#minny paladino deavor
cometcrystal · 4 years
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girls night x
minny belongs to @wingazer
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seas-storyarchive · 4 years
Pie Time
"Here we are, miss Minny." Tommy said, stopping in front of a manor. He got out of the front seat, went around to the back and opened the door for Minny.
"Thanks Tommy." Minny said, getting out of the limo with a smile. "Have a good rest of your day, hope traffic isn't bad."
"Of course young miss. Have a splendid time visiting your family." Tommy smiled widely as he watched Minny rush up to the door. [[MORE]]
Minny rushed up the stone walkway of her grandparents house from the limo, towards the ramp. She was excited, going to spend some time with them after school before her dads picked her up. She knocked on the door, smiling wide.
The doorknob creaked and then slowly opened to show an old woman standing behind it.
"If it isn't my sweet little munchkin." The woman, Margaret Deavor, hugged Minny tight.
"Nana!" Minny happily hugged her back, smiling. "Is Pop-pop up?"
"Here I am, sweetpea." Came the voice of Xerek, rolling up to them with a smile on his face.
"Pop-pop!" Minny rushed to him and hugged her handicapped grandfather, smiling when she felt the man's arms wrap around her.
"How are you today, sweetie?" Margaret asked, picking up Minny's dropped backpack.
"I'm good. I passed my test from earlier this week." She smiled widely at her grandmother, pulling away from her grandfather to take the backpack from her grandmother.
A loud ding was heard from the kitchen.
"Oh! The pie is done cooling!" Margaret said before rushing to the kitchen.
"Pie?" Minny asked her grandfather excitedly.
"It's strawberry-rhubarb, sweetheart." Xerek was smiling, just as excited as Minny.
"Yay!" Minny moved behind Xerek and began to push the chair.
"Whoa, Minny! Slow down." Xerek was laughing as Minny pushed him along to the kitchen.
"But Pop-pop, it's pie.." Minny said, rationalizing her behavior.
"Just like your father." Xerek said, referring to Winston. Minny might not have been Winston's biologically, but she had copied a lot of his behavior over the years.
They made it to the kitchen as Margaret was cutting the pie.
"She's just like Winston." Margaret said fondly as Minny stopped pushing Xerek's wheelchair.
"I like pie." Minny said, looking at Margaret as she sat at the table.
"I know, munchkin." The elderly woman said, putting a piece onto a plate along with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and placed it in front of Minny. She put two more pieces on two plates with vanilla ice cream.
After eating, Minny went to her backpack and got out her homework. She worked on it as she listened to her grandparents talk about their day.
When Minny finished that, she was reading a zombie comic when she fell asleep on the couch.
"She's so cute." Margaret said, carefully removing the comic from Minny's face and setting it on the table with her homework.
Xerek nodded, looking up from his book. "She is. I hope we can spend time with her this weekend." He removed his reading glasses as the lock on the door was heard unlocking.
"Well, here they are." Came Margaret's jokingly sarcastic tone as Winston and Simon walked in, covered in rain water.
"It's raining." Simon said, looking at his in-laws.
"You don't say." Margaret didn't actually know it was raining, but she wasn't about to let Simon know that.
Minny snored on the couch, muttering nonsense about the zombie monsters from her comic taking her pie piece as Winston packed up her bag.
"We can't stay." Winston said, zipping up the backpack.
"Are you sure?" Margaret asked, "there's pie and it's been a long while since you've been here."
Simon looked over to Winston, who smiled. He'd obviously been won over.
"Well, Minny did wake up early today so we should let her sleep." Winston said as Minny muttered again.
"No, Godzilla ... get your own ... slice of pie.." Oh yeah, she was completely knocked out.
"Rhubarb?" Winston asked, looking at his parents
"It's strawberry-rhubarb." Margaret smiled as Winston stood up.
After helping themselves to pie and ice cream, as well as business conversations, Winston and Simon decided to leave for the night. Luckily the rain had stopped so they could leave without a problem.
Simon picked up Minny and smiled, "have a wonderful day."
"Bye." Winston hugged his parents with a smile.
The three left, Minny waking up on the way home.
"Where's Gameda? He flew off with my pie.." Minny said, rubbing her eyes as Winston started laughing from the passenger seat and Simon stopped in front of the garage.
"I don't know, sweetheart. But we're home now." Simon said, turning to look at Minny.
"Oh.. Okay." Minny shrugged, forgetting about her dreams involving pie. For now.
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cometcrystal · 5 years
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time 4 some lego super kids
none of these are perfect cause i could only use the parts it gave me, and rose is the worst one bc there are no good red super suit parts, but it was fun so its ok 
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cometcrystal · 5 years
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some super kids made in that one picrew
featuring minny from @minnypaladinodeavor! i hope i did her justice cause i love her
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seas-storyarchive · 3 years
Treats Without Tricks
Summary: Winston and Simon take Minny and her friends out for some trick-or-treating, as a break from everything they've been through.
"So we're all meeting up at your place this year for trick-or-treating, right Minny?" Dash asked as Tommy gave the kids all a ride to the Paladino-Deavor residence.
Minny nodded. "Yeah, that's the plan." She smiled. "I'm so excited."
"Why didn't you come last year?" Violet asked, taking a drink of her lemonade glass that was provided in the limo.
"I was at a sleepover, some girls who liked me because I'm Winston Paladino-Deavor's daughter." She recounted last Halloween in a somewhat bitter tone as she reached into her backpack for a monster-of-the-week comic book.
"But this year, we'll all be having fun!" Adrien piped up, his unruly mohawk flayed out on his head.
"Yeah!" Chance and Dash cheered together, excited about the candy.
"Okay, we need a head count so I know who to pawn Adrien off to." Gigi said, not even kidding, in reference to her kid cousin.
"Whatever." Adrien said, before counting on his fingers. "Is Victor coming?" He asked as he had stopped counting, at eight, adding Winston and Simon.
"Who knows? We can ask him tomorrow, but ever since Gamma Jack came back with the rest of the supers, he's been kinda depressed and doesn't want to do much." Violet said, recounting their sort-of friend's face. Not to mention the messy situation of a custody fight between Gamma Jack and Lucius and Honey over Victor.
"What about Tony and Rose?" Adrien asked, tilting his head.
"Tony has to work that day and Rose ... I dunno. I'll ask her." Violet said as Gigi, out of boredom, began to dig through Adrien's backpack.
"What are you doing?" Adrien asked, looking at his cousin.
"Looking for something to delay my boredom. Ow!" she pulled her hand out of the bag, her fingers skimming along the papers to give her a paper cut on her pointer finger.
"Found it." Dash said as Adrien pulled a bandage from his hoodie pocket, giving it to her.
"Thanks." Gigi put the bandage on her cut, passing Adrien the bag with her foot.
"No problem." Adrien said, before turning to Violet. "That sounds like a good idea."
Minny had since tuned them all out, having begun to read the book with her head leaning on Violet's arm - something that normally happened when she was asleep. She looked up as she felt Dash rapidly poking her shoulder to announce their arrival at her house.
After exiting the limo, and thanking Tommy, the kids walked to the door. Minny unlocked the locked front door, "Welcome, to chateau Paladino-Deavor." It wasn't in the country, but the backyard told a different story as it was surrounded by trees like the Parr residence.
They were all let in, Dash running around and touching everything that wasn't nailed down with Chance not far behind. Minny rolled her eyes, turning to the others. "What do you guys want to do?"
"I'm fine with just wandering the house until your dads get back." Violet said, setting her backpack by the door.
"I have to work on my homework for Mr. Krupp's class.." Adrien frowned, not liking his teacher who always made fun of him for his hoodie being as dirty as it was.
"Study group then." Minny said, before turning to Gigi who was looking at the record and machine by the wall. "You want to play something?"
Gigi nodded. "Yeah, got any jazz?"
Minny hummed, tilting her head, "I think?" She went over to the shelf and pulled out a record. "My dad listens to this when he needs background noise." She said, putting on a record of soft, relaxing jazz.
"Which dad?" Adrien asked, already having his book open.
"Me." At the sound of the voice, they all looked over to see Simon standing in the doorway.
"Dad!" Minny ran over to her dad, wrapping her arms around him. "I thought you and Abba were busy?"
Simon shook his head. "Well, your dad and Aunt Evelyn are having a sibling lunch day so I stayed home to get some stuff done." He chuckled, before looking at the kids and teens sitting at the table. "I was going to make some popcorn for a snack, you kids want some?"
"Yeah!" Dash rushed in, happy to hear there were snacks to be offered, Chance not far behind him.
Simon nodded, going to the cupboards to get the kernels and the cooking oil before grabbing a pot hanging from above the stove and the butter.
Soon everyone was working on homework, Minny tutoring Adrien, Dash and Chance. Adrien mostly, as he seemed to have trouble reading. He was smart, no doubt, but it was reading that he had trouble with. Gigi and Violet were finishing up some homework. After they were done, they helped Minny tutor the boys so she wasn't setting them on fire in anger. Again.
Popcorn was given out to the kids, who finished the homework, before Winston came back home as the other kids were leaving. After dinner Minny was sent to bed, Winston and Simon danced to a slow record song.
Several days later was Halloween.
"Come on dad! Everyone's here!" Minny yelled, dressed as Frankenstein.
"Go Simon, I'll be down in a minute." Winston said, fixing his hair.
Simon nodded, walking out of the room dressed in a gray suit with his hair slicked back as best as it could be.
"You didn't change into a costume?!" Minny was disappointed in him.
Simon shook his head. "Actually, I am in costume."
"Who is it?" Minny raised an eyebrow.
"Rod Serling." Simon answered without missing a beat.
"Great." She grinned. "What about Abba? Is he okay?"
"I'm perfectly fine, Minny." Winston said, walking into the room wearing a gray suit and with a blue cape - on the chest was a silhouette of a bat.
"Why are you wearing that?"
"Minny! Open the door!" It was Dash, his voice once again cutting through the door. "Come on!"
"Okay Dash!" Minny opened the door and in rushed the boy wearing a Mr. Incredible costume.
"Nice costume Dash." Minny grinned at him as the others came in.
"Thanks! They didn't have any masks of me but this works." Dash said, pushing the mask up.
"Hey guys!" The rest of the group filed in.
Chance was dressed as Gumby, Violet was dressed as Edna, Gigi was dressed as a ninja, Jack-Jack was a cowboy and Adrien was wearing a sparkling light blue dress.
"I lost a bet to Victor that I couldn't eat a whole plate of vegetables." Adrien said with a smile. "Too bad for Victor that I make this dress look amazing."
"Your confidence is refreshing." Violet said with a smile.
Adrien gave her a courtesy. "Thank you."
Soon everyone was out trick or treating, Winston taking Adrien, Violet, Jack-Jack and Minny. Simon had Dash, Chance, Gigi and Rose.
By the time it was the end of the night, everyone was exhausted. All of the kids were sleeping over. The girls went to Minny's room and the boys were all in a guest room - or that was the plan. All the candy was put up for the night and a movie was put on in the living room for the kids to watch as they all fell asleep.
Sorry this is coming out 2 years late. Hope you all have a safe and Happy Halloween.
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seas-storyarchive · 4 years
Date: AU oneshot
"I can't believe we're finally doing this." Winston said, fixing his tie.
Simon nodded from his place on the bed, watching as Minny messily tied his shoes for him to help. "It's been a while."
Winston fixed his hair again. "Yeah, but it's been worth it." DevTech was taking off and the Superhero Ban Act was in consideration for being lifted after Simon became a politician to shove the issue front and center into the ring of politics.
"Daddy, I'm done." Minny said, moving out from Simon's shoes and standing up.
"Thanks sweetie, they look great." Simon said, smiling at her. The laces were tied in a messy manner, but they were tied this time.
Winston smiled at them before he heard the doorbell ring. "Oh! That's Karen!" He rushed to answer the door as Simon adjusted his glasses while he stood up.
"Hi Karen!" Winston smiled as he opened the door to see the girl with electric blue hair.
"Hi Mr. Deavor." Karen smiled, shifting her school bag. "Am I late? I'm sorry if I am."
Winston shook his head, "no, don't worry. Simon and I are running a little late." He moved aside, inviting her in, "come in, come in."
"Karen!" Minny rushed over to her and hugged her legs.
"Hey Minny." Karen leaned down to hug her back. She let go of Minny and looked over to Simon, "hello Mr. Paladino." She greeted as Winston grabbed their jackets.
Simon smiled at Karen, "hello Karen. There's some leftovers in the fridge, Minny's bedtime is at the usual time, and we'll be back late."
Karen nodded, smiling. "Alright. After Minny goes to bed, I was planning on finishing up some homework."
Simon nodded as Winston passed him his jacket. "Perfect. We'll be going now."
He pulled his jacket on as Minny rushed to him and hugged his legs. "We'll be back later sweetie, be good." Simon smiled, picking Minny up to kiss her nose and hug her goodbye.
"Bye daddy." Minny hugged him before reaching over to Winston.
"Oh Minny." Winston took her into his arms and hugged her. "Be a good girl for Karen, okay?"
Minny nodded, "okay Uncle Winston." She hugged him back and was put down. The two walked out as Minny went to the window to wave them goodbye as they drove off.
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seas-storyarchive · 4 years
Mini Series: Date Night (Part 5 of 6)
"Come on guys, we gotta go!" Bob called from outside the door.
It was date night. To be more accurate, it was a group date. Bob and Helen, as well as Mirage and Evelyn were going to join Winston and Simon. And they were running late, evident by Dash and Minny starting to run out of comic books to read and they had only been there for ten minutes.
"Sorry! My fault!" Winston said, rushing out of the room with Simon after him.
"Dear, you forgot your coat." Simon said, handing the artifact off to Winston.
"Thanks love." Winston grabbed it and leaned over to give Simon a kiss before pulling the coat on.
"We gotta go. They won't keep our table forever." Bob said to the two other men before turning to look at Helen as she reminded Edna the rules that came with her kids. [[MORE]]
"No sugar of any sort for Dash after seven, he and Vi go to bed by eight and Jack-Jack gets put down for bed in twenty minutes. If there's a problem, feel free to call us."
Edna nodded, and one could just feel the sarcasm in her nods, "but of course dahling. I'll take care of them as if they were my own flesh and blood." Edna said as she took Jack-Jack, who settled into her hold quickly.
Minny and Dash were seen talking quietly about something as they read their books, Violet barely looking up from reading the copy of War and Peace that Mirage bought her for her fifteen birthday to see the transfer of Jack-Jack from her mother to Edna.
"Minny," when he gained her attention Winston continued, "listen to Ms. Edna." He said, using The Tone.
"I know dad. I like Edna already, she's much nicer than Macy." Minny said, before going back to her comic.
"What?" Simon looked from Winston to Minny.
"The babysitter I fired for throwing a party at the house. Don't worry about it." Winston said, a little too casually.
"Honey." Bob said, catching Helen's attention.
"Oh, right." Helen said as she looked over to her husband. "You kids be good." She said to the kids, going over and kissing each of them on their foreheads.
Minny looked over at her dad's when Helen finished kissing her kid's foreheads. She smiled when her dad's kissed her forehead and wished her as well as everyone else a goodnight before they finally left.
The car ride was passed with small talk. As they got closer to the restaurant, Bob asking Winston when the next mission was going to be.
"I told you guys, I don't deploy you on missions anymore, Dicker does. He said he would let us know when one comes up." Winston said, pulling Simon's hand to his mouth and kissing it.
"Yeah, besides I hope one doesn't come up too soon. I'm actually starting to enjoy the domestic side of things again." Simon said with a smile as he felt Winston kiss his hand.
"Good." Evelyn said, sitting behind the two and Mirage.
"Sweetheart, be nice." Mirage scolded, smiling at Evelyn regardless.
"I see your point, Simon." Bob said, pulling into the restaurant parking lot. "But it does make great stories for the kids." He laughed before they all got out of the car.
They checked in for their reservation, and then were seated before being left to decide what they were going to order.
"Nice place." Bob said, looking around.
The restaurant was an upscale, "no rifrafs allowed" type of place.
"Yeah. We like it too." Simon said before adding, "Winston and I don't come here much, or didn't in the past at least, because we couldn't find a sitter for Minny most nights."
Winston nodded, "yeah, but you both know how it is. Couldn't find a sitter, worried that your partner was going to get himself harmed by doing hero work behind your back.."
"Are you implying something?" Simon asked as he looked over to Winston, only to receive an innocent kiss.
"No." Winston said, before pulling his menu up to see what their options were.
"He might have been. Who really knows?" Evelyn said, sending her and Winston into soft laughter as she pulled her menu up as well.
As Winston was looking at his menu, Simon nodded to Mirage, Helen and Bob as the latter two pulled their menus up.
Winston ordered spaghetti and Simon asked for the same. Bob got lobster, Evelyn deciding on calamari and Helen and Mirage both asking for a steak with a salad on the side. After a few minutes of talking and telling jokes, after they began to tuck in to their food, Simon ordered a round of champagne.
"So wait," Bob stopped Winston mid story, "he didn't hold the door for you?"
Winston took a sip of his champagne and then wiped his mouth again before shaking his head. "No, but he probably couldn't see my face. It was covered up by blueprints that Evelyn didn't grab out of the limo. But it was fine, the hit made me fall as the blueprints wrapped me up like a mummy."
That image made everyone, except Simon, chuckle. He quickly slipped something small into Winston's glass, waiting for him to notice.
After the laughing was done, Winston went to take another drink from his glass and noticed something in it. It was a ring, with what looked like a diamond in the center.
He looked past the glass to see Simon had gotten down on one knee, staring up at him.
"Yes." Came Winston's response, slipping out of his mouth before Simon could even say anything. Simon stood and kissed Winston as applause rang out from their table and a few other tables that had noticed.
They were in the midst of walking out of the restaurant, Winston having a pep in his step and Simon on cloud nine, when a car sped by the parking lot, followed by police cars that had their sirens blaring.
Bob and Helen looked at each other and nodding in silence. Simon looked from the street to Winston, biting his lip.
"We got this." Bob said, looking at them.
"Yeah, you all get outta here." Helen smiled.
"Go on," Winston said to Simon with a smile and a laugh. "I figure I'd best let you have your fun now."
Simon blinked at him curiously as Bob called the new Incredicar to the restaurant. "You sure?"
Winston nodded. "Of course." He kissed Simon's lips as the car pulled up. "Just get home safe."
Simon smiled against his lips. "I promise I will." He then rushed to the car and hopping into the back before it sped off.
Winston watched with a smile, seeing the car rush out of sight before going to his.
"So, soon-to-be Mr. Deavor-Paladino, should we go tell the kids and Edna the good news?" Evelyn asked from the backseat with Mirage.
Winston smiled, "but of course." He started the car. "Minny will be absolutely over the moon about this."
"And so will Edna." Evelyn said with a smile as the car started to drive away from the restaurant.
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seas-storyarchive · 4 years
Minny Series: Baby Mine (Part 1 of 3)
Winston rushed over when Minny screamed, only to be grabbed by Cobra.
"Dad! I don't wanna go!" Minny was reaching out for her father, despite the female case worker having tight grip on her hand, trying to go to her father instead of going to the car that would take her away.
"Minny!" Winston was struggling to get out of the hold of the worker Cobra, who was holding him back. "Let me go!" He moved more to aid in his attempt to get down the stairs to get to Minny and get her away from the woman. [[MORE]]
"Let me go!" Minny fought against her, tears in her eyes. "Daddy! She's hurting me!"
"Let her go!" Winston broke out of the grip of the man holding him back, "Don't take her! Please no!"
Winston began rushing to them, falling down the stairs on to his face as Minny was pulled to an open car door. As he looked, Minny was being shoved into the car, beating on the door to try and get out. "No! Don't!" He sprang to his feet to chase the car as it began to drive away down the driveway of the estate.
He ran face first into the gate, as it closed and the car got further away, beating on the bars as he began to swear to the heavens above that he lost Minny. After some time of screaming and crying from emotions into the dirt, Winston stood back up. "I'll get her back, Simon. I promise." He pulled a set of keys from his pocket that had a metal tag engraved with only Dad, which was the part he gripped tightly as he looked back at the gate. "I promise."
It had been six months of fighting for custody in court, and luckily he had a good lawyer helping him every step of the way with the trial, as well as Helen and her family. It also didn't hurt that he pleaded to Dicker to pull some strings to get Minny back to him.
The court hearings, endless at this point, to get Minny back were mentally and emotionally exhausting for Winston. He just wanted his daughter back. Didn’t they understand? He had nothing, not one single thing, to do with Evelyn- Evangeline’s plot to end Supers.
He felt her eyes watching him from the back of his head during these last few hearings, but he ignored her. This was about Minny. Not her, as she would have to learn that he had more than enough love for just her in his heart even if that meant ignoring her in favor of Minny. It was for her own good.
“Order in the court, order.” Came the judge’s voice followed by his gavel coming down to quiet the court.
The silence that rang out after, it was the most deafening thing Winston had ever heard in a long time.
“Ah, Mister Deavor.” The old judge looked at Winston through his glasses. “Back again?”
“Yes, your honor.” Winston looked up at the man, his blue eyes red at the rims and the dark circles were darker. “I just want my daughter back.”
“We’ll see.” The judge said, leaning it to be sympathetic but his voice didn’t carry the sound of sympathy.
This hearing lasted for what seemed like hours. Winston was sure he wouldn’t he able to take the waiting anymore. Finally, after the judge finished reading the last paper, he looked up.
“I once again award custody of Minerva Naomi Paladino-Deavor,” he paused, looking at the attendants in the room before turning back to Winston and the Child Protection workers, seeing if he had their full attention. Of course he did, how could he not, when he alone decided the fate of a very special child.
"To her father, Winston Everett Deavor." The judge said, looking at the attendants.
Winston felt tears of happiness come to his eyes, smiling as he wiped them away. He felt a hand tapping his shoulder, seeing his sister standing there with a gentle smile.
"Hey Win, uh.. Congrats on getting your kid- Minny back." She said, looking up at his face.
"Thanks, Evangeline." He said, looking over to the CPS worker waiting by the doors as they would take him to the home Minny was staying. "I have to go."
Evelyn nodded, taking a step back away. "Yeah, I'll see you later right?"
Winston didn't answer her, looking away from her face. He then walked right past her, going with his lawyer to the doors. It hurt him to do that, but it hurt even more that she was the reason all of this happened. Maybe one day he'd forgive her. But not today.
Today he was going to go and get his daughter to bring her home.
"Winston, wait!" Helen caught up with him in the hall, Bob walking behind her. "I'd like to go with you to get Minny. If that's okay." Helen said, looking at his face. "I want to make sure she's okay.."
Winston nodded with a smile, "I'd appreciate it. Thank you." He pulled her into a hug.
Helen hugged him back after a moment of being stunned, before letting go. "Good, now let's go get your kid."
"Yeah." Winston smiled, turning to the workers. "My driver will be following you." He said.
Minny sat on the couch of the home she was in, her suitcase sitting next to her. She had been told to go pack her things and wait on the couch. Inside the suitcase was her clothes, a music box, her glasses case with spare glasses within and a picture of her with her dads a year ago. She had so many thoughts going in her head. Was she out right being given to another family? Were they just going to kick her out? Would she ever see her dad again?
She looked out the window to see that a car associated with the CPS workers, the pair that took her away, caused her to frown with distain in her eyes. Her frown and distain, however, vanished as hope and awe replaced them when a familiar limo stopped. That limo meant Tommy. And if Tommy was here, steping out of the limo and going to the door behind the drivers side to open it, that meant...
She didn't even wait to see if it actually was him, getting off the couch and running to the door as fast as she could, flinging it open.
Winston was drumming on his knees, a mixture of excitement, happiness and nervousness mixing in him as the limo followed to pick up Minny.
Helen sat beside him, smiling as they drove into one of the suburban areas of the city. "It's nice out here," she noted, trying to get some conversation going with Winston.
"Yeah," Winston said, not looking up as he gripped his pant legs. "It's nice," he said, glancing to see a few houses as they drove by. This reminded him of the house he'd bought as a surprise for Simon and Minny a few years ago that they all eventually began to call home. The house that for a half a year had been empty and devoid of anything positive.
Helen put a hand on his, smiling. "Soon she'll be home."
Winston smiled at her. "Thanks, Helen. I can't express how much it means to me that you and Bob have been there for me through this."
Helen smiled, blinking in surprise when Winston hugged her again. "No problem Win. No problem." She smiled, looking out the window as the limo stopped. "We're here." She let him go as Tommy was seen stopping outside the door.
Winston let her go as he took a breath, seeing a glimpse of a familiar face that then rushed off to the side. "Okay.. I'm ready." He said as the door opened. He got out of the car as the front door opened.
"Dad!" Minny had tears in her eyes as she rushed off the porch, down the stairs and along the sidewalk. "Daddy!"
"Minny!" Winston rushed forwards a few steps forwards and kneeling with his arms open.
He suddenly had Minny in his arms, sobbing as she gripped his coat, tears and snot gathering on to his jacket.
"I'm right here, sweetie." Winston said, tears falling down his face as well. "It's going to be okay." He held her close with a smile.
Helen smiled, tears in her eyes as she watched this. It was what she needed to see, something good, something better than the lifted Ban to come from this mess. Before feeling the familiar hand of her husband on her shoulder, telling her that he was there, and it was best that they left to go home.
After a few minutes - around thirty - of talking to the two people who ran the home Minny had stayed in, and getting her things, Tommy was driving the two back home. Minny was falling asleep, leaning against Winston as the limo moved along to home.
"This isn't a dream, is it?" She asked against his shoulder, blinking sleepily as his coat now covered her.
This shocked Winston, at first. "No, honey. This isn't a dream. Soon we'll be home and everything will be okay. I promise."
Minny looked up at him with hope in her eyes, gripping his shirt tighter at she fought the urge to sleep to memorize his face. She eventually fell asleep, despite her best efforts.
"Sweet dreams, sweetie." Winston said, holding Minny close as Tommy stopped the car outside of their home. "Thanks Tommy." Winston said, getting out of the limo with Minny as the other man held the car door open.
"Your welcome, sir." He smiled before grabbing Minny's suitcase from the floor of the limo and the two walked to the door.
"You can go, Tommy. I won't be going anywhere for the rest of the day." Winston said as he unlocked the door. Tommy nodded as the door was pushed open. "Of course, sir. Congratulations for getting Ms. Minny back. Have a good day, sir." He left the suitcase in the entry way before leaving, smiling at them.
"Bye Tommy." Winston smiled before taking Minny upstairs and to her room.
He walked into the room and placed her on her bed, staying for a few minutes to watch her before he walked back downstairs and retrieved the suitcase. Silently, he entered her room where he left the suitcase on the wall beside the door inside the room.
"Sweet dreams, Minny." Winston said, watching her for a few more minutes before walking to his room to catch up on his sleep as well. Everything was okay. They were okay now.
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