#minecraft deities
colors-n-chaos · 25 days
I keep forgetting to make this post but uhh hi! I'm Yello, I was previously redacted on the intro but that's been changed for a while andddd, this is the major one, I am... open to being worked with now! ^^
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steve-the-bear · 3 months
N'xtun, Goddess of Life and Death
Many depictions of N'xtun show a large figure dressed in shadows, typically surrounded by various flora that are shown growing on the left and withering to the right. Her hands are usually shown open, with her arms reaching down as if to wrap those before her in a gentle embrace.
N'xtun is considered to be a creator of mortal lives, the birthplace of souls, and their final resting place. She can create new souls, and then she leads them to the dimensions of the living. From there, they pass into a dimension under the guidance of their guardian [Exdea or De'ex]. When their soul is old, or their body has passed, N'xtun returns for them and brings them back to where they came from.
Some cultures believe N'xtun to be two or even three separate deities, separating life and death into two domains. In many cultures, she is more often associated with death than she is with life. Even if those cultures accurately attribute their creation to her, many still refer to her as Lady Death.
While N'xtun has reign over the whole domain of death and the act of dying, in more recent teachings by larger and more modern groups, she is closer associated with gentle deaths and painless passings rather than death as a whole. Some have forgotten that Death is as kind as she is brutal.
In her domain of life, while she has the ability to do much, she does not, instead allowing others the chance to do so. She has been limited in the type of creation she is allowed to do to avoid pushing into Prie'amas domain. She creates new souls and allows others a second, third, fourth chance. Instead of creating new things, she simply allows what was once dead to return, forgotten and uprooted trees resprouting, long dead plants renewing despite frozen ground, little miracles of life returning from death.
Many pray to Lady Death to ask for a painless death for themselves or a loved one, or for themselves or a loved one to be spared. N'xtun may also be prayed to or worshipped to request safe passage through to the final resting place.
N'xtun is associated with crows, the wither, and wither flowers. Alliums are also associated with her in some cultures. In the End, she is associated with dragons and purple flames.
In the End, she is revered as Queen above all dieties. There, they call her ⟒⋏☌ (Déwh), or ⟒⋏☌-☌⍀⋔ (Déwh-Hegem), meaning Everything. In many End myths and stories, she is considered the mother of all life, the one who brought life to the world, and the one who will one day return all to where they belong. She is often depicted in the End alongside the dragons of old, occasionally even as a dragon herself.
In the Nether, among the piglins, she is called ⊖☗⊖❂⊚⊕ꕤ (Onodraighs), meaning The One Who Waits. She is seen as an inevitable end, who bestows great honor on teachers and warriors alike. In the Nether, Onodraighs is more often considered to be beneath or lower than ❂⎔⍝ (Drraud), the diety of Blood. The Ostraspen are considered a tragic curse from Drraud on any piglin, an endless path as a shade in the realm of the living, forever cut off from the Great Halls of Drraguhk, and Onodraighs collection. They are left behind as a husk unable to live yet unable to die.
N'xtun does not create the nether-folk. They are not passed on from her, though she does collect them. She considers them a gift and an apology, received from Kinïstra, and she cherishes them deeply.
N'xtun has many minor deities under her domain, though the most notable would be Cruor/Drraud, or more commonly, The Blood God (in the nether the piglins revere Drraud higher, but within the existing pantheon he works with and for N'xtun, not above her). Some mythos also depict her as coming behind an Angel of Death, an omen on the battlefield, oft depicted as an ethereal being with wings as dark as the void and a harrowing screech. It was said that behind the angel, Lady Death would always follow.
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enden-agolor · 1 month
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i hate jesse minecraft (lie)
partial nudity?
uhh the gang gets floating devices for portal arc ocean portal
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terracomets · 1 month
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gift for my pal @enden-agolor <3!
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sozoglam · 2 months
behold, forest deity au renders
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also rendered some matching pfps!!!! you can use them however you like, just please put credits in your bio or something :]
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while i had done some tweaks and made the actual models, the original textures belong to @artymcartist, and the AU belongs to @enden-agolor !!!
『 reblogs are appreciated !! 』
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smilebug · 1 month
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i love @enden-agolor ‘s forest deity fic so much that i decided to draw their first encounter while i catch up on the chapters 🥹
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mrcr1ms0n · 1 month
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @enden-agolor how does it feel to be older than the USB flash drives? 🧐 love you bro 🔥
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artymcartist · 2 months
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I got carried away editing this, aha- But! Skins for @enden-agolor 's Deity AU!!
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I'll put em below the line here for anyone to use :] Java and Bedrock!
Special thanks to my buddy Cosmic for posing in the skins with me!
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Bedrock versions
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Java versions
Bagless versions of Lukas (Java version 1st, Bedrock 2nd)
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If they're not working, hit me up on discord or twitter and I'll send em to you! My @ on both is arty_mc_artist :]
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silly-guy-tendencies · 2 months
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I am very normal about this AU 😁 @enden-agolor
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trix1erose · 3 months
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fanart of @/enden-agolor’s Forest Deity AU fic! i saw this scene really vividly and had to draw it!
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colors-n-chaos · 1 month
🥒 : you know today is going great when dev and keir arent talking OTL
⛏ : drama in the pantheon, as always.. usually its you and dev having a spat tho, those two never genuinely fight..
🥒 : im sure theyll bounce back,, probably,,
⛏ : hopefully...
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steve-the-bear · 4 months
Minecraft Deities Because I Can
There are High Deities, that rule over larger domains. Every High Diety has Minor Deities attached to them, that encompass smaller pieces under their domain. Minor deity does not mean weak or unknown, simply that they have a smaller domain within anothers.
if u see anything based off of mcyt no u dont <3
Prie'ama is considered to be "The Creator", known for creating and protecting the overworld. Overworlders believe Prie'ama created all realms, and most overworld cultures believe Prie'ama [or whatever name they use for Prie'ama] is the Deity Emperor, or above all other deities.
Prie'ama was not the original creator, though there are little to no records or religions/cultures that remember this.
N'xtun is the deity of life and death. She is believed to be the one to create souls, and then return to bring souls from their living hosts to the lands of death. She is also the guardian of the "limbo" space, a place between dimensions, most often used to house partial souls [souls of those with unfinished business, half of themselves left behind, clinging to their old life. These souls are volatile and considered dangerous, even if they don't intend to be] and be the creation space for new souls.
N'xtun is the second eldest deity. She is older than Prie'ama, though many modern cultures believe her to have come after their supposed creator.
Exdea and De'ex
Exdea and De'ex are twin deities who both reign over the domains of sleep and dreams. They are considered to be guardians and guides through the lives of living creatures between N'xtun's embraces. De'ex has closer relation to "good" or "strange" dreams, and they are often associated with pleasant premonitions and silly mishaps within dreams. Exdea is the opposite, typically related to nightmares and ominous or foreboding premonitions.
Exdea and De'ex were given the role of guardians over the End and the Overworld, respectively. They help the elder deities in their roles and are able to interact and interfere more than their elders.
Kinïstra is the deity of the nether, having created both the hellish landscape and all of its residents. While the other dimensions have little to no records of her, the netherborn cherish her as their "mother," despite her lack of interaction with the netherfolk. Kinïstra, unlike the other deities, can't traverse dimensions, having been exiled to the dimension of her own creation eons prior.
It is unknown how old Kinïstra is due to the lack of record within overworld scripts and carvings. She is as old as the nether, perhaps even more ancient. She was once called Parima.
One of N'xtuns minor deities, created to aid both N'xtun and Parima Prie'ama with the creation and destruction of their living creations. Cruor is often titled "The Blood God." Most cultures associate them with violence, bloodshed, and war. Cruor, like Exdea and De'ex, has more freedom than the elder deities to interact and interfere with mortals. Unlike the twins, however, Cruor instead picks a host, a "vassal," to bless. Their vassal carries out the more dramatic work for them, laying waste to villages and cities who dare defy them or turning the tides of battle in either sides favor single-handedly.
Cruor is a more tabboo deity in many cultures due to their association with war and bloodshed. Some cultures, such as the Piglins of the nether and the Illagers of the overworld, remember that Cruor is also the giver of life, as they control the lifeblood that flows through people and animals alike.
The deity of magic, they go by many names across cultures, but their most notable name is Heka, the deity most witches worship. In most stories, Heka is regarded as a Prometheus-type role, granting the use of magic and enchantments to mortals despite the orders of the other deities, and in turn facing a terrible punishment. Many overworld cultures portray Heka as blind, with poison, or acid, being dripped onto her forehead and rolling down her face as her eternal punishment.
A minor deity of Prie'ama, associated with all forms of water, from riverbeds to vast oceans. The ocean monuments are a testament of her once great influence in the overworld and the attempt at life she once created against the wishes and guidance of the elder deities. Shaeol did not have the power to sustain life for extended periods, and eventually, her people devolved beyond her control, ultimately becoming known as The Drowned.
Shaeol is known to be shapeshifter, as fluid and changing as the sea. Many stories involve Shaeol coming ashore and falling in love with mortals, their villages and people, and ways of life, only to return one day and find the place she held dear gone, either by herself or by time.
A minor deity of Prie'ama, associated with the earth itself, and the biomes within it. Aeshed was once known to walk the earth, going from forest to forest, biome to biome, with a gentle smile and a trail of blossoms behind him. Aeshed has not been seen wandering the earth for many generations now.
It is widely believed that Aeshed has fallen asleep in the heart of the earth or some variation. Some stories say Aeshed is merely resting from their many years of wandering, and will one day return, while others say Aeshed was cursed by a jealous Shaeol or De'ex to sleep for a thousand lifetimes, and yet others believe Aeshed has simply abandoned the overworld altogether.
A minor deity of Prie'ama, associated with the wind and storms. Many stories associate Wiethesh with the Wither, either as the creator of the Wither or as the Wither itself. Most mythos believe Wiethesh has been sealed away by the other deities because they caused too much destruction upon the earth, only able to be called forth through the souls of those long past and the skulls of their infected hosts.
It is often told that stormy nights and windy gales are Wiethesh' attempt at breaking free from their imprisonment to wreak havoc once more.
A minor deity of Prie'ama, often associated with fire and the hearth. Deshae has many appearances across cultures, some with disaster, some with the warmth of a hearth or the fire of a furnace, but many keep Deshae fairly neutral, balanced both in blazing, destructive fury, and gentle comforting warmth.
The deity of chaos. Often portrayed with horns or antlers and associated with the wild. Ca'alohn is typically considered to be wild and free spirited, oft portrayed with a voice like thunder, so that no mere mortal can hear them.
It's rumored that Ca'alohn has abandoned the peoples of the overworld in favor of roaming across the known dimensions as he sees fit. While most disasters and chaos are blamed on Ca'alohn's interference in some way, shape, or form, Ca'alohn himself has not been seen in hundreds of years.
Deity of change. They are known to have at least 4 distinct appearances, another constant shifter similar to Shaeol. Myx is often associated with horns, creepers, and divides between biomes.
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enden-agolor · 2 months
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huh weird i like blinked and all this forest deity au art just appeared out of thin air how crazy is that
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fifi-in-the-new-world · 8 months
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Philza's ultimate: Friend of Rose. By activating his rose charm, Phil becomes a temporary vessel for the Rose the flower deity.
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When Friend of Rose is active, Phil gains resistance to magic damage, a bonus to passive energy regen, and whenever one of Phil's attacks hits, there is a chance the target is tangled and frozen in place for a short time.
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Philza can make a melee attack and tangle the target in brambles and vines, slowing them down and dealing damage whenever they try to move.
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Bloom Sanctuary surrounds Philza in an aura of petals, increasing the health of any adjacent allies.
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Garden summons a well of regenerative power that continuously heals allies who stand inside.
The second of Phil's ultimate abilities! The third and final will be posted tomorrow!
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sozoglam · 2 months
cooking shall commence
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lavender--milk · 8 months
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An updated version of my minecraft altar for Apollo! I am so so happy with how it turned out :D
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