heartsandmiinds · 5 years
@miss-loonylove || Gustave and Odette
Madame Celine Villeneuve Desgoffe-und-Taxis had come into the Grand Budapest Hotel for her 14th stay within the institution, this time was much different. This time she was accompanied by her favorite great-great niece, Odette Hermione Desgoffe-und-Taxis. She had heard of the great institution where her great-great aunt had loved to spend her time when she traveled and by the exterior she could definitely see why. The place had something very special about it, and the inside was just as majestic as the outside.
During Odette’s 23 years upon this Earth, she had never once seen a more beautiful man grace her presence. He looked just perfect to her, handsome, well put together, an almost regal air about him, and one of the softest yet alluring voices she had ever heard from a man. Millions of scenarios were running through the young girl’s head.
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itsbitmxdinhere · 5 years
St♥rter for ➳ @miss-loonylove​
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“You know it’s a shame you gave this away, such a b e a u t y ...” she said to the angel admiring her sword “ she got LUCKY I found her “ .
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mieczyhale · 4 years
“Motherfuck. I MEANT to say “Your tags are excruciating.” Thank you, Tumblr Mobile.”
;’sdkd’sdsdf; YOU’RE WELCOME~*~*~ I LIVE TO HURT 
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mxrana · 5 years
For the 'send me a fandom' ask: Alice in Wonderland aaaaand...Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
Send Me A Fandom
Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton)
The first character I first fell in love with: Tarrant Hightopp bc when I heard Johnny Depp was going to be in it, I already knew I would love him and when I saw the first pics of him in it I thought omg I never thought I would find the Mad Hatter so beautiful!
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Time! The trailers and promos were so misleading making him look like a villain and the Red Queen’s love interest but turns out he’s just a lonely diety that had so much wrong done to him and was actually abused. He became such a loveable character to me I just want to give him all the snuggles.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I can’t say I fully dislike anyone but maybe it would have to be Iracebeth. I usually feel some sort of pity for villains but definitely not for her. She chose to be a bully and a mass murderer so I can’t like that about her but in the first film, she’s still a great character and HBC is amazing as always. I just wish the writers stuck to her just being an evil, spoiled monarch instead of trying to make her character redeemable in the sequel.
The character I love that everyone else hates: Mirana. I don’t think people really hate her but more like just simply don’t care for her or she’s seen as annoying and pointless which is unfortunate. She had so much potential to actually be interesting and profound but was reduced to practically a background character. Hence, why I created this account.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Canon Iracebeth only because of how she treated Time and never owned up to all the murder and torture she inflicted.
The character I would totally smooch: Mirana, she just has such kissable lips.
The character I’d want to be like: Mirana and Tarrant. They remain so kind despite all the shit they’ve been through.
The character I’d slap: Time in the beginning of ATTLG. Only because I just wish he would realize there is another Queen that would actually treat him right. 
A pairing that I love: WhiteTime. Nuff said. (Honorable mention Tarrana since I’m a sucker for rare pairings and bffs to lovers plots)
A pairing that I despise: Though I don’t despise Hattice, I get uncomfortable when it’s a romantic ship. I see them as a close, brother/sister type of relationship and I can’t stand that some people think Alice won’t be happy unless she stays in Wonderland for him which doesn’t make sense in my own views of her character. She would never give up her life and leave her family for him, or anyone.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
The first character I first fell in love with: Willy Wonka! During Grandpa Joe’s flashback of working for him and Will’s little laugh was just too adorable.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Charlie in the books was a goody two shoes but in the 2005 film, he actually was super cute, smart, and even had a little bit of sass. I just love his loyalty to his family and optimism.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Mike Teavee, yeah he’s a smartass but he’s annoying af
The character I love that everyone else hates: Charlie. I’m a sucker for genuinely kind characters but I understand they tend to be the most unpopular ones.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Veruca Salt. Yeah she was poorly raised but it’s more like I hate entitled brats. I deal with them frequently and that’s who they all remind me of.
The character I would totally smooch: Willy Wonka obvs because he would taste like candy.
The character I’d want to be like: Charlie for reasons above, he’s just so kind and optimistic despite whatever happens to him.
The character I’d slap: Mike Teavee. He needs a chancla to be exact.
A pairing that I love: Mr. and Mrs. Bucket. Parental goals.
A pairing that I despise: Charlie x Willy. Despise with a passion. It’s just…
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mellomadness · 5 years
6, 90, and 91!
6: pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
usually boho with a dash of formal and sprinkling of pastel, but occasionally it’ll be a grungy boho
90: luckiest mistake?
I have made a lot of mistakes but I don’t think any of them have been particularly lucky.... maybe when I’ve been painting and accidentally mix a color wrong and it turns out better than the color I was using before?
91: boxes or bags?
I’m up to my ears in boxes but I still prefer them over bags, unless they’re paper bags! Paper bag good
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andermuunoz · 5 years
Just wanted to say that I love your blog--your Klaus gifs are beautiful, and you seem like a sweetheart!
I’m so glad you like my gifs!!
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eggytoast2 · 5 years
miss-loonylove replied to your audio post: i’m super hype about this song tbh  it slaps ������
Oh Lydia…this is *awesome.*
ahhh thank you sweetie, i think *YOU* are awesome 😘😘
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hollowrose · 5 years
miss-loonylove replied to your post “Ok so I’m fine with people coming into my askbox to talk. I’m always...”
That is horrendous. I'm so sorry people are being creepy!
Thanks! I think if I want to post selfies for now on I just got to keep them completely untagged so that only my followers see them 
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mortalmenagerie · 5 years
👌 (for Kitclock and JJ?)
            Marie makes things up - Accepting
                  Outside of Inspector Izzappa, Jean-Jacques’ experience with the clockmaker is limited. He tends not to be familiar with the station’s tenants unless they call on his services very often. His soft heart usually prevents Herr Urmacher from calling the station master on simple pickpockets, so the great case of the Duchess was the first time they had extended contact. In fact, it drives Jean-Jacques a bit mad because he suspects Tim’s crime report, given on a  monthly basis, is severely deflated which decreases the inspector’s pay overall.
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damerusse-blog · 5 years
‘ ink ‘ (for whoever you like)
            She’s so angry you guys - Absolutely accepting
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                      What was the world coming to? Even young nobles going after tattoo parlors. The women too, apparently. Maybe she was in the wrong, just too old to understand fashions...
                      No, the rest of the world was wrong.
                     Still - “If you must, Lady Sharpe, I’d recommend a moon. Easily hidden.”
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intoxicatiing · 6 years
*Hook gently smooches Ruby's cheek*
Everyone Kiss Ruby || Accepting Always || @miss-loonylove
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She doesn’t trust him, truth told. Likely never will, considering what he was. But she accepts the kiss with a polite smile and a quick, “Thank you, Captain,” all the same.
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heartsandmiinds · 5 years
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A week ago, Cassia had gotten contacted about meeting up with someone who was apparently in ‘dire need’ of a ‘helpful ear’ that may be able to help save this sorry planet’s soul from being swallowed up. She wouldn’t have even stepped into her Louis Vuitton heels if the email wasn’t so beautifully put, but thankfully she couldn’t help herself from wondering just what a person was like in person if they were so eloquent in their virtual speak, as she liked to put it.
Sitting down at her usual table at the high-end cafe not far from where she lived, she smirked when she saw someone walking over to her table. “You look familiar, you know that?” she started, tilting her head to try and place why the visitor looked so familiar to her. For all of her immortal life she could not place him and it was strangely bothering her.
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mieczyhale · 5 years
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mxrana · 5 years
“A ghost, you say? No, I don’t believe I have.” (from Lucille! Because s p o o p)
Myth and Magic Sentence Starters
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“Are you sure?” Mirana raised a brow at Lucille. “It glided right over there in front of us. Surely you saw it or are you trying to make me feel like I’m going mad again?” She gave her a smirk before she continued to follow the figure.
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“A puppy!” (From kitterclock, because he loves puppers.)
           She has many soft spots and this is twelve of them - Not Accepting
               Carlotta was absolutely beaming as she showed off the brand new baby. She hadn’t exactly intended on breeding Elizabeth, but sometimes nature calls - and Ulbaldo’s hounds weren’t undesirable fathers, even if the puppies were a bit clumsy. The little thing was half hunting hound and half poodle, and as a result had absurdly huge paws and ears on top of a dainty snout and absurdly curly fur.
                      “Isn’t she darling?” She cooed, pressing a kiss to the squirmy thing’s head.
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eggytoast2 · 6 years
miss-loonylove replied to your post “�� self-appreciation: what’s one thing you love about yourself?”
*offers to join you in world domination*
thank you for your offer, please take a mug for when we spill the tea it’s roastin’ time  mostly roasting me, for becoming a meme ;p 
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