#stop claiming that lady dimitrescu is innocent and that ethan is villain for murdering her daughters when they dismembered his
Hot Take: You can love morally grey or morally bad characters as long as you see them as a villain or exactly as they are. Yes, I am talking about Resident Evil 8 and its antagonists, I love them as characters and how unique they are, the way they interact with each other. But I can not ignore the fact they do bad things. I know Mother Miranda is their ruler and tells them what to do but that argument rarely holds up when Lady D and her daughter's torture and murder their maids. Lady D was fine with Rose being dismembered and being used as a weapon or tool for Mother Miranda's wishes but when Ethan doesn't allow it to happen and kills her daughters he's a hypocrite? She is fine with the murder of Rose, an infant if it pleases Miranda. Heisenberg despite raging and planning to overthrow Miranda but he is also a hypocrite in a way that he finds innocent villagers, kidnaps them, and turns them into tools for his destruction. Not to mention the willingness to sacrifice innocent lives if it means Miranda will die and instead of letting Ethan take care of it and stay out of his way but no he wants to work out a deal that involves him using his daughter? Not to mention Mother Miranda is just terrible, she can't appreciate the adopted kids she has (or kidnapped), she kidnaps children, wants to kill Rose, and bring back Eveline. But we still enjoy these characters and there is nothing wrong with that. But don't think that because Karl was kidnapped that he's a good guy or that because Alcina cares about her daughters that she didn't deserve the death she brought to her doorstep. Moreau and Donna are somewhat okay and have more pure intentions than anything tbh.
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