#mission steet
On Her Majesty’s Supersonic Service (Adrian Chase x Reader) Ch. 2
Chapter 2: Bird after Reading
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Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7K
Warnings: SMUT, Fluff, Romance, Praise, Descriptions of murder, Descriptions of violence, Phone sex, Send noodz, FaceTime sex.
Summary: On a rare night off after the Glan Tai massacre, Vigilante gets your phone number from the 11th Steet Kids group chat and talks you through some things.
A/N: He is being really, really sweet to Birdie and she can’t help but be charmed by him. My heart :(
Chapter Text
Last night did not go to plan.
Still, the sound of pleasant chit-chat hums through the air as everyone loads up the van to make the two-hour journey back to Evergreen. The team is in good spirits on this bright summer morning after a successful mission. Everyone except you. You just want to curl into a ball and die.
After clearing up last night’s misunderstanding you practically ran back to your tent to hide in shame. Adrian called after you “Wait! So we’re not even gonna cuddle?” but you couldn’t even bring yourself to turn around and acknowledge his wounded voice with a glance. 
It was only when you were nestled back into your own sleeping bag that you noticed your lip was cut and bleeding from when you hastily removed the duct tape to use your sonic scream.
This morning, however, you’re kind of surprised to find that Vigilante has a spring in his step already. “Good morning!” he beams cheerily, leaning against the van as you and Chris are the last to haul your duffel bags and packed tents over to the vehicle. 
“Woah, what happened to your lip?” asks Economos. You give a small dismissive shake of your head and glance at Vigilante. 
“Hey- let me get those for you.” says Vigilante. Chin in the air, you stride past him and load the bags yourself. You can’t accept special treatment from him after last night.
Not any more special treatment anyway. 
“Thanks, Vij,” says Chris, tossing his bag into Vigilante’s outstretched arms. 
“Aw, man!” He pouts after you.
You brace yourself for confrontation as your steel-toed boots continue to stomp over to where Harcourt and Adebayo are discussing next steps. You wait for them to finish, back straight, eyes ahead, hands folded behind you. 
They look up from the iPad. The mischievous glint in Adebayo’s eyes and the smirk on Harcourt’s face tells you that Adebayo has been briefed on the mistaken attempt to rescue you last night. 
"At ease, soldier. Or should I say 'damsel in distress'?" teases Harcourt.
“What was Vigilante going to do, Blackbird? Tie you to the railway like an old-time cartoon villain?” Adebayo adds with a laugh.
The brutal intelligence officer training you’ve endured enables you to remain composed and you stand tall preparing to explain yourself, despite the dread stirring in the pit of your stomach. As neither of them knows sign language you pull out your phone, quickly type a message on your notes app and hold up the screen
‘I apologise for acting unprofessionally last night.’
Harcourt pulls a face, deciding how to proceed. She really should reprimand you for indiscreetly fraternising with a colleague. But you’ve noticed the way her gaze lingers on Chris Smith lately and you wonder if that’s why she’s choosing not to jump down your throat.
Adebayo beats her to the punch “Listen Blackbird, we’re only giving you shit because we’re your friends.”
“Yeah but if Smith or any of those fuckers,” Harcourt points at the rest of the team beside the van “If they have anything to say about last night, we’ll tell them to go fuck themselves.” 
Well. That was very unexpected. And, despite yourself, your shoulders loosen slightly as you feel a rush of gratitude for the pair sweep through you. You have respect for both of your colleagues but you didn’t think that they’d consider you to be friends. Let alone friends who would back you up if the rest of the team gave you a hard time. You type on your phone again.
‘It won't happen again’
They read your screen and then share perplexed glances.
“I get it, I mean, even if I was straight I definitely wouldn’t have sex with either of the roided-up himbo lunatics on this team… would you?” Adebayo asks Harcourt. 
Harcourt hesitates.
“I don’t know. Peacemaker is mostly a piece of shit. But I guess he’s kind of handsome?”
They laugh and you allow yourself a small smile. Harcourt hates that she’s interested in Chris even more than you hate that you might feel a tiny bit of attraction to Vigilante. Your turn to look at the rest of the group and catch Vigilante staring over at you, clearly interested by the giggling. 
“All I’m saying is- it couldn’t be me. Remember, Vigilante is kind of fucked up. I heard he murdered people for doing graffiti for crying out loud!” 
You consider this. Adebayo is right but then again, you’re no beacon of morality. Peacemaker isn’t the only one on this team who’s done unspeakable things on behalf of a government agency. A government agency that now hates you and sent you on this mission as a punishment for your misdeeds. So what if Vigilante kills people on his own accord? 
“Don’t dwell on last night. It’ll only distract you from the mission,” says Harcourt “It’s not even the most embarrassing thing that’s happened so far. Remember when Adebayo showed everyone that picture of her vulva?”
“Hey!” Adebayo hits her arm with the iPad. “It’s a risk you gotta be willing to take for amazing phone sex.”
“Listen, all of us can see that you and Vigilante work well together in the field. Maybe it’d be the same outside of work? You could teach him about sarcasm… he could teach you to be less serious.”
This is rich coming from her, who insisted you all referred to her only as Agent Harcourt until literally yesterday. 
Adebayo echoes your thoughts “Coming from you?!”
“Serious like in a sad, solemn kind of way,” she explains with a pitying look “If anyone needs cheering up it’s Blackbird. No offence.” She adds.
None taken. Losing your voice has made you simply recede into yourself with despondency. You look over at Vigilante who gives you an enthusiastic wave. You feel guilty for ignoring his offer of helping you with your bags. Maybe spending more time with that maniac will do you some good.
“Just be careful.” Adebayo shifts uncomfortably as she watches Peacemaker and Vigilante roaring with laughter at Economos gesturing like he’s wielding a chainsaw, regaling the story of yesterday's mission. 
After finding out that Murn wants a briefing of yesterday's events, the three of you walk back to the van. Vigilante extends a gloved hand to help you up into the back. You hesitate for a beat too long but he keeps his hand out all the same. You grab it, allowing him to pull you in. 
You perch on the seat next to him and when the doors close and Economos starts driving, he removes his mask. 
Ugh, he’s even more handsome in the daylight. 
“Y’know Blackbird, you’re the only one who hasn’t removed your mask yet,” says Chris, removing his helmet. “You saw Vij last night, which means we all know each other’s faces now.”
Oh. Your domino mask - issued together with your suit- covers from your eyebrows to your cheekbones. You’re supposed to wear it on missions to conceal your face from both CCTV and civilians. You shrug and remove the mask, unpeeling it from your face- your life is in London so it’s not as if you have a secret identity here to worry about. 
“Wow,” remarks Adebayo “You look exactly the same.” 
The van erupts in laughter and you smile reluctantly. 
“Nuh-uh, we know she has eyebrows now!” says Adrian. “I’m glad you have eyebrows by the way,” he adds quietly to you. 
The good spirits continue as you speed along the highway- ugh, motorway, you take a mental note to eradicate the Americanisms you’ve picked up on this trip from your vocabulary. The team plays music and bonds over their shared love of Glam Metal. It’s not really your thing but you enjoy just being amongst the camaraderie.
This time yesterday you had all been at each other's throats. But apparently almost being beaten to death by a giant gorilla controlled by a butterfly was just one of those things that you can’t go through without becoming friends afterwards.
Adrian’s gaze lingers on you for longer than usual. Your eyes meet his but he doesn’t look away, embarrassed, as most people would if caught staring. He studies you blatantly and then leans in to whisper in your ear. The sudden intimate closeness takes you by surprise. You’re acutely aware of his knee pressing against your own and you catch another whiff of his bergamot and bonfire smoke scent.
“You’re even prettier without the mask.” Adrian whispers into your ear and the warm vibrations of his breath make the hairs on your neck stand up pleasantly.
You see Harcourt and Chris watching you interestedly from across the van so you give a pronounced roll of your eyes at his remark. “And I can see you rolling your eyes at me even better now!” he adds earnestly.
The van hurtles its way towards Evergreen and Harcourt takes out her phone to snap a picture of you all. You listen to them reminisce about concerts while Adrian tries and fails to include you in the conversation. Chris suggests he asks you ‘Yes or No’ questions and he fails miserably. 
“What’s your favourite band?” You raise an eyebrow as Chris berates him.
“She’s British so I know she prefers The Spice Girls to Motley Crue!” exclaims Adrian “Right?” You nod and he beams.
A while later you pull up to the video shop. You listen as the team debriefs Murn on what happened in the factory. “This is good work,” he says, nodding at the equipment on the desk. “We're gonna need to sort through this but that can wait until tomorrow. You all have earned a rest.”
Adebayo raises a fist in celebration and you all file out towards the car park, laughing and joking. You and Adrian fall behind the rest of the group. “You know I really wish Economos had passed me the chainsaw. I’ve always wanted to kill someone with one.”
You give a small nod but your agreement is actually sincere - it would have been kind of hot if you had gotten the chance to see Adrian wielding the chainsaw. But after last night, you’re definitely biased. His face lights up at your silent encouragement. 
“See!” he yells to Chris up ahead “Blackbird agrees!”
“That’s only because she’s fucking you!” retorts Chris without turning around. You glance at each other and both put your masks back before exiting the building.
Vigilante’s pace drops and you match it- you can tell he’s prolonging your goodbye “I’ve got to get to work but do you need a ride home first? I’ve got the Vigalante-mobile.” he gestures to a beat-up old Chrysler Sebring. You shake your head and jerk your thumb over to Economos who’s waiting at his own car- you’re staying at the same motel. 
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asks. His eyes are obscured but you think he’s looking at your lips. Is he going to kiss you? You’re annoyed at how hopeful your inner monologue sounds. 
Your heart drops into the pit of your stomach as he places a gloved hand on your chin and tilts your head up towards his masked face. 
“Sorry about your lip. I didn’t realise duct tape was so dangerous.” You shake your head to say it’s not your fault. His thumb brushes the corner of your mouth and you resist closing your eyes and leaning into his touch. Economos clears his throat and Vigilante withdraws his hand quickly as if burned. You give an awkward nod goodbye and walk over to Economos’ car.
For fuck’s sake John.
You glare at him and decide to make him stop by a liquor store on the way home.
Back in your motel room you pour yourself a large whisky and run a shower. As the water is warming up you get a ping on your phone.
‘Emilia Harcourt added you to group ‘11th Street Kids’’
Harcourt shares a group photo of you all in the van. A smile creeps over your face as you examine it. You’re sitting next to Adrian and you just now realise his arm is resting on the back of your seat. Was he working up the courage to put his arm around you? He’s less sure of himself in the daytime than when he’s lurking in the dark as Vigilante. 
Notification light up your phone screen - it’s the 11th Street Kids groupchat. 
Peacemaker: [Hands up emoji]
Economos: So fucking cool.
Vigilante: [Merman emoji]
You wonder what Adrian’s emoji means. You type:
Blackbird: Nice one! x
You tap on the name “Vigilante” and your thumb hovers over his contact details, thinking about texting him. Or at least adding his contact details into your phone. Just in case of emergency. Another notification pops up.
‘Vigilante has added you as a contact’
Vigilante: Hey what’s up B- bird? [Penguin emoji] 
You’re relieved he immediately had the same thought. You still haven’t acknowledged what happened last night directly with him. This morning, in the cold light of day you felt ashamed of your one-night stand - not least how it ended. But now as the steam rises in the bathroom and the whisky burns your throat, you’re a little bit giddy that he messaged you. You contemplate for a moment.
Blackbird: Lmao that’s not even close to a blackbird! x 
Vigilante: What’s the X for? Is it a British spy code? 
Oh. Technically ‘x’ at the end of a text is shorthand for ‘kiss’. Back home almost everyone signs off like that to friends or family. It’s second nature to you when you write a message- words, space, x, send. Clearly, this cultural norm doesn’t translate well. You carefully craft a message to explain it to Adrian, trying to sound nonchalant.
Blackbird: Sounds weird but it means ‘kiss’. It’s just how we end text messages in the UK lol :) x
Well, that was lame. 
Vigilante: So you’ve given me 2 kisses since we started this conversation?
Blackbird: Not exactly- It’s just a habit when I send messages to friends x
Vigilante: Oh
Maybe he just isn’t used to being friends with his hookups afterwards? And according to Peacemaker he has plenty- of hookups, not friends - sometimes they even have one-night stands together, with the same woman.
A small stab of jealousy twists in your side at that thought.
Not Peacemaker and Vigilante sharing a woman, God no, but that you’re probably just the latest in a string of casual encounters. After all, he didn’t kiss you this morning when you thought he might, outside the video shop. 
Blackbird: I can stop sending them if they’re bothering you? 
Vigilante: What would you send to someone who was more than a friend?
A lot of people back home would use ‘xx’ at the end of a text to a boyfriend- but you haven’t had any reason to do that for a while.
Throwing caution to the wind, you type a flirtatious message, delete it, reconsider, take another drink of whisky, type the exact same thing again then hit send. You hold your breath.
Blackbird: Probably nudes :) x Blackbird: Just kidding. Probably more x’s. ‘xx’ rather than ‘x’ 
It’s been a long time since you flirted with anyone. It makes you want to launch your phone across the room but instead, you stare at the screen in anticipation.
Vigilante: Damn, this is REALLY bad timing but my break is over. I gotta get back to work. Later Birdie.
You catch your reflection in the bathroom mirror- your face falls. Is he blowing me off? Like I did to him at the van this morning? You feel betrayed by your own disappointment but you probably deserve it.
Stepping into the shower, you sigh as the hot steam fills your lungs. Your hair still smells of bonfire smoke and you’re almost sad to wash it away because it reminds you of Adrian’s smoky and citrusy scent. Shampooing your hair, you think about how Adrian curled his hand through it last night when you kissed him.
Ugh - stop it. You simply cannot catch feelings right now.
You press your head to the cool tile on the wall as the water from the tarnished chrome showerhead flows down your back. You need to scrub yourself of any feelings you have for Adrian. Even if he did feel the same way, what would be the point of starting a romantic relationship nearly 5000 miles from home? Or when you work in a job that has you in a different country every month?
The water pressure is surprisingly strong and you’re grateful for it as it soothes your sore back muscles. Yesterday’s mission and the night that followed have left your body exhausted. There’s still a pleasantly dull ache between your legs from last night. 
You felt a connection with him like you’d never felt before. Like he was reading your mind. Every thought, every want, every need. 
The only thing that has ever come close to it is how well you fight together. It almost seems silly that you haven’t been able to admit that to him today but the sensible voice in your head reminds you that you have a job to do. 
Your hand slips down the nape of your neck to your chest and you think about his skin. Pale and covered with scars, though you couldn’t see them all in the darkness of the tent last night. You wanted to look at each one, you wanted to kiss every single scar, cursing whoever had caused the damage to his lean, sculpted body. 
You find your favourite lavender soap and as you wash your body from your toes to your head, you take note of your own scars. Several cover both of your legs from the jet crash, one deep one in the meat of your thigh where you were stabbed that one time, another on your forearm from when you were stabbed a different time, and one on your shoulder blade where you were stabbed… again. Perks of the job. But you really need to get better at not being stabbed. 
You wonder what he’s doing after this shift and hate that you hope he’s staying safe. He likes to prowl the streets at night looking for criminals and regularly ends up in life-threatening situations but you want him to go straight home - you all have enough to be getting on with, with the butterflies and everything. And if you ever want to get back home and in MI6’s good graces, this mission needs to be a success. 
You finish up in the shower and decide you’d better remind him.
Blackbird: Rest up tonight Adrian. We’ve got a big day tomorrow and need you to be awake x
A few hours later at 11pm your phone pings in reply. Having spent the night drinking whisky and watching terrible TV, your stomach twists with excitement at the interruption. 
Vigilante: Great! Just need to figure out what we could use instead of duct tape…
A pleasant tingle goes down your spine. He must have finished his shift at Fennel Fields.
Blackbird: Not that kind of big day. We’ve got a lot of video equipment to check x
Vigilante: I only need to patrol the neighbourhood for a few hours. Do you wanna join? 
Blackbird: Sure- I can see the headlines now, ‘MI6 linked to string of vigilante murders in Washington.’ x
Vigilante: Awesome! Will I come and pick you up? 
Blackbird: No! That was sarcasm Adrian x
Vigilante: Okay - your loss! A team-up would have been SUPER cool FYI. TTYL
Blackbird: Wait! What can I say to convince you not to go out tonight? x
Vigilante: Awwww, are you worried about lil ol’ me, Birdie?
Blackbird: I need you on top of your game tomorrow. Finding the butterflies’ food source is more important than ANYTHING else we’ve got going on right now x
Vigilante: Stopped reading after “I need you”. Admit you need me Birdie and I might stay home tonight [Penguin emoji]  
You get up and pace around the room. He’s so resilient even after you ignored him last night and outside the van this morning. You’re relieved he’s flirting again. And you can tell from his messages that all he needs is some reassurance that you’re still interested in him after your stand-offishness this morning.
You pause in front of the mirror at the vanity table, catching a glimpse of your exposed neck and the top of your chest flushed red again. And a familiar warm sensation pools in your lower abdomen as your mind wanders back into Adrian’s tent. 
Blackbird: I need you… Blackbird: to see something :) x
Vigilante: Ooookay?
Blackbird: But you need to be somewhere private. Such as your home. Alone. In your bedroom. With the door locked x
Vigilante: I have no idea what’s going on right now 
Blackbird: I will message you a special surprise if you promise me you’re home x
Vigilante: WAIT- are you talking about the nudes you mentioned earlier???
Blackbird: Only one way to find out. Prove you’re home, tucked up in bed with a cup of tea and NOT prowling the streets looking for crime x
Vigilante: On my way home RIGHT FUCKING NOW Vigilante: PS what kind of tea should I get?
Blackbird: I’m just joking about the tea x
In the bathroom, you take in your appearance in the giant, circular mirror. You’re wearing a plain white T-shirt and another pair of unexciting black cotton underwear. Looking over your shoulder into the bedroom at your suitcase, you curse yourself for not bringing at least one set of skimpy lingerie. But then again- why would you? 
After spending all day in a Kevlar and leather suit, all you want to do is to sink into something soft and comfortable. And, after more than a year of abstinence, you never thought you’d find love in Evergreen, Washington. 
A hookup, you correct yourself, you never thought you’d find a hookup in Evergreen.
You squeeze your eyes shut and shake your head at your Freudian slip. You put your hands on either side of the sink and stare at yourself sternly. 
You are not so touch-starved and devoid of self-respect that you’d actually fall for Vigitlane.
Sure, he’s good looking and yes, you have an undeniable connection that you’ve never felt with anyone before but you remind yourself he’s a psychopath. A very enthusiastic and sweet one, certainly, but a literal vigilante murderer nonetheless.
Even so, you sort of want to look cute for the man who, you remind yourself again, is wanted on multiple counts of murder. Christ, what does that say about you?
He called you pretty this morning.
And you just rolled your eyes at him, concerned about what your colleagues would think. When what you really wanted to do was call him pretty too. Grab his stupid, pretty face, straddle his lap and kiss him, bite his lower lip, grind on him, leave love bites all over his neck. Right there in the van. The thought of it makes you feel feverishly hot.
You tie a knot at the back of your white T-shirt, pulling it taught against your body so that your nipples poke through the fabric and your curves are accentuated. You adjust the hips on your underwear so they show off more of your leg. You take a couple of mirror selfies - one with your whisky glass resting subtly on your chest - finger brushing your nipple and one of you sitting on the sink - back to the mirror and looking over your shoulder. Looking over them carefully, you decide you’re pleased- artfully sexy but nothing too wild. You want to give him a tiny little taste to reassure him you like him but no more. You both have work tomorrow morning, after all.
Your phone pings.
Vigilante: I’m home. I wish I’d seen your message before I went to the Starbucks drive-thru.
Blackbird: Lol :) But I’ll need evidence to verify your location x
Another notification. Adrian sends you a photo of himself holding a Starbucks cup- a mirror selfie. He’s got his Vigilante suit on but you can see the mask thrown on the large bed with comfortable-looking burgundy sheets behind him. Ugh, he looks so dreamy with his cute hipster glasses and wavy black hair. His room is very clean but bare- the only decoration seems to be his weapons, at least a dozen guns and several blades displayed on the wall. 
Blackbird: Do you sleep in an armoury!? x
Vigilante: What?? I sleep in a bed in my apartment!
You really do need to teach him about sarcasm.
Blackbird: I’m just joking - you DO have a lot of guns in your room x
Vigilante: Oh, the ones in here are just for display- you should totally come over and see the rest!!!! Vigilante: Anything cool in your motel room? 
Blackbird: IDK… this mirror is pretty nice x
You wander over to your bed as you flick through the selfies you took. Hesitating, you decide to send him the one of you sitting on the sink. 
Vigilante: Did you realise your reflection is visible?
You blink at your screen. Your ass is literally the main focus of the picture. 
Blackbird: That was sort of the point Adrian… x
Vigilante: NOICE!!!! In that case, I am SO glad I came home. I would literally never leave home again if you wanted me to. 
Fondness for him cascades through you and it makes your cheeks grow hot. He is so whole-heartedly earnest about his thoughts and feelings, it makes you wish you told him how good he looked when he sent you his picture. 
Does he know he’s good at getting you flustered over text? Your brows knit together as you remember Chris telling the group about their strings of one-night stands together and horror strikes you.
Blackbird: Adrian, I need you to know that if you show that to anyone I will not hesitate to murder you in cold blood. I’m not one of your women to be shared with Peacemaker. 
There's a pause and you watch the three dots moving as Adrian writes his reply. 
Vigilante: Okay first of all showing your pics to Peacemaker without consent would be classed as REVENGE PORN which - by the way - is ILLEGAL. I’ve killed people for less!!! Vigilante: Second of all there is no way I would ever break your trust Birdie. You are my second BFF.
Oh no, a pang of guilt. Of course, he wouldn’t do that. Another message pings. 
Vigilante: Thirdly you could never murder me because I am a much better marksman AND better in combat AND I know how to disarm you. 
You scoff silently. You could definitely beat Vigilante in a fight. 
Vigilante: And last of all, you are mine and I would never share you [Merman emoji]
You are mine. Your eyes rake over the black pixels on your screen. Mine. Fuck, why is your heart rate increasing? Warmth creeps in deep in your tummy. You smile and shake your head at his audacity. 
Blackbird: Ahem, yours?? x
Vigilante: Yup. At least your pussy is 
Blackbird: Hmmmm is that so? x
Vigilante: I’m the only one who can make you cum (and that’s including you btw) I can show you how if you’re nice to me for like 5 seconds.
Blackbird: I’m not sure I know how to be nice x
Vigilante: It was pretty nice of you to send me a pic of your ass… Vigilante: BTW I will delete that pic if you’re worried. Just give me 3-5 minutes with it. I know the drill - burn after jerking. 
You laugh silently but his consideration for your situation makes you melt. It makes you want to get on your knees for him to show your appreciation.
But he’s not here so instead you finish the rest of your drink in one quick gulp, lift the bottom of your shirt up, exposing your tits, snap another mirror selfie and hit send. 
Blackbird: Don’t delete this one x
Vigilante: Fuck, Birdie you have the most perfect tits I have ever seen. I mean it.  Vigilante: Even if I do delete it, this pic is now uploaded permanently into my spank bank. 
Blackbird: Is this all you needed to keep you off the streets? Just a little peek of me? x
Vigilante: YUP. And I am so fucking turned on right now. I wish you were here.
Blackbird: Show me x
Ping. Another picture. This time you need to sit down on the edge of the bathtub to steady yourself.
It’s just his body - he’s still wearing his Vigilante suit but a familiarly shaped hard bulge protrudes against the fabric. Your breath hitches and you can feel the steady beat of your heart pounding in your chest. You’re a bundle of nerves and you want to see more. Swallowing thickly you type:
Blackbird: You look v sexy in your suit <3 x
Vigilante: Birdie? Is that an actual compliment?! I think it’s the first nice thing you’ve ever said to me.
You’re no good at expressing your feelings but he needs to know how ridiculously hot he looks in his suit. A vivid image flashes through your mind of a masked vigilante breaking into your motel room, holding you down and covering your mouth while he fucks you. Fuck, the imaginary scene nearly burns a hole through you as you wander back to the bed.
Blackbird: Have you ever had sex in your mask? x
Vigilante: I basically only have sex in my mask. Secret identity is kind of a bummer. 
Except for last night. Though you did burst into his tent and catch him off guard. But how does he…
Blackbird: How do you kiss? Or…do anything else? x
Vigilante: Kissing, cuddling, eating pussy - three things I can’t do as Vigilante. You were the best thing I’ve tasted in a LONG time. 
You sit down on the edge of the bed and cross your legs, trying to stop yourself from squirming. The more turned on he makes you, the more reckless you become. In just a few texts you go from a tough superhero intelligence officer with a reputation to protect to a simpering mess with no regard for professionalism.
Blackbird: You are so fucking good at eating me out Adrian. I wish you were here x
Vigilante: You’re gonna make me jizz in my pants if you keep saying stuff like that. 
Blackbird: Hey not yet- I have more to show you x
Vigilante: Fuck. Seeing you talk like this makes me wish I could hear you in person.
Blackbird: You wouldn’t like me if I could talk again. People said I was very unkind - to put it mildly x
Vigilante: HAHA as if I can’t tell what all those eye rolls mean. You’re such a meanie but you LIKE me. 
Everything just bounces off of Adrian. Every cutting glance from you or dismissive comment from Harcourt. Even the time Peacemaker just let Goff torture him. The world is literally ending and Adrian is just riding the wave and enjoying being included in this mission. You wish you could take a leaf out his book and be less serious in the face of an alien invasion.
You hold your phone to your chest and lie back on the crisp white linen bed sheets. Staring at the ceiling you wonder what it would be like to be here with Adrian, in an actual bed rather than in a sleeping bag. Both uninjured and free to take your time, not worrying about other people catching you.
You take your T-shirt off completely this time. You snap a selfie with you laid back on the bed and send it to him.
The phone starts ringing immediately. 
‘Vigilante is requesting video chat’
Here goes nothing. You accept.
“Fuuuuuuuuck.” He drags a hand from over his eyes down his face. You hold the phone still above you. “I just had to check if you were real, Birdie. For a second I thought ‘What if last night was an insanely realistic wet dream and now I’m speaking to a snarky but sexy AI bot’. But you are real.” 
From what you can see on the screen, he’s shirtless too. As he stretches out getting comfortable on his bed, one hand behind his head, you can appreciate his broad shoulders and chest. A flicker of animalistic urge to bite the exposed underside of his arm leaps through you. 
You bring up the keyboard. 
Blackbird: I’m glad last night wasn’t just a dream either x
You watch his face as he reads your words pop up on his screen, blue light reflecting on his glasses. He lights up with a wide smile and it makes your heart leap. You tilt the camera down and gently run your fingers up and down your exposed stomach and tits, your fingertips gently tickling your skin. You hear his breath catch in his throat. You move the phone camera back up to your face and slowly, deliberately suck your fingers and move them inside your underwear to start gently circling your clit. 
Your phone remains pointed at your face so he can watch you sink back into the soft pillows and close your eyes as your movements pick up the pace.
“L- let me see. Please.” he chokes. You shake your head, the corners of your mouth turning upwards in a smirk. You open your eyes and nod towards him. You first.
He removes his hand from behind his head and flips to the back-facing camera so it’s almost like you’re watching from his point of view. He unzips his black kevlar-weave trousers and tugs down his boxers. His cock is hard already. You swallow thickly- you forgot how big he was. Taking it in his hand, he slowly jerks himself up and down. 
How did all of that fit in you? You need to inhale and exhale deeply, steadying yourself. You remember the stretching feeling as he slowly entered you, pressing his forehead against yours and checking you were okay. Oh fuck, the memory makes you speed your fingers up. You move the camera down your body so Adrian can see your fingers working in your underwear. 
“Hold on a sec.”
He pauses what he’s doing and urgently takes off the bottom half of his Vigilante suit. He recentres the camera and lets you see him now fully naked. You can see the strong outline of the muscles on his thighs and decide you’d quite like to bite them too.
“Fuck, I wish you were here. You felt so fucking good last night, the way you took all of my dick in that tent like such a good girl for me.”
You writhe back into the pillows as pleasure begins to wash over you.
“Please… show me how you do it baby. Let me see that perfect pussy again.”
It’s too much, his words make you let out a small moan and - CRACK. The sound of glass breaking. You jump in fright. Fuck! The alarm clock on the motel bedside table is shattered in pieces.
“Woah, are you okay?” Adrian returns to the front-facing camera and adjusts his glasses.
You nod and show him the broken alarm clock. You check for any pieces that might have landed on the bed and he waits patiently.
“Hey at least it wasn’t your phone!” he says enthusiastically. You frown. You should have realised something like this would happen. It’s too dangerous to do this - especially on your own. “C’mon Birdie, it’s okay… I personally think it’s really hot that you could kill both of us by cumming. As far as powers go, you’ve gotta admit that’s pretty OP.”
You give him an embarrassed smile. “Is there somewhere you can balance your phone so you have both hands free?”
You carefully place your phone against the lamp on the bedside table and kneel on the bed in front of it. His eyes look you over from your head to where your knees connect with the mattress.
“Fuck, you look so beautiful,” You blush hot red again and he smiles reassuringly “I can’t believe I get to see you like this.” He is being so sweet and it’s killing you. Last night he was teasing you so much that you’re actually beginning to wonder if he was just getting back at you for being so rude to him the past few weeks. 
You feel exposed, almost the full length of your body is on display on your video tile. The thought of him seeing all of you out so brazenly makes the hairs on your arms stand up. You’re brave in the field but being so openly vulnerable takes a different kind of boldness you don’t get to exercise often.
Heart pounding in your chest, you slip your underwear off and throw them aside. That’s it, nowhere and nothing to hide now. He groans and angles his phone down his body so you can see him stroking his cock, a clear bead of precum leaks from the tip from it. 
You move your hands over your body and watch his eyes follow them. You pinch your nipples and move one hand down to your clit again. “Wait, Birdie, do exactly as I say,” he interrupts “We don’t want you sending a sonic boom through to Harcourt’s room this time.” You bite your lip and nod slowly, it would be embarrassing to say the least, having to explain why the wall between your rooms was rubble if something did go wrong.
“Get on your hands and knees for me,” It’s forward, direct but he says it with such confidence that you don’t even think twice about doing so, obediently. It reminds you of the way he effortlessly relays instructions at you in combat. “Now grab that pillow… lay your head on it and put your other hand down between your knees.” You feel your insides buzzing as you lie, literally face-down ass-up, waiting for him to tell you what to do next.
“Now use that hand to touch your clit for me.” This is obscene, you think but you do it anyway, your head on one side so you can look at Adrian on your phone. He drags his hand up and down the length of himself more slowly than before, taking his time and enjoying the scene in front of him. 
“When you start to get close you can turn your head into your pillow and let it out,” he says, watching your figure, side-on as your walls start to clench, begging to be filled. You allow yourself to test it out quietly, biting down on the linen and polyester and letting a small cry out. It vibrates but nothing else happens. You hear him let out a small whimper at the sight of you biting into your pillow. “Fuck, Birdie, have you ever thought about OnlyFans? I’d subscribe.”
The jape unlocks something in your brain. Shyness quickly disappearing, you turn your body another 90 degrees so that he’s looking at you directly from behind. You open up your knees wider and adjust the pillow so you can lie your head back down. All he’ll be able to see is your spread legs, ass and soaking wet cunt. Your fingers reach down to stroke your wet folds.
“Hooooooly fuck- that view. Keep doing that. No, wait- just your clit. I want to see your pussy leaking for me.”
Your muffled whine is impatient. It’s almost embarrassing how wet you are for him but you can tell from the way his breathing is getting quicker that he’s getting close, just from looking at you like this.
“Hey, look at me Birdie.”
You turn your head and look past the side of your body, and see him on the carefully balanced phone screen. 
“You know what you are, right?”
You bite your lip. I’m a slut, I’m a fucking slut touching myself on camera for you, Adrian.
“You’re mine. And that beautiful pussy belongs to me.”
Oh. It’s too. Fucking. Much. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t stop your fingers as they bury deep inside you curling up and tapping a frantic rhythm while the heel of your hand puts delicious pressure on your clit. 
You can’t see him anymore but he makes sure to narrate it for you. “That’s it. Think about me fucking you as you’re doing it, B.” You hear the wet slick of his own hand speeding up too.
You close your eyes and as you curl your fingers inside yourself, you imagine Adrian’s huge cock filling you up. The way he’d grab your hips, smack your ass and bite your shoulder as he thrusted deep inside you. 
“I love this angle. Keep doing that for me. Fuck, you look amazing like this.”
Letting out another sigh into your pillow, you feel the swell coming, feeling immense satisfaction that Adrian is watching you on his phone and furiously pleasuring himself, he too imagining that he was pounding into you deep from behind.
“You’re doing s-so good, baby. Such - such a good girl.” he stutters and inhales sharply.
In response you bounce your hips a little, in sync with your fingers, wishing you were backing up and gyrating into his hips. You take another peek at your screen to see his head leaning back and his Adam's apple moving as he swallows and clenches his jaw. He looks back at the screen and catches your eye “So… f-fucking… hot.” he pants. You feel another jolt of searing heat between your legs. Your pussy desperately clenches around your fingers, wishing it was his cock.
“Say my name when you cum for me. Come on, you can do it. Into the pillow.”
The pillow envelopes your face just in time for you to moan his name.
The whole bed shakes violently this time. You tumble straight into your release as you continue to whimper. It’s hot and wet and desperate, heat radiates from your centre, making your knees tremble weakly as the orgasm rips through you.
“I’m gonna- I’m - fuuuuck.” Adrian groans and you move your head again to watch him finish. His eyes squeeze shut and he shudders, thick ropes of cum shooting out onto his chest and stomach. 
You lie still for a few more moments, your leaking entrance still twitching and exposed to the camera while you eventually catch your breath. You crawl around to grab your phone and roll onto your back, holding the screen above you.
You both stare at each other, flushed and glowing with sweat. Adrian adjusts his glasses, wipes himself off with a towel and lies on his side, one arm propping his head up. You think it would be very comfy to nuzzle into the crook of his neck right now. Maybe you’d trace your fingers over his scars and listen to him talk about how he got each one.
“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. And trust me, I’ve watched a lot of stuff.”
You smile in a self-satisfied sort of way and pull up the keyboard.
Blackbird: I like seeing you too. And hearing you talk to me x
“Okay, so we need to do this again in person next time.”
Blackbird: I’d like that x
“And can you admit you like me yet?”
You give him an indifferent jerk of the head but he reads through you and grins triumphantly.
Blackbird: Okay I DO like you Adrian. But I’m just not sure if we should be doing this at all x
“I get it if you’re embarrassed to be with me - we don’t have to tell the rest of the team.”
You shake your head fervently. Relief washes over his face. 
Blackbird: It’s not that… I can’t let myself fall for someone when I need to leave the country right after this mission x
You also don’t trust Amanda Waller or MI6 right now and don’t want to give them any personal leverage. But you can’t put that anywhere in writing. Even in an encrypted message to Adrian. It’d be too dangerous for both of you. 
“Wait - are you saying you’re falling for me?”
You freeze- your mouth opens stupidly as you reread your last message. Shit.
“Because Birdie I fell for you the first time I saw your burst someone’s head open with your sonic scream. You’re the hottest, most badass person I’ve ever met. And if you feel even sort of the same way, it would be stupid to ignore it- right?”
Blackbird: I think it’s stupid to even discuss it. We shouldn’t get attached when I live on another continent x
“Yeah but you’ll only live there if you actually survive!” he says with newfound enthusiasm “There’s like a really high chance we’ll both die pretty soon.”
Blackbird: And if we’re both fortunate enough to live? x
“Eh,” he shrugs “Sounds like a problem for future us to worry about. No point dwelling on hypotheticals.”
You wrinkle your nose but butterflies dance in your tummy with excitement. Okay, we’re doing this…. and if we both live long enough for me to go home, we can call it a summer fling and move on.
Blackbird: Fuck it. If we’re gonna die we might as well hook up a few more times… :) x
Adrian rolls onto his back and punches the air “Go out with a bang. Literally.” he pauses “Are you going to start putting two x’s at the end of your texts to me now?” 
You pull up your keyboard. 
Blackbird: Yes xxxxx
Chapter 3: The Spy Who Came Out in the Cold
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bornofgamma · 3 months
Data File 7: City Hunt Arc
Location : Station Square
Gamma was rather out of place, the city looked like a seaside paradise though if one paid attention this city looked very much like the place where the remains of Gamma were found. This must have been what the ruined city looked like when it was a city. The people were free, they were happy, they were enjoying time at the beach. There was a theme park, hotel, museum, city hall, police station.
The main difference though, was that the citizens all looked to be human much like the doctor. Gamma did wonder about that for the smallest moment before the timer at the top left of the screen was activated once more. Gamma was now on the clock, meaning it had to complete the mission quickly.
Mission Objective: Locate Tailed Frog.
The robot began to rotate its head in a 360 circle. The scanners picked up some information. Though many of the people looked to be offput by the hulking machine that was wandering the steets. A warning then flashed through Gamma's system that he needed to not draw attention. As that would bring trouble to the doctor.
"Understood, now commencing search with more caution."
The first place to look would be the beach. That looked to be more hidden from the eyes of the public while still being a good spot to search for the frog. There had been reports of the frog being seen within the city. So anywhere would be a good place to begin looking.
Gamma wondered where E103 Delta, E104 Epsilon, and E105 Zeta were searching As far as it knew they too were looking in other areas. Gamma wondered if perhaps they were doing ok. Unlike Beta Gamma didn't intend to look down on them like Beta had towards Gamma. They were all brothers, they needed to do their best.
"Traces of frog located..."
Scanners picked up frog prints on the sand along with bigger foot prints following the frog. Gamma moved into action, it activated its mode change before wheeling its way down the sand.
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earcandle · 4 months
ECP0763 Smile at the Knockout, SF, featuring Friendship Village 060206
Smile was a series of shows in San Francisco, curated by Neil Martinson, first at the Hush Hush, then at the Knockout. Neil's tastes ranged from post-punk to psychedelia, to sunshine pop and the shows were always fun nights of celebration and discovery.
Here on June 2, 2006, at the Knockout on Mission and Valencia Steets in san Francisco, we caught the band Friendship Village, who we don't know much about, but they exhibit great spirit and soaring melodies.
Ear Candle Productions is a small music label, video production, and eLearning website designed to be a place for the arts to stay and to be a venue for the creative products of the owners, John Bassham (AKA J Neo Marvin) and Debra Nicholson Bassham (AKA Davis Jones). We live in San Francisco. Come visit our website and check out our YT, Bandcamp, Ear Candle Radio, and other pages at https://earcandleproductions.com
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neojayink · 3 years
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“Neighborhood Watch” - Concept for Hero mode Protagonist
Story Demo:
In this world, Octolings way of life now would be threatened by a change coming from forces which they have little understanding of. In order to not lose everything they have some players will work in teams of 4 to watch over the city by night. As in, there will be a future concept for a hero multiplayer mode. It’s still a fresh idea in my mind but I wanted to share it because it sounds cool and I like how multiple agents look working together. The main goal of the hero force would be to keep unauthorized tech off the steets for the safety of turf wars. The protagonist will work with an outsider that knows and recognizes Octoling tech well to get to the source. (Which will be the main hero mode missions)
I sketched these two while brainstorming for the hero mode story I wanna tell. Agent number reserved for their proper introduction but I’m sure it’s not hard to guess. The protagonist is kinda rhe embodiment of the whole cities want for survival. So one “number” that represents all numbers.
They’re waiting to receive the location of the next enemy sighting from their leader. I imagine they’d stake-out and travel through a cityscape much like spider-man for their overworld missions. Orange looks good as default ink colors, but I can see the Hero rocking Black ink a lot of the times especially for the fact that the octoling’s hairstyle is based off of ferrofluid using my previously explained tentacle/hair techniques.
I’m torn between how I want to represent the agent as one main default look (the way all the others are just the default hairstyle mainly) The inkling girl to the right would be the more traditional way to do things. Chances are I might represent the heroes in both genders as a duo team and maybe even do both Octolings seeing as the story has big plots stemming from Octoling history. Most of the hero concepts i drew are an Octoling girl which I’ll be sharing over time. The Octoling boy above gives the stern energy of agent 3 with the spiky hair and I really like that about his design so chances are he will be the main male agent.
The story’s first chapter is nearly complete in idea form and I’m gonna redo the prologue slightly once that’s set. In the future I’ll definitely be doing a lot of writing for the story. My heads full of too many ideas for this project and they all probably won’t get drawn or sketched. I’m making a personal rule for myself now to at least post something sneo related once a month even if it’s not a big art piece. Too many ideas and already made content as sketches for me too just keep it all to myself.
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 5 years
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wow I’m really just pumping them out today huh
also just so yall know, this thread (so far including Humiliation, Force Feeding, and now Stalking) is now officially titled Damage.
Prompt: stalking
Fandom: Ninjago
Character: Cole
Trigger Warnings: creepy!whumper, and just like… general uncomfy vibes associated with the aforementioned warning. If that sounds like it would bother you, please don’t read!
Koshiro remembered with great clarity the first time he’d ever seen the black ninja.
He’d been out with those other insufferable pests, not on a mission, for once. He remembered the way he’d laughed and smiled and joked, he remembered just how beautiful he’d looked, how bright his eyes were, how carefree he’d been.
Koshiro remembered, with great clarity, the first time he’d realized how badly he wanted that ninja for himself.
He’d done research. He read up on the ninjas’ greatest achievements, their biggest failures, their worst villains, everything he could possibly find out.
He learned that the bratty blue one was Jay, the know it all white one was Zane, and the reckless red one was Kai.
And of course, the one clad in black. Cole. How lovely he was.
Koshiro had disliked the other ninja from the moment he’d started paying attention. They were nothing but children, the lot of them, little kids who were sticking their noses into business they shouldn’t have been. They needed to know their places.
But then there was Cole. He was almost perfect. With a bit of training, he would be.
Koshiro wanted nothing more than to tame him, to claim him, and to teach him to want nothing but him.
He started watching the news more often.
He found pictures online, whether amateur or professional, just to look at. He imagined what it would feel like to have control over such a pretty thing like Cole.
Once he started thinking about it, he couldn’t stop. The idea was just too delicious, too perfect in his mind.
He decided very quickly that no matter what, he would have his way.
He began to visit Ninjago City more often, just to see him. He was careful, of course. He never made direct contact, always making sure to fade into the background. He never got close enough to be noticed. As difficult as it was, it was all going to be worth it.
- - - 
Cole wasn’t one to be paranoid. He was observant, he liked to think, but not to the point of giving himself ridiculous anxiety over nothing. Until recently.
It was just… a feeling. He couldn’t quite pinpoint it, but something was making him uneasy. He had no idea what it was, and that almost made it worse.
Everything was… normal, currently. They had no big villains to face, no horrible apocalypses to stop, and no people to save (unless the few side jobs they took up counted as saving people, but it wasn’t much, just helping out with minor emergencies, really). Still, Cole couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.
In public, he felt like he was being watched. It shouldn’t have been concerning, because, being a bit of a mega-celebrity, he was always being watched. There were fans everywhere, no matter where he went, and he and the others were used to it by now.
So why was he so bothered?
There was no reason to be. He was definitely being watched, and sure, if he were a normal civilian, that would have been creepy. But he wasn’t! So why was he so unsettled?
It was probably just his social anxiety seeping through. He’d managed to get a hold on it, but stuff like that never fully went away. That’s all it was, right?
Yeah, definitely. There was no reason to be worried.
- - -
Koshiro wasn’t particularly thrilled to be in the city this weekend. Day of the Departed meant everyone was out and about, and he hated people. The sidewalks were crowded and the traffic was awful, and he wanted to crawl out of his skin.
He’d always seen the holiday as way over-commercialized, anyway. There was no need for all the pointless things stores tried to sell. This was why life was so much better in more rural areas, and he was very much looking forward to getting home.
From somewhere up ahead, a commotion stirred up. He couldn’t quite tell what it was, until…
Something WHAMMED into him and he fell, quite painfully, to the ground. For FSM sake, did people even try to watch where they were going anymore?
“I am so sorry!”
“Are you okay?”
That voice.
He knew that voice.
He’d know that voice anywhere.
“Great going, you killed him!”
Ugh, he’d know that voice anywhere, too.
He opened his eyes, squinting against the harshness of the sun and ignoring whatever was being said about “knocking someone over won’t kill them, Jay.”
And there, above him, the sun shining on him and presenting him like the angel he was, was Cole. His Cole.
And, unfortunately, the other brats.
 “Oh, good, you’re okay.” Cole extended his hand, and Koshiro took it. His skin was soft, his eyes were more beautiful than any picture could show, and Koshiro wished more than ever that he could speed things up. Because finally, finally, he got to see him, to really see him, face to face. And this might be the closest he’d ever been to speechless.
“I’m alright,” he said, dusting himself off. He wanted so badly to do anything more, but if he didn’t present himself as perfectly generic, it could throw a huge wrench in his plans. “I really have to get going.”
“Yeah, us too,” Kai said, followed by Cole’s polite call of,
“Stay safe!”
FSM, how he wanted to speed things up.
- - -
Something about that guy left Cole feeling weird. There was absolutely nothing that wasn’t ordinary about him. He was wearing regular clothes, he talked regularly, there was nothing weird about him!
So why was Cole’s gut twisting like he’d passed some serial killer on the steet and done nothing?
It was probably just the guilt from almost injuring him. Falling on a sidewalk could be really awful, and it could have gone a lot worse. Yeah. That’s all it was. Just a little guilt.
He probably should have listened to his gut.
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sfnena415 · 4 years
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Mission Steet hit-ups - Mission District
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nei-neighbor · 6 years
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THIS IS A REPOST OF A THING I MADE IN JANUARY. Nnnnnnghhh I would be VERY glad if you reblog it and ESPECIALLY if you say something nice in the tags, i worked so hard on it!! Your requests, questions and headcanons are also appreciated!! Thank you, i love you
So… I’ve made an AU! The action takes place in USA of 50′ths. Surviviors and killed people are peaceful sitizens or a hand of justice, murders are criminals. ENGLISH ISN’T MY FIRST LANGUAGE, SO PLESE IGNORE MISTAKES IN THIT TEXT, I TRIED MY BEST AND I’M SORRY.
click on “read more”, please,,,,,,,
Kirigiri, Naegi, Byakuya and Touko are workers of a private detective agency. Kyoko is the best detective there, and she resolved not less than a half of mysteries that the whole agency ever worked on. But her main mission - to discover, who stands behind all crimes that happends in this city. Naegi is her assistent, who helps her a lot. At first nobody thougt that he can be useful because of his naivity and carelessness, but suddenly his duet with Kirigiri became two times more powerful then Kyoko by herself! Togami is an owner of the agency. He can help with cases sometimes, because he’s also not such a bad detective (of course he’s not as good as Kyoko, isn’t it obvious). Actually, everything he care about is money wich will be payed for a work,not about justice or someting like that. Fukawa is Byakuya’s secretary, and she madly in love with him. Her free times she spends on writing low-quality romancy books. And, as in the game, she has a second murderous personality, but she succsessfully keeps it in secret. She controls herself really hard, and she didn’t perform any murder since she started to work in the agency. Nobody knows about her dark past but Kirigiri, who discovered that she was a killer with the power of her deduction. She tells nobody, even Naegi about that fact, because she doesn’t want to betray her friend. Sayaka is a singer in pub, and Leon is a piano  player there. Maizono is really talented, and she wants a bigger fame. Leon is a musican, but at night he steals wallets of unlucky passers using his baseball bat. He wish he could stop, but piano doesn’t gives him enough money for live. Sayaka knows about his crimes, and she hates it, so it gives Leon even more motivation to do away with thefts. Sakura and Aoi are steet wrestlers! And Sakura is pretty famous in her own field. But her family was taken as hostages by local mafia, and it forces her to work for criminals. As a very strong person, she must to do a dirty tough work to keep her family alive. Aoi doesn’t know about it, and Sakura hides this sad fact. Chihiro works in police with documets in office. He’s a friend of Kyoko, so sometimes he helps her with cases, because he has an acsess to police’s files and cases, despite its not allowed to share them with people who don’t work there. He tries a lot to be helpful to everyone.  Taka is a regullar policeman, who works on Mondo’s cases. Mondo is a bikers’ gang leader holly shit ROCKABILLY . The gang terrorizes the whole city by committing theft and making fights. Of course, at first they hated each other, but they became best bros after knowing each other better, finding out that their morals are pretty common despire Oowada is a criminal and Ishimatu is a policeman. They both have like???? Some kind of  honor and dignity, and that what their friendship is all about in this AU. After some time, when they became close enough, Mondo confessed to Taka that he arranged a crash injury that kill his own broter. This awful fact gave Ishimaru a dilleme: on the one hand, the culprit must be punished, on the other hand, the culprit is his best friend. Also Chihiro, while being an Ishimaru’s coworker and good friend, uses information about criminal world that Taka gets from Mondo for the sake of doing his oun  investigation of the disclosure of the identity of the head of the mafia, while Ishimaru is just?????? tries his best not to go off the rails because of moral pressure. Hifumi works in tea shop, and he owed a lot of money to Celestia, so it’s easy for her to manipulate him. She gives him work like spying, because he looks trustable and innocent, or some kind of butler things. He’s probably into comics’ very hard. Celestia is well-known professional gambler, everybody recognizes her in every casino. She loves 20′ths style and fashion. Celestia hides her real name not only because of aestathetic, but because she needs to protect herself to be found by police or people wich she went bankrupt. Hagakure is a fake clairvoyant, a tarot expert, for a small fee he’s ready to tell the future to any passerby. Long time ago, he lost everything in casino to Celestia, so now he live a hobo’s life and reads the cards for a dime. Junko is a very famous model, who visits every notable event. But actually, she is the one who rules mafia in the city. She is a target of the police and the detectives. Mukuro is Junko’s loyal bodyguard who follows her everywhere. She’s very quiet, because her sister forbided her to talk in public. Oh, i guess, that’s all! Special thanks for my wonderful friends: @cloudlama and @lapisisthebestwaifu for helping me!! Always feel free to ask me something! ^^
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trishvaylar · 4 years
"I wish none of this has happened"
"So do all who live to see such times, but is not for them to decide. What they have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to them".
Lord of the Rings.
One may think I have been rewatching my favourite trilogy...I haven't. I am actually thinking about Tom Keen and Keen2, which is heartbreaking...as death did them apart.
I know that many people in TBL fandom do not like Tom or Keen2 (and I am not refering specifically to shippers of other TBL OTPs, just to those fans who do not like/or hate/ Tom and his relationship with Elizabeth). What I do believe is that the reason for this is the same as to why many people hate Elizabeth herself - they do not understand them as characters, as Tom Keen and Elizabeth Keen. They do not relate to their stories, choices, character arcs. It sounds fairly simple, but it not. The question, the main and pretty much the only question there is, is who is Tom Keen. If one answers that question objectively, then any dislike towards Tom AND his relationship with Elizabeth should be stripped away.
So who is Tom Keen? Is he Christopher Hargrave, stollen from his home, adopted, and given the name Jacob Phelps, then running the steet where he is chosen by the Major and made into a prefessional undercover operative, hired by Red to saveguard Liz, then working for Berlin, marrying Liz, being shot and imprisoned by her, but still in love with her, saving her a few times, becoming someone else in order to do that, then having a kid with her, trying to run away from Red, but not quite managing it, then dying because he only wanted to help his wife find the truth?
No, that is the sequence of his live's events but that is not who he IS.
Then maybe the gifted spy is who he is? No, that is his talent and job, not who he IS.
Is he simply a dangerous opportunist, very good at manipulating people, who has his personal agenda when it comes to Liz? In a way that is true, that is what the Major saw and valued in him (without the Liz part which cost him his life). But again, that is decsribing his certain qualities, not who he is.
Then who is he?
Well, to answer that, we need to go right to the very start of the show. What information are we given? Red insists for over halph a season that Tom is posing a threat to Liz, but as of yet we do not know exactly what threat. Tom seems to know his wife very well, he reads her easily, and that knowledge and understanding were aquired in the span of only two years of marriage. Obviously he is a very observant man, paying attention to details. When we are finally given to understand, through Jolin Parks, that there is more to Tom then meets the eye, we should remember the Gina Zanetakos episode, where Tom is risking everything to persuade Liz he is being truthful. That is a quality of an undercover operative of great resoursfullness and courage. Then we see just how dangerous and decisive he could be. He kills Jolin, kills Red's man, he knocks out Liz in order to save himself but continue the mission. And then he makes one small mistake and...Liz knows. She wounds him, hides him, chains him up and interrogates him, he commits murder to protect her, for killing is instinctive for him - like it is for a cornered beast. But through all that he has one weaknees - Elizabeth! She is his greatest weakness and eventually his greatest strength. They find their way back to each other, this time for real, because their love for each other is stipped of all the lies, pain, hurt, deceit. He is like an onion in her hands. He removes the outer layers to show her his true self, the man behind all the masks. That final transformation begins when she gets pregnant and decides to keep the baby. Then everything Tom Keen does is done for his wife and child. He repeatedly goes undercover just to save or to protect his family. No more secrets between them, no more lies. He openly askes her for the passports and she gives them to him, saying that she was afraid of those guys before, now she is no longer afraid. She knows that whatever he calls himself, he would never hurt her or Agnes. That is just a job he does, the same as Liz does hers. Eventually even Red comes to accept the fact that Tom and Liz live each other and are made for one another. He sees Tom finally for who he is - a man ready to give up all of it for his nearest and dearest, just like Red himself does for his child.
And then..."until death do us apart". Tom gets killed and Liz is left with a torn heart, a daughter half-orphaned, and a gaping hole in her chest where Tom used to be. That loss is unfullfillable because it was filled by Tom and only Tom. Liz is incomplete and it doesn't matter if she will have another love interest in the future or not. Because their love withstood so many trials and suffering and still was real, deep and true.
Some call this love Stockholm Syndrome on both sides. It isn't. It is what true love should be - practically all-forgiving and unconditional in the end. Yes, there were a lot of lies, hurt, deceit, games with each other. But in the end they were a loving couple with a child whome they both adore.
This is why I love Keen2, but one may think I got sidetracked as we the study the question who is Tom Keen. I assure you, I did not get sidetracked, because Keen2 is the easiest answer-route to who is Tom Keen.
What I described were his choices, his emotions, his inherent loyalty. But we go back to Who is Tom Keen.
And the answer is: Tom Keen was a lost soul, no family, no ties, groomed for being whatever he chose to be, but not who he really was. The he placed on a mission to befriend, then spy on (by another employer) Liz Keen, who subsequently has become his wife (easier to put tabs on her that way). But the life of Tom Keen the teacher and a husband has a certain allure to it. He reads Liz easily and at the same time falls in love with her despite his orders. She makes him weaker. But although she makes him stronger. And eventually through her and Agnes he redescovers himself. His true self: a man, who is capable of passionate selfless sacrificial love, readh to risk it all or even die to protect his family, his true family, who is finally accepted by Red, and who knows for sure who he is: Tom Keen, professional spy, married to an FBI profiler Elizabeth/Masha Rostova, with huge personal intricasies of her own, Father to Agnes Keen, who he would die to protect, a man ready and capable to take responsability for every decision he makes, with such qyalitues as wit, denerousity, loyalty, resourcefullness, bravery, cleverness, certain ruthlessness as demanded by his special occupation, and understanding what being faithful really means. Yes, still not wise enough to regret the mortal would he and Liz almost inflicted on Red. He had no chance to grow older and wisen up.
I have never before seen in any show a bigger character grows then with Tom Keen.
Yes, I disliked him sometimes, when he came inbetween Red and Liz. But then again, he wasn't old or wise enough not to do it.
Tom Keen is a complex, compassionate, loyal, loving, faithful man, whose...death was so casually drastic that it throbbes inside my heart to this very day. Tom Keen remade and rediscovered himself thanks to his wife and to his own efforts. Tom Keen had done some bad things, made some decisions, right and wrong, being human, thus fallible. But inside he was good and he met a woman capable to bring that good in him to the light of day and he allowed her to do it!
That is who Tom Keen really is - an essencially good person who lived in a very trying time and being faced with a huge lot of difficult situations, but who managed to do good and right while he had the time. And it was Love that made him a better man. As it should!
If people can not sympathize with such a character...I feel quite sorry for them.
#The Blacklist #TBL #Tom Keen #Keen2 #Elizabeth Keen #a small attempt to answer a big question #why people dislike Tom Keen #why they do not understand him #Who is Tom Keen #to risk to love is a way to survive #and learn to live #so one' death is not in vain #Thank you Ryan #you were superb
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sfmuniverse · 7 years
A red-hot debate over “red carpet” bus-only lanes in the Mission District has pitted neighborhood advocates against the transit officials behind the project.
Now, an independent study shows myriad safety benefits to the Muni-only red lanes and demonstrates drivers behaving with more precaution on the road since the lanes were painted.
The Zendrive study released last month tracked Mission Steet usage from January to October 2016, both before and after the April installation of the red, transit-only lanes.
The company collected data on 7,500 drivers, 100,000 trips and 1.1 million miles driven — between Jan. 1, 2016, and Oct. 31, 2016 — to measure driving behaviors on Mission Street. After the Mission red lanes were installed, Zendrive found a 16 percent reduction in “risky events” per 1,000 trips on Mission Street.
Excessive speeding on Mission Street was reduced by 36 percent, aggressive acceleration reduced by 30 percent, hard braking by 21 percent and “risky phone use” by 8 percent, according to the study.
SFMTA's own tracking of the project has found a two-minute reduction in Muni travel times, but the perception by Muni riders is a saving more like 10 minutes.
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Street Art from Florence “Once upon a time in Amsterdam”
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We see Street Art as a new dynamic way to communicate with each other.  Street Art exists around the globe. However, Street Art is territorial and it’s flavour changes from city to city. So we invited Florentinian Street Art Gurus to share their flavour with us. Street Art Museum Amsterdam are proud to present Progeas Family, Street Levels Gallery, Method Productions and Exit Enter for the first time in Amsterdam to share their story and experience ours – an adventure and a research trip about street art, heritage, Renaissance approach to city making and contemporary take over of such approach by urban art movements.
It is usual to say that ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ and, during the Renaissance period (XIV sec. XVI sec.), the noble Florentine families knew it. A lot of potent and influential families, like de Medici, initiated commissions - from selfies-portraits to magnificent buildings, canvases, frescos, sculptures and other forms of performing arts of their contemporary masters - in order to mark a proof of their power yet open the gates of communication with the other. The Renaissance’s cultural wind forever changed Florence's face, giving us one of the most beautiful city in the world.
Florence is a city of five neighborhoods, with the most well-known as the historical centre (heritage protected by UNESCO). An area where most Florentinian locals don’t live anymore, Florence’s historical centre, like Amsterdam, is being overrun by tourists. Every brick is protected and street art lives on bricks. Street Art is still considered vandalism, an illegal activity, and is therefore a criminal offence.
The Graffiti Writing movement started in Florence much later than in other European and Italian cities.
From 2001 many hardcore artists like BLU, RUN, ZED1, EMA JONES and ORTICANOODLES passed through the city bringing their contribution in the social centers and tunnels of the city. This kind of original creativity wave contributed to the birth of a new local thinker artist generation who started to write their messages on the walls of the city inside and outside from the center. Whilst Florentinians continued to live in a ‘goldfish bowl age’ until somewhere in 2007, when the streets started to get packed with tags and bombs, there were two popular crews acting in the city: Olé Crew (Out Law Elements) and ADR Crew (Adrenaline/AllDreamsReal/AllDayRiot). They principally wrote on shutters, tunnels, train stations, abandoned buildings, street furniture and sporadic residential neighborhoods. By 2011 most of the notorious crews found themselves in trouble with police and we can safely say that the age of Street Art had begun. The less aggressive pieces appeared everywhere: tiles, drawings, posters, poems, stickers.
The first artist who started to spread his message in a massive way in the historical center was CLET, who was working with the street signs. Despite ‘sticking illegally’ the ‘vandalised signs’ became one of the most known tourist gimmick of the city. GUERRILLA SPAM and HOPNN were pasting up artistic posters with activist messaging using organic biological glue and STELLECONFUSE spread his ‘Plant a tree’ messages using the stickers.
“I remember my first trip to Florence in November 2012 and a shocking revelation of how little street art was out there on the streets. I saw a few stickers and posters, many tags and a couple of throwups, but it seemed that the most dominating form of spreading the message through street art was CLET and Anonimous Street Poetry crew who have covered most of the center of the city with carefully designed A4 sheets filled with poems. In summer of 2013 I came across Exit Enter. The refreshing little stick characters, princes and princesses were bouncing off the walls onto electricity boxes and into the darker alleys of Medici empire.” recalls Anna Stolyarova, the founder of Street Art Museum Amsterdam.
From 2013 till now an incredible number of different artists started working in the streets of Florence and many more came to live and produce here, the events around the topic as well as the exhibitions increased too. The Progeas Family was founded in 2013 with a mission to make a new kind of cultural event and to experiment with new forms of art. In 2014 Julien Vanucchi from Method Productions made the first short documentary film about Street Art in Florence and its relationship with the people, culture sector and municipality.  
In December 2016 members of Progeas Family, Matteo Bidini and Gianluca Milli in collaboration with other artists set up Steet Levels Gallery - the first street art gallery in Florence that opened with a collective show “Unity Wanted”.  
Meanwhile in Amsterdam, we just had a year of Banksy - from miniature  MoCo museum to giant Beurs van Berlage - with the largest paid poster campaign this city has ever seen. Street Art Museum Amsterdam is celebrating its 5th year anniversary and aiming at fully registering its collection before the end of 2017. Street Art Today are opening the 2nd Street and Urban Contemporary Art Museum in Amsterdam North. Schiphol Real Estate acquired 15 street art pieces for their temporary collection and brought street art to TEDx. RUA realised another massive project in South East of Amsterdam. The pillars of street art, the galleries, are blooming - GoGallery, Original Dampkring gallery and Vroom & Varossieau - are putting up very different and exciting shows. The municipality are discussing a potential position in the city management for Street Art Curator.
Therefore, there is no better time than present to share Amsterdam stories with the Florentinians. That is why we chose to open the season with a delightful fusion of a dialogue between our cities. After all, Amsterdam and Florence are of similar size, both experienced the rebirth, the transformation from a ‘dump to an example’, both are heavily protected by the Heritage authorities and have low tolerance to vandalism, yet both are still considered progressive art cities. How does being a street artist in Florence compare to a residency in Amsterdam: putting up a show, painting a mural and spreading the game legally and illegally?
With his first solo show in Amsterdam, Exit Enter wants to create a bridge between Street Art Museum Amsterdam and the Florentine street art scene through the representative artworks produced in Florence and Amsterdam. Exit Enter will show you how his creativity was transformed from a sheet of white paper in the studio to a masterful street art piece. Exit Enter will present canvases, sketch works and an interactive storytelling mural painting. The aim is to showcase the wide spectrum of art associated today with Street Art posing a question of street art in situ vs in a gallery.
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Exit Enter (1990) is an Italian born illustrator, painter, street artist and story-teller.
His little stick-man-like characters run alongside the Florentine walls telling stories about kings and Indians, about us, our love and red balloons.
He started painting very young and soon after high school, Exit Enter enrolled in the Fine Arts Academy of Florence, where he began his professional relationship with painting. In accordance with his humour, his artistic growing and his life happening, obsessive drawings ranging from little stories, every day, everywhere and to the larger works on the Florentinian scene, as if a logical extension of the impulse creativity. Through a very distinctive and stylized mark, Exit Enter creates an essential character, which expresses himself with a simple esthetics, accessible for everyone.
Exit Enter’s debut on the streets of Florence resulted in a series of ‘a stick-man playing with red balloon’ - flying, running inside the wall, becoming the king of the night. The stories were combined with some words like ‘fly away’, ‘exit’, ‘enter, ‘ love’. A few months later he noticed that a lot of people had begun the interaction with his artworks and started calling him ‘Exit Enter’.
“Normally, when I start putting colors and moving lines over a white paper, I’m EXITing. The creative act it’s out from the material world, it’s out from the time; if imagination it’s to create a projection of an image in your mind, with my drawings I want to stimulate the audience’s imagination to permit them ENTERing inside this detached ‘creativity act’ world.”
His essential artistic works create bridges between the stories and the people so, in the contemporary chaotic city, while you are going to work, or picking up your kids at school, you will always have a momentary serendipity element of surprise and smile added to your day. Exit Enter will get your attention.
Initially, when the anonymous stick-man came out from the artist's mind, Exit Enter didn’t know what kind of messages he wants to transmit through it to the people. It was only after people started recognize and interacted his artworks, he knew what it is that is in his unconscious purpose. He understood the objective of Exit Enter’s art as its own entity and how his art can be a tool to enter in contact with the audience and make possible the exiting and entering “into the light” - an original thinking,  a question, an emotion, a laugh
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diamondsmaids-blog · 7 years
Website: https://www.mydiamondmaids.com/
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Diamond Maids is a family based business with helping hands. We are one of the most reliable cleaning company around. We love to keep it shiny, we do not leave until its spotless. Our mission is to make your home a cleaner, safer, and healthier place with one cleaning visit at a time. We know that you are busy with your everyday life that’s why we believe that a clean home equals a happy customer! Whether you are a busy professional or a stay at home Mom, we got you covered! When hiring us, you will notice we provide our great service with excellent quality and detail. We guarantee you a clean you will never forget, and we’re so confident you’ll love our cleaning service, we have a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all our services.
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