#minnafics masterlist
minnarr · 4 years
star wars fic masterlist
Hey, folks! Since I am absolutely horrendous at crossposting links to fic on tumblr, thought I’d put together a masterlist of my Star Wars fics. Most of these are easily found on my AO3, but I occasionally post things here that I don’t stick up on AO3. Here divided by era for lack of a better set of themes to divide by.
High Republic Era (232 BBY–⁠)
A Master’s Counsel - Stellan wants to check in with his former Padawan after the Steady Wing disaster; Vern needs some support in the weighty decision she’s just made.
Prequels Era (32 BBY–19 BBY⁠)
You’ve Got Mail - A mixup at Naboo’s post-office puts Jango Fett’s mail in Obi-Wan’s hands. How wrong could bringing it back go? Pretty much just crack, flirting, and begrudging rescues.
Leia Meets the Prequels Gang - chunks posted on tumblr of a story where Leia was thrown back in time from the moment of Alderaan’s desctruction to the moment of Shmi’s death and fell in with the prequels trio.
Four Funerals and a Proposal - Gregar Typho's life from the battle of Naboo through the early days of the Empire, and his developing friendship with Saché, as seen through snapshots at four funerals and one proposal to build a life after together.
Rebellion Era (19 BBY–4 ABY⁠)
The Bridger Extraction - Sabine inflitrates the same elite academy that Ezra Bridger, disciplinary nightmare of an Imperial cadet, is transferred to. Project Harvester + “even in an AU fate brings Ezra to the Spectres.”
Death and the Dame - Necromancy-tinged noir AU. Qi’ra is a private investigator who specializes in the dead. Leia needs answers. Han’s their getaway driver. Qi’ra/Han/Leia, road trips, messy feelings.
death, unfolding - There is no universe in which Jabba survives his final, cruel joke. Short, experimental time loop fic feat. Hutt-Slayer Leia.
The End of Fellowship - Bodhi contemplates the first of many consequences of his choice to defect.
Gambit - Missing scene. When Maul disappears, Qi’ra makes a move to take charge of Crimson Dawn.
Ignite ‘verse - a what-if AU kindled by (off-screen) time travel: Palpatine was successfully deposed before he became Emperor, the Clone Wars lasted eight years longer, Anakin Skywalker eventually left the Order, and the Skywalker twins trained in the Jedi Temple.
It’s Not Fire You Want to Ignite - Just as Leia Skywalker is getting comfortable in her life as a Senate aide, a message from her time-traveling alternate self sends her on a quest to find one Han Solo and unsettles all her plans.
Cusp - On the twins’ eleventh birthday, Obi-Wan and Anakin look to the past, and the future. Little bit of bittersweet closure for me.
Daughter of Naboo - Leia has a complicated relationship with her homeworld. Character study covering her years in the Jedi Temple.
Keep You At My Back - a series of vignettes from the partnership of Hera Syndulla, freedom fighter, and Caleb Dume, Jedi Knight. 
bonus: timeline
That Beautiful Shore - At a post-Endor celebration, Enfys shows up to tell Han I-told-you-so.
Leave a Light in the Window - Twenty years after nearly dying on Mustafar, Padmé wakes from cryostasis. When her niece brings her back to Naboo in search of answers about her children, they're caught up in the political turmoil on Naboo, where old friends push back against a Moff intent on silencing resistance against the Empire on Naboo forever.
The Promise - Chewbacca tells Leia she’s included in the life debt; Leia doesn’t like being owed. Found family fluff, by and large.
Your Heart with Me (I Carry It in My Heart) - Lando never quite gets over losing L3; finds a kindred spirit in Hera, who loves her cantankerous droid; and experiences a reunion he’d lost hope in.
New Republic Era (5 ABY–28 ABY⁠)
fate, i found a place for us series - largely canon-compliant up through Mandalorian season 1, this ‘verse starts from the premise that when Ezra and Thrawn disappeared, they eventually found their way to the nascent First Order, working as double agents to stop it from within before it grew too strong. This is kind of now my catch-all Relatively Happy Sequels Leadup ‘verse.
we walk through the fire - When Ezra joined the Knights of Ren, neither he nor Thrawn anticipated the result of one horror too many.
darkness, yet the force - On the tenth anniversary of the Liberation of Lothal, Ezra reaches for a part of himself usually kept buried. 
All You See is My Ghost - Ezra gets a lead on the weapon he needs to confront Snoke; Thrawn investigates; Sabine and Luke don’t plan on letting Ezra go all self-sacrificial.
Rattle This Ghost Town - During the hunt for a new home for the former Nevarro covert, Sabine and old comrade Paz Vizsla clash as they contend with the ghosts of old decisions.
Happy Accidents - When attempting to get to Grogu on Tython goes very wrong, Din is thrown back in time to the Clone Wars. It takes meeting several possible Bobas before he realizes. (Bonus: unexpected babysitting duty for adult Boba).
Resistance Era (28 ABY–35 ABY⁠)
The Cost of War - *whispers* I guess this counts. Check Please characters as Resistance flyboys, Ransom and Holster focused, definitely abandoned WIP. 
rest for the weary - Finnpoerey, modern AU, h/c: after searching for her bio family and finding only heartache, Rey returns home.
Sabacc Face - Finnpoe flirting and silliness as Poe teaches Finn how to play cards.
Strangers in the Night - While running from present griefs, Han encounters an old one in the form of Qi’ra, come to check up on him.
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minnarr · 9 years
A Halloween Masterlist
Because I’ve written several Halloween-appropriate Harry Potter fics and poems, I thought I’d go ahead and throw together a post of them. 
key: ✫ nominated for a QSQ - ★ won a QSQ - ♫ podfic linked.
The Not-So-Fast and the Furious (MNFF / ♫ / AO3 ) ★   ↳ It’s Halloween, and the mismatched team of Scabior and Greyback are at it again. A simple visit to a Halloween party to scrounge free food turns into a chase across Orlando. Why does Scabior stay with Greyback again? Scabior & Fenrir Greyback, humor, gen – warnings: minor violence. One-shot. ➤ part 2 of the Fear and Loathing series
Voices from Beyond the Veil (MNFF / ♫ / AO3) ✫   ↳ It’s Halloween night - the night when the veil between this world and the next is thinnest. Deep below the Ministry, in the Department of Mysteries, Millicent Bulstrode might finally find some answers about her former partner. Millicent Bulstrode & Justin Finch-Fletchley, gen – warnings: suicide, character death. One-shot.
The Nundus (MNFF / AO3) ✫ ↳ What's your worst nightmare? Inferi? Werewolves? Dementors? How about a giant, black, panther-like creature whose breath poisons the very air you breathe? Villanelle – warnings: character death. 
Death Came Knocking (MNFF) ✫ ↳ Huddled in a cellar, fugitive Muggle-borns wait as Death comes closer... Not quite a villanelle – warnings: character death.
Advice (The Bogey Man) (MNFF) ↳ Advice to a child: keep away from werewolves. Freeverse.
In the Deeps (MNFF / AO3) ✫ ↳ Buried beneath the floors of the Ministry lies the Department of Mysteries, engaged in its 'unspeakable' activities. One man discovers the truth of this descriptor, to his horror. Freeverse (structured) – warnings: character death.
A White Demon Love Song (MNFF /  ♫ ) ↳ A vampire’s paean to blood. Freeverse.
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minnarr · 9 years
Masterlist of my Harry Potter fics
Created: 7/4/2015; Last updated: 7/4/2015. 
Here I have collected a list of Harry Potter fanfiction I’ve written, subdivided into fics (~1k or longer) and drabbles (under 1k). Within those, pieces are listed newest to oldest. This list goes back to 2009 in the fics section so...be aware of that. (I might do a roundup of my HP poetry later, but I think I’d have to change the format, as I have much more on MNFF than on AO3 and none on Tumblr).
The Not-So-Fast and the Furious (ao3) - PG ↳ It's Halloween, and the mismatched team of Scabior and Greyback are at it again. A simple visit to a Halloween party to scrounge free food turns into a chase across Orlando. Why does Scabior stay with Greyback again? Scabior & Fenrir Greyback, humor, gen – warnings: minor violence. One-shot.  ➤ part 2 of the Fear and Loathing series
A Voice in the Night (ao3) - PG-13 - incomplete ↳ Voldemort reigns victorious over wizarding Britain. What is left of the Order is doing its best simply to survive. Hermione has been sent to France to try to win allies with the help of a French Auror. But when people start turning up dead, they're drawn into a deadly game inside the walls of Paris' wizarding quarter. Hermione Granger, AU, gen. Chaptered. 
The Mirror Cracked (ao3) - PG-13 ↳ 2000. Voldemort and his Death Eaters have been in power for seventeen years, but the fight continues. In France, a strange man turns up on Fleur Delacour's doorstep and turns her life upside down. In a different world, what were the odds that Bill and Fleur would still end up fighting side by side? Bill Weasley/Fleur Delacour, AU – warnings: some violence. One-shot.
Voices from Beyond the Veil (ao3) - PG-13 ↳ It's Halloween night - the night when the veil between this world and the next is thinnest. Deep below the Ministry, in the Department of Mysteries, Millicent Bulstrode might finally find some answers about her former partner. Millicent Bulstrode & Justin Finch-Fletchley, gen – warnings: suicide, character death. One-shot.
Ashes of the Past (ao3) - G ↳ Viktor carries the memory of Grindelwald's path of destruction, passed down to him in the form of stories. He will never forget. Viktor Krum, historical, gen – warnings: character death. One-shot.
The Testing Point (ao3) - G ↳ June Bagnold comes from a family very focused on success at the Ministry, but she's not so sure she'll be able to fulfill her father's wishes for her, especially with her near-crippling shyness. But she's a seventh year now, and she must face NEWTs and the beginning of life after Hogwarts. OC-centric, coming of age, gen. One-shot.
Fear and Loathing in Florida (Mostly Loathing) (ao3) - PG ↳ Scabior and Greyback had to escape the Aurors somehow - they just hadn't expected to end up in Florida. Scabior & Fenrir Greyback, humor, gen. One-shot. ➤ part 1 of the Fear and Loathing series
Time and Tide (ao3) - PG-13 ↳ Filius has seen her all his life: the Woman. She has been drifting through time, drawn always towards him, never aging or changing. She is the one thing he does not question. Filius Flitwick/Rowena Ravenclaw, time travel – warnings: mild sexual content. One-shot.
Alien Defense Squad: the Beginning (ao3) - G ↳ Oliver Wood and Martha Jones know secrets that ordinary humans don't know. Their worlds are about to collide. Martha Jones & Oliver Wood, mystery, crossover: Doctor Who/Harry Potter. One-shot. ➤ part 1 of the Alien Defense Squad series
The Best Team in East Anglia (ao3) - G - incomplete ↳ Every year, the best amateur Quidditch team in Suffolk faces off against the best team in Norfolk in the East Anglia Summer Tournament. Isobel Jones, one of exactly seven young witches and wizards in the tiny town of Eleigh St. Mary in Suffolk, decides that not only is she going to form a team for the tournament, her team is going to win it. OC-centric, Quidditch/sports story, ensemble cast. Chaptered.
The Truth in the Lie (ao3) - PG  ↳ Salazar has never hesitated to do whatever is necessary to achieve an end, but he starts to question his own wisdom when a plan to put Godric out of his lovesick misery goes awry. At least, he tells himself, neither Helga nor Godric will ever know the full story. Salazar Slytherin/Helga Hufflepuff, historical, founders fic – warnings: kissing under false pretenses. One-shot.
Fools in Love (ao3) - G ↳ Cornelia lost more than a broom in the storm that left her crash-landed near Bombay – she also lost her brother, the last remaining member of her family. But now she’s found a new life in India, and someone to love. The only problem is, she’s his valet, and he thinks she’s a boy. It’s a strange life she’s leading, and it’s only going to get stranger. OC-centric, historical, Shakespeare retelling. One-shot.
The Long Way Back (ao3) - G ↳ Percy has always put his trust in the Ministry, to the detriment of all else. But when does "trust" become "turning a blind eye"? As the war progresses, Percy begins to have doubts - doubts that will, eventually, lead him back towards his family. Percy Weasley, second war, redemption. One-shot. ➤ part 1 of the Actions Have Consequences series
An Artful Dodge (ao3) - G ↳ Elaine Carrick is an apprentice to a magical art restorer. When she is given her first assignment without supervision, things go further awry than she could have guessed: the portrait is stolen right from under her nose. None of the other paintings were touched, and the thief was in and out in a matter of seconds. Who could possibly have got past both Elaine and the locking spells on the studio undetected? OC-centric, mystery, magical portraiture. One-shot. ➤ part of the Tales of Wildwood ‘verse
A Time to Weep and a Time to Laugh (ao3) - PG ↳ It’s been seven months since Cyril Cresswell fought in the battle that saw the end of Voldemort, nine months since he learned that the Snatchers had murdered his father, and a full year since he lost the girl he loved. Christmas isn’t all that merry and bright this year. But when his father appears as a ghost in his room on Christmas Eve, he’s swept along on a journey that may just change things for the better. OC-centric, grief, A Christmas Carol retelling – warnings: character death. Chaptered.
Honest to the Bone (ao3) - G ↳ Now that Susan has left Hogwarts for good, her mother thinks it’s time that she reconnected with the Muggle relatives whom she has neglected since she started school. Susan decides that her favorite cousin from her childhood, Georgy, is the best place to start. However, there are still many things that Georgy doesn’t know about Susan’s life. For once, Susan decides to tell the truth. Susan Bones, post-second wizarding war, family, Muggles. One-shot.
The Mistake (ao3) - PG ↳ Hugh is a scribe living at a wizarding monastery called St Kentigern's Priory. His peaceful life is shattered when Muggles come, seeking his and his brothers' lives for the crime of witchcraft. And during the melee, Hugh makes the worst mistake of his life... The Fat Friar, historical – warnings: character death. One-shot.
A Broken Man (ao3) - PG ↳ Morgana, a sorceress with a grudge against King Arthur and his sorcerous adviser Merlin, has abducted Sir Lancelot. Meaning to rescue Lancelot, Merlin goes to Morgana. Merlin is confident of his winning out - but Morgana intends to send him away a broken man. Merlin, Morgana & The Lady of the Lake, historical, dialogue-only – warnings: teacher-student relationship. One-shot. ➤ part of the Tales of Wildwood ‘verse
Suddenly a Stranger (ao3) - G ↳ Lily Evans is a girl with strong opinions about the people around her. There's Severus Snape, a dear friend whose flaws she can overlook. And then there's James Potter, bullying, arrogant archnemesis of her first friend at Hogwarts. And then one day, the tables turn, and she suddenly realizes that not only do the people around her change....but that she herself is about to undergo the biggest change of all. Lily Evans, Severus Snape & James Potter, Marauders’ Era, friendship, missing moment. One-shot.
The Half-Blood Prince (ao3) - PG-13  ↳ Severus Snape is undoubtedly a man who has had more than his fair share of adversity. And he is also a man twisted by his experiences. What childhood experiences, only hinted at in the memories Harry accidentally saw during Occlumency lessons, helped mold Snape into the Death Eater he later became? Severus Snape, Eileen Prince, & Tobias Snape. Marauders’ Era, backstory, family – warnings: domestic and child abuse. One-shot.
Tales of Wildwood (ao3) - G - incomplete ↳ In Inglewood Forest in Cumbria, England, there stands an ancient house, hidden from Muggle eyes by enchantment. Wildwood Hall, as it is called, is centuries old. Passed down from generation to generation, it has borne witness to many things: love and war, troubles and bliss. Here are tales of the families who have called it home. Here are tales of Wildwood. OC-centric, family, historical. Chaptered.  ➤ part of the Tales of Wildwood ‘verse
almost, but not always (ao3) - G  ↳ Molly considers clocks, sons, and hands that never move. Molly Weasley & Percy Weasley, family, grief, gen – warnings: character death. 533 words. 
Hedwig/Hermes drabble (tumblr fic) - G ↳ aka I have feels over an askbox meme, friends egg me on, and I write the thing. Hedwig (owl)/Hermes (owl), breakups, grief – warnings: character death. 428 words.
There Was a Barber and His Wife (ao3) - PG-13 ↳ Lucy was keeping a secret from her husband. Lucy Barker, missing moment, crossover: Sweeney Todd/Harry Potter – warnings: offstage rape. 280 words.  
Restless (ao3) - PG-13 ↳ Sometimes, Martha looks at Oliver and wonders. Martha Jones/Oliver Wood, tumblr fic, crossover: Doctor Who/Harry Potter. 248 words.  ➤ part 2 of the Alien Defense Squad series
Dumbledore’s Army (ao3) - G ↳ Captain Potter has gathered and trained a group of fighters on Admiral Dumbledore's orders. Now it is time for them to face their test. Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, space opera, AU. 769 words.
"Coffee, sir?” (ao3) - G ↳ On the surface, Percy and Gawain are very different, but they may find more in common than expected. Based on Ianto/Jack dynamics for a challenge. Percy Weasley/Gawain Robards, post-second wizarding war, workplace romance. 605 words. 
If you need a friend (ao3) - G ↳ Minerva has a chat with her superior. Minerva McGonagall & Elphinstone Urquart, historical, friendship, gen. 268 words. 
A Pair of Potterverse Pirate Tales (ao3) - PG-13 ↳ Two feared pirates, great wizards both: the one vicious and canny, darkly rumored to have connections to Muggles, the other assured invincibility by a prophecy. Meet Silas Harfang and Joris Janszoon, wizarding pirates. OC-centric, historical, gen. Drabble series. 
Letters from the Revolution (ao3) - PG-13 ↳ A series of letters written in the context of an alternate universe where Voldemort killed the Longbottoms instead of the Potters, put a great big protection spell around London, then released dragons and giants and things in the rest of the country. I regret nothing. (ed note: I sort of do, but I was having fun so whatever). Marauders & Lily Evans, AU – warnings: character death, repeated f-bombs. Drabble series.
A New Life (ao3) - G ↳ Helga's father always felt guilty for not being able to provide for her magical education, but Helga never expected him to go to such lengths to remedy it. Helga Hufflepuff, historical, backstory, founders fic – warnings: slavery? 615 words.
A Case of Magic (ao3) - G ↳ Watson's first real encounter with Holmes' work was not, as he wrote, the day Watson went with Holmes to investigate a dead body in Lauriston Gardens. He kept the real story under wraps because he was bound by the Statute of Secrecy. Here at last is the true story, published by Dr. John H. Watson in the popular wizarding magazine The Quill by the request of the magazine’s editor, a friend of Percival Dumbledore. It was to be the first of many such accounts. John Watson, Sherlock Holmes & Percival Dumbledore, historical, missing moment, crossover: Sherlock Holmes & Harry Potter – warnings: character death. 794 words.
Bafflement (ao3) - G ↳ Lily finds James in an unusual position, and wants to know why. Lily Evans & James Potter, Marauder’s Era, banter. 570 words.
My Harry Potter three sentence fics
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