#misfits s3
carebooks · 4 months
you know what’s funny?
if the mortal instruments movies had continued for five more sequels— and were faithful to the books— eventually, we would have gotten not only vampire simon, but mark of cain!vampire simon.
meaning that robert sheehan would’ve ended up playing not one, not two, but THREE characters that were immortal and the source of comic relief
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misfithive · 3 months
Massachusetts by Jensen McRae
// You broke me to pieces, but I root for you even though everything went up in flames I'll never forget how I bloomed for your gaze or your wall of guitars or your video games//
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queen-mabs-revenge · 1 year
lmao socialist brain on main as per ushe but i genuinely cannot see how s3 can be anything else but both aziraphale and crowley having some kind of revolutionary allegory arc?
like as of right now they've done the 'stop the height of destruction and roll things back to the status quo' bit in s1 and then all of s2 is an object lesson on why that's only a temporary thing and will always be a temporary thing as long as the ruling system as it is stays in place, bc complete and utter destruction is baked into the fucking thing.
it's almost like a metaphor for....no i shant say it.
i shall. it's capitalism lmao.
crowley rn having a 'ok fuck that. fuck them. let's just live off the grid babey!' mindset and aziraphale, as per my favorite gomens post of all time socdem through to the tips of his angelic wispy hair going off to reform the two party system...
basically i need them both to fail miserably at trying to effect their chosen tracks both bc they're trying alone but also bc neither actually could be successful, essentially be forced into becoming thee most unlikely and unhinged militant union leaders in the eternity of the universe by getting the rank-and-file populations of heaven, hell, and earth to unite together, go on some kind of metaphysical general strike, overturn the system of accumulating power and souls for the supernatural bosses, and build a system of everyone having real agency and operation of their own lives, destinies and wills.
and what if the trade unionists ✊✊✊ relearned through the struggle how to communicate, trust and rely on each other🤝🤗 and kissed at the dawn of a new system of existence they helped build 🌍✨ where they're finally truly safe to choose each other?💗💋💖
hahaha.......unless??? 😳🙈😳
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
(purify our misfit ways tag)
“Wait,” says Steve. “That’s Eddie? Your boyfriend Eddie?”
Robin gags theatrically. “Ew, gross. Not my boyfriend, just a friend.”
Steve frowns. “Gross is kinda harsh. He’s the only guy you ever talk about, how was I supposed to know he’s not your boyfriend?”
“Uh, by maybe not assuming that I can’t just have a non-boyfriend friend who’s a boy? Or that I have to have a boyfriend at all in the first place? It’s not harsh for me not to want to date him.”
“Sure, whatever. Go ahead and live your sexless nerd life all you want.” Steve rolls his eyes, and Robin was right the first time, he really is a douchebag. She can’t believe she thought any differently, even for a moment.
“So, what’s up with the guy who’s not your boyfriend? Like, what’s his deal?”
Robin regards him narrowly. “What’s it to you?”
“Nothing, god. Am I not allowed to ask questions?”
“Steve Harrington,” says Robin. “You have been shockingly un-terrible so far. And I do mean shockingly. Every single time we have a shift together and you’re not the absolute scum of the earth, it is a shock to my system from which I will never truly recover. I might even risk permanent nerve damage and acknowledge that you have successfully achieved the rank of my least hated coworker, if only because Gordon is a total creep and Jenny doesn’t even pretend to clean up after herself. Despite this momentous achievement: if you start harassing Eddie, I swear on my life I will end you. There will be nothing left but a faint whiff of Aqua Net lingering in the air.”
“I’m not gonna—harass him! Or anyone! Jeez, Robin!”
Steve crosses his arms, sulking, because he’s a giant baby. Robin does feel a miniscule twinge of guilt, because she wasn’t lying; she’ll die before admitting it, but the last couple weeks working with Steve have been almost—fun, kind of. He’s still a dingus who screws up all the time, but he lets her boss him around without complaining or challenging her in some dumb boy way, and he has the kind of acid-tongued apathy towards the general public that normally takes years of social exile to develop. He actually laughs at her jokes most of the time, even when they’re mean.
But…Eddie’s being admittedly extremely weird, and she knows where her loyalties lie. She’ll be damned if she lets anyone scent weakness, no matter how much they may or may not have changed since high school.
“Just leave Eddie alone, okay?” she says. “He got enough of your shit at school.”
“I don’t even remember him from school,” whines Steve. “The hell are you talking about?”
“You didn’t remember me, either,” says Robin.
She remembers him, though. Everyone remembers Steve Harrington, whether they want to or not. Big house, no parents. Walked through the halls like there was a carpet rolled out in front of him, some girl on his arm and his sycophants milling.
The surge of vicious satisfaction she feels at the sight of him now, trapped behind a counter and dressed like a joke for minimum wage, is strong enough to make her pause. She knows this one: schadenfreude. Joy in others’ misfortune.
This isn’t who she wants to be.
She goes over to lean against the counter next to him.
“Listen, you’ll be out of here in the fall, right? Before you know it, Hawkins will just be a weird, distant memory. I’m sure your first college kegstand will propel you to all-new heights of popularity.”
“I’m, uh.” Steve looks away, scratching at his jaw. “I’m actually just. Taking some time right now. Figuring out my next moves, you know.”
“In Hawkins?” Robin stares at him incredulously. If she had to take a gap year, she’d—well, actually, she might need to take a gap year in Hawkins to save up if she can’t get enough financial aid. There’s no way Steve Harrington’s doing that, though.
“Aren’t you, like, rich?” she blurts out. She would be the worst spy in the entire world, god. “I mean, aren’t your parents paying for college?”
Steve’s still not looking at her. “They, uh, kinda cut me off. I’m not—I don’t know if I’m going to college. Might not be for me. Like I said, I’m just…figuring things out right now.”
“Um, okay,” she says. Robin’s getting that itchy feeling she gets sometimes, when it seems like people around her are having a totally different conversation than the one they’re having with their actual voices. It’s like trying to translate something from a new language, except she doesn’t have a dictionary or any guidebooks, just a torrent of meaning locked away where she can’t reach. And that would be fine, she likes figuring that kind of puzzle out in other contexts, but everyone else seems to be totally fluent in the silent language while Robin’s struggling to follow along at the slowest possible pace, and—
Oh. Steve didn’t get into college.
“What about technical school?” she says, before her brain can really catch up. “I mean—um, I just mean, like, if you’re not sure if the traditional college thing is for you, I know some people who—they prefer technical college. As an alternative.” Why can’t she ever, ever shut up? Steve doesn’t want to talk about this, she knows he doesn’t want to talk about this.
He drags his hand through his hair, dislodging the stupid sailor hat, and huffs out a laugh. It doesn’t sound happy. “Don’t think that’s for me either.”
And sure, if she’d actually stopped to think about it for a second, she might’ve been able to guess that in a place like Hawkins, even being captain of the swim team probably isn’t enough to snag a sports scholarship, and there’s no way Steve’s grades are even remotely okay. He’s just always seemed like the kind of guy who was going somewhere, who had a golden future, and she’d hated him a little bit for that.
So: Steve Harrington, high school graduate. Sure. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, obviously. Robin actually does know plenty of people who didn’t go to college. But almost all of those people are her parents’ flower-child friends who wanted to explore the world and do drugs and make art, not polo-clad jocks who don’t seem to even be aware that there’s a world outside Hawkins. It’s taking her a second to adjust.
“Yeah, I don’t think Eddie’s doing the college thing either,” she says. It’s an apology, though she hopes he doesn’t take it that way.
“He’s not?” says Steve, blinking as if the very notion of Eddie voluntarily submitting to higher education wasn’t completely laughable.
“I think he’s probably going to be a famous rockstar or something someday. He’s, like, crazy good on the guitar, you should hear him play.”
“Sure,” snorts Steve. “Tell you what, if we’re ever in the same room for more than two seconds, I’ll listen to whatever he’s got.”
(ETA: First chapter of this fic has been edited/expanded and posted on AO3)
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jester-step · 8 months
i started watching fantasy high and i’m worried my attachment to fabian aramais seacaster is going to be the death of me
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kalethegrey · 9 months
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last one I promise just wanted something different to test and see how it works out ect, same editing as previous, also don't come at me for the hair bc i'm not happy with it
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robertisaworkofart · 2 years
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Robert Sheehan art via the @redsonjaofficial Insta
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evviejo · 1 year
so, sweet sweet cw, are you telling me that having two dc-based shows on your roster, one centred around a white nuclear family, and one around a group of outcasts, some of whom are queer and poc, you chose to renew the former and cancel the latter? huh, it's almost as if i've seen that before, somewhere...
and, as if that wasn't enough, you do it within a week of the wlw ship on the latter show going canon. i am in shock (not).
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I, now, know two characters that Robert Sheehan plays that are immortal.
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thecorrupter123 · 6 months
Nathalie Emmanuel's Incredible Ass in Misfits S3:E01
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niiine · 2 years
Character(s). Misfit Class + Kalego Sensei, Balam Sensei, Opera, and Sullyvan
Synopsis. How I see the reader being treated in Babyls and in the netherworld in general as you’re Iruma’s younger sibling
Younger! sister reader
-Finished s3 of Mairuma last night so I’ve reread the music festival arc. I just wish s4 will come faster becauseee I’ve been LSS-struck by Lilith’s Red Carpet and the music isn’t even out yet 🥺
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Iruma is a BABY. Everyone around him wants to protect and cherish and love all of him. But you? Oh, hell you enter the room and they’re all either kneeling or cooing because how can you be such a cutie?
Sullyvan treats you and Iruma like toddlers. You want those dresses? Here buy ten each. Oh, you love that dessert? Opera, please bring more. You wanna go shopping? Take his wallet, his bank details, take his whole life if you must. Sully-sama just wants the best for you and your Nii-chan.
But unlike your brother, you’re not allowed to have a sleepover or stay outside way too late. Either Opera will come hunting you down once it’s past seven pm or your whole class will be the searching party.
Opera is much, much stricter to you than to your brother. They make sure that you are above prim and proper most of time. “You’re a lady in the household, (y/n)-sama”, or so. But they’re still as gentle as they could be and always prioritize what makes you comfortable.
No man. And I mean NO MAN, is allowed to come near you aside Asmodeous Alice (and somehow the other misfits as well). Pray that no one would dare to walk you home because,
“Apologies, (y/n)-sama. I thought you’re being kidnapped” “OPERA-SAN WE’RE LITERALLY GOING HOME” you’re freaking out at how bloody the nose of your friend is.
At class, you’re seated between Alice and Lead because Azzazz thinks that he should be in the middle of you and your brother so he can protect both of you in case somethings happens. And Lead insists that he must be beside you because you’re his “Baby sister.”
Ofc you’re part of the Iruma gang but you spend time with the other circle from time to time as well. One of your favorites is Nee-san and Krocell because you’ve never had a big sis and these two are doing good at the job. Sometimes they dress you up like a doll with Clarin just bringing out the most random (but cute) clothing from her pockets.
Jazzy and Garp spoils you rotten. You’re their princess and they call you as such. Jazzy loves to bring you shiny gems and jewelries that he bought because “You’re special” and then he’ll ruffle your hair. He will also let you play with his familiar.
Garp would cook for you. You’re tired of the foods from the cafeteria? Open up the kitchen of the royal one! You want sweets? He always keeps sweets. Garp also blows wind at you if you feel hot due to the weather.
When you’re tired, or if you just need it—like in the harvest festival, Agares is assigned to make you comfortable. Yes, the misfits have talked about it. They have no doubt about your strength and ability, you’re Iruma’s sister after all, but “What if the bugs and other insects bite her? We can’t have that!” Cue, Agares building a whole castle for you (As well as for him and Garp). When other students took shelter in the said place, he made sure you still have the Luxury of space and as comfortable as you can be. Even though you argue that no, you can fight, and a cramped space is fine for you.
Babe, you should have seen the way the other girls look at you with playful jealousy as Agares dotes on you.
Allocer and Sabnock helps with your study. It’s a great help when you feel a bit pressured at Azzazz’s teachings. Besides, you can’t add to his luggage anymore (a.k.a Iruma and Clarin). Sabnock mostly teaches you about the Demon king, but he’s also pretty good when it comes to other subjects. He’s gentle and caring, being the big brother that he is.
Aloocer, on the other hand, is a much stricter tutor. He gave you assignments and pointers. But his work certainly help you pass every exam, most of the time even sharing it to your brother when you two study at home.
Camui is also one of your favorite classmates. He’s not allowed of course to hog you, as the other twelve will go after his head, and he wouldn’t do that as well to the class’s baby! Because of him you can pet animals and beasts (With the help of Krocell) without getting hurt.
Sometimes you will hang out with Iruma and Lead and it’s so cute because it looks like two babies trying to protect a smaller baby. The two of them will spoil you as well and you’ll be the one to decide what to eat, what to play, or what to do for the day or for that specific time.
Purson Soi also gives you a special treatment. If he vanishes and the class can’t find him, one call from you and puff! He’s there. You don’t want to talk to that schoolmate who keeps asking you out? Big brother Soi will make sure your presence is gone in a moment.
It’s very subtle and he still treats just like the whole class, but Kalego-sensei just seems to “miss” if you’ve done something wrong. Or he would just let it slide “very unnoticeable” if it’s about you.
And Balam-sensei? You remembered how scared he was the first time Iruma told him that he’s a human? That’s he’s reaction to you up until now. The professor wouldn’t even touch without thinking that he’ll break your soft body. Tell him that it’s fine though because the man wouldn’t even breathe the same air as you in fear of intoxicating you.
BigBro!Iruma in Evil Cycle is the cream of the crop. All hands off of you. All eyes off of you. “You want something now, Princess?” Say you want the whole netherworld and it’ll be at your feet. He wouldn’t barricade you or anything, but his eyes will be watching you and anyone around you. 
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ratnix · 1 month
The final showdown between the misfits and annabel's group but like the footloose scene in s3 of umbrella academy
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misfithive · 7 months
& we kissed like we knew it was us from the start. Everything ends except us 💜
wilmon x everything ends x jp saxe
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lux-the-witch · 24 days
This mean that misfits and magic S2 and tlovm S3 are premiering like 9 days apart I'm going to be insufferable this October.
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
(part 3 of the not-hallmark fic, now tentatively titled grace coming out of the void)
It’s not too long before Robin tumbles through the door in a whirlwind of apologies.
“Don’t worry about it,” says Steve, wrapping her up in a bear hug. “Eddie kept me company.”
It’s true, actually. There’d been a few minutes of awkward silence, before Eddie’d visibly steeled himself and started making small talk with the grim determination of a general heading into battle. It would’ve been funny if it hadn’t made Steve feel like dirt just a little bit.
He’s trying, Steve had told himself firmly. Yeah, it sucked that Eddie clearly still had some kind of problem with him, but if he was willing to try this hard to get over it…well, the least Steve could do was try, too.
So they’d filled each other in on all the stupid unimportant details of their lives, the stuff that was easy to talk about, and gradually the talking got easier. They’d never been strangers, not really, but somehow over the years it had gotten so Steve could forget that Eddie was fun to be around. There hadn’t always been a weird sour feeling in Steve’s stomach that had to be ignored; there was Eddie’s hands looping in big descriptive shapes as he described some new student who has absolutely no idea why she’s in my class, Steve, I swear someone’s blackmailing the kid to be there, she just shows up and like, grimly struggles through whatever I give her. Won’t even tell me what she wants to play, and I’ve tried everything. I arranged Cyndi fuckin’ Lauper for this kid, Steve!
Eddie’s face, relaxed and bright-eyed, never happier than when he’s telling a story. The way Eddie cares so much about every little thing. Just being around him feels like sitting at a fireplace, soaking in the warmth and light. And when Steve manages to make him laugh, it feels like winning the damn lottery.
So they’ve managed to get on pretty well in Robin’s absence. Steve’s hoping it doesn’t take them another few years before they can have a real conversation again, like some kind of timer that needs to reset.
“Good,” says Robin. “Because you two are like my favorite people, and it would really suck if you couldn’t get along.”
“Favorite people?” Eddie drawls, raising an eyebrow. “Can’t wait to tell Ronnie that.”
“Oh my god, don’t you dare!” Robin shoves at his shoulder until he moves over so she can squeeze onto the couch with them.
“Am I finally going to get to meet the famous Veronica?” asks Steve. Robin’s been going on about her for a while, but he knows the relationship hasn’t been official for that long. So it’s fine, it’s normal that he hasn’t met his best friend’s girlfriend yet, and Eddie has.
“Yeah, of course,” says Robin. “She’ll be here in like an hour to set up for the party.”
Of course there’s a party. From what Steve hears, Robin and Eddie seem to be constantly throwing parties and having people over, a rotating cast of quirky personalities with artistic inclinations and improbable backstories.
This one’s not even really a party, Robin assures him; it’s just the new girlfriend plus a couple local friends. Or, one local friend and one Hawkinsite who’s in town for the holidays.
“You remember Jeff, right?” says Robin.
“Oh sure, Jeff, yeah,” says Steve. “And the other one’s…Hannah?”
“Helen, she’s an artist who’s been working with Eddie on an installation. She’s great, you’ll love Helen.”
Steve does not love Helen.
“Wait, it’s true?” Helen cuts in. “People actually thought Ed was a cult leader? Our Ed?”
Steve breathes through the flicker of annoyance. Eddie doesn’t belong to Hawkins anymore.
“Yeah,” he says. “It’s, you know, a small town. Folks were just scared, is all.”
“Aww,” she coos. “It’s just so tough to imagine anyone being scared of this guy.” She ruffles Eddie’s hair and Eddie slaps her away, laughing.
“Yeah, it was a whole torches-and-pitchforks thing,” Eddie says. “I met this guy when I was on the run from some villagers who wanted to burn me at the stake. Me! Can you imagine?”
Steve huffs, amused. “Think I remember something about that meeting. Something like…you threatening me with a broken bottle at my neck? Ring any bells for you, Ed?”
“Wait…that’s not how you got those scars, is it?” Helen’s looking a little more hesitant, like she finally realizes there’s something here she can’t ever understand. Steve’s viciously pleased about it, then tries not to be. He doesn’t like strangers talking about all that shit like they can relate or something.
All he says is: “Nah. That was a little later. Eddie’s the reason I lived long enough to let this—” He rubs awkwardly at his neck, fingers skidding and pulling at the ugly ridges. “—scar at all.”
“Don’t listen to Harrington, he never wants to admit he’s a fuckin’ action hero. I barely did anything except freak out and almost get murdered. He saved my life for real, like, at least three or four times—think at this point he just owns my entire ass.”
Steve is tempted to ask why Eddie’s been avoiding him for the last six or seven years, if that’s the case, but he knows that’s not totally fair. Steve’s been doing a lot of avoiding too.
“Shoot,” says Helen. She’s still got an arm tucked into Eddie’s. “We’re all very grateful, Steve.”
Instead of saying I didn’t do it for you, Steve says, “Just, uh, glad I was there. I’m…gonna get some more wine.”
Robin catches him in the narrow hall leading to the kitchen. It’s a nice apartment, yeah, but Steve thinks the layout’s weird as hell compared to the right angles and neatly aligned walls of his place back in Hawkins.
“Everything okay, dingus?” she asks. The way the hall bends, they’re sheltered from the living room. It’s a soap bubble of privacy, fragile but whole.
“How do you handle people asking about—stuff?” Steve blurts out.
“It’s actually been easier here,” says Robin thoughtfully. “Because in Hawkins, people always think they know a lot more than they do. Remember how Vickie and I used to get into those big fights?”
Steve nods. He hadn’t really understood what was going on at the time, and Robin hadn’t been great at explaining. She’d talk up a storm, get all worked up, and at the end of it, all he’d get was that she was mad and Vickie didn’t understand why.
“Well, later on I realized that they’d always kick off when Vickie said something like, I know what you mean, or I was there too. Because she didn’t, and she wasn’t. With Ronnie, it’s like…she doesn’t get it, but she knows she doesn’t get it. It’s easier with her, I guess. How did you handle it with Laura?”
Steve shakes his head. “I didn’t, I guess. But she wasn’t, y’know. The One.”
“Still holding out for that fairy tale romance, huh?” Robin smiles. She’s just teasing him; she doesn’t mean anything by it.
“I’m really not,” says Steve. “Listen, I’m gonna—” He holds up his empty glass and escapes to the kitchen.
Jeff’s there, pouring some wine into his own glass, and fills up Steve’s without being asked.
Steve nods at him in thanks. It feels a little rude to just turn around and leave immediately, so he leans against the counter and takes a drink.
“So, uh,” says Steve. “How’ve…you been? Since, uh, Hawkins.”
Jeff gives him a wry smile. He definitely knows that Steve doesn’t remember him at all. “Not bad,” he says, drumming his fingertips on the counter. “I’m just in town visiting family for the week; I’m actually at Michigan right now, studying to be a doctor. I want to specialize in geriatrics—like, taking care of old people? But right now I’m in the part where they shuttle you around to different specialties to get a taste for everything.” He makes a face. “Surgery definitely ain’t my thing.”
“Shit. A doctor, huh?” Steve shakes his head, surprised for no real reason. It’s not like he hadn’t known that people from Hawkins could be smart; hell, he’d dated Nancy Wheeler. But this seemed like the kind of smart that just didn’t fit into his memory of Hawkins High. Other than Nancy, who—last he’d heard—was still sharing an apartment with two other girls and fighting her way up the ladder of some paper in Boston, nobody he’s kept tabs on has really gotten successful in a big-city way. Like, the kind of successful that could be on a TV show.
“Yeah, I was always into science. Used to keep caterpillars in my room, see if I could get ‘em to turn into butterflies. Drove my mama crazy, ‘cause she hated having critters in the house. But I just thought it was so wild how the caterpillars could have a whole life crawling around on the ground, and then their insides just rearrange, and suddenly they can fly. I was such a dramatic little shit, I was so damn sure I’d grow wings too.” Jeff laughs. It’s surprisingly nasal for such a broad-shouldered guy, and Steve decides he likes how unselfconscious Jeff is about it.
Steve reaches out to clink their glasses together. “Hey, you did, didn’t you? Got outta Hawkins, got to chase your fancy doctor dreams.”
“Guess I did.” Jeff nods and takes a slow sip of his wine. “Look…tell me to fuck off if this is too much, huh? But I gotta ask. Why’d you stick around? Why not get outta Hawkins too? Not that we knew each other or anything, but…even from the Hellfire table, it didn’t seem like you were having the greatest time, either. At least, not by the end.”
Hellfire, right, that’s how Jeff knows Eddie. A vague, blurry memory of seeing them both in those dorky shirts is surfacing.
“It’s not too much,” says Steve. “I don’t mind you asking. Don’t know that I’ve got an answer, though. I just didn’t have a plan like you guys, I guess.”
“Buddy.” Jeff laughs in that nasal way again and claps Steve on the shoulder. “None of us had a plan. I guess I did, a little more than the rest of them, but—I thought I wanted to be an ER doc, you know? Which, damn. Definitely not my scene, as it turns out. You don’t leave your hometown because you already know what you want out of life, even if you think that’s what you’re doing.”
“Getting philosophical in the kitchen?” Eddie appears in the doorway, empty glass dangling from his fingertips. “Congrats on being a cliche, guys.” He’s smiling, and it looks real. Happiness looks good on him.
“What’re you drinking?” says Steve. “Let me top you up.”
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mikuyuuss · 8 months
Just finished S3 and I love Community sm. Normally, I get a little jealous when I see the ideal college life being portrayed in tv shows, bc I can't fully relate.
But with Community... There's something so comforting about a group of misfits living their best lives in a community college rather than a traditional university... I feel like it shows that regardless of your circumstances, whether you consider it "ideal" or not, you can still have a great time as long as you're with the right people.
Truly peak escapist show.
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