mireasdrawbook · 5 years
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Starco Week Day 3: Snuggle Time/Pillow Talk
Here we go again!
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mireasdrawbook · 5 years
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Starco Week Day 6: Wedding Day
I’m so late, but I’m gonna end every prompts for Starco Week anyway! I have this small headcanon that on their wedding magic will come back - to Earth and Mewni. I just want to see Hekapoo and Glossarick back!
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mireasdrawbook · 5 years
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Be More Chill AU? Why not? :D Got a bunch of sketches with it, but I never color it or anything. But... since I’ve got exams from tommorow and no time at all... I decided to do at least this scene :D
Here’s Max as Jeremy and Nikki as Christine. I decided Neil to be Michael, Daniel is the Squip... and rest I will tell you if I will share more of this AU with you ;) 
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mireasdrawbook · 5 years
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Starco Week Day 7: AU of Choice
And here we go with the last one! Welcome Starco genderbend! :D
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mireasdrawbook · 5 years
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Starco Week Day 2: Bad Boy X Princess AU
Marco as a good badboy-brother is taking care of Mariposa with his girlfriend. Buuut~ Star has better taste in toys than Marco, even though Mari seems to like knifes…
Why previous post didn’t show up in tags?
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mireasdrawbook · 5 years
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Starco Week Day 4: Road Trip
I know it’s really messy, but I don’t think I’ll have the time to end it today and there is more prompts to do! Anyway, here is Marco and Star on their bike trip around new Echo Creek. Looks like even sculptures mixed up when Echo Creek mixed with Mewni: sculpture of Solaria is now riding on Echo Creek Academy’s mascot :’)
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mireasdrawbook · 6 years
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Time Traveller AU
I just came up with Max counselor AU, but a little bit different I think. Long story short - David adopted Max; when Max got 20, he had big fight with David and went back in time; he became counselor at Camp Campbell; now he need to deal with his ten years old self and his child version of friends.
Longest version of story:
After camp is over, David adopted Max. There were a lot of trouble with adoption, because even if Max' parents were negletful, they found out that they can treat David to have money from him. It ends well, but it leaves mental scars on Max.
It was hard raising Max. He's a good kiddo, but with a lot of issue.
Max is greatful, but... Max is Max. And he sometimes talk too much, hurt David and after some time realize that it wasn't nessesery to say that.
When Max turns 20, he had big fight with David and angry leave home. He went to Neil to talk and maybe sleep in his house, but Neil point out that David was right and Max felt betrayed. So he leave and went to meet up with Nikki, but she was on David's side too. In the end they fight as well, Max said unnesesery things and went to the bar to get drunk.
When he woke up, he was at the bar, but it was different. Also, he found out that he haven't got his wallet, keys, ID... anything. He was still mad at everyone, even through he knew they are right, and now that robbery and hangover.
He wanted to go home, but then he found out that someone else lives in this house. And then he realize that something is really, really wrong with the city, people and basically everything. He was in the same place as ever, but 10 years ago.
It was hard for him to just live. He hadn't got money, place to sleep or even a job to earn some money. And there was only one place he know, where he can just go and get a job even if he hadn't got any ID, expirence or anything... Camp Campbell.
He had no idea if the world is gonna end, if he'll see his youngest self, but it was better than starvation.
In the end he had a job as "Marcel". He through that it will be easy to deal with everyone - he knows them after all...
...but no. It's pain in the ass. And he forgot that everyone change a little and matured after all these years. They're all proud, silly little shits, but the worst of the worst was the younger version of himself. He drives him crazy.
After some time, Gwen and David realize that Marcel is time traveller and Max. Now Gwen dreams again about her british babies.
They know that Max is from future, but they agreed to not asking question about it... too much.
Marcel has soft spot for Nikki and Neil. Also he feels terrible that he haven't got the chance to say sorry, so he's trying to reciprocate it now.
Nikki and Neil thinks that Marcel is cool and maybe Nikki's got a little crush on him (just simillar thing as with Ered).
Max is jealous AF and he hates Marcel with all his guts. Now Marcel is the target of his pranks.
Also Max is calling Marcel a "pedo". It started when Nikki said that he loves Max and Marcel was blushing like hell, because for a second he through that maybe older Nikki still has a crush on him. It turns out that Nikki was talking about everyone (that she loves Max, Niel and basically everyone at Camp Campbell), but... Max saw it. He didn't hear anything, but he saw how Marcel was blushing and now he's a little overprotective of his friends.
Max tried to talk to David and Gwen about Marcel being suspicious, but it was after they found out that Marcel is Max. David went to have "a talk" with Marcel, while Gwen was laughting her head off. Of course Marcel is no pedo.
Sometimes someone say that Marcel and Max looks alike or like brothers, but Max always deny it with determination.
Marcel is still treating David a little bit like a father figure even if they're almost the same age. And it's really hard for him to not call him "dad".
Gwen is like best friend to Marcel. They loves to have high fives, camplain about everything and all. Gwen is a good listener too, she's the only one who knows that Max had argue with everyone before time travel. It doesn't bother her to tease Marcel, when ahe has the occasion.
Gwen doesn't know that David is Marcel's adopted father, but knows that something is fishy about their relationship. Especially since Marcel is treating David different than Max and he's not swearing as much as Max. Sometimes he even uses "dang it".
Marcel likes to say that he "hates himself" and looking directly at Max.
Of course, Marcel is learning how hard it is to deal with himself (aka Max) and he's growing even more respect for David.
About David and Gwen finding out that Marcel is Max: One day Marcel was so tired of Max, he just shout at David and Gwen that he really hates him. David said that he needs to know Max better, because he's a good kid after all. Marcel responded that David knows nothing about Max, that he's just a little shit who wants attention. He started to say how Max is the worst person ever, remembering everything he done to David these all years, but then Gwen stopped him saying that that's the reasons why they likes Max so much. Marcel cried then and tell them that he is the Max, but from future.
Before Gwen and David found out about future Max, all three of them was talking about "favourite camper". Gwen said that everyone has at least one and that for Marcel it's Neil and Nikki. David was really angry that she imply that one camper can be more loved from another and leave. Then Gwen said to Marcel, that David is so angry, because he knows he likes Max the most and is feeling guilty about it. It was very bitter-sweet for Marcel. Also, after that he tried to spend more time with another campers, especially with Dolph, since he still feel guilty about shit he done, when he was a kid.
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mireasdrawbook · 6 years
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No fist bump today
It was supposed to be picture for Valentines Day, but I lost my internet connection :') Anyway, here's some Makki for you!
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mireasdrawbook · 6 years
Sometimes even wild child needs to rest
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mireasdrawbook · 6 years
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Preston found out that Harrison’s magic can be useful in his performance. So much sparkling! So much drama! So much… pls, Preston, can I staph?
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mireasdrawbook · 6 years
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David: Not that I'm complaining, but why are you so cuddly right now?
Gwen: Shh, look at the kids.
Nikki: Guys! I don’t see anything!
Neil: Good for you!
Max: For fuck’s sake, Gwen! We’ve got kids here! Go find a room!
Gwen the teaser! Aww, guys... Let your parents kiss whenever they want! 
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mireasdrawbook · 6 years
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Gwen in her teens~
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mireasdrawbook · 6 years
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“Temporary friends” my ass. They’ll be friends forever
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mireasdrawbook · 6 years
Can we maybe get some wholesome Makki stuff? Max deserves some affection from a wild child.
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Of course he does!!! Actually Nikki’s rubbing against Max to mark him as member of her tribe :’)
I ship them tbh so it won’t be the last post with them on my blog. Well, it’s not the first either since I did , but I have no idea why it doesn’t appear in Camp Camp tag xD
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mireasdrawbook · 6 years
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Nerris on the ice
Don’t you think Nerris had ice skating lessons?
Fun thing is that I wanted to draw something other than Camp Camp, but end up with Nerris. Then I draw Preston and Harrison. God bless all children from Camp Camp
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mireasdrawbook · 6 years
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Date? Friends hanging out? Or maybe siblings time?
Tbh, I just wanted to draw Neil who carry Nikki’s bag, because I bet he would ♥
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