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leaving-fragments · 2 months ago
ĂŒbrigens, falls irgendwer von euch einen hiwi/minijob hat der nicht steuerpflichtig ist... es lohnt sich evtl trotzdem eine einkommensteuererklĂ€rung zu machen, ich hab fĂŒr ein (1) semester tutorin sein etwa 90 euro zurĂŒck bekommen!
plus, das finanzamt kennt wahrscheinlich schon eure einkommens-daten weil der arbeitgeber die sowieso meldet und im elster portal kann man die einfach importieren. d.h. ihr mĂŒsst nicht mal euere ganzen lohnbescheide manuell eintragen, ihr mĂŒsst bloß eure steuer-id (zugewiesen bei geburt 😔) kennen
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trd-blog-magazin · 20 hours ago
Midijob: Weniger Steuern, volle Sozialleistungen
Viele kennen den Minijob, doch der Midijob bietet eine attraktive Alternative fĂŒr Arbeitnehmer, die geringfĂŒgig beschĂ€ftigt sind und mehr verdienen möchten. Bei einem Verdienst von monatlich 556,01 bis 2.000 Euro profitieren Midijobber von reduzierten SozialversicherungsbeitrĂ€gen, ohne auf die vollen Leistungen der Kranken-, Renten-, Pflege- und Arbeitslosenversicherung verzichten zu mĂŒssen. Ein

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politikwatch · 2 years ago
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jfberlin · 2 years ago
MTR / Medizinischer Technologe fĂŒr Radiologie (m/w/d) | 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen DARAUF KANNST DU DICH FREUEN
‱ Attraktive Freizeitmöglichkeiten direkt vor der TĂŒr und vielfĂ€ltige hausinterne Sportangebote (BGM)
 ‱ Tarifgebundene, sichere ArbeitsverhĂ€ltnisse (TVöD-K)
‱ Mitarbeiterwohnungen
‱ Kinderbetreuung durch klinikeigene Kinderkrippen- & KindergartenplĂ€tze
‱ Strukturierte Einarbeitung in Deinem Bereich
‱ VielfĂ€ltige Fort- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten sowie individuelle Förderung
‱ Nach sorgfĂ€ltiger Einarbeitung kannst Du nach Interesse und Eignung in allen Bereichen der Abteilung eingesetzt werden
‱ Voll digitalisierte Abteilung mit KIS, RIS und PACS von JiveX DEIN BEITRAG FÜR DEIN TEAM
‱ Deine Ausbildung ist in Deutschland anerkannt
‱ Du hast immer mal wieder gerne frei, wenn andere Arbeiten Weitere Infos unter:👉 https://www.jobfinder.de/job/mtr-medizinischer-technologe-fuer-radiologie-m-w-d-1839-6/
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die-katholische-kirche · 3 months ago
Wie sich Arbeitszeitbetrug anfĂŒhlt:
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cryptcombat · 3 months ago
did a personality test, a job interview and trial work just for a minijob. I passed!
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kirasworldofwords · 1 month ago
And now guess who's sitting on their bed, impatiently waiting for their car to get through inspection already so they can pick it back up again. đŸ« 
Oh God, do I really have to pay those 540€-
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schleichersohlen · 2 months ago
„Jeder hat seine Geheimnisse“
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lavenderlyncis · 9 months ago
They just fired me.
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binch-i-might-be · 1 year ago
good morning I have to go work an eight hour retail shift now but I didn't want to get up obviously so I'm rawdogging the day. no coffee no breakfast nothing. I'm starving and barely conscious. let's go lesbians
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hogacareers · 2 months ago
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adriaticpulse · 5 months ago
Kolika je prosječna zarada u Njemačkoj u 2024.?
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endosexual · 1 year ago
Oh my god guys ill be working every weekend until christmas in 2 weeks aka miss every match .... Oh my god i didnt even consider that
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carbondioxidewater · 5 months ago
Make A Move (Pt. 3)
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americanfootballplayer!Sukuna x fem!reader
genre: slow-burn romance, college au, fluff, angst
warnings: none so far
word count: 3k
(-> Pt. 1) (-> Pt. 2) (-> Pt. 4) (-> masterlist)
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A small gift bag in your hand, you're currently on your way to the football field. You figured it would only be fair to thank Sukuna for his help last thursday. All of your classes were over for the day and after your talk with Utahime - you had a lot of explaining to do after all - you found out that the team had training in this exact period.
Because Utahime is a senior tutoring juniors occasionally - as she had the best score in the mathematics exam last year - she knows about their schedule through a guy named Aoi Todo, who is also in the football team and simultaneously one of those juniors she tutors. You don't know how she keeps up with her own studies, considering she has that minijob at the hotel AND is a tutor on top of that. But she had always been a very determined woman and luckily, she only tutors every few weeks.
When you arrived, the team was just getting ready to start. You looked around the area to find that distinct pink haired guy you were here for and when you thought you had found him, he turned around and didn't have those typical tattoos on his face. You were utterly confused to say the least, when all of a sudden you heard a deep voice from behind you.
"Looking for me in your free time?"
You turned around and Sukuna gave you a smug look.
"Actually, yeah." you admitted and his face turned into a stunned one. He didn't expect you to be so blunt about it.
"I just came to give you that." you added and reached him the small bag.
"What's that?" he asked, mustering it before reluctantly taking it into his hands.
"Just a small thank you for last time." you crossed your arms behind your back and looked up at him, a genuine smile adorning your face. At this sight, he gulped. He examined the gift closely, slowly removing its content. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the chocolate in form of a football, his mind went blank.
"You got this for me?" he quizzed, taken aback by the kind gesture. You couldn't help but chuckle, a small bluff following.
"No, I actually got it for the other pink haired boy over there." And with that, you turned around and pointed at the man you had mistaken for Sukuna a few moments ago.
"'The other pink haired boy?'" he repeated with an amused grin. "Don't tell me you don't know him."
You shook your head.
"I don't. Why would I?" you doubted to which he responded in disbelief.
"Because he's one of the best players of our team?"
"I don't really concern myself with football or who plays it." you confided to him, causing Sukuna to drop his jaw in a state of shock before closing his mouth again in a moment of realization.
"You knew who I was though." he then stated.
"Yes, because you're a well-known womanizer." you rolled your eyes. He just laughed.
"If I am, then why aren't you all over me?"
"I'm resistant to boys like you." you shrugged your shoulders.
"Really? How are 'boys like me'?"
"Let me think." you pretended to be serious, getting into the thinker pose. "Arrogant, insufferable, boring, nasty..." he nodded at every word, occasionally raising his brows amusedly but letting you speak. Sukuna couldn't hide his entertainment, you were truly something else.
"You think so?" He came closer. "Then why did you give me the chocolate? You sure you're not crazy about me, sweet thing?" he smirked and that startled you for a moment, but you composed yourself again.
"Don't flatter yourself. You know it's not like that."
"A man can dream." he sighed and held up his hands in retreat, eyes closed. Once again, you felt your face heating up, when suddenly some of the players on the field headed your way.
"Yo, Sukuna! Hurry up, before you're late again!" someone screamed while coming up to the two of you.
"What do you mean again? I'm never late for training!" Sukuna hissed at him. Then the guy was already next to you, though on the other side of the fence.
"And what happened on thursday?" he asked him to which Sukuna kept silent. Your mind went to work, catching onto his words.
"What happened on thursday?" was your next question, curious because on that day, Sukuna helped you out.
Then another guy followed after the first, answering your question. It was the one that looked so similar to Sukuna.
"He was one hour late to our meeting, delaying the bus drive and our whole timetable and all!" The kind looking boy unfolded and now that he was closer to you, he looked like a boyish version of Sukuna, who was rather mature in contrast. His words left you speechless though, Sukuna prioritized your safety over football? You couldn't believe your ears.
"Yeah yeah yeah, and now I'm never hearing the end of it." Sukuna complained while the others laughed at him.
"Deserved." The black haired one said.
Then Sukuna took the opportunity to introduce you to each other, exposing the one with the black hair as Todo and the other one as Yuji. The two seemed to be extremely surprised at Sukuna's action for whatever reason, stammering sceptically while greeting you.
But that was not what caught you off guard, it was the way your name rolled off Sukuna's tongue. Now that you heard it slipping from his lips, you noticed you don't reckon telling him your name, so how did he know? You instantly glanced at him and when you did, he already met your gaze, a knowing smirk on his face.
"Anyways, hurry now or we're starting without you!" the two boys exclaimed to which he responded with a simple "I'm coming, dammit!", walking after them while all three of them grinned.
And with that, the athletes said their goodbyes. You returned, leaving slowly but surely. Sukuna, though, halted for a split second, calling out your name once more. He was definitely doing this on purpose.
"Hey! We're not done with that conversation!" he shouted and you inwardly agreed, wanting to confront him about the new found information that was revealed to you.
"Is that a threat?" you screamed back and he beamed at you.
"It's a promise!"
And then he turned around, running after his teammates. You couldn't help but start growing a wide smile yourself.
In the distance, you could see them teasing Sukuna about something, but you couldn't catch their voices.
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It was the next day and you were sitting in your linguistics class that was about to start in a few minutes, busy reading through the endless pages of text you were supposed to read at home. Thankfully, your lecturer was not there yet, but you still cursed yourself for not starting earlier, positive that you wouldn't finish reading it in time.
Focused on skimming through the text, you jumped when suddenly someone plumped down the seat right next to you. It couldn't be your friend who typically sat there, because she was sick this week. Of course, it was Sukuna.
"Can you stop doing that?" you hissed, still recovering from the shock.
"Where would be the fun in that?" his pearly whites flashed you.
"Why are you even here? Mixed up the classes?"
"Nah, but we have unfinished business."
"So you thought this was the right place and time for that?" you remarked sarcastically, but he replied with a careless "Yeah."
Shaking your head, you took a quick look at the time before taking the opportunity to confront him.
"Why didn't you tell me you had to be somewhere else on thursday? I would have been fine. I hope you didn't get in trouble..."
Finally talking about what left you nosy after yesterday's events, you wondered if he didn't have any classes himself. But that shouldn't bother you. You've had a hard time doing your homework and falling asleep the previous night due to Sukuna's selfless act, unable to stop your mind from wandering to said topic. You truly wouldn't have expected that from him.
"You know my reasons already, it was my decision. It was nothing your little gift couldn't have fixed." he flirted and you puffed. "I texted them I had to take care of something first and in the end, we still won. None of them was actually mad at me, so don't worry about it." he assured you and that soothed you a little.
"Next time, I'm declining your offer." you informed him.
"Next time, I'll make sure you're at the game then. Can't keep me from the game when you're at it." he smirked and you sighed. He was so annoying.
"I already told you I'm not into football."
"Yeah, about that...that has to change. Can't let you walk around not knowing who the heroes of our campus are." he exaggerated.
"Speaking of which, how do you know my name?" you finally had the chance to ask him that.
"Wouldn't you like to know? Maybe I should leave it to you to figure it out, like you did to me." he suggested, referring to you lying about sharing a class with him when you first met. The puzzled look on your face was enough for him to break out in laughter.
"But I'm not cruel like that. I know Utahime from Todo, I just didn't know she had a roommate. So when I asked him about it, he remembered your name from some of her stories. He didn't know who you were though."
So you both used the same method, the same opportunity to find out about each other? What are the chances?!
"You know Utahime?" Those were news to you. She would have told you if that was the case, you were sure of that.
He shook his head.
"Not in person, I just know she tutors Todo."
"You're unbelievable." you were shocked that he put so much effort into getting to know you.
Everything you've learned about Sukuna in the past few weeks truly surprised you. You thought he was just a big asshole that only cared about himself and had a shallow personality, but the more you got to know him, the more you realized you actually felt somewhat comfortable in his presence. Not that you would tell him that, of course.
"I know." he winked. "So, what do you say? You coming to my next game this weekend?"
"Didn't you have a game last weekend already?" And in that moment, your professor barged in.
Shit! You haven't finished reading the text yet!
"Oh you have a lot of learning to do. We have one every week of the season."
But before Sukuna could carry on his lecture on football, you tried convincing him to give you this lesson another time, internally stressed about your still due obligation of reading the text. But he was stubborn, not willing to comply until you pledged to come to his game this saturday.
The loud discussion in the otherwise so quiet room has ultimately drawn the attention of your lecturer, who quickly noticed that Sukuna didn't belong in this class.
"Mr. Sukuna, aren't you in the wrong place?" the professor voiced.
Sukuna apologized, claiming he only needed a minute before turning back to you again, everyone's eyes on the scene in front of them now. The lecturer was taken aback by Sukuna's boldness, but seeing as the period hasn't even started, he let it slide.
"Please, go already!" you pleaded whisperingly, shoving him a little but he didn't back down just yet. Thankfully, both the professor and the students started preparing for class, the noise slightly concealing your conversation and taking the focus from you.
"I'm not leaving until you promise me to come."
He pushed and you gave in, not daring to face the consequences if you didn't, and especially not wanting to make this situation even worse let alone hold up the whole class.
"Okay, okay! I'm coming! Now go!" And Sukuna grinned.
"That's what I wanted to hear, princess." he moved closer towards you, his lips right next to your ear. "Keep a lookout for number 9, he'll score the winning goal." he whispered deeply and finally stood up, excusing himself.
You let out a breath you didn't know you held and noticed some girls shooting daggers at you. You almost forgot how popular Sukuna was and that made the whole scenario the more embarrassing for you. It was in that moment that you realized what it meant to be around the campus heartthrob Ryomen Sukuna.
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Home. Finally home!!!
You thought the day would never come to an end when during all of your classes, Sukuna occupied your every thought. You didn't know what to feel, you knew he was this big ladykiller who you'd never involve yourself with usually, though at the same time, he was caring and attentive and easy to talk to.
You discarded your bag into the corner of your room and freshened up a little. Shoko would come over soon and together with Utahime, the three of you would have a long due girls night again. Movies and gossip with your two best friends - what could be better.
All of you were sitting in Utahime's room now, you didn't have a living room because your apartment consisted of only two rooms plus a bathroom and a kitchen. You didn't complain though, you were already lucky enough to have two separate rooms, many dorm members have to share one.
Shoko was even luckier and lived alone. You always switched between meeting at Shoko's place and yours. Although Shoko didn't have a big apartment, her bedroom was kind of small, so she visited you more often than you visited her.
You were in the middle of telling them the tea and they already tried to persuade you into thinking that Sukuna was interested in you. You just rolled your eyes.
"It's NOT like that! Trust me!" you insisted, but they didn't sound convinced.
"He invited you to his game?" Shoko promted.
"And didn't back off until you said yes?" Utahime's mouth fell wide open.
"I don't know, this all sounds pretty much like it is to me." Shoko was certain.
"I'm not sure, he's really nice and to be honest, different from what I thought." you admitted.
"Just be careful. His reputation speaks for itself. Don't let him fool you." Utahime then added.
"Don't worry, I won't." you sighed.
"Maybe he's just the type of guy who gets off on your 'unreachable' demeanor." Shoko wondered, tapping her chin with her finger. Your face cringed at the thought.
"Even if, it's not like I don't know better than to be cautious. I'm not playing into his game and I'm definitely not going to be one of his conquests. I could never see myself being involved like that with him." you declared confidently.
It was true, you wouldn't fall for his advances, you weren't naive. Maybe you've doubted it for a split second, but you always knew what his goals probably were. And you were thankful for your girls for reminding you.
"It's for the best, really. He is really attractive, but his reputation is just not it. If he ever makes a serious move on you, please run." Utahime concluded, disguising her sincerity with laughter. You could read her like a book however and knew she just deeply cared about you.
"I can't go alone to the game though. Are you by chance free on saturday and would join me?"
"What type of question is that, it was crystal clear from the beginning that we would come with you! Excuse me?" Utahime announced, seemingly offended and you all broke out into laughter.
Oh, how you loved your friends.
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A few days before the game, you walked to one of your classes again. This time, you were prepared. You had read the text at home and the phenomenon 'Ryomen Sukuna' didn't distract you from it. You were on your way into the building when you saw a big bus in the parking lot in front of it. It was unmistakably for the football players, you saw Sukuna and his team in the distance. Suddenly, someone bumped into you.
"Oh shit, sorry! Hey, I know you!" It was Yuji.
"Oh, hi! Are you on your way to the bus?" you asked him.
"Yeah! We have an away game again this week!"
"Oh yeah, I know, I'll be there! Good luck!"
"Oh you will? That's nice! I hope you'll enjoy our game then!"
"Thank you! By the way, I'm sorry for interrupting your training last time. I could see you and your friend were quite irritated." you scratched your head in agitation. Yuji seemed confused.
"Hm? Oh! No, sorry if we left that impression! It wasn't you, it's just that Sukuna never really introduced a girl to us before! That was strange!"
His words shocked you. You wanted to know what he meant by that, after all, Sukuna had something going on with a lot of girls already. But before you could consult him, he already set off.
"Oh shit, I have to hurry up, they're already getting inside the bus!" he stressed.
"Oh, yes of course! Uhm, please tell Sukuna good luck from me. A-and the rest of the team too of course!" you passed the message on to him.
"Will do!" he beamed at you and ran off. He was so fast that it didn't take him long to reach the bus.
In the background, you could see Sukuna looking at you through the window. He was already in the bus, his chin in his hands when he winked at you. You winked back.
Great, you thought, you successfully failed keeping Sukuna from your thoughts.
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Here's part 3!!! Wasn't content with it for a while, and I've been busy. But now I like it! Omg omg so excited for all the ideas I still have for this story. Next part will be about the first game we're at! Sukuna in action (WOHOOO)! Let me know what you think! <3
taglist: @miakxn @aureliaborea @nonamevenus @silkija @sad-darksoul @joh-ahae @weareundead
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sunny-mercya · 8 months ago
Goth Moth
Shinichiro Sano x Male Reader
Fandom -> Tokyo Revengers
Requested by -> Anon
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Your love for fashion—and your own style, a more philosophical approach to the much more darker beauty of life and death and all whats lay in the shadows beneath—had been stemmed from your older twin brother, by a hour as you had been a late baby—Wakasa.
It had already begun in the early teen years, when Wakasa—much to mothers disdain as she always nags in anger, that boys should be boys and if her own boys wants to be more feminine than she would have prayed for daughters to be born—had taken a interest in anything fashion related and you followed quick afterwards with the same quick starting passion.
In contrast to Wakasa, who likes to wear much more colourful clothes with mostly floral designs on it—his favourite being roses—you wore much darker themed clothes, more in the Gothic department.
Your gothic style—especially dark blue, almost pitch black, Blouses with ruffled cuffed and those few minimal touches of silver and white (and the occasional lone (f.flower), in homage to Wakasa as he had gifted you these when you were in the hospital) with tight skin hugging trousers—your trademarking outfit—is how you had met Shinichiro in the first place.
And it was your gothic style as well, which had earned you the silly nickname „Goth Moth“ —thanks to both, Shinichiro and Wakasa—within the gangs and groups, although your only active role in said gangs and groups were that of a secretary.
It's a Saturday night and the restaurant—Wakasa had the bright idea to take you and Shinichiro, his one and only future brother-in-law, out for some dinner—was filled close to the maximum capacity of being overfilled with costumers.
The hours passed and all well went—Shinichiro having the most talk with Wakasa as you, despite your minijob, didn't really care for gang affiliation related topics—till some guys, one or two tables away from you, decided to spurt some drunken nonsense.
Shinichiro wouldn't be bother by it, having learnt to ignore such and choosing battles wisely, if it weren't for the fact that these drunken men were spurting some sexual and sexism words towards you.
You weren't bother by such either—having come across such bigotry and ignorance during your school years, you're used by it as your appearance in contrast to Wakasa weren't by the norm of society (not that you cared about such misconceptions anyway)—but it does bother Shinichiro the more he listen, because they have no damn right to utter such judgemental bullshit.
»Shin, leave them be. They're just drunk.« Wakasa tried to defuse, seeing how his friend got angered within the passing minutes—jaw clenched already.
»Fuck it. Let's fuck them up all bloody.« Wakasa had changed his mind in a instant, when one of those bastard did not only catcalled you—which was, doesn't matter what gender even, never okay to do so—but also shouted words to you, which shouldn't be repeated.
You sighed, shaking your head in disbelief—boys, you think, dumbasses you muttered—smudging some of your eyeliner, eyes gotten a bit dry from the cold air conditioner air.
Sitting in the park, next to Shinichiro—head leaned against his shoulder—with take away food and watching the sunrise, had something romantically to it.
Shinichiro and Wakasa—claiming to defend your honour and you just looked at your two dumbasses in confusion, because it wasn't like as if you weren't able to defend your supposed "honour" (both of them watched Mulan a bit too intense and much) yourself—did make their threat come true and with good violence dragged the men outside and beat them up.
After, it had been spontaneously decided to take a stroll through the city and the park—which leads to the now and here.
You wouldn't trade with what you have with Shinichiro for anything in the world.
»What's that for?« Shinichiro asked, a bit taken by surprise, when you gave him a kiss on the cheek.
»For nothing and everything,« you said, smiling.
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erotomanicpixiedreamgirl · 9 months ago
spent my money on booking a hotel and buying new reebok shoes bc they had a sale. not giving them anymore fucking money i just gave them a total of €1000 within two months
just got ANOTHER letter demanding €400 from TK oh my fucking godddd
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