#miracle fernsby
shesthespinstersimmer · 3 months
Cosmo ✨🎂✨
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Happy birthday Cosmo!
The rest of the kids will be aging up after graduation, but his birthday popped up while we were here (because i tried to get the hang of actually using the calendar and tried putting birthdays on the calendar until I realized I can’t do that with the way I play, so… lol ) anyhoo - here we are.
✏️: I do kind of miss having birthdays every “year“; there’s a mod for that, but I’m not sure if it’s working right now (?)
Right - So, the rest of the kids will be aging up after graduation. Cheers! 
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emmyp0ps · 2 years
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So I’ve been getting back into the professor layton fandom ever since the new game announcement and thought I’d draw an old oc I haven’t touched in a while.
This is Priscilla Fernsby! She has a full backstory but I’ll try to sum it up as best I can. Basically, she was born in stansbury but moved to monte d’or at a young age when the city was only starting to grow. She became a very anxious person growing up as the city grew in tourist, being around crowds of people would quickly overstimulate her.
During the events of miracle mask she accompanied the Professor, Luke and Emmy on their investigation of the masked gentleman by her parents request after they were being asked question about their task. She didn’t want to in the beginning, but would slowly warm up to Luke and the others. By the end of miracle mask, Priscilla would bring up the courage to tell her parents of her troubles living in monte d’or and they would all move to London shortly after for a fresh start.
She would still on occasion go on adventures with the Professor and co. Living in London, she would continue to improve on her social anxiety and learn to make new friends along the way.
So that’s the main gist of things, I’ll hopefully be posting more of her in the future.
I hope you liked reading about her, she’s one of my only oc’s that I’ve really spent a lot of time with and she means a lot to me! 💕
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writerforfun · 3 years
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Legend speaks of his tale, a story told for centuries.
Tales of their horrendous crimes. Their evil, their sins and the punishment they served.
One generation to the other. One soul to the other. Mother to daughter. Father to son.
Hunter to a hunter.
They say they were born as humans, born to those who had hearts like us. Born to those who loved and cared for humanity, no one said the offsprings would be like them.
Then again no one said you have to be the same as your parents, now do they? But they never said to kill the spiritually favoured either.
Born from the deed of sin, from the desire to destroy. Lies and treachery. Pain and misery.
From the curse over millions of year before came creatures of mass evil. Born from the blood of the fallen creatures, powered by the red moon's rage, a Cŵn Yokai Kitsune, hunts among the living.
A creature from origins unknown, but its tale told.
Legend has it, this creature born from the blood of a Cŵn Annwn, the heart of a kitsune and the curse of a yokai, lives for the sole purpose to kill, its hunger for blood beyond words.
The urge to kill and hunt, the urge to spread misery and pain, the urge to fill the world in great terror. The creature roams the world, looking for its victims.
With fur as white as snow, with as cold as the winter's breath, ears as red as blood, claws as sharp as blades. With abilities to shift, to mimic, to hide in plain sight, to appear human.
The Celts associated the colour red with death. White colour is associated with the supernatural, and white animals usually belong to the gods or other inhabitants of the parallel world.
The Cŵn Annwn is associated with death and the supernatural. The Kitsune with mischieve. The Yokai with bewitching calamity. The creature envokes great terror. Their appearance a harbinger of death.
A Cŵn Yokai Kitsune cannot be tamed, cannot be controlled, at least there is no known record of such practice but the terror they enforced had to stop, had to perish and so the Hunters were formed.
Families were chosen, treaties were built, children and adults trained. The Tame Society was built. Numer of individuals trained to fight, to excel in spells, to excel in magic and to excel in the hunt of these dreadful creatures.
To stop these creatures from increasing, hunting and killing, these families were set up to fight these monstrosities. Trained in magic, exorcism, hunting, swordsmanship, archery and much more. These families soon made names for their abilities.
Angered by humanity for their actions against them, Cŵn Yokai Kitsune set out to hunt and kill these families taking them out one by one from within the house walls.
They took the children first, then the elders, then the sanity of those unfortunate to live.
Spreading fear further down the road. Only those who excelled in magic survived this fallout but the damage was done.
An action that held several families names under it now held nothing but a few names under it.
Villin & Villan
And the last family with the greatest spiritual mages
"Bonneville" the child screamed, her happy cries ringing off the walls. The older man smiled looking down at his prized child.
"Yes, Evelyn, the Bonneville family." He pushed forward to softly kiss her forehead, tucking the child in. "Now rest."
"Papa, when will I get to train with you?"
"When you turn Seven, Sweetheart."
"I can't wait to turn seven."
"You promised." Tears ran down her face.
The casket rose, her pale body stationed in.
"On dark and quiet nights, in secret places, strings of lanterns or torches can be seen stretching out single file in an unbroken chain more than two miles long. It is a rare sight, but an unmistakable one.
They come looking for what they claim to be theirs"
"Evelyn," he called out, dark red eyes staring at her, his soft white skin, pulled her attention. "You will be fine. I chose you."
"Didn't seem like I had a choice."
He smiled, a sadistic grim. "Like you could escape it. You never wanted that road anyway."
'A Cŵn Yokai Kitsune can take a human form, remain cautious. They have no mercy.'
"If you cared, you would not be a Dankworth, my love."
His soft lips grazed her hand. The moon gleamed at them, a source of light in the night.
"I suppose so," she answered back, her voice low but firm, as she shielded herself from the cold wind, gracing her skin.
"Shall we? my Queen." He offered his hand.
"If we must."
And she walked from the path her family had been trusted with, entering those who has forsaken humanity. The Cŵn Yokai Kitsune.
"On nights as dark as a shadow, cold as winter's touch a Cŵn Yokai Kitsune claims their mate".
You can check more of this story here.
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shesthespinstersimmer · 5 months
First Semester (3)
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shesthespinstersimmer · 3 months
Graduates (2)🎓
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Billie Jang
Fine Arts Major / Alvin Ailey Scholarship / Foxbury / Ward Hall
Billie Jang is out here living her best life, you hear me? She got into the student corps at B Lab, has a yoga studio next-door to her dorm, and Kwame in her rearview mirror. Sure, she misses her parents, Baako and Anaya , but nothing brings them more pleasure than watching their daughter follow her dreams.
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Kenya Tharp
Veterinary Medicine / Work/Study Program
Kenya has two things on her mind: vet, camp and her horse Shiloh. She’s looking forward to the veterinary program, but it will be a little strange being away from all of her high school friends and her cousin Shalom. Thank goodness for technology. Besides, she’s looking forward to spending time with PawPaw and Judge B. 
She’ll miss her mother, Ava and her mom’s boyfriend Al, but she thinks it’ll be good for those two to have a little time to themselves for a change. She won’t be surprised if she comes home to a sibling, she can tell you that much. 
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Curtis Fernsby
Computer Science / Young Gamers Program
Even though he’s staying home, Curtis plans to take full advantage of what the campus has to offer; it’s only a bike ride away, after all. There are times he regrets not getting his own dorm, considering that his girlfriend Michiko will be at the Chopra House in Britechester, but they have plans after graduation.
On the plus side, he gets a little more time with his parents, Wallace and Miracle. And - now that his brother Cosmo is a little older, they can really have some fun.
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Michiko Yamashita
Music Arts Major / Maestro Scholarship / Chopra House
Being raised by parents Yuna & Kengo, who are both rock musicians, it was a bit of a surprise when Michiko was drawn to classical music. She rocks out every now and then (in the shower), but appreciates the delicacy and strength of the classical genre.
She hopes for a long career with the orchestra, then maybe composing musical scores in her golden years.
She’s got plans for her and Curtis too - more on that later 👌🏾
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shesthespinstersimmer · 4 months
Fall Rotation (2)
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shesthespinstersimmer · 4 months
Winter Break (1)
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shesthespinstersimmer · 4 months
First Snow (1)
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shesthespinstersimmer · 4 months
Fall Rotation (11)
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