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connectedsculs · 7 years ago
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              “ she shoots, she SCORES !” she shouted, before she mimicked the crowd screaming, shouting. a grin grew on her lips, looking over as the ball boinced once it fell out of the hoop -- a triumphant smile on her lips before she looked back over at him. “ you too tired for a milkshake or something ? or are you pissed that i beat you ... AGAIN ?”
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goneshe · 7 years ago
Five times kissed - misguidcdghosts for Audrey. Even tho we haven’t actually done anything with them yet 😂😂 but we’ve discussed and rlly it’s everything SO
five times kissed // accepting // @misguidcdghosts​ (for audrey)
one: scream!au
“oh my gosh, it’s you.”
at first, audrey wanted to sigh. having people from in and out of town come in here and exclaim something like ‘it’s you!’ when they saw her behind the counter had gotten really old, really fast. in fact, it was tiring her out and pissing her off. she was sick of getting treated like a damn zoo exhibit just because she survived two murder sprees.
she really wanted to put piper and kieran (they’re both dead, those movies are over, roll the credits and leave the freakin’ theatre!) behind her and she couldn’t do that when—
“you’re the one didi writes poetry about.”
—wait, what?  
the tiny indian girl - audrey estimated her age to be around fourteen - had a toothy smile that could rival the sun and big, brown eyes. the red haired girl next to her, all blue eyes, freckles and scrapes on her arms, rolled her eyes: “sorry about madhavi. ever since her older sister broke up with her boyfriend and it didn’t work out with a family friend, she’s obsessed with playing match-maker.”
it was a slow day and so far, those two had been one of the few costumers of the day so audrey could indulge them. for once.
“don’t worry,” madhavi beamed at her, “she likes your butt and your fancy hair. i’ve read it in her diary!”
that was, apparently, the redhead’s cue to tightly grasp her friend’s hand in hers and swipe the tickets off the counter with her other hand: “oookaaaay, that’s about it! we’re just here to see descendants two, madhu, not to start a dating service! c’mon, let’s go!”
“but georgette!” madhu whined while her friend dragged her away from the counter. “georgie!”
audrey chuckled to herself when she heard the redhead - georgie - huff: “lilo and stitch, really?” and called after them, just in case they didn’t know or forgot: “it’s the first door on your left!”
georgette was the one who called back while madhu sulked: “thank you!”
one hour later, the door chimed again. audrey briefly looked up from refilling the popcorn machine before continuing with the task at hand while her blue eyes occasionally flitted from the popcorn machine and the huge bag in her hand to the girl.
the girl that walked in was, without a doubt, madhu’s older sister. she had the same brown eyes, warm like her favorite quilt, except audrey had seen a penchant for mischief in madhu’s eyes earlier and there was none of that to be found in the eyes of the kid’s sister.
audrey’s heart lurched painfully as she thought of rachel and gina. one dead, the other out of her life completely.
(while she understood where gina’s fear and the way she reacted to that fear came from, she’d been tired of constantly having to justify why she spent time with emma and brooke. so they had broken up a few months ago, which was…something gina hadn’t expected.)
what if the same thing happened to other girls she would ever date? what if things wouldn’t work out?what if they, too, would die because of her? fuck, those thoughts made her sick to her stomach.
the girl had moved to sit down on the nearest chair, effectively snapping audrey out of her thoughts. the girl had been looking at her, concern written all over her face. audrey stopped filling up the popcorn machine and promptly hauled the huge bag back towards the storage room.
“you’re early, the movie’s done in about fifteen minutes.”
it’s not at all what audrey wanted to say when she came back to the counter but she couldn’t stand the silence. the girl didn’t seem to have that problem, up until audrey spoke, she’d been softly singing along to dua lipa’s thinking about you.
brown eyes met blue and the girl blushed but flashed audrey a warm smile nevertheless.
“well yeah,” said the girl, “that’s true but i’d rather be too early than too late anyway.”
the last time she flirted with someone during work was the time haley stayed behind when she worked the graveyard shift and then haley decided to pull a prank on her and because of that haley’s idiot of an accomplice got stabbed, audrey knew, but was it too late to quip about how she also knew that the slender fingers that were currently tapping along to the beat of a new song also wrote poetry?
“i’ve got a thing for you.”
audrey’s head snapped back towards her so fast it was a miracle she didn’t get a whiplash.
a million things ran through audrey’s head ranging from a flirty that’s forward of you to a surprised wow and okay and somehow none of these things made it past the lump in her throat.
“in, uh, the literal sense of the word,” added the girl quietly as she got up and walked towards the counter. oh. with a strangely deflated feeling in her chest, audrey briefly glanced away while the girl rummaged through the pockets of her jacket and fished out a small envelope.
she slid it over the counter. their hands briefly touched. audrey took the small envelope, which brought a grin back to her face. “that’s adorable.” she tucked the envelope into the pocket of her jeans and tried to ignore how much her heart hammered in her chest from just that simple touch.
“i try,” chuckled the girl as audrey willed herself to look into her eyes instead of at her lips. “i hope you’ll like it.”
audrey was going to say something else but the door chimed once more and other costumers came in while the door on the far left opened and a lot of parents, older siblings and kids made their way towards the door.
“is your name didi, by any chance?” audrey asked quickly because ever since she met her kid sister, the question’s been eating at her.
“no,” the girl grinned now, all teeth and gentle eyes filled with mirth. “it’s mohini, but mo is the nickname most people know me by. didi means older sister in hindi.”
and that was as far as their conversation went: audrey had to help the other costumers and mo saw georgie and madhu in the crowd and quickly waved them over, asking them if they had fun. georgie nodded: “evie was so pretty!” madhu was quick to agree, “so was uma!”
mo glanced at a very busy audrey for the last time and then steered the two girls towards the door.
later, when audrey came home, half exhausted but also exhilarated, she changed out of her work clothes and into something more comfortable. the tiny envelope had fallen to the floor and audrey picked it up. her mouth was dry when she opened it and her fingers shook.
she walks, draped in moonlight, with the kind of grace i could never possess.eyes as blue as the sea and skies combined, i must confess, keep me up at night.her smile shines just as bright as the sun. yet her name, i know it not.
there’s a lot of things that i don’t know about you and there are plenty that i want to ask, should we ever meet again, but until that moment, i’ve written a list for you about the things you may want to know about me:
1) as stated before, i’m mohini banerjee. most, if not all, people call me mo.2) i really do want to get to know you better.3) i think that you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen.4) this is my number, call me if you’re interested. or if you need a friend and just want to hang out. i swear, i won’t send you any cat memes either way.5) i’m in a band and i’m the bassist.6) i can’t draw smileys. i can’t draw at all, actually.7) i’m sorry, i got distracted by the mere thought of you and the way you make sarcasm seem like art; this poem started off strong but ended up all over the place :P
before she fell asleep, audrey saw that the poem was signed and sealed with a kiss.
come morning, however, audrey would wake up to a text from an unknown number: how cute, says the first one, maybe i should cut off her fingers one by one, says the second text, so she’ll never write for you again.
two: harry potter!au
mo’s breath caught her throat the moment slughorn revealed the batch of amortentia to the class. shit, shit, shit shit. she’s always been more susceptible to potions that can alter one’s emotional state.
what a ravenclaw she was. had mo not gotten lost in a daze of mangoes, fresh books and leather jackets, she would have laughed at herself.
she knew how amortentia worked, after all. she knew how the potion managed to get such a visceral reaction from everyone. her parents worked as potioneers when they still lived in india. she’s been around them from day one. then they relocated to the uk and mr. and mrs. banerjee started a grocery store for wizards and witches and wixens.
“mohini,” audrey’s voice cut through the daze like a sharp knife and it was only then that mo became aware of the slytherin’s hand on her shoulder. “c’mon, the lesson ended ten minutes ago.”
her eyes cut from audrey’s concerned face, back to the cauldron. “you’re super pretty,” breathed the oldest banerjee, “even when you’re worried.” rationally, mo supposed that she could understand why audrey had been worried but really, the potion smelled so nice…
“no, no, no,” audrey grabbed her by the hand now, “no more potion sniffing for you. let’s go.”
the pull of the potion lessened the more steps they took away from the dungeons. after a while, mo let go of audrey’s hand, who asked if she was all right for the final time and when mo nodded, audrey bid her adieu and went over to one brooke maddox - gryffindor extraordinaire - who had been waving at her short haired friend.
mo herself retreated back to the common room. or at least she wanted to but then imagined that she could run into rajiv kumar and noah foster (who had been an infamous hatstall between hufflepuff and ravenclaw) and promptly turned around, heading for the owlery.
she didn’t see audrey until dinner that evening. which was a good thing; it had given mo plenty of time to freak out, calm herself down and freak out once again when she told the story to her bandmates. it was olivia, emma duval’s niece, who gently told her that she ought to thank her.
if it hadn’t been for audrey, who knows what would have happened, right?
so here she was, walking towards the slytherin table which was dotted with red, yellow and blue as well; the rules about sitting at your own table? bullshit. according to them, anyway.
“um, audrey?” man, mo hated how pathetic she sounded. even to her own ears!
audrey was in the middle of telling or re-telling a story to noah but turned around at the sound of her voice: “what’s up?”
“i wanted to thank you. y’know, for back there,” mo inclined her head towards the dungeons.
noah arched an eyebrow as mo continued: “i mean, if i stood there for a moment longer, well…” she heard what mo had blurted out, hadn’t she? “…i just wanted to say thanks.” and before she lost her nerve, mo stepped closer, around the table, and kissed audrey on the cheek.
three: the tomorrow people au
“audrey, we just had a new breakout,” cara told the girl who was currently lounging on one of the many couches in the lair, an old and abandoned subway station under the streets of manhattan. “i need you to get to her before ultra does.”
why can’t brooke— audrey started to think but cara cut her off: “brooke is training with stella yamada and emma just found out that one of the newer breakouts is related to her. noah, jake and stavo are training scott, wendell and charlie respectively.” audrey scoffed and got up. honestly, fuck telepathy. and fuck this entire gig, she didn’t sign up for supernatural babysitting duties!
grabbing her jacket from where she’d thrown it over a chair, she called back over her shoulder: “where do i need to be?”
“hudson cliff. it’s an elementary school for sick kids and kids with learning disabilities.” what the hell? the last time they had such a young recruit, john rescued her from the citadel.
“oh, and audrey?”
with a soft pop, audrey turned on her heels and then she was gone. she appeared in the old, abandoned subway station and rushed to the surface. top-side, they all called it. with cara literally in her head and the fact that she knew the route by heart, audrey got to the elementary school in what could be considered record time.
she’s inside, cara’s voice echoed, be careful, ultra’s already on her tail too. try to get to her before they do but if it gets too hot, i want you out of there, understood?
yeah, like that was going to happen. audrey scoffed again. quieter, this time. she was here now. might as well stick it out to the bitter end.
a loud scream shattered audrey’s telepathic reply to cara into a thousand tiny pieces and the ultra agents sent to subdue the new breakout came flying out of the nearest classroom, their guns skidding across the hallway as they smacked into the wall and slid down to the floor where they laid, in a crumpled heap, unmoving.
another scream. the hairs on the back of audrey’s neck stood on edge. she was ready to fight or flee if necessary. audrey stepped over the threshhold and that was as far as she got.
“no! stay back! stay back!”
in the middle of the classroom sat a girl about her own age, tears and blood splatters all over her, cradling another girl into her arms. a kid, audrey realized while her stomach churned and she almost gagged. fuck, she was going to be sick.
how she got the words out, she didn’t know: “i’m…my name is audrey jensen. i’m—i’m like you. and you’re not safe here. shit, i know it’s the last thing you want to do right now but i need you to come with me now. more men like the ones that are now lying in the hallway are coming for you and they won’t stop until they have you. they work for an organization called ultra and i’m so fucking sorry for your loss and i hate to do this but we need to go.”
“let them come,” snarled the girl. her eyes met audrey’s and for a brief moment, their minds connected and audrey was awash in a whirlwind of emotions, primarily consisting of years of anger and a whole lot of grief and sadness and pain. pain, pain, pain that was hers and wasn’t hers at all. “let them,” the girl repeated again, “i’ll kill them, it’s what they deserve. it’s what they all deserve for killing my younger sister!” hindi swears spilled over her lips like a waterfall.
tears ran down her cheeks and she looked like she was struggling containing another scream.
a memory that wasn’t hers flitted before audrey’s eyes; the little girl took her hands and pulled her towards central park, crowing that she finally managed to make it across on the monkey bars and that she wanted to show her: “c’mon, mohini! i practiced real hard!” it was like a butterfly or a snowflake; one moment it was there and then it was gone but it was enough to have tears spring to audrey’s eyes. she blinked them away and cleared her throat.
cara, audrey’s eyes flashed from the crying girl on the floor to the remnants of what was once a well kempt classroom. i’m here. the new breakout killed two ultra agents after they killed her younger sister.
audrey heard cara curse in her head. she heard it so clearly that the brunette might as well have been standing right next to her: do you think you can make it back with her on your own? russell needs my help with something else. if not, i can send stephen to meet you halfway.
no, audrey thought, it’s okay, i got this. but do tell stephen that he needs to pick up the…the kid. fuck, they killed a kid, cara! they killed a fucking kid! she’s, what, seven?! they got to a kid!
cara told her that she was sorry and that they’d talk about it when the two would get back to the lair but as of right now, the fact remained that audrey had twenty minutes left. the clock was still ticking and ultra was still hot on their heels. she swallowed audibly and knelt down. gently, she placed a hand on her shoulder. the girl, whose name audrey now knew, flinched visibly.
“it’s mohini, right?” audrey’s voice was low, hopefully soothing and almost a whisper.
“most people call me mo,” she croaked back, “but yeah, it’s mohini.” she sniffed. her eyes met audrey as she said: “we can’t leave her here. she needs to be cremated. and my parents—”
oh gods, her parents. what would her parents say?! what would her family do if they found out about this?!
long black hair shielded mo’s face like a curtain as her body shook with barely contained sobs.
after giving her a hug, audrey brushed mo’s hair back and gave her a kiss on the forehead. she didn’t know what else to do or to say. it was something that her mother used to do, before she got sick.  
“we can’t leave her here,” mo repeated, quieter, as if all the life had been drained from her too.
“we won’t,” audrey assured her and gently helped her stand up. mohini carried her sister to the bed in the corner and tucked her in. it looked like the little girl - madhavi, or madhu as those close to her called her -  was merely sleeping instead of dead. “i know someone who will make sure your sister gets back to your parents in time for the…the cremation, i swear.” mo nodded. “c’mon,” audrey said and swung an arm around mo’s shoulders. “let’s get you outta here.”      
four: teen wolf au
while the jensen family wasn’t as esteemed as the calavera family or the argents, they were still good hunters - mrs. jensen had been from a prominent hunting family too - in their own right. though her mother put the hunting life behind her when she got pregnant and then again when she got sick, her father continued on for a while; he even taught his daughter the basics.
just so she could protect herself while he retired. audrey took to it like a fish to water. after rachel died, she swore to herself that she would do everything in her power to avenge her and to protect her group of friends consisting of a banshee (brooke), a werewolf (jake), a human much like herself (noah), another huntress (emma) and someone with a penchant for drawing horror scenes who was something else but didn’t exactly know what (stavo). 
and things were all right until they weren’t because this is beacon hills and, inevitably, shit goes down here. this town had weathered many storms, this town would continue to do so. but all of that would wait, for beacon hills would have to deal with a supernatural band first.
stella yamada was a kitsune. brooke got the information out of her easily with a smile and a wink, an offer to stella that sounded like sure, i’ll totally help you familiarize yourself with beacon hills; i’d love to hang out with you! which was not only a way to help out audrey but also because the blonde truly wanted to hang out with her. 
her father was one too, stella had said, munching on curly fries. after the death of his previous partner, he spent a long time mourning her before he eventually found love with leila penn and gained not only a second chance at love but a bigger family; leila, who was as human as they came, had split up with her ex-husband and won custody over her two youngest boys, tim and tom, while their oldest girl - clea - occasionally dropped by to visit.
olivia white was a huntress that wasn’t cut out for that life at all. soft and pliant and sweet, she spent her time reading and researching and had taken to helping out doctor deaton’s and the cats and dogs - but mostly just cats in her spare time. she was also related to emma who learned how to handle a gun because it became a matter of life and death back in lakewood.
then there was scott pickett who was, much like noah, as human as they came. but he was quick as a whip and quite knowledgable when it came to lore and surprisingly easy going. he and wendell “wen” gifford, a leprechaun, were nine times out of ten, the brains behind plans. 
charles “charlie” delgado easily befriended stavo. other than their heritage and a love for comic books, they had other things in common. charlie was sure he was something other than human but he wouldn’t be able to tell you just what he is if you asked him.
lastly, there was mohini “mo” banerjee. named for one of vishnu’s avatars and skilled with a bass guitar, noah thought she was a garuda at first. an avian shapeshifter. he wasn’t wrong. while mo wasn’t an avian shapeshifter, she was a shapeshifter in every other sense of the word. you see, mo was an apsara - a shapeshifter with an extra pair of arms that could look like any other person out there, though their voice, abilities and gait remained the same. 
“the apsaras of old could probably fly and control the air with less difficulty. i can’t do either. my mom can fly, though, and i’m pretty sure that my younger sister’s going to surpass me one day.” her father, a gandharva - which was like the male equivalent of an apsara - had no flying abilities to speak of either, mo added after a while, but he was musically inclined. 
“what can you do?” asked audrey while mo continued to gently move the huntress’ fingers about, lacing their fingers together. mo shrugged: “i can sense changes in the weather and i’m pretty good with instruments.” audrey didn’t understand why her hands enthralled mohini so; they had been stained with death and had seen cruelty and violence too many fucking times.
mo pressed a kiss on both hands before she let go of them. “just call me your personal weather woman.” 
audrey laughed, thoughts of weaponry and the next threat to becon hills were forgotten for a while.
five: no killer!au
olivia had been right, mo thought, the carnival really was the perfect way to spend their off season. this way, she could get to know her aunt and niece a little better and stella had been begging - well, not really, but olivia knew how much the lead guitarist wanted this gig - to play at lakewood’s annual carnival with their original numbers and covers. 
and really, the other band members only had to look at their faces to give in, laughter on their own lips and fondness in their eyes. mo was one of the first ones to say okay to it all, the others soon following suit.
besides: winning an actual version of the battle of the bands, small though it was? against mikayla skeech and her own band? that would look great for their repertoire. (and mo was living for every moment that proved just how much talent lemonade mouth really had!)
that thought, as well as wen’s promise that he’d get her some cotton candy after their performance, kept mohini’s spirits higher than her height of 5′6″. 
they had time to spare - more like time to kill, in mo’s opinion - so the band scattered, each one promising to be backstage half an hour before, just in case they needed to go through their set-list or just in case things changed. olivia reminded them all to keep their phones on.
(the carnival was also a way to remember nina patterson and her boyfriend tyler who passed away in a freak car accident at the start of the school year.)
“you look lost,” chuckled a voice to her right when mo passed the food stalls once again. 
“don’t we all at some point?” was the first thing out of her mouth.
“i suppose.” the owner of the voice was a girl with short, black hair and a wide, sarcastic grin. 
she was dressed in black, had the bluest eyes mo had ever seen, was shorter than the bassist and had a video camera on her person. lemonade mouth had been in the song business for a while now so cameras didn’t freak mohini out anymore. they used to, before.
“i’m audrey,” said the girl, “i’d shake your hand, but—” she was holding her video camera.
“mohini, though you can call me mo. and it’s okay, i’ll just shake your other hand.”
“that’s smart,” audrey drawled and mo winked: “i got sorted in ravenclaw on pottermore.”
“i don’t have any nicknames other than aud or auds,” she said, “and i’m not much of a harry potter fan but congratulations.” mohini shrugged, waving a little at audrey’s camera, “that’s cool. i prefer roshani chokshi anyways.” honestly, mo would sell her soul to write half as well as that lady.
they were silent for a while and then mo said: “if you’re still in the market for a nickname or two, i’d be happy to oblige. i do love a good challenge.” though, really, knowing her and her penchant for flowery words and sentences, audrey would probably go home with a poem about her and her name, filled to the brim with a thousand compliments and then some.
mohini’s phone buzzed. it was a text from charlie, saying that she needed to get to the main stage. she showed it to audrey who said: “maybe later, after your performance. that is, if you’re sticking around.” rachel hadn’t. they had broken up shortly after the start of the school year. it was a clean, mutual break up and it was for the better - rachel needed time and space to focus on herself and the way she saw herself and needed a change of scenery after the video - but audrey still missed her sometimes. they had been friends before they dated.
“oh, i am,” mo assured her, “i’ll be here for three weeks, if not more.”
another text. this time it was scott, wondering why she wasn’t responding and why she wasn’t on her way to the main stage already.
“you should go.”
“i should. will you be there when lemonade mouth takes your little town by storm?”
“sure,” audrey grinned widely at mo as the latter finally stood up. “i can’t not check you guys out. you look like a bassist.” blue eyes met brown. audrey blew mo a kiss after she said: “and, y’know, i’m pretty sure i’ll see you around either way. break a leg out there, will you? i really don’t like mikayla skeech and the scene.”
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billiejeannooneslover · 7 years ago
Mopey Billie
@misguidcdghosts for Tommy or Adam if you want
She’d wanted to be alone. Billie had, in fact wanted to be alone for the past few days-ever since the fight with the boyfriend-coming out only for monster fights and not answering any questions. She could only imagine her friends were worried about her, but she couldn’t bring herself to go out and do-well, anything.
Currently she was sitting on the beach, staring off into space. She’d been doing that for several hours now, not paying anyone or anything any mind. She’d probably catch cold soon, but she didn’t seem to care about that either. The only thing that seemed to break her out of her reverie was the occasional sound of her communicator, and that was all.
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ofanimalsweaters-blog · 8 years ago
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           me: wanted to post this at like 12:00am january first.            me: was too lazy to even start writing it until now. #you’re welcome.
     2016 was such a bleugh year for me , however , the one good constant has been the roleplay community and the friends that i’ve made. you guys have supported me and my constant making , moving & deleting blogs left , right & centre and honestly i can not thank you for supporting my trash ass so much. i love you all , and i hope that 2017 is a great year for you !
@fallenregent / @goldenspiriits : k OURTNEY ! the love of my life , my best friend. i ahave known you the longest , and you’ve pretty much been in my roleplay career since day one so it’s only fitting to have you at the top of the list. you are such a talented soul , and i am so incredibly glad to call you my best friend. you’re kind , compassionate , hilarious and adorable & i honestly love you so much. i’m so glad you’re still in my life almost six years on , and even though you live on the other side of the world i will always love and support you. 
@crackedbravado / @ofheavensfire & all your blogs : amanda , my fellow trash queen. i love you so damn much. you  came into my roleplay life when i needed a reason to stay , and honestly i am so glad you did. the way you portray your characters is incredible , and i honestly never even look at other portrayals because yours are my favourite. #notsponsored 
@oflettermanjackets / @whxtteam  / @misguidcdghosts // @blaxneydays / @nxsaint // @toerr / @ourquartcrback // @gcldenthroat / @unsuspectinghearts // @tremulousalto // @killerblonde // @tobewhoimnot // @awesomegaydar // @puckisms // @sunshinexbeauty // @kodaliiine // @warblest // @starhaze // @tcpbitch // @pleasedontsing // @logicproud // @littlewinterdove // @spitfcre // @permanentanxiety // @ofthecode // @islanddeath  // @floraiison // @lovesmexican // @destinaticn // @feignedeath // @turnedink / @shewailed //  @notacrabbastian // @notgriieving / @runiics // @chemicalgrin // @offershope // @souldragger // @aliencombat / @cannulalingus / @rootcrush // @straiightfromtheheart // @onlylovedherself // @huntality // @snaremaker // @spareheiress // @herinsecurity // @meddlingheels // @ofabnegation // @adroitbedfellows 
i’ve probably forgotten people , but remember that i love each and every one of you on my dash & i will always be around if you ever need somebody to talk to ♥
                                xoxo ally. 
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evlhearta · 7 years ago
       she  is  her  mother’s  daughter,    vanity  inherited.    appearance  always  impeccable,    dressed  to  the  nines.   it’s  why  she  feels  as  though  its  her  duty  to  help  out  when  she  see  fit.    (        regardless  as  to  whether  an  opinion  was  asked  or  not        )    a  smile  glosses  over  olive  features,    painted  digits  run  through  the  ends  of  the  other  girl’s  hair.     
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        ❝       are  you  sure  you  wanna  wear  that  ?        ❞
@misguidcdghosts  /  for  lonnie  ♥♥
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skyhigher · 8 years ago
+ @misguidcdghosts
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“This is some bullshit---” Magenta grumbled, more to herself than to anyone else. Having people butt in where they weren’t wanted, nor belonged, annoyed her like nothing else could. “---look, I don’t know what Layla told you,” she’d nudged Warren sharply, “but I’m fine. There is nothing to worry or talk about.”
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goneshe · 6 years ago
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WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE? :     i like scott / mohini well enough, but i can honestly ship her with all of her bandmates. 
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE? :     mohini is a high school student so i won’t be shipping her with adults, i’d say the maximum, age gap wise, would be around five years for me. but obviously i’d prefer it if both muses were the same age / around the same age.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING? :     i don’t know. maybe?  mohini is the type of person who will not act on crushes for the sake of preserving a friendship and the like so there’s that too.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NSFW? :     i’ve never written nsfw content on tumblr - sans one drabble to test the waters on another blog; up until very recently, i was the person who got shaking hands and warm cheeks from writing a kissing scene, much less something that goes beyond kissing / making out. hypothetically, though, i’d tag it with nsfw as soon as the clothes come off. 
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH? :     like i said before, i ship her with scott. i ship her with charlie. i ship her with wen, and stella, and olivia. she even had chemistry with @misguidcdghosts‘ ray beech.
outside of my fandom, @mcntlethemagnificent has mohini’s heart ! and i could see her with either melody or val too. maybe nancy woods? yeah. i feel like she would have crushed on archie at some point (which is probably on @goodnessfilled because that’s an a+ blog right there) and i feel like she could have crushed on either toni or veronica at one point too. also, i could definitely see her get a crush on audrey jensen from mtv’s scream. (maybe noah foster, emma duval and zoe vaughn, too.) i could see her with sam, santana, tina, brittany and ryder from glee, as well as all the power rangers - sans kim hart - and i could also see her with (most) of the characters from teen wolf, except derek hale and braeden because they are both a great deal older than she is.  
ANY NOTPS? :     for mohini? i don’t have any. *knocks on wood to keep it that way*
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU? :     honestly, just shoot me a message and we’ll discuss it. my otp for mohini is: mo / chemistry so if our muses have chemistry, and if we’re on the same page, then - please - by all means, send me all the shippy memes, whether i’ve reblogged them or not. 
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP? :     when it comes up, i guess.
ARE YOU MULTISHIP? :     sure am !
ARE YOU SHIP-OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS? :     i think both, because as fun as romantic ships are, i also like platonic ships ( like the friendship mo has going on with @cheertm )  and family-esque ships ( because @gonnabiteya is her brother in all but blood ) and even ships wherein both muses are rivals ( hi, ray! ) but if i had to choose, i’d say: ship more or less.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM? :     i just want the entire band to be happy, that’s it ! (and i suppose that i want ray beech to be happy too, even if he was a jerk in the books / movie ;P)
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU? :    to quote @mcntlethemagnificent: “send me a message !  throw your ideas at me ! send me a meme to test the waters !  honestly, just talk to me about any potential you see between our muses, ‘cause there’s a good chance I’ll see it, too.”
TAGGED BY :     i’m so sorry that i literally tagged you three times in this post but @mcntlethemagnificent !! TAGGING :     everyone who wants to do this !!
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goneshe · 6 years ago
positivity 4 u // anonymous
1) @goodnessfilled is an amazing archie. i very much enjoy the content, especially the happy stuff because archie deserves happiness and his mun does too. (though i also like the sad/painful stuff, even though it’s, well, sad and painful xD) from the headcanons (it’s canon that archie opens for lemonade mouth now! :P) to the discussions about trailers and the show itself, to mo and arch bonding about culture and food, to hugs. the andrews/banerjee dynamic is wonderful and i’m forever grateful that we get to write together.
2) @awesomegaydar is funny, brilliant and talented (that one ask where santana told mo how to get someone - definitely ray - to stop talking to her was one of the best things i’ve ever seen and read about; it still makes me laugh) and the music on liz’ blog? legendary. and liz? also legendary.
3) @oflettermanjackets / @misguidcdghosts is wonderful. i’ve known courtney for years now and i’m so very glad that we write together. courtney has stuck with me through everything: my impulses to make blogs, my crackships, my blog hopping. everything. thank you so much for being my friendo and for writing with me because that makes my writing better! ilu!
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goneshe · 7 years ago
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now don’t get her wrong, mitchie was a nice girl with a good voice but her music was a little too syrupy sweet for stella’s tastes. enter caitlyn gellar: “camper today, top selling music producer tomorrow.” upbeat, slightly sarcastic but always willing to help out, caitlyn had stella’s heart beat-beat-beating against her chest from the moment they met each other. @startrevolution / @misguidcdghosts
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billiejeannooneslover · 7 years ago
Forever Red (aka Key loves red rangers): Promo Train
Consists of active/semi active mutuals and my own, as inspired by @redtyrannoranger sharing deviantart user andiemasterson’s spiffy red ranger creation. Those blogs mentioned more than once are multimuse blogs. I’m also including those who may not play that particular version of a character, just because I want to include them.
JAMIE SCOTT (Rule 63 Jason)
@tuggeriisms (you love those boys in red don’t you :P )
@spdcadesandcrew (canon-divergent)
Special shoutout to @morphinggridwarriors too!
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billiejeannooneslover · 7 years ago
Forever Pink: Promo train
Consists of active/semi-active mutuals and my own.
KAMERON HART (Rule 63 Kim)
KAMERON HART (alt. verson)
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billiejeannooneslover · 7 years ago
Forever Black: Promo train
Consists of active/semi active mutuals and my own.
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goneshe · 6 years ago
aaaaaand there is the freeze frame! also their classes start at 7:45 and that’s good to know for future reference. 
@misguidcdghosts this scene opens with the camera on two posters in the living room but they’re too vague to make out anything other than they’re the same person (maybe sista slash, stella’s heroine from the lm books?) with a guitar shrouded in neon colors. 
other than that, the place is a bit cluttered. there are unpacked boxes in the living room, a lamp, a small hanging mask of some sort on the wall, a guitar stand (with a red and yellow plastic toy gun haphazardly discarded behind it), a telescope, a guitar that’s obviously plugged in and behind stella, there’s a tv and something that i assume is a video / dvdplayer. 
there’s a white rug with tassels on the (what i think is a) laminated floor. you’ve got her twin brothers (i think the book gave them the names tim and andy) sitting on the right side on square stools that are low to the floor. just like the table, they’re made of a braided reed-esque material with a glass tabletop. her twin brothers are playing with a chess set while stella plays a few riffs.
behind the telescope is a wooden shelve with about eight tiny braided reed-esque baskets in it - which i think come from stella’s mom leila; maybe they’re for the twins’ toys or her own stuff? - and next to the aforementioned shelve, there’s a poster or maybe a painting with bright colors with a black frame around it. next to the poster or picture is something green and my first guess is that it’s probably a tabletennis table but who got it, i have no clue.
on the left side of the wall, there’s a picture with sea waves in it, as well as a brick path and some sort of giant door-sized opening. something/someone stands in that opening but what they’re doing or if there is one person or more people, i can’t discern. 
there’s a lamp, matching the color of the couch. the pillows match the color of the white rug with tassels and there is a brown throw blanket as well. 
on the right side of the wall, you’ve got a framed picture of tom and andy when they were small. there’s another framed picture behind leila, though it is small. there are also stacked objects on stacked plastic stools behind leila as well. 
and if you squint, you can see a door that’s partly open. you can see a black shelf with more paintings and (what i assume are) stairs going up to what i presume is a second level of the house and the bedrooms (and perhaps a bedroom for clea or a guest bedroom? though that’s up to you to decide) of the yamada-penn family.  
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billiejeannooneslover · 7 years ago
Forever Blue: Promo train
Same as the others. Can’t believe I forgot this one.
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billiejeannooneslover · 7 years ago
@misguidcdghosts for Adam
“Merry Christmas, Adam.” Billie grinned and leaned up to kiss Adam’s cheek. “But I think you need a Santa hat or something. Santa Adam!”
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goneshe · 7 years ago
ray x mo headcanons?
headcanon questions x always accepting x @misguidcdghosts (anonymous edition) 
he’s talented. she’s gotta give him that even though it pains her to even think it, much less say it.
“there’s gotta be more to you than the jock slash superstar with the fancy cars.” he’s annoying as heck but she stands by what she said to him. she believes there’s more to him than that.
still, the above doesn’t mean that she won’t try to punch him in the face if she’s pushed far enough.
if mudslide crush never broke up, if they had a chance to mature, maybe their music career would have taken off. they could’ve been musical rivals, mo thinks, not in an awful way but in the ‘push yourself to be better’ kind of way. 
sometimes mo feels guilty, she wonders if she should have done more, reached out more, talked to him some more while they were still quote-unquote friends.   
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