#miraluka customization pack
garrettel · 3 years
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Miraluka Masks Sims 4 CC Part One
DOWNLOAD (Available publicly April 27, 2021, @ 7pm EST)
Had fun with sculpting on these, I'm getting more of the hang on it now. Works for all genders, found under Glasses.
Khaiya - 3 swatches -For Adults & Children
Q'Anilia -13 swatches -For all ages
Visas -40 swatches -For all ages -Works best with cmar's No Ears preset
Xhivar -20 swatches -For all ages
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vorn-legacy · 7 years
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OC Development (2/?) - Ellorianna "Ellie" Vorn I know I've posted writing and art primarily of this character on Tumblr, but she's second alphabetically, so tough luck - have some more! Ellie's parentage is somewhat of a mystery. Her mother was a Miralukan priestess of a Force order who venerate the goddess Ashla - a sentient embodiment of the Light Force. Her father, presumably, was a passing human spacer, who promptly disappeared as soon as he discovers he's to become a father. As a young girl, Ellie is raised to follow her mother's religion, but it soon becomes apparent that she has been born without the natural Miralukan connection to the Force. Consequently, her Sight never develops. When she is perhaps eight standard years old, Ellie's life is ripped apart by a gang of off-world slavers who abduct the civilians nobody will miss and sell them to criminal enterprises as slaves. Split from her mother, Ellie is packed off to an underworld slave auction on Nar Shaddaa. Because none of the underworld bosses at the auctions are remotely interested in buying the "unprofitable and useless" blind girl, she isn't even put up for sale, but is simply abandoned on a thoroughfare near the spaceport. It is here that she is found by Rhain Vorn - a local cantina owner who routinely takes in lost children off the streets of the Smuggler's Moon and cares for them until their families can be tracked down in the megacity. Even with several her own children to look after! She doesn't understand quite why this girl is the way she is - having never even heard of Miraluka. But that doesn't stop Rhaina from giving her a safe place to call home. For the first year, Ellie is almost entirely silent, speaking quietly and infrequently. Slowly but surely, she becomes comfortable with her new home and friends, eventually being formally and permanently adopted on record. She spends her teen years working in the family cantina and helping her brothers with their market stall. Never does the thought of leaving her simple but happy existence cross Ellie's mind. When the family home and business is one of hundreds destroyed in the bombing of a residential tower, Ellie finds herself alone again, as her mother is lost - presumed dead - in the tragedy and her brothers seem to vanish without a trace. Sleeping rough in the storeroom of a cantina, Ellie is found by a kindly spacer who grants her free passage off-world to the chance of a better life. She accepts the offer, but instead ends up becoming a member of the transport crew for a couple of years. In this time, she has a gentle romantic relationship with the ship's captain, whose generosity saved her. While traveling the stars, delivering cargo of all kinds - no questions ever asked - Ellie is given a gift by a wealthy customer: an almost unique visor which allows her to "see" to some degree. Ellie eventually finds her better life and settles on Alderaan: first as a gardener and not long later as a friend and advisor to an Alderaanian diplomat. As events unfold, this diplomat is revealed to be an Imperial spy. A surprise raid by republic forces captures the operative and their "accomplice", who was badly injured by stone shrapnel in the operation. While in Republic custody, Ellie has her lower leg replaced, as the blast injury is too complex to be successfully repaired. After being questioned at extreme length and found to be completely innocent, she is released from custody on Coruscant. Over this period of incarceration, she loses contact with the man she had hoped to marry. Here, she finds her brother, Yarrel, who is now a wealthy hotelier in Galactic City. After working/living with him for a time, she books a flight back to Nar Shaddaa and tries to rediscover the life she once had on the cargo ship. Instead ending up as a cleaner at a floating sky-warehouse, Ellie accepts her fate and quietly spends her days working in exchange for food and shelter. Until, one day, the entire crew of the shipping company simply vanish overnight without explanation. Perhaps a rival unscrupulous business had made threatening demands and they chose to abandon their stock and flee. Whatever the cause, Ellie finds herself the sole inhabitant of an enormous warehouse full of semi-illegal goods imported from across the galaxy, which she sets about transforming into a proper home. Not long later, she is joined by a wandering Miralukan Jedi who explains to Ellie that she isn't actually human, and vows to help awaken her Force sense. This takes a lot longer than expected - with no significant results - and the Jedi ends up moving in with Ellie, in a mutually beneficial arrangement. The two now plan to open their enormous home to alien refugees on the crime-ridden planet.
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