#cosmo fernsby
shesthespinstersimmer · 3 months
Graduates (2)🎓
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Billie Jang
Fine Arts Major / Alvin Ailey Scholarship / Foxbury / Ward Hall
Billie Jang is out here living her best life, you hear me? She got into the student corps at B Lab, has a yoga studio next-door to her dorm, and Kwame in her rearview mirror. Sure, she misses her parents, Baako and Anaya , but nothing brings them more pleasure than watching their daughter follow her dreams.
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Kenya Tharp
Veterinary Medicine / Work/Study Program
Kenya has two things on her mind: vet, camp and her horse Shiloh. She’s looking forward to the veterinary program, but it will be a little strange being away from all of her high school friends and her cousin Shalom. Thank goodness for technology. Besides, she’s looking forward to spending time with PawPaw and Judge B. 
She’ll miss her mother, Ava and her mom’s boyfriend Al, but she thinks it’ll be good for those two to have a little time to themselves for a change. She won’t be surprised if she comes home to a sibling, she can tell you that much. 
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Curtis Fernsby
Computer Science / Young Gamers Program
Even though he’s staying home, Curtis plans to take full advantage of what the campus has to offer; it’s only a bike ride away, after all. There are times he regrets not getting his own dorm, considering that his girlfriend Michiko will be at the Chopra House in Britechester, but they have plans after graduation.
On the plus side, he gets a little more time with his parents, Wallace and Miracle. And - now that his brother Cosmo is a little older, they can really have some fun.
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Michiko Yamashita
Music Arts Major / Maestro Scholarship / Chopra House
Being raised by parents Yuna & Kengo, who are both rock musicians, it was a bit of a surprise when Michiko was drawn to classical music. She rocks out every now and then (in the shower), but appreciates the delicacy and strength of the classical genre.
She hopes for a long career with the orchestra, then maybe composing musical scores in her golden years.
She’s got plans for her and Curtis too - more on that later 👌🏾
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shesthespinstersimmer · 5 months
Fall Rotation (1)
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shesthespinstersimmer · 4 months
Fall Rotation (2)
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shesthespinstersimmer · 3 months
Cosmo ✨🎂✨
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Happy birthday Cosmo!
The rest of the kids will be aging up after graduation, but his birthday popped up while we were here (because i tried to get the hang of actually using the calendar and tried putting birthdays on the calendar until I realized I can’t do that with the way I play, so… lol ) anyhoo - here we are.
✏️: I do kind of miss having birthdays every “year“; there’s a mod for that, but I’m not sure if it’s working right now (?)
Right - So, the rest of the kids will be aging up after graduation. Cheers! 
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shesthespinstersimmer · 5 months
First Semester (3)
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shesthespinstersimmer · 5 months
First Semester (2)
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shesthespinstersimmer · 4 months
First Snow (1)
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shesthespinstersimmer · 4 months
Fall Rotation (11)
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