seamistgale · 2 days
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Of @ghostreblogging, Where Danny has the same tax evasion skills as his parents. Kind of a coffee shop AU, but well, its gotham.
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skullandfeathers · 1 month
more GC! art ✨
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I love this man sm ✨☕️
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thedreammist · 1 year
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Foxtaglia's supper time!
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«Старый рыбак» Тивадар Костка Чонтвари.
«Старый рыбак» Чонтвари заинтересовал широкую публику лишь несколько лет назад, хотя картина появилась на свет в 1902 году.
Секрет оказался простым: если визуально разделить картину пополам по вертикали и приложить перпендикулярно к границе зеркало, то перед зрителем открывается сразу два отдельных сюжета. На одной стороне изображен Бог, сидящий в лодке на фоне уютного морского пейзажа. Вторую часть занимает угрюмый дьявол, вокруг которого вздымаются высокие волны бушующего моря.
При жизни художник так и не продал ни одной картины. В Венгрии художник имел репутацию сумасшедшего из-за странностей поведения, аскетического образа жизни и склонности при общении впадать в пророческий тон.
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theproperweirdo · 3 months
I definitely agree the integration of the lesser gods absolutely dropped the ball. If I had to guess it’s because arena focused so much on Dura vs Annih that the Journey team said ‘nah too much of these two slap em on the back burner.’ Probably because they expected most of the player base to have already played the Arena lore, but then they completely ret-conned for Journey anyways which makes life so much more confusing???
The verdict on whether or not Annih is even Journey canon is still out but the baddies are still aligned with the graveborns + hypogeans so maybe? I was genuinely had to open a new tab to look him up because I don’t think he’s even once been mentioned so I had no clue who tf that was. I’m suprised there’s just a total lack of what seems like an insanely pivotal character.
I think this is part of the major problem with Journey which is how the decentralized of Dura was handled. Her gift of the Yggs (idk how to spell it) tree to the wilders is changed to Mistarte’s Lucent Tree, and there was a magical Oasis gift but it was from Merlin to just the Uru clan and has way less significance in the story.
When all her most compelling acts of kindness are attributed to other deities Dura herself has little to stand on which is a damn shame. I feel like it wouldn’t have been as big an issue if they actually introduced anything new to Dura’s story but this paired with the total lack of Annih creates a massive hole in the lore. Which again is a shame because it makes the lore confusing to both new and returning players, so no one wins.
I do like the idea of an AFK patheon though. I feel like Misarte and Dura would have gotten along. Our girlboss deserves friends
This is so real anon 😭😭 there’s just a big ass hole in the story like the big ass hole in my heart when I found out how much they changed 😢 idk how they’re gonna explain Hypogeans and graveborn without Annih but I’m still hoping they write him in later
Also Dura and Misarte would’ve DEFINITELY been best friends 🗣️🗣️ they would’ve made little flower fields and nice animals together :3c
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lamilanomagazine · 3 months
Bologna, torna la rassegna per la Giornata mondiale del Rifugiato
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Bologna, torna la rassegna per la Giornata mondiale del Rifugiato Anche quest'anno la Giornata Mondiale del Rifugiato diventa l'occasione per proporre un programma di eventi organizzati dal Comune di Bologna, nell'ambito del Progetto SAI coordinato da ASP Città di Bologna e da diversi enti impegnati sui temi dell'accoglienza e della migrazione. La Piazza dell'accoglienza è l'evento "ufficiale", organizzato dal Comune di Bologna insieme a BolognaCares!, in programma mercoledì 19 giugno in piazza Lucio Dalla, a partire dalle 17:30 con i laboratori di fumetto per bambini/e e ragazzi/e a cura di Salvatore Giommarresi "Ogni valigia un viaggio" (6-10 anni) e Mirka Ruggeri "Superpoteri che cambiano il mondo" (11-15 anni), seguiti dalla presentazione libro a fumetti 10 storie di accoglienza con firmacopie degli autori (Mirka Ruggeri, Salvatore Giommarresi e Alice Facchini). Dopo i saluti di Erika Capasso, delegata del Sindaco, Stefano Brugnara, amministratore unico di ASP Città di Bologna, e Cristina Francucci, direttrice dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna, è prevista la proiezione del documentario MistArt. Migranti della street art, sul laboratorio rivolto a beneficiari del Progetto SAI condotto dall'Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna. La serata culminerà nel concerto Maqeda, di Gabriella Ghermandi e Atse Tewodros Project unica band italo-etiope esistente. Il calendario completo degli eventi in programma dall'11 al 24 giugno è visibile a questo link. Tra gli appuntamenti segnaliamo: mercoledì 12 giugno (piazza Lucio Dalla), Caro migrante, il Tavolo Migranti dell'Arcidiocesi di Bologna mette a confronto Pif (Pierfrancesco Diliberto) con migranti, operatori e volontari dell'accoglienza, e il Cardinale Matteo Maria Zuppi; lunedì 17 giugno, (Cinema Arlecchino, via delle Lame 59/A) la proiezione di Telling them about us, film realizzato da Rand Beiruty con un gruppo di ragazze arabe, curde e rom in Germania dell'Est (nell'ambito del Biografilm Festival, con Arca di Noè); sabato 22 giugno, la crisi in Medio Oriente sarà al centro della proiezione del film A world not ours, di Mahdi Fleifel (2012), nell'ambito della rassegna "In Barca verso Est" nella sede dell'Associazione Hayat (via Leonardo da Vinci, 2/B Bologna); domenica 23 giugno, al Cinema Bristol (via Toscana 146 Bologna), con il Il secolo è mobile, monologo multimediale scritto e realizzato dal giornalista Gabriele Del Grande (produzione di Zalab), a cura di CIDAS. La Giornata del Rifugiato, istituita il 4 dicembre 2000 dall'Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite in occasione del cinquantennale della Convenzione di Ginevra che nel 1951 definì lo status di rifugiato, è celebrata in tutta Italia. Come l'anno scorso, l'immagine ufficiale della rassegna è stata realizzata nell'ambito del progetto POSTER FOR THE CITY, realizzato in collaborazione con l'Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna. Tra le diverse immagini proposte dalla classe del corso di Design Grafico del prof. Danilo Danisi, è stata selezionata quella di Flavia Badiali, che rimanda al primo dei tanti drammi che vivono le persone rifugiate: lasciare la propria casa. "Anche quest'anno Bologna sceglie di celebrare la Giornata Mondiale del Rifugiato con un cartellone di eventi, frutto della collaborazione tra Comune, Asp Città di Bologna, Comuni dell'Area metropolitana ed enti del terzo settore che partecipano attivamente al nostro Sistema di Accoglienza e Integrazione – sottolinea Luca Rizzo Nervo, assessore welfare e salute – Bologna ha il progetto SAI più grande del nostro paese; un sistema che si fonda sulla scelta di costruire un'accoglienza diffusa, comunitaria, con l'obiettivo ambizioso di promuovere cittadinanza sin dal primo giorno attraverso l'integrazione delle persone migranti e rifugiate sul nostro territorio, grazie anche a un lavoro costante di raccordo e collaborazione interistituzionale e con la comunità territoriale. Le iniziative che ogni anno organizziamo per la Giornata Mondiale del Rifugiato rappresentano un'importante testimonianza di questo impegno, che da sempre portiamo avanti assieme a cittadine e cittadini e a tutti gli attori, che, in ragione delle loro competenze, giocano un ruolo essenziale nel facilitare i percorsi di inclusione dei rifugiati". "In questi giorni si chiude il primo anno del nuovo progetto 2023-2025 del SAI - Sistema Accoglienza Integrazione Area Metropolitana, coordinato da ASP Città di Bologna su delega del Comune - ricorda Stefano Brugnara, amministratore unico di ASP -. I servizi e la governance del SAI sono il frutto di un percorso di co-progettazione che ci vede protagonisti insieme a tutti gli enti partner e alle istituzioni del territorio per offrire oltre 2000 posti di accoglienza nel Sistema metropolitano bolognese. Il ricco programma di eventi per la Giornata Mondiale del Rifugiato 2024 testimonia come i servizi del SAI vanno ben oltre dare un vitto e un alloggio alle persone rifugiate ma siano un'occasione anche per attività culturali che sono fondamentali per favorire l'inclusione e gli scambi. Lo scopo infatti non è solo aprirsi alla cultura di chi viene accolto ma aprire ai rifugiati la cultura di chi accoglie, in un reciproco scambio che arricchisce tutti".  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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illustrado · 6 years
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ya birb’s as smooth as butter on a hot summer day
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edgarnbones · 5 years
where: lily evans’ birthday bash when: january 1978 who: edgar bones & open
Edgar had arrived slightly late to the party, a little caught up in how he should transport Lily’s gift over to the event. Since it was made of real marble it was pretty happy, but its stature made it slightly easier to carry considering it was only about tall enough to fit on a bedside table. He’d been planning her gift for a while, knowing it was something that she’d probably hate but hopefully found as amusing as he did. A small marble statue, nestled in his arm and rested against his body to help distribute the weight along with a large bouquet of roses, not lilies. He was quite proud of himself for thinking of such an ingenious gift and as he entered the party he stopped by the nearest wixen. “Hey, have you seen Lily?”
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marymacdonalds · 5 years
when: december 28th, 1977 where: muggle london , underground who: whoever the fuck was invited to mary’s birthday, not mulciber though he can choke
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She’d been determined to allow herself one night, one night closest to the end of the year that would prove itself to be free of the dramatics that had seemingly followed her ‘round like a shadow. Pinned to her feet, one would assume she were Peter Pan with the amount of tomfoolery she’d been subdued to as of late. Seemingly stepping foot in every party only for tragedy to strike, only for blood to boil or heart to break. Her birthday. Something that she’d managed to finally warm up to, and surprisingly it had been her attempting to convince Marlene, Lily and Dorcas to step out into the harshened winter night with her. Petite stature weaving her way through crowd, finally with drink in hand as she’d made her way towards the music. Loud, boisterous, she’d found herself able to lose sense of being within the confides of the muggle surroundings. Drowning sound of the Sex Pistols ringing through her ears as she’d approached familiar figure. “I made the rule for a reason, y’know? Drinks mean fun, and fun means absolutely no pouting on the sidelines.” 
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seamistgale · 17 days
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Fanart of Batboy Au from @nightingale-prompts !! psst go read it i love it ty for writing it!!
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personallykilled · 5 years
dorcas & anyone // lily’s birthday bash. gryffindor common room.
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The party had been in full swing for what felt like hours now, maybe less, maybe more -- she didn’t know and didn’t care. Dorcas sat down in a chair, getting comfortable with her drink, already tired of dancing and mingling. But that isn’t to say she isn’t having fun, the drink already in her system made her smile become almost permanent, in a lazy sort of way. She felt someone standing behind her, making her look up, staring before recognition settled in. “Oh, Morgan, do you do that a lot? Stand behind people?”
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rabastanlestranged · 5 years
Where: Charms Class, 7th year. With: Rabastan & Anyone
Rabastan could barely contain the glee when Damon informed him of the little stunt he pulled off. The school in a tizzy, how could he not find humour in such a situation? Seated in Charms class, Professor Flitwick somewhere making himself more useless than he was, as Rabastan turned to his mates. “Oi, look at the lot of them. Pathetic.” He murmured, shaking his head. A raised hand in the air, seeking the teacher’s attention “Professor!” Rabastan called out, feigning an innocent look. “Are we sure you should let the likes of Potter and his mates to use their wands? I mean—how safe are we when they might cast the dark mark again at any moment?”
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longbottomsfrank · 5 years
Where: Outside the Great hall, Lunch time. With: Frank Longbottom & Anyone
He’d heard the rumors, the terrible rumors. Peter Pettigrew cast the Dark Mark. Frank shook his head. He’d sat with Peter, learned with Peter. He knew he was a good lad, a bit nervous—but not a bad man. Not enough to do something like that. The whole world was trying to make them second guess one another. It was all just talk. Looking over at the gaggle of fourth years as they sat on the steps, Frank crouched down, painting an interested expression. “Y’know, I didn’t hear it was the Dark mark. Apparently it’s a cover story. Those four lads stole the Loch Ness monster to start an illegal circus.” Good ol’ Bertha and her duty to fill the minds of all with something else. “Bloody insane, but they just wanted to find a way t’time share the poor beast.” He watched the gaggle of girls gasp in shock, realizing how silly it might’ve sounded. Standing slowly as they nearly ran off to tell others, Frank turned—and was caught. Sheepish, he shrugged his shoulders. “I—uh, might’ve heard Bertha tell people that.” He explained.
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cheesyfrazer · 5 years
When: 6th January 1978, evening Where: Hogwarts first-floor corridor Who: Brianne && open
There was something horrible about feeling like you had misjudged a person. Brie left McGonagall’s office, and the Auror within it, feeling upset as the questioning caught up with her. The rumours were not just rumours. Her Yule Ball date was, indeed, a suspect and Brie felt like somebody had kicked her in the stomach. She had enjoyed her evening with Peter Pettigrew, seen potential in him for more, but now--
She sat on the bottom but one step of the nearest staircase and breathed, “Fuck.” She heard footsteps near then stop and it took some time for her to realise that she was in the way. “Fuck,” she repeated. “I’m sorry.”
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savedpage101656 · 5 years
Where: Hospital Wing after the Quidditch Match With: Marlene McKinnon & Anyone
Whoever walked down the hall could hear it, the piercing, blood curling scream that echoed from the Hospital Wing. It’d been a blur between the Pitch, that fiery pain that inflamed her body so sharply, she didn’t see or think about anything else. The faint whistle blown, and then James was quickly in her face faster than she could’ve considered. That’s all Marlene remembered, if she was to be coherent about it. She didn’t realize Pomfrey had cut through the uniform she bore just to be able to see her ribs, the protruding bones pressed against bare skin. She didn’t think about the room, or if she focused she could’ve seen Mulciber walking out, grinning smugly at her. ‘We have to re-set the bones—‘ Marlene’s eyes were closed. She could hear the shuffle of footsteps, the way some sharp raps against the concrete ground of the castle floor broke, and there was her head of house. Wand pointed at Marlene, binding her wrists to stop her from moving. ‘Ms. McKinnon, this is going to hurt—‘ But that first crack, her body snapping as eyes filled with tears. Then the second—that piercing scream almost muffled by the gurgle in the back of her throat. ‘Two more, there’s two more!’ But it wasn’t like Marlene was hearing them, the film of sweat against her cheeks, skin burning as nails dug sharply into the pals of her hands. It was quick work, magic, but it wasn’t like the pain wasn’t there—lingering in the air, stenches of the sounds of her immediate pain as Madam Pomfrey tried to work as fast as possible, though it felt like ages. The last gasp fell, her hands released to stop her thrashing, as she looked up. ‘You’ll be alright, McKinnon.’ And she only nodded weakly to McGonagall, as she was readjusted into a laying position, head back, trying to catch her breath as she ignored the sound of approaching footsteps.
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illustrado · 6 years
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You can’t do the real magic when Donald is sleeping geez.
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