#miranda rambles
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rapunzelstower · 6 days ago
I love that Lucanis makes hazelnut torte for Rook if you romance him. For my Rook it feels even more special because she's a Mourn Watch.
I like to think that Lucanis went to ask Emmrich about what is a Nevarra specialty so that he could surprise her. I just find it so cute and sweet!
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mirandasidefics · 9 months ago
ew imagine supporting a zionist author. someone get this sjmess outta this fandom
With how your statement is worded, are you implying I'm a zionist and believe that I should leave the ACOTAR/CC fandom?
I'll speak plainly for myself, and this is the only time I will respond to an anonymous comment of this nature.
I'm for a free Palestine 🇵🇸 and against my country's support of Israel. I do what I can in my personal life to show that support for a free Palestine.
I write fanfiction largely for myself and enjoy writing for the ACOTAR and Cresent City characters. I do not believe that writing fanfiction automatically means I support the author. There are a ton of others out here who enjoy the series, write fanfiction for various characters, and are critical of or outright against SJM.
There are issues I have with SJM, but I still love some of the characters that she has created. I believe that people are capable of liking and enjoying artworks, be it books, movies, music, paintings, plays, etc, without supporting the original creator of said work.
If you don't like what I write, that's fine. Don't read it, but comments such as these are uncalled for.
If I've unknowingly made an offensive comment that could be seen as prejudice in any way against any group of people, let's have a private conversation about it.
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mirandasidefics · 5 months ago
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You know what...accurate.
I made a what the fandom thinks of you generator
edit: please remember
1. i have to read all the tags
thank you
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66stitches · 26 days ago
I only started playing resident evil for the hot women
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scenesaw · 10 months ago
in "the world was wide enough" burr says "there are ten things u need to know" but from HIS initial pov he only talks about nine things he tenth thing is fro hamilton's pov which is his own death; him aiming towards the sky and his reasoning for doing so and then after alexander is already dead THEN we get to know burr's tenth thing which is regret utter and absolute regret for having taken alexander for granted for having killed him for being the villain on alex's and all of our stories for being obsessed and blind and absolutely fucking oblivious to the world but at the same time.....it is his relief isnt it???? for hamilton being dead. for once and for all. so at the end of the day there's only ONE thing we needed to know: both burr and hamilton were human. flawed. trying their best. until the very end. there were no heroes or villains in that bc death doesnt discriminate betweens the sinners and the saints it takes and it takes and it takes
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littledeathdove · 5 months ago
Mother Miranda is manipulative, she likely changes certain aspects of herself when she is around a specific person or group of people. Why? To gain their trust, to have them love her until she desires to take advantage of it. It’s all to get what she wants, which is rats waiting to be used for experiments that will soon lead to the rebirth of her baby girl.
Mother Miranda is intelligent, very intelligent. She went from being just a mother to her child to becoming a mad scientist who studies something so advanced and complicated. Even though she didn’t succeed in her experiments the majority of the time, she still was able to do something many people couldn’t do. She was able to make four, possibly eight, successful super-beings out of the mold/cadou. All in 100 years. Not with a background dealing with scientific studies, just with the will to get back what she wants. Eva.
Mother Miranda is selfish, she doesn’t care about the people in the village who are willing to worship her and her ideals to the grave. She doesn’t care for the four lords who are willing to listen to her commands follow them through and be obedient to her. Well at least the majority of them. Miranda doesn’t care for that, she doesn’t care to see these people happy. All she wants is to see her dreams fulfilled and to take back what was unrightfully stolen from her, her daughter.
Mother Miranda is a perfectionist, she doesn’t settle for anything less than what she wants for her daughter. She could have taken Eveline, the girl who had the same DNA as her true daughter, the same girl who likely had the same face as her true daughter. Even with all of the things Eveline had in common with Eva and even being able to control the mold to a devastating extent, Miranda still called her a failure. She saw a flaw in Eveline, so that means that Eveline isn’t the right vessel to bring back her daughter. Her daughter must have the perfect body, the perfect host. Her Eva deserves it more than anything.
Mother Miranda is sadistic, I believe that woman like seeing people in pain. She probably lets out a chuckle every time she sees a lycan tearing up the body of a poor villager from a distance. There’s no doubting the fact she liked seeing the villagers afraid of her, afraid of what wonders around the borders of their village, afraid if they would be plucked away from their life in the village by one of her lords.
Mother Miranda is a nerd, sharp turn there, but it’s true. That woman likely talks about the mold and her experiments like it is the most interesting thing ever, because it is, to her. Oswell E. Spencer, the madman who is a co-founder of umbrella corporations, only confirmed this when he talked about the late-night scientific talks they had together during his stay in Miranda’s village. While Spencer likely started up these conversations, I could only imagine Miranda doing most of the talking once she realizes it’s about something she is interested in.
Mother Miranda is obsessive, she is obsessed over the mold, and she is obsessed over bringing back her beloved daughter. Miranda is like a train station that only has two stops, her mind only goes from one thing to another. Yeah, she focuses on other things like making sure the villagers are behaving accordingly, making sure the lords are doing what she commands, and making sure she keeps up her image to the oblivious villagers. But mainly her focus is set on two things, expanding her knowledge of the mold and bringing back Eva. It just shows how obsessed this woman can get, she does it with her whole soul.
Mother Miranda is unpredictable, you can’t have a set idea of how you believe Miranda operates. No, no, that’s not going to work for you at all. She can be doing things you know that she always does and then she suddenly is doing something completely different. It’s crazy, just like how she is. Speaking of crazy.
Mother Miranda is bat-shit insane, there is no denying it because it’s just one of her main personality traits. Chris, Ethan, and Heisenberg were all correct in saying that she’s a crazy woman. This woman decided that she was going to take the mold she found in a cave she wanted to die in, and put it in the villagers. Who thinks of that? What sane person does that? She experimented with likely more than a thousand bodies, elderly, adults, teens, children, and babies. I mean I doubt that woman had a limit she didn’t cross because she is just that unhinged.
Those are just traits I remember studying about her by memory. But you get the gist. Miranda is just crazy all in all, but she is doing it all for her daughter, could you blame her? So what if she has a few (many) bad traits? You have to love a woman who has the mannerisms of a crow and the persistence that is the size of the sun.
Now just imagine how these traits would affect you if you were to somehow gain to woman’s interest so much that she became curious. The more curious she gets the more she learns about you, and if you somehow can do things that shock her, it will lead to more. It will lead to her wanting to know more and more like a greedy salesman. She doesn’t take any interest in most things, so when you somehow make your way into her thoughts more than once while she is doing what she does best in her lab, good luck to you. Because now you have the village priestess becoming slowly obsessed with you. And both good and bad things come out of it. So have fun being a new major thing crow mama’s thinks about all the time.
Took a break from writing my one-shot to make this random ramble post. Anyway, look at this new header of my wife >:)
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sapphicrow · 7 months ago
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Lil smile when Miranda calls……I know what you are Alci….
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gh0stsp1d3r · 8 months ago
I wasn’t gonna drink today but man im missing Alexander Hamilton like a motherfucker… 😔
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rip lin manuel miranda you will be missed 🫡
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spacelessbian · 8 months ago
Re-watched Devil Wears Prada yesterday with my friends and I again marveled at Meryl Streep's performance and all the nuance that her acting choices brought to Miranda Priestly.
I've recently seen someone referring to Miranda as a good straight-forward evil person who "doesn't need a redemption arc" in the sort of announced sequel (I'm not holding my breath until I see any actual promo materials or behind the scenes) and I feel like that is such a deep misunderstanding of her character. Sure, if you read the book, then yes, Miranda Priestly is pretty one note (because let's be honest, the book is not very good and I would not recommend reading it), but the movie version is anything but that.
Yes, she is a huge asshole. No dancing around that. On one hand, Andy is kinda unproffesional and takes things too personally when the criticism she's getting is about her work, not her as a person (there are jabs towards her as a person, don't get me wrong), so her opinion on Miranda, especially early on, is warped by this; on the other hand, Miranda is absolutely being mean on purpose. Not all the time, not in all scenes, but mostly. But she also has feelings, she has depth, she is obviously very passionate about her work and in addition is shown to care about her family very early on, and care deeply, she is not mean to everyone at work even, we see her praising people (mostly Nigel, okay, but still), and in the end she is nice to Andy.
Yes, the scene in the car is the moment when Andy realizes this life is not for her, but from Miranda's point of view, she shows trust in Andy, she explains herself (something she never does), she basically offers to guide Andy through her career. She is effectively bringing her in her inner circle. And then, of course, we learn she didn't tank Andy's career when she left. I mean, does that read as one note villain to you? I think not. Do I want a movie where she is not a huge asshole? Not really. But if we get an interesting exploration of her character with some angst here and there, I won't be mad.
That's all.
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thewhizzyhead · 4 months ago
warriors 2024 and the art of giving meaning to struggle
alrighty ramble time: let's talk about luther and how he managed to fuck up NYC for good. if luther were like i dunno lex luthor, i'd say his move to destabilize gang relations in nyc is a very fucking calculated move because i really do have to give credit to him in actually achieving the goal he set out for himself because his decision to kill cyrus,,,,aka the one that organized the "Please No Gang Fighting" summit that aimed to unite everyone against the bigger baddies of NYC,,,essentially fucking killed any and all chance of such a peace summit and unity initiative from ever happening again. because, like, after seeing a beloved and seemingly untouchable leader be murdered in front of all of you despite explicit instructions to Not Bring Weapons, would you even risk witnessing that chaos again in another summit? would you trust that forming a united force work after such a tragedy? is there even a possibility of finding trust among other NYC gangs if someone among their number killed your very hope? so yea knowing how the movie ends with just the gramercy riffs saying that the warriors (with two dead people and one arrestee in tow) are off the hook because someone else witnessed luther killing cyrus,,,the original ending is actually quite hopeless when you think about it in their shoes. in the words of movie swan himself in the movie, is what they end up with all their night of sleepless fighting and struggle is worth? hence, i now really see why warriors (2024) decided to make what I consider to be the 2nd biggest diversion outside of the genderswap: making cleon live - because otherwise, the warriors' struggles surviving the night can be said to be struggle for solely struggle's sake.
in the musical, cleon is an astute believer in cyrus and the future cyrus envisions for all of NYC - thus, she becomes the harbinger of cyrus' hope in the form of still breathin' and somewhere in the city. her being alive doesn't detract from the widespread tragedy faced by the NYC gangs - i still really believe that no matter what, luther effectively killed their one shot at true unity and trust - but in cleon's own words: "What do you do when they kill everything you believe in? Give it meanin." the decision to keep cleon alive is warriors (2024) counteractive measure at the absolute shithole luther placed NYC in because in her message of keeping the dream alive despite situations that are, realistically speaking, impossible to wholly recover from, gives their struggle meaning, purpose, and direction - the end goal being hope. that theme of hope despite and in spite of adversity now becomes evident on as to why we are made to be invested in the warriors' journey home and their subsequent growth. in mercy's decision to leave the orphans for a place of belonging and pride that can make her finally hold her head up high. in ajax's and fox's decisions to retaliate against their pursuants among sleazy old men in blue. in swan's persistence in getting the rest of her crew home alive despite still reeling from the loss of her leader and her fellow warriors. all attribute their own reasons to why they resist and rebel because they ultimately hope for something fucking better. ultimately, warriors (2024) exists because of the want to give more meaning to struggle in the form of hope amidst hopelessness. in the movie, the warriors find their meaning in the sweet simple bliss of survival - in making to coney island's sunrise. but in the album, another meaning is emphasized among not just the warriors, but the marginalized communities of NYC in general: their meaning of struggle goes beyond surviving the night - because they carry on and carry forth the dream of one day having a city where they all come home alive. because after all, isn't the formation of grassroots rooted in resistance - and isn't resistance born out of the want and hope for something better?
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mirandasidefics · 5 months ago
Hey all!
So, it has been one of those months. My IRL job got very busy, and my sleep schedule went to shit. As a result, focusing on anything has been exceedingly difficult. When I did have enough focus to write, I mainly used that to do some stuff for Eris week, one-shot requests, and things sent to my inbox in addition to the bits and pieces I wrote for the next chapter in "But Home is Nowhere".
All that being said, Chapter 12 will unfortunately be delayed slightly. I currently have a total of 4614 words written, but they are all just little bits of scenes that make up the whole chapter. I'm working on finishing up the first half as quickly as possible and plan to post it as soon as I do. That means Chapter 12 will be spilt into 2 parts. The good thing about doing this is that there will be two updates in October compared to just one.
I really want to make sure that what I write is of good quality which is why it is taking longer than expected. I really appreciate everyone that is following and enjoying this story. Y'all have no idea how much that means to me!
I will post another update when I'm set to post both parts of Chapter 12.
Thank you all for your support!
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spotsandsilliness · 3 months ago
Am I the only one who can't picture the actual historical events of hamilton. Like I can ONLY see Lin-Manuel Miranda as Hamilton, I can only see the king as Jonathan Groff who sings silly little songs to his "sweet submissive" subjects.
like wdym the events covered a span of almost 50 years?? It all happened in 2hrs and 45min!
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disaster-bay-leaf · 1 year ago
every main character of hamilton ends their story in direct opposition to their main song and their main song is what is potentially their ultimate downfall
hamilton threw away his shot in the duel
burr didnt wait to see that hamilton was shooting at the sky
eliza was no longer helpless and she lost hamilton but she didnt think that what she did would be enough
angelica didn’t keep hamilton’s eyes in her life over the seas and through death but she was satisfied standing by her sister in the end
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knowledge-paradox · 7 months ago
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cancerian-woman · 10 months ago
one thing that’s never as acknowledged as it could be is that no matter what Elena/Bonnie and Tyler’s lives were always going to be connected to the supernatural world. No matter who did or did not come into town it was their lives.
Tyler’s level of protectiveness towards Elena could’ve been something so interesting. Tyler is casted to the side but one constant thing (outside of Caroline or Klaus mess) remains is that softness and refusal to let Elena be hurt because they were friends. Imagine if some of that went to Bonnie too!
Elena is written very Salvatore centered and so disconnected from her friends but her best moment imo is when she’s laughing/smiling with her friends celebrating a Klaus free life with them. In fact it’s one of MFG’s best moments together. Even in s1-2 she shown to be compassionate to her friends.
So many of Bonnie’s deleted scenes is simply someone else showing they care about her and see her. Being a Bennett was going to hold weight to her life. Show someone else trying to empathize with that.
It’s just… why couldn’t the mfg be shown being friends a little longer. Impact the importance of the other two bloodlines whose descendants were destined to be affected.
many other thoughts I’ll elaborate on them when I feel like it 😭
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elephantlovemedleys · 11 months ago
currently watching sex & the city and i'm sorry this had me wheezing
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