#misha barbie collection
shedontlovehuhself · 1 year
Showcasing my Misha Barbie Collection:
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Princess Barbie
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Wedding day Barbie
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School Girl Barbie
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Single mother with two kid Barbie
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Desert rose trailer park Barbie
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Bakery Shoppe Barbie
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Night on the town with the girls Barbies.
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District Attorney in a pants suit Barbie
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Fairy princess Barbie
I really love how versatile she is 💞🥰
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chiropteracupola · 2 years
The Great Meme Harvest of 2022
so in january I decided to make a list of them, and now it's time to share out the bounty. here you go, in chronological order with some attempt at indication of influence.
it’s [slay]ing absolute [penis]
robert downey jr [there are federal agents outside my house]
horse plinko
blorbo from my shows
submeme: blorbus and tumblrinus
submeme: [variation on blorbo] from my [genre of media]
eeby deeby
[x] dead [y] injured in [commonplace but annoying household occurrence] incident
seinfeld ‘kramer, what’s going on in there?’ [alternating panel] ‘it’s a [x], Jerry’
variations on ‘short people will be carried off by birds of prey’
sickos: ‘yes… ha ha ha… yes!”
submeme: sickos variations (ancestral sickos &c.)
megamind no bitches
the queen of england is dead (resurgence from late 2021)
L + ratio + [x] and so on and so forth
dear god the [x] you put on earth to be [variation on] sleepy cosy is being made to [do a thing]
it’s me boy i’m the ps5, speaking to you inside your brain
quirked up white boy with a little bit of swag busts it down sexual style
live slug reaction
[x] would be a beautiful name for a baby girl
my son he has every disease
[x] be like [complaint] my brother in christ [you were responsible for the source of the complaint]
submeme: my brother in christ in general
eight hour victorious video
submeme: car battery
advice for new tumblr users
get drinked / I drinked you
[x] is such a raw line you’d think it was from [shakespeare]
something very lgbt is happening here
tumblr blaze (emergence of, subsequent misuses)
she [x] on my [y] til i [z]
bisexual misha collins
submeme: NOT BISEXUAL misha collins
dracula daily
submeme: paprika discourse
submeme: it’s morbin time / morbius memes by people who have not watched morbius and are not planning to do so
submeme: morbius fails again!
carnotaurus mating dance
will they give you food if you visit them
submeme: we collectively cancel the nation of sweden
there should be kink at [pretty much any darn location the meme-maker can think of]
we need an american girl doll who [ate someone on the donner party]
mousegirl bartender
the man in the pikachu mask
a bad day to be the prime minister of a small island nation with a constitutional monarchy / &c.
[he]’s a 10 but [utterly nonsensical explanation why this individual is not worth it]
new db cooper theory he went up
smooth sharks
I wonder how I taste (one partner expects kissing, one partner expects Bite Bite Chomp Chomp)
would you still love me if I were a worm
hair clips and other things that are animals
gandalf big naturals
it was a gougar (possibly a resurgence from previous memes)
image of infodumping girl in pink shirt
sans undertale and the tumblr sexyman awards / QUEEN OF ENGLAND DEAD FOR REAL
the tumpet. bwaaaaa
i’m on my puter
lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship
post stock market
[words in webpage somewhat similar to the name of a character or person indicated with circle and image]
a secret third thing
submeme: this idiot hasn’t even seen goncharov
elon musk and his foolish antics
submeme: tumblr and twitter warrior cats
[lestat explains a piece of a media in a very strong phonetic french accent] / lestatspeak
hey. don’t cry. [very large number] of [thing] in the [world].
sorry [event which typically does not happen to human men happened to] your boyfriend [in exhaustive detail]
[number] ticket[s] to the barbie movie please
I went to [Mad At You] island and [none] of your friends were there
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 5 years
My Daughter’s Nanny- Chapter 3: Carly
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A/N Throughout this story, I used a name instead of having my readers insert themselves. I’ve received comments that some readers prefer it that way but you may always change Carly to your own name.
As always, feedback is welcomed! Requests are OPEN! Tag list requests are OPEN!
Masterlist HERE | Prompt list HERE
The very next day after my first session with Paul, he set up an interview with some chick, Carly, so I can get some kind of help with JJ. It was 9:00am when the doorbell rang through the house, very loudly, might I add. I ignore it, hoping the person will get the hint that no one was home but to no avail, the bell Chinese through the house again. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” I groan as I get up and feel the tension in my lower back. I hate being so old. Another bell rang and just like the old man I was, I yell, “I’m coming, I’m coming!” I finally make it down the stairs and to the door to find what must’ve been the second most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Second next to Danneel of course. She looked to have been around my age, maybe younger. She stood tall in a purple, pink, orangish kind of blouse, a pencil skirt cut just to her knees, and her brownish-blonde hair was tied up in a high ponytail. She was wearing makeup but not too much to make her look like she was trying too hard. “Can I help you?” I asked, leaning against the doorway with my arms crossed in front of me. “Good morning, Sir. I’m looking for…Jensen Ackles?” she asks, looking down at her phone to read my name. “Yeah, that’s me. Who are you?” “Oh, Mr. Tackles, nice to meet you. I’m Carly; Paul sent me.” Ohhhhh. “Ah, Carly, wasn’t expecting you,” I say, motioning to my pajama pants and white tee shirt I was wearing. She giggled and said, “I’m sorry, I thought Paul told you I was coming today.” “Nope.” I say, popping the P. “Well if this is a bad time, I’d be more than happy to come back at a later time.” She suggests, turning on her heels to leave. “Wait, I uh, I guess you can stay. Just let me get some clothes on and I’ll get JJ so you can be acquainted with her.” “Thank you, Mr. Ackles.” She said as she followed me inside to the living room. “Please, call me Jensen. Mr. Ackles makes me sound old.” I chuckle and smile at her. “Please, make yourself comfortable, I will be right back.” Carly nods in response and I do a small bowl type thing before I rush up the stairs. “Shit, I wasn’t expecting her to be so beautiful,” I say aloud to no one in particular. I throw on my best pair of jeans and a plaid shirt, trying to show off my Texas pride without being too obvious about it. I got over to JJ's room, which is right next to mine and find her still asleep. “Hey, baby girl,” I say in the softest voice I could muster up. She shifts around a bit until she flips on her back to look up at me. “Hi Daddy.” Her face lights up and my heart swells. God, I love this kid. “Hi, baby. I want you to get dressed. There’s someone downstairs I want you to meet.” “Okay, Daddy.” She sits up in her overly pink bed and reaches up to hug me and kiss me. Reciprocating, I can’t help but hope to God she never stops loving me. She climbed out of bed and over to the closet and pulls out a turquoise blue sundress. I frown a bit because that was a birthday gift Danneel and I bought her for Christmas last year. “No way, that’s too blue,” I argue. “Too blue? Jensen, there’s no such thing as too blue.” She fights back. I dig my hands deep into my pockets and shrug. “Alright fine but don’t get mad if I start asking her ‘why so blue’?”  I can still hear the sound of her laugh and the way her eyes would shut so tight as she threw her head back laughing. “I’m ready Daddy,” JJ said, pulling me out of my head. “Well, don’t you look pretty,” I say as she takes the bottom of her dress and twirls around. “Thank you, Daddy.” She giggles as I swoop her up in my arms and plant a kiss on her cheek. “My beautiful little girl. Let’s go downstairs, yeah?” “Yeah!” We walk downstairs, JJ still on my hip, where we hear someone who appears to be on the phone. “Jensen Ackles. No, I don’t know him. A TV star? Oh, he’s one of the guys from Supernatural. Yes, he is. Very attractive.” I blush at her words and clear my throat to let her know our presence. She jumps at the sound and says, “I have to go” and quickly ends the call. “I’m sorry Jensen I didn’t know you were right there.” She says, throwing her phone in her purse and standing up. “It's alright. Do you really think I’m attractive?” I question her as a means to tease her a bit. Her eyes go wide and her jaw opens slightly; pure shock written on her exquisite features. “N-no, no, I mean, yes you’re attractive but not like I’m thinking about you like that or…” She rambles on before I stop her. “Carly, I’m kidding. But thanks for the compliment.” I say and shoot her one of my infamous smiles which causes her cheeks to grow ever so red again. “Here, have a seat,” I say as well both take a seat on the couch, JJ climbing off of me. She waddles over to Carly and looks up at her. “Well hi there,” Carly says. “Hi,” JJ replies. Carly then slides off the couch and onto the floor to interact with JJ a little better. “What’s your favorite toy?” Carly asks, and I regret her asking because JJ has more than one favorite toy. She gets up and runs into the next room, which we designated as her playroom. “Oh, I wish you didn’t ask her that,” I say. “Why? I’m just trying to make her comfortable with me.” Carly explains. I can see slight fear ghost her face so I quickly reassure her. “I appreciate that but JJ has way more than one favorite toy. She’s going to show you EVERY toy she owns.” I say, shaking my head as Carly laughs. “Oh Geez, now I feel bad.” We both laugh before the first toy comes out. It starts with her Barbie doll collection followed by her stuffed animal collection, the Hot Wheels Jared insisted on her having, the dollhouse, the Paw Patrol collection, the superhero collection and to top it all off, the collection of My Little Pony dolls. “Well, aren’t you loved,” Carly says, looking at all the toys spread around the living room floor. “Daddy and Uncle Jared and Uncle Misha love me.” She says. “And I’m guessing Jared and Misha are your costars?” Carly looks to me. “You’re not a Supernatural fan are you?” I ask. “I haven’t seen it before,” Carly admits. “Well, we might just have to change that,” I say, winking at her. “Come play with me!” JJ calls to us both so we move all the toys from the living room to the playroom and sit on the floor with JJ. An hour or so passes and I’ve made my decision. Carly is the perfect person to help raise JJ but I want to ask her first. “JJ?” I ask and she stops playing to look at me. “Do you like Miss Carly?” “Yeah!” She yells and Carly and I laugh. “Can she live here?” JJ asks to which we both blush at. “I was going to ask Miss Carly if she would like to live with us and help me out around the house and watch you when Daddy goes back to work.” I look up to Carly as I finish the sentence and say, “You got the job if you want it.” “I would be more than happy to move in and help out around here. I think this little one is stuck to me now.” “Then it's settled. We'll move you in this weekend and you can start Monday.” “Yay!” JJ yells, hugging Carly in the process. I really hope this all works out and I can finally begin to heal.
Forever tags: @simpleboox @fandom-princess-forevermore @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams @juju-la-tortue @marvelfansworld @angeredcrow @grace15ella​ @tloveswriting​
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Barbie Misha, the one your never knew you needed in your collection 😁. @mishacollins
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loopsenjoyer · 7 years
I was tagged by @holyfuckinghelldestiel Rules: answer all questions,add one question of your own Coke or Pepsi: coke Disney or DreamWorks: I love them both Coffee or tea: I prefer coffee Book or movies: both Window or mac: windows Dc or marvel: marvel Xbox or PlayStation: Xbox Dragon age or mass effect: never played before Night owl or early rise: night owl Cards or chess: cards Chocolate or vanilla: both Vans or converse: converse Lavellan,travelyn,cadsh,or adaar: I don't understand that reference Fluff or angst: both Beach or forest: beach Dogs or cats: cats. But dogs are adorable. Clear skies or rain: rain Cooking or eating out: eating out Spicy food or mild food: spicy food Halloween/samhain or solstice/Yule/christmas: christmas Would you rather be a little to cold or a little to hot: cold If you could have a superpower, what would it be: healing Paragon or renegade: never played either Animation or live action: both Baths or showers: both Team cap or team iron man: team cap but I love iron man Fantasy or sci:fi : both Do you have three or four favorite quotes? If so what are they: Be anything you want to be by Barbie/ be strong in the moments where you want to be weak by jensen ackles / we are bound only by the limits of our imaginations by misha collins YouTube or Netflix: both Harry potter or Percy Jackson: harry potter When you feel acclomplished: when I finish a drawing Star wars or star trek: star wars Paperback or hardback books: both Handwriting or typing: I mostly type on my phone Velvet or satin: satin Video games or movies: both Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon: I've always wanted to own a dragon Sunset or sunrise: sunset Whats your favorite song? Dollhouse by melanie martinez Horror movies yes or no? I don't think so Long hair or short hair: short hair Opera of theatre: theatre Assuming the multiverse theory is true and every story ever told has really happened somewhere,which one of the movie/book/tv show/etc worlds would you pick to travel to? harry potter Are you scared of thunderstorms? Why? No im a warrior If you were to move in the next two months where would it be And why: I would move to new York and I know this seems silly but I wanna look for the ninja turtles What is one superpower you should never be allowed to possess? Why? Flying because I would mess with people Would you rather live alone for the rest of your life or watch loved ones die: Live alone If you could be a mythical creature,what would it be? A mermaid Five movies you watched repeatedly in your childhood? Barbie and the 12 dancing princesses Favorite song on Ed sheerans divide album? Never heard of his music but I have heard of him Top 5 favorite tv shows? Supernatural, cupcake wars,naked and afraid, ancient aliens, and teenage mutant ninja turtles What would your perfect date? Amusement park, steak and shake What is your opinion on popcorn? I WISH I COULD MARRY POPCORN What's a hobby you want to start or have started? I collect glass bottles My question: do you have any special talents? I'm gonna tag @magickalmermaidsparky @smack-that-assbutt @mishacollins
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 6 years
My Daughter’s Nanny- Chapter 3: Carly
The very next day after my first session with Paul, he set up an interview with some chick, Carly, so I can get some kind of help with JJ. It was 9:00am when the doorbell rang through the house, very loudly, might I add. I ignore it, hoping the person will get the hint that no one was home but to no avail, the bell Chinese through the house again. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” I groan as I get up and feel the tension in my lower back. I hate being so old. Another bell rang and just like the old man I was, I yell, “I’m coming, I’m coming!” I finally make it down the stairs and to the door to find what must’ve been the second most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Second next to Danneel of course. She looked to have been around my age, maybe younger. She stood tall in a purple, pink, orangish kind of blouse, a pencil skirt cut just to her knees, and her brownish-blonde hair was tied up in a high ponytail. She was wearing makeup but not too much to make her look like she was trying too hard. “Can I help you?” I asked, leaning against the doorway with my arms crossed in front of me. “Good morning, Sir. I’m looking for…Jensen Ackles?” she asks, looking down at her phone to read my name. “Yeah, that’s me. Who are you?” “Oh, Mr. Ackles, nice to meet you. I’m Carly; Paul sent me.” Ohhhhh. “Ah, Carly, wasn’t expecting you.” I say, motioning to my pajama pants and white tee shirt I was wearing. She giggled and said, “I’m sorry, I thought Paul told you I was coming today.” “Nope.” I say, popping the P. “Well, if this is a bad time, I’d be more than happy to come back at a later time.” She suggests, turning on her heels to leave. “Wait, I uh, I guess you can stay. Just let me get some clothes on and I’ll get JJ so you can be acquainted with her.” “Thank you, Mr. Ackles.” She said as she followed me inside to the living room. “Please, call me Jensen. Mr. Ackles makes me sound old.” I chuckle and smile to her. “Please, make yourself comfortable, I will be right back.” Carly nods in response and I do a small bowl type thing before I rush up the stairs. “Shit, I wasn’t expecting her to be so beautiful.” I say aloud to no one in particular. I throw on my best pair of jeans and plaid shirt, trying to show off my Texas pride without being to obvious about it. I got over to JJ's room, which is right next to mine and find her still asleep. “Hey baby girl.” I say in the softest voice I could muster up. She shifts around a bit, until she flips on her back to look up at me. “Hi Daddy.” Her face lights up and my heart swells. God, I love this kid. “Hi baby. I want you to get dressed. There’s someone downstairs I want you to meet.” “Okay Daddy.” She sits up in her overly pink bed and reaches up to hug me and kiss me. Reciprocating, I can’t help but hope to God she never stops loving me. She climbed out of bed and over to the closet and pulls out a turquoise blue sundress. I frown a bit because that was a birthday gift Danneel and I bought her for Christmas last year. “No way, that’s too blue.” I argue. “Too blue? Jensen there’s no such thing as too blue.” She fights back. I dig my hands deep into my pockets and shrug. “Alright fine but don’t get mad if I start asking her ‘why so blue’?”  I can still hear the sound of her laugh and the way her eyes would shut so tight as she threw her head back laughing. “I’m ready Daddy.” JJ said, pulling me out of my head. “Well, don’t you look pretty.” I say as she takes the bottom of her dress and twirls around. “Thank you, Daddy.” She giggles as I swoop her up in my arms and plant a kiss on her cheek. “My beautiful little girl. Let’s go downstairs, yeah?” “Yeah!” We walk downstairs, JJ still on my hip, where we hear someone who appears to be on the phone. “Jensen Ackles. No, I don’t know him. A TV star? Oh, he’s one of the guys from Supernatural. Yes, he is. Very attractive.” I blush at her words and clear my throat to let her know our presence. She jumps at the sound and says, “I have to go” and quickly ends the call. “I’m sorry Jensen I didn’t know you were right there.” She says, throwing her phone in her purse and standing up. “Its alright. Do you really think I’m attractive?” I question her as a means to tease her a bit. Her eyes go wide and her jaw opens slightly; pure shock written on her exquisite features. “N-no, no, I mean, yes you’re attractive but not like I’m thinking about you like that or…” She rambles on before I stop her. “Carly, I’m kidding. But thanks for the compliment.” I say and shoot her one of my infamous smiles which causes her cheeks to grow ever so red again. “Here, have a seat.” I say as well both take a seat on the couch, JJ climbing off of me. She waddles over to Carly and looks up at her. “Well hi there.” Carly says. “Hi.” JJ replies. Carly then slides off the couch and onto the floor to interact with JJ a little better. “What’s your favorite toy?” Carly asks, and I regret her asking, because JJ has more than one favorite toy. She gets up and runs into the next room, which we designated as her playroom. “Oh I wish you didn’t ask her that.” I say. “Why? I’m just trying to make her comfortable with me.” Carly explains. I can see slight fear ghost her face so I quickly reassure her. “I appreciate that but JJ has way more than one favorite toy. She’s going to show you EVERY toy she owns.” I say, shaking my head as Carly laughs. “Oh geez, now I feel bad.” We both laugh before the first toy comes out. It starts with her Barbie doll collection followed by her stuffed animal collection, the Hot Wheels Jared insisted on her having, the dollhouse, the Paw Patrol collection, the superhero collection and to top it all off, the collection of My Little Pony dolls. “Well, aren’t you loved.” Carly says, looking at all the toys spread around the living room floor. “Daddy and Uncle Jared and Uncle Misha love me.” She says. “And I’m guessing Jared and Misha are your costars?” Carly looks to me. “You’re not a Supernatural fan are you?” I ask. “I haven’t seen it before.” Carly admits. “Well, we might just have to change that.” I say, winking at her. “Come play with me!” JJ calls to us both so we move all the toys from the living room to the playroom and sit on the floor with JJ. An hour or so passes and I’ve made my decision. Carly is the perfect person to help raise JJ but I want to ask her first. “JJ?” I ask and she stops playing to look at me. “Do you like Miss Carly?” “Yeah!” She yells and Carly and I laugh. “Can she live here?” JJ asks to which we both blush at. “I was going to ask Miss Carly if she would like to live with us and help me out around the house and watch you when Daddy goes back to work.” I look up to Carly as I finish the sentence and say, “You got the job if you want it.” “I would be more than happy to move in and help out around here. I think this little one is stuck to me now.” “Then its settled. We'll move you in this weekend and you can start Monday.” “Yay!” JJ yells, hugging Carly in the process. I really hope this all works out and I can finally begin to heal.
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