#minol hcs
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peculiar-shardscape · 4 years ago
Shallare, Signol, Mino, matching cat earphones. Do I have to say more?
Fuck off
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peculiar-shardscape · 4 years ago
What would mino and signol do if they are bored??
They sing together!!! If not they play video games to pass the time (non competitive bc mino wins 98% of the time (2% is him losing on purpose just to let Signol be happy)) and vibe to music,,,
They go out in gardens and vibe with nature too!!! they both rly rly like nature and the critters r so pog and they love it there
otherwise theyd probably chill with other points and have some hanging out otherwise if theyre just alone theyre just sleep and cuddle together,,,,,
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peculiar-shardscape · 4 years ago
lol if its okay, i thought of an another angsty line of that mino angst post you made if shallare was there
"And YOU, creator.. you would replace me with such an better robot then me, right? Better fuctions unlike me.."
Shallare would reply
"Mino, I would never replace you! You were my first creation ever since I was aa child. I builded, and builded you till what you are now! And I'm so proud of you!"
I could definitely imagine Signol trying to approach the other Points about Mino, but seeing how Mostof them (not all) wouldn’t understand Mino the way Signol did, they would be questioning Signol’s opinions and this most definitely WOULD make Mino lil pissy robot, yell at everyone and be angry, and this would be a spot where Mino and Shallare would say these!!
I feel like out of all the Points, Shallare would be the one who WOULDN’T make jokey insults about Mino since he cares ab him so much, and he would do so much just to see Mino happy, but he just didn’t believe he had emotions because he wasn’t programmed with them as a pre-point
It’d be a cool concept that after pointification, that’s when Mino finally learns how emotions work, so Shallare would just have mixed emotions from Mino’s break down at everyone, half upset because he’s angry, but also half happy because even if he’s angry, he’s actually showing emotions, and Shallare simply just wants the best for him
He’d probably be glad of what Signol did for Mino, seeing how much they care for each other and all Signol flipped Mino around to a better person!
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peculiar-shardscape · 4 years ago
How did mino and signol meet in the au?
When Cyalm introduced them to each other B)
They didn’t really give a crap ab each other at the time lmao.
Signol was the one to jokingly insult everyone, though Mino (and Ixol but idc ab him) was the only one who didn’t realise they were just jokes and took them rly personally, so for a while Mino didn’t rly like Signol all that much
Unfortunately, Signol wasn’t the only one jokingly insulting Mino. Some other Points made jokes about how Mino’s a robot and how he probably can’t express like a human being, which of course would hurt Mino a LOT
He decides he rly wants to express himself and act more like a person just like everyone else, but see, in the AU, majority of the Points were trapped in a Nightmare State (fuck you Detelle), however instead of a nightmare state, Mino got thrown into a “paining desire.” He wishes to express as a person, but a fucking little bitch voice ([LOUD COUGHING] DETELLE) told him that he’s only a robot, and the others would think he was “useless” if he was to have emotions, because “robots shouldn’t have emotions”
So yeah, Mino fucking thought “you’re not allowed to have emotions” and just fucking sat at the canyon. When Talipon(second saviour) goes to him, he does end up venting about it, but since Cyalm needed Talipon immediately afterwards, Tali couldn’t express their sympathy to Mino and had to leave, and so this left Mino to believe that Talipon didn’t give any shits either (when in truth, Talipon just couldn’t sit there long enough)
So like. Long time later and Detelle yeeted everyone to hecc, they all got separated into groups of two or three, and of course, Mino got stuck with the “jerk who insulted him all the time” Signol. Talipon ended up finding them and catching up to them, but earlier Detelle fucking ate up Talipon’s voice so F on that. If y’all’s didn’t see the funny angsty Mino post I did (yall most likely did fs but idk lol), Mino is obviously MEGA pissed off about being teamed up with Signol and unironically attempts to abandon him. After an argument, Signol finally admits to Mino that all his shitass insults were just jokes only meant to be taken lightly, and none of it was supposed to hurt Mino
Later, the two finally found a spot to have a talk, and Signol reassures Mino that he can do whatever the fuck he wants, he’s allowed to express himself and have feelings, and be treated as a human. With that, Mino did end up being very outgoing, and very happy to be himself. He wouldn’t have been any more open if Signol hadn’t spoken to him, so he always has his thanks to Signol forever
And yeah, Mino ends up asking Signol out as a platonic partner, and so now they’re together 💙❤️ :)
thanks for coming to my TED talk plz love and care DC!Mino
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peculiar-shardscape · 4 years ago
When is the platonic marriage between signol and mino :>
Happened ages ago next question
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peculiar-shardscape · 4 years ago
What if mino got an virus and shallare isnt there, would what Signol do
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peculiar-shardscape · 4 years ago
What do shallare and mino, and signol do together??
shallare third wheel moment/j
They probably try to include Shallare as much as possible, but they just vibe and chat. Mino and Shall probably do cog working together while Signol brings out music that works for work construction something like in ploques world for them to vibe to.
Half the time Signol pulls harmless pranks on Shallare, and Mino finds them all pretty funny. Sometimes when they’re all together, they do karoake. Yeah, Shallare is a good singer, but they fucking refuse to admit it and Mino and Signol get tad bit angey bc stfu shallare ur singing is fabulous stop saying ur bad grrr
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peculiar-shardscape · 4 years ago
Do mino and signol make concert together
(Holds you gunpoint)
[eats gun]
[muffled] they do
Sometimes they take turns as to who gets the main spotlight, sometimes they duet together with joy. Shallare does offer to help backstage, but Mino somehow manages to get it all under control, simply to let Shallare also enjoy the concert!
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peculiar-shardscape · 4 years ago
What if signol and mino watched a horror movie
Mino would most definitely be intrigued by the violence I’m going to be deadass with you. Blood? Gore? Jumpscares and all other horror elements? Absolutely a way to interest a robot since he doesn’t know too much about human anatomy (I AM NOT HINTING TOWARDS MIOBOT FROM THE INSANITY AU NO I AM NOT—)
Signol would probably boast that he’s good at handling horror movies, but then scream at a jumpscare and hide in Mino’s arms. He’s that kind of dork, but he gets over it after a few seconds... and then he gets scared from another jumpscare... It’s ongoing until the movie ends. It’s moreso he CAN handle horror movies, but he can get scared easily
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peculiar-shardscape · 4 years ago
What about shallare? i mean, i hc him as his creator so what would shallare do if mino is like this
[weeps in a corner]
Anyways uh yeah I take back what I said Shallare would be second, not Ixol. [slams head against a wall] yeah. Shallare also knew Signol kind of well too so like. Yeah. Shallare would probably just sit with him every day and check up on him. Probably tell him dumb shit Signol did that Mino didn’t know about to hopefully get a good laugh out of him.
Shallare also provides hugs. They all do but Shallare provides good hugs. i still cant believe i forgot all about shallare ggrrr. He probably tells Mino that Signol would’ve always wanted the best for him, even after he was gone, so Shallare probably just tries to be a second Signol for Mino, even though he may not be as good as being a Signol, heh
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peculiar-shardscape · 4 years ago
What does Mino do when Signols angry and what does Signol do when Minos angry?
Mino gets really uncomfortable when Signol’s angry, but he always sticks with him, because he knows the anger is only temporary and most of the time, predictable. He’ll wait until Signol’s alone to ask him what’s wrong. If Signol acts like a shitass to him, Mino backs off and simply just waits for him to cool off. If not, he’ll just offer a hug to Signol, and hopefully he feels better
If Mino’s angry, Signol seems to always know what to do, since he knows Mino the most. Sometimes he play some music, hum a calming tune, and if he’s safe enough to, he’ll give Mino a hug. Signol’s discovered that tapping Mino very gently on the back with a few fingers while hugging him soothes him down really quickly, so that’s usually his quickest method
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peculiar-shardscape · 4 years ago
What would mino do if signol got the sniffles?
(I have the sniffles rn D:)
(omg me too im actually fucking sick (bad nose and shit throat) so 🤝)
Probably panic at first. Points don’t usually feel unwell in a physical term as of sicknesses and illness, but it’s still an occurrence. Mino doesn’t fully understand the anatomy of either a human nor a point, so he takes a while to process that Signol’s sick.
After that, he’ll probably just yeet take Signol to bed, give him warmth and probably ask Ploque to make some warm soup for him (Ploque, Compale and Arrolin are the chefs of Sky Emporium, but Ploque rly likes making soup)
Mino always sits by Signol, occasionally giving him comforting headpats and such. They sometimes watch stuff together, listen to music or such. Just the usual Comforting Your Platonic Partner jig
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peculiar-shardscape · 4 years ago
What does mino do when signol gets hurt
Idk if you meant physically, mentally or both
I’m willing to share both!!
Physically hurt, Mino is good at First Aid and all that jazz(ayyy), so he always heals Signol as soon as possible, and if the injury isn’t too bad, he’ll give a hug! He always sticks with Signol until he’s fully recovered!
Mentally (verbally or just not feeling well), Mino always asks Signol if there’s anything he can do. Mino wants to make sure Signol is okay, and will probably send him cute animal videos, or even just sing a song for him. Mino always does his best, and if Signol asks for some space, he’s willing to give it, just as long as he knows Signol won’t hurt himself any more.
If Signol’s going through something, Mino will always try to help him best he can. Cuddles and snuggles are his first go to, and if Signol’s comfortable with it, Mino will ask him a few questions to check if he’s alright. Since Signol’s mental health is usually okay majority of the time, Mino doesn’t check up on it, but will if he senses some discomfort from Signol
If Signol was attacked by another individual, Mino will interrogate said person, asking them what they did, if it was on purpose or not, and if worst comes to worst, they get tased as a punishment :)
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peculiar-shardscape · 4 years ago
would mino and signol make chiptune music??
Yes. They also do electro swing, and sometimes just edm and jazz separately! Mino can actually change his voice to other utaus, so they both also sing together often!!
If one was to start singing, the other would hear and immediately sing along! No song is left unknown from one another!!
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peculiar-shardscape · 4 years ago
Imagine this: mino and signol having a wholesome picnic and playing games together
Yes yes yes yes yes yes!!! Outside picnics make Mino extremely happy, because he gets to see the nature and bugs are his huge hyper fixations!!! Signol also enjoys the outside nature, so he’s always more than happy to go with Mino! Mino likes to find a bug and then ramble about the bug, like when it was first discovered, how it got its name etc.
And boy, imagine them playing games... Mino probably wins them most of the time due to his robotic prediction skills, but occasionally he’d let Signol win just to see him jump up and down happily. Sometimes they play “guess what I’m thinking about,” and even just some physical activities to keep them both moving.
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peculiar-shardscape · 4 years ago
What does signol do when mino is sad, and then what does mino when signol is sad?
If Mino’s sad, Signol just sits by and asks him a few questions. Starting off with whats making him sad, and then he’ll probably ask Mino to ramble about something. Mino LOVES to ramble over shit that nobody else knows or understands about. Thing is, Signol has No fucking clue what he’s talking about and simply just enjoys his happy rambling
If Signol’s sad, Mino just fucking. Flops. On him. He’ll probably also play some music to cheer him up, but also cuddles. Lots and lots of fucking cuddles. Cuddle him to death, my lil robo boy...
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