#miranda doesn't deserve this let her LIVE
a-french-coconut · 4 months
Drew Tanaka (Part 6)
Letting her heart vulnerable again, at the mercy of the world.
"It's worth it" Will assured with a kind smile.
"I can't imagine a world where I don't love my brother." Connor thought at loud next to her.
"The heart is not my domain, Drew. But I suppose that living without love is not the answer." Malcolm said mindlessly, all his attention directed on a book about chess strategies.
A splash of water brings her back and the naiad gets back into the water before Drew manages to whack her.
It's been a week since she talked with Lacy and began her "redemption journey" as Connor likes to call it.
And while Drew is willing to present excuses to those she slightly offended, she is not willing to receive their contempt and snarky remarks.
Especially when she's trying to say sorry and they are just standing there, with the most disgusting arrogant smile, one that screams She finally realised she was wrong and that we were right all along.
If those idiots think she forgave Silena, they are dead wrong. Their dear little victim will forever stay a traitor in Drew's mind.
She is trying to apologise for her bitchy attitude towards them, even though she still thinks they deserved it, but if they don't wan't her "redemption journey", Drew isn't going to make it easy for them either.
She can feel Will facepalming at her attitude and snickers when she imagines Connor giving her thumbs up and "you go girl !".
How did Will and the Stoll ever became friends, she'll never know.
What she will begrudgingly do is apologise to Piper when if she comes back. Maybe she had been a little too hard on her, and Lacy wants her to be nice with her siblings.
But the nerve to talk as if she knew Silena...
Bring it down, bring it all the way down
She wonders if the boiling inferno churning in her stomach when she thinks of her sister will one day stop.
The distant sound of a horn makes her sigh and row towards shore as fast as she can. She has never been late at dinner before and isn't going to start now.
"Why do they suck at being nice ?" She complains to Mitchell and Lacy, her hands making grand gestures in the air, "I want to apologise and they won't let me."
"Give them time, they'll forgive you eventually." Mitchell shrugs, carefully picking you every single olive on his pizza's slice.
"You forgave me easily !"
"Yes," he drawls, "but I knew you from before. Most of them forgot that era of you. All they remember is you being a-"
"Careful young man."
"a, hum, bad person." he finishes lamely.
"I have my reasons." She defends herself but doesn't elaborate. While her siblings now understand her grief, they still view Silena as a saint. She doesn't the energy nor the envy to fight with them again.
"We know," Lacy says hastily, "but don't worry about them, okay ? First, we have to get Piper to like you."
"She's going to be insufferable about it."
"As if you don't deserve it." Mitchell says snickering.
Drew narrows her eyes at her little brother, her hand reaching for the discarded olives on his plate, and manage to throw one of them is his mouth while he's laughing.
It's her turn to laugh at his disgusted face and pale horror when the olive falls on his clothes after he spat it out.
"You're a demon, Drew."
"So are you but you just hide it better."
Her little brother can be a true brat when he wants. Drew couldn't be more proud.
"Anyways, gossip time. What's the tea ?"
"Sherman and Miranda are totally in love." Lacy says excitedly, "He let her beat him in combat training today !"
"Woah" Mitchell whistles, "he really loves her."
"Those two don't need our help then, they managed fine."
"We have to do something about Connor and Malcolm."
"No, we don't." Drew says, conjuring her own pizza's slice on her plate, "they have to figure it out alone."
Mitchell rolls his eyes but doesn't press it.
"I think Will and Nathan from Demeter would make a cute couple." Lacy suggests.
"Nah, Will already likes someone else."
"Really ? Who ?"
"It's a secret."
Both her siblings groan and whine but Drew keeps her mouth shut.
They don't need to know now about the dashing, stunning, brave, and Italian son of Hades Will keeps gushing about.
His words, not hers.
Though for his sake, Nico Di Angelo should visit them more. She can't stand the sad look on her friend's face when he leaves Camp for his father's errands or whatever he has to do.
"What about Damian White and, what's her name again ? Clara ?"
"Chiara from Tyche ?" Lacy suggests
"Yes, that one" Drew snaps her fingers, "those two are a match."
"They are always screaming at each other."
"Clearly you weren't here when Travis and Katie figured out they liked each other. It was glorious."
"I heard he gifted her a goat ?"
"Oh yes !" Drew cackles gleefully, "Huguette the goat ! She ate the whole roof of Demeter cabin, Katie was red with rage. Poor Travis just wanted to give her a fluffy animal."
"He was a terrible flirt." Mitchell says with disbelief.
"Mmmh", she agrees with a smile.
She wonders if Katie told him that every time she had a nightmare, petting Huguette would always comfort her.
For a moment, everything goes white.
Then she sees someone's foot on her pizza.
"Hey guys, we're back."
Of course, only Piper McLean would land her delicious pizza's slice.
"Piper !" Lacy screeches, getting on the table to hug the girl, "you're alive !"
"Yes, yes, good job McLean" Drew says drily, "Now get off the table."
Piper obliges with a roll of her eyes and sits next to Lacy who is looking at Drew pointedly.
Making friends, right.
"So, Piper, I hope your quest wasn't too hard."
"It was."
"Near death experiences ? I know those can be-"
"A lot, yeah." Piper answers again, shortly and curly.
Drew grips her glass tightly.
Lacy looks at her with pleading eyes.
"You must be tired," she says with a strained voice, "you can skip campfire if you wish."
"It's alright," Piper dismisses her offer with her hand, "I'm fine."
"Okay, then let's go. Every one wants to know about your quest."
She gets up brusquely, not looking back to see if they followed.
"How is your "redemption journey" going ?" Connor asks her, appearing next to her.
"Badly, even Piper is giving a hard time."
"Ouch," he winces, "you really managed to piss her off the two days she was here ?"
"I am full of talents, Connor."
"I can see that, but try again tomorrow morning okay ? Give her the night to cool off."
He pats her shoulder before going join his cabin and Drew has no other choice than look for her siblings too.
As Piper, Leo and Jason tell their quest, Drew has to admit that McLean is tougher than she looks.
Maybe they really just started on bad terms and they could be great sisters.
Connor's advice doesn't sound too bad, she'll apologise to Piper first thing in the morning.
I now have two options :
-follow canon and Drew surrenders to Piper, giving away without a fight her counsellor position.
-do whatever I want and Piper gets beaten up by her sister.
I have actually already decided what I was going to do...
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celeste-i · 5 months
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Um. *black person who is currently obsessed with Miranda and flint voice* I don't like that. am I the only person that didn't know this.
you know I didn't want to think too hard about what all those black people helping them out in season 1 were about I really didn't. I assumed the ones milling about were either workers or slaves to the neighbors. this then created the assumption that there were houses very close to Miranda's. there are not
so I think by s2 the writers realized that this perhaps was not an in character decision for either one of them. flint: a man who is seeking freedom from Nassau, initially through self-governance under British rule and then later through complete freedom from British rule all together. Miranda: a woman married to a man who is good and idealistic and wants happiness and freedom for everyone, then the mistress to flint. why would either own slaves? let alone a dozen of them?
do you know how much that would cost? and a dozen in an estate as small as hers would mean that she has really no reason to lift her finger at all. why was she ever cooking anything? why did she ever garden? retrieve her own water from the well? why didn't she have a slave driving her to town? were they guards for her? flint clearly trusted them if he had one of them armed and guarding Richard Guthrie. I can't think of many slave owners that would put a gun in the hand of what they think of as a wild, barbarous nigger and leave him alone with his woman and an injured man. do you know how uncommon it would be for a lone woman to own a dozen male slaves? the perceived danger that that has to every white person?
it doesn't hold up to any scrutiny. if Miranda was any other type of white British aristocrat woman then yes, it would make sense for her to own two or three slaves, one of them being female to tend to her. but a dozen ?!? and then all being healthy, working men?!? she would have a fortune on her property and when flint is gone that would be a target for her.
and now there's a paradox. if they're workers then how is she affording to pay them? if the writers retconned the slaves, then how is she able to do all that labour herself? because she can handle some of it but not all. not all the animals and crops that are there. if the writers did intend her to have slaves, where did they come from? did flint take them from slave ships he raided and brought them home to her as a gift to make her life easier? do you realize how this makes every single thing he has ever done worthless?
what kills me about this is that the rest of the show is staunchly anti slavery. literally the entire point of the maroons is to show the brutality of the empire, how evil slavery is, how africans deserve to live a free life and the only way to do so is by toppling the empire. and flint believes that. he does. they are allies, the maroons and the pirates. flint has never shown anything but respect to the black people of his crew and of his allies. but all of that rings hollow when there are black people in the background at his house, sweeping his floors in bare feet.
it bothers me that the writers made that decision. it bothers me that it was never brought up again. slavery becomes such a core part of the show and flint never brings it up. my best guess is that it's a result of the writers not knowing the exact tone they wanted in s1, then realising this didn't make sense and retconning it.
I don't know the details cus I'm only watching this show 7 years after it ended. if anybody knows anything more about this I'd appreciate if you shared it with me bc I'm really not happy with this
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515limit · 1 year
jack x miranda
NOTE: this is just my opinion :) giga word doc incoming
Jack and Miranda is honestly my favorite non Shepard ship, I've always been a big fan of both of them and seeing them grow through the series is honestly one of the more interesting aspects of the game, not just for them but most of the characters on general. Jack goes from just a generally hateful person to genuinely caring individual no matter how hard she tries to act otherwise. Miranda obviously goes from being a blind follower of Cerberus for the purpose of recognition to finding her own path and purpose in life. I love seeing them interact after the fact in the Citadel dlc, where you can tell they try to keep that sense of normalcy as best they can so it's not awkward through their empty insults and banter, but i genuinely think they were happy to see they one another was alive. But still i kinda wanna break down their whole dynamic because they deserve it, and i'm bored, nothing else. I think they're an underrated ship with more evidence?? than people think. I don't like to say evidence necessarily because nuance is a thing, and i think their relationship in general was supposed to be something you read between the lines not entirely blatant.
So to start as soon as we start Jack's recruitment mission we hear about how mean and hatful she is, and get shown that as we play through it looking for her. She's clearly extremally powerful and portrayed as being kinda unhinged, not just in her actions but she tells us herself how bad of a person she is overall. However, as you spend time with her you see that's just not true, at least to the extent that she claims or is initially portrayed. She's scared, she's tortured. As a child and now as an adult in her head. She can't mentally escape Pagia, and it makes her lash out. She can't trust people, or maybe she doesn't even want to. She doesn't want to let people in. Jack is clearly a very emotional person, all of her noteworthy scenes in ME2 come from emotional outbursts. She's hurting and you can tell the most in her poetry that she writes and can read in the SB dlc. All of that is to say, Jack and Miranda don't hate each other. They hate themselves. I'll get to Miranda in a minute, but Jack and Miranda have no real reason to beef with each other initially, neither has ever done anything directly to the other, except they're famous fight after Jack's loyalty mission. The thing is Jack has a thing for just saying mean shit, she speaks before she thinks, just like when you're talking to her and trying to get to know her as a person. Jack calls Shep "Cerberus lapdog and a military stooge" even though she has no real way of knowing that. Depending on how you play Shepard that could even be the exact opposite, BUT she feels threatened. Shepard cares. At least enough to talk to her and get to know her, so she gets defensive and says the meanest things she can think of just to get a rise of of Shepard. She's not mean because she's actually a hateful person, but more as a defense mechanism to keep people away.
I'll come back to this! I wanna talk about Miranda now. Miranda desperately needs approval, it radiates off her. From the second we meet and are actually able to talk to her she's noticeably jealous of Shepard even if she denies it, you can tell she isn't happy about how much trust and importance has already been placed on Shepard over her (a loyal and dedicated Cerberus agent). and this isn't the only time either, later when you talk to her she says she doesn't get it. Why Shepard is great and she isn't. For renegade Shep she even brings up their lack of family and education, lamenting over how much better they are than her. She's has extreme self worth issues, something she can't get past to the point of bringing up how Shep is great even though they were poor and lived on the streets and whatever. She says those things and continues to talk about her dad and how she was supposed to be. Miranda doesn't see how that might upset Shepard because it's technically true, it's not meant as an insult, but just a statement. She just sees it as i was "born" better so i should have been. She's extremally tone deaf all of ME2. Just like how the illusive man, didn't know about the Cerberus facility Jack was at. That being said, i do think at that moment it was definitely something she said to upset her, because she's just being petty, but the point is her and Jack don't get along initially because they're extremally similar and they both know it.
When Jack comes abord, the first person she talks to is Miranda, she mentions that she'll go out of her way to read all of Miranda's files. For what though? They know nothing about each other, all she knows is Miranda works for Cerberus, but so does the whole damn ship. She doesn't mention anything to Jacob or anyone else ever, just Miranda directly and the general Cerberus umbrella. (or at least i don't remember if she does so if that's not true just ignore that bit i'm going off memory) Anyway when it comes to Miranda, I don't think she even hates Jack at all, just her being so disruptive, she doesn't think she belongs there. Jack was in prison and in her mind that's probably where she thought she belonged, and she wasn't gonna change her mind about it either. In her mind Cerberus didn't know about Pragia so why is it there fault. Miranda is kinda dumb to think that way but she's blindly loyal to them and taking any chance she can to defend them because it's the only place she's found that she belongs. They're both angry but honestly it's just not at each other. They're both so stuck in their heads with their beliefs because they're insecure and cling to the only things they can to cope. In ME2 they're both still the insecure scared kids they were growing up and they found each other, and i think it scared them both. Being so different, but so similar at the same time. Jack thinks Miranda is so preppy and above everyone else, but maybe she reads her files and realizes it's the opposite. That she craves recognition, that she genuinely works hard for everything she has. That Miranda understands maybe more than anyone what she went through. Neither were enough, neither could live up to the impossible expectations given to them, and both decided to break away from that to find their own way, and are still haunted by their pasts as of ME2.
By the time ME3 comes around both have grown. Like a lot. You see the real Jack, she's still abrasive, maybe more out of habit than anything but she's a caring and honestly warm person now. She's responsible and loving towards the kids she looks after and they all look up to her, she's finally found somewhere she belongs. She seems genuinely happy even with the reaper war going on, she seems like the happiest person we talk to the whole came, she's laughingly and looking forward to the future, instead of the day someone will betray her. She has such a genuinely good 180 from who she was after realizing there were good people, there are people that care, that WANT her to be around. They don't just use her and throw her off to the side afterwards.
As for Miranda she's calmed down and loosed up a lot, she sees that her own self worth is more important than anyone else's recognition and is able to find her own path for one, she decides to do good after realizing what Cerberus truly is and is actively working the whole game to deter Cerberus and turn people away from sanctuary later on.
They are both completely different people, and that's why in the citadel dlc, they're just sharing drinks and genuinely enjoying each others company. I don't think Shepard mentions them getting together for no reason, i think they were meant to find each other from the beginning. This is more speculative than anything, and i'm not taking into account Shepard romances with either, so if you disagree and think they're just friends that's okay! This is just how i interoperated them. I think they do like each other and maybe to some extent have for a while, and just refused to acknowledge it to themselves or each other. They're polar opposites at first glance, Jack is covered in tattoos, reclusive, aggressive, and rude. Whereas Miranda is "perfect", no marks or blemishes and well put together, extraverted, generally tries to act like she's polite, and wants to take leadership roles. But on the inside they're the same, both just want to find their places in the galaxy, both want desperately to belong somewhere. Jack found her place, maybe Miranda will find her place too, and maybe it's by Jack's side. Helping the biotic kids and working with the alliance. Maybe she can finally do what she thought she was doing in Cerberus and help humanity the most by rebuilding and proving her knowledge to other people.
They're both genuinely caring and loving people at heart, their war crimes aside. (sadge) I think Miranda ending up with Jack honestly makes sense considering everything, it'd even help with her wanting kids and all since she can't have any naturally. Her and Jack could happily teach the biotic kids together after all is said and done.
That's all for now, thank you for coming to my tedtalk and reading my rant if you got this far :)
I may add more later if i think of anything!
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rxttenfish · 10 months
PLEASE tell us more about virina mishra im such a sucker for nextgens
virina!!! my beloved virina!!!! littlest froggy!!!
aaravi and miranda very much both wanted to actually, you know, have a family. its one of those things where you come from someplace so shitty and so terrible, that you just cannot imagine someone else going through that same thing, and you cannot bear the thought of making someone else go through the same thing. to be fair, they are both TERRIFIED of just repeating the past and ending up in the exact same loop that their parents did, terrified of just heaving back on the same generational trauma and wreck of a childhood, but there comes a point in being afraid of something where you just need to get rid of this fear. its too constant, its too forever, its too eternal. sitting through it and avoiding it isn't making it go away, and they already fucked up avoiding it by finding each other and loving each other, so dancing around the issue isn't helping. instead, what they mutually land on is just... a want to prove that fear wrong. a want to prove that fear wrong, to prove that they aren't doomed to be just a weapon and just a source of death in all its forms, that they can hold something in their hands and make it grow. best way to avoid repeating the past is to take responsibility by the leash, after all. they want to go back in time, to give themselves the childhood that they always missed, and the best way they figured to do that is to give that to someone else.
this is something that very much existed since their relationship started to get serious with each other, and something that's been in the background the entire time since, so its not like its a mystery or anything. if anything, they've been using this want as a motivation, as a need to keep going even at the worst of times. they will have this happy future. they will make it through this together. they will make it work. no more ifs, no more buts, no more doubt. stop living in the doubt and start acting as though their happy end is a foregone conclusion and something that they are going to have no matter what, give no room for fear or guilt or shame or depression or self hatred to sneak in. they will be happy. they will make someone else happy. they will be someplace safe, not just for themselves, but for their loved ones too. they will be good. they will be.
even after everything blows over (mainly from miranda's family, she is still crown princess and stepping away from that was never going to be an option they gave her), it still takes a few years for them to broach the topic of having a kid for-real. just to make sure everything's settled. just to make sure everything's safe.
they have virina later in life than some of their other friends or just in general, but they were planned and wanted for so long that the wait is worth it. the name, as i've mentioned, comes from aaravi. she knows her mom was a... complicated woman, she knows her own raising wasn't perfect and that there were things that she still cant fully forgive her mother for, but she had a hard life too. she too deserved better. despite it all, aaravi still loves her mom, despite despite despite. and so she does the best thing that she can to honor her mom, to honor her memory, to give her the life that she never had the same as aaravi herself, and gives it to virina. the mishra last name was a no-brainer already, miranda already look aaravi's last name and preferred being a mishra over a vanderbilt anyday.
years later, virina also earns the nickname of "froggy" - primarily because of their own love for the animal, constantly finding them and bringing them in from outside. likewise, miranda and aaravi decide to raise them genderless, and to let them decide for themselves how they want to be referred to when they're older.
virina doesn't really take much after either of their moms, though. mostly they're quiet, shy, keep to themselves. where both of their moms are brash and dominant, very confident in themselves and willing to bowl over quieter personalities, virina seldom speaks, and when they do, its soft-spoken. they get easily spooked and cry easily, especially when it comes to other people. they cling to their moms legs, hide behind them when other people come around, prefer the company of animals over other people, tend not to like new things or new people and greatly prefer sticking to their simple, easy routine. they just can't figure out other people, seemingly, not understanding them or how to make friends or even what's appropriate or not to say in a conversation.
this isn't to say they aren't deeply intelligent and curious. they quickly learn to love venturing outside with their moms, playing in the garden or chasing bugs and frogs. they come in with sticks and rocks, make mud potions, try to build things out of sticks and befriend birds. they prefer books over people, ending up much more of a bookworm than either of their moms ever were, and ends up a very big nerd as they get older. theyre close and affectionate with the friends they do make, but this is a small handful of their very most trusted, and they never get much better at figuring out social norms.
in time, they lean a little bit more towards the femme side of things, growing their hair out long and liking long, swishy skirts that they can spin and sway over and over, that doesnt cling too tight to their legs. they end up needing glasses, and end up picking a pair thats large and circular, making their eyes seem all the more owlish. they settle on they/she, but never have particularly strong opinions about gender regardless. they can be blunt and quick to frustration, especially if they feel people arent understanding them, and are forever going to be deeply embarrassed over how their moms dote on them. i very much see them getting intensely interested and starting to study either linguistics, literature, history, geology, or any biology that takes them closer to the marshes and wetlands that they love.
they never think very much about how one of their moms used to be a princess, heir to a kingdom. beyond an instance as a kid that ended with them dropping a training sword repeatedly and crying, they never get very interested in following the slayer line of work. they fuss over small stakes, have their moms grate on them sometimes in both of their old ways, and they live a normal life.
#all the care guide says is 'biomass'#miravi.txt#monster prom#asks#Anonymous#anon#you might notice this as a theme with my fankids#in that i very much LOVE making them be the opposite of their parents#or otherwise be a personality that would have - if it were one of their peers - have annoyed their parents#because thats just the nature of kids! you have no promise that theyll be just like you!#theyre just their own little people! and you cant control that!#and hopefully. you come to accept that and love them regardless.#because theyre still just little people. they have no control over this. they need you to take care of them.#and thats okay actually.#...... also yeah it annoys me to no end when people make fankids and just. fuse the parents.#instead of having them be their own character with their own feelings and personality....#like! nah thats a whole ass other person! they came from these other two people but that doesnt mean shit!#also tbf i think miri and ravi would be THRILLED that virina would get annoyed by them sometimes#specifically in the sense of FUCK YES LOOK AT HOW FAR THEY'VE COME#they have reached the point where the habits that they developed out of necessity and a need to survive#are now just annoyances and no longer appropriate for the world they created together#THEY MADE IT. LOOK AT HOW GOOD THEY'VE DONE!!!#fully the type of moms to kiss all over virina's head and hug them to death while they squirm and whine that#MOOOOMS. YOU EMBARRASSING THEM.#what bliss to be embarrassing!!!
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larabiatasstuff · 10 months
Sweet Tooth Story
Chapter one here
Chapter two here
Chapter three here
Chapter four here
Chapter five here
Chapter six here
Chapter seven here
Chapter eight here
Chapter nine here
Chapter ten here
Taglist: @horrorstoryfreak , @honestlyzealouscrusade , @spucifer , @iloveolderman0 , @x-filthyghoul-x , @harlequinautumn , @katehawke , @samoajoehoe
Chapter eleven 🖤
Quiet's POV
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"Hey, umm you good?" came John's voice out of the radio. "I'm about to turn around and strangle that guy to death, so no John I'm far away from being good. *sigh*. How's the big guy doing?" "Well it's pretty scary actually. He doesn't move, he doesn't speak, I haven't even seen him blink for the last twenty minutes. It's like he completely shut down." "Can you blame him? He and Y/N were inseparable. I think something inside of him broke when we dragged him away from her.We have to get her out of there John! " "Quiet you heard her...". "I give a fuck to what I heard. She's my friend and he is your friend, don't you want them to be happy? We ripped his heart out of his chest goddammit. " "That's not about happiness, calm down. All I wanted to say is that we need a plan first. We can't just go there and start trouble,Stone has more men and more weapons we have to be careful." I was beyond furious and punched the dashboard of John's car. "I know we have to talk to Miranda and the others. It's just... She did that for all of us John, we're safe because of her. I couldn't live with the knowledge of that Nick guy torturing her day by day." "Me neither let's get back to the base first I promise we'll find a solution." "I really hope so John if not..." "We will find a solution." he said and then silence. I put the radio back in the holder, still couldn't believe what just happened. Y/N sacrificing herself for Sweet Tooth and for us. She wasn't a burden or caused us trouble like she said, this wasn't her fault none of the things that happened were her fault and she didn't deserve this. She deserved to be happy in the arms of the man she really loves and who loves her back with all his heart. One thing was completely clear, Nick, Stone and anyone else who was against us would pay sooner or later.
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Part two 🖤
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a-araiguma-a · 1 month
Prologue. Between the serving and Her smile.
Chapter 2. Problems of the past and faith in the future
Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: in the future Oliver Wood x fem!reader Warning: drama a/n: It so happened that I liked the idea more than the beginning of the story, I hope part 2 will change something. I really like what happens in the drafts, a couple more chapters of the prologue and we'll end up at Hogwarts
Start - Prolog (Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5) - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
Mr. and Mrs. Fairchild said goodbye to Bennett's family, promising to come back in a week for an answer. They left the house, leaving Margaret and her parents brooding. As soon as they were outside, Enola Fairchild turned to her husband, barely able to contain her emotions.
�� So what do we do now, Roderick?" She spoke excitedly, stopping and turning to face him. Her gray eyes sparkled with worry and excitement. — We gave them a week, but what if she decides to stay with them?" Eleven years old, Roderick! For eleven years we didn't know anything about her, and now we suddenly show up and expect her to just drop everything and come with us?
Roderick Fairchild, kept an outward calm. His features were taut as strings, but he carefully concealed his feelings behind a mask of restraint. He reached up and gently touched his wife's shoulder, trying to calm her down.
"Enola, please calm down," he said, his voice flat and deep. "Panicking won't help us right now. Yes, we were absent from her life, but we have to give her time. Don't forget that Margaret is our granddaughter. Our magic runs in her blood, and she will surely feel drawn to her roots.
Enola exhaled, trying to pull herself together, but her anxiety was too great to just disappear. She glanced at her husband, a flicker of doubt in her eyes.
"But Roderick... What if she decided to stay with them? We don't know what's on her mind. She's attached to Miranda, and that's understandable. This woman was like a mother to her while we were away. What if Margaret decided she was better off with them?
Roderick thought for a moment, his gaze going to the house they had just left. There were also doubts in his heart that he tried not to show. He knew Enola was right — Margaret had her own affections, and they, the Fairchilds, might seem like strangers, despite the blood that bound them together.
"I'm thinking about it, too, Enola," he said quietly. — She can choose to stay, and that's her choice. We can't force her. But if she accepts our offer, we must be prepared. We will take her to our home, but it will not be easy for her or for us.
Enola frowned, her unease only increasing.
— What about Miranda?" — What is it? " she asked. "She obviously doesn't want to let the girl go, and that's understandable. She put her heart into it. What if Margaret feels guilty about leaving?
"We can't ignore her feelings," Roderick said, looking at her seriously. "Miranda was a mother to her, and she deserves respect. If Margaret agrees, we'll have to keep in touch with Miranda. It will be hard, but it's the only way to avoid hurting the girl even more.
Enola fell silent, her mind racing between wanting to be close to her granddaughter and being afraid to do something wrong. Roderick could see her agitation, and though he was more reserved in his expression, he understood her concern.
— We'll do everything we can to help Margaret adapt, " he continued, trying to sound confident. — But we must be prepared for the possibility that she might reject us." And then we will have to accept her choice, no matter how difficult it may be.
Enola nodded in agreement, but her heart was still uneasy.
"We've been waiting for this moment for so long, Roderick," she said, her voice shaking with emotion. — I was so hoping she would be a part of our lives. What she wants to know about us, about her mother, about magic...
"Me too, Enola," Roderick said softly. "But now it's up to her. We must be patient and ready to support her no matter what she decides.
They continued out of the street, each lost in their own thoughts. Roderick looked as calm and collected as ever, but his emotions were raging inside. He hadn't even shown it to Enola, but the thought of their granddaughter rejecting them both tormented him. Enola, on the other hand, expressed her feelings openly, but for all her emotionality, she also knew that she had to be strong for her granddaughter.
When they reached a place where they could apparate, Enola stopped and looked back at her husband.
"You're right, Roderick," she said, a little more calmly now. — We need to give her time and space to think. But I do hope she decides to come with us. I just want her to be happy.
"So am I, Enola," Roderick said softly, and the two of them held hands and disappeared into thin air, heading back to their mansion, where they had a lot of preparations to make for Margaret's possible arrival.
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That evening, the house was silent except for the muffled sounds from outside. Miranda lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, but her mind was elsewhere. She couldn't find peace, and she was filled with anxiety. The thought of her little girl leaving their home and going to her grandparents ' house haunted her.
She knew that Bennett had already come to terms with the idea of magic in their daughter's life. Professor Maxwell explained everything about the wizarding world, Hogwarts, and how it was part of Margaret's legacy from her mother. But Miranda... she felt completely helpless in front of this unknown world. Magic was something she couldn't influence.
"Miranda," said Bennett's soft voice from nearby, as he noticed that his wife was awake. He turned on his side, looking at her with mild concern. — I can see you're worried. Let's talk?
Miranda sighed, turned to him, and looked into his eyes, which were filled with concern and concern.
"I do not know what to do, Bennett," she said at last, her voice trembling. — How can I just let her go?" I know she's special, that she's an inheritor of magic, but I'm her mother... I've taken care of her, loved her all these years. What if she decided to stay with the Fairchilds? What if... if she doesn't want to go home anymore?
Bennett put his hand on hers, trying to calm her down.
"I understand your fears," he began softly. — I was shocked myself when I found out about all this. But the more I listened to Professor Maxwell, the more I realized that this was her way. She's just as unusual as Charlotte. We can't take away her chance to know this world, her legacy.
Miranda nodded, but her eyes were still filled with concern.
"Bennett, you're right. But we were together for seven years... I raised her, comforted her when she was hurt, taught her everything I knew. I know I'm not Charlotte, but I'm just as good, right?
"You're a wonderful mother, Miranda," Bennett said firmly, squeezing her hand harder. — You gave her so much love and care that nothing can replace it. Even if she decides to spend some time with the Fairchilds, it won't change what you mean to her.
— But how do I let her go?" Miranda fought back tears. — I thought that we still had time, that she would grow up, finish school, and only then would she have a life of her own. I was ready for this. But now, when all this is happening so suddenly... I'm not ready, Bennett. I'm just not ready.
Bennett stroked her hair, trying to calm her down.
"I wasn't ready either, Miranda," he said quietly. "But we can't keep her here. She belongs to a world that we don't understand, and she needs to learn about it. It's hard, and I know how hard it is for you. But think of Margaret. She's confused and scared. She needs our support.
Miranda closed her eyes, feeling the tears begin to roll down her cheeks. Her heart was torn between wanting to keep her daughter close and knowing that it was impossible.
— I'm just afraid that she might forget us, that she'll find a new home and not want to come back, " she whispered.
Bennett pulled her into his arms, feeling her shudder with tears.
"Miranda," he said softly, " she won't forget us. She will always be our daughter. Wherever she is, she will always remember that you were a mother to her. This will not change. But we must give her the opportunity to make her choice. We must believe in it and support it, no matter how difficult it may be.
Miranda sobbed softly, her anxiety gradually subsiding under her husband's gentle words. She knew that Bennett was right, but her mother's heart was troubled. All she could do was hope that whatever choice Margaret made, their bond would not break, and she would always remember the home where she was loved.
"I'll try," she finally said, snuggling up to her husband. "I'll try to let her go, Bennett. For her sake.
"We can handle it," he said softly, holding her tighter. — We can do this together.
And in the silence of that night, they both silently prayed that their daughter would make the right choice, and that she would never forget the home where she was always welcome with love.
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kaijuposting · 2 years
Thinking thoughts about Ethan Winters
Been trying to dissect the character of Ethan Winters to try and figure out what makes him tick, and y'know what-
The vibe I'm getting is the kind of guy who's just hostile to everything that feels weird to him because he's afraid it's going to ruin his image as a Normal Guy. I feel like a reason this scares him is because he knows it's all he has going for him.
He's not particularly charming. He's not especially clever. He's likely spent his life coasting by on being a conventionally attractive cis white guy.
The kind of vibe I'm getting is similar to Betty Draper from Mad Men - going through the motions of a life that doesn't actually bring him any joy because he's internalized that this is just what you have to do.
In both RE7 and RE8, Ethan kills a bunch of people while believing that he and they have absolutely nothing in common. In Ethan's mind, he's normal, but these other people are all just monsters, and that's that. He sees no point in considering why they're like this and how they feel about their circumstances. Eveline is, I think, the most outstanding example of this. She's literally just a neglected, traumatized kid, acting out in a way that neglected, traumatized kids can do (albeit with a capacity to cause harm amplified by virtue of having a biology that other kids don't). Ethan never once registers the utter tragedy of Eveline, and he directs his anger toward the traumatized child, not at the adults who traumatized her.
In RE8, Ethan kills the four lords, whom he also regards as nothing more than revolting monsters that he has nothing in common with. He is, after all, just a Normal Guy. Not a Mutant Freak. He could never. Right?
And well, that's when Ethan discovers that he isn't just a Normal Guy (at least, in his reckoning of what constitutes a Normal Guy.) He's been a megamycete mutant for awhile now. He doesn't really and truly process this, he doesn't really think about what it means; he just soldiers on in his quest. And then he dies.
Diagetically, this is explained as the consequence of Ethan being critically injured and exhausted. It's implied that he might have even survived if he hadn't decided to fight Miranda. But one could argue that thematically, Ethan's death is ultimately caused by his own lack of imagination. He can't imagine how he could possibly go on living as a mutant freak. The narrative he's been telling himself for years, that mutant freaks deserve to die because they are mutant freaks, is probably gnawing at him from his subconscious. Evaline's cruel taunts could be interpreted as reflections of what Ethan himself already believes - one could argue that she's just throwing back the hatred that he's been unknowingly exposing her to for years.
Now of course, since Miranda walled off the village with mold, it's not as if Ethan could've gone to Chris Redfield for help... right? Well, I mean, it sure never seems to have crossed Ethan's mind that he could've just asked the mold to Stop Being In The Way Please and let Redfield and Pals inside.
The thing about the mold is, it's not inherently antagonistic or malicious; it's only as antagonistic and malicious as the people who influence it. So far, we've seen it under the influence of a troubled child and a parent who thinks her precious little girl is entitled to have the whole world. There's no reason to think that Ethan couldn't influence it, if he wanted to.
But for Ethan to recognize this and try to use that information to his advantage, he would have to question many of his assumptions about the monstrous and would have to go off his Normal Guy script. "Become Benevolent Mold Wizard" is a thing that Ethan can't even conceive of, because he's confined himself to a very tiny box that he refuses to leave for fear of what other people would think.
One could argue that what really killed Ethan Winters was a fear-driven refusal to question the meaning and value of "normal." The uncritical fear and hatred he directed toward anything outside of his own perception of normality turned into self-hatred when he finally realized that he himself wasn't normal. And if everyone else was worthy of death by simple virtue of being a "freak," then so, too, was he.
In a sense, I feel like Ethan Winters was always an extremely doomed man. If nothing weird had ever happened to him, he'd have likely gone on acting out the motions of a "normal" life, always afraid of what might happen if he didn't live up to expectations but never really understanding why he never felt any genuine emotional fulfillment. This likely would have led to a midlife crisis where he desperately tried to fill the aching void with all the things society and capitalism tell men that they should find fulfilling. He'd have likely lived as long as anyone with his particular forms of privilege might, but unless he reached a place where he was willing to question his beliefs and fears it would likely have been a very hollow existence.
In conclusion, fuck capitalism and embrace the fungus; the life you save might be your own.
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highlifeboat · 2 years
Anon from the angsty idea of Alcina mercy killing the girls here
I imagine it goes like this.
Alcina kills Bela first. It was poor timing, honestly. Bela had been at the wrong place at the wrong time. She's in the kitchen. Right by a window. It couldn't be more perfect, honestly.
Alcina's killed multiple people. She's sliced through them like butter.
All she has to do is break the window and keep Bela from escaping.
And she can make it fast. She knows how easy it would be to kill the girls, especially with weather like this.
But she sees her daughter, one of the three that have looked at her with nothing but love, and Alcina can't bring herself to do it.
Bela looks at her as if she holds all the secrets to the universe. She thinks of the first time she laid eyes on her eldest daughter and how Bela looks up to her so much that Alcina wishes she hadn’t for what's about to happen.
But Alcina has been standing in the kitchen wrapped in her thoughts for too long. Because now, Bela is looking at her with loving concern.
"Mother? Is everything alright?"
Alcina knows she has two options. She could tell Bela the truth. She could tell Bela about what Miranda is making her do. But she knows her girls. She knows that it will hurt more if she told them the truth. She can't let them die knowing that they were considered disposable failures. Because to her, they were anything but.
"Mother?" Bela questions again and Alcina knows what she has to do.
She knows as she looks into Bela's trusting golden eyes just like hers that she can't let Miranda get them. She knows she wouldn't be able to protect them from Miranda in the way she wants to.
Her daughters won't suffer at the hands of a monster again.
Alcina breaks the window and Bela screams.
Cassandra enters the kitchen only moments later, prepared to fight off whoever dares to harm her sister.
The fight immediately leaves Cassandra as she stares at her mother with her claws drawn and covered in blood while standing in front of an open window.
The only indication Bela was ever in here was the crystallized bust on the floor near her mother’s feet.
Alcina can see the dawning horror on her middle daughter's face as Cassandra pieces together what happened.
Alcina is half expecting Cassandra to attack her.
But Cassandra only says one thing as she takes a step back.
It's so soft and so terrified that Alcina has to resist every urge to comfort her daughter. But she can't. Because if she stops now, she won't be able to go through with it.
Alcina knows Cassandra would probably be the biggest challenge in her daughters. The girl was great at hunting. She didn't stand a chance, of course, and both of them knew that but Alcina didn't want Cassandra to put up a fight. It wouldn't be as easy to kill her as it would be Bela. Alcina knows she can't make their deaths painless but she can make it fast.
She knows she hasn't always been fair to Cassandra. And even now, she can't be fair to give the explanation that the girls deserve but will never have.
So, Alcina takes a step forward, and Cassandra flies off.
Alcina knows that Cassandra knows that there is no escape from this. Cassandra can't leave the castle, so she's trapped.
Alcina finds Cassandra and they both knew Cassandra stood no chance. But that doesn't stop her middle daughter from trying to put up a fight and defend herself.
But there is no laughter from Cassandra. There never will be again. Alcina knows she'll never hear her daughter's playful "rawr" while scaring her sisters in the halls.
Cassandra screams at her, fear, anger...grief. Cassandra tries to swing at her but not only for her right to live but for Bela as well.
Alcina wants to be so proud of her and she is. But she can't let this drag out any longer than she has to. Miranda will be arriving soon.
It breaks her heart to heart her daughter's questioning shrieks of why Alcina was doing this and Alcina couldn’t give her the answer.
Alcina knows she's betraying and destroying all trust that Cassandra has ever had in her. The angered devastation and large tears of utter defeat falling from Cassandra's golden eyes that are just like her mother’s as she accepts her fate is proof enough.
Alcina breaks the window and Cassandra screams.
Daniela is, unfortunately, probably easier to kill than Bela.
Alcina knew Daniela's curiosity could get the better of her. She knows Daniela has heard the screams of her sisters when she can't find her youngest in her room.
Her youngest is at the top of the stairs when Alcina sees her. She's in tears already, crying about how Bela and Cassandra are dead.
Daniela had always been a little to naive for her own good but Alcina sees the way her youngest looks at her with fear.
There had been no one in the castle aside from them. They had killed off the rest of the staff earlier.
Alcina begins to walk up the stairs.
"Mother, please, no!"
Daniela begs and it hurts Alcina's heart to know that Daniela is pleading with a lost cause.
Her youngest was always so full of life and joy and usually the reason for the most chaos. But Daniela is nothing more than a terrified child who doesn't understand what's going on.
Daniela takes off towards the library. And Alcina knows her youngest daughter's fate is sealed right then and there.
Daniela isn't much of a fighter. And that's what Alcina tells herself to reason out why she had to kill her daughters.
Alcina sees how Daniela's golden eyes that she shares with her mother used to look at her as if she was her daughter's hero. Now Daniela looks at her like she's a monster.
Daniela sobs out a hopeless and terrfied plea as if she could somehow get through to the mother that has slaughtered her sisters.
Alcina sighs and shuts her eyes, allowing one of the many tears she has been desperately holding back throughout this entire nightmare to fall.
It is concerningly easy to destroy the skylight.
But it’s as easy to shatter Alcina's heart while her youngest daughter begs her to stop. Screaming she doesn't want to die.
And when it's all over, Alcina gathers up the remains of her beloved daughter. She holds them close to her and weeps.
"Forgive me," she begs, knowing that wherever they are, they left the world feeling the worst kind of betrayal.
But she doesn't apologize for her actions. If she had to kill them again to protect them from a worse fate she would do so again.
Alcina hears the doors open, she looks over to see Miranda with a proud look on her face. And for just a moment, she considers revenge for the loss of her daughters until she sees the dagger her so called "mother" is holding and Alcina accepts her fate.
Y E S. Oh my God this is a great thing to wake up to.
I can't stress how much I love this. I haven't had such good angst like this in a while.
It can be argued Alcina reunites with them in the Megamycete. But God, she fears, would they even want to be around her? They'd never look at her the same again. They'd never have that trust back. Everything is shattered in an instant and it would take an eternity for her to make up for it if they'd even speak to her.
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pynkhues · 1 year
Were you a Sex in the City fan? I do feel like a show for the girls that are in the early to mid late 20s trying to figure it out. Is kind of missing in the market currently. Anyways if you’ve seen it there was a reboot with a whole new cast. What would your fan cast look like?
I actually watched Sex and the City in its entirety for the first time during the lockdowns, anon! While there are definitely parts of it that have aged badly and is very deserving of criticism, there's a lot that's aged surprisingly well too, and even as a first time viewer, I could see why it was the pop culture juggernaut it was. I really enjoyed watching it! Although maybe not enough to watch And Just Like That, haha (after all, what is Sex and the City without all four women?)
It really does feel like there's a bit of a gap these days in TV when it comes to mid-late 20s/early 30s women figuring life out. I feel like the closest we've had for a while was Broad City and The Bold Type, but even those have both been finished for a while, and are decidedly their own animals in focus, tone and style. While I liked it a lot too, I'd also say that The Bold Type never fully knew where it wanted to sit in terms of audience which really shaped a lot of the components of the story.
But yes! A Sex and the City reboot! I love it when you guys ask me to fancast stuff, haha.
Okay, let's start with Carrie:
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I hadn't seen Ashley Park in anything until a few months ago, and have since had the triple hit of seeing her in Joy Ride, Beef and now the new season of Only Murders in the Building, and I just think she's so great. She's so, so charming and funny and I think really nails that complicated mix of high strung but also kind of loose and flirty that Sarah Jessica Parker nailed in Sex and the City. I think she could bring so much to Carrie and add after Joy Ride in particular, I'd love to see her lead something again.
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Miranda's kind of a tricky one in some ways - you need someone who can find that middle ground between snark and genuine vulnerability, and I think that's really an area Ritu shines in between The Umbrella Academy and Polite Society. Plus she's delightfully watchable, and I think a role like Miranda could really stretch her skills (especially because I don't think Polite Society let her actually do all that much).
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Fun fact: Charlotte's lowkey my fave from Sex and the City. I know a lot of people find her annoying, but I actually think she had one of the most fulfilling arcs on the show (I'm a bit of a sucker for characters who get what they want only to realise it's not what they need), and she also reminds me of a close childhood friend who I don't see as often as I want because we live on opposite ends of the country, haha. I looooved Charithra in Bridgerton, and I think she plays naivety without ignorance, and that sweetness without being saccharine really well. Plus I think she could be a really good balancer between Ashley and Ritu.
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Okay okay okay, hear me out: Samantha is supposed to be older than the other girls, and one of the things I think is so ingenious about the original casting of Samantha is how they cast an actress who was basically a jobbing actress who'd worked across TV and genre movies for decades but became famous / a sex symbol for a few roles across raunch comedies. While Jessica doesn't quite have a Porky's on her resume, she comes from a similar background of tv, low budget horror, and a few meatier roles that show she can really act, and I've always had a soft spot for her, and tbh, I think she'd kill it.
The guys aren't as fun, haha, but mmm, I kind of like the thought of John Cho for Mr Big? An older guy with the right amount of suave that you can believe Ashley Park would be on the hook for, and maybe someone like Anthony Ramos for Aidan? I'm less sure about them, haha.
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kanisema-blog · 3 months
Operation: True Love (?)
Chapter 13
I stood in line at the bank, tapping my foot impatiently as I waited to pay my bills. It had been a long week, and I was eager to get home and relax. The line moved slowly, and I found myself lost in thought, reflecting on the recent encounters with Kiko and the emotions they stirred up.
Finally, it was my turn. I paid my bills and left the bank, feeling a sense of relief as I stepped out into the fresh air. I decided to take a leisurely walk home, hoping the cool breeze would clear my mind.
As I walked, I noticed the vibrant colors of the late afternoon sky, the sun beginning its descent. The city was bustling with people finishing their workday, everyone in a rush to get home. I let my thoughts wander, thinking about the conversations I had with Kiko and the memories we shared.
"Miranda!" A voice called out, snapping me out of my reverie.
I turned to see a girl approaching me. She looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place her. She was around my age, with long, dark hair and an intense expression on her face.
"Yes?" I responded, curious and a bit wary.
"I need to talk to you," she said, her voice determined.
"Okay," I said slowly. "Do I know you?"
"My name is Lisa," she replied. "I don't think we've formally met, but I've seen you around. I know you're Kiko's ex."
I felt a pang of discomfort at the mention of Kiko, but I nodded. "What do you want to talk about, Lisa?"
"I like Kiko," she said bluntly. "I've liked him for a while now, and I want to be with him."
I stared at her, taken aback by her directness. "Okay," I said cautiously. "And what does that have to do with me?"
"I need you to stop hanging out with him," she continued, her eyes pleading. "Every time I try to get close to him, you're always there. It's like he's still hung up on you, and I can't compete with that."
I sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and sadness. "Lisa, Kiko and I have a lot of history. But we're just friends now. We both know that chapter of our lives is over."
"Do you?" she asked, her voice rising. "Because it doesn't seem like it. He talks about you all the time. How am I supposed to get close to him when you're always in the picture?"
I felt a twinge of guilt, but I stood my ground. "I'm not going to stop being friends with Kiko because you like him. Our relationship is complicated, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends."
Lisa looked at me, desperation in her eyes. "Please, Miranda. I really care about him. I think we could be good together if you weren't always around."
I shook my head. "I'm sorry, Lisa, but I can't just walk away from a friendship that's important to me. Kiko and I have been through a lot, and we understand each other in a way that takes time to build."
She clenched her fists, her frustration evident. "So you're just going to keep getting in the way?"
"I'm not trying to get in the way," I said softly. "I'm trying to be a good friend. If Kiko wants to be with you, he will. But that's his choice, not mine."
Lisa's shoulders slumped, and she looked down at the ground. "I just… I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm losing before I even have a chance."
I felt a pang of sympathy for her. "I know it's hard," I said gently. "But you can't force someone to feel something. Just be yourself and give it time. If it's meant to be, it'll happen."
She looked up at me, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "It's just… so hard."
"I know," I said, my heart aching for her. "But you deserve someone who wants to be with you for who you are, not because someone else stepped aside."
She nodded slowly, wiping a tear from her cheek. "Thank you, Miranda. I didn't want to hear it, but maybe I needed to."
I gave her a small smile. "You're welcome. Just be patient and true to yourself. Things will work out the way they're supposed to."
Lisa took a deep breath and nodded again. "I'll try."
As she walked away, I felt a strange mixture of emotions. It was clear that Kiko was still a significant part of my life, and I needed to navigate this complex situation carefully. I continued my walk home, the encounter with Lisa weighing heavily on my mind.
It was evident that Kiko's presence in my life affected more people than just me. As much as I cherished our friendship, I had to consider the impact it had on others, especially those who wanted to be close to him. The path ahead was uncertain, but I was determined to face it with honesty and integrity, no matter how difficult it might be.
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They sit quiet together on the beach of Malibu. The sun lowering against the water, a soft breeze to keep them company so they're not completely alone. Miranda worried that this conversation would go in another direction ; but after the events of everything she'd not blame him for saying 'goodbye.' In fact, she prepares herself for it. She deserves nothing less or more after how she played with him, used him.
But she did fall in love with him - perhaps that was the biggest mistake in all of this. Letting her heart lead the way just once and it found her in this complicated mess torn between her heart and duty, a duty she was made for without any input on the matter.
But she did have a choice and she chose her role in all of this.
When he says those words to her there is a long pause and her heart swells. Her breath hitches into her chest and she looks at him wondering if she misheard.
Forgiveness is not something she would expect from him ; but those words - words she feels she doesn't deserve fill her with emotions unfamiliar.
She says nothing, she simply reaches over and takes his hand in hers holding it tight, fingers laced. Her head falling against his shoulder as she takes a deep, shaky breath.
" I will take all the time in the world to make this up to you ... " her voice barely above a whisper.
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❝ I’d be lying if I said I could live and breath without you. ❞ — Miri @etfuturist
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a-french-coconut · 4 months
Travis Stoll (Part 13)
"We're here."
Indeed, the valley of Camp Half-Blood with Long Island Sound gleaming under the setting sun.
He checks his watch, 20:03 pm.
He's made it.
"Thanks dad, I wouldn't have done without you.", he hugs him again, relishing in the action.
Child Travis would be screaming with joy if he knew he was hugging his father.
"You're welcome son, now go save your brother. I'll meet you both tonight after your dinner."
He shuffles his hair affectionally then disappear in a flash.
Travis takes a moment to pet Peleus, the dragon purring loudly when he scratches his head.
Dinner should begin in one hour so Kayla and Austin should be at the infirmary right now.
However, when he opens the building's door, he is not met by the two children of Apollo.
"Travis !", screams Will Solace crushing him in rib-breaking embrace, "you're alive ! Thanks the gods !"
"Yeah, yeah, could you please-" he winces, "let me go ? You can hug me all you want and make Nico jealous after we save Connor."
His friend immediately sober up, going in what Travis likes to call "doctor mode".
"His state worsened, as expected, but Kayla and Austin kept him sedated so he didn't suffer much. The poison gained on his body, infecting his lungs and it's almost at his heart. He's having some serious trouble breathing, his airways are constricted but with the flower, he'll go back to normal don't worry."
"An awful lot of people are telling me not to worry today."
"Really, who ?"
"Right, and Apollo teaches me how to dance Zumba in my dreams."
"Please tell me that's a lie."
"He really did tried to convince me."
"Will you dance at my birthday ?"
"I'd rather do pole dancing."
"Even better."
This result in a mean jest to the stomach, making him double over.
"Bitch, I'm injured !"
"You deserved it, but wait, Hermes talked to you ?"
"Did you go deaf William ? Where did you even go with Nico ?"
"I'll tell you later, let's first give the flower to your brother."
Will pulls the curtain, revealing his brother impossibly pale, a tube going in his nose and sweat covering his entire body.
"How are we going to give it to him ? He's not conscious."
"We'll crush it into a fine powder then I'll put in a syringe mixed with a very small dose of nectar and tada ! He lives."
"It's not gonna work."
Will's face falls, "Why not ?"
"It stayed intact after a grenade exploded, it's not a hammer that will destroy it."
"A grenade ? What the fuck did you do ? No ! Actually I don't want to know."
"You will anyways but not now. We have to find another way to get the flower into Connor's body."
"Maybe Miranda will know what to do ? She's our best chance."
When they knock at Demeter's door, a girl Travis doesn't recognise open the door.
"Hey Billie, is Miranda here ? We need her help." Will asks.
Billie nods, disappearing inside the cabin before coming back with her older sister.
"Travis ! It's been such a long time !" Miranda hugs him and whispers, "I'm so sorry about Connor, if you need anything let me know."
"Well actually, we're here for that."
"Really ?" she perks up, "how can I help you ?"
Will shows her the flower and explains her the situation.
"I have never seen a flower like this before," she marvels, "it's... so powerful. I can feel the life insider her pulsing !"
"Is there anyway you can extract that life from the plant ?" he asks, hopeful.
"Sure, I can try."
Miranda closes her eyes and in her hands, the flower start glowing, emitting a green glow so strong both Will and Travis have to advert their eyes.
When they look again, Miranda now have a small golden petal in her hands.
"There you go !" she hands them proudly the petal.
"Oh by Demeter, thank you Miranda !"
Will takes back the cure and they sprint back to the infirmary.
On his watch, the hands shows 20:30 pm.
He watches Will dissolves the petal in a vial of nectar before transferring it to a syringe.
He watches the cure enter his brother's veins and Will putting a bandage on the his arm.
"Now, we wait until it cleaned his system from all the poison."
"I'm staying here."
"I don't think so, you are clearly dehydrated, famished and lacking sleep. It will take the whole night for Connor to recover. You are coming with me to dinner and then you'll go sleep in your cabin. Understood."
"You're an insufferable bossy brat."
"Okay, okay, understood."
"Great, let's go then, dinner begins in ten minutes."
Will, as always, was right.
As soon as he touches his bed, Travis falls dead asleep. His siblings have pestered him all dinner and he was forced to tell his quest at campfire, Ares cabin cheering loudly at his little grenade trick while he's sure he almost send Will into cardiac arrest.
He dreams of Connor and him, the day they promised each other to visit the whole world together, to never lie to each other, to always be there.
He dreams of his eyes gleaming when he tells him about a new prank he conceived, of teasing him about falling when he saw Malcolm execute perfectly a complicated sword trick, of his laugh resonating in the chilling evening when he remembers Huguette, the goat Travis thought would be a good way to charm Katie.
He dreams of Hermes looking at them from above and he feels safe.
We're reaching the end !!!
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d-targaryenshoe · 3 years
Two sided reveals • Jackson Avery
Word Count: 1485
Summary: A gender reveal 🍼
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"Why did you bring me with you?" Maya frowned at Carina, holding her girlfriend's hand as they walked into the decorated room. "Nobody knows who i am and we've just begun dating..."
"Well, you're my girlfriend so I think you should get used to me taking you out to parties or dates, Maya? Y/n is the sweetest person you'll ever meet." Carina shrugged her shoulders as she noticed Teddy and Owen walking in as well. "Come on."
The two of them got closer to the couple that had just walked in, Carina giving Teddy a small smile. "Hi Owen...and Teddy, this is Maya, my girlfriend, Maya this is Owen Hunt and Teddy Altman."
Maya smiled at the two surgeons, shaking their hands in politeness. "It's nice to finally put a face on the names i've heard."
Carina snorted at the sentence her girlfriend spoke. "That wasn't the name i heard last night when walking past an on call room, honestly it's was more sort of 'Tom' i heard, but hey, listen Owen i'm devestated that you have to go through such a hell with someone like her, you deserve better, better than that, and you know that."
Carina placed her hand on Owen's shoulder, walking past the two surgeons, taking Maya with her who akwardly waved goodbye. "You just ruined someone's relationship, Carina?"
"That woman is cheating on one of the best humans i've met since i'm here, she doesn't deserve him, thats what Maya." Carina released Maya's hand, walking away.
Bailey sighed to herself, strolling towards the booze that was standing on the decorated table before a hand stopped her. "Ben Warren, you better let me take this good looking fruity cocktail, do you hear me?"
"That's your second in an hour already, are you even okay at this moment?" Ben shook his head at his wife, watching her grab the cocktail. "You're unbelievable."
Miranda drew her lips back from the glass, raising an eyebrow at the dark skinned man in front of her, pressing a finger on his chest. "If there's one thing unbelievable, it's you trying to take this cocktail away from me."
"Are you serious-"
"Shepherd, you have a moment for me?" Miranda pushed the glass in Ben's hand, catching up with Amelia and Link. "Of course you do."
Amelia turned around as she was dressed in a red floral dress, standing next to Link, giving Miranda a confused expression "I do have a moment for you, yeah?"
"Could you make sure those five unexpirienced newbies don't pull anything off?" Miranda pointed behind Amelia where Levi was struggling with opening a bottle of wine and Taryn helping him.
"Why do you think i'm standing this close to them?" Amelia chuckled while Link walked away from the two women. " I know better, Miranda."
Miranda nodded her head, releasing a relieved breath before turning around and searching for Ben again, and that's when Amelia felt a hand on her shoulder.
"You came?" Amelia was slightly shocked to see Maggie standing there, dressed in a dark green dress, holding a white purse. "I didn't expect you to accept the invitation"
Maggie shrugged her shoulders, taking in the sight around her, looking into Amelia's eyes. "Y/n insisted, it's not her fault everything went wrong between me and him, it just did, i don't have time to mope, i save lives, i don't overthink about them."
"That's one way to put it, i'm glad that you're here, very glad." Amelia smiled, patting her sisters hand making them both chuckle before Link returned with two glasses of wine.
"Oh i'm sorry i didn't know." Link raised both of the glasses, feeling sort of embarrassed that he didn't take one for the other female. "I can go back and take the bottle away from Schmitt?"
"No, it's okay, you two go and enjoy your time, i'll be good." Maggie walked towards the two residents that were struggling with the bottle of white wine.
"Levi, you're ruining a good amount of alcohol!"
"No, i'm not, i'm trying to keep it fair."
"Pouring it all into one glass isn't fair, Glasses!"
"Calm down, Taryn, you won't die without."
"I better not, give me my glass!"
"Are you two done?" Maggie walked in between the two humans, taking a hold of the bottle and filling her own glass for the half, placing the bottle back. "A discussion for wine, seriously? You want to be surgeons or toddlers?"
"Toddle- uh surgeons." Levi corrected himself, before his glass was taken away by Andrew Deluca, receiving a sarcastic wink as the italian walked off with his glass, next to Maggie. "Oh come on?"
"See? Payback is a bitch, if you are, Levi." Sam chuckled, giving her glass with gin tonic to her friend with a smile. "There you go, it isn't wine, but it's alcohol."
"Sam Bello, did anyone has told you that you're a lifesaver?" Levi sighed, placing his lips to the glass. "Because you are"
"Just act normal, okay? Not uptight or too forced, just be you." Meredith interwined her fingers with Cormac's, giving him a toothy smile, "That's how i liked Derek as well, That's all i ask, be you."
"Well, you see, Doctor Grey, if i can make you happy and please you, by doing so, then i most certainly will do so." Cormac opening the door, motioning for Meredith to walk in first. "After you."
Meredith shook her head, walking through the door, finding Amelia's eyes, knowing what was gonna happen. "Prepare for the first storm."
"Wait, wait, wait, you two-, since- wow, i really missed something here." Amelia smirked, swirling the wine in her glass, nudging Link in the elbow. "Did u know?"
"No? Why would i, unlike you, i'm not nosy, Amy" Link furrowed his eyebrows at his girlfriend.
"We're standing right here, you know that right? Well you wanna know everything, Amelia? Me, Cormac, Dating, now if you'd excuse us, has y/n arrived already?" Meredith asked, keeping hold of Cormac's hand.
"No, no not yet, it won't take long anymore though." Link smiled at the pair before turning back to Amelia with a stern glance.
"Has anyone seen my son or daughter-in-law? I'm sort of searching for those two, since the gender of my grandchild has to be revealed this afternoon?" Catherine placed down the wrapped gift, looking around in the room. "No?"
"Catherine, i'm sure they'll be here in no time, you're exaggerating." Richard sighed, taking a glass of water "Just calm down"
"How in the hell are you so calm? 15 minutes, Jackson, they have 15 minutes and they aren't here." You kept pacing back and forth in the room, waiting for Jo to call you. "I'm going in, i'm not gonna wait for them to ruin this day."
"No, no ,calm down, it's all going to be okay, but this is Alex, Alex and time isn't a good combination." Jackson leaned his forehead against yours, placing a hand on your growing bump, making you releas a sigh. "We'll go inside, okay?"
"Okay, okay." You nodded your head, interwining your fingers with Jackson's, you nodded your head once more, opening the door, revealing all of your colleauges with smiles on their face.
"That was about time, we were waiting for you all the time, i walked in and i didn't see the two of you, so that when i asked everyone here if they se-" Catherine's words were cut short.
"Mom, we know, we know." Jackson interupted, placing a hand on your lower back. "We know"
"You look amazing, y/n" Richard smiled, kissing your cheek.
"I do? Well, thank you, really." You chuckled, noticing two heads walking in as well, the two you were searching for. " Excuse me."
"Listen, y/n, we can explain ourselves and you haven't even started the reveal, so everything is okay, no? But before you lose your patience we were caught up in a sort of moment?" Alex rambled, scratching the back of his head. "Sorry?"
"Yeah, we're- uh- we're really sorry." Jo ran a hand through her messy ponytail, smiling at you.
"I don't have time for you two, i reallly don't, just keep out of my way." You shook your head, walking away from the couple, feeling someone tap your shoulder. " Alex i swea-"
Behind you was April, smiling widely at you with open arms, taking you in a deep embrace as the both of you started crying out of happiness. "I've missed you so much."
"Trust me, so did i, i needed to be here, Jackson told me about today, and i needed to see you, be here, it has been too long." April chuckled, holding your hands. "When you're getting started?"
"Now, we"ll do it now." You accepted the confetti canon from Carina, walking towards your spot next to Jackson, releasing a sigh, before catching the stare in his eyes.
With one hand you twisted the bottom of the canon, a rain of blue confetti was falling from the sky.
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momentofch-aos · 3 years
Daisy Johnson as Surface Pressure - from Encanto
Sung by Jessica Darrow, Lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda
I relate to this song a little too hard and naturally... I relate it to my girl Daisy. SO here's me projecting her possible thoughts throughout the series.
I'm the strong one, I'm not nervous
I feel like Daisy feels a lot of pressure to live up to her powers.
I'm as tough as the crust of the earth is
Tough as the crust of the earth? (we remember when we thought she split the earth's crust?)
And I glow 'cause I know what my worth is
She clearly, throughout the show, has moments where she knows and accepts her value (!!!)
I don't ask how hard the work is Got a rough indestructible surface Diamonds and platinum, I find 'em, I flatten 'em I take what I'm handed, I break what's demanding
"If I can't quake it, I'll break it." Her powers can be very destructive, clearly.
Under the surface I feel berserk as a tightrope walker in a three-ring circus Under the surface Was Hercules ever like "Yo, I don't wanna fight Cerberus"?
There is definitely moments where she does not want to fight their enemies. Nathaniel Malick, Talbot or her own mother etc.
Under the surface I'm pretty sure I'm worthless if I can't be of service
There is moments where she worries about how her life would be without her powers. Who would she be outside of saving the world year in, year out? Would there be any room in the world for Daisy Johnson, not just Quake?
A flaw or a crack The straw in the stack That breaks the camel's back What breaks the camel's back it's
What would be the thing that would be the last straw? Will she find out? Does she want to know?
Pressure like a drip, drip, drip that'll never stop, whoa Pressure that'll tip, tip, tip 'till you just go pop, whoa
Give it to your sister, your sister's older Give her all the heavy things we can't shoulder
At the end of the day it comes down to Daisy saving the day, not without her team, her family. But it so often falls to her. And isn't often Fitz that tells her this? Or Simmons? The people she considers her siblings. Gravitonium to seal the Fear Dimension Rift, Fitz. Sacrificing herself to end the battle with Malick once and for all? Fitz explains it's the only way to stop the chronicoms. Or Coulson, the closest thing she has to a father) in the time loops telling her it's up to her.
(although she's not older than Fitz and Simmons)
Pressure like a grip, grip, grip and it won't let go, whoa Pressure like a tick, tick, tick 'til it's ready to blow, whoa Give it to your sister, your sister's stronger See if she can hang on a little longer Who am I if I can't carry it all? If I falter
The pressure of holding it all together, despite her choices sometimes being dicey, she locks it in to hold on to everythign she has possibly built. Her home, her family.
Under the surface I hide my nerves, and it worsens, I worry something is gonna hurt us
She worries for her family, her friends. Watching and trying to prevent everyone's deaths in the time loops and then eventually having to rely on the time loop to bring them back
Under the surface The ship doesn't swerve as it heard how big the iceberg is
If not her, who? Someone has to finish this.
Under the surface I think about my purpose, can I somehow preserve this?
She is doing this to protect them, the earth, her family, her niece she was yet to meet.
Line up the dominoes A light wind blows You try to stop it tumbling But on and on it goes
Everything hinges on them, to mop it all up, to shield the world from the aftermath of others actions, even decades in the future or past.
But wait If I could shake the crushing weight of expectations Would that free some room up for joy Or relaxation, or simple pleasure?
After all these years, all the mistakes she's made, does she deserve peace and happiness? Is it right to take time to find herself, to find love and joy of her own right, in her own life?
Instead we measure this growing pressure Keeps growing, keep going 'Cause all we know is
Also the link between her powers and pressure?
Pressure like a drip, drip, drip that'll never stop, whoa Pressure that'll tip, tip, tip 'til you just go pop, whoa-oh-oh Give it to your sister, it doesn't hurt And see if she can handle every family burden Watch as she buckles and bends but never breaks
Mack being voted in as director makes sense to her, and for a moment the growing pressure was no longer on her shoulders, just until they have to take the fight back up.
No mistakes just
Pressure like a grip, grip, grip and it won't let go, whoa Pressure like a tick, tick, tick 'til it's ready to blow, whoa Give it to your sister and never wonder If the same pressure would've pulled you under Who am I if I don't have what it takes?
Do the others think about this? They do, they're her family, they're all fighting for the same cause. But in the darkest moments it doesn't always feel they do, they don't understand the decisions she has to make, or the overwhelming self doubt she has as she strides into battle
No cracks, no breaks No mistakes, no pressure
Just a thought I've had. If anyone has or makes a video edit of Daisy this song, please let me know as I may cry.
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
I love all your headcanons with the Dimitrescu daughters, so hats off to you, if it doesn't bother, can you do a headcanon about the 3 daughters with a male S/O on their wedding night?
Broken Truth: Hmm, that sounds simple enough. Let the words...
*STATIC*: Broken, wait. I have an idea.
Broken Truth (Looks at the mask): Let me hear it, *STATIC*.
*STATIC*: Do you remember the ask you did for Lady Dimitrescu meeting her daughters' partners: Th Village Painter, The Village Jeweler, and The Village Blacksmith?
Broken Truth: Yes, what about them?
*STATIC*: Here's my idea. (Whispering something)
Broken Truth: Oh! I like that idea! Let's go with that. Let the words weave together! - Names - Bela's Partner - The Village Artist - His name shall be Magnus. Cassandra's Partner - The Village Jeweler - His name shall be Matias. Daniela's Partner - The Village Blacksmith - His name shall be Maximus.
[At The Wedding of Magnus Vilkas & Bela Dimitrescu]
The Court of Castle Dimitrescu was decorated with the finest exports all across Romania - The Vilkas Lord spared to expense when it came to making his future wife happy; she was the very light of his life.
He stood in the room allowed her future son-in-law to use to prepare himself, looking himself in the mirror as he adjusted his tie.
The gleam of his Family Ring shined in the light when he secured his tie around his neck. He holds out his dominant hand, looking upon the colored gems that created his Family Crest. This ring gave him so much power and standing as a Noble Village House but at the same time, it brought back a very painful memory.
Before the Lord of House Vilkas could think back on it, there was a knock at the door. He spoke to the other person on the other side of the door, commanding them to enter: The door opened and a familiar face stepped into the room - The Village's Jeweler, Matias.
"Greetings, Lord Vilkas." The Jeweler bowed but it was met with a scoff from the Lord.
"Do not bow to me, Matias. You are a Vilkas as well, besides you're my twin brother; no formalities." The Lord said as he faced his brother.
"Regardless of our blood bind as brothers, you are still the Lord of House Vilkas and must be treated as such, even by blood,
" Matias said.
"Speaking of blood..." Magnus inhaled and exhaled before asking his question, "Did he come?" He asked.
"No. When I went to his house to see if he would attend, he slammed to door in my face; he says he wants nothing to do with the Vilkas Family." Matias explained causing the lord to turn his gaze to the ground in what looked to be heartbreak, "My Lord, it was not your fault." He said.
"Oh, really? Then why is he not here? It was my birth that ruined his life and...it's not fair - we were both robbed: Him of his rightful place and me an older brother." The Lord of Vilkas said.
"Brother, you and I were born on the same day but you are the only one he blames. If anyone is to blame, it's father; he was the selfish bastard that robbed us both." Matias said as he walked over to his elder brother and placed his hand on his shoulder, "Try not to think about this today, it's a very special day."
"Yes, you are right. Today is the day I marry the most amazing woman on the face of the Earth." Magnus smiled.
"Second best, Brother - My Cassandra is the most beautiful." Matias said with a smirk
The brothers argued over which sister was the most lovely when they saw the time and finished up before heading down the Courtyard.
The music - composed by Matias on the keyboard - began to play as Bela - wrapped in the finest silks that made her dress - walked down the aisle by her mother with her youngest sister walking behind her with a basket of black rose petals, throwing them in the air.
Once Bela reached the front, her hands locked with Magnus', who looked into her eyes with tears in his own.
"You are a true gem, my beloved." He said.
"Thank you, My Lord."
Mother Miranda - who took the position of a power of a priestess - called out to the guests: The Lords, The Daughters of Dimitrescu, and the residence of House Vilkas.
Once the vows were read and the 'I Do's were side, "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."
And he did, with all the love in his heart - which was endless.
[At The Wedding of Matias Vilkas & Cassandra Dimitrescu]
The Famed Jeweler of the Romanian Village smiled at himself in the mirror as he fixed his suit's jacket with a wide smile on his face - the Vilkas Family Crest Brooch secured to his chest over his heart and soon, he was going to place the crest of the Dimitrescu Dragons beside his own.
"You smile as if you are the cat that devoured creme." His elder brother chuckled from his place by the dresser, "You are really happy, aren't you?"
"Why wouldn't I be? I am going to marry the most incredible woman on the face of this planet - a true goddess given human form." Matias beamed as he fixed his tie.
"We've been through this, Little Brother - Bela is the most incredible." Magnus scoffed.
"Your opinion - Not Fact. Besides, My Cassandra shall always be the most amazing woman in my eyes; she is just too perfect to explain with words. I'm glad Madam Dimitrescu allowed me the privilege of marrying her daughter, I don't deserve her." Matias said with a smile as he thought back.
"I thought the same thing when I was getting married to Bela - she still is a wonder I shall never really deserve but I will always treasure." Magnus smiled.
"Oh, speaking of you two - I heard Madam Dimitrescu told you she wanted a grandchild soon." Matias said as he looked back at his brother, whose face was bright red.
"As much as Mother-In-Law would want a grandchild, I told her that I was waiting on Bela to be ready - we shall have a child when Bela is ready, not a moment before then." Magnus said.
"Good to know you treasure your wife's decision, did she finish redecorating the Family House?" Matias asked.
"So far, she can't seem to choose what she wants to change or what rooms she wants to make into her private rooms. On a better note, the staff willingly let Bela fed off them if she gets hungry and I'm not around. How's your construction going?" Magnus asked.
"Almost done, Cass held me draw up the plans so I know she's going to love the place. It will be ready in a weak." Matias said.
The brothers looked at the clock and saw it was almost time for the bride to come. They finished up with their own preparations and headed down the courtyard.
The violinists that Magnus hired began playing the song as Cassandra walked down the aisle with a bouquet of black roses in her hands & a smile on her face with a gleam in her eyes.
Matias stood at the altar with Mother Miranda with a smile on his face as his future wife came up and they linked hands.
"You are so breathtaking, My Beloved." Matias said.
"Thank you, you're very handsome yourself."
Mother Miranda began her rites - blessing the young couple before her and everyone else with long life, eternal love & endless happiness before the 'I do's were said and the marital bond sealed with a kiss.
Everyone was so busy celebrating the newly married couple that they didn't notice a large cloaked figure walk to the table that held the gits and place a small envelope on the table.
The feast began and the presents were given, The Lord of Iron found the envelope and didn't remember it being there at first and gave it to the new couple.
Matias opened it and turned it upside down, a pair of shiny keys landed in the palm of his other hand.
"Are those house keys?" Cassandra asked.
"Yes, but they told us that the house wasn't going to be done for another week... did they lie so that it would be a surprise?" Matias questioned.
"Well, looks like you'll be living together sooner than expected." Magnus smiled as he placed his hand on his wife's hip to pull her closer.
"It would seem so." He looked to his wife, "Darling, what would you like to decorate the house with?" He asked.
[At The Wedding of Maximus & Daniela Dimitrescu]
Alcina already didn't approve of Maximus' relationship with her youngest daughter - but this proposal filled the Lady of the Castle with rage.
She knew that she wouldn't be able to stop her daughter from loving Maximus, but she could prevent the wedding from happening on her Castle Grounds.
Daniela was upset that her mother was against her marriage just because her lover wasn't as rich as her sisters, but he loved her and he was willing to be hurt if it meant she was going to be safe.
Maximus told her beloved that it didn't matter - he could make them a great wedding, all he needed to know was where she wanted it to happen and what she wanted for it.
Daniela wanted her wedding to overlook the ocean at sunset - the light would be perfect. Maximus would give her everything she wanted but there was only one thing he asked for.
"I don't want the Vilkas Lords at the wedding."
When questioned by his future sister in laws, he told them 'I have a bad history with that family and I don't want them at y special day."
The Elder of the Dimitrescu Daughters had nothing to say about that and agreed.
On the day of the wedding - The site was lovely and everyone came in attendance; even Alcina. She didn't want to come up she wanted her daughter to be happy.
The Dimitrescu Daughters were there without their husbands and they were crossed with it.
Maximus waited for the arrival of his fiancee and when she did arrive - it was by carriage...a very familiar carriage.
The door of the carriage opened and Daniela stepped out...but she wasn't the only ones.
The Lords of House Vilkas - Magnus & Matias - stepped out in suits and had uncertain expressions on their faces.
"You?!" Maximus glared at the men, "What are you two doing here? Why were you in a carriage with my fiancee?!" He roared at them.
"I was on my way here with Aunt Donna when they pulled up and asked me where the wedding was taking place, I didn't tell them and they rushed us in the carriage." Dani said as she walked over to Maximus and Donna was getting out of the carriage.
"You forced my fiancee into a carriage?! For what reason?!" The blacksmith growled.
"Please, I know you are upset but we just want to speak with you - I want to speak with you." Magnus said as he took a step forward.
"I told you that I wanted nothing to do with your family, Lord Vilkas!" Maximus said with a glare.
"Stop calling me that! I'm not Lord Vilkas right now, I'm your little brother!" Magnus shouted with sadness in his voice.
Everyone looked wide-eyed at that confess and all eyes looked at Maximus.
"You're the Eldest of the Vilkas Family?" Daniela asked as she looked at the man she loves.
"I share their DNA and nothing else." He glared at his brothers, "I am not a Vilkas., that was taken away from me the moment they were born."
"What is he talking about?" Bela asked her husband.
"We grew up thinking that we were the only children but when we found a birth record for a son that was older than us, we asked our parents about him." Magnus began.
"They told us that he was an accident, an unwanted child, a placeholder for the Vilkas Heirship until a true heir was born..." Matias said.
"Then the moment the twins were born, my father disowned me, beat me to a pulp, and tossed me into the snow during a blizzard with dagger - the insignia of the family I once had was scratched out. I begged them to let me back in, I cried that I didn't want to die, but they ignored me and I began to walk into the forest, looking for some kind of shelter." Maximus' eyes looked to the ground at the pain of the memory.
"Brother..." Magnus said but he didn't know what he could say to his older sibling. All the pain he's been through, all because he was planned.
"It wasn't our fault. It was father and mother's, they were the ones who did that horrible thing to you! They robbed you of your place as The Vilkas Family Head & they robbed us of an older brother. Please, Maximus...We need our brother." Matias said to him.
Maximus looked at the two of them before he told them to sit beside their wives so that they could begin the ceremony. They took their seats, Daniela and Maximus took their places and the rites were read, the 'I do's were said, and the kiss was sealed.
Alcina just sat there with a stunned look on her face - the one she wanted was related to the family she respected, what's more, he was the rightful head?
Maximus looked at his brother and wondered - could he really have a relationship with them after their births took away his life?
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Hot Take: You can love morally grey or morally bad characters as long as you see them as a villain or exactly as they are. Yes, I am talking about Resident Evil 8 and its antagonists, I love them as characters and how unique they are, the way they interact with each other. But I can not ignore the fact they do bad things. I know Mother Miranda is their ruler and tells them what to do but that argument rarely holds up when Lady D and her daughter's torture and murder their maids. Lady D was fine with Rose being dismembered and being used as a weapon or tool for Mother Miranda's wishes but when Ethan doesn't allow it to happen and kills her daughters he's a hypocrite? She is fine with the murder of Rose, an infant if it pleases Miranda. Heisenberg despite raging and planning to overthrow Miranda but he is also a hypocrite in a way that he finds innocent villagers, kidnaps them, and turns them into tools for his destruction. Not to mention the willingness to sacrifice innocent lives if it means Miranda will die and instead of letting Ethan take care of it and stay out of his way but no he wants to work out a deal that involves him using his daughter? Not to mention Mother Miranda is just terrible, she can't appreciate the adopted kids she has (or kidnapped), she kidnaps children, wants to kill Rose, and bring back Eveline. But we still enjoy these characters and there is nothing wrong with that. But don't think that because Karl was kidnapped that he's a good guy or that because Alcina cares about her daughters that she didn't deserve the death she brought to her doorstep. Moreau and Donna are somewhat okay and have more pure intentions than anything tbh.
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