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xboxhaslag69 · 4 months ago
Even if 1 parent is a minitor and the other is a mermaid and you get the human half of both there is at least a good chance you will get either some horns or gills. Maybe both if you’re lucky
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amazongamingmonitors · 5 months ago
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thunder-robots · 10 months ago
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dekusheroacademia · 2 years ago
Congrats, Bakudeku!! - Effects of the apology episode on the fandom
If you want to see what happened with the #bkdkapology tag and all, click here, but this post is only about video edits and fanfics.
So I wanted to minitor fandom creation (fanfics and tiktok visualizations, for example) given how enormous the reaction to the last episode was. In particular, I saw a lot of people returning to Bkdk or starting to ship it now that the episode had aired.
I will check again till next week, to see how long it lasts, but for now, I wanted to see the effect of daily amount of fanfics (Bakudeku) on AO3 and visualization on the #bakudeku tag on tiktok.
Starting with AO3 FANFICS:
These are the numbers for the past weeks. As you can see, each column is for a day (the dates are on the horizontal line), and the column height (and number) is the amount of fanfics posted that day.
In green I highlighted the saturdays, which are days when episode comes out, and in orange I highlighted all the days after the Bakugou apology episode (and the day itself, which was 11/3/23):
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As you can see, usually the fanfics seem to be between 28 daily fanfics and a maximum of 51.
10/03/23 is quite high, so I suspect it might be due to the way AO3 counts dates (I am not sure if it counts them from my timezone or if it has a fixed one). The daily fics post episode, instead, seems to be increasing, and got as high as 76.
If we use a mean, pre-episode (excluding 10/3/23): we have an average of about 40 fanfics a day.
Including 10/3/23, pre episode we have an average of 41.6 fanfics a day.
But after the episode, we have an average of 62 fanfics a day! Which is about 20 more than the usual mean!
Now, let's look at TIKTOK VISUALIZATIONS. Why this? Because I have seen so many edits... SO MANY.
So, I am using for comparison the data I have collected last time, around the 20th of February. So the period of time is similar to the one used here on AO3, about 3 weeks.
This is the increase (from mid February to today 15/3/23) in millions of visualization for ship tag:
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As you can see, Bakudeku had an increase of 100 million visualizations... probably more, as tiktok (for bigger tags) only counts in steps of 100.
Let me explain: Tiktok counts the visualizations in millions or billions. For example, tags like Tododeku, Bakudeku and Kiribaku have billion visualizations. Ex. Tododeku has 2.4B views, Bakudeku has 6.0B views. This mean that an increase is recorded only when it is big enough.
If you take Todomomo, with 200.9M visualization, every increase of less than 1 million will be recorded.
When you take Tododeku with 2.4B (=2400M) only increases of 100 millions can be recorded. So in the graph, Tododeku and Kiribaku probably increased more than the other ships (but Bakudeku), but the increase was less than 100 millions.
So in the case of Bakudeku we have a count because the increase was so massive (more than 100 millions), but for Tododeku and Kiribaku we cannot accurately see an increase unless it gets to the next step (100 million).
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joelswritingmistress · 6 months ago
Hi 💚 I'm reading a webtoon (Counting Sheep by A. Rasen), and one of the main characters work as a minitor camp. That made me think of your story, and I thought I'd take the opportunity to send you a message to tell you I'm loving it😊
@lwfics COOL! I love that!! Aww I'm glad you like this story. I wish I could write every single day lol. Hope you continue to enjoy!!
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tanchyuu · 1 year ago
DnD Tokens I did for my last game
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This was my character- Moxie- who started as a Kalashtar Wizard Articifer and later she became a Robotic Lich.
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She also had a Quori brother- Boltz- who she converted into a QuoeiForged by acquiring a Warforged's body. Later on she got the Lich ability to convert flesh into metal and converted one of the bosses into a Battle Maid called Gertie.
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Rombus and a Kobold who later got blessed by the Dragon gods (made snes for our campaign) and the player retired that character to play Chariot, a Minitor King of the Abyss.
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Opia the Tortus didn't last super long before the player switched to Khrys, a Warlock from another world and an entertainer for the Lady of Pain. In our canon, Lady of Pain is bored AF and will become a Patreon of certain people so she can watch their lives like a Livestream. The more entertaining you are, the more in her favour you become.
Then other NPC icons
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Alessia and Angle, Alessia was the daughter of Asmodeus. Everything had been fucked up in the world of our campiage so Asmodeus saved his daughter from the world-altering-villain by encasing her in crystal. Angel was a Snake-Winged (I think Couatl?) who was also a crystal singer. They were girlfriends uwu
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spiralslave · 2 years ago
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controller minitoring, if minion is deep enough
minions head is supposed to be empty inspite of the systems programming
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nuritawa · 2 years ago
Pulang dari Makassar dengan kabar kondisi ibu yang terus mengalami kemunduran, saat itu pula aku sudah mempersiapkan perpisahan dengannya. Jauh-jauh hari bayangan ibu akan pergi terlintas begitu jelas di kepala ku. Seperti bagaimana saat ibu harus pergi tanpa berpamitan, atau mungkin ibu pulang dengan memberi kabar dari berbagai pertanda.
Bukan berharap ibu pergi lebih cepat, tapi siapa yang bisa menyangkal jika kematian bisa datang kapan saja? Bahkan sepanjang perjalanan menemani ibu, aku sering membayangkan aku duluan yang pulang. Tapi aku tak pernah sanggup menghadapi scene itu berputar dalam kepala ku.
Sampai suatu ketika kalimat perpisahan itu pernah terucap dalam obrolan kami berdua, "biar ibu aja yang meninggal duluan. Biar kamu punya pahala mendoakan ibu." Sampai menuju maut saja ibu masih sibuk memikirkan hidup ku.
Tepat di tanggal ini, pagi sekali setelah shalat subuh aku menuju pintu ICCU. Kaca tebal yang mengelilingi ruangan itu terasa dingin sekali. Kabut yang menutupi setiap celahnya tidak memberi kesempatan apapun yang terlihat kondisi didalam. Hari itu saat aku melangkah ke ruangan, terbesit harapan untuk kembali hidup. Maklum dalam seminggu aku kehilangan diri sepenuhnya.
Ingat sekali, di hari itu aku berencana akan membaca buku kembali. Aku akan mencuci baju-baju yang tertumpuk selama seminggu, mungkin jika sempat aku akan menyapu rumah dan membersihkan tempat tidur ibu setelah aku selalu kehilangan kendali apa yang perlu aku kerjakan setiap hari.
Harapan itu muncul begitu indah, apalagi sesaat sebelum mengunjungi ibu aku terbangun dari tidur tak sengaja setelah shalat subuh. Suara khas ibu ku terdengar mengaji dalam mimpi, seperti yang sering ku dengar sejak kecil saat aku memilih tidur diatas sajadah disamping ibu mengaji.
Satu pintu dua pintu terlewati, aku dihadapkan dengan selang infus, pengalir oksigen dan segala bentuk kabel melekat ditubuhnya. Alat monitoring terus berderit menunjukan kondisi ibu terkini, dilayar monitor aku membaca derap detak jantung, kadar gula sampai saturasi oksigen ibu saat itu. Kondisi cukup menenangkan dan membuat ku optimis dihari itu ibu akan sembuh lebih cepat.
Aku mengajak ibu berbincang sedikit, sampai pada akhirnya aku harus mengatakan kalimat yang cukup berat untuk dikatakan, tapi aku sangat sadar kalimat itu harus terucap.
"Mak, apa yang sakit?" kalimat basa-basi yang sering ku tanyakan saat melihat ibu dalam kondisi tidak baik-baik saja.
"Mak, kasih tau Rita mana yang sakit?" Aku merasakan air mataku mengalir perlahan tapi dengan cepat ku usap tanpa ampun.
"Sakit, ya, Mak? Mak kalau mau pamit pulang, nggakpapa Mak. Mak Pulang duluan." terjenggal suaraku ditenggorokan saat kalimat itu terucap, "jangan khawatirkan Rita. Ada Bapak yang bakal ngurus Rita."
Ibu merespon dengan cepat, napasnya panjang membuat badannya sedikit terangkat, sesak napas sampai membuat layar minitor dan suara seperti alarm ruangan berbunyi. Reflek aku mendekatkan kepala ditelinga ibu, men-talqin dan menggiring untuk menyebut asma Allah. Entah, kenapa aku begitu tenang tanpa rasa panik menghadapi kejadian itu. Tak lama kemudian para perawat dengan cepat membuka pintu, mempersilahkan aku untuk segera meninggalkan ruangan.
Keadaan membaik, tapi kulihat wajah ibu sudah tidak seperti biasanya. Hari itu ia jauh lebih cerah. Dalam langkah meninggalkan ruangan aku berharap semua akan membantu kondisi ibu lebih baik. Tiba-tiba aku teringat satu hal. Lupa memegang kaki ibu. Kebiasaan yang sering ku lakukan setiap kali bertemu.
Kata orang jika suhu kaki sudah berubah, maka kondisi seseorang bisa juga berubah. Saat sakit rasakan suhu kakinya, saat sehat perhatikan pula suhu kakinya, dan katanya saat seseorang akan bertemu ajalnya, ruhnya akan terlebih dulu meningglakan jasad dari kakinya.
Ahad, 27 Maret 2022.
Selang 21 hari setelah hari kelahiran ku di tanggal 6 Maret, ibu berpulang. Kembali pulang kepada Allah. Beliau sepenuhnya milik Allah. Benar apa yang ku duga, Ibu akan sehat di hari itu. Tidak akan ada rasa sakit dunia yang akan ibu hadapi.
Dan mulai saat itu dunia ku benar-benar berubah. Tidak ada yang baik-baik saja. Setiap hari aku memintal benang bernama rindu, setiap saat aku berusaha berdamai meski aku terus berusaha untuk ikhlas dan ridha. Tapi siapa yang bisa mengukur hati? bahwa kesedihan itu tetap melekat dalam jiwa seorang anak yang ditinggal mati ibunya.
Ternyata tahun sebelumnya yang sudah ku persiapkan menyambut hari ini tiba, tidak cukup mampu membuat ku kuat menghadapinya. Bahkan aku lebih payah dibanding orang-orang yang tidak pernah mempersiapkan kehilangan.
Seberapa siap kehilangan itu disiapkan, kenyatanyaan tidak ada yang pernah siap menghadapi kehilangan. Rasa penyesalan belum menjadi anak yang baik, rasa kurang ku yang belum mampu memberi kebahagiaan seorang anak kepada ibunya terus saja menghantui ku.
Tapi setidaknya dihari itu aku sudah menepati janji untuk merawat ibu dan mengurus jenazah ibu sampai ke liang lahat. Seperti kalimat yang sering ku katakan sejak kecil.
"Mak nggak usah khawatir, nanti yang mengurus Mak itu Rita." Rita kecil begitu optimis dengan impiannya, meskipun ia tidak tau apa resiko yang akan dihadapi. Di hari itu satu cita-citaku diijabah Tuhan, merawat ibu sepenuhnya, memandikan ibu sampai di hari akhir hidupnya, dan akhirnya mengkhantarkan ke peristirahatan terakhir, tempat awal mula pertemuan abadi itu dimulai.
Sekarang Rita yang terkadang masih menjadi anak kecil ini ingin tetap bercita-cita. Bertemu kembali dengan ibunya dialam akhirat, ditempat terbaiknya Allah, di syurga yang paling indah. InsyaaAllah..
Allahummaghfirlaha Warhamha Wa’afiha Wa’fuanha..
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powercycle · 1 year ago
such a big fan of turning my minitor 6 pager on and off again that i snagged the url powercycle for my eventual url change but it unfortunately registers to me as too similar to a popular users url so i cant use it. but its cute so i must post!
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an0nwr1tes · 19 days ago
The Pretty Fish and his Dumb Bird Part 1
Keith Kogane was the Garrison’s No. 1 flyer, best recruit of his generation, he’d caught monsters the size of Minitors and on one eventful occasion actually saved a baby from a burning building!
That was more of an accident than anything though.
Keith wasn’t a fool, he knew how people looked at him. Keith Kogane the child of Rex Kogane and younger brother of Shiro Takashi-Kogane, two of the greatest flyers ever to grace the Garrison’s halls.
So, it wasn’t much of a surprise when Kieth surpassed all expectations set on him and garnered quite the reputation for himself, and a fan club.
And incredibly annoying fan club.
“Stupid Shiro signing me up for this stupid camp.” Keith ducked under a tree with a scowl, wings pressed achingly against his back from the weight of his backpack pressing down on them. “Stupid Dad making me go when I could be training to fight with mom.”
Glancing behind him to make sure he wasn’t followed Keith sighed in relief, Shiro would make fun of him so hard if he saw his little brother running away from girls, didn’t matter that he was gay apparently since no hormonal teenager could get the hint!
Also the fact that Keith has never brought that up outside the house, but that wasn’t important right now.
What was important was what he was supposed to do for the next five hours while he waited for the camps activity’s to end for the day so he can get some sleep.
Grumbling under his breath Keith moved closer to the cliffs edge, the entire camp was situated at the center of a dense forest overlooking the sea, not the best place for Avian’s giving water being their natural enemy and all but since the council had ok’d it Keith wasn’t going to waste his limited brain space on something that didn’t matter.
Maybe disappearing for a few days would have his brother rethinking his choice to sign him up or maybe it would end up with Keith grounded and signed up for every after school activity his parents could get their hands on.
A shiver ran down Keith spine at the thought, the look on his brothers face so wasn’t worth another semester of Mrs Karmia’s drama club.
Seating himself on the edge of the cliff Keith pulled off his backpack and stretched his wings out with a groan, large red with purple tipped feather flapped uselessly through the air as his tail slapped against the floor.
The stupid camp had a no fly rule for the first 48 hours until they managed to find out everyone’s flying levels, which was absurd but since Keith was already skipping he didn’t feel like getting caught because he couldn’t keep back from flying.
Laying his arm across his knee, Keith leaned back on his hand as he watched the ocean. Tilting his head back Keith couldn’t help but release the breath he’d been holding since he got here as the sea breeze filtered through his bangs.
Keith might hate the water but he’s gotta admit he was starting to see the appeal all those humans talked about, there was something nice about sitting here and watching the sun shine across the water surface with the sea breeze in his hair and something crawling up the rocks-
Wait what?
Keith had braced himself against the edge of the cliff in an instant, wings extending in preparation for flight as his eyes narrowed, attempting to catch sight of the creature he’d seen only for the breath to be pulled from his lungs as laughed sounded through the air.
At first Keith didn’t even realise it was laughter, the noise too perfect, too pretty to be anything a mortal was capable of producing, then once he’d finally caught sight of the creature he knew he’d been right.
The boy had bown hair and sun kissed skin, the creatures lips were tilted in a smile and just barely Keith could see rows of sharp teeth behind the angels mouth that had him swallowing.
Despite himself Keith found his gaze traveling further down the beautiful strangers bare back, watching the water droplets bead down his back until they reached a tail.
It took Keith a few more moments than he’d like to admit to connect the fish tall curled around the rock to the bewitching boy lying on top of it but once he had Keith was both heart broken and horrified.
Instantly Keith had thrown himself behind a tree, not risking a look back as he caught his breath from the sudden fear that sized him, that was a Merfolk, quiznak Keith was so screwed if they saw him.
What was the Merfolk even doing this close to land? And why were they so close to the camp? Did the councils not know about this?
Pushing himself up Keith grabbed his pack and began making the trek back to camp, cursing his luck under his breath.
Of course the first cute guy he sees while stuck here is a murderous Merfolk, what was Keith thinking, that he might manage to score himself a date with the pretty merman?
As soon as the idea crossed his mind Keith blushed as shoved it away, he wasn’t that dumb! Merfolk only ever interacted with landfolk to fill their stomachs, Keith wouldn’t get within five feet of the Merman without turning into his dinner.
Keith squashed down the hurt that tore through his hide brain at the thought, he wasn't getting getting killed because his stupid hide brain couldn't resist one pretty boy.
An absurdly divine sun kissed boy who would literally eat him for dinner.
Running a hand through his hair Keith sighed, he had to report this no way camp could keep going this close to Merfolk territory.
Just as Keith had made up his mind, his wings spread out above him, legs braced and pack tied securely to his back, Keith heard it.
The song.
Keith didn’t even have a moment to panic before his brain was overcome with mush and a desperate desire to find the source of the beautiful sound.
Stumbling towards the cliffs edge wings and tail dropping lazily behind him Keith caught sight of the Merfolk whos song he’d been trapped in, in his natural state Keith would deny to hell and back the joy that sparked at the though of that divine sun kissed boy being the one who’s song he’d fallen under.
Smiling, Keith stared at where the Merman was singing to his friends, his voice was beautiful and all encompassing, Keith wanted to get closer, to hold him in his arms and tell him how pretty his voice is, how divine he looked lounging against that rock.
Mind made up Keith took a step forward, face falling as the avian only had a moment to mourn the songs abrupt end and the panicked cries from down below before he was happily falling face first off a cliff.
Water pressed in all around him, his wings beat lazily and tail swung in agitation as the water blocked off all sound.
What happened to the pretty Merman? Keith wanted to see him again! He didn't want to be in the water without him!
Just as Keith was beginning to fight the sea's current, wanting to be back on the cliff near the pretty Merman movement to his left caught his attention.
Turning Keith gasped, mouth flooding with water as he caught sight of the Merman rushing towards him, horror over took him as Keith realised his vison was blurring, no! He wanted to see the Merman's face!
Thrashing in a panicked attempt to get closer to the Merman Keith stilled as a webbed hand came to cup his cheek, easily pressing his face into the pretty merman's hand with a smile Keith finally got a look at the strangers face.
Bright ocean blue eyes were staring at him in concern, chestnut brown hair flowed freely around his head creating a halo of brown as the light filtered though the water and shined against his blue scales, this close up he could see the freckles decorating the gaps between his scales, the Merman's tail wrapped around him, crushing his wing's and tail against him in a way that would be painful if Keith could focus on anything but the fin's running across the Merman's tail.
An annoyed whine slipped passed his lips as he tried to reach out and run his fingers across the tail trapping them to his side, his annoyance vanishing as the pretty Merman laughed before slowly pressing his lips against Keith's allowing air to flood his chest once more.
Eye's wide, Keith did his best to reciprocate the kiss, thrashing slightly to free his arms, realizing what he was doing the Merman made an amused noise squeezing him once more before he released the Avian's arms.
The moment his hands were free Keith was grasping the Merman by the back of his neck pulling him closer and deepening the kiss, his free hand coming to cup the Merman's face.
The Merman's claws dug into Keith's shoulder as he thrashed slightly, the panicked noise he made had Keith frowning, had the Merman thought Keith wanted to leave? That wouldn't do, attempting to reassure the Merman Keith pushed closer, teeth scrapping against his bottom lip as he silently asked for entrance.
Keith would have chirped in delight when the Merman hesitantly opened his mouth if he weren't so focused on the task at hand, Keith pressed closer as the Merman breathed into his mouth.
Before he could properly enjoy what was happening a hand closed around his collar and yanked him back with a growl, Keith ignored who ever had dragging him away, hand reaching out to the Merman who was blushing so prettily that Keith wanted to wrap him in his arms and kiss him silly again, but his attention was stole by the Mermaid who had wrapped around his pretty Merman, she had brown hair and blue eyes, she looked similar to the pretty Merman, if it weren't for the fact that she was currently snarling at Keith he'd say she looked near identical.
Keith didn't have a moment longer to ponder why this stranger was wrapped around his pretty Merman before he was being dragged through the water and thrown up onto the rocks, Keith gasped as his head made contact with the rock, eyes falling shut as the older Merman was glaring at him teeth bared, before he passed out Keith here him speak.
"Stay away from our brother bird brain!"
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sjvllsblog · 20 days ago
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"Varan" ("Minitor Lizard") buggy, approved by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense today for supply to the Armed Forces
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caseguys01 · 8 months ago
Enhancing Efficiency and Safety: The Minitor V Belt Clip
The Minitor V Belt Clip is designed to complement the Minitor V pager seamlessly, offering a hands-free solution for professionals who need quick access to their device at all times. Crafted from durable materials, this clip ensures the pager remains securely attached to the user's belt or clothing, preventing accidental drops or loss during critical moments. Its sturdy construction withstands the rigors of daily use, making it an essential component of every first responder's gear.
One of the key advantages of the Minitor V Belt Clip is its versatility. It features a swivel design that allows the wearer to adjust the orientation of the pager for optimal comfort and accessibility. Whether worn on the waistband, belt, or uniform, the clip can be positioned to suit individual preferences, ensuring ease of use without compromising mobility. This adaptability is particularly valuable in dynamic emergency situations where responders need to move swiftly and efficiently.
Moreover, the Minitor V Belt Clip enhances safety by keeping the pager within reach at all times. In high-stress environments, such as firefighting or rescue operations, professionals cannot afford to fumble for their devices. With the pager securely attached to their person, Motorola Radio Holster responders can focus on the task at hand without worrying about misplacing or dropping their communication lifeline. This not only streamlines their workflow but also minimizes the risk of disruptions that could compromise their effectiveness in critical situations.
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Furthermore, the Minitor V Belt Clip promotes organizational efficiency by ensuring prompt response to incoming calls. By keeping the pager readily accessible, responders can react swiftly to dispatch notifications, enabling faster mobilization of resources and timely intervention in emergencies. This proactive approach can make a significant difference in saving lives and mitigating property damage, underscoring the importance of reliable communication tools in emergency services.
Beyond its practical benefits, the Minitor V Belt Clip reflects a commitment to innovation and user-centric design. Its sleek, ergonomic profile minimizes bulkiness, allowing for discreet wearing without sacrificing functionality. The clip's intuitive design simplifies attachment and removal, facilitating hassle-free operation for users of all experience levels. Additionally, its compatibility with the Minitor V pager ensures seamless integration into existing workflows, making it an indispensable accessory for first responders nationwide.
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defrag-mx · 9 months ago
ByteTrax 240210 - Amazon • Mozilla Monitor Plus • OpenAI
Nuevo episodio ha sido publicado en https://defrag.mx/bytetrax-240210-amazon-mozilla-minitor-plus-open-ai
ByteTrax 240210 - Amazon • Mozilla Monitor Plus • OpenAI
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En el Mundo de la Música
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¡No te pierdas estas emocionantes novedades musicales!
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Un Nuevo Principio / Filosofía de lo Cotidiano
ByteTrax 240203 – Noticias de tecnología, ciencia y música
Música: Revisada • Glass Beach, Green Day, ericdoa, Sleater-Kinney y más.
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etherealcry · 10 months ago
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Single-player Vídeo instalación interactiva en circuito cerrado con Nintendo 64, minitor, webcam, Roland V-8 VideoMixer y proyector. Video de transmisión en vivo, dimensiones variables.
Esta instalación busca generar un paisaje de luz interactivo, convirtiendo al espectador en avatar (PJ). Para ello integro el medio del videojuego (Zelda Ocarina Of Time, Nintendo 64) y bajo el uso del glitch que mezcla la imagen del videojuego y la de la cámara se explora la tensión entre espacio virtual y espacio real, afectando de forma directa al gameplay.
Interactive video installation in a closed circuit featuring Nintendo 64, monitor, webcam, Roland V-8 VideoMixer, and projector. Live-streamed video, variable dimensions.
This installation aims to generate an interactive light landscape, transforming the viewer into an avatar (character). To achieve this, I integrate the video game medium (Zelda Ocarina Of Time, Nintendo 64) and employ glitch techniques that blend the images from the video game and the camera, exploring the tension between virtual space and real space, directly influencing the gameplay.
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lampung7com · 2 years ago
Minitoring Unjuk Rasa, Babinsa 410-05/TKP : Kegiatan Berlangsung Aman Dan Tertib
Minitoring Unjuk Rasa, Babinsa 410-05/TKP : Kegiatan Berlangsung Aman Dan Tertib
LAMPUNG7COM | Dalam rangka menjaga ketertiban di wilayah binaan. Serda Jasmin Babinsa Koramil 410-05 Tanjung Karang Pusat melaksanakan monitoring aksi unjuk rasa (AUR) yang berlangsung di Tugu Adipura Bandar Lampung.(Senin, 5/12) Serda Jasmin mengatakan, aksi unjuk rasa dilakukan oleh Koalisi Masyatakat Sipil Lampung (KMSL) dengan tuntutan ‘Tolak rancangan RKUHP’. “Masa aksi menolak terkait…
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aferinbyname · 9 months ago
chip i got this app to minitor you because your like a fuvking toddler. im not just gonna leave.
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warmup doodle jay ferin :33 (non-winged version below the cut)
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