#minimal jazz
fangomusic · 3 months
Loma, How Will I Live Without a Body?
New music Wednesday
After a four-year hiatus, the highly awaited follow-up to their delicate second album showcases the band's exploration of a new, detailed musical extent. This release features powerfully sincere lyrics and advanced production procedures, blending elements of minimal jazz, folk-horror, and abstract indie.
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haveyouheardthisband · 2 months
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Make off (dp x dc)
The important thing here was not to panic, Jazz thought to herself as she strained against her restraints fruitlessly. She tried to take a deep breath but the dirty gag that had been shoved into her mouth made it hard to do. In fact, with the way the left side of her face was swelling due to that punch she'd gotten earlier, breathing was hard in general right now. Jazz was in bad shape and she knew it.
She'd known Gotham was a dangerous choice, but she'd thought if she took precautions, if she stayed out of everything, she would be fine. She was a psych major in a city with lots of insane psychopaths, sure, but she was angling for family therapy, which was very much not going to put her anywhere near the infamous Arkham. And yet.
Jazz closed her eyes. It was useless to dwell on the past when she needed all her capacities to escape her current situation. She consciously did not look over to the misshapen pile she could see in a corner of the room, and very carefully did not take note of how she could distinguish the shape of something that looked like a cut off arm. Instead, she looked to the side, towards a slumped, tied up figure. He looked to be in his early twenties. Jazz managed to nudge at him with her foot in an attempt to wake him up.
It took a few tries before the guy started moving. It had taken the guy a second to come to, and when he did it was with a muffled shout. Jazz looked around, alarmed that someone had heard. She desperately tried to catch his eye as she vigorously shook her head in an attempt to signal him to shut up. He seemed to understand the message, but it was unfortunately too late.
"Oh, good. The new shipment is awake." It was a man in a white lab coat that had come out of a door off to the side. He was wearing surgical gloves and had rolled in a gurney. Jazz backed away from the man which simultaneously pressed herself into the wall, behind the other victim. As she did she felt a sharp pain in her arm as something sharp pressed into it. Could it be?
"I usually have more in stock but harvest has been poor lately."
Jazz made a show of pressing herself closer to the wall in fear to disguise her tracing the outline of the sharp thing. It felt like a piece of metal that was sticking out of the broken down, rusty walls.
The man in white looked over at her before he turned his attention towards the other victim. He strode over, crouched next to the bound man before grabbing his chin to tilt it upwards. The guy struggled against the grip but their kidnapper held firm.
Jazz took the opportunity to position her bound hands against the sharp thing and start sawing her restraint on the sharp edge experimentally. Back and forth.
"Hm," the scientist mused as he turned the guy's face to the sides, before letting go and brushing his hand against his pristine pants. Jazz stopped moving. "You'll do," he concluded before turning towards the gurney and taking a few things out of the side pockets.
Jazz started on the sawing again, this time more vigorously, grateful her partner in adversity was partially hiding her by the way he was positioned. She looked up to make sure her abductor was busy and caught him inserting the needle of a syringe into a bottle of unknown substance. She stifled a hiss as she cut the skin of her wrist on accident, and carried on her repetitive motion. She could feel the zip-tie starting to give way when the creep turned back towards them with a full syringe.
"Here we go," he said as he turned towards the younger man who just glared at him. The creep paid it no mind as he plunged the syringe into the younger guy's neck and pushed the plunger all the way down. Her fellow captive tried to headbutt the creep but he evaded it.
The creep turned back towards the gurney and Jazz took the chance. She gave a big heave and was rewarded by the snap of the zip-ties. After that it all happened very fast.
The creep started to turn around, only to be met with Jazz's roundhouse kick to the head. She immediately turned to the gurney, betting on there being a scalpel and was rewarded with the sight of a surgical knife instead. She grabbed it and made short work of her fellow captive's restraint.
As she was helping his up, a voice came from the corridor the creep had come out. "Boss?"
Jazz froze.
"You ok, Boss?" came a second voice.
Jazz looked to the now-freed man who looked back intently, though she could see how hard he was trying not to lose focus. Whatever was in the syringe was starting to take hold. She didn't know how many guys where there and her companion was clearly in no condition to help her fight. Their best chance was to run away and regroup later.
Jazz didn't have time to hesitate, she grabbed the guy's arm and started running down one of the tunnels leading away from the approaching voices.
Hopefully a head-start would be enough to make up for her flagging companion.
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desaturatedblues · 5 months
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Transformers One may I please have this? Just a smidge. A crumb is all I ask.
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tygerland · 9 months
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Keith Haring Poster designs created for Lucky Strike cigarettes, June 1987.
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Pretty much my ideal dcxdp coexisting world
Danny had all his canon happen before Bruce and the JL started their vigilante careers
Before Bruce was born or Martha and Thomas even got married
Phantom Planet never happened and the world never realized that they were almost dead in the first place (I apologize for mentioning it)
Danny retires after blowing up the portal and designing a new system of gov for the Infinite Realms (why the hell is that a monarchy anyway? Fighting being a way of communicating AND the way of determining a ruler does not make sense so I'll choose the better one)
Danny still visits the Infinite Realms but mostly lives his life
He still has interesting things happen to him but more because he apparently has a curse placed on him than anything else 'may you live in interesting times'
Danny manipulates the curse by getting into situations on purpose and then resolving them without getting attention drawn to his civilian id and normal life
He keeps track of immortals and big names that deal with death magic so as to lower the chances of being summoned
The more powerful the Realm Being the more powerful the summoner has to be to summon them and with how powerful Danny is there aren't many he has to keep an eye on
Ra's has been losing Lazarus water at a steady rate for over a decade but only now has it become a noticeable loss. The day the that he notices is a Very Bad Day for the League of Assassins (the day Danny lets himself get caught satisfies his curse for 2 whole months)
Danny hasn't aged much at all since he left Amity at 17. He's still short but mimics the effects of age with stage makeup and other tools used by actors to look older they actually are. This is how he meets a certain Alfred P. who remains a good friend even though they never really meet in person.
His parents blow themselves up and wipe their house off the map when tinkering with a device designed to lure realm beings to them. Danny isn't really sorry they're gone. He finds out after leaving Amity that he wasn't really their kid and he wasn't even adopted. They made him in their lab while distracted from their obsession with ghosts then completely forgot they had done so when they refocused on ghosts. His growth chamber (terrible name) was coated in ecto which allowed the device to reactivate and allow Danny to finish incubating into a toddler then (suspicious) it mysteriously popped him out before his the fentons noticed the growth chambers success.
His parents never took any notes on the clone experiment out of the house due to it being a (perceived) failure. After going back to their ghost obsession they completely forgot about it so no one knows. Jazz only found after Danny told her and he only found out after growing older and continuing to look less and less like either of his parents.
Danny finds the notes and that's what inspires him to leave Amity, to start looking for his bio parent. The Fenton's had no clue that the clone they grew was Danny. They dismantled the growth chamber when Danny was four (actually two) and never realized that the toddler they adopted was the clone of wonder woman they made. They never said anything to anyone about Danny being adopted so Vlad has no idea that Danny isn't Maddie's child.
Vlad starts to age drastically after the portals are destroyed and Danny figures out that Vlad isn't a halfa after all. He's just a normal ghost who can prey on people like spectra but with an obsession directed at Maddie originally and then Danny. Afterwards Vlad gets shunted off into Walker's prison because of all the toxic and human crimes he's committed among them brainwashing, mind control and mind wiping various wealthy and not so wealthy individuals into giving Vlad their money and companies.
Ellie has to explore the Infinite Realms (literally Infinite though so she's not confined) only because she can't really produce her own ecto. She has to absorb it from her surroundings so she can wander safely all over the Infinite Realms (so long as she calls for help when she gets in over her head) but not the human realms unless she takes a buddy who can produce a steady stream of ecto for her.
Vlad makes Danny his heir so now he's rich enough to travel even after giving all the people Vlad stole from their money back. It turns out that Vlad was good with making more money once he had it.
just Danny being a crptoid for the entire magical community and them being unable to talk about it if they even know of him
while danny runs a NASA and space account where he talks about NASA's recent achievements, newly discovered stars, planets and new alien races that Earth has been in contact with
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bwabbitv3s · 1 year
Want to bet that at some point Danny with Tuckers help rigs up a livestream of the inside of the Fenton Fridge™ to try and catch how long it takes the hotdogs to turn into ghosts. Mostly he just wants some idea of when to clean out the fridge to prevent sudden hotdog attacks. No one outside of Amity Park takes it serious and thinks it is just a joke. A more boring version of a watch the lettuce outlast the politician only they don't know the context of the joke.
Then the live stream starts to glitch. Weird artifacting and fuzzing along the edges of the hotdog package form. A few people start to notice the odd items in the fridge like the specimen sample container filled with what looks like lime green jello. That sometimes the hands that rifle through it to take stuff out are wearing protective gloves.
The ARG people start to trickle into the stream and pick through past footage and Danny's other videos. His channel which had just a dozen or so followers ticks upwards and people join in on the new "Fridge Livestream ARG".
With his friends help Danny leans hard into letting people think it is an AGR. Tucker on the digital side with allowing more controlled bursts of the ecto-interfearence on the stream. Rigging up custom emots, notifications, and a donation page. Sam helps provide creepy ghost vegetables and fruit. Undergrowth's contact in the city has caused some creepy garden hotspots that grow super weird vegetables. Like potatoes that look like screaming faces or carrots with ridges like closed eyes. Danny starts moving the overflow of lab fridge stuff into the regular fridge things. Instead of them being banished to the drawer of shame Jazz created. Timing swapping the stuff into place with the bursts of artifacting Tucker lets through.
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xponentialdesign · 5 months
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Persuasive Jazz
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eurevision · 3 months
The songs:
"Summer 78," by Yann Tiersen
"Koyaanisqatsi," by Philip Glass
"Sketches in D Minor," by The Hardy Tree
"Bird's Lament," by Moondog
"Birds For The Mind," Win Mertens
"Contain," by Plastikman
"The Bees Made Honey In The Lions Skull," by Earth
"The Disintegration Loops," by William Basinski
"Music for 18 Musicians," by Steve Reich
"Sunday You Need Love Monday Be Alone," by Trio
Polls close Wednesday night!
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ozkar-krapo · 4 months
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Matthew SHIPP "Spinal Syntax 1 & 2" / Loren MAZZACANE CONNORS "Exile" [feat. Val BERTOIA]
(split 7"EP. Halana. 1996) [US]
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musicollage · 9 months
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Sarah Hennies ‎– The Reinvention of Romance. 2020 : Astral Spirits.
! acquire the album ★ attach a coffee !
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bluetapes · 20 hours
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The latest one of our Camp Radio show, Music is a form of time-travel, is available to download or stream from our Soundcloud.
Early electronic music from Tod Dockstader, modern classical from Michael Nyman, kosmische techno from Manuel Göttsching, plus music from Blue Tapes and more.
This may potentially be the last episode, as I'm thinking of reformatting and rebranding the show as a more general Blue Tapes radio show, just playing more modern music that touches more directly on our world.
What do you think? Which would you prefer?
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tygerland · 9 months
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Frank Stella Heyena Stomp. 1962. Alkyd on canvas: 195 × 195 cm (76 × 76 in).
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theparanoid · 9 months
André 3000 - New Blue Sun
(2023, full album)
[New Age, Ambient, Progressive Electronic, Tribal Ambient, Spiritual Jazz, Post-Minimalism, Andean New Age]
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ruiditos · 9 months
When we were that what wept for the sea - Colin Stetson (2023)
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