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bushelofmuses · 8 months ago
@looking-for-lost-stars From Here
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"I wanted to surprise Gredal with something. No particular reason. We went shopping a few weeks ago to get him new clothes but um, I just...wanted to do something nice for the lad."
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He worked his ass off and was likely stressed, and Ameridan wanted him to feel appreciated beyond just his duties and position as Inquisitor. He deserved a little something to lift his spirits.
"It was this or more clothes for his wardrobe. I thought something homemade would be better...I may have had a lapse in judgement." A very big, very bad, no good lapse in judgement, and an unhealthy dose of confidence in his ability to "wing it".
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boarchasers · 2 years ago
Trond Headcanon #22 - Joldi Meets The Family
Early on in their relationship, Trond did his best to impress Joldi with his usual parade of boasting and bragging. Aware that she probably wouldn’t be convinced by stories about himself -- and of course because he didn’t want to outright lie in what he hoped would be a long-term relationship -- he focused a lot on his family instead, exaggerating their achievements into the realms of the unbelievable.
This came back to bite him when he took her home for the first time. Trond, unashamed, opted not to correct any of Joldi’s preconceptions about his siblings, and was quite looking forward to seeing how they handled her expectations.
Unfortunately for Trond, Joldi was having a little fun of her own. She had seen Minnel around Whiterun before getting together with Trond, and by the time she came home to meet the family officially the two were already good friends. Minnel filled her in on everything she needed to know, and kept Brandrel up to date on Trond’s increasingly improbable stories, so that by the time Trond “introduced” Joldi to them they were ready to put on a suitable performance.
Joldi’s giggling gave the game away in the end, right around the point Minnel enthusiastically confirmed that she had indeed tamed an entire pack of wolves using only a carrot and her bare hands. Although initially put out, Trond took it in stride, and ultimately it did a lot to break the ice (even if it did take several minutes to explain the joke to Frithjofr and a very young Haaki).
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looking-for-lost-stars · 3 months ago
"A book fell on my head. I only have my shelf to blame." -Ameridan @bushelofmuses
Minnel let out a cackle. His entire face splitting into a wide grin, "Now let me try." He takes a moment to think "What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, just a little wine." Minnel wiggled his eyebrows at Ameridan, grinning all the while.
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ameliathefatcat · 2 years ago
Amelia’s nickname from her grandparents is ketzele, it’s a Yiddish word that means little kitten.
Her grandparents almost never call her Amelia. It’s either Minnie (before Jacob disappeared) Ketzele, Shayna Maidel (pretty one), Zeiskeit (sweetness), Minnele
Amelia loves her Bubbe and Zaydeh but she wished they used her actual name especially when Zaydeh is the substitute charms teacher
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the1920sinpictures · 11 months ago
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1920's Staff at Minnell motorcycle garage at Cottage Grove, Southsea, Hampshire, England. From The Jazz Age Vehicle Archive, FB.
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apci-blog · 2 months ago
Sok sok országban a gépjármű adóból finanszírozzák a járdákat és a kerékpár utakat, hogy az emberek a tömegközlekedést és az egészséges életmódot választva (gyalog és kerékpáron) közlekedjenek járjanak dolgozni.
Persze a mi kormányunk célja az ebből az adóból annyit kilopni amennyit csak lehet és a nép illetve a nyugdíjasok menjenek minnel hamarabb a túlvilágra és ne terheljék az államkasszát, egészségügyi és nyugdíjköltségekkel...
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neptuniadoesstuff · 4 months ago
Surprise Bloop OC for yah! | Part 03
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A simlly Bloop fella named Minnele I made for @pantheras-doodles-part-two. (Now I'm prob sure they asked for normal strawberries but since I'm a bit of a extreme over designing butt who enjoy colors, I uh... Made the flavor based on Japanese Strawberries-) (The white strawberry is actually known as pineberry but IT LOOKS LIKE A STRAWBERRY SO WHO CARES?)
Bio Thing:
|| Minelle Trigger | 21 | Trans Male, He/It | 5'4 ft | idfk bro | Bloopmo/Human Hybrid (Halflet) | Japanese Strawberry (Flavor) | Flora, Shine (Elements) ||
Character was made by me.
Art is mine.
Program: IbisPaint x
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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blackrose012 · 4 months ago
Kedves ismeretlen, tudom h most nehéz és szar minden ,át érzem mi az amikor nincs motivációd de kérlek párold le magad és állj fel csodálatos ember vagy ,nézz a tükörbe gyönyörű vagy .... apró kis napi célokat tuzz ki magad elé és hidd el jobban leszel .... pl.fel öltözöl normálisan,ki sminkeled magad ,ma többet beszelgetsz vagy csak szimplán állj a tükör elé nézz magadra és mondj valami pozitívat magadról minden nap eggyel többet bolondságnak tűnhet de segíteni fog hidd el ...kívánom hogy minnel előbb kitudj mászni a gödörből mert csodálatos vagy és értékes...
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vvkmag · 10 months ago
A B.B.V.V. járműmodellek közül megrajzolódott az egykori kismotorkocsi, és a kis vezérlő pótkocsi, valamint a nagymotorkocsi és annak pótkocsivá történő átalakított változata. Hamarosan elkezdődik a modellek 3d nyomtatása.
Ha szeretné támogatni, hogy az ősszel nyíló Budapest - Budafok Helyierdekű Villamos Vasút kiállítason minnel több jarmű modell is jelenlegyen varjuk jelentkezését.
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bushelofmuses · 7 months ago
40. for  a  desperate  starter . Gredal and Ameridan @looking-for-lost-stars
Starters Meme
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Ameridan was trying not to panic. Minnel came back from a mission limp and almost lifeless. They'd done what they could in the field, but he was a mess and at Death's door right now.
Focus. Gredal needs to be able to focus so he can tend to him. Gredal can't if Ameridan is fretting about. He took a slow breath and scurried to the stretcher just outside.
Calmly, he spoke quietly as he lifted Minnel from the stretcher they'd put him on at the gate and quickly carried him back inside to the bed. "Tell me what you need Gredal and I'll do it."
They'd need to hurry though. The man looked pale and frail like this, and Maker this wouldn't be easy on Gredal if something happened to him.
Ameridan prayed.
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boarchasers · 2 years ago
Family Headcanon #32 - Family Resemblance
There is a strong family resemblance among the Boar-Chasers. Out of the surviving siblings, Hjolrin and Haaki look the most similar, although it's easy to tell that Trond is their brother from their shared features, especially the Boar-Chaser nose. Overall, Minnel, Brandrel and Hjolrin were of a very similar type, being tall, dark-haired and with a broad build, whereas Trond is shorter and Haaki is slimmer than the family typically tends towards.
Amelie leans more towards Joldi’s side of the family, with her blonde hair and rounder, softer features. Her strongest Boar-Chaser characteristics are her dark eyes and Trond’s grin, especially when she’s up to mischief.
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looking-for-lost-stars · 4 months ago
"A little trouble is a good thing for a young person."
-Myrna to Minnel @bushelofmuses
"Who says anything about only finding a little trouble." Minnel grins at Myrna "Not that I really need to go looking. Being around the Inquisitor is like honey in a fly trap for trouble. All I have to do is wait." He chuckles amused by himself.
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maytheoddshq · 1 year ago
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11 cannons can be heard in the distance, indicating the deaths of 11 tributes.
Crow Shea - District 8 Female - Killed by: Helios Serpentine
Call Tull - District 10 Female - Killed by: Bramble Berry
Alek Trishen - District 5 Male - Killed by: Cage
Buster Minnell - District 6 Male - Killed by: Slate Skylar
Colm Muter - District 6 Male- Killed by: Ezra McCoy
Sven Seas - District 4 Male - Killed by: Flora Faye
Mo Therboard - District 3 Male - Killed by: Cage
Purl Stitch - District 8 Female - Killed by: Helios Serpentine
Oats P. Beans - District 9 Female - Killed by: Ezra McCoy
Connie Dewitt - District 5 Female - Killed by: Mars Wake
Manny Ore - District 10 Male - Killed by: Bramble Berry
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caribdish · 4 years ago
Reposted from @minnellew Hey it’s been a while since I’ve done a black owned business review for you and I’m really happy to share about @caribdish I tried their vegan meal which was really tasty. I tried it as it is, and didn’t even have to add salt 😉 Check them out! Here are the tags for all the other businesses that I’m wearing. @hairgirlbeauty.co @glambydanbeauty @_afriqstylz @iammovingartapparel #supportblackbusinesses #blackownedbusinesses #Buyblack #buyblackowned #mealdeliveryservice #mealdelivery #freshmeal #suportblackbusiness #blackbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #supportblackownedbusinesses #beanantiracist #antiracist #movementnotamoment #review #influencerlife #minnelle #communityovercompetition (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPZ5llalUvV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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celtic-paolino · 4 years ago
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Rare sunny moment during a very changeful day... #sun #reflection #funnyweather #crazy #river #scarpe #minnelle #park (presso Arras, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNiIMYzFsmM/?igshid=1dvrz7b3mf8wu
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thesadboy · 4 years ago
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My designs of some dead babies in ASOIAF and GoT, planning on making a second part
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