#mitochondrial malabsorption
iamokaynowdeb · 4 years
CDC-GuideLines -Vaccines-Me-You-Us-We! The new guidance from the CDC- The center for disease control and prevention based in Atlanta, Georgia. This is a 1st step by the CDC as you read through the guidance you may see some still unanswered guidance still fully explained. I believe all of this will be forthcoming as we learn more. While I do not know anymore than you or anyone else? I am basing…
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randylavalley · 4 years
5+ Reasons Why B Vitamins Are Part of IV Therapy in Toronto
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This post is part of our blog series, “5 Reasons Why”, which helps readers understand why IV therapy in Toronto is an option for optimal, natural health. Stay tuned for more posts in this series!
Did you know that there are eight different types of B vitamins?
Each B vitamin is necessary for building energy, reducing fatigue, and supporting brain health. Every B vitamin is involved in at least one or several steps of building energy.
B vitamins and their energy production roles are crucial because they help promote the maintenance and function of the body and brain cells. This is why we need an adequate amount of each B vitamin in the body! If we lack any of these vitamins, our energy production and brain function may face limits; some individuals may even undergo further health consequences.
Your IV therapist or naturopathic doctor may suggest B vitamins in your intravenous (IV) therapy treatments. Here are the B vitamins that might be included in your IV therapy sessions and how each may produce health benefits and assist with improving wellness:
1. B1 (Thiamine)
Known as thiamine, B1 is a cofactor for enzymes that break down glucose and produce energy.
Thiamine is commonly found in fish, nuts, seeds, wheat, cooked asparagus, navy beans and edamame. Our diet may already contain ample amounts of B1, so a deficiency shouldn’t occur. “However, conditions that lead to altered gastrointestinal function are common and can decrease absorption, including conditions that interfere with thiamine absorption from the intestine,” explains the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. For instance, people with gluten sensitivity may not absorb B1, especially since foods with small amounts of gluten tend to remove vitamin B1.
A B1 vitamin deficiency may lead to memory loss, disorientation, amnesia and a decline in working memory. In fact, “[m]ultiple similarities exist between classical thiamine deficiency and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in that both are associated with cognitive deficits and reductions in brain glucose metabolism,” confirms the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
Your IV therapist or naturopathic doctor may suggest IV vitamin infusions of B1 to help lessen thiamine deficiencies or endorse cognitive function. If you excessively drink alcohol, your B1 levels may diminish; this is because drinking alcohol encourages B1 to flush out via urine. So if you have been diagnosed with a B1 deficiency due to alcoholism, this is also why intravenous treatments of B1 may be recommended.
2. B2 (Riboflavin)
Interestingly, riboflavin (vitamin B2) is linked to cognition. In a study of elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment, a high vitamin B2 intake resulted in improved cognitive performance on various tests.
For the human body to healthily thrive, riboflavin is needed for developing blood cells, skin health, the digestive tract (lining), and brain function. B2 is an essential component of flavoproteins, coenzymes that metabolize carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Riboflavin also aids in the production of energy or ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Side effects of B2 vitamin deficiency may include signs of weakness, inflammation, sores around the mouth, scaly skin, personality change, sore throat, itchy eyes and a sensitivity to light.
If you don’t eat enough dairy, meat or fortified cereals, you may be prone to a B2 deficiency. Malabsorption, chronic alcoholism and other chronic disorders may put you at risk of a B2 deficiency, too. Vegetarian athletes may also be at risk as some vegetarian diets dismiss all animal products (i.e. eggs, milk), and these foods tend to be sources of vitamin B2. Thus, intravenous vitamin drips of B2 may be suggested for helping support cognition, promote cellular energy, and recover from a riboflavin deficiency.
3. B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B3 (niacin) is part of a coenzyme called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). NAD+ is converted into NADP+, a coenzyme involved in the breakdown of complex substances in the body. The energy released by this breakdown of substances then creates carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.
Patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s have been shown to carry low levels of B3. Niacin has been shown to participate in both brain and nervous system function, so your IV therapist may recommend intravenous vitamin drips of B3 to help promote optimal brain function.
Furthermore, “[i]t is now recognized that a deficit of mitochondrial energy metabolism (i.e. impaired mitochondrial phosphorylation potential) plays a role in the pathogenesis of chronic migraine headaches,” confirms Nutrition Journal. Niacin may not only improve cellular energy, but also increase your blood flow (vasodilating the blood intracranial vessels), which may help alleviate migraines. So if you’re prone to migraines, it may be plausible for IV niacinimide (a different biochemical version of B3) and other nutrients (i.e. intravenous B2, IV magnesium and oral CoQ10) to promote the relief of painful headaches, especially since IV vitamin infusion therapy directly enters the bloodstream.
A B3 deficiency may progress to vertigo, memory loss, paranoia, diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, and more. Neurological symptoms are known to occur with a niacin deficiency. So if you’re concerned about your vitamin B3 levels, please speak to your IV therapist or naturopathic doctor on the possible benefits of vitamin IV drips for your health needs.
4. B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
Vitamin B5 helps build a coenzyme that synthesizes fatty acids, lipids, cholesterol and acetylcholine. A deficiency in pantothenic acid (B5) is rare in healthy patients because the vitamin is found in plant- and animal-rich foods, or it may be already added to prepared foods (i.e. cereals). But a deficiency may occur due to malabsorption.
Signs and symptoms of a B5 deficiency are fatigue or weakness, irritability, gastrointestinal distress, numbness, muscle pain, cramps, brain damage, behavioural change and demyelination. In some cases, this deficiency may cause neurological dysfunction (i.e. confusion). Pantothenic acid may be recommended for your IV vitamin drips to help encourage cellular energy, which may aid in relieving a B5 deficiency.
Although pantethine (an active form of vitamin B5) is not intravenously offered, it is still worth discussing because your naturopathic doctor may recommend this form of vitamin B5 as an oral supplement. In fact, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, pantethine has been studied for potentially lowering cholesterol in patients with dyslipidemia, a condition in people in which the amount of lipids are either too high or too low in the body.
5. B6 (Pyroxidine)
The human body doesn’t have the ability to store this vitamin. Therefore, we need to find vitamin B6 sources on a daily basis to stimulate optimal health.
Pyroxidine (B6) helps synthesize and break down amino acids. It helps release glucose from glycogen, a pathway required by enzymes for synthesizing neurotransmitters and hemoglobin. Vitamin B6 is also required for producing hemoglobin and it even contributes to numerous cellular functions.
In Western diets, a B6 deficiency is infrequent. If there is a B6 deficiency, it’s usually related to a deficiency in other B vitamins (i.e. B12). However, the following patients are at risk of developing a B6 deficiency: those who are geriatric; those with compromised renal function; those who drink excessive alcohol and/or have malabsorption issues.
A pyroxidine deficiency may cause anemia along with low hemoglobin content. The size of the red blood cells are either normal or small, though their capacity for carrying oxygen becomes diminished. This may result in muscle weakness, fatigue, dermatitis, mouth sores, fatigue, confusion, shortness of breath, irritability, impaired alertness, depression, cognitive decline and dementia.
Your IV therapist or naturopathic doctor may recommend IV pyroxidine to help support the treatment of anemia or encourage mental health improvements. “A low level of vitamin B6 has [been linked to depression] as vitamin B6 is a cofactor in the tryptophan-serotonin pathway,” explains Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. Keep in mind that IV therapy may promote swift results in mood because it enters the bloodstream directly, detouring the digestive system.
6. B7 (Biotin)
You’ve likely seen biotin oral supplements in stores for promoting healthy hair and nails. But did you know that biotin (B7) is also required in the body for several chemical reactions?
Biotin is involved in a series of chemical reactions to release stored energy and metabolize lipids. It’s also required for synthesizing glucose, fatty acids, and some non-essential amino acids. Biotin may possibly help normalize the functioning of the nervous system, as B7 already plays a role in metabolizing cellular energy.
Biotin deficiency is linked to neurological concerns, such as depression, lethargy, hallucinations, and paraesthesia (tingling/burning sensation) of the extremities. A B7 deficiency may also cause weakness, hair loss, and a rash around the eyes, nose and mouth.
This deficiency may be uncommon for most people, but individuals with excessive alcohol issues or who use certain medications (i.e. antibiotics) may have trouble properly absorbing vitamin B7. So an IV therapist might recommend intravenous biotin to help “top up” biotin levels into the bloodstream, bypassing absorption concerns.
7. B9 (in the form of folic acid or methyltetrahydrofolate)
A fraction of our population has a defect in a gene called MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase). This gene directs the construction of the MTHFR protein, which aids the body in processing folate. The body requires folate to create DNA and adjust proteins. The MTHFR gene that codes for this enzyme has the potential to mutate, which can either restrict the enzyme’s ability to function routinely or completely inactivate it.
A defect in this gene may be concerning because the MTHFR protein is compulsory for processing B9 in the body. The MTHFR gene is responsible for breaking down homocysteine, an amino acid that the body requires to construct proteins. Generally speaking, some B vitamins (including folic acid) help break down homocysteine, converting it into further substances that the body may need. But if the MTHFR gene is mutated, homocysteine may accumulate within the blood. This may cause: blood clots, a stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, or homocystinuria, which is a disorder related to methionine metabolism.
Consequently, your IV therapist or naturopathic doctor may recommend different forms of intravenous folic acid/vitamin B9 to possibly help support mood, detoxification, energy and fertility.
Keep in mind that folate is an essential vitamin for cell growth in the central nervous system. It’s also a required coenzyme for synthesizing methionine (an amino acid) and for constructing RNA (ribonucleic acid). A folate deficiency may cause the body to experience peripheral neuropathy, spinal cord lesions, psychosis, cognitive decline and dementia. Not to mention, this nutritional deficiency may cause megaloblastic anemia, a condition in which the body cannot properly produce red blood cells. Hence, your IV therapist or naturopath may suggest intravenous folate to aid in improving cellular health and/or to help with correcting MTHFR deficits.
8. B12 (in the form of methylcobalamin, cobalamin, or hydroxocobalamin)
For the body to effectively absorb vitamin B12, the stomach, pancreas and small intestine must be functional. Hence, a B12 IV therapy may be recommended for nutrition and/or malabsorption issues, and also to help support the MTHFR pathways.
Patients diagnosed with poor nutrition and/or Crohn’s disease and vegans or vegetarians may be at risk of a B12 deficiency. Also, B12 malabsorption is frequent among the elderly, who may undergo impaired digestive functioning.
A vitamin B12 deficiency is concerning because the body does not produce vitamin B12, even though the body needs this vitamin. The function of folate, the breakdown of fats, and proteins and the synthesis of hemoglobin all require B12. Cobalamin is also vital for making red blood cells and DNA. A B12 deficiency can cause numerous side effects, such as anemia. This deficiency may trigger further neurological dysfunctions, including myelopathy, neuropathy and neuropsychiatric abnormalities.
Vitamin B12 deficiencies limit the methionine synthase, a key enzyme that helps process amino acids. This limitation may further promote the progression of neurodegenerative disorders (i.e. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s), which is another reason why B12 may arise in a discussion about your IV therapy.
Learn More About B Vitamins and IV Therapy in Toronto
As you’ve read, B vitamins contribute to our mental health and cellular energy. Some of us may be lacking these important vitamins, but treatments with intravenous B vitamins may possibly (and swiftly) produce positive effects and encourage optimal health.
Do you think you’re at risk of a vitamin B deficiency? Here at our intravenous vitamin centre, The IV Lounge, we understand that the meaning of good health is an individual goal. We’re here to listen to your health concerns and help you seek natural therapies; our clinic is currently accepting new patients. Book your appointment with our naturopathic doctor by emailing us at [email protected] or by calling (647) 549-3484.
The post “ 5+ Reasons Why B Vitamins Are Part of IV Therapy in Toronto “ was first seen on The IV Lounge.
Know more about the benefits of iv vitamin therapy and how it may help you achieve optimum health. The IV Lounge is an IV drip clinic in Toronto. Go check them out at www.theivlounge.ca
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you-cancer-vive · 4 years
Metabolic integration
We are down to our last topic, which is integrating everything that we have learned in the past months. This is a summary of all the pathways involved in an individual with Cancer Cachexia:
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Cachexia affects the majority of patients with advanced cancer and is associated with reduced muscle strength, fatigue, appetite loss (anorexia), tissue wasting, low fat-free mass index, high levels of inflammation identified by blood tests, anemia, and low levels of the protein albumin (National Cancer Institute, 2019). Cancer patient with Cachexia are also less able to tolerate chemotherapy and other therapies they need to survive. Thus, they have a lower quality of life and worse outlook. 
In cachexia, anaerobic glycolysis proceeds at a high rate, which forms large amounts of pyruvate and is then reduced to lactate and is exported. The lactate is then used for gluconeogenesis in the liver, an energy-requiring process, which is responsible for the hypermetabolism seen in cachexic patients. Also, in these patients, there is an increased rate of protein catabolism. The secretion of cytokines in response to cancer increase tissue protein catabolism by the ATP-dependent ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, thus, increasing energy expenditure. There is also increased stimulation of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins by cytokines, leading to thermogenesis and increased oxidation of metabolic fuels. HSL is activated by tumors, resulting in lipolysis and oxidation of fatty acids from adipose tissue (Rodwell, 2015). Moreover, cancer cells require a sufficient supply of nucleotides and other macromolecules to grow and proliferate. To meet the metabolic requirements for cell growth, cancer cells must stimulate de novo nucleotide synthesis to obtain adequate nucleotide pools to support nucleic acid and protein synthesis along with energy preservation, signaling activity, glycosylation mechanisms, and cytoskeletal function (Villa, 2019).
In relation to nutrition and exercise, muscle contraction through exercise activates and improves nutrient-induced stimulation of protein synthesis in a healthy skeletal muscle. However, disrupted mTORC1 signaling results to impaired anabolic response to contraction. Thus, cancer cachexia disrupts the metabolic and anabolic signaling response to stimulated muscle contractions and anabolic resistance to exercise is present. Given that cachexia cannot be fully reversed by conventional nutritional support. Consumption of essential amino acids such as leucine can stimulate protein synthesis in individuals. The protein synthesis induction by intaking essential amino acids may activate of mTORC1 signaling. Thus, high protein and leucine could overcome anabolic resistance in cancer cachectic individuals (Hardee, Montalvo, & Carson, 2017). 
The major effect of cancer cachexia in the body is weight loss largely from muscles and adipose tissue. However, even though the main tissue affected by cachexia is the skeletal muscle, cachexia cannot be reduced to a muscle-wasting syndrome. Indeed, several other organs such as liver, heart, fat tissue and brain are affected, making cachexia a true multi-organ syndrome (Devlin, 2011). The effect of cancer cachexia in the different organs are the following: 
Brain: altered pattern of hypothalamic mediators, loss of appetite, hyposmia, hypogeusia, anorexia 
Brown adipose tissue: thermogenesis 
Heart: atrophy, decreased innervation, increased energy consumption, cardiac dysfunction 
Gut: gut-barrier disfunction, altered ghrelin production, release of inflammatory mediators, malabsorption 
Liver: release of acute-phase proteins, reduced albumin synthesis, acute-phase response 
White adipose tissue: increased lipolysis, fatty acid oxidation, wasting 
Skeletal muscle: wasting 
Endocrine: insulin resistance, higher cortisol levels, higher BMR
Devlin, T. 2011. Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Hardee, J. P., Montalvo, R. N., & Carson, J. A. (2017). Linking Cancer Cachexia-Induced Anabolic Resistance to Skeletal Muscle Oxidative Metabolism. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2017, 1–14. doi: 10.1155/2017/8018197
Rodwell, V., et.al. 2015. Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry 30th Edition. Copyright © 2015 by The McGraw-Hill Education.
Tackling the Conundrum of Cachexia in Cancer. 2019. National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/research/cachexia
Villa, E., Ali, E., Sahu, U. & Ben-Sahra, I. 2019. Cancer Cells Tune the Signaling Pathways to Empower de Novo Synthesis of Nucleotides. National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine. doi: 10.3390/cancers11050688
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jerrytackettca · 5 years
Eight Signs You Might Be B12 Deficient
When you experience symptoms like fatigue, numbness, faint nausea, foggy vision or an increased tendency toward forgetfulness, you might entertain many different scenarios. Some of them might be scary, but a possibility you may not consider is that of a vitamin B12 (aka cobalamin) deficiency.
Nearly half of the American population has less-than-stellar blood levels of vitamin B12, but the symptomology is so varied that it’s hard to pin down just how many people suffer from it, according to Harvard Health, which describes the “sneaky” symptomology behind a 62-year-old man’s seemingly unrelated symptoms, developed over two months. According to his case report, published in The New England Journal of Medicine,1 he had:
“Numbness and a ‘pins and needles’ sensation in his hands, had trouble walking, experienced severe joint pain, began turning yellow, and became progressively short of breath … It could have been worse — a severe vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to deep depression, paranoia and delusions, memory loss, incontinence, loss of taste and smell, and more.”2
It’s problematic that symptoms like the above may cause people to focus on treating them instead of investigating the source of the problem. Sooner or later, though, unless it’s met head-on, a shortage of vitamin B12 in your system can be so devastating that serious disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Crohn's disease and irreversible brain damage could take their toll.
Low Vitamin B12 Symptoms Not so Unrelated After All
The list of symptoms that could be placed on a B12 deficiency’s proverbial doorstep is a long one, but many symptoms are associated with your central nervous system. Too little B12 in your system might also resonate if you’ve experienced poor vision, weakness, tingling in your hands or feet and incidences of “clumsiness.” Eight common signs that indicate low B12 levels are:
Digestive issues
Skin infections
Mental confusion
Nerve problems
But it’s also important to understand that several areas of the body can be adversely affected with a vitamin B12 deficiency, and that while many of the symptoms may seem unrelated, as the saying goes, one thing often leads to another.
Low B12 Can Cause Anemia, Which Has Its Own Set of Symptoms
As is true for every human, vitamin B12 is necessary to keep your nervous system healthy, as well as to make DNA, which is the genetic material in all cells.3 B12 is also needed to produce red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout your body.
But with a shortage of B12, many of your red blood cells are abnormally formed and/or too large, so they can’t carry oxygen; the process is disrupted. Too few red blood cells or an abnormally low amount of hemoglobin in individual red blood cells causes anemia, one of the most common and noticeable signs that a shortage is becoming a problem.4
Anemia can cause some of the previously listed symptoms, such as weakness, fatigue, dizziness, cold hands and feet, pale skin and chest pain, which occur because your heart has to work harder to move oxygen-rich blood through your body, The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) reports.5 In turn, this can lead to irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia, enlarged heart and even heart failure.6
Recognizing B12 deficiency sooner rather than later is crucial, as left unchecked it can lead to permanent damage in your body.7 According to the Linus Pauling Institute,8 a B12 deficiency may also be culpable in several other serious diseases and conditions, including:
Breast cancer9
Chronic stomach inflammation10
Neural tube defects12
Gastric cancer14
Thyroid dysfunction15
DNA damage16
How Does Low B12 Cause ‘Pins and Needles,’ Jaundiced Skin and Dementia?
Because B12 — and a lack thereof — is closely associated with your nervous system, the sign known as “pins and needles” is one that indicates a nerve issue that should be addressed as soon as possible, and shows how interconnected your body’s functions are.
Because vitamin B12 is important for the maintenance of your central nervous system, including the conduction of nerve impulses and producing the myelin sheath, it protects and "insulates" your nerves. Without this protective insulation, your nerves can be damaged, leading to symptoms like “pins and needles” in your hands and feet, as well as central and peripheral nervous system damage.17
If you’ve noticed that your skin has a pale or jaundiced cast, it’s a warning sign that your body is unable to produce an adequate number of red blood cells. You may not have thought about it, but it’s the red blood cells circulating under your skin that give it its healthy color.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause megaloblastic anemia, which can weaken your blood cells, after which other symptoms begin appearing. When your liver breaks down red blood cells, it releases bilirubin, a brownish substance that lends your skin a jaundiced appearance, often seen in infants.18
As if these problems weren’t enough, people with low levels of B12 may also suffer problems with clear thinking, which later turns into the condition doctors call cognitive impairment or dementia.19
The symptoms often become evident when someone has reasoning difficulties and memory loss, but often, that is what is treated rather than exploring the possibility of a B12 deficiency, which could alleviate the symptoms if addressed.
An all-encompassing review in Australia in 2012 revealed associations between low vitamin B12 levels and neurodegenerative disease. A total of 43 studies revealed that “subclinical low-normal ranges are associated with Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia and Parkinson's disease.”20 Another study notes:
“Vitamin B12 deficiency should always be looked for when a patient presents with memory loss, since it is generally reversible with treatment. Many neuropsychiatric symptoms have been observed, and many in patients who do not have a megaloblastic anemia.
These include memory loss, psychosis including hallucinations and delusions, fatigue, irritability, depression and personality changes.”21
A B12 Deficiency Often Shows Up in Your Mouth
One symptom of anemia that often shows up are mouth ulcers, sometimes known as canker sores or aphthous ulcers, small yellow or white ulcers that can appear on your gums or just inside your lip. While they usually clear up in a week or two, they’re often quite painful.
But a B12 deficiency can cause other symptoms in your mouth as well, including on your tongue. One study relates the experience of a middle-aged female patient — a common demographic for her symptoms — with a persistent burning sensation on her tongue for several months.
Diagnosed with glossitis, which causes a noticeably swollen, smooth, red tongue, she was given a single injection of vitamin B12, which “resulted in complete resolution of her symptoms and the normal clinical appearance of her tongue after three days.”22
Low B12 Carries Increased Risk for Infection by Two Potentially Deadly Pathogens
People with deficiency in vitamin B12 are at a higher risk of infections caused by two potentially deadly pathogens. Findings of a study published in the journal PLOS Genetics23 involved 1 millimeter-long (pencil tip-sized) nematodes or worms called Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), one of the world’s most basic organisms.
Vital to the study was that nematodes share an interesting characteristic with humans: They can’t produce their own vitamin B12, either. As reported by MedIndia, the study involved two worm populations: one with and one without a diet sufficient in B12, showing that a B12-deficient diet harms the worm’s health at a cellular level by reducing its ability to metabolize branched-chain amino acids (BCAA):
“The research showed that the reduced ability to break down BCAAs led to a toxic buildup of partially metabolized BCAA byproducts that damaged mitochondrial health … ‘We used C. elegans to study the effect of diet on a host and found that one kind of food was able to dramatically increase resistance to multiple stressors — like heat and free radicals — as well as to pathogens,’ said [researcher Natasha Kirienko].”24
Many labs around the world use C. elegans to study the effects of disease. By feeding the worms E. coli, a common and sometimes harmful gut bacteria, and switching between E. coli strain OP50 and strain HT115, the worms’ stress tolerance was “dramatically altered,” Kirienko said. “We found that switching between E. coli strain OP50 and strain HT115 dramatically altered the worm's stress tolerance.” Co-author Alexey Revtovich noted:
“The key difference between the two diets is the ability of HT115 and OP50 to acquire B12 from the environment … We showed that HT115 is far more efficient at this, making about eight times as much of the protein that it needs to harvest B12 as compared to OP50.”25
Significantly, the team also found that C. elegans on an HT115 diet had the ability to resist infection by another deadly human pathogen, Enterococcus faecalis, a leading cause of hospital-acquired infections and recognized by the World Health Organization and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a superbug.26
Kirienko noted that the B12 finding surprised the research team. They noticed the effect when they studied “the mechanisms of pathogenesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa), a potentially deadly disease in both worms and humans that infects some 51,000 U.S. hospital patients each year,”27 according to the CDC.28
Higher Risks and How to Optimize Your Vitamin B12 Levels
Some people have a greater risk than others for vitamin or mineral deficiencies, but in this case vegans and vegetarians are at particular risk because B12 is derived from animal products. Additionally, older adults and people with gastrointestinal and malabsorption issues are also at risk.
Studies have also shown that those on metformin (for diabetes) and prolonged use of proton pump inhibitors (for stomach acid) are also at an increased risk for vitamin B12 deficiency, leading researchers to suggest “it seems prudent to monitor vitamin B12 levels periodically in patients taking metformin.”29
Because it’s not manufactured by your body, vitamin B12 must come from another source — namely food and supplements. That said, good sources for cobalamin or vitamin B12 include:
Grass fed organic beef and beef liver
Organic, pastured chicken and eggs
Raw organic, grass fed milk
Nutritional yeast
As for supplementation, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH),30 the average person age 14 and older should get 2.4 micrograms (mcg — one-millionth of a gram31) of vitamin B12 per day; pregnant women should get 2.6 mcg; and breastfeeding women should get 2.8 mcg. Newborns and children up to age 13 require between 0.4 and 1.8 mcg.
The type of a vitamin B12 supplement you should take is also something to consider. Between cyanocobalamin, the synthetic form,32 and methylcobalamin, which is the naturally occurring form found in food, methylcobalamin is the better choice, one reason being that your body retains it in greater amounts.33
from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/03/25/signs-of-vitamin-b12-deficiency.aspx
source http://niapurenaturecom.weebly.com/blog/eight-signs-you-might-be-b12-deficient
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paullassiterca · 5 years
Eight Signs You Might Be B12 Deficient
When you experience symptoms like fatigue, numbness, faint nausea, foggy vision or an increased tendency toward forgetfulness, you might entertain many different scenarios. Some of them might be scary, but a possibility you may not consider is that of a vitamin B12 (aka cobalamin) deficiency.
Nearly half of the American population has less-than-stellar blood levels of vitamin B12, but the symptomology is so varied that it’s hard to pin down just how many people suffer from it, according to Harvard Health, which describes the “sneaky” symptomology behind a 62-year-old man’s seemingly unrelated symptoms, developed over two months. According to his case report, published in The New England Journal of Medicine,1 he had:
“Numbness and a ‘pins and needles’ sensation in his hands, had trouble walking, experienced severe joint pain, began turning yellow, and became progressively short of breath … It could have been worse — a severe vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to deep depression, paranoia and delusions, memory loss, incontinence, loss of taste and smell, and more.”2
It’s problematic that symptoms like the above may cause people to focus on treating them instead of investigating the source of the problem. Sooner or later, though, unless it’s met head-on, a shortage of vitamin B12 in your system can be so devastating that serious disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Crohn’s disease and irreversible brain damage could take their toll.
Low Vitamin B12 Symptoms Not so Unrelated After All
The list of symptoms that could be placed on a B12 deficiency’s proverbial doorstep is a long one, but many symptoms are associated with your central nervous system. Too little B12 in your system might also resonate if you’ve experienced poor vision, weakness, tingling in your hands or feet and incidences of “clumsiness.” Eight common signs that indicate low B12 levels are:
Digestive issues
Skin infections
Mental confusion
Nerve problems
But it’s also important to understand that several areas of the body can be adversely affected with a vitamin B12 deficiency, and that while many of the symptoms may seem unrelated, as the saying goes, one thing often leads to another.
Low B12 Can Cause Anemia, Which Has Its Own Set of Symptoms
As is true for every human, vitamin B12 is necessary to keep your nervous system healthy, as well as to make DNA, which is the genetic material in all cells.3 B12 is also needed to produce red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout your body.
But with a shortage of B12, many of your red blood cells are abnormally formed and/or too large, so they can’t carry oxygen; the process is disrupted. Too few red blood cells or an abnormally low amount of hemoglobin in individual red blood cells causes anemia, one of the most common and noticeable signs that a shortage is becoming a problem.4
Anemia can cause some of the previously listed symptoms, such as weakness, fatigue, dizziness, cold hands and feet, pale skin and chest pain, which occur because your heart has to work harder to move oxygen-rich blood through your body, The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) reports.5 In turn, this can lead to irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia, enlarged heart and even heart failure.6
Recognizing B12 deficiency sooner rather than later is crucial, as left unchecked it can lead to permanent damage in your body.7 According to the Linus Pauling Institute,8 a B12 deficiency may also be culpable in several other serious diseases and conditions, including:
Breast cancer9
Chronic stomach inflammation10
Neural tube defects12
Gastric cancer14
Thyroid dysfunction15
DNA damage16
How Does Low B12 Cause ‘Pins and Needles,’ Jaundiced Skin and Dementia?
Because B12 — and a lack thereof — is closely associated with your nervous system, the sign known as “pins and needles” is one that indicates a nerve issue that should be addressed as soon as possible, and shows how interconnected your body’s functions are.
Because vitamin B12 is important for the maintenance of your central nervous system, including the conduction of nerve impulses and producing the myelin sheath, it protects and “insulates” your nerves. Without this protective insulation, your nerves can be damaged, leading to symptoms like “pins and needles” in your hands and feet, as well as central and peripheral nervous system damage.17
If you’ve noticed that your skin has a pale or jaundiced cast, it’s a warning sign that your body is unable to produce an adequate number of red blood cells. You may not have thought about it, but it’s the red blood cells circulating under your skin that give it its healthy color.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause megaloblastic anemia, which can weaken your blood cells, after which other symptoms begin appearing. When your liver breaks down red blood cells, it releases bilirubin, a brownish substance that lends your skin a jaundiced appearance, often seen in infants.18
As if these problems weren’t enough, people with low levels of B12 may also suffer problems with clear thinking, which later turns into the condition doctors call cognitive impairment or dementia.19
The symptoms often become evident when someone has reasoning difficulties and memory loss, but often, that is what is treated rather than exploring the possibility of a B12 deficiency, which could alleviate the symptoms if addressed.
An all-encompassing review in Australia in 2012 revealed associations between low vitamin B12 levels and neurodegenerative disease. A total of 43 studies revealed that “subclinical low-normal ranges are associated with Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia and Parkinson’s disease.”20 Another study notes:
“Vitamin B12 deficiency should always be looked for when a patient presents with memory loss, since it is generally reversible with treatment. Many neuropsychiatric symptoms have been observed, and many in patients who do not have a megaloblastic anemia.
These include memory loss, psychosis including hallucinations and delusions, fatigue, irritability, depression and personality changes.”21
A B12 Deficiency Often Shows Up in Your Mouth
One symptom of anemia that often shows up are mouth ulcers, sometimes known as canker sores or aphthous ulcers, small yellow or white ulcers that can appear on your gums or just inside your lip. While they usually clear up in a week or two, they’re often quite painful.
But a B12 deficiency can cause other symptoms in your mouth as well, including on your tongue. One study relates the experience of a middle-aged female patient — a common demographic for her symptoms — with a persistent burning sensation on her tongue for several months.
Diagnosed with glossitis, which causes a noticeably swollen, smooth, red tongue, she was given a single injection of vitamin B12, which “resulted in complete resolution of her symptoms and the normal clinical appearance of her tongue after three days.”22
Low B12 Carries Increased Risk for Infection by Two Potentially Deadly Pathogens
People with deficiency in vitamin B12 are at a higher risk of infections caused by two potentially deadly pathogens. Findings of a study published in the journal PLOS Genetics23 involved 1 millimeter-long (pencil tip-sized) nematodes or worms called Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), one of the world’s most basic organisms.
Vital to the study was that nematodes share an interesting characteristic with humans: They can’t produce their own vitamin B12, either. As reported by MedIndia, the study involved two worm populations: one with and one without a diet sufficient in B12, showing that a B12-deficient diet harms the worm’s health at a cellular level by reducing its ability to metabolize branched-chain amino acids (BCAA):
“The research showed that the reduced ability to break down BCAAs led to a toxic buildup of partially metabolized BCAA byproducts that damaged mitochondrial health … ‘We used C. elegans to study the effect of diet on a host and found that one kind of food was able to dramatically increase resistance to multiple stressors — like heat and free radicals — as well as to pathogens,’ said [researcher Natasha Kirienko].”24
Many labs around the world use C. elegans to study the effects of disease. By feeding the worms E. coli, a common and sometimes harmful gut bacteria, and switching between E. coli strain OP50 and strain HT115, the worms’ stress tolerance was “dramatically altered,” Kirienko said. “We found that switching between E. coli strain OP50 and strain HT115 dramatically altered the worm’s stress tolerance.” Co-author Alexey Revtovich noted:
“The key difference between the two diets is the ability of HT115 and OP50 to acquire B12 from the environment … We showed that HT115 is far more efficient at this, making about eight times as much of the protein that it needs to harvest B12 as compared to OP50.”25
Significantly, the team also found that C. elegans on an HT115 diet had the ability to resist infection by another deadly human pathogen, Enterococcus faecalis, a leading cause of hospital-acquired infections and recognized by the World Health Organization and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a superbug.26
Kirienko noted that the B12 finding surprised the research team. They noticed the effect when they studied “the mechanisms of pathogenesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa), a potentially deadly disease in both worms and humans that infects some 51,000 U.S. hospital patients each year,”27 according to the CDC.28
Higher Risks and How to Optimize Your Vitamin B12 Levels
Some people have a greater risk than others for vitamin or mineral deficiencies, but in this case vegans and vegetarians are at particular risk because B12 is derived from animal products. Additionally, older adults and people with gastrointestinal and malabsorption issues are also at risk.
Studies have also shown that those on metformin (for diabetes) and prolonged use of proton pump inhibitors (for stomach acid) are also at an increased risk for vitamin B12 deficiency, leading researchers to suggest “it seems prudent to monitor vitamin B12 levels periodically in patients taking metformin.”29
Because it’s not manufactured by your body, vitamin B12 must come from another source — namely food and supplements. That said, good sources for cobalamin or vitamin B12 include:
Grass fed organic beef and beef liver
Organic, pastured chicken and eggs
Raw organic, grass fed milk
Nutritional yeast
As for supplementation, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH),30 the average person age 14 and older should get 2.4 micrograms (mcg — one-millionth of a gram31) of vitamin B12 per day; pregnant women should get 2.6 mcg; and breastfeeding women should get 2.8 mcg. Newborns and children up to age 13 require between 0.4 and 1.8 mcg.
The type of a vitamin B12 supplement you should take is also something to consider. Between cyanocobalamin, the synthetic form,32 and methylcobalamin, which is the naturally occurring form found in food, methylcobalamin is the better choice, one reason being that your body retains it in greater amounts.33
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/03/25/signs-of-vitamin-b12-deficiency.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/183691115831
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snakecolumn95 · 6 years
The Dark Side of Metformin (Plus Natural, Safe & Healthy Methods I Use To Regulate My Blood Sugar).
In the recent Wired magazine article “Forget The Blood Of Teens. This Pill Promises To Extend Life For A Nickel A Pop,” it is reported how Tim Ferriss, in his recent book Tools of Titans, estimates that at least a dozen of the billionaires, icons, and world-class performers in the book take metformin.
Robert Hariri, a member of the anti-aging panel at the Vatican and co-founder and president of genetic sequencing pioneer Craig Venter’s Human Longevity Cellular Therapeutics and Ray Kurzweil, of Singularity fame, along with Ned David, co-founder of Silicon Valley startup Unity Biotechnology (which is developing its own anti-aging drugs) all also take metformin.
In fact, metformin (along with rapamycin, which I will write an article on in the near future) is now considered to be one of the new darlings of the anti-aging industry and is widely used among CEOs, Silicon Valley, many of my friends in the anti-aging industry and beyond.
So what’s my beef with this supposed wonder-drug?
It turns out that there are all kinds of potential problems with metformin. In recent years, evidence has accumulated that metformin may not be all its cracked up to be. Or at least, even if it does what it claims to do, it has a number of adverse side effects. But up until now, pharmaceutical companies have somewhat sugar-coated the drug’s effects.
In this article, I’ll briefly highlight why I don’t personally take metformin. I’ll also introduce you to natural compounds that I personally use to regulate my blood sugar. 
Is Metformin Healthy?
Metformin falls into a category of a biguanide molecule. Biguanides are derivatives of guanidine, a naturally occurring substance found in vegetables such as turnips and cereals. They exert a blood glucose-lowering effect in type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus, and since they do not increase plasma insulin concentrations and do not cause hypoglycemia (unless, as noted below, combined with exercise), they are generally regarded as antihyperglycemic (rather than hypoglycemic) agents.
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But one of the problems with these type of molecules is that they can increase the generation of lactate, which then enters the circulation and produces lactic acidosis.
The study “Fatty acids revert the inhibition of respiration caused by the antidiabetic drug metformin to facilitate their mitochondrial β-oxidation” describes quite clearly this metformin effect on lactate production. But before getting into that, a quick note on phenformin. Phenformin is another member of the biguanide family and was a popular medication for diabetes starting in the 1950s. It was withdrawn from clinical use in the 1970s once it was discovered that it caused severe lactic acidosis. Although phenformin is associated with a 10- to 20-fold greater incidence of lactic acidosis than its relative metformin, metformin’s effects on acidosis are still significant enough in my opinion not to be ignored (especially if you’re an athlete who is already flirting regularly with acidosis – although admittedly I’ve seen little performance data on metformin’s effect on lactic acid formation during exercise).
Furthermore, despite being the most commonly prescribed drug for the treatment of type II diabetes for more than five decades, the bioenergetic mechanisms underlying metformin activity remain largely unknown. This ignorance of the inner workings of the drug has triggered many endeavors to uncover how exactly it works – but the results are often contradictory. The study “Cardiovascular and metabolic effects of metformin in patients with type 1 diabetes: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial” found that while metformin may play a very wide role in managing cardiovascular risks, it doesn’t necessarily improve glycemia, and it had no average effect on insulin requirement. In fact, while there were two deaths in the placebo group, there were five among the patients allocated to metformin.
But cardiovascular risk management also falls under scrutiny under certain conditions. True, metformin may be beneficial when used on its own. But, according to the study “Reappraisal of Metformin Efficacy in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes,” when combined with sulphonylurea (another common antidiabetic medication), metformin can actually result in an increased risk of cardiovascular complications and all-cause mortality. Studies are inconclusive at the time being, but the drug has been shown to have no proven efficacy against microvascular complications. Indeed, the possibility that metformin is not effective at all shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand. After all, the first molecule of this type, phenformin, did induce cardiovascular risk, and, pharmacologically speaking, there’s little difference between phenformin and metformin.
All that to say, the specific efficacy of metformin to prevent death or cardiovascular disease has not been proven beyond reasonable doubt by current studies. So metformin may not be the best comparator for evaluating hypoglycemic drugs – and that’s not even the end of the story.
Metformin can also cause a deficiency of vitamin B12 levels. The study “Long term treatment with metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes and risk of vitamin B-12 deficiency” observed this effect. While the drug did cause reported improvements in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality (but, as you’ve seen, that’s already been called into question), it stimulated vitamin B12 malabsorption.
Decreased B-12 concentrations can cause increased homocysteine concentrations, which is, surprise, an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, particularly among individuals with type 2 diabetes. During the 52 months of the study, the placebo group experienced an increase in vitamin B-12 concentrations, while the metformin group experienced an average 19% decrease in B12 concentrations, a decrease which continues to grow over time. While the lower B12 concentrations were not a novel idea, the progressive nature was – they can result in macrocytic anemia, neuropathy, and mental changes, potentially making metformin a dangerous treatment to use.
Another study, “Metformin and Exercise in Type 2 Diabetes,” determined the effects of metformin on the metabolic response to submaximal exercise, the effect of exercise (relevant to activity patterns of type 2 diabetics) on plasma metformin concentrations, and the interaction between metformin and exercise on the response to a standardized meal. There is evidence that suggests that the benefits of exercise and metformin aren’t cumulative. In a study whose results were noted in this one, the reductions in diabetic risk were similar in a lifestyle that combined metformin and lifestyle modifications to the metformin or lifestyle alone groups.
In fact, the two adjustments may have contradictory effects on diabetes. First, metformin reduces blood glucose levels. But exercise tends to increase levels of glucagon, the hormone that deals with low blood sugar. When the two are combined, glucagon concentrations become significantly higher as the body tries to compensate for the effect of metformin. Second, by increasing the heart rate, metformin has the potential to lower some patients’ selected exercise intensity, which means it could lead to the prescription of lower exercise workloads than are commonly recommended.
So, the combination of exercise and metformin, both common prescriptions for diabetics, is likely less effective at lowering the glycemic response to a meal than metformin alone. There have also been studies out of Taiwan showing that metformin taken by diabetics for long periods of time (12 years or longer) can nearly double the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
There have even been a handful of reports of metformin-induced hepatotoxicity (toxicity in the liver). In a case of nonalcoholic liver disease, metformin was pegged as the cause of jaundice, nausea, fatigue, and unintentional weight loss, two weeks after initiating treatment, due to abnormalities in liver enzymes caused by the drug. Another case involved a 73-year old Japanese woman who experienced fatigue, jaundice, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and abdominal pain due to severe hepatotoxicity that resulted from metformin.
I recently asked Dr. Dallas Clouatre, a well-established author and consultant in the alternative and complementary medicine and nutrition field and my guest on the podcast episode How Low-Fat Diets Make You Fat, about his thoughts on metformin, and here’s what he had to say:
“My thoughts on metformin are that it is interesting but over-hyped. Keep in mind that it works primarily on the liver (30% of glucose clearance from meals) and not on the peripheral tissues (70% of glucose clearance). It likely does promote a longer ‘health span’ given that lowering insulin and IGF-1 along with mTOR, typical of caloric restriction and of those who naturally live to extreme old age, is usually a good thing. Of course, any item that keeps insulin levels low along with keeping blood glucose in the low-normal range will lower mTOR. Downsides of metformin include reduced efficacy with advancing age, reduced efficacy with prolonged use, and GI-tract issues in some individuals. Given that rehabilitation of the mitochondrial electron transport Complex I is a normal function of a good night’s sleep, for me, it is difficult to suggest the chronic intake of a drug that works by gumming up a natural process of the body.”
So Where Does This All Leave Metformin?
Despite the 20 years of positive clinical observations on metformin, these recent studies and the information above, in my opinion, have called its efficacy and overall health benefits into question.
Perhaps it’s time to broaden the horizons and look to natural alternatives that can have very similar antidiabetic, blood sugar stabilizing and longevity-enhancing effects, including many of the natural strategies and compounds I discuss in my articles “How To Biohack Your Blood Sugar Levels” and  “5 Simple Steps You Can Take To Live Longer, Banish Blood Sugar Swings & Massively Enhance Energy Levels.“, including:
So that you can equip your cupboard with compounds that can safely and naturally support your blood sugar levels, I’d like to expound on that last category of plants, herbs and spices.
Let’s begin with Ceylon cinnamon. Cinnamon has a long history both as a spice and as a medicine, and it’s unique healing abilities come from the essential oils found in its bark, which contain three active components called cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, and cinnamyl alcohol. The cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon helps prevent unwanted clumping of blood platelets, which makes cinnamon anti-inflammatory.
In one study, the antioxidant effects of a cinnamon extract in people with prediabetes decreased a marker of oxidative stress by fourteen percent. Participants took 250 mg of cinnamon extract, twice per day, for twelve weeks. This is significant considering that chronic inflammation and oxidative stress plays a role in nearly every chronic disease, including diabetes.
Cinnamon also mimics the effects of insulin, which increases insulin sensitivity, making insulin more efficient at shuttling glucose into cells.  Five grams of cinnamon is all you need to do this while also reducing total plasma glucose response. Effects last twelve hours. Cinnamon also reduces fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, and triglycerides, and it increases HDL cholesterol. And the best type of cinnamon to use? Approximately the equivalent of 2 teaspoons of organic Ceylon cinnamon per day will suffice (it is important that the cinnamon is indeed of the Ceylon variety). I like to buy it in bulk.
Gymnema Sylvestre is another potent herbal tactic for controlling glycemic variability. It has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years and has promising research around its ability to control blood sugar levels. Its blood sugar lowering effects are possibly due to it causing an increase in insulin secretion, which partially explains its ability to increase glucose utilization, with this also being due to it increasing the activities of enzymes responsible for utilization of glucose by insulin-dependant pathways. The increase in insulin secretion may be explained by Gymnema supplementation regenerating pancreatic islet beta cells, the cells responsible for sensing sugar in the blood and telling the pancreas to release the proper amount of insulin to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Gymnema also inhibits glucose absorption from the intestines and has been shown to lower serum cholesterol and triglycerides.
Gymnema Sylvestre extract administered to non-insulin-dependant type 2 diabetics at 400 mg per day for 18 months significantly reduced blood sugar, hemoglobin A1c and glycosylated plasma protein levels, with many participants lowering their diabetes medication and five participants ending with controlling blood sugar using Gymnema Sylvestre extract alone. The same reductions have occurred in people with type 1 diabetes, with Gymnema also allowing for a decrease in insulin requirements. The easiest way to use Gymnema Sylvestre is by taking one 400-600 mg capsule, standardized to contain 25 percent gymnemic acid, ten minutes before a carbohydrate containing meal.
Berberine, a compound derived from a variety of herbs including goldenseal and Oregon grape root, shows a variety of distinct benefits. It increases glucose uptake by the cells and improves insulin utilization by increasing glucose uptake pathways GLUT-4 and GLUT-1. Berberine also activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), with increased activation allowing for a reduction in fat storage, increased insulin sensitivity, reduction in cholesterol/triglyceride production, and suppression of chronic inflammation.
Berberine has also been shown to significantly reduce free fatty acids, high levels of which damage the pancreas and insulin production In one study, berberine significantly lowered fasting blood glucose, hemoglobin A(1c), triglyceride, and insulin levels in type 2 diabetics by increasing insulin receptor expression. It also improved liver function. Another study found that 500 mg of berberine taken twice per day by patients with type 2 diabetes lowered blood glucose, fasting insulin, and blood lipid levels and it was as effective at lowering blood glucose as metformin.
There’s a ton more research you can read here on berberine on everything from metabolic syndrome, PCOS, osteoporosis and much more. The standard dose of berberine HCL is 900-2,000mg a day, divided into three to four doses, taken with a meal.
The Two Compounds I Personally Use Daily To Regulate Blood Sugar
Since beginning to test my blood glucose continuously using a Dexcom G6 implanted in my abdomen (as I describe in detail in my last post on how to track ketones and glucose), I’ve experimented with taking THREE servings of Kion Lean each day. I’m taking two capsules before every meal, three times per day.
I realize six capsules a day is a lot, but I may actually continue this as a staple in my life extension and weight management protocol, and I’d highly recommend you try it, especially if you want to support your blood sugar levels. 
You can get it here and read up on the ingredients, but I’m going to elucidate below.
It begins with the story of the people who inhabit the western region of China on the slopes of the Himalayas – Bama County. This place is famous for the longevity of its inhabitants. In the year 2000, there were at least 79 men and women over one hundred years old, and still in good health, among a population of fewer than 230,000 people. That’s 3.52 centenarians per ten thousand people, the highest concentration anywhere in the world.
The residents and some medical researchers attribute their long lives to a plant known locally as “shilianhua”, and known in English as the “rock lotus” or the “stone lotus”. For hundreds of years, it’s been used both as food and as a medicinal herb in the Bama region to treat a variety of conditions. And it has massive longevity benefits.
Only two mechanisms have been shown to be successful in promoting longevity, like that of the Bama region people, in higher organisms. The first lowers the levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1. The second restricts calories, which usually has, as one result, a reduction of circulating insulin levels. The rock lotus influences both of these mechanisms. It’s been found that rock lotus can reduce blood sugar levels by up to 30%, helping people in China and elsewhere to take their health into their own hands.
So rock lotus is the first herb I use daily, in the form of Kion Lean. Another similar wild plant is bitter melon, also known as “goya” in Japan, and also found in Kion Lean, which I’ve been using it to manage my postprandial blood glucose levels with potent efficacy for the past four years.
Bitter melon has only positives, as far as I am concerned. It’s fresh on my mind, because like I mentioned, when I was in New York City, I had the pleasure of spending quite a bit of time with Chef David Bouley, a world-famous Japanese cuisine expert who frequently travels to Asia to study specific food consumption and dietary habits that allow locales such as Okinawa, Japan to be such longevity hotspots. And one of the large bags of tea he brought back with him and gave to me was comprised of the same compound they ate in copious quantities before nearly every meal – you guessed it – bitter melon extract.
Although the precise mechanism by which it works (whether it’s through regulation of insulin release or altered glucose metabolism and its insulin-like effect) is not known, bitter melon naturally contains compounds like charantin, vicine, and polypeptide-p, plus some other health-boosting components like antioxidants.
Bitter melon is a popular blood sugar supporting supplement among the indigenous people of Asia, South America, India, and East Africa. As noted earlier, it’s known particularly well in Okinawa, Japan. Okinawa, like the Bama County, is one of the world’s “blue zones”, an area where the average lifespan is unusually long, and it’s also where some of the longest-lived people on the planet live.
In places like Okinawa, almost every part of the bitter melon has been used in traditional medicine, including the fruit, leaves, vines, seeds, and roots. It’s been used in traditional Okinawan medicine to treat everything from microbial infections to digestive issues, stimulate menstruation, heal wounds, reduce inflammation and fevers, deal with hypertension, and it’s even been used as a laxative and emetic. It also activates cellular machinery to regulate energy production (particularly AMP-activated protein kinase) and the way fats are processed by the liver.
Centuries of oral consumption have demonstrated that bitter melon is both safe and effective. And on top of all those other conditions, according to a number of animal studies, it can even reduce insulin resistance and protect against diet-induced hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia.
It should be noted, though, that commercially-sold varietals are not nearly as effective as wild bitter melon. One study observed the effects of bitter melon on rats. Specifically, they used an aqueous extract powder of fresh, unripe melons, and found that a dose of 20 mg per kilogram of body weight reduced fasting blood glucose levels by 48%. That rivals the effects of another popular synthetic medication, glibenclamide. And, compared to synthetic drugs like glibenclamide and metformin, the melon doesn’t show any kind of hepatotoxicity or nephrotoxicity (toxicity in the kidneys).
Part of the reason bitter melon is so darn effective is likely its effect on GLP-1 secretion. GLP-1 is glucagon-like peptide-1, a peptide released from what are called L-cells, which increase in density along the length of the intestines. It helps to raise insulin levels as a part of the incretin effect, a hormonal response that effects insulin secretion following oral glucose ingestion. A study was done to examine the role of bitter melon extract in this process and found that through bitter taste receptors and/or a PLC β 2-signaling pathway, the melon stimulated GLP-1 release.
Now, before you think that by supplementing your diet with bitter melon, your insulin levels will get too high, it’s important to note that insulin levels that are regulated by GLP-1 are either reduced or, in some cases, completely absent in people suffering from diabetes. Considering that, and the fact that GLP-1 has an extremely short half-life due to rapid inactivation, it’s not likely that your insulin levels will become abnormally high by using the melon. In all likeliness, your insulin count will rise and settle at a relatively normal level. However, further studies will need to be performed to confirm this.
And there’s more.
Bitter melon, specifically a wild species called��Momordica charantia Linn var. abbreviata ser., can also regulate lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammatory responses. Wild bitter melon and bitter melon extracts were used in a study to inhibit macrophage activity, which is a part of your natural immunological response to stress, disease, and tears in body tissues. The LPS-stimulated macrophages that were targeted responded to both extracts, but especially to the wild variety of the melon, resulting in much-reduced LPS-induced inflammation.
As you may already know, insulin resistance is closely related to chronic inflammation induced by things like tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF- α), a compound that seeks out and destroys cancerous cells. But before jumping into the importance of TNF- α, you should memorize this chemical: triterpene 5β, 19-epoxy-25-methoxy-cucurbita-6.23-diene-3β, 19-diol – or, for short, EMCD. It’s purified from a wild species of bitter melon that was thought to activate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which itself is thought to repress TNF- α-induced inflammation.
When it was tested alongside a compound extracted from green tea that’s also reported to be anti-inflammatory, EMCD showed more obvious anti-inflammatory activity, but not by activating AMPK. It actually inhibited the activation of the IkB kinase, an important aspect of pro-inflammatory signaling. Since inflammation is connected to shorter lifespans and greater risk of conditions like cardiovascular diseases, it would be wise to look into taking necessary precautions to minimize inflammation.
Want more interesting reading on bitter melon extract? Check out these links:
So what do the rock lotus and wild bitter melon have in common that promote fat burning, liver health (and of course, anti-aging)? The answer involves caloric restriction and insulin.
As you’ve just learned, two basic mechanisms have been shown to be successful in promoting longevity in higher organisms. The first mechanism lowers the levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). The second mechanism restricts calories, which usually has, as one result, a lowering of circulating insulin levels. Rock lotus influences both of these mechanisms. According to a Jutendo Medical University of Japan clinical trial, rock lotus improves liver function and fatty liver. This action resembles that of compounds known to reduce insulin levels as an aspect of improved blood glucose control.
Wild bitter melon is similarly health promoting. For example, it has been found that extracts of the wild bitter melon activate cellular machinery to regulate energy production (technically AMPK-activated protein kinase) and the way that fats are handled by the liver. Activation of this metabolic pathway is important to aging. It is sometimes referred to as “exercise in a bottle” because activation of AMPK is an aspect of the benefits derived from exercise. The effect of an extract from the wild genotype of bitter melon called Glycostat® has proved to be more powerful than others on the market and much more consistent in producing positive results.
In short, rock lotus and bitter melon extract work better in combination than their isolated components. Both promote better blood sugar support with less insulin. Both promote healthy blood pressure. Both support healthy liver function. And both mimic changes in cellular energy metabolism typical of caloric restriction.
So in summary, I’m not a huge fan of metformin, but I am a huge fan of strength training and physical activity to manage blood sugar levels for both health and longevity. For regulating my blood sugar levels, I personally consider bitter melon extract, especially when combined with rock lotus, to be at the top of my list.
In tandem, for me personally and based on my own continuous blood glucose testing levels I discuss in my article “The Best Way To Test For Ketosis & Track Your Blood Glucose”, the combination of bitter melon with rock lotus works like gang-busters to regulate blood sugar levels after my evening carbohydrate-laden meal – and with more frequent dosing at three times per day is keeping my daily average blood sugar levels in the 70-89 range consistently. All my clients already pop two capsules of Kion Lean – a concentrated source of bitter melon and rock lotus – prior to any carbohydrate-rich meal, and I do too, for the past four years. It just works.
Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for me about metformin or managing blood sugar? Leave your comments below and I will reply!
Ask Ben a Podcast Question
Source: https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/article/supplements-articles/dark-side-metformin/
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jakehglover · 6 years
What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Gluten?
The word “gluten” has become such a buzzword in recent years, most likely because of the sudden popularity of the gluten-free diet that’s been endorsed by famous personalities. Before you consider trying this diet, read this page first to learn about gluten, and how it can negatively impact your body and health in the long run.
What Is Gluten?
A type of protein, gluten is composed of glutenin and gliadin molecules that form an elastic bond when mixed with water. Gluten is highly noted for its adhesive abilities that can maintain a compact structure for holding bread and cakes together, and providing a spongier texture. This ability isn’t surprising, considering that the word “gluten” is derived from the Latin word for “glue.”
While it does wonders for these foods, the same cannot be said for your body. Research has shown that gluten can be quite harmful for you because of the vast range of complications it might cause (more on this to come in a while).
What Does Gluten Do to Your Body?
A major caveat linked to gluten is its tendency to impede proper nutrient breakdown and absorption from foods, regardless if they have gluten or not. This may prevent proper digestion because excess gluten leads to the formation of a glued-together constipating lump in the gut. Afterward, the undigested gluten prompts the immune system to attack the villi, or the fingerlike projections lining your small intestine.1 This may lead to side effects such as  diarrhea or constipation, nausea and abdominal pain.
Excessive gluten consumption and further small intestine damage and inflammation may predispose a person to nutrient malabsorption, nutrient deficiencies, anemia, osteoporosis, other neurological or psychological diseases, and complications linked to the skin, liver, joints, nervous system and more.
What Are the Types of Food That Contain Gluten?
Gluten is predominantly found in whole grains like rye, barley, triticale and oats; in wheat varieties like spelt, kamut, farro, durum; and in other products like bulgar and semolina.2 Wheat-based flours and byproducts that also contain high quantities of this protein include:3,4,5,6
Wheat-Based Flours Wheat Byproducts
• White flour
• Whole wheat flour
• Graham flour
• Triticale
• Wheat germ
• Wheat bran
• Pasta
• Couscous
• Bread, bread crumbs and croutons
• Flour tortillas
• Cookies, cakes, muffins and pastries
• Cereal
• Crackers
• Beer
• Gravy, dressings and sauces
• Conventional oats (these have a high chance of being contaminated during the growing, harvesting or processing stages
If there’s another compelling reason why you shouldn’t eat processed foods, it’s because these items often contain gluten. Here are examples of foods with gluten, even though they’re not made from grains:7,8
Processed broth and bouillon cubes9
 Fried foods
 Lunch meats and hot dogs
Cold cuts
Self-basting poultry
Crab cakes
Imitation fish
Seasoned rice10
Modified food starch11
Salad dressings
Seasoned chips and other seasoned snack foods
Processed yogurt12
Ice cream cones
Even worse, manufacturers deceive customers by “hiding” gluten products like wheat under other names in food labels, such as:13,14
• Malts
• Starches and other derivatives
• Hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP)
• Hydrolyzed wheat protein15
• Textured vegetable protein (TVP)
Common Signs of a ‘Gluten Allergy’ You Should Watch Out For
Consuming too much gluten can prompt various complications, such as a gluten allergy, wherein the immune system produces “weapons” to combat gluten in your system. However, a gluten allergy is not to be confused with gluten intolerance, gluten sensitivity16 or celiac disease.17 It is quite similar to other food allergies, since these are all responses to a particular allergen. Some of the most common gluten allergy symptoms are:
Nasal congestion
Tightness of throat
Tongue and/or throat swelling
A metallic taste in your mouth
Abdominal pain
Muscle spasms
As the book “Gluten-Free Cooking for Dummies” further highlights, a gluten allergy may lead to adverse effects such as anaphylaxis or an anaphylactic shock that may affect different organs. People may experience agitation, hives, breathing problems, reduced blood pressure levels, fainting or even death, if the reaction is very severe.18
Warning Signs of Gluten Intolerance
Should the immune system have an unusual response to gluten in your system, then it might be a sign that you have gluten intolerance.19 Sometimes it can be mistaken for celiac disease (another gluten-related disorder) or a wheat allergy.20 The root cause of a gluten intolerance is not fully understood, although it has been linked to the digestive system, compared to celiac disease where a genetic link has been found.21
Typical gluten intolerance symptoms include bloating, belly pain, diarrhea, tiredness and a general feeling of being unwell. Someone with a gluten intolerance might also experience these indicators, although these are less frequent and already affect areas beyond the gut:
Joint or muscle pain
If you or someone you know experiences any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. This will help you determine whether you have gluten intolerance or if the symptoms occur because of other health reasons. This greatly applies if you or someone you know has severe belly pain. An extreme stomachache is not a sign of gluten intolerance, so it might be due to another potentially devastating disease that may require immediate treatment.
Having gut-related symptoms checked immediately may be helpful too, as numerous conditions that target the gut can overlap with other diseases. Fortunately, these can be examined during a checkup and your doctor may rule out other causes. Take note that symptoms of gluten intolerance are generally similar to those of celiac disease, although the reactions that people with these conditions experience aren’t identical.
To diagnose a gluten intolerance, it’s important that you continue eating your usual meals, especially if it’s abundant in foods with gluten. This could help the doctor determine the main cause of the symptoms. An inaccurate diagnosis might occur if the patient decides to stop eating gluten-loaded foods prior to, or during, a consultation.22
Common Indicators of Gluten Sensitivity
In various studies, gluten sensitivity is also called non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) as celiac disease patients are sensitive to gluten too. The difference between a gluten sensitivity and celiac disease is that the former may be triggered not just by wheat, but by other grains like rye and barley, too, as these grains are known to have the glutenin and gliadin proteins (or protein fragments) also found in wheat.23
Typical symptoms of gluten sensitivity include nausea, skin irritation, bloating and gas, brain fog and fatigue. However, these indicators can widely vary and may also occur alongside gynecologic conditions, lactose intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome.24
Because there is no specific laboratory test for gluten sensitivity, your physician will have to rule out other possible causes. In some cases, patients may need to be checked for wheat allergy or celiac disease. Should test results be negative, a gluten-free diet may be advised.25 However, if any of the aforementioned tests deliver positive results, then you may want to continue eating gluten-rich foods for a more accurate diagnosis.26
Why a Gluten-Free Diet Works
A gluten-free diet is an important course of action for combating gluten-related disorders, and picking gluten-free foods is the first step in doing so. Because there are foods that are incorrectly labeled “gluten-free,” it may be quite tricky at first to select the correct items. A set of guidelines on proper gluten-free labeling standards released in 2013 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may help. The organization states that for a food product to bear the gluten-free label and be considered such, it must be:
• Naturally gluten-free: Rice, non-GMO corn, quinoa, sorghum, flax and amaranth seed are naturally gluten-free grains.
• Refined to remove gluten: Gluten must be removed from any gluten-containing grain. As such, the final product should not contain more than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten.
Extreme vigilance is only likely if you have celiac disease, since exposure to gluten can cause sickness and threaten your health in the long run. What’s great about a gluten-free diet is that nearly everyone can benefit from it, whether you have a gluten intolerance or not. Grains, even whole sprouted varieties, tend to cause many problems because of the following factors:
Wheat hybridization
Other wheat proteins
Milling or baking process
Glyphosate contamination
Grains have high net carbs, so removing them from your diet can help improve mitochondrial function. Taking care of your mitochondrial health is important if you want to reduce your risk for problems linked to insulin resistance, such as being overweight and having high blood pressure levels, as well as diseases like Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
Prior to beginning a gluten-free diet, consult a dietitian or health expert who can give advice on how to effectively avoid foods with gluten while eating a healthy and balanced diet.27
Best Foods to Eat if Following a Gluten-Free Diet
Once you’re given the go-signal to try a gluten-free diet, stock up on these natural and unprocessed foods:28,29
Beans (provided that you try to sprout and/or ferment your beans to reduce its lectin content, which may negatively impact your health in the long run)
Seeds (chia, pumpkin or sunflower)
Nuts (pecans, macadamias or walnuts)
Organic and pasture-raised eggs
Organic and grass fed meats that aren’t breaded, batter-coated or marinated
Fish (wild-caught Alaskan salmon, sardines, anchovies and herring) that aren’t breaded, batter-coated or marinated
Organically grown, GMO-free fruits and vegetables
Raw, grass fed milk or yogurt
Healthy fat sources (raw  grass fed butter, coconuts and coconut oil, olives and olive oil and avocados)
If you think going on a gluten-free diet limits eating choices and preparations, you’d be surprised to know that it won’t. Type “gluten-free recipes” on a search engine and you’ll see a wide variety of gluten-free recipes, ranging from savory to sweet. A good and delicious example is this Coconut Flour Almond Meal Pancakes Recipe from MindBodyGreen:30
Coconut Flour Almond Meal Pancakes Recipe
1/2 cup Dr. Mercola's coconut flour
1/3 cup almond meal
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
4 organic, pastured eggs
1 tablespoon Dr. Mercola's coconut oil, melted
1/3 cup raw cow's milk or coconut milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
A pinch of Dr. Mercola's Himalayan salt
1 to 2 tablespoons organic, raw grass fed butter, plus more for serving
Pure maple syrup to drizzle (optional)
Cooking Directions
In a large bowl, mix all the dry ingredients: the coconut flour, almond meal, baking powder and salt.
Slowly whisk in the wet ingredients: the eggs, coconut oil, milk and vanilla. Mix until the batter is smooth. (If it feels a little dry, add more milk until it reaches the consistency you're after).
Heat a large skillet over medium high heat. Add the butter and allow it to melt, then add scoops of batter (about a 1/4 cup each) for silver dollar pancakes. Cook for about a minute on each side until golden brown. Slather with butter and drizzle maple syrup as desired.
This recipe makes about 16 small pancakes.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Additional Reminders When Following a Gluten-Free Diet
Gluten Free & More magazine highlights these important tips for people who are following a gluten-free diet:31
• Read labels carefully: Knowing how to read labels properly will greatly help if you’re following a gluten-free diet. Ideally, never assume something is gluten-free even if the word “gluten” isn’t anywhere in the list.32 As mentioned earlier, some manufacturers purposely use other names to hide gluten in their products.
• If you’re in doubt, don’t buy the product: If you cannot verify that the product is free of grains, don’t buy or eat it at all. The same principle applies if you cannot find an ingredients list on the product.
• Remember that being wheat-free doesn’t automatically make a food gluten-free: This is because spelt, rye or barley-based ingredients, all of which contain gluten, may be used in products with a wheat-free label on them.
• Introduce new foods slowly: Ensure that you incorporate only one new food at a time, and take note of symptoms before adding another item.
• Be a “food detective”: Call, email or write a letter to a food manufacturer to verify a product’s ingredients. Take note of the ingredient and the lot number of the food. Once you are in touch with a representative, clearly state your concerns and be persistent, polite and patient.
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/05/19/what-is-gluten.aspx
0 notes
sherristockman · 6 years
What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Gluten? Dr. Mercola The word “gluten” has become such a buzzword in recent years, most likely because of the sudden popularity of the gluten-free diet that’s been endorsed by famous personalities. Before you consider trying this diet, read this page first to learn about gluten, and how it can negatively impact your body and health in the long run. What Is Gluten? A type of protein, gluten is composed of glutenin and gliadin molecules that form an elastic bond when mixed with water. Gluten is highly noted for its adhesive abilities that can maintain a compact structure for holding bread and cakes together, and providing a spongier texture. This ability isn’t surprising, considering that the word “gluten” is derived from the Latin word for “glue.” While it does wonders for these foods, the same cannot be said for your body. Research has shown that gluten can be quite harmful for you because of the vast range of complications it might cause (more on this to come in a while). What Does Gluten Do to Your Body? A major caveat linked to gluten is its tendency to impede proper nutrient breakdown and absorption from foods, regardless if they have gluten or not. This may prevent proper digestion because excess gluten leads to the formation of a glued-together constipating lump in the gut. Afterward, the undigested gluten prompts the immune system to attack the villi, or the fingerlike projections lining your small intestine.1 This may lead to side effects such as diarrhea or constipation, nausea and abdominal pain. Excessive gluten consumption and further small intestine damage and inflammation may predispose a person to nutrient malabsorption, nutrient deficiencies, anemia, osteoporosis, other neurological or psychological diseases, and complications linked to the skin, liver, joints, nervous system and more. What Are the Types of Food That Contain Gluten? Gluten is predominantly found in whole grains like rye, barley, triticale and oats; in wheat varieties like spelt, kamut, farro, durum; and in other products like bulgar and semolina.2 Wheat-based flours and byproducts that also contain high quantities of this protein include:3,4,5,6 Wheat-Based Flours Wheat Byproducts • White flour • Whole wheat flour • Graham flour • Triticale • Wheat germ • Wheat bran • Pasta • Couscous • Bread, bread crumbs and croutons • Flour tortillas • Cookies, cakes, muffins and pastries • Cereal • Crackers • Beer • Gravy, dressings and sauces • Conventional oats (these have a high chance of being contaminated during the growing, harvesting or processing stages If there’s another compelling reason why you shouldn’t eat processed foods, it’s because these items often contain gluten. Here are examples of foods with gluten, even though they’re not made from grains:7,8 Processed broth and bouillon cubes9 Fried foods Candies Lunch meats and hot dogs Cold cuts Dumplings Self-basting poultry Crab cakes Imitation fish Seasoned rice10 Matzo Modified food starch11 Salad dressings Seasoned chips and other seasoned snack foods Processed yogurt12 Ice cream cones Even worse, manufacturers deceive customers by “hiding” gluten products like wheat under other names in food labels, such as:13,14 • Malts • Starches and other derivatives • Hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP) • Hydrolyzed wheat protein15 • Textured vegetable protein (TVP) Common Signs of a ‘Gluten Allergy’ You Should Watch Out For Consuming too much gluten can prompt various complications, such as a gluten allergy, wherein the immune system produces “weapons” to combat gluten in your system. However, a gluten allergy is not to be confused with gluten intolerance, gluten sensitivity16 or celiac disease.17 It is quite similar to other food allergies, since these are all responses to a particular allergen. Some of the most common gluten allergy symptoms are: Coughing Nasal congestion Sneezing Tightness of throat Asthma Tingling Itching Tongue and/or throat swelling A metallic taste in your mouth Abdominal pain Muscle spasms Vomiting Diarrhea As the book “Gluten-Free Cooking for Dummies” further highlights, a gluten allergy may lead to adverse effects such as anaphylaxis or an anaphylactic shock that may affect different organs. People may experience agitation, hives, breathing problems, reduced blood pressure levels, fainting or even death, if the reaction is very severe.18 Warning Signs of Gluten Intolerance Should the immune system have an unusual response to gluten in your system, then it might be a sign that you have gluten intolerance.19 Sometimes it can be mistaken for celiac disease (another gluten-related disorder) or a wheat allergy.20 The root cause of a gluten intolerance is not fully understood, although it has been linked to the digestive system, compared to celiac disease where a genetic link has been found.21 Typical gluten intolerance symptoms include bloating, belly pain, diarrhea, tiredness and a general feeling of being unwell. Someone with a gluten intolerance might also experience these indicators, although these are less frequent and already affect areas beyond the gut: Joint or muscle pain Anxiety Headache Nausea Confusion Numbness If you or someone you know experiences any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. This will help you determine whether you have gluten intolerance or if the symptoms occur because of other health reasons. This greatly applies if you or someone you know has severe belly pain. An extreme stomachache is not a sign of gluten intolerance, so it might be due to another potentially devastating disease that may require immediate treatment. Having gut-related symptoms checked immediately may be helpful too, as numerous conditions that target the gut can overlap with other diseases. Fortunately, these can be examined during a checkup and your doctor may rule out other causes. Take note that symptoms of gluten intolerance are generally similar to those of celiac disease, although the reactions that people with these conditions experience aren’t identical. To diagnose a gluten intolerance, it’s important that you continue eating your usual meals, especially if it’s abundant in foods with gluten. This could help the doctor determine the main cause of the symptoms. An inaccurate diagnosis might occur if the patient decides to stop eating gluten-loaded foods prior to, or during, a consultation.22 Common Indicators of Gluten Sensitivity In various studies, gluten sensitivity is also called non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) as celiac disease patients are sensitive to gluten too. The difference between a gluten sensitivity and celiac disease is that the former may be triggered not just by wheat, but by other grains like rye and barley, too, as these grains are known to have the glutenin and gliadin proteins (or protein fragments) also found in wheat.23 Typical symptoms of gluten sensitivity include nausea, skin irritation, bloating and gas, brain fog and fatigue. However, these indicators can widely vary and may also occur alongside gynecologic conditions, lactose intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome.24 Because there is no specific laboratory test for gluten sensitivity, your physician will have to rule out other possible causes. In some cases, patients may need to be checked for wheat allergy or celiac disease. Should test results be negative, a gluten-free diet may be advised.25 However, if any of the aforementioned tests deliver positive results, then you may want to continue eating gluten-rich foods for a more accurate diagnosis.26 Why a Gluten-Free Diet Works A gluten-free diet is an important course of action for combating gluten-related disorders, and picking gluten-free foods is the first step in doing so. Because there are foods that are incorrectly labeled “gluten-free,” it may be quite tricky at first to select the correct items. A set of guidelines on proper gluten-free labeling standards released in 2013 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may help. The organization states that for a food product to bear the gluten-free label and be considered such, it must be: • Naturally gluten-free: Rice, non-GMO corn, quinoa, sorghum, flax and amaranth seed are naturally gluten-free grains. • Refined to remove gluten: Gluten must be removed from any gluten-containing grain. As such, the final product should not contain more than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten. Extreme vigilance is only likely if you have celiac disease, since exposure to gluten can cause sickness and threaten your health in the long run. What’s great about a gluten-free diet is that nearly everyone can benefit from it, whether you have a gluten intolerance or not. Grains, even whole sprouted varieties, tend to cause many problems because of the following factors: Wheat hybridization Gluten Other wheat proteins Fructans Milling or baking process Glyphosate contamination Grains have high net carbs, so removing them from your diet can help improve mitochondrial function. Taking care of your mitochondrial health is important if you want to reduce your risk for problems linked to insulin resistance, such as being overweight and having high blood pressure levels, as well as diseases like Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Prior to beginning a gluten-free diet, consult a dietitian or health expert who can give advice on how to effectively avoid foods with gluten while eating a healthy and balanced diet.27 Best Foods to Eat if Following a Gluten-Free Diet Once you’re given the go-signal to try a gluten-free diet, stock up on these natural and unprocessed foods:28,29 Beans (provided that you try to sprout and/or ferment your beans to reduce its lectin content, which may negatively impact your health in the long run) Seeds (chia, pumpkin or sunflower) Nuts (pecans, macadamias or walnuts) Organic and pasture-raised eggs Organic and grass fed meats that aren’t breaded, batter-coated or marinated Fish (wild-caught Alaskan salmon, sardines, anchovies and herring) that aren’t breaded, batter-coated or marinated Organically grown, GMO-free fruits and vegetables Raw, grass fed milk or yogurt Healthy fat sources (raw grass fed butter, coconuts and coconut oil, olives and olive oil and avocados) If you think going on a gluten-free diet limits eating choices and preparations, you’d be surprised to know that it won’t. Type “gluten-free recipes” on a search engine and you’ll see a wide variety of gluten-free recipes, ranging from savory to sweet. A good and delicious example is this Coconut Flour Almond Meal Pancakes Recipe from MindBodyGreen:30 Coconut Flour Almond Meal Pancakes Recipe 1/2 cup Dr. Mercola's coconut flour 1/3 cup almond meal 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 4 organic, pastured eggs 1 tablespoon Dr. Mercola's coconut oil, melted 1/3 cup raw cow's milk or coconut milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract A pinch of Dr. Mercola's Himalayan salt 1 to 2 tablespoons organic, raw grass fed butter, plus more for serving Pure maple syrup to drizzle (optional) Cooking Directions In a large bowl, mix all the dry ingredients: the coconut flour, almond meal, baking powder and salt. Slowly whisk in the wet ingredients: the eggs, coconut oil, milk and vanilla. Mix until the batter is smooth. (If it feels a little dry, add more milk until it reaches the consistency you're after). Heat a large skillet over medium high heat. Add the butter and allow it to melt, then add scoops of batter (about a 1/4 cup each) for silver dollar pancakes. Cook for about a minute on each side until golden brown. Slather with butter and drizzle maple syrup as desired. This recipe makes about 16 small pancakes. Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 10 minutes Additional Reminders When Following a Gluten-Free Diet Gluten Free & More magazine highlights these important tips for people who are following a gluten-free diet:31 • Read labels carefully: Knowing how to read labels properly will greatly help if you’re following a gluten-free diet. Ideally, never assume something is gluten-free even if the word “gluten” isn’t anywhere in the list.32 As mentioned earlier, some manufacturers purposely use other names to hide gluten in their products. • If you’re in doubt, don’t buy the product: If you cannot verify that the product is free of grains, don’t buy or eat it at all. The same principle applies if you cannot find an ingredients list on the product. • Remember that being wheat-free doesn’t automatically make a food gluten-free: This is because spelt, rye or barley-based ingredients, all of which contain gluten, may be used in products with a wheat-free label on them. • Introduce new foods slowly: Ensure that you incorporate only one new food at a time, and take note of symptoms before adding another item. • Be a “food detective”: Call, email or write a letter to a food manufacturer to verify a product’s ingredients. Take note of the ingredient and the lot number of the food. Once you are in touch with a representative, clearly state your concerns and be persistent, polite and patient.
0 notes
boyandhisdreams · 7 years
Holistic Doctor Reno NV With 5 Solutions For Hair Loss
Anti Aging Professional is an All natural Physician In Reno NV Offering Resolutions to Loss of hair with Functional Medicine.
Even a Holistic Doctor in Reno NV needs to be worried concerning thinning hair. Yet that doesn't admire a great head of hair? We wish for, covet, as well as praise a fantastic head of hair? Millions are not so lucky. Proceed go look in the mirror and also check it out. Remember the place on the back of your head. Yes, ladies you as well.
Right here are some methods to a remedy that will certainly assist your thinning hair. Reno Holistic Medical professional William Clearfield has an alternate wellness technique and also started the Hair Remediation Job here in Reno and also recently showed up on the "Ask The Physician" sector on KTVN Channel 2 News here in Reno NV discussing remedies for hair loss. It is pretty informative as well as enjoyable. View by clicking web link listed below.
This write-up will certainly provide you a "head" start ... Yes, all right say goodbye to bad puns.
Here are suggestions that will aid you as well as may stun you, specifically the initial one. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to set up a consultation to go over treatment services.
1. Proper Hypothyroidism Medical diagnosis & Therapy (13-14).
Yes, believe it or otherwise, your thyroid could influence your hair follicles. The thyroid functions as the body's "gas pedal." Like Goldilocks, we need it to be perfect, not insufficient, not way too much.
98% of all thyroid disorders result in hypothyroidism. Typical symptoms include being chilly all the time, weight gain that cannot be described, being tired constantly, thinning of the hair, the outer third of the brow, the skin as well as the nails, increased body fat, power loss, memory loss, moody, low body temperature level (never more than 97.6 F), keeping water, and just not really feeling rather ideal.
2. Nutritional shortages.
Nutritional shortages, especially silica and also zinc results in hair loss.
Secret Supplements for Healthy and balanced Hair (15).
Biotin- Water-soluble B-vitamin found in green leafy veggies. Controls mitochondrial enzymes in hair roots. Depleted by smoking, aging, excess alcohol, difficult exercise, melt targets, reduced gut syndrome (GI resections), achlorhydria, and raw egg intake. (16-17) Usage orally or in necessary oil mixture. Dosage is 30-100 mcg/day.
Zinc -Advertises cell reproduction, cells development as well as fixing of broken tissues. Preserves the oil-secreting glands attached to hair follicles. Study revealed that 15 clients with alopecia areata got 45 mg of zinc TID. All had full return of hair growth within 6 months. (18) Maintenance dosage is 15 mg daily in addition to 1 mg copper as a balance.
Maintenance dosage is 15 mg daily together with 1 mg copper as a balance.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine- Precursor to glutathione the most effective anti-oxidant in the body. Protects DNA from chemical damage, cleanses heavy steels, and also it keeps arteries and respiratory tracts open. It triggers important features of the body immune system.
B Vitamins (B6, B12)- In the type of Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate (PLP), the B Vitamins act as stimulants to activate the enzymes and chemical reactions to commence the metabolic rate of keratin and melanin in the hair follicles. B vitamins regulate hormonal agent release., regulating androgen interaction with hair metabolic process. Testosterone breaks down into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Elevated DHT levels diminishes hair development by lowering the size of the anagen, hair development stage, as well as the roots dimension. Vitamin B6 binds to the testosterone receptors, quiting DHT development.
Niacin- Vitamin B3 converts carbohydrates right into energy, supplies the energy to cells where required as well as maintains cell honesty. Niacin is a vasodilator, therefore the niacin "flush" so usual when taken, "cleans" carbohydrates with the body, minimizing visceral fat and also serum cholesterol. The flush could be decreased by taking niacin with a meal or beginning (with a) low dosage and also gradually increasing its effectiveness.
The vasodilator impact of niacin provides enhanced oxygen and also nutrients to the hair roots causing thicker.
Arginine- L-arginine, a forerunner to nitrogen oxide, opens the potassium networks of the cell, enhancing blood supply to the hair origin.
Lysine- A vital amino acid, lysine boosts collagen and also is essential for bring back harmed hair.
Food sources for lysine consist of fish (especially salmon, sardines as well as cod), dairy, poultry, red meat, pork, legumes, nuts, spirulina and also pulses.
Saw Palmetto (for Male)- Prevents conversion of testosterone to DHT Acetyl-L-Carnitine- Up manages expansion as well as down regulates apoptosis in hair follicle keratinocytes. Turns fat into power. Acetyl-L Carnitine boosts the membrane layer potential of the hair follicle which is significantly diminished together with potassium channel function within withering hair roots.
Iron- A lack of iron causes a decline in hemoglobin, the ingredient that brings oxygen for growth.
as well as fixing of all cells consisting of hair follicles. Iron shortage states relocate hair follicles into a.
early as well as long term telogen (relaxing) stage.
Hair development is a "non-essential" bodily function. It is among the initial systems to shut down in a state.
of iron deficiency. Hence, loss of hair is a very early warning indicator of iron deficiency anemia.
Vitamin D- Essential for calcium homeostasis, immune policy, and cell development. A host of autoimmune conditions, including alopecia location, display low levels of Vitamin D. The seriousness of lotion 25( OH) D deficiency is vice versa associated to the extent of hair loss.
Gluten- Hair loss is a very early sign of gluten intolerance. In all cases of alopecia or substantial loss of hair, we suggest a rigorous gluten complimentary diet for 4 weeks as a test. (19).
Vitamin A- Loss of hair is a symptom of Vitamin A toxicity specifically in kidney failure. Typically, settles when toxicity is attended to. (20).
Emu Oil- Consists of linolenic acid a potent 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Substance with virgin coconut.
oil to create an anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory scalp treatment to DHT.
3. Sufficient Protein.
Not enough protein results on your hair development. The CDC advises 46 to 56.
The CDC suggests 46 to 56 grams of protein each tain to keep hair development. (21).
Insufficient protein results in healthy protein rationing by closing down less essential functions.
4. Iron.
When iron levels fall listed below 30 mg/L hair growth as well as regeneration are decreased. Iron deficiency frequently triggers hair to be brittle and completely dry with narrowing or splitting of the hair shaft. Iron replacement restored hair development in those whose sole issue was iron deficiency. (22-23).
5. GI Evaluation-The 4 R's.
Depleted belly acid results in impaired protein food digestion and also reduced nutrient absorption. Disturbed GI vegetation results in insufficient nutrient use. Pancreatic enzyme deficiency causes malabsorption of crucial fatty acids and zinc.
The "4 R's" include (24):.
" Get rid of" inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy, corn, soy, eggs and also sugar. Remove stomach toxic irritants like alcohol, high levels of caffeine or drugs. Infections, also low grade infections have to be treated with natural herbs, antiparasitic and also antifungal medicine, anti-fungal supplements and also prescription antibiotics when proper.
" Change" vital nutrients for proper utilization of foodstuffs. Gastrointestinal enzymes, hydrochloric acid as well as bile salts are required for appropriate food digestion. "Recover" normal GI flora. Probiotics containing bifidobacteria and also lactobacillus.
" Bring back" regular GI flora. Probiotics consisting of bifidobacteria and lactobacillus dosed from 25 to 100 billion devices a day together with prebiotics and fiber.
" Repair work," L-glutamine together with zinc, omega 3 fish oil, vitamins A, C, E, slippery elm and also aloe vera containing supplements reconstructs the damaged digestive tract wall surface.
I hope you located this post "Holistic Doctor Reno NV 5 Solutions to Loss of hair" practical in your begin to an alternative practical alternate medication wellness service in Reno, Carson City and Stimulates NV.
Get in touch with Dr. William Clearfield's workplace to assist with your solutions and tailored therapy strategy.
Dr William Clearfield 
Address: 9550 S. McCarran Blvd b.
Reno, NV 89523.
Phone: 775-359-1222.
Fax: 888-977-3503.
0 notes
iamokaynowdeb · 4 years
Advocacy in Action
Sometimes just creating a different kind of energy for an uplifting moment helps us/me past a chronic experience. Even if it isn’t ever seen or used on a platform.it served its higher purpose from within me. The energy aka spoons it took for me to focus and then create this title page….seems pointless right? Not if it serves its higher path. Thank you
View On WordPress
0 notes
Holistic Doctor Reno NV With 5 Solutions For Hair Loss
Anti Aging Expert is a Holistic Doctor In Reno NV Offering Resolutions to Loss of hair with Practical Medication.
Even an Alternative Physician in Reno NV has actually to be worried regarding thinning hair. However that doesn't appreciate a fine head of hair? We long for, covet, or even praise a great head of hair? Millions are not so fortunate. Go in advance go search in the mirror as well as inspect it out. Always remember the spot on the rear of your head. Yes, women you as well.
Below are some strategies to a service that will certainly assist your thinning hair. Reno Holistic Physician William Clearfield has a different health technique as well as started the Hair Remediation Task here in Reno and lately appeared on the "Ask The Medical professional" section on KTVN Network 2 Information below in Reno NV mentioning solutions for hair loss. It is very useful as well as amusing. See by clicking web link below.
This short article will give you a "head" start ... Yes, alright say goodbye to negative word play heres.
Below are pointers that will certainly aid you as well as may shock you, specifically the initial one. If you have any inquiries please feel totally free to set up an appointment to talk about therapy solutions.
1. Appropriate Hypothyroidism Medical diagnosis & Therapy (13-14).
Yes, think it or not, your thyroid can affect your hair roots. The thyroid works as the body's "gas pedal." Like Goldilocks, we require it to be ideal, not inadequate, not excessive.
98% of all thyroid problems lead to hypothyroidism. Typical symptoms consist of being chilly constantly, weight gain that cannot be explained, being tired at all times, thinning of the hair, the outer third of the brow, the skin as well as the nails, boosted body fat, power loss, amnesia, moody, low body temperature level (never more than 97.6 F), keeping water, and simply not feeling rather best.
2. Nutritional deficiencies.
Nutritional shortages, particularly silica as well as zinc results in loss of hair.
Key Supplements for Healthy Hair (15).
Biotin- Water-soluble B-vitamin found in environment-friendly leafy vegetables. Controls mitochondrial enzymes in hair follicles. Diminished by smoking, aging, excess alcohol, exhausting exercise, shed victims, reduced digestive tract disorder (GI resections), achlorhydria, and raw egg consumption. (16-17) Usage by mouth or in essential oil blend. Dose is 30-100 mcg/day.
Zinc -Advertises cell recreation, tissue development and repair work of damaged tissues. Keeps the oil-secreting glands attached to hair roots. Research showed that 15 individuals with alopecia areata got 45 mg of zinc TID. All had complete return of hair development within 6 months. (18) Maintenance dosage is 15 mg each day along with 1 mg copper as an equilibrium.
Upkeep dose is 15 mg each day together with 1 mg copper as a balance.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine- Precursor to glutathione the most effective anti-oxidant in the body. Secures DNA from chemical damages, purifies heavy steels, and it maintains arteries as well as respiratory tracts open. It turns on important features of the immune system.
B Vitamins (B6, B12)- In the form of Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate (PLP), the B Vitamins work as stimulants to turn on the enzymes as well as chain reactions to commence the metabolic process of keratin as well as melanin in the hair roots. B vitamins regulate hormonal agent release., regulating androgen interaction with hair metabolic process. Testosterone breaks down right into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Raised DHT degrees reduces hair development by decreasing the length of the anagen, hair growth phase, and the hair follicle size. Vitamin B6 binds to the testosterone receptors, stopping DHT formation.
Niacin- Vitamin B3 transforms carbohydrates right into energy, provides the energy to cells where needed as well as preserves cell stability. Niacin is a vasodilator, therefore the niacin "flush" so common when taken, "cleans" carbohydrates with the body, decreasing visceral fat and also product cholesterol. The flush can be minimized by taking niacin with a dish or starting (with a) low dose and also slowly boosting its strength.
The vasodilator result of niacin delivers enhanced oxygen and nutrients to the hair roots causing thicker.
Arginine- L-arginine, a forerunner to nitrogen oxide, opens the potassium networks of the cell, improving blood supply to the hair root.
Lysine- A crucial amino acid, lysine boosts collagen and is essential for restoring damaged hair.
Food resources for lysine include fish (especially salmon, sardines and cod), dairy products, chicken, red meat, pork, vegetables, nuts, spirulina as well as pulses.
Saw Palmetto (for Male)- Avoids conversion of testosterone to DHT Acetyl-L-Carnitine- Up regulates proliferation and down controls apoptosis in hair follicle keratinocytes. Turns fat into power. Acetyl-L Carnitine improves the membrane layer potential of the hair roots which is substantially lessened together with potassium channel feature within withering hair follicles.
Iron- A lack of iron results in a reduction in hemoglobin, the ingredient that brings oxygen for growth.
and also fixing of all cells consisting of hair roots. Iron shortage states relocate hair follicles into a.
early and long term telogen (relaxing) stage.
Hair growth is a "non-essential" physical feature. It is among the first systems to close down in a state.
of iron deficiency. Thus, hair loss is a very early indication of iron deficiency anemia.
Vitamin D- Crucial for calcium homeostasis, immune regulation, and also cell growth. A host of autoimmune illness, consisting of alopecia location, show low levels of Vitamin D. The severity of product 25( OH) D deficiency is vice versa pertaining to the intensity of hair loss.
Gluten- Hair loss is a very early indication of gluten intolerance. In all situations of alopecia or considerable hair loss, we advise a rigorous gluten cost-free diet regimen for 4 weeks as a test. (19).
Vitamin A- Loss of hair is a symptom of Vitamin A poisoning specifically in renal failing. Usually, resolves when poisoning is dealt with. (20).
Emu Oil- Includes linolenic acid a powerful 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Substance with virgin coconut.
oil to develop an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory scalp treatment to DHT.
3. Adequate Healthy protein.
Inadequate healthy protein impacts on your hair growth. The CDC advises 46 to 56.
The CDC suggests 46 to 56 grams of healthy protein each tain to maintain hair development. (21).
Inadequate healthy protein causes protein rationing by closing down lesser functions.
4. Iron.
When iron degrees drop listed below 30 mg/L hair growth as well as regeneration are lowered. Iron deficiency commonly triggers hair to be weak and also completely dry with narrowing or splitting of the hair shaft. Iron substitute brought back hair growth in those whose single concern was iron deficiency. (22-23).
5. GI Evaluation-The 4 R's.
Diminished tummy acid causes impaired healthy protein food digestion and also decreased nutrient absorption. Disturbed GI vegetation causes poor nutrient utilization. Pancreatic enzyme shortage results in malabsorption of necessary fats and also zinc.
The "4 R's" include (24):.
" Eliminate" inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy products, corn, soy, eggs and sugar. Get rid of stomach toxic irritants like alcohol, caffeine or medicines. Infections, also reduced quality infections should be treated with herbs, antiparasitic as well as antifungal medication, anti-fungal supplements and also prescription antibiotics when appropriate.
" Replace" vital nutrients for appropriate usage of foodstuffs. Gastrointestinal enzymes, hydrochloric acid and bile salts are required for proper digestion. "Bring back" regular GI flora. Probiotics including bifidobacteria and lactobacillus.
" Recover" typical GI vegetation. Probiotics containing bifidobacteria as well as lactobacillus dosed from 25 to 100 billion systems a day along with prebiotics and also fiber.
" Repair service," L-glutamine along with zinc, omega 3 fish oil, vitamins A, C, E, unsafe elm and aloe vera consisting of supplements restores the broken intestinal tract wall.
I wish you found this short article "Holistic Medical professional Reno NV 5 Solutions to Hair Loss" valuable in your start to a holistic practical natural medicine wellness remedy in Reno, Carson City as well as Triggers NV.
Call Dr. William Clearfield's workplace to help with your solutions as well as tailored therapy plan.
Dr William Clearfield 
Address: 9550 S. McCarran Blvd b.
Reno, NV 89523.
Phone: 775-359-1222.
Fax: 888-977-3503.
thinning hair
0 notes
erezleviblog · 7 years
Holistic Doctor Reno NV With 5 Solutions For Hair Loss
Anti Aging Professional is an All natural Doctor In Reno NV Offering Resolutions to Hair Loss with Useful Medication.
Also an All natural Physician in Reno NV needs to be worried regarding thinning hair. However who doesn't admire a great head of hair? We covet, covet, or even praise an excellent head of hair? Millions are not so fortunate. Go in advance go look in the mirror as well as examine it out. Always remember the place on the back of your head. Yes, girls you too.
Below are some methods to a service that will certainly aid your thinning hair. Reno Holistic Physician William Clearfield has an alternative wellness strategy and also started the Hair Reconstruction Task right here in Reno and recently appeared on the "Ask The Medical professional" section on KTVN Network 2 Information here in Reno NV discussing remedies for loss of hair. It is very helpful and also entertaining. View by clicking link below.
This post will certainly offer you a "head" beginning ... Yes, alright no more bad puns.
Right here are tips that will assist you as well as could amaze you, particularly the initial one. If you have any type of concerns please really feel free to schedule a consultation to talk about therapy remedies.
1. Correct Hypothyroidism Diagnosis & Therapy (13-14).
Yes, think it or otherwise, your thyroid can impact your hair follicles. The thyroid operates as the body's "gas pedal." Like Goldilocks, we require it to be simply right, not insufficient, not way too much.
98% of all thyroid conditions cause hypothyroidism. Typical symptoms include being chilly constantly, weight gain that cannot be explained, being tired at all times, thinning of the hair, the outer third of the eyebrow, the skin and the nails, enhanced body fat, power loss, amnesia, moody, reduced body temperature (never higher than 97.6 F), keeping water, and simply not feeling rather appropriate.
2. Nutritional deficiencies.
Nutritional deficiencies, specifically silica and also zinc causes hair loss.
Trick Supplements for Healthy Hair (15).
Biotin- Water-soluble B-vitamin discovered in environment-friendly leafy veggies. Manages mitochondrial enzymes in hair roots. Depleted by cigarette smoking, aging, excess alcohol, strenuous workout, melt targets, shortened digestive tract syndrome (GI resections), achlorhydria, as well as raw egg consumption. (16-17) Use by mouth or in essential oil mixture. Dose is 30-100 mcg/day.
Zinc -Promotes cell recreation, tissue growth as well as repair service of busted tissues. Maintains the oil-secreting glands connected to hair roots. Study revealed that 15 clients with alopecia location obtained 45 mg of zinc TID. All had full return of hair growth within 6 months. (18) Upkeep dosage is 15 mg daily along with 1 mg copper as an equilibrium.
Upkeep dose is 15 mg daily in addition to 1 mg copper as a balance.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine- Precursor to glutathione the most effective antioxidant in the body. Safeguards DNA from chemical damage, purifies hefty steels, and it maintains arteries and air passages open. It triggers important functions of the body immune system.
B Vitamins (B6, B12)- Through Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate (PLP), the B Vitamins work as drivers to turn on the enzymes and chemical reactions to commence the metabolism of keratin as well as melanin in the hair follicles. B vitamins regulate hormone release., regulating androgen communication with hair metabolism. Testosterone breaks down into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Raised DHT degrees decreases hair development by lowering the size of the anagen, hair development stage, and the roots size. Vitamin B6 binds to the testosterone receptors, quiting DHT development.
Niacin- Vitamin B3 transforms carbohydrates into energy, delivers the power to cells where required and also preserves cell integrity. Niacin is a vasodilator, hence the niacin "flush" so common when taken, "washes" carbohydrates with the body, reducing natural fat and lotion cholesterol. The flush could be lessened by taking niacin with a meal or starting (with a) low dose as well as progressively boosting its potency.
The vasodilator impact of niacin delivers raised oxygen as well as nutrients to the hair follicle resulting in thicker.
Arginine- L-arginine, a precursor to nitrogen oxide, opens up the potassium networks of the cell, enhancing blood supply to the hair root.
Lysine- A crucial amino acid, lysine stimulates collagen and is essential for bring back damaged hair.
Food resources for lysine consist of fish (specifically salmon, sardines and also cod), dairy, chicken, red meat, pork, legumes, nuts, spirulina as well as pulses.
Saw Palmetto (for Men)- Protects against conversion of testosterone to DHT Acetyl-L-Carnitine- Up controls proliferation and down manages apoptosis in hair follicle keratinocytes. Turns fat right into energy. Acetyl-L Carnitine enhances the membrane layer potential of the hair follicle which is substantially lessened in addition to potassium network function within withering hair follicles.
Iron- An absence of iron leads to a decrease in hemoglobin, the active ingredient that brings oxygen for development.
and fixing of all cells consisting of hair follicles. Iron deficiency states relocate hair roots into a.
early as well as long term telogen (relaxing) phase.
Hair development is a "non-essential" physical function. It is among the initial systems to shut down in a state.
of iron deficiency. For this reason, hair loss is an early warning indicator of iron deficiency anemia.
Vitamin D- Essential for calcium homeostasis, immune law, and also cell development. A host of autoimmune illness, including alopecia areata, display low levels of Vitamin D. The seriousness of product 25( OH) D shortage is vice versa pertaining to the extent of hair loss.
Gluten- Loss of hair is a very early indication of gluten intolerance. In all instances of alopecia or extensive hair loss, we suggest a rigorous gluten cost-free diet for 4 weeks as a test. (19).
Vitamin A- Loss of hair is a sign of Vitamin A poisoning specifically in kidney failure. Usually, fixes when toxicity is dealt with. (20).
Emu Oil- Includes linolenic acid a powerful 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Compound with virgin coconut.
oil to develop an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory scalp treatment to DHT.
3. Adequate Protein.
Inadequate protein effects on your hair development. The CDC recommends 46 to 56.
The CDC recommends 46 to 56 grams of protein each tain to maintain hair development. (21).
Inadequate healthy protein causes protein rationing by closing down much less vital functions.
4. Iron.
When iron levels drop below 30 mg/L hair growth as well as regeneration are lowered. Iron deficiency frequently causes hair to be weak as well as dry with narrowing or splitting of the hair shaft. Iron substitute recovered hair growth in those whose sole concern was iron deficiency. (22-23).
5. GI Evaluation-The 4 R's.
Diminished belly acid leads to damaged protein digestion as well as lowered nutrient absorption. Disrupted GI vegetation causes insufficient nutrient use. Pancreatic enzyme deficiency brings about malabsorption of crucial fatty acids as well as zinc.
The "4 R's" include (24):.
" Remove" inflammatory foods such as gluten, milk, corn, soy, eggs and sugar. Remove gastric toxic irritants like alcohol, caffeine or medicines. Infections, also low quality infections should be treated with herbs, antiparasitic as well as antifungal medication, anti-fungal supplements and also antibiotics when proper.
" Replace" important nutrients for appropriate usage of foodstuffs. Gastrointestinal enzymes, hydrochloric acid and also bile salts are required for proper food digestion. "Bring back" normal GI flora. Probiotics including bifidobacteria as well as lactobacillus.
" Bring back" typical GI flora. Probiotics containing bifidobacteria as well as lactobacillus dosed from 25 to 100 billion devices a day along with prebiotics as well as fiber.
" Repair," L-glutamine together with zinc, omega 3 fish oil, vitamins A, C, E, slippery elm as well as aloe vera containing supplements rebuilds the damaged digestive wall.
I hope you located this article "Holistic Medical professional Reno NV 5 Solutions to Hair Loss" useful in your begin to an alternative useful natural medicine health and wellness remedy in Reno, Carson City as well as Stimulates NV.
Call Dr. William Clearfield's office to help with your solutions and also personalized therapy plan.
Dr William Clearfield 
Address: 9550 S. McCarran Blvd b.
Reno, NV 89523.
Phone: 775-359-1222.
Fax: 888-977-3503.
0 notes
averyreadsanimorphs · 7 years
Holistic Doctor Reno NV With 5 Solutions For Hair Loss
Anti Aging Specialist is an All natural Medical professional In Reno NV Offering Resolutions to Loss of hair with Practical Medication.
Also an All natural Medical professional in Reno NV has actually to be concerned concerning thinning hair. But who doesn't admire a great head of hair? We wish for, envy, as well as praise an excellent head of hair? Millions are not so fortunate. Go in advance go search in the mirror and inspect it out. Don't forget the spot on the rear of your head. Yes, girls you as well.
Here are some techniques to a service that will certainly assist your thinning hair. Reno Holistic Doctor William Clearfield has an alternate health strategy and also began the Hair Remediation Project below in Reno and lately appeared on the "Ask The Doctor" section on KTVN Channel 2 News here in Reno NV mentioning services for hair loss. It is very insightful and entertaining. View by clicking link listed below.
This short article will provide you a "head" begin ... Yes, fine say goodbye to poor word play heres.
Below are suggestions that will certainly assist you and may surprise you, particularly the very first one. If you have any kind of inquiries please feel cost-free to set up an appointment to review treatment options.
1. Appropriate Hypothyroidism Medical diagnosis & Therapy (13-14).
Yes, believe it or otherwise, your thyroid could influence your hair roots. The thyroid works as the body's "gas pedal." Like Goldilocks, we need it to be perfect, not inadequate, not excessive.
98% of all thyroid problems cause hypothyroidism. Common symptoms include being chilly regularly, weight gain that cannot be explained, being tired at all times, thinning of the hair, the external third of the brow, the skin and the nails, enhanced body fat, energy loss, amnesia, moody, reduced body temperature level (never more than 97.6 F), retaining water, as well as simply not really feeling fairly best.
2. Nutritional deficiencies.
Nutritional deficiencies, particularly silica as well as zinc results in hair loss.
Secret Supplements for Healthy and balanced Hair (15).
Biotin- Water-soluble B-vitamin located in green leafy veggies. Controls mitochondrial enzymes in hair follicles. Depleted by smoking, aging, excess alcohol, arduous workout, burn victims, shortened digestive tract syndrome (GI resections), achlorhydria, and also raw egg consumption. (16-17) Usage orally or in essential oil blend. Dose is 30-100 mcg/day.
Zinc -Advertises cell recreation, cells growth and repair work of damaged cells. Keeps the oil-secreting glands connected to hair follicles. Research showed that 15 individuals with alopecia areata got 45 mg of zinc TID. All had total return of hair growth within 6 months. (18) Maintenance dosage is 15 mg daily in addition to 1 mg copper as an equilibrium.
Maintenance dose is 15 mg daily together with 1 mg copper as an equilibrium.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine- Precursor to glutathione one of the most powerful antioxidant in the body. Secures DNA from chemical damage, purifies hefty metals, as well as it maintains arteries and also respiratory tracts open. It triggers vital features of the body immune system.
B Vitamins (B6, B12)- Through Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate (PLP), the B Vitamins work as drivers to turn on the enzymes and chemical reactions to commence the metabolism of keratin and melanin in the hair roots. B vitamins manage hormonal agent release., managing androgen interaction with hair metabolic process. Testosterone breaks down right into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Elevated DHT degrees reduces hair growth by decreasing the length of the anagen, hair growth stage, as well as the follicle dimension. Vitamin B6 binds to the testosterone receptors, quiting DHT development.
Niacin- Vitamin B3 transforms carbs right into energy, provides the power to cells where needed and also preserves cell honesty. Niacin is a vasodilator, thus the niacin "flush" so typical when taken, "washes" carbohydrates through the body, minimizing visceral fat and product cholesterol. The flush could be lessened by taking niacin with a dish or beginning (with a) reduced dose and also gradually boosting its strength.
The vasodilator impact of niacin provides enhanced oxygen as well as nutrients to the hair roots causing thicker.
Arginine- L-arginine, a precursor to nitrogen oxide, opens up the potassium channels of the cell, enhancing blood supply to the hair root.
Lysine- A necessary amino acid, lysine boosts collagen as well as is necessary for recovering harmed hair.
Food resources for lysine consist of fish (particularly salmon, sardines as well as cod), dairy, fowl, red meat, pork, legumes, nuts, spirulina and pulses.
Saw Palmetto (for Guy)- Prevents conversion of testosterone to DHT Acetyl-L-Carnitine- Up regulates expansion as well as down manages apoptosis in hair follicle keratinocytes. Turns fat into energy. Acetyl-L Carnitine enhances the membrane layer possibility of the hair follicle which is significantly diminished in addition to potassium channel feature within withering hair roots.
Iron- A lack of iron results in a decline in hemoglobin, the active ingredient that lugs oxygen for development.
as well as fixing of all cells consisting of hair roots. Iron deficiency states move hair roots into a.
early and prolonged telogen (relaxing) stage.
Hair development is a "non-essential" physical function. It is one of the very first systems to close down in a state.
of iron deficiency. For this reason, loss of hair is an early indication of iron deficiency anemia.
Vitamin D- Necessary for calcium homeostasis, immune guideline, and cell growth. A host of autoimmune diseases, including alopecia location, exhibit low levels of Vitamin D. The extent of product 25( OH) D shortage is vice versa associated to the seriousness of loss of hair.
Gluten- Loss of hair is an early indicator of gluten intolerance. In all situations of alopecia or extensive hair loss, we recommend a strict gluten complimentary diet regimen for 4 weeks as a trial. (19).
Vitamin A- Loss of hair is a symptom of Vitamin A poisoning specifically in renal failure. Generally, solves when toxicity is resolved. (20).
Emu Oil- Consists of linolenic acid a potent 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Substance with virgin coconut.
oil to develop an anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory scalp therapy to DHT.
3. Ample Protein.
Inadequate healthy protein impacts on your hair growth. The CDC advises 46 to 56.
The CDC advises 46 to 56 grams of healthy protein each tain to keep hair development. (21).
Insufficient protein causes protein rationing by closing down lesser features.
4. Iron.
When iron levels drop listed below 30 mg/L hair development as well as regrowth are decreased. Iron shortage commonly causes hair to be weak and also dry with tightening or splitting of the hair shaft. Iron replacement recovered hair growth in those whose single issue was iron shortage. (22-23).
5. GI Evaluation-The 4 R's.
Diminished tummy acid causes damaged protein food digestion and decreased nutrient absorption. Disturbed GI vegetation brings about insufficient nutrient utilization. Pancreatic enzyme shortage results in malabsorption of essential fatty acids as well as zinc.
The "4 R's" consist of (24):.
" Remove" inflammatory foods such as gluten, milk, corn, soy, eggs and sugar. Eliminate gastric irritants like alcohol, caffeine or medications. Infections, also reduced quality infections should be treated with herbs, antiparasitic and also antifungal drug, anti-fungal supplements as well as anti-biotics when proper.
" Replace" crucial nutrients for appropriate application of foodstuffs. Digestion enzymes, hydrochloric acid as well as bile salts are needed for appropriate digestion. "Restore" normal GI flora. Probiotics consisting of bifidobacteria as well as lactobacillus.
" Recover" typical GI plants. Probiotics including bifidobacteria as well as lactobacillus dosed from 25 to 100 billion systems a day together with prebiotics as well as fiber.
" Repair work," L-glutamine together with zinc, omega 3 fish oil, vitamins A, C, E, unsafe elm and aloe vera consisting of supplements reconstructs the broken digestive wall.
I hope you found this post "Holistic Doctor Reno NV 5 Solutions to Hair Loss" practical in your begin to an alternative functional natural medicine wellness service in Reno, Carson City and Triggers NV.
Contact Dr. William Clearfield's office to aid with your solutions as well as tailored therapy strategy.
Dr William Clearfield 
Address: 9550 S. McCarran Blvd b.
Reno, NV 89523.
Phone: 775-359-1222.
Fax: 888-977-3503.
bald spot
0 notes
saureus · 7 years
Holistic Doctor Reno NV With 5 Solutions For Hair Loss
Anti Aging Expert is an All natural Physician In Reno NV Offering Resolutions to Hair Loss with Useful Medication.
Even an Alternative Doctor in Reno NV needs to be concerned regarding thinning hair. But who doesn't appreciate a fine head of hair? We yearn for, envy, as well as prayer a terrific head of hair? Millions are not so lucky. Go on go search in the mirror as well as inspect it out. Do not forget the spot on the rear of your head. Yes, ladies you as well.
Below are some methods to a remedy that will certainly aid your thinning hair. Reno Holistic Medical professional William Clearfield has an alternative wellness technique and began the Hair Remediation Job right here in Reno and also just recently appeared on the "Ask The Physician" sector on KTVN Network 2 Information right here in Reno NV discussing options for hair loss. It is pretty insightful and enjoyable. View by clicking web link below.
This write-up will certainly give you a "head" start ... Yes, all right no a lot more poor puns.
Right here are suggestions that will certainly assist you as well as might stun you, specifically the initial one. If you have any kind of inquiries please do not hesitate to arrange an appointment to talk about treatment services.
1. Correct Hypothyroidism Medical diagnosis & Treatment (13-14).
Yes, think it or not, your thyroid could impact your hair follicles. The thyroid operates as the body's "gas pedal." Like Goldilocks, we require it to be perfect, not insufficient, not way too much.
98% of all thyroid disorders result in hypothyroidism. Typical signs consist of being cool regularly, weight gain that cannot be described, being tired at all times, thinning of the hair, the outer third of the brow, the skin and also the nails, boosted body fat, power loss, memory loss, moody, reduced body temperature level (never above 97.6 F), keeping water, and also just not feeling fairly ideal.
2. Nutritional deficiencies.
Nutritional deficiencies, specifically silica and zinc brings about hair loss.
Secret Supplements for Healthy and balanced Hair (15).
Biotin- Water-soluble B-vitamin located in green leafy veggies. Regulates mitochondrial enzymes in hair roots. Diminished by smoking, aging, excess alcohol, arduous workout, melt victims, reduced intestine syndrome (GI resections), achlorhydria, and raw egg usage. (16-17) Use by mouth or in necessary oil combination. Dose is 30-100 mcg/day.
Zinc -Promotes cell reproduction, tissue development as well as repair service of damaged cells. Maintains the oil-secreting glands affixed to hair roots. Study showed that 15 individuals with alopecia location received 45 mg of zinc TID. All had full return of hair development within 6 months. (18) Upkeep dosage is 15 mg each day together with 1 mg copper as a balance.
Maintenance dosage is 15 mg each day together with 1 mg copper as a balance.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine- Precursor to glutathione one of the most effective anti-oxidant in the body. Protects DNA from chemical damages, detoxes heavy steels, and also it keeps arteries and respiratory tracts open. It triggers vital features of the body immune system.
B Vitamins (B6, B12)- In the form of Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate (PLP), the B Vitamins serve as catalysts to turn on the enzymes and also chemical reactions to begin the metabolic rate of keratin as well as melanin in the hair roots. B vitamins regulate hormone release., managing androgen interaction with hair metabolism. Testosterone breaks down right into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Raised DHT degrees lessens hair development by reducing the length of the anagen, hair development stage, as well as the roots size. Vitamin B6 binds to the testosterone receptors, quiting DHT development.
Niacin- Vitamin B3 transforms carbs right into power, delivers the energy to cells where required as well as preserves cell honesty. Niacin is a vasodilator, for this reason the niacin "flush" so common when taken, "cleans" carbohydrates via the body, lowering visceral fat and lotion cholesterol. The flush can be minimized by taking niacin with a meal or starting (with a) low dosage and progressively raising its effectiveness.
The vasodilator impact of niacin delivers increased oxygen and also nutrients to the hair follicle leading to thicker.
Arginine- L-arginine, a precursor to nitrogen oxide, opens up the potassium networks of the cell, enhancing blood supply to the hair root.
Lysine- A vital amino acid, lysine stimulates collagen and is needed for restoring damaged hair.
Food resources for lysine include fish (especially salmon, sardines as well as cod), dairy, poultry, red meat, pork, beans, nuts, spirulina and also pulses.
Saw Palmetto (for Guy)- Prevents conversion of testosterone to DHT Acetyl-L-Carnitine- Up controls proliferation as well as down manages apoptosis in hair roots keratinocytes. Transforms fat right into power. Acetyl-L Carnitine improves the membrane layer possibility of the hair follicle which is dramatically diminished along with potassium channel function within withering hair roots.
Iron- An absence of iron leads to a decrease in hemoglobin, the active ingredient that carries oxygen for development.
and repair service of all cells including hair follicles. Iron shortage states removal hair roots right into a.
premature as well as long term telogen (resting) stage.
Hair growth is a "non-essential" physical function. It is among the initial systems to close down in a state.
of iron deficiency. Thus, hair loss is an early warning sign of iron deficiency anemia.
Vitamin D- Vital for calcium homeostasis, immune law, as well as cell development. A host of autoimmune diseases, consisting of alopecia areata, show reduced levels of Vitamin D. The seriousness of product 25( OH) D deficiency is inversely associated to the intensity of hair loss.
Gluten- Hair loss is a very early indication of gluten intolerance. In all situations of alopecia or comprehensive hair loss, we advise a rigorous gluten totally free diet regimen for 4 weeks as a test. (19).
Vitamin A- Hair loss is a sign of Vitamin A toxicity particularly in kidney failing. Normally, settles when toxicity is resolved. (20).
Emu Oil- Contains linolenic acid a potent 5-alpha reductase prevention. Compound with virgin coconut.
oil to produce an anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory scalp therapy to DHT.
3. Adequate Protein.
Insufficient healthy protein impacts on your hair growth. The CDC recommends 46 to 56.
The CDC advises 46 to 56 grams of protein each tain to preserve hair growth. (21).
Insufficient protein results in healthy protein rationing by closing down less crucial functions.
4. Iron.
When iron degrees drop below 30 mg/L hair growth and also regrowth are reduced. Iron shortage frequently creates hair to be breakable as well as completely dry with tightening or splitting of the hair shaft. Iron substitute brought back hair development in those whose sole problem was iron deficiency. (22-23).
5. GI Evaluation-The 4 R's.
Diminished stomach acid leads to impaired healthy protein food digestion and lowered nutrient absorption. Disturbed GI flora brings about inadequate nutrient utilization. Pancreatic enzyme shortage brings about malabsorption of important fatty acids as well as zinc.
The "4 R's" include (24):.
" Eliminate" inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy products, corn, soy, eggs as well as sugar. Remove stomach toxic irritants like alcohol, caffeine or drugs. Infections, even reduced grade infections have to be treated with herbs, antiparasitic and also antifungal medicine, anti-fungal supplements and also prescription antibiotics when proper.
" Change" vital nutrients for correct usage of foods items. Digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid and bile salts are needed for proper food digestion. "Restore" normal GI vegetation. Probiotics having bifidobacteria and lactobacillus.
" Restore" typical GI plants. Probiotics including bifidobacteria as well as lactobacillus dosed from 25 to 100 billion systems a day together with prebiotics as well as fiber.
" Repair work," L-glutamine in addition to zinc, omega 3 fish oil, vitamins A, C, E, unsafe elm as well as aloe vera consisting of supplements reconstructs the damaged intestinal wall surface.
I hope you discovered this write-up "Holistic Doctor Reno NV 5 Solutions to Hair Loss" practical in your start to an all natural useful alternate medication health solution in Reno, Carson City and also Triggers NV.
Call Dr. William Clearfield's workplace in order to help with your options and also customized therapy plan.
Dr William Clearfield 
Address: 9550 S. McCarran Blvd b.
Reno, NV 89523.
Phone: 775-359-1222.
Fax: 888-977-3503.
bald spot
0 notes
getqcomtech · 7 years
Holistic Doctor Reno NV With 5 Solutions For Hair Loss
Anti Aging Professional is an All natural Doctor In Reno NV Offering Resolutions to Loss of hair with Functional Medication.
Also an Alternative Medical professional in Reno NV needs to be concerned concerning thinning hair. Yet that does not appreciate a fine head of hair? We yearn for, covet, as well as even praise a great head of hair? Millions are not so lucky. Go ahead go search in the mirror and also inspect it out. Do not forget the place on the back of your head. Yes, women you also.
Here are some methods to a remedy that will certainly help your thinning hair. Reno Holistic Physician William Clearfield has a different wellness strategy and also began the Hair Restoration Job below in Reno and just recently showed up on the "Ask The Medical professional" sector on KTVN Channel 2 Information right here in Reno NV speaking regarding options for loss of hair. It is pretty informative and entertaining. View by clicking link listed below.
This short article will offer you a "head" beginning ... Yes, okay say goodbye to negative puns.
Right here are suggestions that will certainly help you and may amaze you, specifically the initial one. If you have any inquiries please feel totally free to set up an appointment to review therapy solutions.
1. Appropriate Hypothyroidism Diagnosis & Treatment (13-14).
Yes, think it or otherwise, your thyroid can impact your hair roots. The thyroid operates as the body's "gas pedal." Like Goldilocks, we require it to be ideal, not too little, not excessive.
98% of all thyroid problems cause hypothyroidism. Usual signs and symptoms consist of being cool at all times, weight gain that cannot be explained, being tired constantly, thinning of the hair, the outer third of the eyebrow, the skin as well as the nails, increased body fat, energy loss, memory loss, moody, reduced body temperature (never above 97.6 F), retaining water, and simply not really feeling fairly appropriate.
2. Nutritional shortages.
Nutritional shortages, particularly silica as well as zinc brings about loss of hair.
Key Supplements for Healthy Hair (15).
Biotin- Water-soluble B-vitamin discovered in environment-friendly leafy veggies. Controls mitochondrial enzymes in hair roots. Depleted by cigarette smoking cigarettes, aging, excess alcohol, difficult workout, shed sufferers, reduced intestine syndrome (GI resections), achlorhydria, and also raw egg usage. (16-17) Usage orally or in necessary oil combination. Dosage is 30-100 mcg/day.
Zinc -Promotes cell reproduction, tissue growth as well as repair work of busted cells. Preserves the oil-secreting glands attached to hair follicles. Research study showed that 15 individuals with alopecia location obtained 45 mg of zinc TID. All had total return of hair development within 6 months. (18) Upkeep dose is 15 mg each day along with 1 mg copper as a balance.
Upkeep dosage is 15 mg daily together with 1 mg copper as a balance.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine- Forerunner to glutathione the most powerful anti-oxidant in the body. Safeguards DNA from chemical damage, detoxes hefty metals, as well as it maintains arteries as well as airways open. It triggers crucial functions of the immune system.
B Vitamins (B6, B12)- Through Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate (PLP), the B Vitamins work as stimulants to trigger the enzymes as well as chemical responses to begin the metabolism of keratin and also melanin in the hair follicles. B vitamins control hormonal agent release., managing androgen interaction with hair metabolism. Testosterone breaks down right into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Elevated DHT levels lessens hair growth by reducing the size of the anagen, hair development phase, as well as the follicle size. Vitamin B6 binds to the testosterone receptors, quiting DHT development.
Niacin- Vitamin B3 transforms carbs into power, delivers the power to cells where needed and preserves cell integrity. Niacin is a vasodilator, therefore the niacin "flush" so common when taken, "cleans" carbohydrates through the body, minimizing natural fat and lotion cholesterol. The flush could be reduced by taking niacin with a meal or starting (with a) low dose and gradually raising its effectiveness.
The vasodilator impact of niacin delivers increased oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicle causing thicker.
Arginine- L-arginine, a precursor to nitrogen oxide, opens up the potassium networks of the cell, enhancing blood supply to the hair root.
Lysine- A necessary amino acid, lysine boosts collagen as well as is needed for bring back damaged hair.
Food resources for lysine consist of fish (especially salmon, sardines and cod), milk, fowl, red meat, pork, legumes, nuts, spirulina and pulses.
Saw Palmetto (for Men)- Avoids conversion of testosterone to DHT Acetyl-L-Carnitine- Up controls expansion and down controls apoptosis in hair roots keratinocytes. Transforms fat right into energy. Acetyl-L Carnitine boosts the membrane possibility of the hair roots which is significantly reduced together with potassium network feature within withering hair follicles.
Iron- A lack of iron causes a decrease in hemoglobin, the ingredient that lugs oxygen for development.
and repair service of all cells consisting of hair follicles. Iron deficiency states move hair follicles right into a.
early as well as prolonged telogen (resting) stage.
Hair growth is a "non-essential" physical feature. It is one of the initial systems to close down in a state.
of iron deficiency. Hence, hair loss is an early caution indicator of iron shortage anemia.
Vitamin D- Necessary for calcium homeostasis, immune law, and also cell growth. A host of autoimmune diseases, including alopecia areata, show low levels of Vitamin D. The intensity of product 25( OH) D deficiency is vice versa related to the severity of loss of hair.
Gluten- Hair loss is an early indication of gluten intolerance. In all cases of alopecia or extensive hair loss, we advise a rigorous gluten complimentary diet for 4 weeks as a trial. (19).
Vitamin A- Loss of hair is a sign of Vitamin A toxicity especially in renal failing. Generally, fixes when toxicity is dealt with. (20).
Emu Oil- Has linolenic acid a powerful 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Compound with virgin coconut.
oil to produce an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory scalp treatment to DHT.
3. Adequate Healthy protein.
Not enough healthy protein results on your hair growth. The CDC advises 46 to 56.
The CDC suggests 46 to 56 grams of protein each tain to keep hair growth. (21).
Inadequate protein causes protein rationing by closing down lesser features.
4. Iron.
When iron degrees fall listed below 30 mg/L hair development as well as regrowth are decreased. Iron shortage frequently creates hair to be breakable and completely dry with narrowing or splitting of the hair shaft. Iron substitute brought back hair growth in those whose single concern was iron shortage. (22-23).
5. GI Evaluation-The 4 R's.
Depleted tummy acid results in impaired protein food digestion and lowered nutrient absorption. Disrupted GI plants brings about poor nutrient utilization. Pancreatic enzyme deficiency leads to malabsorption of crucial fatty acids and also zinc.
The "4 R's" include (24):.
" Eliminate" inflammatory foods such as gluten, milk, corn, soy, eggs as well as sugar. Eliminate gastric toxic irritants like alcohol, high levels of caffeine or medicines. Infections, also low quality infections need to be treated with natural herbs, antiparasitic and also antifungal medicine, anti-fungal supplements as well as antibiotics when appropriate.
" Replace" essential nutrients for correct use of foods. Digestion enzymes, hydrochloric acid and bile salts are required for proper food digestion. "Bring back" normal GI flora. Probiotics containing bifidobacteria and also lactobacillus.
" Bring back" regular GI plants. Probiotics containing bifidobacteria as well as lactobacillus dosed from 25 to 100 billion systems a day along with prebiotics and fiber.
" Repair service," L-glutamine together with zinc, omega 3 fish oil, vitamins A, C, E, unsafe elm and aloe vera containing supplements restores the broken digestive wall.
I wish you found this article "Holistic Medical professional Reno NV 5 Solutions to Loss of hair" valuable in your begin to an alternative useful natural medicine health option in Reno, Carson City as well as Triggers NV.
Call Dr. William Clearfield's workplace to assist with your solutions and also tailored therapy plan.
Dr William Clearfield 
Address: 9550 S. McCarran Blvd b.
Reno, NV 89523.
Phone: 775-359-1222.
Fax: 888-977-3503.
bald spot
0 notes
Holistic Doctor Reno NV With 5 Solutions For Hair Loss
Anti Aging Expert is an All natural Physician In Reno NV Offering Resolutions to Loss of hair with Functional Medicine.
Also a Holistic Doctor in Reno NV has actually to be worried regarding thinning hair. But who doesn't admire a great head of hair? We long for, envy, or even praise a great head of hair? Millions are not so fortunate. Proceed go look in the mirror and check it out. Always remember the area on the rear of your head. Yes, girls you too.
Here are some methods to a solution that will help your thinning hair. Reno Holistic Doctor William Clearfield has an alternate health strategy and began the Hair Remediation Project below in Reno as well as just recently showed up on the "Ask The Medical professional" segment on KTVN Network 2 News here in Reno NV discussing solutions for hair loss. It is quite insightful and amusing. See by clicking link below.
This post will offer you a "head" begin ... Yes, fine say goodbye to bad word play heres.
Below are pointers that will certainly help you as well as may shock you, especially the very first one. If you have any concerns please don't hesitate to schedule a consultation to go over treatment remedies.
1. Appropriate Hypothyroidism Diagnosis & Treatment (13-14).
Yes, believe it or otherwise, your thyroid can affect your hair follicles. The thyroid works as the body's "gas pedal." Like Goldilocks, we need it to be perfect, not inadequate, not way too much.
98% of all thyroid problems result in hypothyroidism. Common signs and symptoms consist of being cold regularly, weight gain that cannot be discussed, being tired regularly, thinning of the hair, the external third of the brow, the skin and the nails, increased body fat, energy loss, amnesia, moody, reduced body temperature level (never higher than 97.6 F), keeping water, and also simply not feeling fairly appropriate.
2. Nutritional deficiencies.
Nutritional shortages, especially silica as well as zinc brings about loss of hair.
Trick Supplements for Healthy Hair (15).
Biotin- Water-soluble B-vitamin located in eco-friendly leafy veggies. Regulates mitochondrial enzymes in hair roots. Diminished by cigarette smoking, aging, excess alcohol, laborious exercise, melt victims, shortened intestine disorder (GI resections), achlorhydria, and also raw egg usage. (16-17) Usage orally or in important oil mixture. Dose is 30-100 mcg/day.
Zinc -Advertises cell reproduction, tissue growth as well as repair service of damaged cells. Maintains the oil-secreting glands connected to hair follicles. Research showed that 15 patients with alopecia areata obtained 45 mg of zinc TID. All had total return of hair growth within 6 months. (18) Maintenance dosage is 15 mg daily together with 1 mg copper as a balance.
Maintenance dosage is 15 mg per day along with 1 mg copper as a balance.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine- Precursor to glutathione one of the most effective antioxidant in the body. Protects DNA from chemical damage, cleanses hefty metals, and it maintains arteries and also respiratory tracts open. It triggers essential features of the body immune system.
B Vitamins (B6, B12)- Through Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate (PLP), the B Vitamins serve as stimulants to activate the enzymes as well as chain reactions to begin the metabolic process of keratin as well as melanin in the hair roots. B vitamins manage hormone release., regulating androgen communication with hair metabolism. Testosterone breaks down right into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Raised DHT degrees lessens hair growth by lowering the size of the anagen, hair growth phase, as well as the hair follicle size. Vitamin B6 binds to the testosterone receptors, stopping DHT formation.
Niacin- Vitamin B3 converts carbohydrates right into energy, delivers the energy to cells where needed as well as preserves cell stability. Niacin is a vasodilator, hence the niacin "flush" so common when taken, "washes" carbohydrates with the body, minimizing visceral fat and also product cholesterol. The flush could be minimized by taking niacin with a meal or starting (with a) low dosage as well as progressively raising its strength.
The vasodilator impact of niacin delivers boosted oxygen as well as nutrients to the hair roots causing thicker.
Arginine- L-arginine, a forerunner to nitrogen oxide, opens the potassium channels of the cell, improving blood supply to the hair root.
Lysine- A crucial amino acid, lysine stimulates collagen as well as is necessary for bring back damaged hair.
Food resources for lysine consist of fish (specifically salmon, sardines and cod), milk, fowl, red meat, pork, vegetables, nuts, spirulina and also pulses.
Saw Palmetto (for Guy)- Prevents conversion of testosterone to DHT Acetyl-L-Carnitine- Up controls proliferation and also down regulates apoptosis in hair follicle keratinocytes. Transforms fat right into power. Acetyl-L Carnitine improves the membrane possibility of the hair follicle which is dramatically decreased together with potassium channel function within withering hair follicles.
Iron- A lack of iron causes a decline in hemoglobin, the active ingredient that carries oxygen for growth.
and also repair of all cells consisting of hair roots. Iron shortage states relocate hair roots right into a.
premature and extended telogen (relaxing) stage.
Hair growth is a "non-essential" bodily feature. It is one of the initial systems to close down in a state.
of iron deficiency. Therefore, loss of hair is an early caution sign of iron shortage anemia.
Vitamin D- Vital for calcium homeostasis, immune regulation, as well as cell growth. A host of autoimmune conditions, consisting of alopecia location, display low degrees of Vitamin D. The seriousness of serum 25( OH) D shortage is vice versa pertaining to the intensity of loss of hair.
Gluten- Loss of hair is a very early indication of gluten intolerance. In all cases of alopecia or considerable hair loss, we advise a rigorous gluten complimentary diet regimen for 4 weeks as a trial. (19).
Vitamin A- Hair loss is a signs and symptom of Vitamin A toxicity especially in renal failure. Generally, solves when poisoning is addressed. (20).
Emu Oil- Has linolenic acid a potent 5-alpha reductase prevention. Substance with virgin coconut.
oil to create an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory scalp treatment to DHT.
3. Ample Healthy protein.
Insufficient protein results on your hair growth. The CDC recommends 46 to 56.
The CDC advises 46 to 56 grams of protein each tain to preserve hair growth. (21).
Poor healthy protein leads to healthy protein rationing by closing down lesser functions.
4. Iron.
When iron levels drop below 30 mg/L hair growth and also regrowth are reduced. Iron shortage generally triggers hair to be breakable and also dry with tightening or splitting of the hair shaft. Iron substitute brought back hair development in those whose sole concern was iron shortage. (22-23).
5. GI Evaluation-The 4 R's.
Depleted tummy acid results in damaged protein digestion as well as lowered nutrient absorption. Interrupted GI vegetation leads to poor nutrient usage. Pancreatic enzyme shortage leads to malabsorption of necessary fatty acids and also zinc.
The "4 R's" include (24):.
" Eliminate" inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy products, corn, soy, eggs and sugar. Remove stomach irritants like alcohol, high levels of caffeine or drugs. Infections, even reduced quality infections should be treated with herbs, antiparasitic as well as antifungal medicine, anti-fungal supplements as well as anti-biotics when appropriate.
" Change" crucial nutrients for appropriate use of foods. Gastrointestinal enzymes, hydrochloric acid as well as bile salts are needed for correct food digestion. "Recover" typical GI vegetation. Probiotics containing bifidobacteria and lactobacillus.
" Recover" regular GI plants. Probiotics having bifidobacteria and lactobacillus dosed from 25 to 100 billion devices a day in addition to prebiotics and also fiber.
" Repair," L-glutamine in addition to zinc, omega 3 fish oil, vitamins A, C, E, unsafe elm as well as aloe vera having supplements restores the damaged intestinal wall surface.
I wish you located this article "Holistic Physician Reno NV 5 Solutions to Loss of hair" helpful in your begin to an all natural useful natural medicine health service in Reno, Carson City and also Stimulates NV.
Contact Dr. William Clearfield's workplace in order to help with your solutions as well as customized therapy strategy.
Dr William Clearfield 
Address: 9550 S. McCarran Blvd b.
Reno, NV 89523.
Phone: 775-359-1222.
Fax: 888-977-3503.
bald spot
0 notes