#mistress pixie
alittlemxchievous · 8 months
beg me to piss on you
Yes owner!!!!!! 🥵🥵🥵
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sour-leminies · 2 months
My little Fairy
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Pairing: Hook x Fairy F!Reader
Summary: Coming to Merlin Acadamy you grew very close to the pirate with a hook. Everyone had declared you Hook's pirate Fairy. Truth be told, most people couldn't believe how loyal and caring you were to the pirate. So, when you finally snap, for the first time in a long time James didn't have you by his side, and all he knew was he wanted you back. Now.
Warnings: None I can think of, but let me know otherwise.
Taglist: @astrynyx @snixx2088 @4ng3l-ch1ld @herondale-lightworm Just ask to be tagged!
Navigation — other works!
I watched as Bridget and her friends all danced around the court yard - singing and dancing. It was sickening, they were so sweet and yet I couldn't help the part of me that yearned for that kind of friendship.
My only friend was Captain Hook, and if given the chance I'm positive he would have ditched me long ago if not for my help with things. Whenever he wasn't prepared for a test, I'd skip my own class to be in my smaller form tucked away in his shirt - telling him the answers. Or whoever he wanted me to spy on one of his victims he terrorized, I'd do so. Or when he wanted pixie dust, etc. The point was, I'd give my soul for Captain James Hook, and I don't even think he sees me as a friend.
Snapping out of my haze I landed on James's shoulder, whispering in his ear - telling him how Bridget was in the courtyard being all happy. A message he hurried to tell Uliana, before he made his way to the spot. I was still on his shoulder as he entered the courtyard with a dramatic flair.
I remained on his shoulder as he sang and danced, until Uliana turned into a flamingo. Something I couldn't help but smile at. Part of me was jealous of Uliana, and her relationship with James. It looked more intimate than his with Maleficent.
I pulled James through a different door, Maleficent following after us - and we cut the girls off. I now rested on Maleficent Horns. I let out a gasp, that came out like a jingle.
The Vk's all retreated once Uliana ran away - screaming and soaking wet. At least she was no longer a flamingo.
Once everyone cooled down, I was now in my human form laying on my bed, dressed in a nice pretty black dress. My makeup and hair had been done and all I had to do was wait for Hook to get here so we could go to that birthday dinner he promised me.
"Still no Hook?" Maleficent - who was also my roommate asked me. "No, you would think he'd show by now. I mean he's twenty minutes late." I praised the lord that my voice didn't come out as jingles when in my human form. Annoyingly so, only other Faires and James could understand me when I was in my smaller size.
"I hate to say this," my roommate spoke as she sat onto my bed with me. "But maybe he forgot."
I quickly shook my head. No way - he promised me. He had promised. He wouldn't forget me.
Slowly the hours ticked by and by the time it struck eight, two hours after the time we agreed on, Maleficent forced me up, and her hand Hades took me to dinner.
I wanted to cry, but how could I? Just because I love him, doesn't mean he loves me. At that very moment I accept that cold hard truth.
So as Maleficent rubbed my arm, and Hades even pat my head - I had decided that I would stop trying with Hook, it'll never happen anyways.
Over the next few days you ignored Hook. You hadn't made the first move to talk to him, and it seemed he had nothing he wanted you to do for him.
When the third day of you ignoring him he grew antsy. He didn't know what the sudden change in you was, but for some very odd reason - he didn't like it.
He walked out of detention - Something he had gotten when he was caught breaking in Merlin's office. His very first thought was that you weren't there. Typically, when he'd get detention - if you didn't sit in there with him in his jacket, then you'd always greet him with a hug once he walked out the doors.
"Yo, Mali." He called out to the mistress of evil. "You heading to your room?"
The dark fairy nodded her head silently, and James took that as an invitation to walk her to her room. Even though he would never admit it, the real reason was so he could check on his little fairy. The one he was now growing worried about.
You jumped at the sound of the door opening. Looking up from the books you were reading on your bed, you were surprised to see Maleficent, but also James.
"Hook." You spoke, but kept your voice neutral.
The man couldn't help but flinch at the name you used. You never called him that, you always either used Captain or James. Now he knew somethings wrong.
"We need to talk." Came his short reply, but you weren't dumb, you could see the slow anger bubbling up in his eyes.
You slowly got off your bed, and walked out into the hallway with him. "What's the problem?" You were honestly he hadn't already listed things he wanted done, but you were sure he'd start soon.
"The problem? You tell me. You suddenly ignore me, I haven't seen you in three days - but I know good and well Hades has. So you fucking tell me the problem." His voice was slowly growing louder and louder.
"Hey calm down." You tried to keep your guy's voice quiet - but that only set him off more.
"Calm down?! How can I be calm when you vanished. You were gone." Suddenly both of you stopped. You both could hear the hurt, the insecurity, but most importantly the fear laced in his tone. His chest breathed up and down heavily as he realized just how much he bloody missed you.
"Listen, Hook." "James."
He took a step closer to you, slightly pushing you into the wall as he pushed into you, leaning down to breath you in.
Fuck he felt like an addict who needed a hit, and finally scratched that itch under their skin.
"You call me James." His breath fanned over your face, as he slightly leaned up to get a look at your face.
Part of you loved this, as you placed your hands onto his chest, the open part of his shirt so you both could feel the skin to skin contact.
For James it was like your touch awakened something in him. Something that called for your name. Something in him burned for you.
He leaned down, his breath fanning over your lips. Making you close your eyes in anticipation. Hook didn't was a single second. He dropped his hook from his hand, and placed it onto your cheek, while his other hand grabbed a hold of the back of your neck.
You in this moment couldn't deny you loved this - the feel of his lips on yours, the feel of his wanting you. But it was too late.
He had made it clear that you weren't a priority. And even though bread crumbs of his affection felt like a feast - it wasn't enough. You hand to stand up, You deserve better. Something that Captain hook couldn't give you.
You built your strength and pushed him away. "No."
Hook looked at you confused, did you not just feel what happened between the two of you? Because he was more than happy to give a repeat.
"I deserve better than you." You pushed him again, finally letting the tears out. Letting the tears out of a woman who wanted nothing more than the man she was crying over. "I deserve so much more than what you give me." Which was nothing. You pushed him again and this time he grabbed both your hand and pulled you into him, letting you hit him over and over until you were drained - but never letting go of you.
"You done?" You glared up and him through your pretty wet eyelashes. "Good. Now listen. You will have no one other than me. There will be no other man, woman, I don't give a fuck. Your my little fairy." You went to shake you head. No - maybe once you were his but not anymore.
"You don't even make a priority - how can you say that?" Your voice was horse from the mini break down you had while punching him.
"You are my priority." How could you say you weren't? Even when he though nothing of you, from the first moment he met you he had put you as a priority on his list.
"Ask me about how I spent my birthday three days ago." Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck.
You could see the panic cross his face. The regret and self loathing as well. And maybe once upon a time that would be enough, but not anymore.
You pulled yourself away from him and hurried into your room, locking the door.
He banged a couple time before he spoke through the wood.
"I'm sorry, fuck I'm sorry. Sorry can't even explain, let me make it up to you." When he got no response from he, he continued on. "I am sorry about this but we will move past it. Just remember you may think you are free of me, but your are not. I will haunt you, beg for your forgiveness. You want better - I'll be better."
You silently cried while Hook poured everything he had from his heart into his next words.
"I'll be so much fucking better for you, my little fairy. So better."
The rest of the entire week, Hook would try his best; he'd bring flowers to you in the morning, he'd always walk you to class - despite how much you told him to leave you alone.
James knew he screwed up, and he hated himself for it. He didn't know what he had and he took it for granted.
He would scowl at Hades and Maleficent when you all were hanging out at the black lagoon.
Just because you and hook were on shaky ground didn't mean you were no less a Vk. Something that the crew grew to respect about you.
Every time you walked past him - not giving him a glance, he felt his chest tighten. He miss how you would cling to him. How you would rest on your shoulder when you felt over stimulated. The way you would accidently spray him with pixie dust, causing him to float.
He missed teaching you sword fighting, and all the basics. He missed you.
"Y/N!" He called out to you, desprate to get your attention. For the first time, since that kiss you didn't glare at him - nor push him away.
Instead it was worse. He felt his stomach grow cold at the neutral and emotionless look in your eyes. At least when you hated him you still cared. Now he didn't know. Your walls were up so high - it's shadow could darken a valley.
"Yes Hook?" He closed his eyes, shaking off the feeling he had.
"First, it's James. Second, will you go to dinner with me." You opened your mouth to disagree but he covered it before you could make a sound.
"Don't say no." He could hear his heart pounding in his head. "Just come. Meet me at Dip and Go dinner tonight at eight."
He dropped his hand from your mouth, and he found his courage to speak his next words.
"If you don't come I'll leave you alone." He would not, but he needed to know that deep down he still had a chance. And if he didn't have one then he would spend the rest of his life fighting for one.
He walked away, nervous for the reality check that he would soon face tonight.
The clock on your dorm wall ticked, and ticked. Each second growing closer to eight. The diner was an hour away and if you were to make it in time you should be leaving now.
But you just couldn't. You were too afraid. You weren't a fool, you could tell James was sorry, and regretful, but you didn't know if you could trust him.
He had unknowingly held your heart - and then crushed it. What would he do if he had known how much you cared for him? Would he treat you different?
"You should go." You looked over to the dark fairy, you had thought she was out with Hades.
"I'm scared." You had once thought James was your only friend, but Maleficent and even her boyfriend proved me wrong. "That's what makes it worth it."
She walked over to your bed, sitting down beside me before she carried on. "If you even have a chance for love then it's worth it to fight. And if you decide that he's not worth it, then at the very least you owe it to yourself to find closure." Maybe she was right.
Hook glanced at the clock on the wall of the diner, it said eight forty, and he knew that she wasn't going to show. He blew his shot. He wanted to throw the glass Infront of him, the one where he poured rum into it.
He had decided to dress nicely, wore his best clothing, even left his hook at home. He wanted to look his best for you - to show you he could be a good guy for you.
He had already paid for his drink, so he left a twenty bill on the table and walked out. He would wait longer, but he could tell the employees had wanted him out.
He felt like he couldn't breathe as he walked down the path, he wanted to take you on. The trees lit up with beautiful fireflies at night, and it was a view he wanted to share with you.
His vision blurred, and his chest breathed up and down, as his heart ached, pounded. He had no problems with ripping his heart out for you, but fuck, all he needed was you. He felt like a fool - not because you didn't show, but because he was too self-absorbed and if he had opened his eyes from the beginning thing would be different.
He was a villain, and villains don't get happy endings. He knew that he could never have you, simply because you were his happy ending.
He stopped walking, as he tried to calm his heart with his shaking hands. Was he having a panic attack?
"James!" He heard your voice scream out his name, as you started to run to him. Fuck, he didn't care if he was dying as he ran to you with all the speed he could muster.
Once you were at arm's length you jumped into him, and he wrapped his arms around you as tight as he could. Loving the smell that invaded his senses with open arms.
You were late, he didn't know why, nor did he care. You were here with him. That single thought caused him to break. He couldn't hold onto his sobs anymore.
He thought he lost you because of himself. He thought he would spend his entire life alone - longing for the feel of you. He thought that truly lost you. Every part of him rejected that. He couldn't live with that.
He felt his knees start to weaken as he fell to the ground, you still in his arms and he clanged to you crying. You felt your heart break once again - and all you wanted was for your pirate to feel better. You kiss the top of his head, rubbing his back as he let all his fears out, all his emotions.
"I... I love you so so so much." He heaved out, his breath making him repeat. "And I'm... I'm sorry." He was and even you knew that. You were tired as well.
You pulled his face away from your neck, and for a moment he fought you - thinking you were once again going to push him away. You rubbed you thumb across his cheek as you looked into his beautiful eyes. His brown eyes were bloodshot red from the crying, and his eyeliner had started to smidge. His eyelashes soaking together, his lips trembling as he tried to get himself together.
"I forgive you." You whispered out, before pushing your lips against his soft, and wet ones. It was a small, and short kiss, but it was full of the love you had for him. The love he felt like he no longer deserved.
"I'm sorry." His voice came out like a while as more tears dropped from his eyes.
"I forgive you." You whispered once again, and this time he initiated the kiss. Soft, craving, and you could feel his sorrow. Despite the fact he was kissing you, you could still feel him begging for forgiveness.
"I love you." You told him, and while that's all he wanted to hear. He no longer felt like that was the case. How could you love him when he hated everything about himself? How could you forgive him, when he's still kicking his own ass.
"I love you two, my little fairy." Fuck his voice broke again as he rested his forehead against yours. You also couldn't help but cry as well.
James kept his promise. He did become better for you, and only you. He was still a villain, but he was a gentleman to you. He kissed you every time he saw you, gave you flowers every month when your old ones would die.
He did everything he could to become a good enough person for you, and while daily you'd reassure him how happy you are - he couldn't get your heartbroken face out of his mind.
He'd have nightmares of you leaving him all alone. You loved him, and he didn't feel worthy of it, but he'd be damned of someone else had it. He was still a villain.
The first moment where he finally felt okay to breath was when you told him the future you wanted with him. You had wanted a future with him. Him.
You wanted three kids, three girls, and you would love to watch him become a father as you all lived on his ship.
When you were all banished to the Isle of the lost, he hated himself for getting you stuck there, but you'd remind him you'd rather be with him then in some land without him.
When you first got pregnant, he couldn't help but be so joyous of the boy in your stomach. He never told you he wanted a son, but you knew so you also felt happy.
You had named him Harry, after James repeatedly told you he couldn't think of one. The second born was a girl, and you demanded he named her. So, he stole your idea and named her Harriet. Then on the final and last born, you told him he couldn't name your baby girl after he just stole Harry's name and gave it to his sister.
You, James, Harry, Harriet, and CJ lived on hook's ship. And despite the living conditions, you loved your family no less.
A/N: Hiii, if you see this and sent me an Elsa reader x Hook request I promise I am working on that!!
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kneelingshadowsalome · 7 months
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"La Belle Dame sans Mercy" ("The Beautiful Lady Without Mercy") - A ballad by John Keats
"The poem is about a fairy who condemns a knight to an unpleasant fate after she seduces him with her eyes and singing." please
This screams Knight!König x Fairy!Reader to me.
I just know König would gladly die by the hand of such an ethereal being.
"She looked at me as she did love, and made a sweet moan."
"And sure in language strange she said—'I love thee true.'"
That’s it. Thank you.
I swear this artwork kills me everytime I see it....
Ok this became the silliest fairytale ever 🩷✨️
CW: Historical AU blending with mythical/supernatural AU. König being a dreamy mess of a knight who doesn't fit in "normal" society. Reader is part of faefolk. Heavy Arthurian Romance vibes.
König returns to the castle one day. The son of a great liege lord, a warrior through and through, but some people say he should’ve been a poet: so dreamily he looks beyond the battlements at times, sighs after drinking too much wine, stares off into dark corners of the room while tending to his sword and armour as if he can see little pixies dancing there.
His siblings sometimes hit him on the back of his head, or wave a hand over his eyes when he’s about to slip into the fairy world, a forgotten plane that is not supposed to reach the castle. But the castle stones were taken from the moors and the woods, the old land not bending to the priest’s will no matter how many crosses they brought here. Fragile souls are wanton prey for the elves and the fairies who would take them to their land the moment they drop down their guard, and only prayer and fasting hold them at bay. In the fairylands, there is no toil or sorrow; the food is golden honey and wine, the dance and love everlasting, and the fae girls more beautiful than any human maid.
It sounded too good to be true, and it was: God had created men to work and women to give birth, and all the land was theirs to use and cultivate, it was not made to simply run and frolic upon. Some say that these were just old tales and that Christ would banish these creatures away, turn the land to yielding crops and tame firewood.
But some still believed.
When he was a child, the mighty son of the feared lord took porridge and almonds to the woods. “For the fairy people,” he said with bright, trusting eyes. Stole food from under the mistress’s nose, and no one ever dared to say anything about it.
But when this nonsense carried on to adulthood, people had to intervene. There was work to be done, war, harvest and building, and no matter how many coins this man paid to the visiting bards, it would never turn their stories true.
His arm was strong and his strike was true, but his head seemed to be filled with dandelion wine, even when he hadn’t been drinking. Sighed after this maiden or that, wished to travel to foreign lands, courted every nobleman’s daughter who visited the castle, but no one ever took him seriously.
This man had to watch how lady after lady chose some other valiant knight as their husband, some men whose heads were not filled with fairytales and dreams. They did flirt with him, for who could’ve resisted the temptation of making this giant a little sweaty under all that armor? Armor that demanded plate for two people, and a smith who had the talent to forge such a beastly thing.
Nevertheless, he was always left without a warm embrace, and so he was usually found outside, looking at the full moon or spending time in taverns, choosing the company of thieves and rascals over his serious kin.
And now he has returned from the woods, having been gone for months.
People thought he had finally left to fight for some other lord, posing as a simple footsoldier, a disguise that would relieve him of his tedious duties as a knight. Or to court some “lovely peasant girl” he always talked about – such talks were usually crushed by his father, demanding him to be sensible for once in his life.
But he doesn’t prattle about peasant girls now, nor does he ramble about screaming ships at the bottom of the sea. He doesn’t hold a speech about forgotten stone circles in the forest, the ones that already grow moss. No, he has finally lost it completely.
His eyes are wild, as is his hair; his armour is nowhere to be seen, and his sword is without its sheath. He doesn’t talk about what he saw in that forest to anyone, nor is he willing to tell where he has even been these past few moons.
He seems very shaken when he’s told they were worried he wouldn’t make it to the May Day feast, and asks for how long he was gone, drives a hand through dishevelled hair when he hears that he was away for three full months.
“Three months…” he mutters to himself, then leaves to his room, the huge sword dragging against the stone floor as he goes. He has always, always made sure it wouldn’t dull, but now he’s treating it like it’s become a part of him, confused and lost.
He doesn’t eat, hardly speaks after that.
The food tastes like ash, he says, and the ale tastes like bile. But the following evening, when his mother orders someone to pour her poor son some more wine, he looks up helplessly like a child.
“I have to go back,” he says.
A clamour arises, huffed exclaims of “What on earth is he on about” and “Sir, you only just got back!” His father rises from his chair and orders him to stop this nonsense at once. But this time, there is no embarrassed sweep of hand through hair, no red colour that rises on this peculiar knight’s cheeks. His lips only make a thin line before he rises as well and leaves the hall with a weight on his shoulders and dark determination in his stare.
At the stables, a stout Moorland pony and poor stable boy get to witness the drunken bawls of a forlorn knight. The wine sack almost slips from his hands to the dirt as he slumps against the timber of the stall, distorted face coming to rest against a wide, shaky palm.
Luckily, a friend of his knows where to look, and the stable boy sneaks into the shadows, slightly scared of the sorrow of such a big, intimidating man.
But even the companion who always listened to every enthusiastic story since they were kids and ran across the moors, throwing little rocks at his father’s soldiers and laughing when their helmets made a funny clinky sound, can not understand the drunken babble that comes out of König’s mouth this time.
He starts from the middle, which is highly unusual, and talks in strings of sentences that don’t make sense. “She was real, I just know it,” he repeats, over and over again in the middle of confessions about how beautiful she was, how her hair was like the softest spun yarn, her body incredible, naked and wild when she came to him. That her laugh was like the chime of little bells or the sound of the loveliest harp, a song on its own when she walked to him.
She was fascinated with his sword, especially the pommel and the handle interested her, and the curve in the middle of the blade she brushed with her fingers as if it was an entire vale.
He had never seen a woman touch his sword like that… They were never interested in such things, but she was, and she asked him so many questions.
Had he ever felled a tree?
Did he like squirrels?
Were his thighs as hairy as his chest?
She took him down the river, or he followed her; he can’t remember. Her step was so light it didn’t make a sound, and the moss seemed to turn brighter every time her little foot stepped on it. Her hands were tiny too when she wrapped them around his neck, pressed her body against his, and kissed him until there was nothing left of him: no helmet, no sword, nothing but sun and her, her hands and her lips.
Her mouth was still on his when she whispered she didn’t like his armour because it was so hard and rigid and cold, oh, she wondered if there was a man inside there at all.
So of course he showed her.
She giggled at the sight of him, especially his thighs, knelt down on the moss to see how hairy they were.
And would you believe the way she touched him then? It makes him heady even now…
Yes, he took her. But not the way a man takes a woman. She came to straddle him and laughed again, and the things they did together… He can’t even speak about them, but he knows the sun always shined when they rolled on the grass. Her giggles and moans surrounded him, her soft little thighs were stronger than they looked, her breasts so round and soft, so perfect he swore he had gone to heaven.
He bathed in her, with her, all day long. And the nights… You wouldn’t believe the nights: there was song and dance and more giggling women, and also a man dressed all in leaves, so big and thick he first thought he was a tree. An old king, she said, nothing he should worry about. And the wine tasted like summer and honey and gold; it was red, perhaps, but also like sea amber and sun…
She fed him flowers and laughed, caressed his face and said he’s the biggest and hairiest human she had ever seen. She let him lick honey from her fingertips and caressed him with heather and ivy, opened her mouth before feeding him a soft, sweet piece of cake, showing him how he needed to open his mouth as well if he wanted it on his tongue.
She kissed the crumbs from his lips and trailed a finger down his chest, all the way down, until…
Oh, he can’t talk about it.
It was better than he ever even imagined: better than the stories they tell in the taverns. It was like his wedding night, over and over again, it was like he was Lancelot, and she was his Guinevere.
No, no, she was not an enchantress, although everything about her was enchanting... All the stories came alive with her, even the moon was bigger than anywhere he’d ever seen, the deers ran past them while they made love, and the birds sang even at night.
He told her he loved her, but she didn’t know what it meant. When he explained it to her, she looked at him gently, so gently…
He cried from joy then, but she never mocked him. She only said it’s a sign that he’s hers. That he will never forget her. She said he’ll always find her, even when he’s old: she will make him young again. He’s welcome here if he wants: she has so many places to show him.
He thanked all the saints for having found her, Saint George and Saint Mary first, but stopped when her little brows furrowed with sorrow. Her eyes, filled with starlight and love, turned so sad that his heart couldn’t bear it, not for one beat.
The sea is far wilder here: he should come and see the ocean as it was at the dawn of time. The ivy is so strong you can use it to climb the trees and see the whole world from atop the tree, the whole land, covered in forest, such as it was before humans came. There’s no smoke or fire or war: just green everywhere, wild rippling streams and honey bees and berries and fish for everyone who ever feels hungry... They can make love day and night, and she’ll teach him all the songs of old. Humans only remember bits and pieces, but she knows how things really happened, she can tell him everything about heroes, kings and queens.
She said she wanted to sleep, and so he took her from the feast and laid her on the grass… She might’ve sung to him, he can’t remember, but it was like an angel’s caress all over him, somber and sweet before the dreams took him, a dream within a dream.
He slept for ages, it seemed, saw so many dreams, each more beautiful than the last until he woke up and saw that the forest had turned grey.
There was no maiden in his lap, no dance and song in the distance, no scent of flowers and dreams and springs to be found. The sun was up in the sky, but it didn’t paint all the colours with gold or fill the streams with light. The forest was half dead to him, just old, thick trees around him, a green-grey forest floor and a shaggy squirrel who chirped and squeaked at him as if it was his fault that the fae folk were gone.
He searched for her, called for her, but she didn’t answer, and how could she have? He didn’t even know her name. He only knew how lovely she felt, how soft her hair was when it fell to cover him like a veil, how adorable her sighs and tiny little gasps were when he filled her, over and over again.
His armour was nowhere to be found, and his sword was somewhere downstream, half covered with leaves and dirt, rusty and beaten by the wind. It was early spring when he came here; the land was still barren and grey, but now, everything was green. Still, it was not the green he wanted. It was not the green that filled his vision entirely, bright, blooming green that pulsed with lush joy. It was just… earth and grass and dirt.
So you see, he has to go back. He has to find her, whatever it takes. She promised he could always come back… She promised…
He cries once more, head bowed and mighty shoulders trembling from the force of his sorrow, and it is no use to tell him that the fae folk are evil. That they’re from the Devil and only want to make good, decent men like them forget. Forget their duty, their laws, their Christ.
It’s no use to tell him that it is not natural, the place he has seen. No doubt he has been somewhere, but it cannot be anything good… No man can survive on flowers and spring water for three months; they cannot frolic with the faeries for days on end without losing their mind and soul.
And König is already lost; he was lost since he was a child, rambling about how he received flowers, sticks and stones as tokens of the faefolk’s gratitude because he brought them food.
He tries to tell the boy who never grew up, the mightiest man in this kingdom, the dreamiest knight there ever was, that he needs to return to the real world. No fae woman would have him as a husband, they are only after his soul. But surely some human lady would take him into her bed, think about it, for God’s sake, please... He has duties here, people who love him, his father would make him a lord if he only put himself together. What kind of knight would abandon his sword, helmet and armour for the sake of an elf who despises the saints...?
But in the morn, König is gone.
His rusty sword is on the floor, the wooden cross taken off the wall. There lies a honeycomb and a flower on his window, a blossom so sweet it cannot be plucked from any field around here. Too exotic and bright, especially when placed atop the rough, grey stones, it looks like it could never wither from how beautifully it blooms.
The peasants now tell a tale of a man that haunts the woods: a huge giant dressed all in green, donning a leaf cloak of some sort and a beard that grows ivy. But they say he is not evil: he only shows himself to hunters who are about to fall a deer, or children who remember the land with little gifts.
Old men say they saw a green man when they were kids and brought bread and milk to the faeries, they swear to this day they saw a man who greeted them with a smile. And when they looked again, there was nothing but a tree where this giant stook, a young oak, sighing with the wind...
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“red flowers”: fae, vargas camp 2, and glorious masquerade
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So in 2-2, the pixies of the forest are trying to put out the campfires. The boys then talk about how there was a miner's campfire a while back that caused a forest fire, which naturally spooked the local fairies. AND THEN VIL GOES AND DROPS THIS DOOZIE OF A LINE:
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EXCUSE ME, VI L SIR??????? ?? ? ???? ? ? ?? ? ? ? Did you just say RED FLOWERS? Is that not similar to the CRIMSON FLOWERS/LOTUSES that ROLLO tried to use to establish a magicless Twisted Wonderland in Glorious Masquerade?!
ADDENDUM: I learned recently (very shortly after this post went live, actually!) that the “red flowers” may also be a reference to what the animals in the live action Jungle Book call fires. I’m not personally familiar with this film, so I’ll be running with the crimson lotus/Glorious Masquerade connection for the duration of this post!!
Looking at how the phrases are written in Japanese, they use the term 赤い花 ("akai no hana"/red flower) in Vargas Camp and 紅蓮の花 ("guren no hana"/crimson lotus flower) in Glorious Masquerade. Crimson is basically a specific kind of red, and lotus is just a certain type of flower. Even more damning is that fact that in 3-8 of Glorious Masquerade, Malleus EXPLICITLY describes the spreading crimson flowers as having "a brilliance like that of fire". You can see from images of the crimson lotus that they do, indeed, seem to glow like fire.
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If you look at the real life timeline of these events releasing, it also coincidentally lines up!! Like, the original release of Vargas Camp 2 (for JP server) was in mid to late SEPTEMBER 2022. Then Glorious Masquerade would come out mid to late OCTOBER 2022. Vargas Camp 2 was literally the new story event that came out RIGHT BEFORE Glorious Masquerade... WAS THIS FORESHADOWING??????????????? And even more importantly than that... What does this mean for fae??????
One could call "red flowers" just a poetic way for the pixies to label something they don't understand. But what's confusing is that there are clearly also fire pixies living in the forest; we see several of them in Vargas Camp attacking the students. It's not as though the fairies are unfamiliar with fire itself, so why not just call the campfires 'fires'?? What if... (and stick with me here) the pixies named the campfires thus because it's potentially a reference to something far deadlier (than even the forest fire) that they experienced or heard of in their history? In the time period of ~400 years ago shown to us in book 7, we learn that human invaders drove fae out of their homes and began mining their land for resources. This, more specifically, impacts the Briar Country up north, who are fighting against humans that arm themselves with iron (something which appears to repulse the fae). These humans are also known to use deceptive tactics, such as distracting the messenger team of Lilia and co. while they launch an assault on Mallenoa's castle, where she and her unborn son are. So... what's to say they wouldn't resort to other underhanded means as well? Mean such as... utilizing a flower known to suck out the magic from living beings :))) like maybe the... crimson lotus, perhaps?
In Glorious Masquerade, we learn that the crimson lotus has been extinct for a long time now. They were destroyed by humans centuries ago because of how dangerous they were to mages. We don't have an exact number of years, but "centuries" is enough to land it in the rough ballpark of the human-fae war. Malleus himself, who is canonically 178 years old, didn't even recognize the flowers at first (as very few records of them exist in modern times); this could imply that the crimson flowers were around before he was born, which further supports that they were present during the war era.
What's more, if we look at Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (ie the second live action Maleficent movie), we see a VERY strong parallel to the crimson lotus flower. In the film, we are introduced to the Tomb Bloom, a flower that just so happens to also be red and glows a little like fire.
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Tomb Blooms are said to grow on the graves of fairies, and, when mixed with iron, creates "red dust". This red dust is considered deadly to fairies upon contact--and in the film, a fairy-hating queen lures a bunch of fae into a wedding venue to eliminate them en masse with the stuff. The crimson lotus flowers of TWST, meanwhile, are deadly on their own, draining the magic out of any magical being they touch (and permanently depriving them of magic once all the magic has been taken out of someone). For fae, who rely on magic for basically everything (travel, cooking etc.), it would be a miserable existence symbolically synonymous with death.
(Side note: in hindsight, this somewhat explains why Malleus is part of the Glorious Masquerade SSR trio. If the crimson lotus flowers were, in actuality, inspired by the Tomb Blooms (something which was weaponized against Maleficent and her kind), then it just makes so much sense for the antagonist of the event, Rollo, to utilize similar plants against Malleus, who is twisted from the Mistress of Evil herself.)
OKAY, now knowing all of that, here's what I propose as a possible timeline of events if we consider all of what I just said: ~400 years ago, crimson lotuses were plentiful. When the human-fae conflict escalated, the human side decided to play dirty to eliminate those pesky fae--because even the great Draconias would be susceptible to the magic-leeching properties of the flower. However, they discovered, upon repeated experimentation, that the flower could also harm their own mages, so they had to reformulate. Maybe this was when they learned that they could combine iron with the powdered lotus (increased surface area, and therefore also increased potency) to create something even more deadly to fae (like in Maleficent 2). Alternatively, this could contribute for the reasoning for the iron armor they wear in battle; iron repulses fae, but it could also protect them from the crimson lotus flowers due to how much of the skin it covers. For example, the Dawn Knight is said to wear a helmet that completely cover the face, and many Silver Owl NPCs do the same. There is little skin visible, unlike the armor of the Briar Country fae. But anyway, the point is that, some way or another, the humans abused the crimson lotus during this time. Once the war concluded (or in the period of reconstruction that followed), fae and humans came to an agreement to destroy all the lotuses as a part of their peace treaty/negotiations, agreeing that it was mutually beneficial to all magical creatures and mages. Humans were mainly responsible for this extinction, as there was a larger population of them that were magicless and could therefore handle the flowers without consequences. Because of the war engulfing an entire continent, fae in other parts of Twisted Wonderland would have heard about the events, fae migrated out of Briar Country to get away from the conflict, OR the conflict itself was a Twisted Wonderland-wide issue, not just contained within Briar Country. Any one of these could explain why eventually pixies on Sage's Island, in the Silent Woods (where the boys went camping), would know of the calamity caused by the crimson lotuses of the past. When they come across wild campfires, the pixies may be frightened by them due to their resemblance to the crimson lotuses and the trauma associated with war because it's human outsiders that are invading their home and propagating these 'fires'... the same situation as the human-fae war. There was the literal manmade forest fire that was far more recent, yes--but again, this doesn't fully explain why the pixies, who should be familiar with fire, would call it a "red flower" instead of just 'fire'. The association with "red flowers" being dangerous may be a result of what they recall from the war--that crimson flower which sapped away their strength and robbed them of their magic. Then, in modern day, we have Rollo somehow stumbling across seeds and breeding crimson lotuses of his own in secret for his own nefarious purposes. History (mayhaps???) repeating itself??????? ?? ? ????? ??? ??
DKJNsfhbvoqef32ygtr69r137fbofasib IDK, MAYBE I'M JUST TALKING OUT OF MY ASS AND EXTRAPOLATING TOO MUCH FROM LITTLE DETAILS 🤡 I just think it's kind of a fun theory, even if the whole timeline ends up being thrown out the window in the next main story update... Don't mind me, I'm still on my "Rollo will come save us all in a cruel and ironic twist of fate" copium--
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redesigningxmen · 6 months
Welcome to Limbo! Our group chose Illyana Rasputina, the marvelous Magik for this round! Introduced as the younger sister of Colossus, Magik joined the 80s New Mutants team as a young teen and has since flourished into an A-Lister in her own right. She's been a member of the Phoenix Five, Cyclops' renegade X-Men squad, the Krakoan New Mutants, and the 2022 X-Men team.
She has several inspiration points for artists and redesigners to pull from. She's most well-known for her all-black 2012 look but has also sported demonic and fantasy influences as someone connected to the hellish Limbo and her malevolent alter ego, the Darkchylde.
See what our enthusiastic and talented team of artists did this round, and make sure to follow them on social media for more fantastic art!
(The handles presented after artists names are their Twitter handles, but many use the same name on other platforms!)
Léa Dupic | @/kimodraw
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"I went full speed ahead into medieval land and dressed Illyana in a full metal shiny armour, putting emphasis on her sword bearing arm with a biiiig spiky shoulder pad. Gave her a punk lesbian haircut while keeping her iconic bangs, because I think she should be allowed to be more of a punk lesbian. And I couldn't resist adding a touch of demon form with the horns. She's gloomy she's menacing she's spiky and shiny she's the girl of my dreams."
Giovanni Saroldi | @/RaulGiova 
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"Just like matter, let’s give ‘Yana three states! Solid, liquid, gas? Kinda, not quite! From angelic to demonic, with her main form being the in-between totality of herself, where she can draw whichever power she needs.
It’s geometric, it’s chic, it’s retro-futuristic Terry Moore with the Horns of Galaxy The Prettiest Star meets Ludmilla from Bartok mid-transformation."
John Caden | @/johncaden64 
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"I've always felt the Bachalo design was great, but could get very male-gazey.  I tried to make it more comfortable, while also keeping the same goth feel.  I do feel she needs to just go all-in goth, so let's shave her head, get some thick black mascara and commit to the bit! "
John Marsh | @/pastelrake
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"What if Illyana had been a Russian figure skater?"
Joe Pryde | @/joeprydecosplay
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"My inspiration for this design came from the idea of “what if Magik was an elder emo” complete with Kristen Stewart fem mullet, high waist buckled tights, and sleeveless crop top hoodie. I also wanted to pay homage to previous designs."
Haydn | @/ThatsSoHaydn 
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"I had but one simple thought: What if the Soul Sword was a rapier? And thus fencing Magik was born. I wanted the geometric shapes of the dark bodysuit to contrast with the curves of the golden armor, whilst still adding a little magic and mystery with her cloak and mask. "
Dale Yaddow | @/DaleYaddow
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Version 1 "The Savage Magik". Having been stripped of her magical knowledge, Illyana Rasputin hunts down various enchanted artifacts to replace what she's lost. Becoming desperate she seems to be willing to steal and sometimes kill to get these talismans. Among these are the Soul Dagger of Pixie, the medallion of Daimon Hellstrom, Holy bands from "Heven" and a cursed skull from an alternate version of Lockheed.
Version 2 "Mistress Magik" This is an older more seductive Magik that's been corrupted by the influence of Selene and embraced her sensuality, opening up a whole new avenue of mystical arts that she hadn't dared explore before. She now uses her SoulSword to capture the essences of her foes and much like Selene feeds on them keeping her young and vital.
Version 3 "Magik, Queen of Hell" Many questioned the logic of Magik giving Limbo to Madelyne Prior but the end game has been revealed. Illyana allowed Madelyne to tether her magic to Limbo, knowing eventually "Maddie" would get greedy and begin bringing more power to that dimension. With a carefully hidden clause in the Limbo transference spell Magik takes back Limbo and all the power within it and successfully overthrows all the Hell Lords, unifying the many dreaded dimensions under one fearsome rule, hers.
Anthony Ruiz | @/thwwipstickers
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"Almost as soon as Magik was decided on for this design challenges I had two ideas strike me simultaneously ... The first of those ideas was the image of Illyana as a 90's Riot(ish) on the cover of a Magazine. I wanted to give her an edgy grungy vibe but still pay homage to her Demonic nature.
Shortly after Finishing my first Design I just knew I had to make my second idea come to life.
What if Illyana was an Anime Mech Pilot and Wore a Plugsuit... thats it... thats the idea. I really wanted to strike the Balance between Anime Plugsuit but still being noticeably Magik and X-men.
I kept the Bright yellow Color scheme with hints of black and red and chose to interpret her Armored arm into a Mechanized oversize cybernetic arm that helps fuel her Plasma Powered Soul sword that springs forth from her Gauntlet."
Isaiah Cox | @/isaiahbeenlost
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"When designing my Magik look, I wanted to expand on ideas I had when drawing her a couple years ago by keeping her look sleek, yet scary stylish! So, I referenced a lot of Castlevania and Yoshiaki Kawajiri designs to get that cool anime look for her down! I plucked some fashion inspirations for the costume from places like: Mugler, Alexander McQueen, LaQuan Smith, JRPG rogues and medieval accessories! And for her new soul sword, I decided to give her an Odachi because since she already lived her Cloud Strife fantasy starting from the Bendis-era, I thought it was time for her to live her Sephiroth moment with this giant Japanese sword!"
David J Hughes | @/0ddeity
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"I think with Magik I started out pretty traditional for her. Then I got to thinking our Russian Queen deserves a Mugler-esque fit. I wanted to go down the knight or warrior route, but then I thought ‘What If’ this was an AU Illyana raised by Patch and she got all of Logan’s training rather than Kitty and Jubilee, or, alongside them. So, bham, Oni-demon menpo mask and samurai elements on top of the Mugler flair."
Fleshmonk | @/fleshmonk
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"Went through a bunch of design iterations, but settled on this cool plasticky vinyl plugsuit like version of Magik. I gave her a bob to mature her a bit and to move her towards a new silhouette."
Joshua Bruckner | @/joshingtonbear
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"I took a bit from Magik's more armored designs, which I've always liked the most, and her goth jock aesthetic, and blended them. I rejected the Bachalo booty shorts in favor of a skirt, which gives her a bit of a 'cheerleader from hell' look."
Seye Sanyaolu | @/seye_art
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"My intention for this redesign was Magik in a very dystopian future and so I imagined a 3/4 darkchylde Illyana that is in control of her self and powers (although almost lost it). In this future, most of the X-Men are gone and Illyana keeps a worn and frayed X-jacket on for the nostalgia :’)"
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zapiarty · 4 months
Sandman - Dead Boy Detective
1389 - Dream & Death meet Hob Gadling; who refuses to die 1489 - Dream & Hob form their Arrangement 1589 - Hob brags about how good he's got it, with a wife, a son, riches and a knighthood. Dream decides to leave early upon meeting William Shaxberd 1689 - Dream waits for Hob's arrival, who is at his lowest point in his life thus far, Dream expects Hob to ask for death now and is surprised when Hob laughs in his face and says "Death is a mug's game, I've got so much to live for!" 1789 - Dream warns Hob against getting involved with the Slave Trade, Lady Johanna Constantine interrupts their meeting, Hob comes to Dream's rescue briefly which amuses him 1889 - Hob wants to learn things about Dream, dares to suggest he's lonely and that they are friends, Dream storms off in a huff declaring he doesn't need Hob's company
1916 - Edwin Payne dies via ritual sacrifice to Hell by classmates at 16 - The Corinthian begins his mayhem in the Waking World - Dream of the Endless is captured & imprisoned by Roderick Burgess 1917 - Sleeping Sickness officially acknowledged - Unity Kincaid remains asleep
1926 - Ethel Cripps becomes Roderick Burgess' mistress - Roderick has his son Alex kill Jessamy the Raven - Ethel gets pregnant, steals the helm, sand, and ruby and flees - Roderick dies, Alex decides not to free Dream like he'd promised 1927? - Ethel Cripps gives birth to John D
? - Ethel bargains away the helm to a demon, sells the sand
1989 - Edwin Payne escapes Hell - Hob Gadling waits for His Stranger but he does not arrive (As Dream is still held captive in the Burgess' Estate) - Charles Rowland is murdered by classmates via hypothermia & internal bleeding at 16 in December of '89 - Edwin is there for Charles to ease his death; Charles decides to stay with Edwin instead of going with Death - Some point Edwin & Charles form the Dead Boy Detectives
1994 - Infamous Puppy Debacle (Charles got too attached to a living puppy?)
March 22, 1994 - Devlin Murders occur in Port Townsend, Washington
1997 - Great Fenwick Pixie Escape (puts Edwin at a loss)
2006 - Great Chewing Gum Debacle (stressor for Edwin?)
2015 - Rose Walker & her little brother Jed are split when Rose and their mother Miranda move but her father refuses to let Jed leave with them
2020 - Lyta's husband Hector dies via a car accident, Rose's ill mother dies near the end of the year
2021 - Dream/Morpheus is released & searches for his tools to rebuild the Dreaming - Unity Kincaid wakes the moment Dream is released - Johanna Constantine purchases the sand but left it at a girlfriend's place when she left her 6 months prior (resulting in her death via the sand) - Dream faces Lucifer in Challenge for his helm; wins & humiliates Lucifer - John D uses the Ruby to nearly destroy the world in an attempt to make a better one; causing mass destruction and death, destroys the ruby in an attempt to destroy Dream and replace him but this only returns the stored power to Dream in full
8 Months later: - Death & Dream have a talk, Desire & Despair plot to knock Dream's ego down as Desire's previous attempts failed (Nada, Roderick Burgess); focus turns to Rose Walker (Desire's Great-Granddaughter) - Dream reconnects with Hob at The New Inn; 30 years late but acknowledging their friendship - Rose Walker is the Vortex and looking for her brother Jed who dreams of being The Sandman (thanks to Gault) - Unity Kincaid asks Rose to meet her in London to reveal she's her Great-Grandmother (the Great-Grandfather being her Gold Eyed Man aka Desire) - The Corinthian attempts to use her to create a New Dreaming - Lyta Hall gets pregnant from her ghost husband in the Dreaming; Dream banishes the ghost from his realm as Ghosts shouldn't be there - Morpheus collects all his lost Dreams & Nightmares; returns the Corinthian to his base form - Dream of a Thousand Cats - Calliope's most recent "owner" slips up and she is able to send a message to Morpheus who comes to free her (by driving the man who binds her insane with ideas)
Late 2022 - Crystal Palace & David the Demon enter into a relationship
2023 - Edwin & Charles take on the Case of Crystal Palace on behest of Emma the Ghost
- Becky Aspen case in Port Townsend, WA; meet Esther the Witch, get trapped in Port Townsend by the Cat King - Niko Sasaki & the Dandelion Sprites Case - February 17; The Devlin House Case (Charles' history brought up, meet Monty) - Case of the Lighthouse Leapers (Charles & Crystal kiss, Night Nurse fed to Sea Monster, Cat King taunts Edwin with Monty & Charles' likeness in an attempt to get a kiss) - Case of the Two Dead Dragons (Edwin realizes he's truly in love with Charles as he comforts Charles after a breakdown, Monty steals Edwin's first kiss thinking Edwin was talking about him) - Case of the Creeping Forest (Monty's betrayal, Crystal's Awakening) - Case of the Very Long Stairway; Edwin gets taken back to Hell & Charles goes after him, Edwin confesses he's in love with Charles - Edwin meets Despair and she decides they are "friends" now - Case of the Hungry Snake; Niko dies (?) saving Crystal from Esther Finch in an attempt to rescue Edwin & Charles - The Lost & Found Department of the Afterlife "officially" allows the Dead Boy Detectives to work cases to help them help ghosts cross over in exchange for allowing them to stay together on Earth
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nirvanawrites111 · 2 years
Amnesia (Ten Lee x Dom!Reader)
Pairing: Ten Lee x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1991
Warning: Pegging, rimjob, degradation, femdom, mention of killing, fem pronouns, he refers to you as mistress, oral (male rec).
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Your landline phone rings two times, and then it stops. You turn over and look at your nightstand in the dark. The glow from your iPhone tells you everything you need to know.
You sit up in the middle of the bed and take a deep breath. These calls are few and far between, but you know it's him.
You move to the edge of the bed and place your foot against the cold wooden floor. Your feet move along, trying to locate your slippers. You slip into your furry slippers. You walk into your living room and turn on the hallway light. You go to your front door and open it.
His hair is disheveled but much longer than before. The last time you saw him, it was a short pixie cut, but now it has length. He doesn't speak, but you grab his hand to usher him into your apartment. You close the door behind him.
You can see the darkness in his eyes. You know that he's seen things in those streets that he frequents, but he doesn't have to explain anything. You are here for him.
You peel off his jacket, and he lets out a deep sigh. You know he can't share his life with anyone else other you. No one else understands Ten in the way that you do.
You place his jacket on your couch. You walk back over to him and remove his clothes layer by layer. A ritual that you two are used to by now. He stands before you, vulnerable. You kiss his forehead.
"It's okay. You are safe, now."
"But, I did bad things, tonight."
"I'm sure for the right reasons."
You look into his eyes again. You know he wants to say so much more, and you will give him the space to do so if he feels he needs to.
"I need you, Y/n," his confession is raw, but he's stern in the way that he professes for you.
A rush runs through you. You wouldn't acknowledge it to anyone, but you enjoy being needed by Ten Lee. The most misunderstood, mysterious man in the city, needs you. He doesn't even trust his own brothers, but he trusts you.
"Shall I draw you a bath, Tennie?"
His eyes light up a bit. You can see the glimmer in his eyes even if he doesn't smile. "Yes, please."
"Let's go."
You head down the hall to your guest bathroom and turn on the bathtub. You go back into your linen closet and grab your herbal mix that you prepare for him for nights like these. You pour the entire container into the bathtub.
Ten watches you prepare things for him. Never has he met a woman so understanding as you. A woman with such an enchanting spirit that helps him cleanse away his sins from the hard life that he's been dealt.
He admires you as you get on your knees to light the candles around the bathtub. He knows that your methods keep him safe.
If he could, he would leave WayV and run away with you. Live on a country farm somewhere where there are more cows than people. He would change his name so that no one could find him. He would live happily ever after with you.
But, that's just not his reality. He's good at what he does... according to his brothers, he's the best. So, how can he leave this line of work when it's all he knows how to do?
"Alright," you reply.
Ten stares into your eyes and admires your full thick hair that is so beautiful. How can a man with so much darkness attached to him be allowed to be in the presence of a goddess like you?
"You can get in now. It's ready," you instruct him.
Ten nods without hesitation. He climbs into the bath, and it's perfect. Not too hot, but not too cold. He eases into the warmth of the herbal water, and it feels incredible.
"I'll give you a moment."
"No," Ten shakes his head, and abruptly tells you. "I.." he stares into the water and then backs up at you. "I want you to sit with me."
Typically, he isn't this needy for you during his bath. He usually prefers to be submerged in his thoughts to process his night. But, tonight, he's singing a different tune, and you're okay with it.
"That's fine, baby."
You sit down on the toilet next to the bathtub, and he leans back against the headrest.
"I want to get out of this lifestyle, Y/n."
"I know."
"I can't be a killer for the rest of my life."
"I understand. But, you avenge those who are most vulnerable. Taking out the ones who need to be taken out."
"It's easy to look at it that way. But, why did I have to be born into this family? I just want a normal life."
"I'm sure, we all want to live a normal life. But, that's just not how life works."
"Yeah, but.. I want to be able to get married one day. Have children. Have a spouse."
"I'm sure your spouse would be understanding of you."
"It's not about being understanding. I don't want to put anyone at risk. If I lost the people I love because of my lifestyle, I wouldn't be able to live."
"I hear you. You are so thoughtful. I wish you could see yourself the way I do. You're more than your job."
"Nah. I'm a killer, nothing more, nothing less."
"Well, I can't change your perspective. But, you are amazing at what you do. Please don't beat yourself up over it. If you really want to leave, then do it."
"I'm thinking about it. But, I want to indulge with you after my bath."
You sit in your guest bedroom on the couch with everything ready for him. The only light in the room is the red LED lights. You sip a glass of water.
Ten comes into the room, and you sit up. He kneels between your thighs. "May, I suck you off, mistress?"
Ten doesn't waste any time sucking your strap. You grab the back of his head and push him further down on it. He doesn't gag at all, because you have trained him so well.
Ten works his beautiful mouth on your strap, and you start fucking his mouth. You tug at his hair while you drill deep inside his mouth.
"Got damn.. such a good little slut," You degrade him in the way that he craves. You know exactly what he needs when he needs it.
"I'm leaking.." He takes your strap out of his mouth.
"May, I please stroke it?"
"No, not yet."
"Mistress.. please."
You stand up and shove yourself back into his mouth. "So, needy. But, you are not understanding who is in charge here."
You pound into his mouth more brutally this time, and he takes it perfectly, just like the little whore he is. You look down at him. His eyes are connected to yours—there is just something so special about him on his knees for you.
"Do you want to get fucked or Nah?"
"Mmm.." he mouths around your strap and sucks you in deeper.
You caress his head to make sure you are still gentle with him. The last thing you want to do is hurt him.
"Get on all fours on the bed," you command.
Ten jets over to the bed and assumes the position you requested. You stand there and watch him on his hands and knees for you.
He's so beautiful like this. You grab your lube and toss it on the bed.
"May I taste you?" You stand behind him against the bed.
"Yes, mistress."
You lick around his hole and tease him a bit. You don't dive in just yet.
"Yesss," Ten moans out. You love the way he whimpers for you.
He gives you the motivation you need. You swirl around his center again, and you reach down to stroke him while you tease him.
His whimpering is louder now. It has you wet with excitement. You can feel a bit of your own wetness drip down your legs. You love pleasing him. You actually get off on it.
"You like this, baby?" you ask. Already know the obvious answer, but you want to hear some verbal confirmation to make sure he's enjoying this just as much as you are.
"Yes.. mistress. Yes, feels soo... uh.. good," Ten is panting for you at this point.
You stick your tongue into him and drill your tongue into him deeper. You slap his ass hard and hold his waist while you eat him out.
"Fuck... please let me cum. Mistress."
You pull out of him and turn him on his back. You put his legs on your shoulder and return to eating his ass.
"Stroke it while I eat it. But, don't cum until I tell you," you instruct him.
You can't see his face, but you can feel his body shake from how your tongue destroys him. You love tasting him.
You move up and push his legs back to his ears. You hold his legs up while you start sucking him. "You can cum now."
Ten, lets go and release his load into your mouth. You enjoy the salty taste of his release inside your mouth. You swallow all of it.
Ten legs are still trembling for you. You grab the lube off the bed. "You ready to get fucked?"
"Yes, please. Fuck me. Ruin me, mistress."
You run your finger across his juicy bottom lip. "Don't worry. I got you."
You get on your knees and lean back a bit. You lube up your strap-on. You put some on your fingers and get him ready.
You spread his legs and slip into them inch by inch. "You ready?" you ask.
"Yes, mistress," you see the smirk on his face.
You drill into him because he can take it. You watch him bite his bottom lip while you work your hips into him.
He pants for you and turns you on even more. You love to see his spread out across the bed like this and only for you. He doesn't have to worry about judgment when he comes home to you.
"You love it?" you ask.
"You better."
"I always love being ruined by you."
You pull out of him. "Get on all fours."
Ten does exactly what you say, and without skipping a beat, you dive into him from behind. You drill harder into his ass.
You love his flexibility, and you grab his hands to pull them behind you while you fuck him. You pound harder into him. "I want you to cum all over the bed without touching your dick."
"Mmm.. is that a challenge, mistress?"
"Nope. It's a demand. Now take this dick like a good little slut and shut up," you voice to him.  You drill even harder into him.
You know that he can come without touching it. You know his body pretty well.
He arches his back, and you slow down your stroke. This time you are pounding into him, but not as fast.
"Shit.. yes, just like that, Mistress."
You continue your pacing with him and work your body into his.
He releases just like you requested. His body trembles for you, and you let him ride it out. You let go out of his hand and slide out of him.
He leans forward onto the bed, and you lay on him. You kiss him on his back. "You did so good, baby."
"Thank you, mistress."
"I knew you could do it. Now, let's go to bed."
It's just something about pounding his ass and hearing him scream for you that sends you over the edge every time.
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rayrayor · 11 months
It’s that galladrabble time !
Thank you @galladrabbles and of course our prompter this week @gallabitch73
The Pixies iconic Hey
It's still her and Mickey’s bed even though he sleeps in it.
He has Mickey until Terry comes back, then it's her. Her bed her husband.
Ball and chain to them both.
Tries to like her, the chain chokes him when Mickey is nice to her.
Cause Ian just sees her riding him with the devil laughing.
He will always be the mistress and Mickey to stay safe will stay chained.
He sat up gasping in tears.
Warm arms pulling him tighter.
" Red it's ok, I am here"
Relief to just see their wedding bands. The chains and devil gone.
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alittlemxchievous · 8 months
why don't you tell all your followers what you are doing and what you are thinking about love?
I... Um.... I was... U...... I'm masturbating with my fuzzy blanket.... While.... I look at pictures of your feet and think about you giving me a foot job mistress.... 😳😳😳😳😳
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
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130 Reasons Why I'm Fairy Trash
💜 Lavender Train Arc
(July 2016 - Ongoing)
"Cripes, it's been years. Centuries? I dunno; I've been high for most of it... But it's easy. When I'm on peppermint, I can forget about what's bothering me. S-see, the thing is, I just can't stop thinking about Foop and Anti-Goldie... "I don't wanna make them do anything they don't want to. That's not fair to them. I wouldn't want Foop to do anything like that to my life if I had to be the one to copy him, so why should I be controlling his life like this? It should be his choice, you know? He sh-shouldn't have to be forced if he doesn't want to..."
- Drama, Romance, Angst, & Fluff
- Prompts related to the celebrity kids and friends: Poof, Foop, Goldie, Anti-Marigold, Sammy, Finley, Hiccup (Foop's alt personality), and Cavatina (Sanderson's son)
Spellementary School. Alberich Middle. Carl Poofypants High. Welcome to the best years of the rest of your life. Poof is no stranger to being strong or popular, but discovering he's a gyne - a "queen bee" among fairies - comes with its own challenges. That whole "fighting for dominance" and "driven to kill each other" thing certainly add stress that'll never go away... even if he wasn't incredibly anxious about his on-and-off poly girlfriend (Goldie) or H.P.'s eternal push to hire him at Pixies Inc. Foop's spent his life fighting for every scrap of respect his Fairy classmates see fit to give him. Exhausted by the complex dance of supporting his mother through a war, juggling his mistress with his actual betrothed, and struggling to restrain an alternate personality growing ever more protective and bitter, you have to wonder... is chasing universal domination even worth it anymore?
Rated Gen and T
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Cloudlands AU - Detailed warnings & other AU info
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Highlights of this arc:
- Crocker starts long-term work at Spellementary School. Poof and Foop teach him the basics of magic. - The kiddos spend spring break with their grandparents. Well... I guess Finley's with his....... Head Pixie. - Poof and Foop each welcome a younger sibling into their life... in their own way. - With Anti-Cosmo missing in action, Foop struggles to support his mother through an interspecies war. - Hiccup (Foop's alternate personality) takes his mum to lunch. - Foop faces microaggressions while struggling to get a job in Fairy World. - Foop finally settles on a betrothed. Ugh... She's clever and nice, but it's a good thing romance is optional. Can you imagine flirting with your ruling partner? - Hiccup is very normal about his crush on Sammy Sweetsparkle. Uh-oh... - As things get serious with his betrothed (Anti-Coriander), Foop tells his girlfriend (Anti-Marigold) he'd like her to be his mistress. Yeah... That talk goes great. - Poof buries his incredible amounts of trauma beneath his peppermint addiction. Foop quietly helps him through school. - Poof and Foop team up when they find themselves the targets of an assassination plot. Wait, what?
Read on FFN | Read this arc on AO3
"We have to think of... celebrated heads of state or especially great communicators! Did they have brains or knowledge? Don't make me laugh! They were popular! Please..." (x)
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elaney89 · 3 months
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I'm thrilled to share this one-shot with you all! 🌟 This piece will become a chapter in a longer fic that delves deeper into Draco's melancholy and Hermione's BAMF energy. I have about four chapters ready, and I plan to start posting them after the fest. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this as a standalone! 💫
Here's the summary:
"I want you to look at me. From this moment on I own you" she started in a voice dripping with authority and lust. "You're mine. Mine to order, to do with as I see fit. Your job is to serve me, please me, obey me, and worship me. Is that clear?"
Draco struggled to form a coherent response, managing only a weak "Y-yes, Mistress."
IIt's been 10 years since the Battle of Hogwarts, and Draco Malfoy's life leaves much to be desired. More surviving than living, he has perfected the art of looking unfazed. His reputation isn't sparkling, but a decade without scandal means he no longer gets spat on in the streets.
Living reclusively in his mansion and preferring potions and firewhisky to human interaction. At 28, he is obscenely wealthy, likely alcoholic, and deeply lonely—a fucking disgrace.
All of that changes when he stumbles upon Hermione Granger, who strides straight into his life, taking charge and giving him something to live for. Tonight, she is about to take over one more thing: his sex life. Having never been a sub before, Draco feels like a pack of Cornish Pixies are in his stomach.
Now the question is: Can he learn to obey?
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whynotshaveme · 11 months
The Roadside Barber
By whynotshaveme
My Mistress and I were traveling throughout Asia. When we met, I had long blonde hair down my back. She, of course, did not permit that. Within a month of our first meeting, she shaved me bald. Then she kept me bald. For her, I endured it. I was excited that she allowed me to regrow my hair for our trip around Asia. By the time that we saw the roadside barber, I had a shaggy pixie.
It was in rural Japan that we saw him, the roadside barber, a toothless bald man shaving a gangly teenager bald. She, of course, insisted on stopping and watching. As she watched him work his straight razor through the teen's thick black locks, she layed a hand on the back of my head, stoking my hair. My stomach sank. Because I knew what she was thinking.
And, as expected, once the barber finished with the teen, she asked him something in Japanese, her native language. He smiled broadly at us and pointed at the now vacated stool. I knew that my Mistress, with her long coils of black hair, would not be sitting in it. So, I did.
Looking extremely satisfied, she watched the barber sharpen his razor. Then he wet my hair. Despite seeing his skill on the teenager before me, I sat as still as possible as he peel away my poor pixie. Once he shaved my scalp, he then tilted my head back and took my eyebrows. This was the first time that I lost my eyebrows as well. It would not be the last.
After he wiped down my scalp, he motioned for me to get off the stool and kneel in the dirt. I looked at my Mistress. She nodded. So, I obeyed, letting the bald toothless old man polish my scalp with his seed.
Afterwards, my Mistress gave the barber a handsome tip and motioned for me to get back in the car.
"So many beautiful women in the world," she said, caressing my slick bald head, "I'd rather have an ugly bitch who can obey."
Then she gave me permission to pleasure myself during the ride back to the city where we were staying, which I did over and over again.
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@lekreb thank you so much for the procrastination support
First impression
I loved her. I didn't know how to say her name properly and was trying very hard to ramble about her to one of my friends the morning after the postie war act two premiere. My first impression can basically be summed up by:
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Impression Now
Tbh I've only grown to love her more. I wish I could say more but I've rambled so much about her on this blog I'd be repeating the same things for a hundred times.
Favourite moment
Am I allowed to say postie war acts 2-6 or is that too broad?
A New Dream in postie war act three is so precious to me. Marjolein learning how being a postie works, being curious yet also completely confused, HOW AWKWARD SHE IS WHEN SHE MEETS SARAH like "hi I'm Marjolein" when Raven then goes on about what posties are I cringe so hard oh Marjolein I love you-
Favourite oddly specific moment is her meeting Mucklepuck for the first time. I don't think I need to explain why.
Idea for a story
I am going to cheat a little and combine idea for a story and favourite headcanons into one answer I really apologise :(
Unpopular Opinion
I have to admit i am not the biggest fan of Marjolein forgetting Lloyd during her time in the hellscape. I rambled a lot about how I wasn't the biggest fan of how much the cabaret brought in linear time in a Raven ask I just finished writing, but this was just the icing on the top for me tbh.
Like!! I think she should have interesting feelings about Lloyd!! He viewed her as a daughter and only voiced that opinion when she offered to sacrifice herself for them and "was of use"!!! Talk about generational cycles of shitty parenting!! But the idea that she's just... Forgotten almost entirely? That it's almost as if the relationship she built with them in postie war didn't matter?? That the thing she remembers isn't the advice or the time spent or even the adventures, but vague recollections of what he looks like?
And then of course there's Lloyd wanting to rekindle their relationship only to turn around and say he's leaving in a year I do not like that either
Favourite relationship
I know I ramble about Marjolein and Sarah a lot, but I think it has to be Marjolein and Jill. The way Jill feeds into Marjolein's gaining confidence storyline and Marjolein feeds into Jill yearning for people to see her as her and not a "manic pixie dreamgirl" larger than life person? Yeah. Just yeah. I will cut myself off here so I don't ramble for paragraphs upon paragraphs.
Favourite headcanons/Idea for a story
Demon queen Marjolein. I've rambled about this on discord before but the idea that Marjolein accidentally became a demon queen while she was in the hellscape, either through a weird situationship with Mistress or because the demons looked at her and thought "yup. We want her to lead us now." And then when they're all rescued she just drops "oh yeah I'm officially a demon queen btw" on the rest of the posties-
As for idea for a story, a kinda rewrite of postie cabaret. Marjolein is in her whole demon queen thing, Jill also helps out a lot with magic and advising and stuff, and they get approached by Crispy and Toasty and Mistress panicked because "there's a bunch of people out to attack us and try and take you away!!". And it's a big comedy of errors where Jill and Marjolein help defend the hellscape from the postie "invaders" who are trying to rescue them from the hellscape.
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lala1267 · 1 year
Is it wrong (Part 4)
Summary: Priscilla knows and gets her revenge
Warnings: slight blood, glass, mentions of cuts, violent imagery, age gap.
Notes: Idk if this is good.
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Legs swaying and smile lurking on her dimpled cheeks. Lolita's hand muffled her childish giggles as Elvis ran across her little mind. He was like a haunting melody, a lovely life saver. The way his big hands felt around hers, the way his back velvet hair hung in front of his face, the way he puffed on his cigar, the way his head tipped back against the sofa, relaxing. The visible dust molecules floated around her in the sunlight. Her long blonde curls seeped over her upper body like a golden waterfall. Her black shiny school shoes tapped against the wooden floorboard. The pencil in her hand scribbled against the white paper, leaving a trail of grey led. She couldn't wait to see Elvis. She was like she was a magnet to him. She just couldn't seem to pry away from his rose red magnetic field.
She walked out of the school gates with a skip in her step. She quickly rushed home.
The next few weeks
Lolita and Elvis would send flirtatious letters to eachover. Sometimes, Lolita would even sign the paper with her cherry red lipstick kisses. She would spray her floral beach scented perfume on the thin paper before sending it. Elvis's heart would ache and dim into a cold grey as he spent more days from his little Lolita. Lolita's violets would whimper in agony as the colour disappeared from the once purple petals. Her flowers were hauntingly delicate. The green stem that was now a rusty brown was weaping over, bent over like a sorrowful willow tree. Lolita would run across Elvis's mind like a shooting star, making its way through the galaxy. Lolita was so cheerful and happy. It was like the sun lived inside of her golden heart that was glittered with glowing pixy dust. It was almost as if you could hear a twilight twinkling sound whenever you were around her. You could hear the echoe of her childish giggles that filled the pollenated summer air. As Lolita was a burning desire, Priscilla was a captivating darkness. Her long black hair and foxy eyeliner accessorised her alluring sexyness. She had a mystery to her dark void. She was a secret witchy mistress trapped in such a small body. She was underestimated often. She was a woman of destingtion, calm and calculated. Even though Priscilla's nights and seas were colored black velvet, she would unfold a core of sweetness. If you pick at her petals and shower her in diamonds, of course.
One windy night
Priscilla sat on the cream lever couch that was situated in the lavish living room of Graceland. Her fingers that were covered in shiny sparkling rocks rummaged through the bag of popcorn that sat in her lap. Her eyes softened as she saw baby Lisa gently fall asleep in her high chair. Priscilla lifted herself from the couch and placed the popcorn aside before picking Lisa up. She cradled her and admired her cuteness. She placed tone little pink kisses on her soft cheeks.
"Oh my baby, I think it's your bedtime."
Priscilla whispers as her tone lifts to talk on a baby voice. She places Lisa in the downstairs cradle gently before sitting herself back down. She is distracted at the sound of the letter box ingraved into the front door. It clangs. Her eyebrows furrow as she looks as the small white letter that is swiftly floating towards the ground.
"Post man, at this time..."
Priscilla seems to be worried, but her emotions die down once she remembers that it is probably Elvis sending her a little letter. A smile appears on her face as she walks over to the note. She eagerly picks it up and tears the envelope off. The rubbish travels to the carpet as her eyes scan the letter.
"To my little Lolita.
I will be coming back tomorrow, I can't wait to see your pretty face again. I have a big suprise for you honey, you will be so happy when you see it!
Priscilla's once cosy living room crumbles and sucks her into a black void. Her breath is snatched from her as spicy salty tears seap down her tense throat. She feels her heart burn and crackle like a bonfire in a dead forest. The once bright red apples that hung from the green trees were now rotting and decaying as the rusty brown leaves fell off onto the muddy ground. A waterfall of tears gush down her tournamented face like oozing blood from her stone grey heart that is gradually burning into a red flame. Her tears dropped to the floor as her fist strangled the letter. She instantly sprints up the stairs. The sound of her heavy footsteps rang like a doorbell.
Lolita sat in the dimly lit guest room of Graceland. The cold night wind blew the cottage white curtains away. A smile plastered on her pretty face as the black ink wrote flirtatious words onto the lined paper. Her delicate hands moved around over the paper. Her feet kicked as she tried to contain her energy. Her heart thumped a sweet melody against her ribcage. The moonlight shot stars into her tangled hair, leaving behind sparkling fairy dust. It was as if there were rivers sweetly perfumed with vanilla in her bright soul. Her big blue orbs scanned the black Inc words that were tattooed onto the page a thousand times. Suddenly, loud footsteps echoed throughout the hallway, quickly getting closer to the door that separated her and the rest of the house. Without warning, the Swan white door flew open and hit the wall, leaving an indent. Priscilla's face was glistening with her warm salty tears whilst her clenched fist grasped the white love note. Her teeth grunted against eachover, and her eyes were bloodshot. She was like a baulk of fury that would explode any minute. She stood in the doorway before pointed to the crinkled letter in her hand with her quivering finger.
"What is this?"
She asked through her teeth, trying her best to remain calm. Lolita's eyes widened as they met with the letter that was suffocated in Priscilla's now white nuckles. She was filled with an ocean of apologies, but not a word escaped her pretty pink lips. She was silenced. Priscilla took a dangerous step closer to Lolita, who cowered like the pathetic little girl she was. Lolita's head hesitantly tilted up to Priscilla, who was now towering over her seated position.
"I said what the fuck is this!?"
She yelled before throwing the scrunched up paper at poor Lolita's face, causing her to flinch like a scared puppy with its tail in between its legs. Lolita's watery eyes looked back up to Priscilla, who was at her boiling point, but still, not a word escaped.
"If you don't wanna talk, we can handle this another way."
She grunted under her hot breath. Priscilla's hands aggressively grasped Lolita's precious, lininen curls. The sting and pain on her scalp caused her to yelp helplessly. Priscilla pulled her powerless body to the cold, hard ground before jumping on top of her. Her long nails clawed at Lolita like an animal, scratching, hitting, punching, anything. Lolita's cries and screams meant nothing to Priscilla. She felt no remourse, no mercy. Priscilla was filled with rage. Her hands curled into a tight fist before landing numerous blows on Lolita's bright red face.
"Who the fuck do you think you are bitch!?"
She shouted at the top of her lungs like a mad woman.
"Huh!? I can't hear ya!"
She yelled causing her lungs to burn like a cigarette. Her face lit up red as she carried on her vicious attack on the small teen.
"Elvis is mine!"
"I'll make sure you'll never meet again like goddamn vegans!"
She yelled. Her shouts echoed around the dark room like a haunted melody. Priscilla stood up from weak Lolita, who was whimpered and sobbing like a baby. She turned around to rummage on the messy desk. She finally got her hands on an expensive perfume that Elvis had recently brought Lolita. Priscilla's grip was tight on the glass bottle as she turned to look at Lolita. Her arms raised in the air, holding the glass perfume filled bottle up. She aggressively threw it straight at Lolita. She watched as sharp shards of glass smash all over Lolita's poor body, leaving cuts for the perfume to seep onto like pink venom. Lolita let out an ear deafening scream as she felt the burning sensation of the perfume travelling into the bloody openings on her body. This only added feul to the fire. Priscilla wasn't going to stop until her screams would dissappear into the dense air. She wasn't going to stop until she was dead. She needed to feel every one of Lolita's bones crush. Priscilla quickly turned back around and grabbed anything she could from the table. She threw glass, makeup, decor, and hairspray at the weak little girl. The wooden floor was now decorated in little blood stains and glistening glass peices that shimmered like diamonds.
Her hands pushed the stool over. She needed to hurt Lolita badly. She stood for a few seconds, thinking. The screams and cries of Lolita just clouded the room. Priscilla looked at the desk before man handling it. She dragged it closer and closer to Lolita's beaten body until it finally fell on top of her. Lolita's screams and breaths were snatched from her as she felt the heavy wooden table crush her ribs, and the tall mirror break into sharp shards on her body. Immense pain coursed through her veins as her mouth was locked shut. The sound of glass breaking rang in Priscilla's ears as Lolita was deafened by the white noise.
Priscilla just towered over her, looking at the mess that she had made with her bloodshot eyes. Her chest heaved up and down, and her red nuckles relaxed. Her eyes looked at the painted red floor. Her brows furrowed as tears streamed down her face.
"J-just, leave my relationship alone, please."
She whispered breathlessly before rushing out of the room and into the darkness. Lolita's breath left her body as her consciousness also followed. Her glassy eyes fluttered shut as her blood oozed out of her body like slime.
Next morning
The smell of perfume lingers around the room. Lolita's eyes slowly drift open. Her blue eyes scan her position. The heavy table feels as if it is cutting her waist in half. Her body aches. She slowly lifts the table up. She sits up with slight pain before she gets up. She tries to stop her tears as she sees the number of nightmare blue bruises that were decorated on her body through a shard of the mirror. She gasps as she continues to examine her beaten body. She feels like a punching bag. She was quickly taken back by the sound of the front door opening and closing.
"Where is my beautiful baby Lisa!"
A manly voice excitedly shouts from the living room. Lolita's heart races as she has a feeling of ecstasy wave over her. Panic courses through her veins. She needs to hide this scene and her bruised body. It was only a matter of time before the truth came out.
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somediyprojects · 9 months
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Bella Filipina: Arya, Elemental Queen of Air | Maleficent conversion by Moi Songco aka theclosetshelf. Pattern designed by Drin Parilla.
Her kingdom lies deep in the Forbidden Mountain. At its peak, a ruined castle decorated by menacing statues, and surrounded by crumbling and decaying architecture, glowing thorns and wispy purples, adding in the eerie quietness and foreboding atmosphere. It is where there the Mistress of Evil is harnessing her dark powers and plotting her vicious schemes. Be cautious, be fearful, for Maleficent will show you the wrath and all the powers of hell! This is the original design by Bella Filipina Cross Stitch Designs and my full conversion into Maleficent. All colors were changed (skin included) except for one: the backstitch on her skin. Ahahaha The skull cap of the headdress was a challenge as the original design has so much details and simplifying it into basic shades tested my patience for unpicking. Ahahaha I love the idea of incorporating some details from the movie Sleeping Beauty so in lieu of feathers, they were replaced with Maleficent’s pet raven and the Three Good Fairies. Merryweather is so ready to turn Diablo into a stone! 🪄🦅 And i love sparkles on my projects, I added some “pixie dusts” on the wings, wand and gown hems of the fairies because they must sparkle! The wings and tail of the raven also have glow to indicate movement.
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