mirumira001 · 7 days
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fleeglefazbeagle · 2 months
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Tweet by mirapaint.
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dogstar9069 · 2 months
the WALL - buzzG
Translation credits referenced from Thai1210 and Willow/Mirapaint
Emotions flash out like lighting
And I wonder what’s hidden inside them?
Hoping they won’t flee into the twilight
As the sky sways I try to hold on
Although I really want to understand it
I could never really understand it in the end
To be able to touch someone else’s heart and hope
That I have the strength to help anyone
Blue scars are in this melody that’s been so tattered as they stay and
Mix together, refusing to fade away
I’m sad, I’m hurt, it’s scary—to sing out
These feelings, but with you
I still want to sing this song anyway
This song that transcends and surpasses all these walls!
My limbs tremble though I’m still strong
Knowing in my heart, you’ll tell me it’s alright
But still I wonder how transparent, these remains of my timid self are?
By now, I’ve said all I can say
Still I have more to convey, but it’s dried out?
Still I want to paint all that, orange that divides
The day and night in the sky
I feel it pulsing, the scenery, and I can—laugh again, it’s lovely
I cried so scared and alone, I was paralyzed
O’God, just please tell me,
Were we created as lowly creatures?
‘Cause without others, we’re helpless…
As we engrave our sinful roads and futures
Nearly this joy has suffocated us as we’re
Surrounded by all these walls towering over us
Still I! Still I! Give it my all for the sake of this voice
In an endless sea of fog, you drown further in but you’re restless and waking
Choking in tears of these cursed days—blaming yourself
Yet the strength of your eyes are still shining through
My emotions overflow ‘cause you’re still here
Blue scars are in this melody that’s been so tattered as they stay and
Mix together, forever apart of me
It’s painful, lonely, and scary to sing out—and yet
I’ll keep singing with you by my side, so the world will know my song
Of these distorted and warm feelings
That will melt and break down all these walls!
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annoying-probably · 1 year
Hello! I finally looked at the lyrics for hitsuji ga ippiki, and this happened in the span of... An hour? Mind the bad wording and not-as-done-up presentation as the previous ones! Tumblr formatting is the death of me, truly.
I'm taking my translations from the vocaloid fandom page and mirapaint on twitter, please bear with my translation differences struggle!
Enjoy the sheep analysis:)
this self loathing is a personal best, I'll ignore it - I want to act pretentious, desperado, if I can't? I'll self loathe.
man?????? an has been masking her whole life to be on top and consciously or not she's realised she isn't way ahead of expectations now, she can't put on her forward face of just going with the flow, her minds going mile a minute to do everything, to be well liked and loved but maybe it's projection. Kohane isn't used to this feeling, or atleast so strongly, so she hides from it, the cause?? I don't actually know I haven't read any new events but it could be from her standard of feeling like the odd one out.
this scapegoat is none of my business, I'm wrestling my own - this is a scapegoat, this roar (?) , It's like a curse that doesn't fade.
they're off the deep end I wonder why kashika and aogu are so damn idealising of that./s. I wouldn't read it as direct for Akito, being he's aware of Touya suffering but is turning a blind eye, more like.. he thinks because they're both going through it it's like okay? Or that he feels he can't intrude on it because that's went so well in the past. And Touya has had a whooole damn thing with constantly using a scapegoat of his history with music to escape it and not try and further himself, so he either feels guilty that he's ran so much, or that the history itself exists, or like. both. could always be both/guilt of holding everyone back because nobody in this damn group can communicate with each other that they all have the same issue.
I don't get what the hell the roar line means,,,, it's bugging me. Like,,. Passion? In other parts they mention passion becoming pain so it ties in and fits Touya,,, but????? Roar??
Oh is it cus his scapegoat, this doesn't seem like a word anymore, aren't meant to break from pattern as like a mindless sheep? So it's breaking the pattern and yelling out?
Or maybe it means arguments..? Like social/relationship scars?? I have no damn clue here
-right now, theres a 100 sheep here in a mud boat waiting to sink.
Someday the sun comes down, they opted out.
One ran away from it, 1-2-3.
so there's a 100 people starting music on shabby, baseless starts, with no real desire to become something real. I'll bet the 1-2-3 sheep that 'ran off' would be vbs- An. I originally said Kohane for the obvious reasons but An hasn't ran from anything. She started in music, she'll end in music. I'll say Kohane ran from like her past self, but she didn't start in music but I think it sticks. An, with Kohane, doesn't actually sing this part, so I think it can go for either however I'm using the next like as backup lol. And obvs the vbs connection to everything happening in the night where they can have their 'true selves'. Please bear in mind I'm using two diff translations here too lol.
- you can say whatever but, tell me you're pretending to be an oblivious fool
an is talkin to herself isn't that fun! Obviously it sounds like it could be to meiko, but what's meiko, if not an extension of her? :) an doesn't even know who *she* is.
- you're just a lonely sheep on your own, let me hear that voice of yours.
With the filter, it makes me think this is An's projection of Kohane, much like how it happened in moonlight yk? Berating her, yet pushing her forward anyways to sing. I think An has a real complex going on about Kohane. Loving her and constantly pushing herself down because she adores Kohane and her talent so much, so it almost seems like an, consciously or not, thinks Kohane is sorta like controlling her..?
- there's one sheep in the dark. Let's tear it all to pieces **|** O, lone sheep, go tear the darkness to pieces, the entire thing
Those are very different translations? Most are quite similar but those are. Hm.
The first one implies what I'd expect, a sheep out of of the bunch, a black sheep, and suggesting to sorta like maim the imposter. sung by Meiko/Kohane/Touya, which for the human two, could very easily be fingers they're pointing at themselves. The other translation?? Implies the lonely sheep is like angry and wants to tear away at the darkness of the others, also befitting for Kohane and touya, but the darkness of their partners, not supported by the song earlier, I'd say, but supported by the cards. ( But then again Kohane, in the cards, is a lone sheep in the darkness so, could also be her being the lone like prophet sheep to help em lol)
- if this beautiful night won't ever end, why don't we counting numbers?
Counting sheep! Classic method to falling asleep, but the night is a common theme. Usually seen, obviously, in the characters revealing their truest selves, pretty or not. But I think this more implies they're keeping it to be "the night." They've crowded the sky with darkness, with insecurity and doubt... And what did Kohane do, at the start, when she self loathes? She sleeps!~ so, meiko suggests the same, counting all the "sheep" here, so they can sleep away their loathing.
- when you become the only sheep, what do you want after that?(m,an,ak)
-im a sheep made to soothe, could you leave me be? / This version of me is a lonely one could you leave me be, now?
I'm being cursed by multiple translations again.
being the only sheep atleast probs means like, the others are healing and not wallowing in pain anymore, or they've just moved on, leaving behind a final sheep. An and Akito are scared of being left behind because of their fears. standard vbs. And with that translation, what do you want after that is also reminiscent of moonlight to me but I probably shouldn't compare em so much.
so translation one. back to an's identity crisis of what she is outside of other people, wanting to be alone. The other translation is pretty similar the word difference just makes her seem more dramatic, "this version of me" like... Alone now, in the dark night, because everyone else has left? I think it makes sense, aswell as possibly linking into meiko again, using her as a stopper and holder of her feelings. And obviously continuing, an wallows, asking to be alone.
- you're just a solitary sheep here, now, defy and move beyond.
Kohane, the real one, isn't joining An in her pains, but she is encouraging her. Telling her that she is alone, everyone is starting (to try to) grow. She's telling her to like pull up her boot straps and become more than she was made to be. Much like An did for Kohane.
- if this state of misery is a personal best, if you give it a name, it's like a curse **|** if this is misery it's my pb, if I were to give it a name; it's a curse.
That distinction of if I name it, it's a curse. Or if I had to call it by something, it'd be a curse.
The first one I like more, the idea that if you acknowledge sorrow, it latches on and increases into a leech, a curse. The second is just calling misery and hatred a curse in of it self but I think the first one is more special. especially coming from Akito.
- with "something" that's no longer just a hobby, you're bound to get hurt more and more.
An just lamenting about how music is something she has to be passionate about now, she is actually trying to do something, and when you want to learn and grow, you make mistakes. And mistakes hurt like hell, especially when you're surrounded by people who, you think, expect better of you. This kinda angle makes me think an never like.. truly strived to surpass rad weekend, the same way every kid says they'll be president (or some equivalent) yk? It's not that she didn't want to, but she loved music more for the fun and joy of singing, and turning what you love into a job will always be kinda draining in some way, not having freedom.
- haven't you been told it? "I love you". I can't stay here forever, so, (t) ( could also be, that " did they make you say it?'I love you' can't exist for all of time, so,"
- let's go on a one-night, two-day trip to hell and flourish in heresy, I mean. (M)
the double translations AAAAA. This making me damn insane.
The second one makes more sense to me, Touya doubting any love he's given because he feels as if he shouldn't be around everyone, even doubting that they'll all stay together and the fact everything will just fall apart in the end. The first one makes it seem like he's the hesitant one, unwilling to give love because he feels, again, as if all is fleeting. Then the added "fuck it all" basically, of meiko speaking true desires as she usually does, not caring if they go to hell, just having time away from the darkness and other people, thinking and saying things "sheep" couldn't, whatever that means to broader terms.
- ..I mean,
I see.. X4
meiko, to +Kohane, to +Akito, to full the three. Interesting choice of characters but I'll read it as the partners seeing through their partners true wants/pains?
then we circle back to the chorus with different line distribs.
The distrib is flipped a lil, probably just for voice reasons but now it's Akito and Kohane singing, could also be read as the previous wants being broadcast so they're telling antouya step out the darkness and destroy it all.
This time, Akito takes over meikos previous line ( if the night won't end why don't we count /parap), which, with the addition of the above line about a one-night outing??? sounds more like its leaning into that heresy from before. Counting numbers to sleep away the pain.
- when you become the only sheep, what do you want after that? (M,An,T)
Again, almost the same as before, but Akito and Touya switched. Once again could just be the switch for vocal and line distrib things, but hey, akitoya is having their usual dance of mental illness in this song so you can also say it's that, asking him what he'd do cus surprise! hes ignoring his issues again ( as he just said about counting to fall asleep. )
- I'm a lonely sheep, could you leave me be? /Para (t)
hey look! It's the same as an before! and the same as the two of them in moonlight! they're scared of being left alone yet isolate themselves in their loneliness. Fun!
- you're still just a sheep, can you even laugh at this version of me? (M)
Now because he spoke last, I could point this at Touya, instead I'm pointing this at everyone. They're all still sheep, none of them have broken free, they can't even laugh at the free, unbranded, Meiko. At the same time, she's pushing forward and showing how they all feel- pitiful, like a circus animal to be laughed at, in their darkest mindsets, because they all seem to trivialise their own issues, make them out to be stupid blips.
funny little nanana, with Kohane breaking the cycle to lead into the final chorus.
I don't think anything stands out here, the different line distribs are what id say is the same meaning as the last one, even with the different characters.
- You're just still one sheep of the flock.
Won't you try not to get cursed?
From now, until you die. (M)
- all of you are just one sheep here now, defy, and move before. (K)
The same as before!! But Meiko almost teases the others, telling them that if they don't make some move, they're all just sheep, cursed to live their entire life in this feeling, and they're not making any change.
And Kohane repeats the same line, the solitary sheep, broken free from the cycle, trying to get the others to follow, much like sheep, but in their own path, so they aren't always coping each other and hurting themselves.
Can't wait for An's next breakdown event, guys!!
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dogstar9069 · 2 months
Voices - Yuyoyuppe
Translation references credits from Hiraethie and Willow/Mirapaint
I won’t, betray this wish of mine for broken ideals
Can’t stop the cogs ‘cause the gears won’t stop movin’ and
My heart sets my instincts aflame
The sounds of the 6 sceneries resound
Adversity bouncing off my right hand
All my dreams and ideals, are overlapping with the sounds we’ve made
Marking our hopes and days we’ll engrave
So, let’s jump in
Overflowing in our voice (in our voice)
These feelings (these feelings)
I have faith you’ll deliver on my yearning and dreams
Our tears have become so common (so common)
In our shared pain (shared pain)
As the clock counts down the 16th measure, where our strength resides and grows
And now, I hope our sounds—resonate in this world!
You can’t stop ‘cause the real you
Slips in and out of view as you see
The 6 sceneries shining in your eyes
Flashing a light that races through your mind
‘Til we breathe our last, our shared dream won’t ever fade
And won’t end suddenly, so let’s hone our craft
Our sounds will pierce through… and won’t ever stop
Let’s go!
Shaking off the ivy of overgrown anxiety
I’m standing on the summit with my resolve renewed
‘Cause we can’t ever turn back time
Surrounded by accumulated imagery
So let’s bet everything
This moment we hold
’Cause it won’t return
Overflowing in our voice
These feelings
I have faith you’ll deliver on my yearning and dreams
Our tears have become so common (so common)
In our shared pain (shared pain)
As the clock counts down the 16th measure, where our strength resides and grows
And now, I hope our sounds—resonate in this world!
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