#minor beauyasha but this is mostly about beau
filmbro · 2 years
Just as I'm genuinely curious... You said you don't like the mighty nein canon ships and thus inhibiting you from watching the reunion episodes. Which ships do you like then and what do you like about them? Or do you prefer no shipping, and more take joy in the mighty nein characters as strong, developed individuals instead?
P.S. I agree, I miss Cad. He had a special air about him and it does not feel right without it
I love Cad, he's my boy, high wis low int is such a great combo 🙏
I like the characters as individuals which means any ship I would actually enjoy would have to develop naturally from who they are and allow them to grow further. I don't see that with the canon ships except maybe shadowgast, but that one is just not that interesting to me.
Under read more bc this got long.
I like widojest (Caleb/Jester) for the same reasons all the widojesties have already said; they support each other, have deep conversations, Caleb never questions Jester's strength and ability (unlike many others) and encourages her to be honest with her feelings - tells her experiencing sadness and showing it is okay and doesn't diminish her worth. Jester in turn encourages Caleb's mischievous side and shows him it's okay to be happy despite circumstances. Caleb is clearly in love with her as confirmed by Liam and she flirts with him! Additionally Jester's growth from romanticizing an ideal to experiencing real love would look very interesting when paired with Caleb and his issues.
Another one is Fjorclay (Fjord/Caduceus). Never thought I'd go so hard for these two characters. It's their conversations, mutual growth through understanding one another, the idea of love and faith intertwined. Fjord goes to Caduceus for guidance and it could easily go in the teacher/student direction but Taliesin constantly made sure to show they're both just followers as in "I can show you and tell you how I experience faith but you will experience it in your own way". Two aspects of the Wildmother; water and land experienced by them separately letting them share and expand their perceptions of their god. I enjoy how Fjord respects Caduceus but is often fondly confused by him and how Cad sees goodness and worth in Fjord despite Ukotoa's influence. Oh, and "One day someone will pray for a miracle and you will show up" makes me crazyyyy.
This one is a minor ship but it's interesting to me Fjord/Veth. #greenteam #drowningvictims I love their bickering, Fjord not taking her seriously at first and Veth making fun of him and eventually a little flirting thanks to Sam, mwah, chef's kiss. and the transformation parallels are compelling. I know it'd be hard as that ship means divorce/infidelity for Veth and that's a lot for a fantasy roleplay game but u know, still something interesting to explore.
Finally, I'm not the biggest fan of beaujess mostly bc of those little moments of Beau infantilising Jester but I still respect it and they'd be miles better than beauyasha. At least they have actual conversations and know each other... But what interests me more is Jester/Yasha. There are few moments of them together, but I saw something there from both of them, specifically after Jester painted flowers in Yasha's room. I remember Yasha seemed a little taken with Jester tho not very clearly, it was one moment a long time ago. Still it was more about personality than just "Hey I think you're hot so I guess we're in love now or whatever" and I think they would be very sweet together.
That's that for what I would've liked to see most. It's clear the canon ships happened because of decisions outside of the game and that's disappointing, but I'm not gonna get into why exactly I don't enjoy them since that's not what you asked for!
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beauregardlionett · 4 years
// a quick thing inspired by @casukaga wonderful art of beau because i’m w e a k
She never truly felt important before the Nein.
There had of course been the natural self-importance of children. The belief the world revolved around you before the self-awareness set in and the world beyond the walls of your childhood home became real. Even then, the distance between her parents and Beau yielded little reassurance of her worth.
With the Nein, it was a gradual thing. Days, weeks, months on the road together, protecting one another and learning the ins and outs of their trauma brought about its own sense of importance. There stood an unspoken weight of worth - especially after Molly - that they needed each other. If one of them were to vanish, it would be like a block tower losing a piece of foundation.
Beau learned how to bear the weight in silence, because they rarely said things out loud. Permanence was foreign to some of them, especially Beau, but she got used to the wordless affirmations. She learned how to accept Fjord joining her for workouts, watching her back and watching his in turn. How to meet Jester halfway when they shared whispered recollections after a long day, giggling into the quiet night. Beau became familiar with the sturdy weight of Veth leaning into Beau’s hip while they traded companionable silence or outlandish stories.
It was a little more disorienting to find her footing with Caleb’s permanence, because even he struggled to figure their waltz out. Eventually, they learned how to let their similarities intertwine and how to compromise their differences. She had an easier time learning Caduceus’ ways, but a harder time accepting. It took several sessions of brewing tea and simmering emotions on Beau’s end to understand that his calm presentation was not a facade. That he would not disappear on them the way Molly had.
And then there was Yasha - who was anything but permanence. The hardest for Beau to learn and accept. At first, Yasha existed like a flash of lightning - un coup de foudre - there one moment and gone the next. Even when she promised to come around again, Beau never took her word for it.
Because Beau had never been important, never someone worth coming back to.
But Yasha returned every time. And Beau struggled to reconcile her perceived worthlessness with that.
And then Yasha was different - gone - and Beau’s unfortunate first thought had been about time things made sense again.
She instantly hated herself, because that wasn’t fair to Yasha, who couldn’t be evil, couldn’t have turned against them. So imagine Beau’s surprise when they learned Yasha had not willingly turned against them, had fought and screamed and cried to break free and return. Who apologized several times over for hurting Beau, who continued to heal Beau with warm hands and held her like she was important, like she was worth permanence.
Recently, Beau’s importance to people took on the form of words.
Follow your own advice. Don’t go.
Stay alive, Beauregard.
Stay alive, please.
Return to us.
Stay. Alive.
How was she supposed to know how to respond? Her entire life, Beauregard had been cast aside, told she was a problem, too much to handle, too brash, too crude. A problem passed from one set of hands to another, like they might solve her by beating down every jagged edge she possessed. They acted as if the process didn’t shatter her and produce more jagged shards for more people to handle.
Being told, to her face, that she meant something to people, that they wanted her to come back, was jarring. She never considered she would make it this far, of the full expectation that she would never see the age of twenty-five. There was no fail-safe for gratitude, for genuine affection.
She assumed she would be Achilles, struck down from behind in a spot of vulnerability exposed.
What was she supposed to do now when people expected her - wanted her - to come back?
Yasha found her stuck in the spiral of these thoughts, chewing the skin back from her fingernails with absent vigor.
She looked up at the call of her name. The motion tore back a piece of skin she had caught between her teeth. Beau winced and made a quiet noise of surprised pain. The skin around her nail was shiny with saliva and the blood welling from the tear.
Yasha knelt quickly at Beau’s side, one hand encircling Beau’s wrist and the other laying gentle pressure over her knuckles. The soft glow from Yasha’s hands raced through Beau’s veins and sealed the tiny wound.
Beau wondered when she became so important a figure to Yasha that she would spend her precious healing on someone like Beau without a second thought.
“What’s wrong, Beau?” Yasha asked in that soft voice Beau had come to know so well.
“Nothing,” Beau tried to lie, and saw the shift in Yasha’s expression when she didn’t believe her.
“I don’t know,” Beau sighed, acutely aware of Yasha’s hands still holding her wrist. “Just having a minor crisis, I suppose. ’Bout time, I guess. They’re usually scheduled once every two months.”
Her deprecating attempt at humor did not seem to amuse Yasha. She leveled Beau with a look that seemed to pierce through every feeble defense Beau was hastily trying to construct.
It occurred to Beau that this conversation felt sort of inevitable.
“People keep telling me to stay alive lately,” Beau said, turning her eyes away from Yasha’s face. She had a hard time maintaining eye contact on a normal day. When emotions were added into the mix - especially her own - it was impossible for Beau to hold another person’s gaze.
“Which, like, that isn’t a bad thing,” Beau continued. “But it feels like a lot of pressure. It’s a heavy expectation to put on someone who may or may not end up in the astral plane fighting a floating, conscious city in about a week. I think it’s just...making me realize how many people I have in my life now that are permanent and care about me? I’ve never been...important to other people before.”
She risked a glance at Yasha, found a glimmer of guilty realization there, and hated herself. Yasha had been one of the people to tell her to stay alive.
Then again, Beau had extended the same sentiment to Yasha in return, so maybe she was just as bad.
“How about,” Yasha started, then stopped. Beau turned more fully toward her, curious about the tone to Yasha’s voice.
“What if I asked you to stay with me instead?”
Beau blinked. “What do you mean?”
“Instead of asking you to stay alive,” Yasha shaped each word with careful consideration, brows furrowed with concentration. “I’m asking you to stay with me. All you have to do is stick with us, and that seems much more manageable if you ask me.”
Her words startled a watery laugh out of Beau, and she hadn’t realized how close to crying she was until it happened.
“Yeah,” Beau said, voice warbled. “Yeah, that sounds a lot easier.”
Yasha smiled, the pull of her lips small and fond, relieved if a little sad. Her fingers released Beau’s wrist so she could lift an arm in invitation. Another facet of Yasha’s permanence presented to Beau without hesitation, an action that left Beau breathless.
It didn’t take her as long as it once did to accept the offer.
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mothsmen · 4 years
ok, lets talk:
Spoilers for episode 127 of Critical Role below:
So. Holy shit. What an episode. I was so caught up in the beauyasha of it all that I did not think there was going to be a poorly executed heist tonight folks, but I have to put some thoughts down or I’m gonna go nuts. long analysis under the cut
Let me start off by saying I am not going to bash any players, because this was a tough session and the combination of some bad rolls and wrong choices cause shit to happen. I respect these guys too much and it’s their game, we are lucky to get to be a part of this. 
Now, lets break this fuckery down a little. 3/7 of the MN are currently stuck underground with an evil archmage. Beau is separated from the other outies still. The last thing the rest of the outies heard was to get the hell out. We have a few things to think about, so lets start small and work our way up:
I think Beau is fine, even though she’s separated from the others. She’s fast, and honestly her being on the tower might have saved their asses. Cad would probably have taken them all to Nicodranas if she was still there. 
The guards. They now know shit is happening, or will very quickly, because of the dragon and Trent. The outies might have to deal with that, but I’m more worried about other things. This is the last of what I would consider more minor problems.
Caleb, while on his murder spree, used dunamancy. That is uhhhh maybe really not good. If anyone thinks they are aligned with the Kryn the war could easily restart. If they all live, the consequences of this would definitely be interesting when it comes to Caleb, who was so focused and adamant on peace, yet his carelessness and rage might have restarted the war he fought so hard to end. Trent could easily try to frame this as a Kryn attack, but we’ll see.
The only info the outies know is that they need to get out of there. If Beau gets back to them, and they still haven’t heard from anyone, they might go to Nicodranas, accidentally leaving Jes, Veth, and Caleb with no back up. That could be a huge fucking problem. Like totally campaign changing problem, especially if things go bad with Trent. If they lose Caleb or they’re taken, the MN can’t get back to Aeor in time to stop the TT. They’re cutting it kind of close as is, being day 3 out of 7, not to mention they have to get to the secret entrance, maybe set a trap, go in before the TT, which takes time. Could be very bad.
Jester, Veth, and Caleb, are stuck with Trent right now. I can only see this going maybe four possible directions:
Trent just rips into them. Unlikely but not impossible, they were stealing his valuable shit. If this happens, it’s not likely everyone will make it out alive. Now, Caleb seems pretty unhinged rn so I wouldn’t put it totally past him to attack Trent, but I’m hoping he doesn’t. If there’s combat with just the three of them v Ickythong, the only way for them to make it out alive is to probably get Trent to use his reaction before Jester’s turn so she could actually get them out. Now, while it might save their lives for the time being, if they don’t talk with Trent they will be in very deep shit with the empire.
They talk to Trent and strike some sort of deal that almost certainly will not be in the MN’s favor. I’m thinking giving up/killing Essek, telling Trent about the TT and somnovum(spelling?), giving up allura’s staff, getting blackmailed in various ways, giving up Caleb, it could go a lot of ways.
They are able to contact the outies and the outies come to help. I have a feeling this would almost certainly mean combat, which is better odds, but would really fuck them with the Empire. They would literally look like they were just going after Archmages, and if  they’re caught, The City is on the way.
Similar to the first point, Jester might able to dimension door out, but would only be able to take one other person, probably leaving Caleb. And unless he is able to strike a deal or talk himself into a better spot and he can escape, there’s no way to get to Eiselcross and will be down a Caleb.
None of their options are particularly great. They’re pretty fucked here. My main concerns are Caleb, and the possibilities of him either giving himself up, getting killed bc he has the lowest hp rn. And, the outties not getting a signal and going to Nicodranas.
Now, that’s mostly all I have to say neutral analysis-wise, and the following are going to be my hot takes: Caleb should not have gone in there. When he said he was going in, I got a bad feeling, and then he started loudly and carelessly killing guards with dunamancy (Veth shot first but still holy shit Caleb bad idea bud). Beau was brutal but at least she tried to be quiet. I think Caleb being reckless is whats really going to bite them in the ass. I also do not think the veils are worth it. They’re already being tracked and I just don’t think the risk is going to be worth the inevitable consequences. I definitely think they made a rush decision without thinking too much about the risk, and they’ll be paying for it sooner or later. I also definitely think Marisha was right, they needed better communication. This would have been very different if Caleb and Beau switched places and Veth had made them invisible. Not to mention, this could have major political implications for both the dynasty and the cobalt soul. 
If they make it out of this alive and hopefully end up in Nicodranas, the group is going to have to have a talk, not just about what the fuck happened but also about Caleb. Jester was obviously upset seeing Caleb like that, and Beau is supposed to be holding him accountable but he seemed pretty sure about her being in the outside group, which I find kind of fishy. Not to mention the possible moral dilemmas if they make some sort of deal with Trent. It’s a mess, not a hopeless mess, but a mess. 
Can’t wait to see how i plays out, hopefully Campaign 3 is not too close yet.  
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indigoire · 7 years
Summary:  Beauregard is the troubled (and troubling) daughter of a minor noble, who won't stop going out of her way to seek danger. Yasha is the bodyguard hired to keep her safe--or at least keep her from getting another black eye in a brawl. How long can Yasha last before getting fired? Can Beau be subtle about her instant attraction to her striking guard? Probably not. Tune in to find out!
Chapter two is up! I’m keeping these chapters pretty short, mostly so I can work on this story in short bursts, but I do have a plan for this and I can’t wait to get to the good stuff! 
Hope you enjoy reading more of my bodyguard Beauyasha AU, please leave a comment if you can! I’m working on not becoming a nervous wreck over comments, lol. 
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Character headcanons: the whole mighty nein?
oh damn aight babe lets get started
1: sexuality headcanon
my girl is bisexual, no question.
2: otp
beaujes ftw, of course. i just... i feel like Jester can lean on Beau a lot, and that’s important.
3: brotp
honestly Jester has such a good relationship with the whole entire team, i cant believe how much she is the heart of the entire team. i would say my favorite dynamic is... jester and fjord. they just have some real cute moments, and they really try and support each other.
4: notp
i dont really have any notps? i mean... i cant really see her with caleb, i guess, which is a thing some people like? but im very much a chill person.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Jester used to make little gifts for her mom, but she kind of had to make do with the things she had access to, so it was a lot of drawings and playing pranks she thinks will make her mom smile.
Also, Marion still has every single one of the drawings Jester ever gave her.
6: one way in which I relate to this character
Dick jokes.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
hmmm... i dont get much from Jes, honestly. i would say... oh wait gods i just remembered that conversation with Beau about relationships and how theyre not like the books they read oh my poor baby Jester ishfgufkd.lg8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon roll
1: sexuality headcanon
i am personally real into asexual and panromantic Caleb.
2: otp
i dont particularly ship Caleb with anyone? but if i had to say... maybe with Essek? or Caduceus? but Caleb is v much the kind of person who needs solid family relationships more than romantic ones.
3: brotp
Caleb and Nott are the og, obvi.
4: notp
Caleb and Beau, for sure my dudes. they are Empire Siblings, platonic forever.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
i dont remember if its said where he got the name from but ive decided just now he got the name Caleb Widogast from a porn book. it was a minor character and he’s mostly just praying that Jester will never run into the book he took it from.
6: one way in which I relate to this character
depression and trauma, babey
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
when he was having that conversation with Beau and they were just literally talking circles around each other and not getting anywhere with it. also any time where he starts talking about how he’s a shitty person.8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
problematic fave, for suresies
1: sexuality headcanon
he is a big and soft and gentle gay man.
2: otp
Caduceus x peace, Caduceus x support, Caduceus x not dying ever again please
also i like Caduceus and Fjord
3: brotp
i really want Cads to connect more with the others, yknow? i feel like hes doing a lot of supporting them and not getting a lot of support. i liked that moment he had with the Gentleman, i would love if that got more time but i doubt it.
i would say... Cads and Jester? i feel like they both do that thing where they don’t lean on others as much as they could and so they should lean on each other.
4: notp
i dont think i honestly have one for Cads. i mean, him and anyone who would hurt him. dont let anyone hurt the boy. he needs protection.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
i think part of why he hasnt scried on his family is partially worry about just not being able to see them, but also partially worry that theyre fine out there. theyre fine and doing good work and they just havent come back, havent checked in on him or the Grove, and he’s just as scared to see that as he is to see that theyre not okay at all.
6: one way in which I relate to this character
low int, has trouble paying attention, big mood.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
i... honestly cant really think of a moment? he has always done his best and i love him.8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon roll
1: sexuality headcanon
i... i feel like. she has straight woman energy? but i dont like that so as far as im concerned she’s bisexual.
2: otp
Nott and Yeza. rhino sex potions, learning how to change and grow together, and that entire moment when they’re reunited and Yeza is just happy she’s alive no matter what she looks like.
3: brotp
listen Nott and Caleb are the og, but Nott and Jester are the detective duo and as far as im concerned, thats what matters most.
4: notp
mmmmmmmmmm idk does anyone ship nott and caduceus? thats a notp for me, i just decided that just now.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Nott hasn’t spoken to her brothers in a very long time, and in fact actively avoids it when given the chance.
6: one way in which I relate to this character
“they turned me into everything i thought was”. always thinking of yourself as Less. and also being a gross goblin.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
knowing she had a crush on caleb lmao not gonna lie8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
problematic fave
1: sexuality headcanon
2: otp
BeauJes, my dudes. “i could be her beacon” was a powerful phrase. and also beauyasha is still very very good content.
3: brotp
Beau and Fjord. captain and first mate. teacher and student. i honestly think Fjord was one of the first people to really give Beau a chance to grow as a person and she grabbed it with both hands and worked so hard at it, and Fjord was there for it. 
4: notp
beau and any guy. she’s a lesbian, ya’ll. come on.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
beau doesnt like yellow because one time she had to wear a yellow dress to a party and she spilled something on it and got yelled at for the stain and she’s a bitter one who doesnt let things go so now she just doesnt wear yellow, and prefers dark colors.
cant get yelled at for stains if no one can see them!
6: one way in which I relate to this character
socially awkward! yes.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
mmmm socially awkward, again8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
i feel. like. she cant be a cinnamon roll but shes also.   not entirely a problematic fave? more problematic fave than cinnamon roll, but not really either.
1: sexuality headcanon
she is a Lesbian who was very much in love with her wife, as most lesbians are.
2: otp
Yasha x forgiveness, Yasha x happiness, Yasha x freedom
also beauyasha is always good. and so is yasha and jester? get yasha a blue girlfriend who will reassure her that things are okay.
3: brotp
Yasha and Molly were, obvi, amazing together. maybe its bc of them that i also want to see more of Cads and Yasha. 
i just feel like the low int bros could be fun.
4: notp
ummmm i guess. i cant see molly and yasha in a romantic way at all?
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
on yasha and zuala’s wedding day, they had to do it in secret, so they couldnt really decorate or celebrate much. but what they did do was pick flowers and put them everywhere. so that even if they couldnt show their love to their tribe, they could still be surrounded by colors and life and beauty.
6: one way in which I relate to this character
Says Dumb Things, Loves Girls So Much, Needs A Break
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
listen i am anticipating a lot of awkward apologizing and guilt and idk if this counts as second hand embarrassment but im deffo gonna be crying so8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon roll and i will fight anyone who says otherwise
1: sexuality headcanon
thinking about it... im real into demi Fjord. 
2: otp
Fjord x Eldritch Blaaaast
forreal tho i dont heavily ship him with anything. him and Cads are cute, tho.
3: brotp
i know i already said this for beau but really the captain first mate dynamic is so so good.
i also like him and nott. green drowning victims! bickering! also actually being ride or die for each other but like you would never tell them that!
4: notp
mmmmm him and avantika i guess
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
a lot of the reason Fjord is so good at accents is bc, as a kid, he would try and mimic other people’s voices. he thought it would get them to stop looking at him like a half-orc. it didnt work, but now he can p much copy anyone’s voice so that’s handy!
6: one way in which I relate to this character
just doesnt know whats going on, assumes someone who says wise words must be the smartest person ever, feels like deadweight if they dont have something special they can do
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
this is legit the hardest question for every character my dudes uhhhhh oh gods the whole thing with avantika was killer so i guess when he has to fake it but also doesnt know what the hells going on at the same time.8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon... roll? i mean... he did also almost unleash a many eyed eldritch snake tho......... so....
send me a character or anything really
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