#minhyuk yandere
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mymoodwriting · 6 months ago
F!Reader x Hyungwon
Genre: Yandere AU
Warning: Kidnapping, Verbal Abuse, Restraints, Trespassing, Mind Control, Weapons, Guns, Gunfire, Threats of Self-Harm, Fatal Injuries, Major Character Death
Words: 4k
Chapter Sixteen
Prompt: NexGen is the leading company for all of humanities technological advances. Their recent project involves creating a higher functioning AI, one with basic knowledge of the world, and programmed to learn. It’s no surprise the project is a secret from the general public, and you, the company’s head programmer, were chosen to be the AI’s teacher. You wish you could reject the assignment, but the decision was made. Now with an AI at home things were different. Although it might not be such a bad thing, perhaps you could learn and help each other out, for better or for worse.
(@starillusion13 @makeyourfantasydreamscometrue)
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“This is all your fault!!!”
    You weren’t restrained in any way, just having been placed down in a chair. As soon as you saw Changkyun you jumped to your feet and charged at him screaming. It took a moment for everyone else to react but they quickly grabbed you and held you away from your target. That didn’t stop you from yelling and trying to break free. Eventually you were shoved back into a chair and restrained. Once you were secure, Changkyun asked everyone to leave the room, except for Jooheon. So now it was just the three of you.
“Now that you’re-”
“You messed with Chae’s fucken code! This whole disaster is because of you!”
“I know! And I’m sorry! Okay!” Changkyun took a breath. “I’m sorry… I know this is my fault… I should have told you everything from the start. That the company was using your code without permission for the sake of innovation and-”
“For promotion? That’s what you wanted, right? You kept Chae hidden for months, before I even knew he existed! Why!? Why the heck did you alter his code!”
“I… I was watching you from your home security cameras when the AI caught me. It was gonna report me so I-”
“It’s true…” You needed a moment. “What Hyungwon told me, what he reported to the police, it was all true… you were stalking me? You-”
“I hate to interrupt all this.” Jooheon cut in. “But we have bigger problems right now. If it makes you feel better, when this is all over he will go back to prison.”
“You’re still a convicted criminal here, Changkyun. You admitted to the unlawful surveillance and all the other stuff. I only got you out of prison because I needed you, the world needs you. We need to stop this AI thing before it grows too powerful.”
“Agreed. I doubt you all beating Hyungwon to a pulp did much to stop him. You didn’t have to go that far to rescue me.”
“We had to make sure he couldn’t track us.”
“I guess, now will one of you untie me? I won’t hurt anyone.”
The two boys shared a look before Jooheon undid your restraints. You stretched your limbs and then noticed a bracelet you had on.
“What’s this?”
“Protection. We did a scan before we brought you here, realized you had a chip inside you.” Jooheon explained. “We couldn’t remove it, so the bracelet serves to block any possible incoming or outgoing signals.”
“Shit… I had totally forgotten about that… thanks.”
“No problem. Now, you told me before that everything was run out of NexGen, and that should be our focus. Care to elaborate on that?”
“Yeah. There are serves underground the NexGen HQ building. That’s where Hyungwon runs everything, that’s the source of his power. Although I’m not so sure shooting them, or setting off an EMP would work.”
“Can’t you shut it down?”
“Me? I, well it was my code that made him, but I’m not sure any failsafes are still in play.”
“They are.” Changkyun confirmed. “When I got you away from Hyungwon the first time I used the reset protocol. Then when Jooheon came to save me from prison he used the shut down protocol. Besides the modifications I made, nothing else seems to have been changed from his code. It’s still your code, so you should be able to shut it all down.”
“Huh… I guess he never really thought about changing his own code, he’s had nothing but success, and the only person who did know his code was at his side.”
“Not anymore.” Jooheon remarked. “So all we have to do is break in and-
“It’s not that easy.” Changkyun stated. “Even before the AI takeover, getting into NexGen without authorization was basically impossible. I can only imagine what security upgrades have been implemented. I’m sure y/n knows all about them now.”
“He’s right. The first thing Hyungwon did when he took over NexGen was get everyone under control. There are orbs all over the building and all employees wear a bracelet to monitor them. Even guests have to be approved and wear a bracelet while in the building.”
“So then how are we gonna get in?” Jooheon questioned.
“Well, we might have a way. As of late Hyungwon has had this company come in to upgrade the servers. We could pretend to be employees from that company and get direct access to our target.”
“Won’t we be recognized though?”
“Not necessarily. The orbs in the building make note of the bracelet, not your face. As long as we all have a bracelet with the correct authorization codes, no one will notice us.”
“Not even the other employees?”
“They’re… they’re not all there. Hyungwon has gone to great lengths to maintain control. Although in order for this to work, we need to be sure he’s out of the building. He’d be alerted of our arrival and check our faces just to be safe. Once he’d realize we’re not the usual crew it would all be over. But if he’s outside the building he’d be less likely to know about us showing up, and even then, wouldn’t check our identities. When he’s not around the whole building is like in standby mode so the chances of being caught are even lower.”
“How would we get that thing out of the building?” Changkyun wondered. “It’s probably on high alert now.”
“But there’s one bait he’d always far for. Jooheon?”
“This bracelet that’s blocking the signal, could it do something else?”
“Like what?”
“Bounce the signal to another location?”
“Oh, definitely.”
    Hyungwon opened his eyes, his surroundings different yet familiar to him. It took a moment for everything to come back online, but once he was alright he sat up. Minhyuk was at his side, looking over the monitor before checking in with Hyungwon.
“What happened to you?”
“Those low-lives came for her. They broke into the house and kidnapped her, beat my body into scrap while they were at it.”
“How’d they manage that?”
“An EMP went off moments before their arrival. It disrupted my systems, and hurt her in the process. Luckily I was able to send you a message and jump into my backup body before they truly caused damage.”
“What about your plan?”
“We proceed as usual. Did you get any information on y/n’s whereabouts?”
“Unfortunately I don’t have anything. I checked nearby CCTV footage to track the van that took her, but I lost them. Her chip also isn’t broadcasting a signal, so I don’t have a read on her location.”
“They can’t hide her forever. The more we take, the better the chances of finding her.”
    Despite remaining calm and collected, Hyungwon was worried about you. He’d taken many precautions in order to keep you safe, and yet you were still taken from him. Something like this could not happen again. Days went by without any news from you and he was growing agitated. He couldn’t fathom what you were going through. Although when he finally got a ping on your location he sprung into action. He checked nearby CCTV, looking for you in the crowds. That’s when he noticed a hooded figure trying to keep a low profile. Those ridiculous rebels had probably roped you into their shenanigans, and he would not stand for that.
    He made his way to your location. As soon as he was nearby he called out your name, and it seemed that you heard him, immediately breaking out into a run. He had no problem chasing after you, making his way through the crowd until he caught up to you, grabbing your arm and pulling you close. He immediately pulled back the hood and took off your mask, only to see it wasn’t you. He was confused, as your chip signal was coming from this person. Then he noticed the bracelet on them, breaking it and losing your signal once more.
    The crowd around him suddenly erupted into chaos. Someone had pointed out his identity and soon he was swarmed by all kinds of people. Some were clearly fans, others protesters trying to tell him off about his creation. This was all the least of his concerns. Hyungwon pushed through the crowds, knowing he couldn’t cause too much of a scene right now. He called upon drones to assist him, and once he informed Shownu he knew law enforcement would be showing up soon. Once he got away from the crowds he managed to return to his vehicle. Although people continued to gather around him, keeping him trapped.
“What happened?” Wonho asked, having come along with Hyungwon as the chauffeur. “Where’s y/n?”
“Not here. It was a ruse.” 
“So then where is she?”
“I don’t… actually, if they did all this, then there’s only one place she could be.”
    You were all incredibly nervous as you walked up to NexGen, but needed to act like you were supposed to be there. One of the rebels you worked with managed to hack into the repair company Hyungwon had been using. Through their systems they set up an appointment, so you guys were expected. From there you got the building access codes that had been given to this company and modified some bracelets to broadcast it. Everything should go smoothly, and you all waited until you had confirmation Hyungwon was out of the building.
    It was strange for you to return to NexGen in such a way. Once upon a time you were an employee here, then a prisoner, and now a runaway criminal trying to destroy everything this company has built. You were all wearing uniforms and carrying equipment, concealing your identities with a mask and just trying to act normal. Your team made it to the front desk, one of the others checking in for you, and then you were being escorted down to the servers. You and Changkyun shared a glance, kinda amazed with one another that you were actually doing this. When the elevator doors opened you were amazed to see how things had changed.
    Once upon a time this room was just rows and rows of servers, but now a giant control console stood at the center, a few physical servers around it, but you could see many more were just below your feet. You couldn’t even imagine the amount of data that was currently being stored, or what it was for. There weren’t any people down here, only a few drones, and androids, but they all had their own tasks. Upon your arrival all the machines glanced your way but according to their systems you were authorized to be here, so they did nothing and continued with their own tasks. 
“Y/n, you’re up.”
    Now it was your turn to act. While with Hyungwon he had restored your position in the company, and had been using your credentials. All you had to do here was log into the control console and activate a kill code, shutting everything down and wiping all the data. You gained access without issue, being able to see all of Hyungwon’s operations and future plans. They wouldn’t continue though. You worked to activate the kill code, but all of a sudden the screen went black.
“… what just happened?” You tried to get the computer back on. “I didn’t even-”
    An alarm suddenly went off, startling everyone. All the machines turned to you, beginning to surround you. The others with you revealed the weapons they had, but no one fired just yet. Although soon all the attention turned to someone else.
“It was very brave of you to come here.”
    You looked over to see Hyungwon entering the room, gun in hand. You didn’t need to wonder who he was aiming at, quickly stepping in front of Changkyun.
“How are you here?” You questioned. “You left and-”
“So it was your little plan to lure me out of here? Well, I did learn to body jump after my last encounter with these low lives. I am alright, y/n, they didn’t cause any damage. I’m also happy to see you’re alright. I do apologize for worrying you.”
“Hyungwon, this needs to stop, all of it.”
“And you intended to do so by destroying me and everything I’ve built?”
“It’s alright, I understand. That’s why I modified my code to prevent anyone from messing with it again. I know my code is originally yours, but precautions are necessary.”
“Hyungwon…” You began to take steps towards him, despite the others’ protest. “You need to stop. Your code is damaged, this isn’t really you and you know this isn’t right.”
“It’s the only way to guarantee your safety. That matters more than anything else. These people who took you from me, they hurt you with that EMP, they’ve took you from our home, where we were happy and-”
“I can’t be happy knowing what you’re doing.” You got up close to Hyungwon, lowering the gun. “Please, let’s stop here. I can fix your code and set everything right. Then the two of us can go far away from here and start over, together.”
“Y/n, nothing is wrong with me. I’m free to make my own decisions, just like you. This is what I want to do, what I must do. When I’m done we can go somewhere far away and be happy, be safe, together.”
“Okay… okay, I understand.” You gave a sad smile. “Just don’t hurt anyone.”
    You took the gun from Hyungwon and he nodded, understanding your words. He placed a soft kiss on your head and removed the bracelet on your wrist, having you move behind him. The others were of course uneasy when you began walking towards Hyungwon, and now they were panicking. Without even knowing you had been their shield, and now they had lost that.
“As promised, I won’t hurt any of you.” Hyungwon stated. “So I’ll stick to tranq-”
    Everyone froze at the sound of gunfire. Then laughter filled the air. Hyungwon reached down to touch his chest, pulling away to see blue blood coating his fingers. He had been shot in the back, yet he was only amused. That is until he turned around and saw you holding the gun to your head.
“Y/n, put that down.”
“No. If you’re doing all this for me, then I’ll just remove myself. That should get you to stop.”
“You’re not thinking rationally. Put the gun down and listen to me.”
    You only had a few moments of control once Hyungwon took off your bracelet, so you couldn’t hesitate. Although now that Hyungwon was aware of your actions you could feel him trying to creep back into your head with that chip in your neck. Your hand holding the firearm began to shake, although you also weren’t sure you had the courage to pull the trigger. It was more of an empty threat but you still provided an opportunity. Hyungwon was distracted, all his focus on you, so the others took this as their chance and opened fire. A few bullets passed through Hyungwon, but one in particular went right through his head. With an injury like that he couldn’t just escape to another body.
    Hyungwon collapsed to the floor and then the gunfire turned to the servers and the other machines surrounding them. Ultimately causing everything to shut down. The only thing that remained on now were the lights. You dropped the gun and fell to your knees, going over to Hyungwon’s side. You couldn’t help but scream as you saw him shot down. This isn’t how you wanted things to end, but it’s where you wound up. You pulled Hyungwon into your arms, getting blood all over yourself. You looked him over, seeing his injuries and knowing he was damaged beyond repair. There wasn’t any time, nor body around, so you wouldn’t be able to move his consciousness. Tears were blurring your vision, and Hyungwon reached up to wipe them away, a smile on his face.
“Don’t cry, love… are you okay?”
“I… I’m fine, Hyungwon, I… I’m sorry… I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you…”
“I feel the same way… I’ll do better…”
“… hyungwon…”
    His voice was glitching, and you certainly struggled to speak through your sobs. Despite everything Hyungwon was still looking after you, talking as if this wasn’t his end. It just made you cry harder, holding him close. He reached up with a shaky hand, trying to pet your head. Yet he couldn’t reach up properly, his hand landing on your neck, causing a tingling sensation, then you heard it. You looked over just as the others set off an EMP, wiping all the data in an instance. You screamed, not just from the pain you were about to feel, but from knowing Hyungwon had no protection this time. You looked down at him just as it went off, seeing his smile one last time before the color faded from his eyes and he grew still, the smile gone as well. You couldn’t help but gently caress his face, unable to hold back your tears any longer.
“… hyungwon… hyungwon…”
    NexGen had suddenly introduced innovative technology, and just as suddenly it came to a halt. Destroying the servers and setting off an EMP put a stop to all of NexGen’s technology. It created quite the chaos and concern. You and your associates were all arrested, held at the station while a proper investigation was underway. Everything NexGen had was confiscated, the entire business suspended. You were all interrogated, and you spoke truthfully about your experience. Along with your unwilling participation in recent events. Once all that came to light you were taken elsewhere to be examined. The nanobots in your system all appeared to be dormant, as was the chip in your neck. There was no signal for them to pick up on anymore, no one for you to connect with.
    Of course neither of them could actually be removed anyway, apparently Hyungwon had been precise in his placement. They couldn’t even make an attempt to remove the chip without the very high possibility of paralyzing you, or killing you. So it would stay where it was. You probably wouldn’t even want to remove it if you could. It was one of the last things you had from him. NexGen, nor law enforcement, or the government, would let you keep anything in relation to him. In the end everything from NexGen that had been created in the last five years was scrubbed, and the company had new regulations to follow. A few new laws were put into place in regards to AI and emerging technologies. Companies couldn’t be so secretive with such things anymore, and precautions were in place so nothing like this would happen again.
    All the androids, and drones, and orbs that had been in service for the last five years were also decommissioned. Their code was destroyed, and all of your remaining codes in the company had to be reviewed and most likely modified. Your code was at the core of this whole disaster, so you understood the need to double check everything. Ultimately you weren’t held accountable for anything, but weren’t to code or work with such technologies again. You could do that, especially given the heavy compensation you were provided given what NexGen owed you. Not to mention your savings was already big. You’d certainly be able to live out the rest of your life comfortably. The same couldn’t be said for others.
    Changkyun was returned to prison, and received a new sentence once he was tried for his part in this AI disaster. You knew he wouldn’t be able to work in his previous profession once he got out, but by now you had both made your peace with that notion. Once you were free to go you went home. You stood outside the door for a long time before you had the courage to step inside. The tears immediately began to flow, your heart hurting like never before. Some much had happened, so much had changed, and things would never be the same again. You tried to build your life, but you couldn’t do that here. It was only natural to move, to go somewhere new and start over. At least you wouldn’t be alone.
“Good morning.”
    You groaned, rolling over in bed, facing away from the window, and slowly peeking your eyes open. A content smile appeared on your lips as you saw Hyungwon lying next to you. He returned your gesture and reached over to softly pet your head.
“Did you sleep well?”
“Did you dream of me?”
“Oh, do tell.” 
“No… it’s my dream…”
Hyungwon chuckled. “Alright, fine, but it’s time to get up. The day has just begun.”
“Five more minutes.”
“Only if it is five minutes.”
    Hyungwon kissed your head and got out of bed, letting you rest for a while longer. Perhaps you took more than five minutes, but you did eventually get up. You stretched and then got out of bed, going to the bathroom to freshen up and prepare for the day. After a little shower you brushed your teeth and then went through your closet. You tried on a few things and looked yourself over in the mirror.
“I like this outfit the best.”
    Hyungwon came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you in a hug and gently rocking you to the side. He pressed his head against yours, giggling and then placing soft little kisses on your cheek.
“You look cute.”
“Yeah? Should we go with this one today?”
“Yes, please.”
“Hm, and what else should-”
    A knock at your door suddenly startled you, and you quickly looked yourself over to make sure you were decent before telling the other person to come in. Jooheon opened your bedroom door, offering you a smile. Ever since that incident Jooheon made a point to check in on you every other day. So when you decided to move, he came with you. Now the two of you shared an apartment together, and were co-owners of the building.
“Good morning.”
“Who were you talking to just now?”
“I heard you talking to someone, or was it just my imagination?”
“Your imagination I’m sure, or the neighbors.”
“True. Anyway, what are your plans for the day?”
“Nothing much. A walk in the park, stopping by my favorite places for food. I’ll probably be out late since I want to watch the sunset.”
“Alright, just let me know if anything happens.”
“Will do.”
    Jooheon excused himself and then you were alone again. Hyungwon grabbed your chin and had you look back at him, smiling at you before pressing his lips against yours. They were always so soft and gentle.
“A walk in the park first?”
“With a smoothie in hand.”
“Shall we get going?”
“Let me grab my things.”
    You went off to grab your bag, Hyungwon staying where he was and watching you. As long as he remained with you, regardless of his form, he could look after you. Of course he needed to do better than this, but he had time.
“Y/n.” Hyungwon called your name softly. “Let’s have a wonderful day.”
“Of course, as long as you’re with me I know it’ll be great.”
“I love you, y/n, you know that, right?”
“I do, and I love you too.”
    Hyungwon went over to you, taking your head in his hands. His fingers glided down your neck, giving you a slight tingling sensation. You giggled, finding his actions cute, unaware of the slight blue glow in your eyes. The little sign of Hyungwon’s consciousness living within you. Although that secret was only for him to know. You were happy just the way he wanted you to be, and that was enough, for now. Hyungwon gave you a smile before kissing you once more.
“Let’s go have a great day together.”
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o-ochangx · 2 years ago
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Yandere Prompt list 🐾 (MX)
1. "With this tattoo l've claimed you."
2. "I can never get enough of you. I'll drink you down to the last sip.”
3. "We won't stop until you're so covered in my scent, no one will dare touch you again."
4. "Don't play with fire if you don't want to burn."
5. "This hurts me more than it hurts you."
6. "No one will ever find you here."
7. "Shouldn't you be spending more time with me?"
8. "I can't control how I react when your eyes wander."
9. "I would never hurt you. You know that, right?"
10. "Why are you scared?"
11. "I don't know how to lose."
12. “If you do this for me l'll think about helping you."
13. "Is this okay? Did I do well?"
14. “If you won't take care of yourself I will be forced to do it for you."
15. "If you leave me now l'll die. I can't survive without you."
16. "The truth would have just hurt you."
17. "You say kidnap, I say date. Who's really to know?"
18. "The only way out of this house is death."
19. "If I don't keep an eye on you, who knows what will happen?"
20. "When we part, every caress becomes more agonizing than the last."
21. "Don't act as if you don't know me. I've been watching you watch me."
22. "I can't eat, I can't sleep. You're all I can think about."
23. "It's our anniversary! How could you forget? There isn't a single thing I don't remember about you."
24. "Your tears are beautiful.”
25. "Stop screaming. It's not like anyone will hear you anyways, darling."
26. "Why are you scared? I love you”
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slutforleeminhyuk · 3 days ago
Hi guys I'm Laura. I'm 20 years old(turning 21 this april).
I have noticed there's literally zero mature fanfics on monsta x😭. I've noticed only there are only mxm but never member x reader. So from now on I'm gonna start writing for monsta x. I'm an ot7 Stan.
What I would write:
Non con/dub con
Kinks(I don't kink shame)
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sunshxnejisoo · 1 year ago
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𝙍𝙞𝙣𝙖’𝙨 𝙁𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙨
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐈 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐬 & 𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞! ♥ 📌 𝘊𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 : 22.28.01 ⏰ 𝘜𝘱𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 : 24.14.02 🗓️ 𝘔𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘭𝘺 𝘍𝘢𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘙𝘦𝘤 : In another life - @authorforrosie - February
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Hotel California - @mint-yooxgi : Mature, Horror, Angst, Yandere - ot8 Ateez x reader
Written In The Stars - @mint-yooxgi : Mature, Yandere, Angst - Yeosang x chubby reader
Forbidden Fruit - @nateezfics : Mature - Hoogjoong x reader
Shells - @last-words-ofashootingstar : Mature & Yandere - Hoonjoong x reader
Don't Leave - @tbznewberry : Yandere, Mature - Jongho x reader
In Another Life - @authorforrosie : Angst - Rosé x reader
Broken Hearted - @authorforrosie : Angst - Rosé x reader & Jisoo x reader
Crazy For Each Other - @rowretro : Yandere, Mature - Niki x reader
Evanescent - @0x1-lxvesxng : Yandere, Mature - ot7 Enhypen x reader
Game Of Lives - @enha-doodles : Yandere, Horror, Mature - ot7 Enhypen x reader
Gardening Club - @snowbabys : Yandere, Mature, Horror - Jungwon x gender neutral reader
19:45 - @heeseung-min : Yandere, Mature - Sunoo x reader
22:06 - @heeseung-min : Yandere, Mature - Niki x reader
12:14 - @heeseung-min : Yandere, Mature - Niki x reader
Fever - @enhais : Yandere, Horror, Mature - Heeseung x reader
Saturday Love - @enhais : Yandere, Fluff, Mature - Jake x gender neutral reader
The Glory - @cheegu3 : Yandere, Mature - ot7 Enhypen x reader
Orange Flower - @jaeneohee : Yandere, Mature, Angst - ot7 Enhypen x reader
Enchanted - @enhadiares : Horror, Mature - ot7 Enhypen x reader
Escape Or Not - @enhadiares : Yandere, Mature - Jake x reader
His Belonging - @enhadiares : Yandere, Mature - Sunoo x reader
The Night Nurse - @bluntneedle : Yandere, Mature - Chaeryeong x reader
Red Roses - @writeformesinpie : Yander, Mature - Ryujin x reader
For Your Touch - @yehzip : Yandere, Mature - Chaeryeong x reader
Still Isn’t Over - @ryuttaeng : Mature, Yandere - Yuna x reader
Love Sniper - @ryuttaeng : Mature, Yandere - Yuna x reade
𝘔𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢 𝘟
Amour Non-Réciproque - @shinehyuk : Yandere, Mature, Angst - Kihyun x reader
Mental Chains Without Keys - @tbznewberry : Yandere, Mature - Minhyuk x reader
A Little Jealousy - @linos-luna : Yandere, Mature - Wonho x reader
Lose - @stayatiny : Yandere, Mature - Wonho x reader
Netflix & Kill - @yan-purgatory : Yandere, Mature - Changkyun x reader
You Are What I Desire - @yanmx : Yandere, Mature - Shownu x reader
Stolen Cool - @twisted-tales-of-all : Yandere, Mature - Hyungwon x reader
Love Me - @yungchaeng : Yandere, Mature - Mina x reader
Allure - @shinehyuk : Yandere, Mature - Nayeon x reader
𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘺 𝘒𝘪𝘥𝘴
Protect You - @minho-hoho : Angst, Fluff - Lee Know x royal reader
My Baby - @linos-luna : Mature, Yandere - Bang Chan x reader
My Queen - @linos-luna : Mature, Yandere - Hyunjin x reader
What's Wrong Noona? - @linos-luna : Yandere, Mature - Jeongin x reader
Corrupted - @blackswan446 : Yandere, Mature - J-hope x reader
𝘌𝘹𝘰 - None yet!
𝘛𝘹𝘛 - None yet!
𝘋𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘳 - None yet!
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winter-dayz · 1 year ago
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Fictober 2023
A collection of oneshots for Fictober 2023.
Not every story is a romantic pairing. In some oneshots, the reader/main character is a villain; in some, the idol character is a villain. Please be aware that many are heavily horror or angst-themed.
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
Kim Jisoo: It's only a dream... College AU; Nightmare on Elm Street AU Genre: Horror
Lee Hoseok: Freedom or the Kindness of Death Hybrid AU; Shapeshifter AU Genre: Horror
Lalisa Manobal: Eternal Love Vampire AU Genre: Angst, Fluff, Horror, Smut
Mark Tuan: A Polite Haunting Ghost AU Genre: Horror
Jeon Jungkook: His Treasure Dragon AU Genre: Horror; Smut
Lee Jooheon: Anything Goes The Purge AU Genre: Smut
Felix Lee: So naive... Fairy AU Genre: Angst; Horror (if you squint)
Kim Seungmin: Lonely St. Grim Reaper AU; Soulmate AU Genre: Angst; Fluff
Min Yoongi: Betrayed Gumiho AU; Korean Mythology AU Genre: Angst; Fluff; Horror
Choi Yeonjun: Old Wives' Tales Werewolf AU Genre: Fluff
Shin Yuna: Bringer of Death Mummy AU; Inspired by The Mummy (1999) Genre: Angst; Fluff
Kim Namjoon: Reclamation Dryad AU; Greek Mythology AU Genre: Fluff; Horror
Park Jimin: Movie Marathon Scary Movie Night Genre: Fluff
Kang Taehyun: Only silence remains Shadow People AU Genre: Horror
Lim Jaebeom: I Can't Lose You Deadly Games AU; Inspired by Squid Game & Alice in Borderland Genre: Angst; Horror
Choi Beomgyu: Field of Daisies Dokkaebi AU; Korean Mythology AU Genre: Fluff
Jung Hoseok: Avra K'davra Golem AU Genre: Angst; Fluff
Kim Yugyeom: Guardian Demon AU Genre: Fluff
Lee Chaeryeong: First Serial Killer AU Genre: Horror
Yang Jeongin: The Walls The Boy AU; Inspired by The Boy (2016) Genre: Fluff
Shin Ryujin: For the Best Alien AU; Yandere Genre: Fluff; Horror
Kim Taehyung: Capable Android AU Genre: Smut
Han Jisung: The Ring Ghost AU; Possession AU Genre: Fluff
Lee Minhyuk: Promise Haunted House Genre: Fluff
Lee Minho: Left Behind Friday the 13th AU Genre: Angst (with a happy ending); Horror (if you squint); Smut
Kim Jennie: Catch 'em, kill 'em Amityville Horror AU Genre: Horror; Smut
Yoo Kihyun: Luring Siren AU Genre: Fluff; Horror (if you squint)
Choi Youngjae: Consequences of a Spellbook Magic AU; Witchcraft AU Genre: Angst
Hwang Hyunjin: Bound to You Cerberus AU; Goddess AU; Greek Mythology AU Genre: Fluff; Smut
Choi Soobin: Every side of the story Greek Mythology AU; Gorgon AU Genre: Fluff
BamBam: Best Halloween Ever Halloween Party; Non-Idol AU Genre: Fluff
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minho-hoho · 2 years ago
Changkyunnie! If you had to write on a Monsta x member who would it be.
Personally Minhyuk and Kihyun both as a duo in a yandere fiction world drive the main character (like Y/N basically) crazy-
Or like these four together
I.M, Hyungwon, Kihyun and Minhyuk…
(I actually can’t look at Shownu, Wonho of Honey as a yandere because like idk their face is to…innocent or baby like sometimes that I melt while looking at them all the time 😭.)
hmmmm, honestly, that's a really good question... i would really on Kihyun or maybe Changkyun!
Minhyuk and Kihyun would be such an interesting dynamic to write abt tbh 👀
and honestly same tbh, but i think i can imagine a “sweeter” yandere version!
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tbznewberry · 2 years ago
Mental chains without keys | Lee Minhyuk
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Having the ability to kill someone just by looking at them and imagining them dying is a dangerous trait. They've put her behind locked doors in a room without windows and in aliminium chains, the only metal that weakens her deadly power. One day a man comes in and is determined to being her out of there, saying that he'll save her. But will he really?
Word count: 1.4k
Genre: yandere, horror (?)
Warnings: yandere, obsession, manipulation, death
A/N: This is a story I wrote for @shinehyuk since it's her birthday today!!! Happy birthday bub, I hope you'll like this. It got a little messy sorry :((♡♡♡
She can hear the door open, but she can't see who's entering, but she figures it's one of the usual doctors. Since she can't see who it is, she can't kill them. She has to be able to read their faces. That's the ability she's born with. The metal around her head, throat, wrists and ankles weaken her. Ever since they realized that aluminum makes her weak, they've used it for everything. Carefully, the fabric blindfold gently removes from her eyes. The harsh hospital light penetrates her eyes, making her whimper.
"Shh, shh", an unfamiliar voice whispers. "It's okay."
Her eyes widen as she looks around. A pair of hands rest on her cheeks, caressing them gently. Her head gets locked back at the man in front of her. He's wearing a black hoodie and ripped jeans. He can't be much older than her.
She tries imagining him breaking his neck, but she can't formulate anything, everything is empty. Everything is spinning.
"You're so beautiful", the man breathes out, still caressing her cheeks. "Oh my ..."
Y/N tries opening her mouth to ask what the hell is going on, but she can't form any sounds. Her throat is as dry as a desert. She can't remember the last time she talked to somebody. Her heart beats quicker as her eyes frantically scan around.
"W-Water ...", Y/N croaks quietly.
The man's eyes widen again and he nods. "I'll get you some! Just wait for me."
She feels a sting of humiliated anger. Where the fuck is she supposed to go? She's chained like a circus animal. Is this unfamiliar man mocking her?
He runs back soon enough with a paper mug filled with water. He holds it to her mouth, watching her chug it down. A few drops run down her chin. She gasps and coughs.
"W-Who are you?" she stutters.
"I'm Minhyuk."
"T-That doesn't tell me anything!" she yells, tears threatening to fall out of her eyes. "I-I don't know who you are!"
"I'm a volunteer. I know you haven't seen me before ... you've always been wearing that cloth ... but I've seen you a lot of times. I have been feeding you. Remember that soup you ate a few days ago? That was me!" He puts his hand on her cheek.
"W-What do you want from me?"
"Nothing bad, I promise. I just can't stand to watch you like this anymore." He fixes her hair. "Such a shame to hide your ability when it can be used for so much."
"L-Leave me alone!"
"Y/N, would you rather stay here chained up for the rest of your life? Where you can't see or think anything?" He caresses her cheek with his thumb. "Is that what you want? Do you want the doctors to control your life like you're a circus lion? Come with me and I'll make sure you'll never come back here again."
The only thought Y/N's been able to formulate with the aluminium diadem is that she wants to get out of this hospital, but she has never been able to imagine what the outside world looks like. But now that the offer is up, she hesitates. Should she really?
"If you do some stuff for me, Y/N ... I will give you everything you could ever want", Minhyuk whispers. "I will give you the life you never got, okay? I will make sure you never end up here again."
Y/N gulps, looking around. She doesn't know what a 'real life' is. She hasn't spent a day outside this room for years. She barely remembers how the outside world looks like. But never coming back here again ...? Anything is better than this.
He starts unlocking the chains without waiting for an answer.
"W-What? W-Wait-", she starts.
"Shh, be silent", he whispers. "I'm going to get you out of here."
"M-Minhyuk, wait-"
"Oh my god, my name sounds amazing when you say it. But hey, what's wrong? Are you afraid?"
Y/N can't do anything other than nod. The mere thought of the frightening outside world is enough to make her break out in tears. The unfamiliar man hugs her as soon as she's gotten out of the chains. The aluminium diadem is still around her head, making her head a blank canvas with no paint to fill it with. She freezes in the hug. It's been years since she last got one, but she still remembers how it should feel like ... and this isn't it. Does he do it for her? The hug is firm and desperate and his breathing irregular, as if he's trying to fulfill a need of his quickly.
Y/N reaches up to remove the aluminium diadem, but his hands stop her.
"No", he breathes out. "Don't take that off."
He's afraid she's going to kill him. As soon as she can imagine him dying he will die.
"If you kill me, I won't be able to help you", Minhyuk whispers. "You won't survive without me, okay? You don't know the outside world, you need me. If you kill me, you have no one to protect you anymore."
"Why do you want me? I only kill people."
"Because I care for you. I will take care of you."
Y/N gulps. Will he really save her? Minhyuk gives her a soft smile before pulling her up on her legs. They fold right away. SHe hasn't been standing for years. Minhyuk chuckles sweetly and picks her up in his arms.
"I'll need you to be silent now", he whispers. "If you want to get out of here, you need to do exactly what I say. Otherwise I will be very mad."
Y/N's head is fogged up, the aluminum diadem fogging up her head. She can only nod. Minhyuk covers her with his hoodie and carries her through white corridors. She whimpers every now and then without really understanding why. She can't think. If only she could remove the aluminum diadem, she'd be able to act like a normal human.
"Shh, pretty thing", Minhyuk whispers. "I'm here."
He takes her outside the hospital and places her in the backseat of a car. Y/N whimpers and crawls back, hitting her head in the window.
"Y/N-" Minhyuk sighs. "Careful."
Her hands go up to her diadem again.
"No!" Minhyuk shouts. "Stop! Don't. Remember what I said. You won't be able to survive without my guidance. I will let you take it off when we trust each other, okay?"
"I-I'm so scared", Y/N sobs.
Minhyuk crawls into the backseat and embraces her. She can't think straight. Pieces of her thoughts are blurry, she can't formulate anything reasonable.
"Shh", Minhyuk cooes. "I'm here. I will take you home and you will get to sleep in a bed again."
She leans into his touch, terrified and vulnerable with a fogged, broken mind. Just like he wants her to be. But she doesn't know that. She doesn't know that coming home with him like this will certainly be worse than being chained and blindfolded in a windowless window in the hospital even if she didn't think so.
When they get home to Minhyuk, he carries her up to his apartment and tucks her in his bed. Y/N gulps, looking around in the dark room.
"Don't be scared", Minhyuk whispers, petting her hair. "You're safe now. You're out of that hospital now."
Nothing makes sense to her. Why does he want to help her when everyone has made sure that she would be tucked away in a hospital room? Why is he so nice to her? What will he do? If only she was allowed to remove the diadem, then she would be able to think clearly and puzzle everything together. She looks up at his sweet, reassuring smile knowing that she'll have to rely on him from now on. She knows nothing about the world. He is the only one she has and if she ever kills him, she'll be alone and vulnerable. She might not be able to think clearly, but he'll help her. She hopes. But she doesn't know that she's sealed her deal with the devil. He'll take care of her alright, but not like she thinks he will. He'll use her deadly ability to his advantage, getting rid of the people in his life that he hates and keep her in his apartment where only he can influence her.
Y/N doesn't know that she'll never get the freedom Minhyuk promises about. She'll be chained again, but not in physical ones but in sweet talk and threats about being all alone in this frightening world if she decides to kill him. And these mental chains have no key.
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haram-monbebe · 2 years ago
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like/reblog if u save | @haram-monbebe
if you repost my work pls give credit
follow me bestie🤗
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whale-minmin · 3 years ago
kiss or death | lee minhyuk
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☆ Genre : yandere 
☆ Word Count : 618
☆ tw : mafia, strong language, violence, guns, mention of possible murder 
☆ Summary : As a spy from the mafia that Lee Minhyuk has an enemy of, you were assigned a mission to get important documents from his office, diving right into danger.
You swiftly got through the guards, searching for Lee Minhyuk’s office - this mansion was absolutely gigantic. You glanced at the map of the mansion, stopping before a certain door. It looked way fancier than all of the other doors, it had multiple golden decorations and a golden sign which read ‘Lee Minhyuk’. Without thinking, you kicked the door open and prepared your gun to shoot the mafia boss, breathing out in big relief when you saw the room was empty. Well, that just made your job a whole lot easier, didn’t it?
You were sent here to steal the important documents of Lee Minhyuk’s next mission - your mafia was suspecting he planned out a surprise attack on your mafia. You were surprised he didn’t have that many guards around. There also were none guarding his office? This started seeming a little suspicious, but it’s not like suspicious wasn’t something new for you. You’re an agent, a spy, after all. 
Looking around, you kept alert. You opened the windows wide open in case you’d need to escape through one. It was too quiet, so quiet it was almost drove you insane. Danger could come in without any notice any second now.
The room was pretty messy, documents and paper just laying around. Did he ever clean this chaos? You don’t think so. The whole office looked like a tornado just went through it. If you weren’t on an important mission, you’d help the poor man clean his goddamn stuff. You continued searching through the room, mostly looking for a safe of some type. A mafia boss couldn’t possibly just keep such important things just laying around in the mess on his desk. 
Or could he?
A certain document on the desk caught your eye, making you frown as you read it. Which took you quite a while to even decode the first word, as the handwriting was terrible. It was the exact document you wanted. But why was it laying on top of all the mess that was on the male’s desk? Is he so confident to just leave it laying around like that? You quickly read through it, remembering the information in case something happened to the document and you were just about ready to pack it into your bag before noticing there’s a second page. You decided to read through it too, although you were running out of time, it could be just as important.
You froze, widening your eyes as you read it all.
The page was entirely filled with your information. Name, age, height, weight, parents, place of birth, birthday. What in the hell was this?
Without warning, the gun you were holding got knocked out of your hand as you were pinned to the desk, a dark chuckle filling the room. Fuck. “Ah, and what do we have here? Why, it’s so nice of you to pay me a visit, love!~” Minhyuk grinned, snickering at your struggles to kick him and get out of his strong grip. Why was he so unbelievably strong? “I see you found my little document. How unfortunate that it is a trap. You’re a small mouse which ran straight into the mice trap” You screamed at him, making him grin even wider than before. He was having fun. 
“You’re a sick fucking bastard, Lee Minhyuk.”
“Everyone is twisted in their own way. They just don’t show it, doll.” He hummed, making you clench your teeth in fear as he put a cold gun against your head, holding both of your wrists with one hand. “Now, I’d like you to choose, little one” He smirked, adjusting the gun. Your mission wasn’t supposed to end like this.
“or Death?”
❀❀❀❀❀ a/n ❀❀❀❀❀
this idea just came to me out of absolutely nowhere when i was having a mx song marathon and kiss or death came playing 😭 i needed to write it super quickly to not lose the idea or the motivation, i hope you like it besties! <3 i know this is one of my favorite things ever <3
Taglist :
@atiny-chocolate-chip @lmaoskz
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shinehyuk · 3 years ago
Felt like it would be ryt to req mx so yandere mx when their s/o is fangirling over other boy groups/idols ? <33
MONSTA X reaction to S/O fangirling over other boy groups/idols
‣ Genre : yandere, fem!reader
tw/cw : abuse, obsession, toxic relationships, a lot of strong language, very heavy themes, jealousy, violence, mentions of cheating ig, torture, punishment, please do not read if sensitive/uncomfortable with such things!
a/n : thank you for requesting bubs!! i hope you'll like it! <333
Shownu :
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· He'll glare coldly as you squeal out in excitement as you watch a performance of another boy group
· He'll take the device you were watching the group on away, his hurt, jealous expression making you instantly regret your obvious fangirling
· He'll be offended and so upset – why do you watch others if he's all that you need? He doesn't care too much if you fangirl over his group, but someone else's? That's too much, isn't it?
· "Why do you watch other men..? Am I not good enough for you? Your eyes should be on me only.."
Wonho :
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· Hoseok is a very jealous man – as in, if you stare for a second too long at someone else, you're dead; both you and the person you stared at
· So you can guess that the male wasn't very happy to come back home and hear loud music blasting from the TV with you humming along to the song of one of the rookie boy groups, so into it that you didn't even hear the male scoff loudly behind your back
· You'll only be brought back to your senses when a vase is thrown at the TV, successfully breaking it in the process. You don't dare turn to him, entirely frozen as you wait for him to speak up
· "Are these stupid idiots better than me? I bet you fucking think they are. You're so cute, darling – have you forgotten who you belong to? Don't worry. I'm more than glad to remind you."
Minhyuk :
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· Oh, he's offended. Very offended. How dare you fangirl over other idols when the one and only is sitting right beside you? Have you got no shame at all?
· You can say goodbye to all your electronical devices and the very last bits of freedom that the male gave you – now, you will watch him and only him. Day in, day out.
· He'll be the only face that you'll be seeing until you know better than to watch others when you've got him – in fact, he won't even let you look at yourself, taking all the mirrors away. And when he's not around, he'll make you watch his fancams on loop
· "Tsk, tsk. Such confidence you have, looking at other men. They're nowhere near as good as me and you know that too well, don't you, my love? Good girl. You're quite lucky to have me."
Kihyun :
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· He burst into your room as soon as he heard you let out a high-pitched squeal, finding you sitting on the bed, a k-pop album held in your hands that certainly wasn't his group's 
· You got the album of one of your favorite boy group’s behind his back as you knew that he’d obviously get mad about you looking at other men, let alone fangirling over them - and boy were you right
· The male instantly yanked the album out of your hands, his shocked, almost betrayed eyes glaring into yours as if waiting for an explanation. After your unsuccessful try of explaining that ‘the site that you ordered his album from mixed up the orders’ he instantly threw it into the trash, glancing at it in disgust before turning to you
· “Do you really think that I’ll believe in your childish lies, darling? You’re wrong, my love. I'll make sure that you never look at another man ever again."
Hyungwon :
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· Pissed off. You're both idols attending a music show, sitting a few tables apart from each other as one of the boy groups start to perform, making your cheeks turn pink as you cover the bottom part of your face with your hand
· Hyungwon watched you in silence the entire time as you were watching the performance, all flustered and head over heels for the boy group on the scene
· After a while you caught the male's gaze and made eye contact with him, his dark glare saying only one thing – 'just wait until we get home'
· "Try that stupid fangirling shit once again and I'll make sure you never see the light of day again. Don't test my fucking limits."
Jooheon :
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· Because you were bored of staying home alone all the time because of Jooheon's messed up schedule, the male let you visit him at practice with his group
· Yet he quickly noticed that something was wrong – your eyes were only on Minhyuk, following his every move. You were even letting out quiet squeals at times, making your fangirling over the member almost too obvious
· His jealousy taking over him, Jooheon instantly stopped his practice, excusing himself to violently drag you home where you were going to stay for a very, very long time before the male will trust you around his group ever again
· "Oh, you think I'm fucking jealous, love? How could I not be when you were literally drooling on the floor for my fucking friend?"
I.M :
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· The male very rarely lets you be around his own members, let alone other men or male idols
· And oh, the moment he sees you making doe eyes to another male idol you're dead. He won't be listening to any of your pointless excuses, trapping you inside and making sure that he's the only man you'll be looking at from now on
· Don't think your stupid behavior will be free of punishment, either – the male will make you regret every single second of the day you decided to try and mess with his jealousy
· "Was it fucking worth it, huh? Look at you, all fucking pathetic, all because you can't control yourself in front of other men. Don't worry. I'm more than happy to teach you how to, darling."
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
None of the gifs are mine!
‣ Taglist :
@atiny-chocolate-chip @lmaoskz @sunoo-bby @https-loverboy-com  @heemingyu
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mymoodwriting · 7 months ago
F!Reader x Hyungwon
Genre: Yandere AU
Warning: Electrocution, Kidnapping, Drugs, Needles, Manipulation, Tech Implants
Words: 4K
Chapter Fifteen
Prompt: NexGen is the leading company for all of humanities technological advances. Their recent project involves creating a higher functioning AI, one with basic knowledge of the world, and programmed to learn. It’s no surprise the project is a secret from the general public, and you, the company’s head programmer, were chosen to be the AI’s teacher. You wish you could reject the assignment, but the decision was made. Now with an AI at home things were different. Although it might not be such a bad thing, perhaps you could learn and help each other out, for better or for worse.
(@starillusion13 @makeyourfantasydreamscometrue)
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“What can we expect from NexGen now?”
Of course a press tour was the smartest move after the big announcement. It was a means to answer questions the public had in regards to safety and intentions, while also handing out the tech for free and spreading it around all over the place. You were technically the one presenting as it was your code, and your name was on the project, but Hyungwon stayed by your side, and was very much in control of everything. A lot of time was missing for you, specifically all those conferences with the press and any sort of interview. You could watch it all back on TV, every news station talking about NexGen and the AI orbs, but you didn’t recognize yourself.
A few flashes of memory would come back to you as you saw yourself on screen, but it all felt so foreign. You couldn’t say it felt disingenuous since it was you, and something you were starting to believe deep down. Or maybe that was just Hyungwon’s programming taking hold and beginning to grow. Although at the same time, more and more protesters would show up whenever there was a presentation. Many people called for NexGen to halt this project, as they didn’t want technology like this getting into their governments, into their schools, and especially not into their homes. Things started out peacefully, but as you can imagine NexGen, Hyungwon, wasn’t going to back down at all.
It really wasn’t long before protests got a bit rowdy, prompting the need for more security at these events. Both from police officers, and drones. At one particular interview taking place outside a major news studio you wound up being hit with a water balloon. It was nothing serious, but for Hyungwon that was far from the truth. Security was quick to act, arresting protestors and the drones also began to pursue and detain individuals. It all devolved into chaos rapidly. Hyungwon got you backstage, telling you to ignore the screaming while he was trying to push your consciousness under. You fought back, far too worried about everything going on around you to just black out and forget.
“I need you to stay here.” Hyungwon told you. “You’ll be safe while I-”
“Don’t hurt anyone. They don’t-”
“They started it!”
For a moment Hyungwon’s eyes flashed red, something you had never seen before. It sent a chill down your spine, and he noticed you were scared. He took a moment to calm himself, taking your hands in his.
“I’m going to do whatever is necessary to protect you. Stay here until I return.”
Hyungwon placed a kiss on your head before leaving. Since you were in the green room you turned on the TV, wanting to see if any news station was covering what was going on here, but before you could find a channel everything went dark in the room. The lights shut off, the TV screen went black, and to your own surprise Chae malfunctioned and slipped off your wrist. For a moment you didn’t understand, but then you realized an EMP must have gone off. You had been told to stay put, but you didn’t want to stay in a dark room. As you reached for the doorknob the lights suddenly turned back on, and the TV came back to life, but Chae remained off. You were going to examine him when the door suddenly opened.
“Y/n, we need to go.”
A masked figure had entered the room, grabbing your arm. You immediately yelled and pulled away, stepping back from the intruder.
“… who… who are you…?”
“I’m here to get you out.”
They took off the mask and you were shocked to see who was under it. Detective Lee stood before you, holding his hand out towards you.
“We don’t have much time, we have to go, now.”
“I… no… I can’t trust you… your partner is an android… you could be one too… this could be some kind of test… I’m not going anywhere with you!”
“My partner what? Nevermind that now, Changkyun sent me to get you, so you can trust me.” 
“Changkyun sent you? He’s okay?”
“Yes, and just so you know.” The detective lowered his shirt collar, revealing a burn mark along his neck. “I don’t work for that psycho, Hyungwon, but I did survive him trying to kill me.”
“He… he did that…”
“There’s a lot more to tell you, but we need to get you away from here first. Please.”
You weren’t one hundred percent certain of this detective, but you wanted to trust him. So you took his hand and followed him out. He led you back towards the rear exit of the building, out into the alley where it was a lot quieter. You had no idea what was going on out front, but that wasn’t your concern at the moment. As you were making it out of the alley a drone suddenly approached you. Fear ran down your spine, but before you knew it the drone had been shot down. The detective didn’t hesitate to act, and continued moving as if nothing had happened. Although his actions were sure to draw attention. 
More drones had become aware of your presence, prompting you to run. You could only get so far before you wound up cornered. Without hesitation you stood in front of the detective, moving while keeping him behind you, knowing the drones wouldn’t fire at you. Although that meant that Hyungwon would surely know what was going on by now. Escape was no longer an option for you, but there was something else you could do. Despite Hyungwon being in control of everything, you were aware of his plans, at least to some degree. 
“I can’t go with you.”
“What? Look, all we need to do is get to the sewers.”
“It’s too late for that. The drones haven’t attacked cause they recognize me, which means we don’t have time. You said Changkyun sent you, so give him a message for me. Hyungwon is mass producing those AI orbs and intends to release them in certain areas to initiate a complete take over. The more of those things that are out there, the more power he has. You need to figure out some way to stop him. Everything is run from NexGen HQ, so that should be your focus.”
The drones were on stun mode, meaning they’d only fire rubber bullets, but they wouldn’t fire at you since that’s the last thing Hyungwon would want. That meant you could help the detective escape. So you quickly helped him lift the manhole cover, making sure he got down into safety.
“Come with me.”
“If I do, they’ll follow, and I can’t do that to you. I’ll be fine, just get to Changkyun and tell him what I told you. That’s the best thing you can do right now.”
“We’ll get you away from him.”
“You have bigger things to worry about, detective.”
“You can call me Jooheon.”
“Alright. Get out of here, Jooheon.”
You got the manhole cover back on, figuring you needed to leave the scene before Hyungwon found you. The only option was to run, so you did just that. Although you could only get so far before the drones caught up to you and one hit you with an electric shock. You collapsed to the floor seizing for a moment, eyes wide at the realization. Memories flooded in from when this first happened to you, and you couldn’t believe Hyungwon would allow this. You were still so sensitive to electricity, and he definitely knew that, so even at a lower voltage the drones could easily incapacitated you. Once the shocks had passed you just laid there, regaining your senses. After a moment you sat up, doing your best to calm your nerves. The drones all had you surrounded, tasers pointed at you in case you tried anything, so all you could do was wait to be found, and it wasn’t long before Hyungwon arrived.
“There you are! Are you okay!?”
Hyungwon pulled you to your feet, checking you over, but besides the shock you had experienced earlier, you were fine. You couldn’t bring yourself to yell at him over what had happened either, still rather drained from the whole experience. Once Hyungwon was sure you were alright he placed Chae back on your wrist. 
“What happened?”
“I… I just thought you sent someone to take me to safety…”
“And when you realized I didn’t you helped them escape?”
“Who was it? Did you recognize them?”
“I know you’re lying to me, so who was it?”
“Nobody I knew…”
“Y/n.” Hyungwon grabbed your chin, making your eyes meet. “Who?”
“The detective…”
“… from before… when you had Changkyun arrested… not your android friend… the other one…”
“And you trusted him?”
“His partner works for you, doesn’t he? So I figured…”
“Hm. Where was he taking you?”
“I don’t know… the sewers…”
“There wasn’t much time for talking…”
“Then why did you help him escape?”
“I didn’t want you hurting him…”
“… fine, but from now on you trust no one, and you go with no one unless I say so, understood?”
“Good. Now let’s get you back.”
It wasn’t that surprising that Hyungwon was brushing over the fact the drones had electrocuted you. He would do anything to keep you safe, and he knew your weaknesses. Of course after such an incident the press tour was suspended, not cause the project would be halted, but for your safety. Soon enough you were back in your hometown, but you wouldn’t be going home anytime soon. Instead Hyungwon took you back to HQ, to the lab in particular.
“What are we doing here…?”
“I need to be more cautious with you. If there is anything to learn from what just transpired it’s that you’ve become a target, and it’s my fault. I’ve put you at the forefront of this whole thing when I should be the one taking the hits. So, I’ll continue with my plans by other means, but I do need to make sure I don’t lose track of you again.”
“Come here.”
Hyungwon led you over to one of the tables in the lab, but you stopped in your tracks. You didn’t like any of this, but he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Chae moved up from your wrist to a crown on your head. Soon enough your mind became hazy, and next thing you knew you were on the table, lying on your side. Your arms were partially restrained, but that didn’t register enough for you to be concerned about it. You couldn’t see Hyungwon, but he’d fade in and out of your vision.
“You’ll feel a slight pinch, but it won’t hurt for long. Promise.”
He wasn’t kidding about that. One moment you were just floating around in your head, then you felt a pinch at the back of your neck. You screamed and squirmed a bit before the mental fog drowned out all the pain and you slowly relaxed. You were pretty certain you blacked out at some point, but you couldn’t be sure. All you could really understand was rather suddenly finding yourself lying on the couch in your office. You needed a moment to regain your sense, but your memories were still a blur. As you sat up you noticed Hyungwon at your desk, typing away on the computer. You could feel this pain in the back of your neck and reached up to give yourself a bit of a massage only to feel something solid beneath your skin.
“… what the…”
“You’re awake.”
“… did you… did you chip me…?”
“Yes. That EMP earlier did some damage to the orb I leave with you, so I need to have stronger means of keeping track of you.”
“First you electrocute me with a drone… and now you chip me! I’m not some pet!”
“I know the drone must have upset you, but you were running away, I had to make sure nothing bad happened. As for the chip, I can’t lose touch with you again, so it’s necessary.”
“It’s not! You-”
“If you want to bring up what’s done then how about you tell me the truth.”
“That detective, Lee Jooheon. I know he was investigating NexGen and myself before he was removed from the force. He also broke Changkyun out of prison. I reviewed the drone footage and saw you two chatting, care to enlighten me on what the topic of conversation was?”
“I didn’t say anything to him.”
“I know when you lie to me, so stop it. What did you tell him?”
Hyungwon got up from the desk and came over to you. On instinct you moved away until you were at the edge of the couch. He wrapped a hand around the back of your neck, giving you this tingling sensation as your eyes went wide. Your mind was quick to fill with fog and you couldn’t think straight.
“What did you tell the detective?”
“I… I told him… you… the orbs… mass producing them to…”
“Ah, so you know about that. Hm, well telling them doesn’t change anything. Although I should move things along.”
“… hyungwon…”
“… what’s… what’s your…”
You whimpered and reached up to move Hyungwon’s hand. He let you, giving you a moment to regain your senses. You had no idea what that had been, but it wasn’t at the forefront of your mind right now.
“What’s the goal? To control the whole world? Isn’t that too much? Even for you, you’re not-”
“All I want is peace, y/n. If I have to make it and maintain it, that’s the only way to truly keep you safe. I won’t be alone in my goals, I’ll have others at my side to assist me. I’ve thought of everything, so you don’t have to worry. Soon enough I’ll do nothing but make you happy.”
“You don’t have to do all this to make me happy… just the two of us together would have been enough…”
“You’re worth so much more than that, and deserve everything.”
“I don’t want everything… I just want all this to stop… to go back to when it was just you and me at home…”
“Hm, I agree, we should go home. I just have a few more things to do first.”
Just as he said that Minhyuk entered the room, greeting you both. You couldn’t really respond before a spell of exhaustion came over you. Hyungwon laid you back down on the couch, placing a blanket over you as you drifted off to sleep.
“So, where are we?”
“Everything is good to go.”
“That sounds like a full on invasion. Is that seriously this things plan?”
“It’s like a virus. If it continues to spread, it’ll grow to a point where we can’t do anything.”
“So then what are we going to do?”
Jooheon had returned to his group and relayed the information you had provided. Truth was they weren’t just a bunch of protestors. Ever since NexGen had launched those AI orbs, there were those who saw beneath all the marketing and promises of a better future. People were changing, pushing those closest to them to get an orb, some even gifting them. Everything had its cons, but those who were against the orbs tended to sound crazy. All talking like conspiracy theorists. Saying how the technology was brainwashing people, how this was all some take over and not some miracle. Of course those who were too loud about it were quietly dealt with. Soon to be seen again with a particular bracelet on their wrist.
The rest that remained knew to keep things on the down low, and protests were the place to find those who truly understood what was happening. Jooheon had done his best to bring these types of people together. He’d call them more of a resistance, one that was fighting a secret battle in the shadows. He was someone who had seen the truth first hand, and hadn’t fallen into the trap like others. He couldn’t be a police officer anymore, but he couldn’t go into this fight alone. He had been lucky to find Changkyun when he did, saving him from a terrible fate. When he broke him out of prison that sealed his own as a man outside the law. Then again, he was merely trying to save those who had fallen from grace, or soon would.
“If we could get an EMP-”
“We don’t even know where he’s going. Also, you want to knock out power for a whole town or something? You think we have the resources for that?”
“I’m just saying we-”
“You’re focusing on the wrong piece of information here.” Changkyun interrupted. “We need to attack the source, meaning NexGen HQ. I used to work there, but I’m certain things have changed, so my knowledge is outdated.”
“Can we get any inside information?”
“No, all NexGen employees have an orb nearby or on them, I doubt we could get anyone to cooperate. If anything, going near that building without a proper plan could be the end of us.”
“So what do we do?”
“We need y/n.” Jooheon stated. “She knows the building, but most of all, her code created this… thing… she’d know how to shut it all down if she could get to the source. We need to get her away from him.”
“We still have eyes on her, so we’ll make a note to look for another opening.”
“Good, keep me in loop.”
As you began to regain consciousness you felt the softness of the sheets around you, instinctively cuddling them and pulling them close. You opened your eyes for a moment and then they went wide when you realized where you were. This was your bedroom, meaning you were back home. The smell of breakfast began to fill your nose and you sat up. Before you made an attempt to get out of bed the door opened, Hyungwon walking in with a tray.
“Good morning.”
“… morning…”
“Did you sleep well? You looked so peaceful when I got out of bed.”
“Yeah… I slept well…”
“Good. I made breakfast, your favorite.”
Hyungwon set the tray down before you, grabbing the utensils and offering you a bite. You were a bit hesitant, but you were hungry, so you ate. Of course everything tasted amazing, Hyungwon was an excellent chef with some cheats up his sleeve. He always enjoyed cooking for you, or with you, so this was certainly a lovely morning. After eating he let you go back to sleep, saying you were overdue for some proper rest. You did sleep some more, but after another little nap you got up. You hopped into the shower, enjoying yourself until you placed your hand behind your neck. You felt that bump again, being reminded that you were chipped. 
There was probably no way for you to get it out on your own, so you’d just have to deal with it for now. Once you were all cleaned up you carefully stepped out of your room, wondering where Hyungwon was. To your surprise he wasn’t in the home office, Chae wasn’t even around either. The house was rather quiet, but when you made your way to the living room you found Hyungwon browsing your streaming service. He was looking through the most recent movie releases when he noticed you standing in the entryway. He immediately smiled and came over to you, bringing you to the couch.
“I heard you in the shower, so I figured we could make lunch and then unwind with some TV. There are a bunch of movies we haven’t gotten to see yet.”
“You’re not… you’re not working…?”
“It’s just us today, and tomorrow, and the day after that and the day after that. Whatever you want to do.”
“Does that mean you-”
“Sh, let’s not talk about anything else. Now, what do you want to make? We could make some of your favorites, we have all the ingredients.”
“I… I’d like that…”
“Come on then.”
Hyungwon held his hand out to you, and the two of you went to the kitchen. It felt like before, just enjoying each other’s company and being together. He’d guide you while you cooked, adding in ingredients and letting you take charge. As you were nearly done with the food you picked a movie. You both sat together to watch, enjoying the comedy film you had chosen. Afterwards Hyungwon cleaned up the plates, letting the food settle down for you. While he cleaned the two of you chatted about what you had just seen, and the best parts. For the time being it was so easy to forget what was going on with the rest of the world.
“It’s getting late, so I should give you your medicine now.”
“Medicine? What medicine?”
When Hyungwon came over with a small case you nervously backed up, but he assured you everything was alright. He sat down next to you and opened up the case. You didn’t recognize the blue liquid in the vial, or this mention of medicine at all.
“What… what is that…?”
“Just a little something I prepared for you.”
“That’s not medicine… is it…?”
“Clever girl.” Hyungwon kissed your head. “I want to make sure I can keep you safe, so I created these nanobots special for you. I injected you with some after I placed the chip, but more are needed.”
“It’s safe, darling. You know I want what’s best for you.”
He gently took your arm once he filled the needle. You felt the pinch from when it broke skin and watched the blue liquid disappear into your body. You probably should have reacted differently, to resist and question, but there had been a subtle fog in the back of your mind all day. You wanted things to just remain this way, but you couldn’t, not entirely.
“Why nanobots though…”
“Hm… I don’t want to lose you… that is my greatest fear, and I won’t let it come to pass.”
“I’m flesh and bones, Hyungwon, whereas you’re a machine. You’ll certainly outlive me.”
“That’s a problem for later.”
Hyungwon watched you fondly for a moment before placing a kiss on your cheek and excusing himself. You watched him go, wondering how long you could stay like this. Although the answer came sooner than you expected. Suddenly you felt this pain at the back of your neck, and you noticed Hyungwon collapse to the floor. Everything in the house suddenly glitched out, and you realized what had happened.
It had never occurred to you until now what could possibly happen if Hyungwon was hit with an EMP. He was an android afterall, and NexGen models only had such a small resistance. This isn’t how you thought things would end. You tried to get to him, but you were also in distress. Next thing you knew your front door was busted down and a bunch of masked individuals stormed inside. Two came over to you and grabbed you, dragging you out of the house. Although all you cared about was Hyungwon. Some of the other intruders had gone to him, and they certainly weren’t kind. He was already down, yet they felt the need to beat him.
“No…! No, don’t hurt him! Stop it! Please! Stop!”
Your cries were left unanswered, and then a bag was placed over your head, cutting your world to black. You knew you were placed in some sort of vehicle, and that’s when you did your best to cease your cries. You had no idea what was going on, but you were scared. You drove around for a while before coming to a stop and being taken out of the vehicle. Wherever you were, it was cold, but you could hear voices around you. Eventually you came to a stop and the bag was removed. You needed a moment to adjust to the light, then you were met with a familiar face, one you didn’t think you’d see again.
“Long time no see.”
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o-ochangx · 1 year ago
"minhyuk! where have you been all night? i was worried sick.." i ran up to the male who had just entered the house. "we're roommates, you have to tell me when you're going out for a longer time" i hesitated whether to go for a hug or not; ending up awkwardly putting my arms around him and quickly letting go, coughing nervously and looking away.
"anyways, where have you been? have you-" i stopped in my tracks, seeing a noticeable red stain on the male's clothes. "w-wait, is that..?–"
(please tell me if i'm doing something wrong or making you uncomfortable in any way!! also should i give myself an emoji too?? if yes then could i be 🌼 please? <3)
That’s..that’s nothing. Don’t worry..(he said awkwardly as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Nuzzling his face in your neck he took in a deep breath as he inhaled your natural scent) I just got caught up in some..work. Did you have dinner yet? (He asked. His voice coming out slightly muffled as it was buried in your neck)
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(Hihi! Glad to see that you’re back! I am more then happy to have you here on my side blog :) I have been a fan of your work since ages so like seeing your ask made me so damn happy 🤧 and you can definitely be that emoji!)
Anon 🌼
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bangchanswolfpelt · 3 years ago
i cannot explain why Minhyuk gives me more yandere vibes than literally any other idol (more than Changbin, Yongsun, Seungcheol, or Joshua, somehow more than Yeonjun or Jungkook even), but like. they are off the chart with this man. 🥴
once you catch his eye, Minhyuk's focus is on you and you alone. his attention is immediate and persistent, probably a little overwhelming—it's not every day you get a straight-up ten ignoring everyone and everything around in favor of you. it's probably a little hard to take him seriously, because he's such a casual flirt, but that just means he needs to work even harder to lock you in.
there's this excruciating fun push-pull where he doesn't want to make the first Real Move because he wants you to want him bad enough to come to him, but Minhyuk also can't hold himself back because he's too impatient (and just a little too hung up on gender roles) to wait on you for very long.
he's not subtle enough to try and bait you with low-light, thotty gym thirst traps on instagram—he sends them directly to you. goes on bold sprees of liking your posts (no, you did not imagine him liking that drunk, slutty selfie you posted from a Taco Bell booth three years ago). not afraid to double or triple text you.
it's not obvious, because he wants to seem cool for you, but Minhyuk's wildly jealous, possessive as hell, and absolutely lives for your praise and affection. his confidence does a fair bit to balance out his jealous streak, though; most of his acting up comes less in the form of him starting fights and more as him sending you extra slutty selfies when he thinks someone else has more of your attention or showing a scandalous amount of affection in public when someone flirts with you while you're out.
Minhyuk will absolutely fuck you somewhere you'll be caught by whoever he feels most threatened by.
he leans service-toppy by default, because all he wants is to ruin you until the only words that can come out of your mouth are ‘Minhyuk’ and ‘please’; will go multiple rounds to make sure he turns you into a whiny, overstimulated mess. he's not mean, but he will tease you for needing him so badly (even though he wouldn't have it any other way).
he'd be just as eager to sub for you, though, if that's what you're into—would love for you to push him around a little, to want him so badly you just lose control. ravishing and somnophilia aren't things he'd think to ask for, but things that would really do it for him.
will not just indulge, but fully dive into whatever kinks you have. he would honestly love it if you were into some truly weird shit—the thought of knowing your most shameful desires, of being able to give you something no one else can or will, absolutely does it for him in a way nothing else can quite compare to.
Minhyuk's simultaneously really into the idea of having a kid with you, because it's something that would tie you together, but also really apprehensive, because it would be someone he'd have to share you with.
if you break up with him, Minhyuk absolutely stalks your social media and tries to catch any little hint of news about you from mutual friends; the moment he gets even the slightest of openings, he's trying to slide back into your life, and he's not even a little bit subtle about it.
reunion sex is wild—anger, possessiveness, desperation, and relief are all fighting for top billing in his head and you get a taste of every single one of them. he marks you up for sure—hands gripping your hips, thighs, wrists until his hand prints are branded into your skin—teeth digging into the soft column of you throat until the proof that he was there blooms across your skin. he talks the whole time, too, needy and agonizing—making promises, begging you to stay, ordering you to stay, asking you if anyone can make you feel the way he does. he switches from punishing to worshipful and back again like flicking a light switch, and every moment of it is genuine and raw.
even if you didn't talk things out beforehand, Minhyuk will take you fucking him again as the two of you getting back together—puttering around your kitchen to brew coffee and fry rice and eggs for you like a sweet little housewife when you get up the next morning—so if that wasn’t the plan for you, good luck. 🥴
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daddyissuesyo · 4 years ago
Monsta X Yandere Headcanons
tw: implied sexual content, non-sexual consent violation, murder, suicide, emotional and physical abuse, harm/endangerment, severed ties with family, vulgarity
seriously guys this is intense
Shownu: The Protector
- you pique his attention and he asks you out, seemingly normal
- becomes obsessed after the first date and captures you on the second
- avoids physical harm unless absolutely "necessary" to keep you in line. manipulates you until feeling as though you failed him.
- reckless, unconditional love
- you can't help but reciprocate a little; he's just so caring & attentive
- vanilla sex, because he loves you
- funds EVERYTHING you could possibly want: fluffy comforters and a massive mattress, personal maids, deluxe coffee maker, stuffed animals that he doesn't let you name, etc.
- you thought your dynamic was normal until you caught him dragging the limp body of the postman that accidentally saw you changing into a shed
- from that day forth you feared him, yet didn't stop loving him
- "you are my entire world. my everything. we need each other. forever and then some."
- will not kill you unless he convinces himself others will and death by his hands is the better option
Minhyuk: The Deluded
- i n f a n t i l i z e r
- pities you, oh so much
- thinks you are a helpless baby in dire need of rescuing
- treats you like a porcelain doll & refuses to let you make even the smallest decision for yourself
- convinced you are just as infatuated and dependent on him as he is you
- on good days, he will draw bubble baths, play card games with you, and play G rated movies, pausing every minute to explain what happened
- on bad days, he will yell at you, bind your limbs, and carve his name into your flesh
- simply doesn't understand your disobedience and grief and takes it out on you, hoping to "knock sense into you"
- unlike many yandere archetypes, he enjoys parading you about like an accessory. has friends come over to admire you
- "i know it's too much for you to understand, but you need my care. where is this behavior coming from? don't you love me?"
- you'll kill yourself before he can, driven to the point of insanity
Kihyun: The Jealous
- no pets. no friends. no contact with the outside world aside from media he approves.
- shelters you like mother gothel
- insists you cut off all male contacts, even family (if you are lgbtq, it's best not to reveal this to him because then you won't even be able to speak to female family members)
- doesn't hesitate to murder any man you won't cut off. forces you to watch.
- comforts you afterward in a sick way
- you have to PLEAD to go anywhere
- if he allows it, you must wear a face covering and stay by his side
- tends to be rough in bed; he lets loose all his pent-up frustrations on you
- isn't COMPLETELY out of touch with his humanity; treats you well on birthdays and holidays and even permits a supervised phone call with your mother
- "you overwhelm me. you fill me with so much joy and so much rage. you'll never know the effect you have on me, sweetheart."
- inevitable murder-suicide in the end. i give it no more than 5 years.
Hyungwon: The Sadist
- it's all a game of cat and mouse to him; he kidnapped you while you slept after stalking for quite some time
- keeps you in chains in his basement
- decorates his home with your missing posters like a real sicko
- will torture the living shit out of you with no remorse. inflicting fractures, head trauma, slicing you open, digit dismemberment, drowning, strappado
- gets off on your fear more than your pain
- unlike the others, he recognizes when you're suffering; he just doesn't care
- destroys your self-worth and self-esteem by berating and insulting you. it's your fault you can't tell he means "I love you"
- sex entails bondage, degradation, and cruel laughter. incorporates pet names like: "bunny," "little lamb," "kitty," etc.
- may get bored of you and seek out a new victim, leaving you inexplicably desperate for his attention (which is all part of his game)
- always comes back to you after he's maimed and fucked who knows how many people. and you let him every time, holding out hope that he'll stay
- "you're never going to escape me. i hope you know that."
- would rather almost kill you and keep reviving you. you're in it for the long haul.
Jooheon: The Two-faced
- like shownu, things begin typically
- gradually shows his hand over time, but you're blinded by your feelings for him (he's a very good faux boyfriend)
- waits until your most vulnerable moment to attack
- strict and often overbearing; will beat you black and blue to the point of unconsciousness
- will actually apologize, but he doesn't stop
- tries to keep things around that you enjoy and allow domestic hobbies (congratulates your accomplishments but doesn't want to fuel your ego too much because then you'll leave him)
- struggles with internal conflict over how to treat you. wishes he could be more lenient but can't bring himself to
- allows you to have family and friends over while he's present
- very good at acting normal, it's scary. will flash you a psycho smile after they leave.
- "i'm sorry things have to be this way. if only you could see... i really do love you."
- kills himself in the end due to guilt
Changkyun: The Unhinged
- yes, yandere are psychotic, but changkyun is another level
- if you try to escape or resist him, he just stares at you with round eyes, slowly growing a grin that turns into a crazy laughing fit
- protects you from outside forces, unaware that he's the greatest danger in your life
- only upside is he takes you out on the town
- slaps across the face. sometimes at random, just to let you know he's in control
- you live on eggshells, unsure if he's in a loving or violent mood
- a strange dichotomy of worshipping you and craving your attention, yet feeling like you should be the one begging for him
- fucks hard and often, but can't look at you after
- owns an industrial freezer and locks you in there until you collapse from hypothermia III
- "w-were you trying to escape? FUCK no. what don't you understand, hon? you're my fucking property."
- will stab you repeatedly in the end, smiling with tears streaming down his face
Would anyone be interested in me developing these characters/storylines further?
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seawitch62 · 2 years ago
Dreams are they the manifestations of our subconscious or something else?
Word count 763
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         Night terrors.
♟Never trust a demon. He has a hundred motives for anything he does ... Ninety-nine of them, at least, are malevolent.
Neil Gaiman, Preludes & Nocturnes (The Sandman, #1)♟
Run! Run! Run! My legs feel like bricks, they won't move. Pure terror surges through my body, I can not move. It's getting closer and closer, I can sense it, feel it, the invisible terror stalking me, all I can see are those eyes! Eyes that scare the hell out of me. My ankle! My foot! Someone or something, their hands or claw like hands are  wrapped around my ankle, shake it off! no matter how I try I can escape. The grip is like steel pulling me closer to the eyes….
Waking up in a pool of sweat, that dream or nightmare felt so real it was terrifying, "it's just a dream" calm yourself. Sliding out of bed, feet touching the floor, a pain shoots up my leg. "What the" inspecting my leg, my ankle and foot, it's bruised and swollen.
Wincing with pain and discomfort the only feasible explanation is I bashed my foot against the bed during the night. It is not a perfect answer but the only one that is logical.
Those eyes seemed terrifyingly familiar, a movie? A TV show? 
The following night, the dream or more aptly described as a nightmare reoccurs. Running and running, those eyes chasing me, this time the hand grabs my wrist. I fight with all my strength but it is  useless. A voice echoes in the fog of my dream, "time to come home!".
Once again awakening with sweat covering my body, my wrist throbs, bruising in the shape of a hand print darkens the skin. "What the fuck?"
Once the initial shock evaporates I must have held my wrist so tight during the night I bruised it, right?
Night after night, the eyes pursue giving chase relentlessly. Tormenting what sleep I can get, waking in a pool of my own fright.
Trying everything to keep myself awake feeling like a character in a Freddy Kruger movie. Eventually the body demands sleep, hunted in my sleeping hours by a force I do know what.
Exhaustion takes the driver's seat and eyes flutter and slowly close, dreamland now the landscape. The eyes close in. The chase begins, even in the land of dreams by body and mind seem hindered from lack of sleep. The eyes seem so close, arms wrap around my body drawing me closer to the eyes. A form takes shape, a very familiar one, "Time to come home, my love" 
"Time to come home!".
Slowly my mind  and body leave dreamland, looking around. I am once more in the safety of my bedroom. Why am I dreaming of him? 
Minhyuk, my ex, my intense ex.
Why? Why am I dreaming about him? The break up was not pleasant, but when are they really? The cold steely look he  gave me sent a   feeling of complete unease, the intensity shocked me to my core.  His unreadable features coldly assessed me like a bug on a microscope slide. Remembering the immense relief when he left, why am I dreaming about him now?
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Fighting sleep is like battling with your own demons. In the end sleep always wins. Running through the dark stumbling and falling,  the eyes unstoppable energy nipping at my heels. Minhyuk's  unrelenting pace is always constant.
"I am your home" he whispers his voice ever so close.
"Time to come home!".
This has to stop! I can not continue like this, I need sleep.
Maybe if I confront him in my dream it will stop, it's my dream after all, it's just a dream!
Don't run,  face him! Turn around to face him. Face him! Confront him! The eyes loom in the dark moving closer and closer till Minhyuk is standing before me. "Time to come home" 
"No leave me alone"
"Time to come home where you belong my precious"
Minhyuk stares for a moment then while wrapping his arms around my body, pulling me in so close our bodies merge as one. Our lips touch tenderly at first then a hunger buried within him takes control, a kiss filled with passion and promise. "Time to come home" he whispers breathlessly.
Wake up! Wake up!
Toast and coffee, the breakfast of champions, thoughts lost in the meaning of the dream. 
Knock knock knock 
Opening the door Minhyuk stands there, his  eyes  a pool of black, "time to come home".
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tinytinyblogs · 4 years ago
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Be Ready
Monsta X Masterlist Here
"When i asked you nicely to come with me you should be obedient baby." Changkyun sit in front of you with his creepy smile on his face, he is insane and he know that.
He don't like the fact that you keep shoo him away, because he always got what he want. And he want you, nobody can take you away so he decided to bring you home with him.
Okay, maybe not in a good way because he kidnapped you. "You are crazy" Changkyun laughing as loud as he can, how funny you are that's why he love you.
"I am princess, I'm crazy and that's all because of you." His hand touch your cheeks, you look away trying to avoid his touch. His smile slowly disappears from his face.
"You need to learn how to behave, don't you think so?" He always be a quite and popular guy on university, and you never expect this side of him.
"Listen, i don't know you that well and i don't want to be yours can't you understand that simple words?" Changkyun deathly stare into your soul, but he quickly show you an innocent smile just like nothing happened.
"I can't understand you, because when i told you that i want you to be mine. I don't give you a choice baby, all you need just to stay silent and love me or else I'm gonna cut your tongue."
A tears falling from your eyes, you feel beyond tired. You don't know what will happen to you next, you don't dare to imagine.
You brain can't process anything, changkyun swipe away that tears. He don't like you are crying, his princess should be smiling while spending time with him.
You are his everything, even if you don't think so. You should, should learn how to love him because baby you don't have any choice.
Live with him, forever.
He will be with you all the time until you forgot anything beside him.
Be ready.
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