo" ability that he suddenly gained under the influence of the hole to the Demon World, but is defeated before Kurama's ingenious plan. After that, he cooperated in the battle against Sensui and the others.
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Photo: @jupiterprincesshouou
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◆ Kaito has a great memory, enough to memorize tens of thousands of quiz questions. (volume 15, p.129)
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【Friends】 (buddies)
Kido and Yanagisawa
They are mutual friends and residents of the same city, the Mushiyori City. When Kaito's soul failed to return back to his body, they took him to Genkai. They helped to fight Sensui's group.
【Classmate】 (aware of Kurama)
He is in the same class as Kurama, and is always competing with him for the top position in the test scores.
Asato Kido
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【Friends】 (buddies)
Kaito and Yanagisawa
Even though they are from the same town, their ages and hobbies are different, but they trust each other due to their connection as psychics. Their teamwork when they challenged Yusuke and the others was also good. It seems they had some kind of social contact even before their abilities were awakened.
T/N: Kaito is 17 years old, Yanagisawa is 16, and Kido is 15.
Mitsunari Yanagisawa
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【Classmate】 (friend)
She is Yanagisawa's high school classmate. They don't seem to pay attention to each other, but surprisingly, they get married later.
【Friends】 (buddies)
Kido and Kaito
Because they are fellows with special abilities, they have a strong bond. They trust each other so much that they don't mind if Yanagisawa uses the "copy" on them.
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It's also a great ability for investigations!
By touching a subject, it is possible to copy everything about the person, such as their appearance, personality, and memories. Even if you capture an enemy, you don't need to interrogate them, making it the perfect ability to investigate a case. By the way, by inflicting Yanagisawa a strong physical shock, his ability can be undone. This is a rather powerful ability under certain conditions, because it can copy special skills and fighting abilities. Moreover, it is not limited to a specific area, so there is no need to worry about the range of effect.
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◆ It doesn't matter if the enemy faints, he can still get information out of them. (volume 14, p.40. Yanagisawa copies Murota, after he was knocked out by Yusuke)
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◆ Yanagisawa "copies" Kaito and easily completes puzzle games that he is not good at. (volume 15, p.122)
Source: Yu Yu Hakusho Official Characters Book Reikai Shinshiroku. Spirit World Record Part 2 - Kaitou, Kido and Yanagisawa. p.55, 57 and 59, 2005. Credits to @jupiterprincesshouou for the photos.
Don't forget to check Togashi's comments about Kido, Kaitou, Yanagisawa and Murota.
海藤 優 (KAITO YU)
蔵馬の同級生で、盟王高校始まって以来の天才と呼ばれている。論文なども何冊か発表しており、この若さで文壇でも注目されている〝言葉のスペシャリスト〟である。魔界の穴の影響で突如得た能力〝禁句〟 (タブー)を使い蔵馬たちに〝言葉〟での勝負を挑むが、蔵馬の奇策の前に敗北する。その後は、仙水たちとの戦いに協力した。
◆ 得意分野での勝負に、自信満々だったが...。 (11-014)
◆ 記憶力も良く、何万問もあるクイズの問題を暗記するほど。 (12-149)
【同級生】 蔵馬を意識
【友人】 仲間
城戸 亜沙斗 (ASATO KIDO)
【友人】 仲間
同郷というだけで年も趣味もバラバラだが、霊能者であるという繋がりもあり、お互い信頼している。 幽助たちに勝負を挑んだ時のチームワークも良かった。能力に目覚める以前からも何らかの交流はあった模様。
【同級生】 友人
柳沢の高校の同級生。お互 いに意識はしていないようだが、後に結婚する事に。
【友人】 仲間
(コピー) 〝模写〟
対象者に触れる事で、その人物の容姿や性格、記憶など全てを模写する事ができる。敵を捕えても尋問の必要などが無く、事件を調査する時などには最適の能力ともいえる。ちなみに柳沢自身に強い物理的なショックを与える事 で、能力を解く事もできる。特技や戦 闘能力まで模写できてしまい、さらに場所などを限定せず効果範囲も気にする必要がないため、特定の条件下ではかなり強力な能力である。
◆ 敵が気絶してしまっても関係なく情報を聞き出す事ができる。 (11-100)
◆ 海藤を〝模写〟し、苦手なパズルゲームでも楽々とクリアする。 (12-140)
出典 幽遊白書 公式キャラクターズブック霊界紳士録。霊界調書 その2海藤優・城戸亜沙斗・柳沢光成P.55、57、59
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18-011 · 4 years ago
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necroneos · 3 years ago
for the OC ask!
🍍: Where does your OC feel most comfortable? 🌽: How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What's their favourite act of affection, physical or emotional? 🍪: What is something that's sentimental to you OC? 🍕: How does an OC spend a lazy day?
1. Sumire is most comfortable at home. I'd say around Kaito, Kido, and Yanagisawa too. After all, she isn't bullied at home and those three sweethearts don't judge or pick on her.
2. Oh she loves affection. She was raised in the U.S. for a while and showing a lot or any affection there isn't frowned upon as much as it is in Japan. While she was in America she wasn't afraid to be friendly and affectionate with others. Upon moving to Japan, her affection is limited to her mother, father, Kaito, Kido, and Yanagisawa. Sumire absolutely LOVES giving Kaito big hugs. On after school walks back home, there's almost always a hug involved. Her other thing she likes doing is holding his hand. She's usually hesitant because of overall shyness being around her object of affection and because she doesn't want to make him uncomfortable. With Kido and Yanagisawa? They get slightly lesser hugs but they're still filled with love. They may be younger than her but they're still her big brothers to her.
3. Definitely her memories of 5th and 6th grade, specifically after school. It was those moments spending time with younger Kaito that made her happy back then. The light of her life at that made that difficult part of her life easier.
4. Can be anything from taking a nap during the afternoon, reading, studying, playing a video game, scrapbooking, sewing, cooking, or if she feels like going out she will.
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dali-dog · 4 years ago
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Making fun of Yu Yu again (lovingly). I thought it was funny in the dub that they say Kaito doesn't like violence when he obviously has violent tendencies.
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boboricha · 5 years ago
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You can take the humans being friends forever out of my cold dead hands
Also Kuwabara gets way too used to defending Genkais territory 
HC that the Kuwabara, Yana Kaito, and Kido end up taking up Genkais old role as a sanctuary for any humans with psychic powers and goes on to teach them. They take what she taught them and re apply it to others. They also prob find info at her old place and dig in for a long ass reading/learning session so they can better themselves and help others even more (Kurama comes and helps em’ out a lot here)
Keiko and Kuwabara are the bestest bros and I will hear no complaints (only complaints I hear are them complaining together about Yusuke lol). HC that Keiko and Shizuru also come to Genkai’s place a lot, not necessarily to teach but to make sure everyone’s alive (esp any kids in need who come by). Keiko helps with lesson planning though and tough cases (not the content but through her experience with teaching?) They’re also totally drinking buddies (college bonding).
Yusuke is like that surprise guest when it comes to teaching. But I can def see Yusuke as an instinctive/”beat it into you” teacher like a fast learner but not the best at relaying it back? So only works for certain cases/training montages. The person people practice on? But also can’t tell how much he would split his time between human world and demon world so welp.
The last two pics are inspired by this post and the Portal video games
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sha-and-mikau · 5 years ago
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Scanned by me. 💜
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black-megallica-shirt · 7 years ago
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the fucking shade...
but also boy who is you to talk??????? the fuck is this shit????????
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shizukais · 5 years ago
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mojutmnt · 8 years ago
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that-is-tat-o · 4 years ago
Like, nothing like Kaito and Yanagizawa having fucking powers and being like "hu? God IS a thing?"
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18-011 · 5 years ago
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