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mizunosuzuka · 10 months ago
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I was inspired by @kottkrig's recent deader art to redoodle up some of my WoW characters, including my blind undead Monk Artemezia, and her new bestie Odtsetseg, a hot tempered (and also blind) brewmaster monk that takes absolutely no shit.
They'll be in a bagel shop near you so make sure there's plenty of sesame.
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dracomycin · 2 months ago
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Commission for Ivy Cloudstrike on Moonguard-us!
These are 5kg💙 main is Yukaze Moonguard-us! Alliance-side!
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nonsensesnap · 1 year ago
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• calm reflection •
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midnightmagicks · 11 months ago
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Day 4: Danger A new subject joins VierApril :D!
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eluviannaa · 9 months ago
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Ttypo 💚 The rose mog is everything
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ansu-gurleht · 6 months ago
windwalker is so fun. especially when you do a big pull of like 4-5 guys and you have such good multitarget like. 1) fists of fury 2) spinning crane kick with its many modifying talents 3) strike of the windlord and its modifying talents 4) shadowboxer’s treads to make blackout kick cleave 5) whirling dragon punch (might have modifiers idk yet just got it) 6) jadefire stomp and its modifiers. plus all these are good single target too alongside rising sun kick. plus good survivability with fortifying brew/expel harm/the talent that gives you strong instant vivifies/the talent that boosts your dodge chances. such a fun spec all around
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fnibble · 6 months ago
cant believe i got myself addicted to wow again
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mistweaverlily · 1 year ago
☁️ The White Crane ☁️
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geraiodli · 2 years ago
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I'm back from the dead with some oc ref lists for art fight!! It'll be my first time and I am very excited!! It was hard but I drew them all. Not the less, I have few more to draw!!
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moons-guard · 17 days ago
Hi. I really love healing and made this giant file full of me infodumping all I my thoughts on it. I made this to help my guildies when they have asked me how to get into healing and I just want to put it here, too. Course you can look most of this up on WowHead, and you should; but in case you want a guide with some weird girl memes, fanart and disability perspective, here ya go!
I am not an expert, just an enthusiast. Each class is listed from most experience to least experience on my part.
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thesketchykids · 2 years ago
Unyielding Resolve: Turkey's Mistweaver Monk Shines Amidst Mage's Lobby Struggles
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plumadot · 6 months ago
Your art style has such a mochi texture to it I love it so much
Do you have any OCs you can show and maybe info dump about?
hi hi aaaa thank you and yes i'd love to talk about some of my children even though i actually suck at backstories and sometimes don't bother with them at all so i hope that's ok gkfjdkgjfd
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this is my baby rune they're lovely and round and they have many friends but their favourite friend is arden mmmmmmm rune is a little wizard who works hard but is a little bit dumb,,, they try to be very responsible but they're also naive and oblivious,,, which is why they have arden to help out because arden is the most protective and frankly untrusting person gkfdjkg like who hurt you. she's a cool ranger gal with a cool tattoo who lives in the woods and teaches rune about adventuring and fighting monsters and stuff. until she realizes that rune is not just a silly cutie but also really powerful and cool and she develops a big crush
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and i'm sorry to bring up my dnd character once more BUT I LOVE HER SHE'S MY PRECIOUS DAUGHTER,,,,,, her name is roselle fayanna mistweaver and she's a proper little lady from a wealthy upper class family who was taught to be proper and good and skilled and quiet and happy all the time and- she's not that,,,,, her older sisters are good at everything and she's just... not. her parents weren't around much and she could feel their disappointment so much that she desperately looked for ways to prove herself,,,, and she found a dryad's magic and made a pact with her... elri gave her a way to make her drawings come to life with magic and roselle became a bard!!!!!! :D (not a warlock hehe. unless????) the magic is very weird and freaky though and sometimes weird shit happens. roselle ended up running away from home and she's now lost with an adventuring party in vampires and werewolves land. which SUCKS but!!!!! she can maybe find a way to be cool and useful for her new friends????? maybe????
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and and and idk if this counts but my sona has lore??? sorta??????? i'm slowly building/revealing it on my mc server gkfjkg and i hope it's not lame but. i might show some of the stuff i put into the world here if anyone's interested? :O for now all you gotta know is that they're mostly moss. and they don't know many things. but they have a lot of robot friends... just not many... living ones... until the other ant cats arrived on the server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't do a lot of oc stuff anymore but i'm very passionate about the children i do have!!!!!! i'm sorry the backstories are so next to nothing but i hope this was at least a little interesting!!!!!!! :D <3
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tourettesdog · 6 months ago
I am having extremely specific and niche ideas I must share. Specifically headcanons for Danny Phantom characters playing World of Warcraft
I feel like Sam would have been the first of them to get into WoW. Something other to play than Doomed, with a heavier focus on questing. She'd play on a PVP server and would be something of a legend on her realm.
She'd pretty much do everything, from hardcore raiding, to achievement hunting, to a little roleplaying on the side with friends.
She'd have two characters she swaps between, a troll warlock and an undead rogue, and would have the most min-maxed gear she can possibly get at all times. A "for the Horde!" girlie all the way. The warlock has tailoring/enchanting for professions, and the rogue mining/jewelcrafting, and she's got every recipe she can get her hands on for both.
I could see Sam trying to get Tucker and Danny into WoW, only to be wildly disappointed with their character decisions as both of them cozy up Alliance-side on a roleplaying realm.
Tucker takes one glance at worgen and goes "I'm gonna be a fucking werewolf" and it's all over from there. His main would be a guardian/feral druid (tank and melee dps) with the corniest RP name you've ever seen, and he loves them dearly. He's always looking for new transmog to dress up with, and he takes his mining/engineering professions a little too seriously. He mostly plays with Danny, but probably has a horde alt Sam forced him to make so they could actually play together before cross-faction became a thing (I am being intentionally Vague about what expansions they'd be playing in).
Tucker's horde alt would be a tauren druid that ALSO runs engineering. Pretty much the same character, especially considering he spends 90% of his time in animal forms.
Danny would start off playing a night elf monk and would get more into the RP of it than he ever wants to openly admit. He loves all of the flips and shit the monks do, and he's all in on the night elf aesthetic. He swaps between mistweaver and windwalker (healer and DPS), depending on what him and Tucker need to get shit done. He doesn't really focus a lot on the professions, instead going for dual gathering with mining and herbalism so he just has a lot of rocks and plants to throw at Tucker or onto the auction house.
After the accident though, Danny takes a long, staring look at death knights and decides he needs to play one-- for the memes. He's dogshit at it after playing monk for so long, but you can pry his frost (dps) death knight from his cold, half-dead hands.
The DK is just another night elf and when he's RPing, Danny likes to say it's the same character as the monk.
(Also I specifically think that Danny would play a nelf instead of a draenei because, as a trans Danny truther, I feel like the too-buff male draeneis would be a little Much for him, and the femme ones would be too dysphoric.)
Val would very begrudgingly start playing WoW with them once she joins Team Phantom. She'd go Horde-side with Sam, with a tauren warrior decked head to toe in red. She quickly gets sucked into the game, and gets a little intense with farming for all of the things she wants-- mounts, cool transmog, some battle pets. She likes to do a lot of content alone, finding it fun to just go off questing, but she'll let herself be dragged into dungeons ever now and then. She just doesn't have the time or energy for raiding consistently.
Val winds up making a bunch of different alts eventually to keep collecting shit, and she gets scary good at gold farming so she can pay for her subscription with in-game currency. She's got a bunch of different professions she runs on her various alts, but the warrior's got mining/blacksmithing since the idea of making her own armor won her out.
Dani plays on a laptop bought with Vlad's money, on a subscription also bought with Vlad's money. She takes one look at Val and Sam playing Horde-side and decides there is no other side to play.
She mains a vulpera hunter and is a troll through and through. She lives up to the hunter stereotype of accidentally pulling everything, but makes up for it by being scary good at DPS and PVP. Her and Val do a lot of mog and mount farming together, and some of her favorite things to collect are the battle pets and toys. She's got Meerah's Jukebox (a toy that plays a song about alpacas before exploding) hotkeyed to drop at a moment's notice.
She winds up getting a little too invested in alchemy, insisting she needs to be good at making goop.
Wes would not play WoW, and would instead play FFXIV and would never shut up about how much better it is than WoW.
Lancer plays a lot of WoW during the summer when school is out. He's got a human mage who looks a bit like a buff version of him that he's been playing since the game released, and he's got all sorts of achievements and collectibles held onto from that era. He runs herbalism/inscription as a profession, and has every recipe for it under the sun. He still insists on riding his first horse mount that he ever got, and it has a Shakespearean name.
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khadgarbignaturals · 1 month ago
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visenyaism · 6 months ago
of course you used to play wow
for many tragic years as a teenager the only thing i had going for me was being a shit mistweaver monk and complaining abt stupid lore. love and light to everyone who saw me posting about that and decided to stick around anyways until i developed better taste and media literacy
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druidonity2 · 11 months ago
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Mistweaver Miku
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My baby, my daughter, my precious, my monk alt
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