pinkomalin · 3 months
Wandering Star ⭐️
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Inspired by the album Dummy by Portishead. Couldn’t stop listening to it for like 10 hours while making this.
HELLO? THE LIGHTING ON HER SLEEVES- This is where I’ve peaked, I’m not gonna be able to get any better than this.
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god-mouths · 1 year
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inktober tommorrow? dont worry about it! fully colored and shaded throwaway meme (PRONOUNS LIGHTNING ROUND LEFT TO RIGHT TOP ROW she/her| he/him |she/her| she/they/he/xe BOTTOM ROW she/her | she/her | he/him
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lemonsbakery · 2 years
if you guys saw the things that my brain wants to post you would want to pierce the back of my neck with a hook and hang me up in one of those meat cooler rooms
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ratwife77 · 2 months
Height Headcanons
The Outsiders
(These are all during the book)
Pony- solid 5’5- I honestly forgot how his height is described minus being taller than Johnny.. so I think he’d be just average ish for his age
Soda- 5’9 is average ish so.. he’s what girls expect? He’s standard? But he does give a shorter vibe which is why he’s not taller
Darry- 6’2 do I need to explain?
Two-Bit: 5’11 he’s just lanky I can’t see him as being short
Dallas- 5’10 I feel like he’s sort of lean but not too tall, just above average.. intimidating presence but not a wall like Darry and not quite Two-Bit’s height
Steve- 5’7 he should be shorter but I think he should at least be taller than Pony.. give him that
Johnny- 5’4 he would have had some more growing to do, but he’d always be below average
Tim- 5’11 intimidating, sort of lean but more wall-like than Dallas.
Curly- 5’6 he has more growing to do, but not a lot.. he is pissed about his height ngl
Angela- 5’2 I don’t think she’d be above average
Cherry- 5’5 I think she’d be taller because she’d wear heels often but this is her actual height
Marcia- 5’7 she gives either short or tall vibes but I don’t like huge height differences for ships.. I’m sorry but I do ship Marbit on the side and 4 inches is enough..
Bob- 6’0 I think it’s important for the story- he needs to really look over both Johnny and Ponyboy, but I also want Darry to be a greater presence (to those against him anyway) so that’s why he’s shorter than him.
Randy- 5’11, similar build to Two-Bit, lanky
Sylvia- 5’9 no question.. just trust me I know she told me
Evie- 5’1 someone had to be my height okay
Sandy- 5’4 she, like Soda, is good looking so I think she should be about average so she’s perceived as the standard
Tex (please let there be someone who cares about Tex lol)
Tex- 5’6 I imagine him to have a sturdy, decent build like Pony, but be a little taller, maybe just a little muscular- he’s not in peak form but he’s well off
Mason- he was in basketball.. 6’1.. he’s slim but lean and able to kick butt
Johnny- 5’7, him and Tex are of similar build.. if they grew up together and are still friends, I’d like to represent them growing together metaphorically and literally
Jamie- 5’6 1/2, she’s gotta be taller than Tex I feel it in my bones.. but her brother is taller than her
Cole- 6’2 built like a brick wall- I want him to be taller than Mason because it’s kind of who he wants to be, literally looking up to him(at least I think, I don’t remember everything)
Robert- tbh I forgot who he was mostly.. I’m so sorry but I think he’d be 5’10
Pop- 5’10 this has a purpose. Mason is quite literally growing past him, resenting him for not living his other son, while during most of the book, Tex is stuck looking up to him
Lem.. nobody likes you but here- 5’9 just your average absolute slimeball (nobody likes Pop either I just forgot to put that because I got off on a ramble about symbolism through height..)
Mrs. Johnson- 5’7 (with heels nobody knows her real height), kind of an adult that is helpful to Tex so she’s taller than him.. you get what I’m saying, sort of like Pop
I had to look on the wiki to remember everyone, hopefully that’s everyone who’s important
Rumble Fish (I have a bad memory.. hopefully all the details are right)
Motorcycle Boy- everything hinges on his height, because everyone looks up to him. 6’3 final height (taller than Darry.. more separate from his world.. away from others.. you get it)
Rusty James- he grows to be as tall as Motorcycle Boy, emphasizing his ‘becoming’ him.. but during the book- main events anyway, he’s 5’7, tall for his age
Steve- 5’3 he’s short, sort of removed from Rusty, different
Patty- 5’5
Smokey- sort of under the radar and clever, so I’ll put him at 5’5 ‘under’ Rusty.. hopefully that makes sense
Biff- 5’11
B.J.- he’s probably like 5’6, above Smokey because he’s loyal, not low to the ground like a snake (I’m not making fun of short people I am one it’s just for metaphorical purposes)
Mr. James- sort of different like Motorcycle Boy, keeps up better than Rusty James if I remember correctly.. 5’10, closer to him
Mrs. James- idk I don’t remember but let’s say 5’4
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Just noticed the error with Mrs. James- please ignore the pictured height for her
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monstersflashlight · 15 days
omg monsterfucker books 👀👀 do you have any recs involving dragons?
Hi anon! Sure do. All of these are M/F minus Lana Kole's one which is Male x Non-Binary. Enjoy!
Fireworks for my dragon boss - Honey Phillips
Fake dating the dragon - Honey Phillips
Snowed in with a dragon - Sara Ivy Hills
How not to date a dragon - Lana Kole
Kenna's dragon - Leight Miller
I married a dragon - Regine Abel
The dragon’s bride - Katee Robert
That time I got drunk and saved a dragon - Kimberly Lemming
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thirdity · 7 months
We agree finally that our bodies deteriorate with age — but the mind?! We would like to see it different from any earthly mechanism subject to defect. We crave an ideal — even one carrying a minus sign, even one shameful, sinful, so as it delivers us from an explanation worse than the Satanic: that what is taking place is a certain play of forces perfectly indifferent to man.
Stanisław Lem, His Master's Voice
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quitealotofsodapop · 11 months
Unless somebody's asked this before, what's would the swk's (minus 2023/netflix) react to Lin?
They probably think she's a really cool kid! Netflix/Cherry brings Lin around to a Wukongverse meeting (somehow), and the others SWK's are like "Oh thank Buddha, it's his one braincell besides the Stick."
Lin is rather confused, but figures that she should be used to it by now. Her monkey has dragged her along to different Realms before, whats a different dimrnsion compared to Hell?
She ends up hanging out with the other kids like MK, Mei, and HiB!Liuer, with the younger SWKs and LEMs chilling with her too.
Revelations occur when the other monkeys have questions...
Peach: "How do you know Lin exactly? Is she your tudi, or are you guys just good friends?" Cherry: "We're friends but its... complicated." Other SWKs: *sounds of interest/encouragement* Cherry: "So like... she's the first person to show me geniune empathy and kindness, buuuut she also sentenced me under the mountain. Soooo bummer." *cricket noises* Smokey: "What." Cherry: "Yeah it was kinda weird. I think I was power-drunk or something cus all I remember is that she became the voice of Buddha and did the Leap from my Palm trick. Then cue the mountain. She said bye though, so that was cool." *more shocked silence* Dasheng: "...thats not normal." Starfruit: "YEAH. Mortals don't just do that." Peach: "Wait... is Lin your monk?" Cherry: "No, I have a Tripitaka. He showed up like 500 years later." All the SWK who understand reincarnation: *deep inhales* Ace: "Your friend is a Golden Cicada. " Cherry: "A what now?" Smokey: "Seriously!? Don't you know any Buddhist lore?!" Cherry: "No. I was never taught it." Sugar: "Didn't your Master Subodhi ever teach you inbetween lessons on the Dao?" Cherry: "...my who teaching me what now?"
This is how the rest of the monkeys indirectly find out that Netflix!SWK/Cherry; 1: Was never trained for his power, 2: Has no idea about the chinese pantheon, and 3: Was never in the furnance?? Like??? Those are big details in a lot of their stories!
The SWKs who went through these trials feel really frustrated that Cherry hasn't felt the same pain they have, but also recognise his tale as being an equally tragic story of hubris/innocent ambition. Also this monkey had zero friends - no stalwarts, no brotherhood, no LEM likely, so he had no support system/something to fight for beyond himself.
Lin, meanwhile is hanging out with the LMK gang (canon and/or au) like;
MK, telling his origin story: "...So I lifted the Staff and boom! I have the Monkey King's powers!" *poses dramatically on table with his staff* Lin, clapping: "Thats pretty cool! Does your staff talk like Stick does, or it that an oddity just of my world?" Tang: "Your world, sadly. Imagine the tales those Staffs could tell..." Pigsy: "You have the monkeys, Tang." Tang: "The monkeys like to exaggerate and bend details." Lin: "Stick is not really that much better..." MK: *staff falls out of hand onto floor* "Dang it." Lin: "Don't worry! I'll get it!" MK: "Uh yeah, thats not possible-" Lin: *lifts the staff with some effort* The LMK Crew: (ʘᗩʘ’) Hib!Liuer: (◕▿◕) Lin: "...what?"
Lin has her own freak-out moment when the gang tell her that the Ruyi Jingu Bang/Staff is supposed to be over 17,550 lbs/7,960 kg(!!). Aka "girl how are you lifting a whole ass flat-bed truck with your hands"-heavy.
Cus I need to remind yall that Lin *can lift the Staff*, so either Stick deliberately makes itself lighter so she can move it, OR Lin has a major divine Strength buff.
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Tang declares Lin his 2nd favorite Monk (first place taken by Liuer). Lin starts freaking out cus Netflix!Tripitaka basically tells her that she's dead in his time/one of his previous lifes as well.
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dragontame · 11 months
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Out of everyone in the film Planet 51, Lem is the only one with a confirmed age (minus Rover because he's a robot). He's actually 16 years old and not only that, he's actually a Highschool Junior instead of a Highschool Senior. Which means that Skiff, Neera, and Glar are actually 16 years old and Highschool Juniors in the film as well.
I know in the movie it sounded like they were about to graduate from Highschool, but it seems from the official art book that's not the case as they are Highschool Juniors and 16 years old during the duration of the film. So, yeah there's y'all confirmed age for Lem and his status in Highschool.
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skratchytheclown · 2 months
What would an AU be like where all of the Koopalings (Minus Roy- Or just anyone of your choosing) met horrible fates and became monsters, while the Broodals stayed normal?
Well, I did create "monstrous Koopalings" a while ago, which can be seen here. Though, it's not really an AU. It's just some designs I created during October. (Although I can turn it into a post-apocolyptic AU where there's a plague that's mutating everyone, and Roy is the sole Koopaling survivor [zombie-like stuff])
I think it would be pretty interesting to create a proper "role-swap" AU though! I was originally planning on just making some designs and posting them here, but that ended up taking a lot longer than I thought, so I only made two of the Koopalings for now.
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Iggy and Hariet: (the Iggy design was inspired by the one in the other post because I just liked how it looked)
These events take place in an alternate timeline. Hariet still trespassed into the castle and messed with Ludwig. He eventually got fed up with her, and instead of trying to get her out of the castle, he just told her to hang out with Iggy instead (passing the responsibility to someone else). Iggy ended up encouraging Hariet's mischievous behavior, and even helped her mess with people. The two of them had a lot of fun hanging out with each other, and wanted to do crazier and crazier things. One time, they decided to explore some of the castle's "restricted" areas. One of those areas belonged to Kamek's co-worker, who focuses on potions. Of course, the duo played around in that area, using the tools down there like toys. After fooling around too much, they knocked something over, and Iggy was cut by it. Not wanting to be noticed, they quickly (but quietly) went back upstairs into Iggy's room. At that point, he seemed a bit ill, but the two of them agreed to just ignore it. Iggy was overly optimistic and Hariet did not want to get in trouble with the authorities. The "illness" just kept getting worse and worse, and the two of them still tried to ignore it. "It will pass, I'm sure. he just needs some rest, right?" Hariet decided to leave for a couple of days, hoping Iggy would be better when she returns. He didn't get better though. It was quite the opposite. He looked weak, had strange behaviors, and a few lacerations started to form. She started to panic. She considered calling for help, but she thought she could be executed by doing so. She wasn't supposed to be in the castle in the first place, so nothing good would happen if everyone knew she was in one of the restricted areas. She just put some band-aids on him and hoped the "illness" would still get better with time. She kept him in his room and slept there. The next day, she woke up to see that things have only gotten worse. Iggy looked like a corpse. At that point, she had enough and dragged him back down to the basement to try to find a cure. She grabbed a bunch of potions that "looked medicinal" and gave those to him. Despite her efforts, nothing worked, and Iggy died after a couple of hours. The noise alerted the guards, and they entered the restricted area to find Hariet. She was then punished for trespassing, despite her pleas and explanations.
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Lemmy (and The Lemmings):
Topper got a call from the hospital about the whereabouts of his little sister. He wanted to visit her, so he decided to inform Silvea that he would not be meeting with her as planned. Silvea still tried to convince Topper to visit her, but he was very clear about what he wanted. He told her to contact one of the Koopalings if she really needed help with her project, and that he would just find another way to get his business back on its feet. Silvea wasn't sure what to do now that her plan went down the drain, but she still had a few "plan B's" in mind. Instead of creating MT, she was going to use the parts for something else. Before dealing with that, she got curious and looked up who the Koopalings were. She saw that they were rather notorious, and helped their king with various crimes (like the Broodals), so she figured she could use one of them for experimentation, although it wouldn't be nearly as much as what she had planned for Topper. She chose Lemmy because he seemed to be the easiest to capture (and he wasn't a child). Silvea entered the Kingdom, and pretended to be a fan of the Koopalings for their "hard work". She was able to get Lemmy's phone number from one of his friends. She called Lemmy, telling him to meet with her in the park due to all the good things she was told about him. Lemmy agreed (he is rather naive). This led to Silvea bringing Lemmy to her workshop by force. She tied him to a chair and started measuring him. Terrified, Lemmy was willing to tell her anything in order to be freed. He told her about his family and how he doesn't know what he did wrong. After a while of him spewing those desperate words, Silvea got a bit curious, and started to ask questions. They had a long conversation, and Silvia was not only interested, she also found out that Lemmy was a pretty decent guy. She changed her initial plans, so she came up with a few lies about how she was hired to capture him for a secret project. She claimed that she was intending to create robots based off of one of the Koopalings. Upon saying that, she got the idea to make that lie a reality. She broke down the MT structure, and built multiple robots she called L.I.S.M.s (Lemmy-inspired security machines), though she nick-named them "The Lemmings". Lemmy was with her, providing help in exchange of free food and money. One day, near the end of the project, The Lemmings malfunctioned, and when turned on, did a lot of random, frantic movements. Lemmy ended up being caught in the middle of the chaos, and was mutilated by the machines. Silvea turned off The Lemmings as quick as she could, but Lemmy was severely injured. Silvea decided to patch him up and bring him to the hospital. While they were there, the doctors considered Lemmy to be a "lost cause" and that too much of him was missing or damaged to make a full recovery. Silvea wasn't happy with that, so she took Lemmy back to the workshop and used the remaining scraps from MT to replace some of Lemmy's body parts. It took a lot of experimentation, but she was eventually able to get Lemmy walking again. After the project was finished, The Lemmings were shown to some of the castle's guards, and they were very impressed. Silvea was able to sell them to the Koopa troops for a fortune, and she shared a fifth of that with Lemmy. He ended up buying a few tubs of ice cream.
The stories are a bit rough, but it still took me a long time to come up with these (which is why there is only two). I went through quite a few ideas in my head, trying to come up with some that not only created a unique design, but also kind of made sense. Maybe If people like this idea/AU, I can make a "part two".
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sunskate · 10 months
NHK FD (the rest of the field😅)
Koko- i always forget when i haven't seen them for a while that they twizzle and spin the opposite way first- are there other clockwise teams? i wonder as a coach if it’s any different to teach a team that turns the other way - harder to demonstrate to/with them maybe? i like this program for them- it feels mature, has a good amount of flow choreographed into it
McN/S- it was a mistake for them to do an FD last season that was so reminiscent of Green/Parsons's breakout one, and now for them to double down and do a sequel - they're stalled out and not establishing any distinct identity for themselves, unfortunately
B/S - they had a really good 2022 US Nats - they were fast, sharp, high energy and came in 5th, but then last season's LaLa Land FD made them look younger. their programs this season show better what they do well. we'll see how they do at Nats (the Browns are also rising), but if they can nail their programs in Columbus, they'll probably have some momentum into next season. US dance is so stacked
L/LeG - aww too bad about the fall - i like this program- there are still things they do i want to know how, like her rolling up into that last position. i wonder if we'll get to see this again besides at Can Nats. Canada has been sending skaters to so few competitions, maybe not😢
i'm enjoying all 3 of the top French teams this season, and all very different from each other in style - D/LeM and their knee bend, flow, some striking lifts and musicality make up for some lulls in the program
T/V looked crestfallen at their score- because they did skate well - my initial thought was these scores are minus the home bonus in Espoo. i also wonder if this is a preview of R/A getting some extra love at home at Europeans, though they skated well here and deserved bronze all told. they and L/B are the 3 teams contending for bronze in Kaunas
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mondoradiowmse · 1 year
09/06/23 Mondo Radio Playlist
Here's the playlist for this week's edition of Mondo Radio, which you can download or stream here. This episode: "One Giant Leap", featuring the sounds of the space race and more. If you enjoy it, don't forget to also follow the show on Facebook and Twitter!
Artist - Song - Album
The Satellite Singers And Orchestra/Hamilton O'Hara And Charlie Dobson - With A Great Big Noise Like Thunder (Rocket Into Space) - Journey To The Moon
The Voices Of Walter Schumann - Space Station - Exploring The Unknown
Mutual Broadcasting System - The Moon Is New - Exploring Tomorrow
Russ Garcia And His Orchestra - Into Space - Fantastica: Music From Outer Space
Russ Garcia And His Orchestra - Volcanoes Of Mercury - Fantastica: Music From Outer Space
Bobby Christian & His Orchestra - Space Suite: The Call (Theme From Space); Preparation: "F-Minus" Day - Strings For A Space Age
Bobby Christian & His Orchestra - Space Suite: Count-Down; Flight Into Orbit & Empyrean - Strings For A Space Age
IKS - My Dad's Ganglion - Absolutely Obsolete
T.A. Benham - Introduction/Sputnik-1/Doppler Effect: Information Derived From It - Voices Of The Satellites
T.A. Benham - Description Of Sputniks-1 And -2; Laika's Heart - Voices Of The Satellites
CBS News For CBS Radio With Bob Trout - Man In Space (Part II) - 9:34 A.M., EST May 5, 1961: A Recording Of The Historic Space Voyage Of America's First Astronaut
CBS News For CBS Radio With Bob Trout - The Battle Hymn Of The Republic - 9:34 A.M., EST May 5, 1961: A Recording Of The Historic Space Voyage Of America's First Astronaut
Folkways Records - Launching - Man In Space: The Story Of A Journey
Folkways Records - Evaluation - Man In Space: The Story Of A Journey
Douglas Edwards - The Space Age - Behind The Headlines With Douglas Edwards, Vol. 1, #1
CBS News With Walter Cronkite - Man On The Moon (Part 2) - Man On The Moon
Sunset Records - Apollo 11 Blastoff; LEM Landing On Moon; Armstrong Steps On Moon; Pres. Kennedy, May 25, 1961; The Babylonians - Moon Voyage
Don Sebesky - Sounds Of Silence - The Distant Galaxy
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thepostcardskolektiv · 7 months
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About Poland: Capital -Warsaw, 38 MM inhabitants, area 312 tsq kilometers, Baltic Sea, highest mountine - Rysy 2499 m, currency- Polish Zloty Best of Poland - my recommendations:
Food: pierogi, placki ziemniaczane kartacze, (google all)
Music: Chopin, Kilar, Myslowitz (from my town!),
Painter: Beksinski-gloomy, Matejko-history, Yerka-fantasy
Books: by Tokarczuk,Sapkowski, Lem, Kapuscinski Games:The Witcher, Cyberpunk 2077, Car Mechanic S.
Movies: directed by Kieslowski, Wajda, Holland,
Must see: Cracow, Gdansk, Warsaw, Guido & Wieliczka mines, Malbork, Masurian Lakes.
Tongue Twister: W Szczebrzeszynie chrzaszcz brmi w trzcinie. Please read
it loudly 😜• Greetings from Poland🇵🇱 Andrzej.
Babiogórski Park Naradowy
Babia Góra National Park - photo by gregorz_pakula
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couponawk · 1 year
What’s the News about Lems Shoes Coupon Codes?
Table of Contents
1. How to Find and Use Lems Shoes Coupons?
2. What’s the Shipping Policy?
3. How About the Return Policy?
4. What’ s Acceptable Payment Options?
5. When Does Lems Shoes open?
6. Are There Any Other Ways to Save Money?
If you are searching for shoes that suit the original shape of the feet, probably you will find desired pairs of shoes at Lems Shoes. Starting from dissecting the running shoes, cutting off redundant and unnecessary material, Lems Shoes have always been concentrating on how to design shoes that are different from other products on the market. Andrew, the creator of the brand realized that the scope of shoes is expected to be similar to the natural shape of the human foot, while still allowing adequate flexibility and free movement of toes, so their team had a focus on the research of it for over 3 years to look for the best design of the shoes. And their products are divided into men’s and women’s aimed at customers with different kinds of requirements. What is more exciting is that useful Lems Shoes coupon codes have been offered to all customers to obtain which would definitely be a great benefit for a price reduction when making payments of the shoes.
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2. What’s the Shipping Policy?
Lems Shoes currently offer shipping service to Canada and the United States as well as international customers. Order placed before 12 pm PST on workdays from Monday to Friday will be shipped on the same day from the USA, with an “order shipped” email sent. If it’s domestic ground shipping, there will be no charge on the shipping. However, Canadian and international customers will be charged with additional customs fees, which relies on the weight of the package, and the recipient is responsible for the tax and other fees that occurred. After an order is placed, the warehouse will lead a checkout process, and a drop-down with a list of countries will be displayed. When the email of sending is received, customers can track their orders using the e-mail address, and for international customers, it might take some days to deliver to their country, with updating news be given once passing the customs.
3. How About the Return Policy?
Shoes are allowed to be returned within an extended period of 90 days of purchase in an unworn condition, without any dirt, scuffs, or scratches, providing with necessary proof of purchase. The shoes are suggested to be put into original boxes or package when return. After receiving and checking about the shoes, the warehouse will start to cope with the deal, and a full refund on the retail price minus 8 dollars for the shipping label will be back to customers’ accounts. Furthermore, it should be noted for the return shipping label only validly applies to customers from the United States, and international customers need to request a return on the site, returning shoes to the address provided on the return confirmation email at customers’ own cost. And original shipping costs will not be refunded. 
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Lems Shoes accept all primary credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Expression and Discover as well as Paypal for some international countries to avoid fraud problems. And sales tax on an item will be charged if any.
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Because Lems Shoes have their own online website for shoe selling,  customers are able to hangover at the website to look for items that they like at any time. In the meanwhile, physical stores are also available according to customers’ location. And Customer service hour is available from 10 am to 5 pm EST time from Monday to Friday, and responses will be given within 1 or 2 business days after receiving the email or phone call.
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Of course! Lems Shoes offers commissions for customers who have recommended other customers to Lems Shoes. The former customers will be accessible to lots of benefits. For instance, a 45-day cookie duration, and easier return or exchange policy. What’s more, all domestic orders will be free shipping and the conversion rate is been set for a basis of 3.3%. And they launch periodical sales during the year, if customers sign up for the online newsletter, a 10% discount will be offered on the first purchase. 
Since the first product issued in September 2011, Lems Shoes have continued keeping up to date with the best design and techniques while staying faithful to their initial mission of making shoes with the natural shape of foot, free customers feet from limited shoe space. Owing to the high quality and good designs that meet most customers’ requirements, Lems Shoes has won an admirable reputation in the world. While valuing versatility, cost-effective coupons are also provided, you can find Lems Shoes coupon codes at couponawk.com, Lems Shoes has always been a wonderful choice. So why not give it a try?
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rizalfahmipradiva · 1 year
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Gambar Lapangan Futsal Rumput Sintetis
Lapangan Rumput Sintetis
Plus Minus Rumput Sintetis
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Tipe Rumput Sintetis 1. Rumput Sintetis Swiss Terbuat dari bahan serat sintetis, tipe ini memiliki tekstur yang lebih lembut dan tahan terhadap tekanan. Tak heran jika rumput sintetis swiss ini sering digunakan sebagai rumput dekorasi halaman rumah. Tinggi dari rumput sintetis tipe ini adalah 30 mm.
2. Rumput Sintetis Golf Sama-sama berbahan serat sintetis, tipe yang ini memiliki karakteristik permukaan yang lebih halus dan lembut. Tak heran jika tipe ini banyak digunakan di lapangan golf yang terdapat di dalam ruangan atau di atas lapisan beton. Selain digunakan untuk lapangan golf, rumput tipe ini juga sudah mulai banyak digunakan untuk membuat taman di dalam rumah dan perkantoran. Tingginya sekitar 10 mm.
Namun, tipe ini memiliki kelemahan, yaitu pada daya tahannya. Penggunaan rumput sintetis golf ini hanya berusia 9 sampai 11 tahun untuk pemasangan di dalam ruangan dan 7 sampai 8 tahun saja jika digunakan di luar ruangan.
3. Rumput Sintetis Jepang Tipe ini terbuat dari bahan monofillament dan memiliki ukuran tinggi 30 mm. Dari segi bentuk, tipe ini bisa dibilang yang paling mirip dengan rumput aslinya. Untuk menambahkan kemiripannya, tipe ini bahkan memiliki tekstur warna rumput yang telah mati pada bagian sisi-sisi rumputnya.
Rumput sinstetis Jepang banyak digunakan untuk taman rumah, dekorasi, perkantoran, dan yang lainnya. Umurnya pun lebih lama dibandingkan sintetis golf, yaitu sekitar 11 sampai 12 tahun untuk di dalam ruangan dan 10 sampai 11 tahun untuk di luar ruangan.
Mau tau? Harga Rumput Sintetis Standar Fifa Untuk Pemesanan Karpet Rumput Sintetis, Karpet Rumput Sintetis Ruang Tamu, Keset Rumput Sintetis, Rumput Rumput Sintetis, Rumput Sintetis 1 Cm, Rumput Sintetis 2 Cm, Rumput Sintetis Alas Foto, Rumput Sintetis Buat Aquarium, Rumput Sintetis Buat Dinding, Rumput Sintetis Buat Taman, Rumput Sintetis Buatan, Rumput Sintetis Bunga Artificial, Rumput Sintetis Dalam Rumah, Rumput Sintetis Dekorasi, Rumput Sintetis Dekorasi Taman, Rumput Sintetis Depan Rumah, Rumput Sintetis Di Atas Tanah, Rumput Sintetis Di Dalam Rumah, Rumput Sintetis Di Dapur, Rumput Sintetis Di Dinding, Rumput Sintetis Fifa, Rumput Sintetis Futsal, Rumput Sintetis Futsal Indoor, Rumput Sintetis Golf, Rumput Sintetis Gulungan, Rumput Sintetis Halaman Rumah, Rumput Sintetis Halus, Rumput Sintetis Hotel, Rumput Sintetis Indoor, Rumput Sintetis Interior, Rumput Sintetis Jepang, Rumput Sintetis Karpet, Rumput Sintetis Karpet Futsal, Rumput Sintetis Lapangan, Rumput Sintetis Lapangan Sepak Bola, Rumput Sintetis Lebar 2 Meter, Rumput Sintetis Lembaran, Rumput Sintetis Lembut, Rumput Sintetis Luar Ruangan, Rumput Sintetis Mini, Rumput Sintetis Mini Golf, Rumput Sintetis Outdoor, Rumput Sintetis Premium, Rumput Sintetis Putih, Rumput Sintetis Rumah, Rumput Sintetis Sepak Bola, Rumput Sintetis Sintetis, Rumput Sintetis Stadion, Rumput Sintetis Swiss, Rumput Sintetis Swiss 3cm, Rumput Sintetis Taman, Rumput Sintetis Taman Rumah, Rumput Sintetis Tembok, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Carport, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Dinding, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Green Golf, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Halaman Rumah, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Hiasan Dinding, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Kamar, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Kucing, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Outdoor, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Rofftop, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Rooftop, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Ruang Tamu, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Ruangan, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Taman, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Taman Outdoor, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Taman Rumah, Rumput Sintetis Untuk Teras, Tikar Rumput Sintetis, Backdrop Rumput Sintetis, Bisa Langsung Whats App ke : (0878-5043-5758)
Layanan Kami: - Tasikmalaya - Jepara - Jakarta Pusat - Kota Cimahi - Madiun - Kota Tasikmalaya - Pati - Nganjuk - Bondowoso - Purwakarta - Tangerang Banten
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nikkisreading · 2 years
That Time I Got Drunk and Yeeted a Love Potion at a Werewolf by Kimberly Lemming
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I’m waffling between three and four stars so we’ll see what it’s stuck at.
I went in wanting a funny little fantasy with a side of monsterfucking and that’s pretty much what the book turned out to be! (Minus the monsterfucking. No fucking was to be had when the werewolf was in monster form.) I laughed at multiple points throughout the book, loved how the plot grew, really enjoyed the final bit with the cult, and absolutely loved every character I met.
So why the waffling with three stars? Well, I think it needs an editor. There were a bit of consistent grammar issues in the beginning. Nothing too terrible, but enough to take notice. And sometimes the descriptions felt unnecessarily long. I just felt like it could have been combed through and polished up and it would have been easily 4, maybe 5 for me.
Still. Loved the story, love the world, LOVE the characters, and will definitely be reading the other books.
Also, and this is my biggest gripe of the entire thing, what is the point of a freaking beautiful map if it doesn’t list a damn location the book actually fucking talks about?!?? The village of Boohail — you know, where everyone LIVES — isn’t on the map!!
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cyro-starfire · 3 years
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Y'know what? FUCK YOU!/lh
*Makes your lemons snakes*
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