jaggededges123 · 5 months
Ask Game for the Aspiring Fic-Reccer
Recommend your favorite fic ever.
Recommend a favorite fic posted in the past year.
Recommend a favorite fic posted more than three years ago.
Recommend a fic for a rarepair!
Recommend a hidden gem for a popular pairing.
Recommend a fic that has fewer than 5 comments (author replies don't count) and deserves more!
Recommend a longfic!
Recommend a ficlet under 1000 words.
Recommend a fic from your first fandom.
Recommend a fic from your latest fandom!
Recommend something smutty!
Recommend something fluffy!
Recommend something angsty!
Recommend something hurt/comfort!
Recommend a genfic!
Recommend a shipfic where the platonic relationships shine as much as the romantic one(s)!
Recommend a fic with a poly relationship!
Recommend something with your favorite trope.
Recommend something with your favorite kink.
Recommend a fic where the characterization is just so good, perfectly to your taste.
Recommend a fic with good worldbuilding!
Recommend a fic with great prose.
Recommend a fic with amazing dialogue!
Recommend a fic rated G.
Recommend a fic rated T.
Recommend a fic rated M.
Recommend a fic rated E.
Recommend a canon compliant fic!
Recommend a canon divergent fic!
Recommend an AU fic!
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poepill · 1 year
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happy belated valentines day quodo upon thee! originally posted on ao3 for the quodo minifest, this was my valentines for @chacusha, who organized the event! i had a ton of fun drawing them and im definitely looking forward to next year <333
+ bonus art based on the comic by Kate Beaton, Javert is in Slash Fiction:
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chacusha · 2 years
Looking for some feedback on whether Quodo Mini-fest III should be an exchange this year or something else (prompt meme, mini-bang, or ship week). And on the timeline as well. Can vote on Dreamwidth or Discord or in a reply to this post.
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theselittleponders · 9 months
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A throwback to my longer holiday-themed work, from @wireless-festive-minifest 2020. I can't believe it's been three years already! Time has just flooowwn by. I loved the setting and friendships in this fic. It was fun to be able to bring forth my headcanons of the Next-Gen kiddos I've been building for the past several years.
Thanks again to my beta and now very good friend, @anopheliamiratio! <3 She also made this banner to help me celebrate! :D
Read it here!
The Winter Showcase at the end of fall term is a premiere event, celebrating both student talent and the holiday season at Hogwarts. Rose Weasley is determined to make her mark and shine as a vocalist this year, if only to overcome this annoying stage fright. But when her partner gets injured, she has to scramble to find someone who can accompany her. Someone who plays piano, sings, doesn't mind performing last-minute in front of the whole school, and, more importantly, is available. It's a lot to ask for, but if she can't find a proper replacement in time, she may have to drop out of the program altogether... Will her efforts ring true or will she fall flat this Christmas?
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justleaveacommentfest · 5 months
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Submit to this collection with a ficlet inspired by a song on Taylor Swift's new album between the release of the album April 19th and FRIDAY APRIL 26TH [edited due to overwhelm from surprise double album]. This is a very casual minifest encouraging creativity and fun with a pretty strict time constraint. Minimal torture of writers, please, if we’re allowed to ask for that, but torture characters all you want of course.
Rules: You must wait to start writing your fic until you have listened to the album. You must pick one song per fic/drabble/ficlet. Writers are welcome to submit multiple works. Fics are not expected to be polished or beta-read - this is a flash fest!
Maximum word count is 1013 words. No minimum.
Any ship/era/character
No content restrictions EXCEPT that if you’re under 18, we ask that you only submit fics rated G or T
Please tag thoughtfully
BONUS: Word count ends in 13
Have fun! <3
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evlynmoreau-blog · 23 days
The Ritual
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Waking up move
The night cycle ends when the exploration reaches over +3 or -3 or the group obtains a ritual key. The group wake up and the day cycle begin, time to be productive.
Reality progressively collapse as the base personnel reclaim the lower levels of the base and get closer to the Dreamer. 
Base levels 1 to 3, reality collapse stage 1 
Remove all harm and items except for ritual keys, stress remains.
Radio communication is glitchy.
The group pick 2 each time they wake up:
A player character with harm wakes up outside of their dormitory, they keep half their harm and an item. Mark the character, the camera did not record their arrival.
A room slightly changed, details are not as remembered for the player characters and marked NPCs. Mark the room, If the room is marked again, a NPC goes missing, they were last seen in this room…
Someone from your cadre remembers fragments from the night cycle, from the point of view of a corrupted replika. Mark them. If marked again their behavior becomes erratic…
Base levels 4 and 5, reality collapse stage 2 
Recover only half the harm, stress and items remain. 
Radio communication becomes more erratic, ghost reception happens regularly.
The group pick 2 each time they wake up:
A player character with harm wakes up outside their dormitory, they keep all their harm, notes about the ritual scribbled near them. Mark the character, the camera recorded something else.
A room show subtle sign of corruption from the night world. Mark the room, if marked again a night world encounter slip into the base…
Someone for your cadre remember past events differently, marks them, if marked again they get sick and start showing signs of corruption…  
Base level 6, reality collapse stage 3  
Realities slowly merge, both day and night moves can be used. Recover no harm, everything remains. Radio can only receive the signal.
The group pick 2 if they ever wake up: 
A player character with harm wakes up outside their dormitory, a wounded NPC nearby, a ritual key in their hands. Mark the character, the camera recorded something…
A room show clear signs of corruption, mark it, if marked again the room become unusable, raise the rating of a trouble and reduce exploration by 1. 
Someone from your cadre is armed and wants to stop the group or destroy the ritual keys. Mark them, if marked again they inflict harm on a PC’s regard, a PC or themselves.   
Marked rooms and NPC are golden opportunities for GM hard moves. 
The GM can also mark rooms and NPC when they make a move.
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The Final Ritual move
When you enact the final ritual roll +number of ritual keys -reality collapse stage
On 10+ reality stabilize, the Dreamer meet with the characters, they all remove a mark and get an epilogue. 
On 7-9 the ritual scares the Dreamer, they panic and minifest a fear to stop it. If the group is able to finish the ritual, reality stabilize and they receive an epilogue 
On a miss: local reality collapse, characters gain d6 marks and receive an epilogue.
Epilogues are based on the number of marks, the more you have the more tragic your epilogue is. I still have to design the epilogues table. Exploring together who the Dreamer was before the experiment is also an important aspect of the game. This will be mostly done through exploring the memories that the Dreamer transmit through the signal.
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hp-podfic-mini-fest · 2 months
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Welcome one and all to the 2024 Harry Potter Podfic Minifest! This is a casual fest highlighting new podfics of works in the Harry Potter fandom.
You can find the full fest rules and FAQ at the hp_podfic_mini_fest_2024 collection on AO3, but here’s the overview:
no minimum length, no maximum length (podfics of microfics welcome!)
any audio work featuring the Harry Potter fandom is welcome
submitted works must not have been posted elsewhere before
works-in-progress should not have previous chapters posted
to participate, add your work to the AO3 collection by Friday, September 27
new works will be revealed every day starting on Tuesday, Oct 1
Never recorded a podfic before? This is a great opportunity to give it a try, and we’ve written a guide to help you get started.
Already working on a podfic that hasn’t been posted yet? We’d love to feature it in our fest!
We can’t wait to hear all your lovely voices!
Your HP Podfic Minifest mods
p.s. if you have any questions, please get in touch!
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dramioneasks · 5 months
Dramione News:
HP Animagi Week - Fest is complete, no dramione this year :(
HP Triad!Fest - Fest is complete, a masterlist will be posted soon.
HP Trans Fest - Claiming open from Apr 15th - Jun 15th.
The Great Wizarding Feast Fest - Signups close Apr 30th.
Harry Potter Wizarding Olympics Fest - Claiming closes May 21st.
Harry Potter Mythology Fest - Fics due Apr 30th.
HP Cry Me a River Fest - Fest is complete, a masterlist will be posted soon.
The One Direction Fanfiction Fest - Signups are open, closed Jul 23rd.
HP Animated Fest - Claiming is open until May 6th.
The Sub!Draco Fest - Signups are open, closes Jun 4th.
HP Smells Like Teen Spirit - Reveals begin Jun 1st.
HP Recipe Rec Fest - Fest is open, last day to upload your fic is May 6th.
Dreomione Fest - Signups open, fics due Jun 19th.
Wizarding Olympics Fest - Fics due May 28th.
Dramione Fanfiction Forum - Deflower Draco, Fest is complete, a masterlist will be posted soon.
Ladies of HP Fest - Fest starts Apr 28th. Ends Aug 31st.
HP MILF Fest - Claiming closes and fics due May 10th, posting starts May 12th.
Draco’s Den - Posting starts Jan 7th.
HP Soulmates Fest (Twitter) - Signups are open. Close Jul 11th.
HP Unspeakables Fest - Prompting open from May 24th - Jun 18th.
HP Drizzle Fest - Prompting open from Apr 21st - May 3rd.
HP Horrible Goose Fest - Fics due Jul 29th.
Feed My Frankenstein - Fics due Jul 11th.
HP Daddy Knows Best - Claiming is open, ends May 31st.
HarryGlots Fest - Claiming open until Jun 9th.
HP Flowers - Spring Round, runs all May.
HPHet - MiniFest, Posting starts May 1st.
Microfic May - Fest runs all May
Bad Smut Fest - Prompts available, fics due Jun 8th.
Dramione Writers’ Society Discord - The Story of Us Fest, Prompting is open, closed Apr 28th.
Baby Bumps & Broomsticks - Up The Duff Fest, Claiming is open, closed Jul 7th.
HPTV Network Fest - Claiming is open, closes Jul 17th.
The Tortured Poets Fest - Signups open Apr 22nd, ends May 20th.
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
i saw this post: “bitches in fandoms will use "the women aren't well developed characters and they're boring bc the writers are misogynists and didn't give them anything >:(((" as an excuse to never talk about any female characters but then they'll have an entire made up backstory and 700 fics on ao3 for background male character #4 who doesn't have a canonical last name. “
and this relates sooo much to hp fandom. i love drarry and wolfstar but sometimes the things i see about reg is just kinda… that. we are talking about his door sign (bc ofc we read this glimpse in the book) and his story is very good indeed since he’s like an anti-hero but idk if it’s bc the original writing but we don’t talk much about the female characters that much. like i’ve never seen bunch of fics that detail hermione dealing with her parents after the war, how they could have felt betrayed that she made then forget their whole lives. i read one hermione/millicent fic that talks abt it but nothing… deeper. we don’t see much abt pansy potentially breaking down after trying to give harry to voldemort. my point is we never explore much of these characters. i’ve never seen fic festivals abt them. it’s all about the men in the universe and don’t get me wrong i love them but i wish we’d put more effort in writing wlw media and that we could discuss a female character’s little things or traumas.
i’m sending this to you bc i love your blog and i’m looking for more sapphic content! and i’m begging other ppl in hp fandom to reflect on it. anyway if you have any blog or fic recs that really focus on the female characters, i’d like to know! sorry if there’s any mistake, english isn’t my first language
I think this is a really nuanced topic and yes there is truth in the message of the post and what you’re saying but it’s also not the whole picture if that makes sense? It would require like an essay on fandom, gender and sexuality to explore M/M vs F/F topic (and there are many great ones!).
I want to approach it from a different angle with my reply, that they do exist. Pandora, Mary, Dorcas and Marlene are also only named in canon but have a big fanon presence. There are people who write and engage with female characters to that depth and with so much passion.
They’re not as visible, I agree, but it’s a self-perpetuating issue. They also feel alone in creating their works even though there are multiple, several posts like this. I’m gonna tag some accounts to check out down below, please use them as a jumping point to connect with creatives!
@hpsaffics @femmefest @fleurmioneweek sapphicspringfest @hpwlwbigbang @hpfemslash-minifest @hpfemslashweek @hpfemslashficrecs-blog @hpfemslash @hpfemships @harrypotterfemslash @thehpfemslashnet @hpfemslashnetwork @hpfemsecretsanta HP single mums Pansyfest @dirtygrangerfest @lunalovegoodfest @hermiones-haven @astoriafest @sapphicnovember @flonksfest femslashficlets @harrypotterfemslashcentral @andromedafreed @pansmione-archive
Also, if any of my followers and mutuals have female-centric or femslash works they’d like to share, please reply to this with your links!
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dhr-ao3 · 1 month
[Podfic] 'Height' by senlinyu
[Podfic] 'Height' by senlinyu https://ift.tt/xHrq1Wi by thedramionearchives (dittanyanddreams) “Tall? That’s what you think I should notice about Malfoy? His height?” Ginny quirked an eyebrow and licked the tip of her quill suggestively. ”Well, isn’t that your thing? Lockhart. Krum. McLaggen. Ron. The only thing they have in common is being tall enough to give me a neck ache.” Hermione felt her ears grow hot, and she gripped her book tighter. “I don’t have a thing for tall men. Their height is—completely coincidental.” Dramione Height Differences Minifest 2020. This is a podfic/audio version. Words: 47, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Podfic & Podficced Works, Podfic, Podfic Length: 45-60 Minutes, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Height Differences, Height Kink, tol/smol, erotic hand holding, Mutual Pining, Explicit Sexual Content, Determined Hermione Granger, Pining Draco Malfoy, Fluff and Crack, Fluff and Angst, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Size Difference via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/X9t4rJ2 August 13, 2024 at 12:52PM
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poepill · 7 months
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last year i had the fun opportunity to draw for the quodo valentines minifest, and while I didn't draw anything this year, here are some leftover quodos I'd done then to get a better hang of drawing the pair.
i'd planned to make the last two into a comic about quark getting stood up on a date (with a happy ending), but i,,,didn't finish, so now it's just. sad quark hrs. whoops! (sorry quark)
anyway happy valentines day !! 🥰💕💕💕
also putting the songs i was listening to while drawing sad quark bc they're so good:
bonus close ups:
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larphacks · 2 years
Ten Tips for Crewing your First LARP
LARPHacks, my friends have convinced me to try LARP and I’ve decided to crew my first event so I can get a feel for the game before diving in as a character. How do I make sure it’s a good experience?
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Glad you asked! This is geared primarily at people crewing small-medium “minifest”/large-linear games, about 40-100 people, based at sites like scout camps in the UK; but I think and hope plenty of the advice will be applicable more widely.
Crewing starts a week before the event. Check with other crew what you should be packing and make sure it's together. There's an example generic LARP packing list here, but as a bare minimum you should pack:
Comfortable footwear with ankle support
Sleeping gear, unless you are SURE the site has bedding
Warm & waterproof clothing sufficient to comfortably stand still in the rain in winter at night for >30 minutes
Washkit, including any medications and a towel
Plain dark trousers and top
Phone charger and power bank
List of emergency phone numbers (partners/friends/relatives) in case you damage your phone or get stuck out of signal
Crewing starts a week before the event! There should be some material available to help crew understand the backstory to the event, roughly how it will run, what the PCs are trying to achieve and what obstacles they will encounter. You may have the opportunity to volunteer to play NPCs in advance, and those NPCs may have briefs. You should revise the rules so you understand what calls and mechanisms you'll encounter in play.
Sometimes you'll find there is too much of this material and it's overwhelming. If that happens, you should ask for a one-page summary, or a priority order of stuff you "must" read vs "could/should" read.
Sometimes you'll find there isn't enough of this stuff and you don't really understand what you're meant to be doing. If that happens, you should find a member of the game team or a more experienced crew member and ask them questions!
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The rhino has a complex and intricate set of character motivations which the player was revising for weeks in advance.
When you get to site, the refs/game team become your bosses. You should keep an ear out for when they're trying to talk. Good crew rooms are noisy, chaotic places, full of people enthusing about the encounter they've just come back from, or revising their brief for the one they're going out on next - all while trying to put on a chainmail shirt and find an appropriate weapon in the pile and glue the extremely important cardboard crown prop back together. This is fine - embrace the chaos! Get excited! But keep one eye on the refs and shut up when they start talking.
It's always okay to say "no" if the refs ask you to do something, but try to make it "no but":
"No, I don't think I can manage to fight again right now, but I could go in again as one of the non-combat restless ghosts we had earlier."
"No, I'm not ready for another role now, but I'll be good in 30 minutes, I’ll wait here until then."
"No, I don't have the brains to absorb a complex brief, but I'm happy to go in as something like a thug or bodyguard if someone else plays the Prince."
At the same time, while the refs are busy, they would rather know if you're having a problem or don't understand something. Don't suffer in silence. There are always lulls in game time, so if you need help, collar a ref and ask them. Even better, ask a more experienced crew member - they'll be able to read the room and find you the right moment to speak to someone; they might even be able to fix the problem themselves.
If you're really keen to do something, make sure you communicate that to the refs - ideally before the event - so they have the chance to find something. Whether it's making kit, wearing a particular costume, playing a particular type of role - always worth asking!
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A crew tent with all the essentials: bottled water, electric light, queer pride.
No matter how well organised the game LOOKS, it will have gone off the rails approximately two hours after time in. This is normal and expected. You will end up being asked to play roles you didn't prepare for: this is also fine and expected.
Try to play as many different roles as possible within your physical, mental and emotional capacity. Expect a big variety of different things to do. Throw yourself into the world and have a go at everything. You will not enjoy it all equally and that's fine - you're here to learn what works for you
Even if you have been given a single "big name" NPC with an important plot role, be prepared for them to arrive on screen late, leave early, or fall down a flight of stairs onto some PC knives thirty seconds after they appear. Getting keen for an NPC is great - getting overinvested in one is a recipe for disappointment and bad feeling (on your part or the players’).
Look around you at what the other crew are doing. If a role looks like fun, join in! If a ref asks for volunteers, stick your hand up! The louder, more interesting roles will go to more experienced LARPers who are "known quantities" unless you volunteer for them. Often those more experienced LARPers are itching for someone else to volunteer and will be delighted to coach you through being a squad leader, an evil magician, an angry space knight or whatever else comes up.
If you feel anxious in a complex or high energy role, ask if you can have a more experienced crew member as an IC servant, second-in-command or bodyguard. This gives them an excuse to stick close to you and whisper in your ear if you stray off track.
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You are at this LARP to help create a living world for the PCs - the protagonists - to inhabit and affect. You may have a very important NPC with complex motivations and great kit - and you should immerse yourself and play them to the hilt! - but their concerns and goals must come secondary to the players.
Here are a few ways to reinforce that:
No NPC-on-NPC Action. NPCs should talk to each other as little as possible, only ever with players present, and ideally only ever at player instigation. If the players have worked all night to get the Margrave and the Duchess to negotiate a peace treaty, then of course they can negotiate. (Though it would be better if they each empowered a PC legate to negotiate on their behalf....). But it should be a big public negotiation with lots of opportunities for the players to observe and interject. If you find yourself talking to another NPC in private, then stop, walk away, find a PC and do your business in a way which includes and centres them instead. NPCs talking to NPCs with no player engagement is sometimes called “Facewank”, and is one of the three cardinal sins of bad LARP design.
Fight Generously. In combat roles, try to "sell" every blow the players make by flinching, rolling away, shouting in pain. It's good to give the players a challenge, but it's even better to challenge them AND make them feel heroic and badass when they defeat you.
Spot the Quiet Ones. Every time you go in as a “talky” NPC, look for the players who aren’t running to greet you, playing leadership roles, or pushing themselves forward. Give them an opportunity to engage with your role.
So, tell me about... It’s great to deliver your brief; it’s even cooler to give the players a chance to deliver their unique stories. Ask players about their kit, their customs, their names and deeds. There’s no quicker way to create the sense of a living world and culture than to have a fully IC reaction - and it can be anything! Approval, disgust, awe, curiosity - to something you already knew OC about a PC.
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An NPC is there to fulfill a function - note briefing notes tucked into belt!
Self care is important for two reasons: you’re at a physically, mentally and emotionally demanding hobby, and you want to keep yourself safe; and if you don’t look after yourself, then it’s going to be one of the other crew or ref team taking time out of running the game to look after you. It isn’t big or hard or clever to forget to drink water or fight so hard you feel faint. It isn’t cool to wear uncomfortable kit (no matter how great it looks) which exhausts you to the point you’re incapable of participating in the game, or to keep banging your head against a role you’re really not enjoying.
Ask for help before you need it, not after; make your accessibility needs and limitations clear to the game team in advance; give yourself enough food, water, sleep and decompression time between intense roles. Looking after yourself isn’t selfish, it’s part of being a responsible crewmember.
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A social role can make a great break between more physically active roles.
Even if you’re new, you can still keep an eye on your fellow crewmembers. Check in on them if they seem down or subdued, and make sure they’re remembering to drink enough water and get some rest. A great way to cheer someone up is asking them what their favourite moment of the event has been so far, or to ask them to tell you about a highlight of a previous LARP experience - getting people to tell war stories is a good way to get perspective on the game.
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And what friendly souls all of these crew seem to be!
Crew rooms are always chaos, particularly crew rooms for medium-sized combat games. Work out where things are meant to live and anytime there’s a break, gently tidy things up. Wash out cups, put the swords back where the swords live, throw rubbish away.
Go one better and improve the conditions - are people unsure of where the costume/weapons get stored? Grab a Sharpie and some paper and duct tape, and start making signs. Is there an obvious trip hazard? Tape it down or move it. Refs have left radios scattered over the desks? Put the spare ones on to charge.
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If you don’t keep the crew room tidy, you’ll be left wearing the chicken wig.
Everyone is very excited and frothy at the end of an event, and it can be really compelling to catch up with the players you’ve only ever seen IC all weekend! But there is plenty of work to do to get the site collapsed, kit packed away, and everything cleaned and tidied. Make sure you leave enough energy to pack down your own and the event kit, and if you can’t see anything obvious to do, grab a mop or a cloth and start cleaning part of the site.
Be prepared to look after yourself in the days after the event. Take a day off to recover.  Sleep, eat and rehydrate. You will be more drained than you realise. Carefully clean and disinfect any little cuts or grazes you picked up - the outside is dirty and they will infect quickly.
If it’s gone well, you’ll be on a big emotional high! If it hasn’t, you may feel a bit rotten. In either case, engaging in after-game froth on social media can be a great way to maintain the good memories of the event, as long as you’re sensible. Try to be generous with your engagement - give other people compliments on cool stuff you saw them do, tell them their kit looked cool, and try to think of something nice to say at least once for every time you’re complimented.
You may get a bit of low mood ("event drop") after a day or two. That's okay. It will pass. Write down the good frothy memories now while you're hyped about it and re-read them when you're low.
If some things didn't go so well, it's absolutely OK to talk and vent about them, but it’s courteous do it in a place the game team can't see it (e.g. personal Facebook, on a filter) for the first week.
Write down what worked well (roles/interactions you enjoyed, kit you liked) and not so well (things you should have packed, things you'd have liked to do but missed the chance) while it's fresh in your mind. Review the list next time.
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I liked the bit where I died!
(Credit to Jessie for this bit:) When you roleplay a character getting emotional - you are likely to be using your own real emotions to physrep that. Those don't always go away just because you have stopped playing the character. So be gentle with yourself for how you feel for the next few days, and watch out for any responses that come from the character and not you. This is called "bleed" and its normal, basically everyone gets it. But you might feel, eg, weirdly close to or angry with a player or fellow crewmember, or like you've let people down or similar. If that happens it is worth pausing on the reaction and checking where it comes from before acting on it. In the same way that while your kit isn't actually covered in blood you still need to put it round the wash - you weren't actually in a life or death situation with your mates but your brain might need a gentle clean up as if you were.
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unendingwanderlust · 5 months
In honor of @justleaveacommentfest, here are all the fics I read and commented on during the 4/20 minifest (Tolkien and Buffyverse fandoms)! My original goal was 9 comments (3 per day), but I managed to exceed that by 3 (12 total)!
Mind the tags and ratings for each fic, and don't forget to show the authors some love if you enjoyed them!
Tolkien (Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, Silmarillion):
Drawing Blood by usvainenaamu (Caranthir & Haleth, implied Caranthir/Haleth, T, 868 words). Caranthir teaches Haleth embroidery. A cute and fluffy piece, loved their banter.
In Dreams We Will Meet Again by broken_pencils (Thorin/Bilbo, G, 861 words). The One Ring gives Bilbo a special extra power. Delightfully angsty Bagginshield.
First Snows by toasterdrake (Tauriel/OFC, T, 1785 words). Gorgeous descriptions of a brutal winter in Mirkwood, featuring some cute romance in the end to melt away the frost.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep by Black_knight100 (Thranduil & Legolas, mentioned Bard/Thranduil, T, 3260 words). Fascinating AU in which Thranduil takes the One Ring. This particular flavor of Dark!Thranduil is my fave.
Group projects are hell by Crimson_Sais (Gimli/Legolas, G, 1491 words). Cute modern-day Gigolas, in which they become friends and fall in love after being assigned a group project together (probably the only group project in the history of group projects that wasn't awful, and I love that for them).
Cookie exchange by Melime (Gimli/Legolas, G, 582 words). More modern-day Gigolas, this time featuring terrible baking (and Gimli being an absolute sweetheart!)
On the Complicated Nature of Making Peredhil by LordGrimwing (Idril/Tuor, E, 1884 words). If you've ever wondered "how is half-elf babby formed?", you'll enjoy this fic. Equal parts funny, cute, and hot.
East Away by Elleth (Tauriel/OFC, T, 3504). Lovely worldbuilding for Rhûn/Dorwinion. If, like me, you'd also give your left kidney for more worldbuilding fics involving these areas of Middle-earth, you should go read this one.
The Good and Evil We Are by whovianhiddlestoner (Kidnap fam (Maedhros & Maglor & Elrond & Elros), T, 1025 words). I love kidnap fam fics when they're deliciously angsty and full of complicated feels. This one hit the spot.
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Buffyverse (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel)
Bridal Inspection by the_widow_twankey (Angel/Drusilla/Spike, E, 1829 words). Delicious genderplay fun.
Meandering in the Dark by WotanAnubis (Spike & Joyce, G, 1160 words). Spike visits Joyce. This could've easily been a scene from the show.
One Summers' Grave by Cajunhusker (Spike & Joyce, Giles & Spike, Giles & Joyce, G, 2005 words). Spike visits Joyce's grave, and so does Giles. A lovely piece, and everyone was so in-character.
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justleaveacommentfest · 4 months
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transcreamo · 1 year
i think anywhere with active alt music scenes should have like an annual diplomatic council slash minifest. ravers, metalheads, punks, goths, and whoever can meet under a truce agreement to share important scene news, collaborate on stolen gear fundraising, and of course compete in a talent show
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