#missing isak hour
tailsbeth-writes · 1 year
Would love an evak fic. I have this idea of Even being a paparazzi and Isak is a celebrity and they have this forbidden/secret relationship with complications and softness and pining 😬😬
'Isak! Isak! Over here!'
The shouts, the flashes, all far too familiar now. Isak is at least prepared this time, being on the red carpet means striking an obligatory pose. His jaw line remained stoic. Until he saw that familiar quaff of hair amongst the cameras. His lips quirk at the corners, thinking back to where they were only an hour before.
** One hour earlier **
Isak had ushered away the make up & hair team, he wanted some rare privacy before tonight's event. He was an academic who happened to have a social media presence, this wasn't the lifestyle he expected. But several viral videos, guest lectures, a TED talk and book deal later, he had gained celebrity status.
The door knocked. There was the other, maybe the real reason he'd asked for privacy. He opened the door with a click, Even stood with an arm leaning by the door frame. There were camera bags piled up on his side. Isak flexed his hand into a fist momentarily before pulling Even by his shirt and into the room.
Even quickly caught on, losing his bags and jacket.
'Hello to you too th-' Isak launched a kiss at Even.
'I missed you.' Isak finally replied. His arms hang around Even's giraffe neck, Even's hands fit around Isak's slender waist.
'I missed you too. You're too busy these days.'
'I could say the same about you,' Isak closed the gap between them, forehead leaning on Even's.
'Well you've only got yourself to blame. I've got a reputation for getting the best photos of Isak Valtersen apparently...'
Even teased Isak, his lips ghosting his own. Isak tried to connect them but Even wouldn't let him, enjoying the chase. The roles reversed behind closed doors and it made Even giddy.
'It helps to have something to smile about. I don't see all those other idiots when you're around.'
Even put a hand on his chest, opening the space between them to act offended. Isak rolled his eyes, backing Even into the bed like he'd planned all along.
'How long do we have?' Even asked, using his elbows to prop himself up. Isak studied the smile on his face. A smile he could never be angry with.
'30 minutes. Maybe 35.'
Even pulled Isak on top of him by his tie, Isak realised an involuntary giggle which Even noted to remember for the rest of his days.
'Get ready for your close up then...'
[hope this is okay, I might be a bit rusty! Find it on Ao3]
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qpjianghu · 10 months
Put 10 songs you listen to, then tag others!
Ooooh thanks for the tag @shamera!!
My music taste is embarrassing because my playlists basically consist of the soundtracks from whatever c-drama or show I'm currently unhinged about, and then songs I've discovered by watching fanvids of the c-dramas / shows I'm unhinged about. XD
With that... *cracks knuckles*... here goes!
Zui Meng - Hai Lin ...... from The Untamed. I will literally never be over this track, thanks to this post. When I first finished the show, I listened to this on repeat for maybe 19723894729 hours. And I can't multitask while listening to a song I REALLY like, so I was just...essentially experiencing spiritual enlightenment... LISTEN. I LOVE IT. I LOVE THEM. NOW I'M CRYING AGAIN.
山外 (Outside Mountains) - 张远 (Zhang Yuan) ....... from Mysterious Lotus Casebook, of course. Missing these blorbos so much.
3. 莫叹人世太匆忙(《莲花楼》电视剧原声带配乐)...... from Mysterious Lotus Casebook. It took a while to find this one (thank you MLC tumblr for the help!) -- it's the piano only version of the peppier theme. This version plays whenever something extremely emotional is happening so it invokes an absolutely visceral reaction in me. ajshdopfhasidohfasi.
4. No Bad Days - Bastille ...... love me some Bastille. <3 (And yes, I discovered this from an MLC fanvid)
5. This Mountain - Faouzia ...... this came up on a playlist one time and I fell in love. Such a banger.
6. Power - Isak Danielson ...... heard this in a Devil Judge fanvid and I needed to lie down for 7-10 business days.
7. Power Over Me - Dermot Kennedy ..... I found this while searching for the above song instead (lol) but it also just wrecks me.
8. Dynasty - MIIA ...... is in every fanvid ever because it RULES!!!
9. Tempest - Huckleberryfinn ..... from Devil Judge! <3
10. Chi Qing Zhong - Deng Lun ..... from Yin Yang Master: Dream of Eternity. Absolutely stunning love song and I'm crying forever that we'll never get that sequel.
Tagging if you want to participate! @crism79 @mipib @willowcatkinblossom @thesilversun @omgpurplefattie <3
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skamenglishsubs · 1 year
HI! I first saw SKAM 2 summers ago (Season 3. Isak and Even) and back then I was able to find the URL for So3E1 with the music and sound. I've been trying to find that site for well over an hour, but no joy. Is there still a link to the sound and music for Season 3 episode 1 that I'm missing? I hope it;s just a problem on my part and I'm just not finding it. Thanks for your help. GREAT SITE!!
At the bottom of the masterpost there’s a link to the download archive on MEGA which has everything with all audio intact.
You might need to copy-paste the link if it doesn’t work right for you, Tumblr is weird.
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lokkanel · 2 years
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"From up there, they could see a part of downtown Oslo behind the still partly naked trees and the cuttings of the fjords through the hilly landscape. The sun was setting, brushing bright golden strokes across the lavender sky and setting the water of the fjord ablaze. “This is one of the things I missed the most about Oslo, wherever I was travelling,” Even said after taking a few shots of the scenery before them with the camera he had been carrying over the shoulder. “What?” “This light. Dusk stretching for hours during the longest days, these raking golden sunbeams over the fjord. I’ve never found anything like this light anywhere else.” He turned back towards Isak, catching his gaze for a moment before aiming his camera at him. “What are you doing?” “I want to keep you in this exact light.” Isak protested. He rolled his eyes and shook his head, pretending to hate being the sole focus of Even’s attention. When he eventually stilled and looked back at Even, Isak heard the click of the shutter release. “Perfect.” Even’s smile reappeared when he took the camera down. (...) They sat on one of the wooden benches at the top of the hill, quietly watching the colour of the sky slowly turn darker from hues of pink."
From Home Again, my personal favourite chapter of Year after Year.
Couldn't help waxing poetic about the light of Oslo somewhere in my bang fic because I am absolutely obsessed with its beauty. Just like I'm completely obsessed with that face 😍 I mean look at him…
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prettylonelys · 1 year
If you don’t mind share the takes! I have all the time in the world
okay well uh we talked about it for hours so there’s no way i’ll remember it all 😭
but generally ->
we both think sobbe is the best evak and we think a lot of that comes down two factors
1. most of the evaks despite being teen relationships are taken quite seriously, which is totally fine and a great take and obviously we’re dealing with quite serious subject matter like internalised homophobia and mental health so that makes sense. however we both feel that’s what’s missing from a lot of the evaks that sense of like teenage first love giddiness especially for characters like the isaks who (cris excepted) are experiencing their first relationship that actually aligns with their sexuality. i think all the evaks definitely have moments of like sweet teenage romance but i think sobbe are the only pairing that really emphasise that and get it right consistently
- a lot of the credit for this goes to willem h who perfectly and consistently portrays a sense of like giddy happy wonder about sander from the very first moment they meet he seems so believably shy and awed and just GIDDY im gonna use that word 800 times because it’s true! you see it in the supermarket scene, at the pool, when he apologised to sander at the bike racks and ESPECIALLY during the cuddle clip and any scene where sander texts him it’s so clear how young and happy and in love he is that he can barely keep it inside which i really think is what a first love first crush should feel like.
- additionally i think they perfectly capture it in scenes together, first with the cuddle clip where they genuinely just feel like teenagers who are young and in love who can’t get enough of each other, and then again in the 21:21 scene which in most remakes is quite intense and it is with them too but idk something about the “stomme schoenen” and them being dumb and happy and falling off the bed feels so much more real and authentic than any more carefully shot love scene ever could. i also think the fact that they’re extremely touchy and down bad for each other once again feels extremely realistic for a teenage relationship. if i had to explain it i’d say sobbe get to be so immature (in the best way) and mature in equal measure and that balance is very unique to them (though not saying the other evaks don’t have that or aren’t these things just not to the degree that robbe and sander are)
2. the second reason we think they work so effectively is because they already feel like boyfriends. with a lot of the evaks even though they’re technically together during their seasons they don’t feel like a settled couple until the final episode of their season and then in s4 but with sobbe they feel like a solid couple from the second they get together and maybe it’s because we got so many scenes of them just hanging out at robbes, going to meet each other, texting each other etc etc
we both also really love robbe and despite the lack of religious trauma plot, we find him to be one of the most nuanced and interesting isaks
we both really love the way he’s played like he is arguably the least or one of the least “bitchy” isak characters (once again i love my bitchy isaks that is not an insult theyre icons) but robbe is played so different hes so interesting because he generally seems to care a lot about others feelings and is very very sweet when he’s being himself. moments that showcase this:
- him (as i interpret it) almost coming out to jana at the end of season one and having him apparently tell jens that jana kissed someone else in a moment of drunk regret that he feels openly bad about rather than as a calculated move like isak did and not blaming it on him being in love with jana
- him sitting down at the cafe with the girls in season 2
- him complimenting noor in the bathroom instead of insulting her like some of the other isaks do
- him not leaving the weed behind at the house for other people to deal with (i know this is more because plotwise yasmina wasn’t at the party but i think it adds to his character)
- him texting amber that they were going to the supermarket even though sander told him not to worry about it
- him sitting down and properly breaking up with noor
- all of this culminating with the reason him and sander staying apart after his manic episode having more to do with him wanting to do the right thing for sander and not wanting to hurt him (as everyone was telling robbe the best thing for sander was for sander to stay with britt and for robbe to stay away) rather than just because he was scared and unsure. which really makes sense with the way they had robbe and his mother have this really beautiful close relationship which you can feel the warmth of even though she’s never on screen which again thinks adds to his characterisation and what makes him such a good partner for sander because he’s really at his core gentle and patient and good (as we see in the ohn scene which in my opinion is one of the best remakes of that scene specifically because they go for something different)
also i think they did a really good job setting up his internalised homophobia like s1 and s2 make it so clear why robbes mindset is the way it is at the start of season three with having the boysquad be much harsher and more awful to robbe through out s1 and the girl squad laughing and gossiping about his potential queerness in s2 culminating with milan trying to out him in front of all his friends it’s so clear why robbe acts the way he does in season three though it doesn’t justify it. but having and isak deal with such an openly homophobic environment that extends even to his closest friends was a really different and in some ways more realistic choice
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It’a missing Isak and Even hours
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19-020221 · 2 years
missing isak and even hours...
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The First Month - by Patrick Dwyer
Original Blog posted: Saturday, 11 May 2013
"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea." Isak Dinesen
Well as most of you know Archana & I bought a catamaran in the Caribbean and left Sydney on the 18th February 2013 to sail it back to Sydney.
We arrived in St Maarten on the 19th Feb after a 53 hour experience from Sydney. We were picked up at the airport by our engineer who was to check the boat out and fit all the extras. He took us to Anse Marcel a quaint little port on the NW side of the French side of the island that you could be forgiven for missing even from 100 metres from the sea entrance. We spent 5 days there living on 54 foot & 40.7 foot Beneteau Oceanis yachts before concluding the handover of our catamaran with the seller. One final thing had to be done by them to fulfil their part of the contract and that was to check the engine leg sail drive seals as water was noticed in the oil on the second survey. Therefore the yacht was taken by one of the staff of the company I was buying the yacht off with me to Polypat boat yard (an hour’s motor away) to be hauled out for a visual inspection. In trying to get the seal off the vendors engineer took a lathe to it and ruined the major part the seal was affixed to and which prevented the yacht being put back into the water. Having ruined the part we were stuck on the hard stand for 3 weeks whilst another part was shipped out from Belgium. So as the 5 crew (an Australian, Englishman, Frenchman & a couple from Zurich) began turning up for this experience of a life time they had to endure walking up a rickety ladder onto the boat for up to 3 weeks before the new part was fitted and then we got into the water with all our new toys fitted to the yacht i.e. 1500 litre per day water maker, AIS, new plotter, battery monitor, SSB/HF radio, BBQ, microwave, a freezer to add to the 3 fridges already on the boat and oven & 3 burners. The galley has 3 sinks with a 4th outside where fish are slaughtered before being devoured sashimi style or cooked. (Archana is in heaven and queen of the galley). We met some nice people there and invited them onto our yacht for dinner a few times over a Presente or Carab the 2 favourite beers over here.
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Here at the boat yard we couldn’t use our water as it would create a flood in the yard so we had to have our shower in one open to the world to see at a cost of 1 Euro (in a pay machine) for a 5 minute cold shower that you had to keep pressing the button during those 5 minutes to keep the water flow coming. I am thinking of putting the same system in at home to get Archana to cut her 45 minute showers down. Here we could both have our showers within the 5 minute time limit which was an all time first. The secret is to now to get her from using 100 litres of water to clean her teeth on the yacht where the two biggest daily issues are power & water usage. The toilet also was an experience in Polypat.
Whilst we were in the ship yard at Polypat we hired a car for 3 weeks that allowed us to see the island, buy things for the yacht including a mountain of food (thousands of dollars worth including 150 litres of long life milk). The crew on our boat must be the most well fed around with Archana’s quality food the crew have also had sorbet, ice cream and several days of smoked salmon for lunch, pancakes, homemade yogurt & pressure cooker made bread. All really yummy. It doesn’t look as though the diet I thought I would be on during this trip will eventuate.
On other purchases two of the crew bought kayaks each so they can have a paddle around in some of the bucket list of places we are visiting. They have had a few places to test them out and others have had a play with them as well.
With the French capital of Margiot only a few minutes walk away we had the opportunity to visit the famous markets there with Archana once again being in her element bargaining with the fish sellers as well as the spice merchants where we made a big spend for the trip. One of the crew doesn’t like spicy food so Archana has been making bland offering to him which he seems happy with. How boring!!!!.
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So finally we were off and my first mission was to navigate our new acquisition through the Polypat bridge with wind and current hindering me and being forced to go through the narrow opening at 5 knots to keep my course knowing I only had 2 foot either side. This task was made even more difficult with everyone taking movies and photos and asking me to smile at the worst possible moment. I got through with no mishap which was a blessing as it would have spoiled my year if I had ended up like a Catana 47 catamaran that the owner bailed out at the last minute and did $100,000+of damage to the yacht. This yacht was being repaired 2 boats along from us when we were on the Polypat hard stand and only 150 metres from the bridge. In the time we were in the boat yard we had a bird’s eye view to the many near misses of catamarans going through when the bridge opened 3 times a day.
So we were off and the 1st night we spent 200 metres off the beach at Anse Marcel in a bit of déjà vu considering the dramas that emanated there. The following morning we were off to St Barts, Colin one of the crew caught his first fish, we saw dolphins, turtles and a nude French man who passed us in his catamaran, had a nice lunch, swim and afternoon at a lovely little island near St Barts before entering the main harbour there with multimillion dollar yacht all around. My favourite was a 3 mast mono hull. Each mast was the same height and it had 18 hydraulically controlled sails that covered any space above deck on the whole of this 55-60 metre yacht. We visited the township and completed our formalities before returning to our yacht by tender and had a swim before dinner and the mandatory drinks (for in port use only).
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Over the next few days we visited St Kitts, Portsmouth in Dominica (a great yachties place where we visited Indian River where Pirates of the Caribbean was shot, walks through rainforest, bought a hand of bananas with over 120 bananas on it for less than $5 but now we have the mission to eat them all considering they are all expected to ripen at the same time etc) then onto Tobago Cays which was what I expected all of the Caribbean to be about with the marine iguanas, so many turtles, sting rays and lots of other fish in this tranquil setting that Archana said she could spend a week there. They even had the boat boys come around with fresh baguettes and lobsters for sale to cruisers. We then left there for Grenada (the isle of spice) where you see so many waterfalls over the island and every town seems to have at least 10 spice stalls by the side of the road. We were sorry we went on the tour of the island on Good Friday as the rum distillery was closed. They must have known we were coming!!!!
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On the way to Dominica we saw a few dolphins and a humpback whale looking over her calf doing 100 or so tail slaps to the delight of Archana & I and the other 5 crew. During the trip thus far I have had a number of new foods not experienced before i.e. Jamaican apple, fresh tamarind and chickoo (sapodillos).
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Now I am writing this on the way to Bonaire some 400 nm from Granada. The wind has been right behind us all the way so have been doing it easily with just the headsail out but still averaging over 6 knots but peaking at 12.7 knots with 2 reefs in the headsail and no main sail. Colin caught his 3rd fish yesterday morning, a 90cm barracuda that we had for lunch an hour later. I was amazed how good eating it was as it is something I have never eaten before as you never see it at the fish shops. Yesterday we went within 1 metre of running over a huge turtle at 6 knots. He, fortunately for both of us, turned at just the right moment giving us a fright and also an experience. I saw my 1st Portuguese Man-War today. A huge marine stinger (about the size of a large coke bottle) with colourful sail. So many flying fish that are buzzing our boat constantly along with the birds dive bombing them with occasional success. On the Grenada to Bonaire leg we experienced our first gale as the wind hit 35 knots and 3 metre seas. On most of the other passages we were sailing close hauled with the wind so variable especially when coming out from the leeward side of the islands and into the open passages between the islands.
On the less than 3 day passage to Bonaire we had two days of up to 36 knot winds so it was nice to finally see land and moor up 50 metres off the main road in the capital in 5m of water on top of a coral reef where I have already had a few dives. One thing I am still getting used to is the heat. Unrelenting 30+ degrees every day. On one day I actually got burnt before 9am. Colin caught his 4th and 5th fish another barracuda & a tuna.
So the plan from now is to leave for Panama on Friday night (5th April) 5 days to do the 740nm passage, 4 days to wait to get through Panama, 5 days to get to Galapagos, 8 days there then say 21 days to get to the Marquesas. This is the best estimate I can give at this stage as so many variables to deal with.
Thank you to those of you wishing us your best via Archana’s regular blog and to others send emails etc.
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Until the next update from me. Archana will still be keeping you enthralled with her perspective on the big trip on her regular updates on her blog. Only 8285nm (nautical miles i.e. almost double for kilometres) till we are home
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ofcourseyouloveme · 5 years
Incase you guys forget about this interview after that legendary kiss cam ❤️👌
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dearjiminah · 4 years
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I'm sure that in a parallel universe, there's an Isak and Even who's lying in the exact same way, in the exact same place.
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oatmilkovich · 5 years
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don’t mind me but i am never not thinking about how instead of doing the call your girlfriend scene druck took the moment it was supposed to happen and threw us head first into matteo having a breakdown at the party.
instead of giving us two boys making out with girls they don’t care about, this moment gave us a really detailed and clear insight into matteo’s mental health and his pov on the world. he was overwhelmed, over stimulated, and clearly, needed everything to stop. it’s so much more valuable for the overall story and layers matteo’s character in ways that the call your girlfriend scene never would. they show us how intensely matteo is struggling right now, how he finds it easier to block everything out rather than keep playing along. 
this is why the scene in the kitchen with david afterwards hits so differently, it’s the calm after the storm.  
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aimeegbbs · 5 years
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I’m sure that in a parallel universe there’s an Isak and an Even who’s lying in the exact same way in the exact same place, only, like, the curtains are of a different color or something.
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eliottdemauries · 5 years
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helganaesheim · 5 years
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it’s missing them hours 😗✌️
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stonedmatteo · 5 years
just let's remember how isak valtersen, the grumpiest boy alive turns into the softest person ever as soon as he's around even
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sandalwoodhusbands · 5 years
it's missing isak and even hour
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