#misc hcs tbt
beaststarved · 2 years
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tag dump -
blix moment! ╾ (ooc) prompts. ╾ (ooc) music. ╾ (ooc) shenanis. ╾ (ooc) luxuries. ╾ (misc) charlatan. ╾ (art) thrillseeking. ╾ (ic) studies. ╾ (hc)
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ardesti · 5 days
few misc blog / interpretation specific hc's / thoughts
i am likely not going to incorporate benji and sybelle unless someone else wants to discuss and plot things out. that said i do want to make my primary verse book oriented i think (ofc cherry picked beyond recognition) and i am working on plotting out time periods w myself
illness he initially died of i think are likely TB or influenza, both common plagues of the time.
tbt meta about names and what they mean to him.
he can read books in literal seconds, appearing to merely be flipping through them and tossing them aside. even other vampires have weighed in and found it bizarre. if in a particular mood, he could easily read a library in an entire restless night.
still has an aversion to painting. it is not particularly conscious at this point, but his body has not forgotten what has been emotionally compartmentalized; he has not picked up a brush since time prior to venice, and never will.
he has a coffin, but prefers a bed, just finds it significantly harder to use by virtue of vampire physiology. the coffin is far safer and guaranteed for rest, but contradicts his desire to acknowledge his undead nature as little as possible.
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tartareus · 5 years
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i think at this point we can all agree that respecting caos canon is but a poor exercise in futility ------ well, at least to me it is. there are plenty of things i do not take in consideration and i’m not just talking about part. III, but the series lore as a whole. with that in mind, i really wanted to share an hc that i have, and that serves for every caos\caos versed interactions on my blog, regarding magic:
magic is not divided into good or bad - it just is, it exists somewhere outside earthly sense of morals or right or wrong. however, the knowledge of it is power, and that power can be used to the wielder's will, as good or as bad as it may be. so energy that comes from the void or the chaos is not automatically evil and the ones driven from celestial beings are not automatically good.
there’s more than types ‘a’ or ‘b’ of magic, and i’m actually using the canon source material to support this idea, as we can see there were pagan witches (with greek alligned deities) that were but a few, other sort of witches that had worshipped the elder gods (and this reminds me a lot of the plot sabrina got in afterlife with archie and whatever creature faustus was trying to summon to this world, it was all very lovecraftian), satanic witches ( like the covens that are part of the churches of darkness ), and so on
considering this, different typesof witches drive their powers from different sources and, therefore, a pagan god could not extinguish a satanic witch's powers, and same goes the other way around, sure they could easily suppress a witch, they are deities after all, but driving all the magic out of them ? nope. the only being that can lift the powers of a witch is the source she takes them from - eg: the satanic covens being weakened once lucifer is out of the throne.
however, being a certain type of witch, or signing your name in a certain book, does not stop you from trying to drive powers from other source than your primal one  - however to do so you might need some extra help (eg: zelda bringing hilda back with the help of the hedgewitches)
still, i wouldn’t place this or that source to be stronger than the other - they are different and belong to different realms that have access to earth. so i‘m def cool with pagan witches being badass like nagaina, pan and circe ( even though  circe - like empusa, that demoness that edward works with in the comics - is her daughter in some tales ), i’m cool with the coven converting to some neo-paganism, what i’m not cool is the idea that they couldn’t drive some power from lilith because she was “weak”, thats a big no for me, she was after all the first witch, the source of her powers are either celestial or from her own self - which could be possible, i mean blackwood draws some power from the freaking void lmao
so, as such, i’ll ignore that detail and play out that the only reason why the coven could not drive their powers from her was because she wasnt crowned per se, at least not officially. and when she was, she was merely a regent for sabrina. 
again, these are hcs and details that are valid for interactions with me, if you gotta different takes on it, that is fine - but please keep in mind that these are my go-to ideas regarding magic when i write caos muses.
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icarianfate-blog · 5 years
if u think regulus doesn’t sing magical mr. mistoffelees to his cat mistoffelees you’re a fucking idiot.
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knightfailed-a · 5 years
&& hcs 
argo goobers at fitzroy relentlessly && pokes fun sometimes but if someone genuinely insults fitzroy ( or bud for that matter ) he will be like one moment away from throwing hands. 
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icarianfate-blog · 6 years
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                                        ALCOTT ROWLE
                             D.O.B.: 12.3. 69       NATIONALITY: English                              BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood    HOUSE: Slytherin                              ORIENTATION: ?????    GENDER: ??????                              OCCUPATION: Unspeakable    AFFLIATION: None                              WAND: Pear, Dragon heartstring 12", Quite Bendy Alcott is one of the few people Regulus can safely call his friend and quite possibly the only one he can call his close friend.  They met through the pureblood circles their parents frequented and gravitated towards each other as two of the more quiet children. They continued on to become friends from their shared interests and well matched personalities. Both were clever, secretive and curious and started many a secret project to learn more about magic or make something silly a child would think up.  As time went on Regulus became more of a social figure while Alcott remained more introverted which left them in two separate circles usually. This did not hinder their friendship despite what one would think and the two continued to be close confidants though not always in each other’s company like before. They had several means of staying in touch from the secretive to the obvious and used all religiously. After Regulus became a Death Eater Alcott considered joining out of loyalty and curiosity about Voldemort’s claims of immortality but never did. In their 7th year Alcott’s mother became deathly ill and she spent basically the rest of the First Wizarding War helping to care for her and then grappling with the aftermath.  Regulus did not make Alcott aware of the Horcrux per say, but did leave his private journal with her, knowing that if things didn’t go to plan she could in theory crack it and figure it out. After the war Alcott became an Unspeakable and began to slowly transform the family’s massive greenhouse into a private workspace for all her grim experimentation she did as a hobby. Regulus visited frequently as a break from the Malfoys and later as a break from his work renovating Grimmauld Place, tinkering on projects with her and drinking the Rowle’s wine.  Alcott is a decently pleasant person, intelligent, kind, curious and even-tempered. She is however a bit of a mad scientist and her ethics can be dubious at best because of it. While her work for the ministry is top secret, her side research is not and she’s well known for working on the bizarre, unknown and rare--- as well as her methods. The more lawful good types would be horrified by her vivisections and dissection of everything from creatures to beings, human experimentation and werewolves kept in captivity for observation and testing. All nightmarish to others, but the werewolves did volunteer and if we don’t test on humans how can we know the effects? Gruesome things have to be done if we want progress after all. 
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