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ender-afton · 10 months ago
I have urge to do an rp on this blog.... WHO WOULD BE WAITIN TO JOIN?
@thelazyclown @imnotrealdeadass @alice-went-crazy and anyone else- Cause I duno who else
I'ma gather my OC's by color
JW, Pennywise, And their family (I'll do their brackets I have for em at the end) (JW = Jennywise, PW = Pennywise, Nightwise = NW, Dawn = DN, Lanawise = LW, Thunder = THDR L, And Midnight.... = MDN.) Jennywise's kids: Milo and Sonnet (ML, SNT) Pennywise's kids: Holly(wise), Persephone (HL, PHE)
Morrigan (Me) -MG, Kioshi (Me, Again) -KOSH (I'ma do none if it's just me-), Ezra, Athena, Saturn (EZ, AE, SU)
Glitchtrap/William, Delilah, Vanny/Vanessa, Kerrigan, Flare (GT, WA, DLH, VY, KRG, FRE)
Melody, Rain, Mareen, Daeva, Alex, Blaire (MD, RN, MIM, DPC, ALX, BR)
Vinnywise, Danawise, Kelseywise, Korawise, Iris, Cleowise, Tatum (VW, DW, KW, KW2, IR, CW, TM)
Uuuuh.... Glamrock Mangle, Roxanne, Glamrock Chica, Glamrock Casey, Glamrock Bowie, Alvira, Rockstar Tangle, Sunshine, Roux, Madame (GRM, RW, GRC, GRC2, GRB, AVR, RTG, STF, RTR, MTW)
Suki/009, Jaylyn/048, Vivian/068, Sparrow/072, Lixius/097, Zeppelin/105, Xia/117, And Dai/281 (EPT, JY, EPX, SP, LX, ZN, XI, DI)
If I add anymore of mine I'll update this
Also, Anon is off, Just so I know who is interacting with me if I need to do something about it.
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blessed1neha · 2 years ago
What can we learn from Lord Krishna?
In Mahabharat, Karna asks Krishna-
“My mother left me the moment I was born. Is it my fault I was born an illegitimate child?
I did not get the education from Dhronacharya because I was considered not a Kshatriya.
Parshu-Raam taught me but then gave me the curse to forget everything when he came to know I was Son of Kunthi belong to Kshatriya.
A cow was accidentally hit by my arrow and its owner cursed me for no fault of mine.
I was disgraced in Draupadi's Swayamvar.
Even Kunthi finally told me the truth only to save her other sons.
Whatever I received was through Duryodhana's charity.
So how am I wrong in taking his side ???"
**Krishna replies,
“Karna, I was born in a jail.
Death was waiting for me even before my birth.
The night I was born I was separated from my birth parents.
From childhood, you grew up hearing the noise of swords, chariots, horses, bow, and arrows. I got only cow herd's shed, dung, and multiple attempts on my life even before I could walk!
No Army, No Education. I could hear people saying I am the reason for all their problems.
When all of you were being appreciated for your valour by your teachers I had not even received any education. I joined Gurukula of Rishi Sandipani only at the age of 16!
You are married to a girl of your choice. I didn't get the girl I loved rather ended up marrying those who wanted me or the ones I rescued from demons.
I had to move my whole community from the banks of Yamuna to far off Sea shore to save them from Jarasandh. I was called a coward for running away!!
If Duryodhana wins the war you will get a lot of credit. What do I get if Dharmaraja wins the war? Only the blame for the war and all related problems...
Remember one thing, Karna. Everybody has Challenges in life to face.
But what is Right (Dharma) is known to your Mind (conscience). No matter how much unfairness we got, how many times we were Disgraced, how many times we Fall, what is important is how you REACTED at that time.
Life's unfairness does not give you license to walk the wrong path...!
Life maybe tough at snt but Krishna teaches me that DESTINY is not build by the SHOES we wear but the STEPS we take…!
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azlovesem · 4 months ago
You never loved that hard. Hows your old lady doing? And why did she dlip me her number? See i got saying s too but mine are real no joke. Heal on uour own time. Dkeeping with je youll be hesled. Laying around i can be a teddy bear sometimes. Please thoughbthis if snt idipt porm cmas card or movie. This is real and im a real Arch. Uoull know and agree not long after meeting me. If i know ehat gonna happenbwhats that tell uou about time and the universe itself?
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throes-contempt · 11 months ago
Bull keeps tryng to get me to com up to the surf•ce so i c•n meet her lusus buttttttt i dont w•nn•
She h•snt met mine yet so i dont w•nn• meet hers yet eithr ( ̄  ̄)
She c•n w•it
But when we do meet up ill t•ke pics of our lusii togethr, itll be cute
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heavenlyhoundoom · 1 year ago
Since Sylveon from Courtney (Prodject SNT) has trolled every pokemon, I decided to make my own roasts, starting with Kanto.
Bulbasaur: How does it feel to be the best Kanto starter strategically and yet also the least popular?
Ivysaur: If it wasn't for smash, most people would've forgotten that you exist.
Venusaur: Why do you have such an ugly backside?
Charmander: For the most popular starter, you'd think you would have a more consistent sprite.
Charmeleon: Pikachu being a mouse I get, but how are you a chameleon!?
Charizard: Their category should be changed to "The cash cow pokemon".
Squirtle: Remember when people thought you were part squirrel because of your name and tail?
Wartortle: Who are you again?
Blastoise: How do you grab anything with those stubby arms?
Caterpie: Hello, Wormy from Spongebob.
Metapod: 💤💤💤.
Butterfree: I prefer mine with butter, thank you very much.
Weedle: Well if it isn't the only pokemon who can't learn any normal type moves.
Kakuna: It's slightly more interesting than Metapod, but only slightly.
Beedrill: You look more like a hornet than a bee, so go away!
Pidgey: Baby's first birdie.
Pidgeotto: They clearly dye their head feathers to get that flawless red color.
Pidgeot: Why does the middle evolution have the longer name!?
Rattata: Youngster Joey is the only one who actually likes you.
Raticate: You do look a hairy potato with teeth.
Spearow: How does it feel to have the anime label you all as aggressive assholes?
Spearow: You have to be the worst shiny I ever catched!
Ekans: If it wasn't for team rocket, you'd only be known for your ridiculous name.
Arbok: Seviper is apparently their evolution, no wait, the anime is just full of lies.
Pickachu: They're basically Mickey mouse if he had electric powers.
Raichu: The anime just had to make every raichu an asshole to give Ash's pikachu an excuse to not want to evolve.
Sandshrew: You look more like an armadillo than a shrew.
Sandslash: Your Alolan form is a lot more interesting.(it's my opinion, don't attack me)
The entire nidoran line (both male and female): The fact that nidoran♀ is the only one who can breed with the entire nidoran♂ feels like an unintentional p*dofelic breeding fetish.
Clefairy: I personally think making pikachu the mascot instead was a good call.
Clefable: Remember, the clefairy line walked so elgyem and beheeyem could run.
Vulpix: I've got nothing, vulpix is the best Kanto pokemon.(again, it's my opinion, don't attack me)
Ninetales: Congratulations for having one of the least creative pokemon names.
Jigglypuff: How does it feel to only be known for being a brat in the anime?
Wigglytuff: It's gen one sprite was really something else, and not in a good way.
Zubat: The vermin of caves.
Golbat: How do you fly with that big mouth?
Oddish: "Insert 4/20 joke here"
Gloom: Its name speaks for itself.
Vileplume: I bet it smells as vile as its name suggests.
Paras: Can someone please remove those parasitic mushrooms from its back!?
Parasect: Too late, they've already taken over...
Venonat: The anime also lies about it not being a bug type.
Venomoth: You're only remembered because a dumb theory.
Diglett: Someone pointed out that their nose looks like a mouth with one tooth and now I can't unsee it.
Dugtrio: This evolution is almost as lazy as electrode.(I'm gonna get a lot of death threats with how much I'm bashing gen one)
Meowth: You're the Tom to Pikachu's Jerry.
Persian: Try not to get a big head, okay?
Psyduck: Do you need some ibuprofen?
Golduck: It's the "why isn't this a psychic type" pokemon.
Mankey: The manly monkey.
Primape: How does it learn iron tail without having a tail?(especially if the primape's female?)
Growlithe: Baby's first doggo.
Arcane: The rejected legendary.
Poliwag: Just a round boi.
Polywhirl: Congratulations, you can finally hold things.
Polywrath: Why are you so pissed, man?
Abra: The teleporting troll.
Kadabra: the fact that they used to be a human has very disturbing implications.
Alakazam: The perfect pokemon to eat icecream with.
Machop: Why does it have chest gills?
Machoke: It pisses me off that pokemon like delphox and meowscarada get demonized for being "too humanoid" when this fucker exist!
Machamp: Why does it look like it's wearing briefs?
Bellsprout: Its head sure does look like a bell.
Weepinbell: One of many gen one poison/grass types.
Victreebel: Remember, Victreebel walked so guzzlord could run.
Tentacool: Funny, you're actually not cool at all.
Tentacruel: That name makes more sense.
Geodude: I was gonna say "baby's first rock monster" but that joke has already been used twice.
Graveler: Why did you grow an extra set of arms, only to ditch them once you evolve!?
Golem: Why do you have a lizard face all of a sudden?
Ponyta: Imagine your kid wanting a horse for either their birthday or Christmas and the only option is one that would burn the house down.
Rapidash: You want me to ride on its back!? Yeah, I'll just take the bus.
Slowpoke: No thoughts, head empty.
Slowbro: I can't get over the fact that it's constantly being bitten.
Magnemite: This should've been a gen two pokemon so it could've been a steel type from the beginning.
Magnaton: It's Dugtrio all over again!
Farfetche'd: Was the apostrophe really necessary?
Doduo: "Cause you know two heads are better than one"
Dodrio: They're just a bird version of Cerberus.
Seel and Dewgong: And the award for the least creative pokemon names goes to...these losers!
Grimer: I heard this thing eats sewage.🤢
Muk: It has an unfortunate backwards name.
Shellder: Why is its tounge all ways out?
Cloyster: They knew what they were doing when they paired it with an onix.
Gastly: Our first ghost type was a ball of gas, really?
Hanter: There really isn't anything to roast with this pokemon.
Gengar: You look more like a scrapped grimace design than an actual ghost.(definitely getting death threats for that)
Onix: Pikachu winning against Brock's onix using water sprinklers was a total ass pull!
Drowzee: Mikey's favorite pokemon.
Hyno: They got a lemon for a nose.
Krabby: Mmmmm, crab legs.....
Kingler: If only that kingler curry wasn't exclusive to Japan.
Voltorb: The bomb pokemon.
Electrode: The laziest design.(tied with pawmo)
Exeggcute: Nothing cute about this pokemon.
Exeggutor: I know they're seeds, but how do egg looking seeds evolve into a palm tree!?
Cubone and Marowak: Why would you make a pokemon who's whole gimmick is having a dead mother, you monster!?
Hitmonlee: I have no mouth and I must scream!
Hitmonchan: It does look like it's wearing a dress.(and an ugly dress at that)
Lickitung: In Japan, this is the innuendo pokemon and not bellsprout.
Koffing and Weezing: It's been three years since the pandemic and I still don't think talking about them is tasteful.
Rhyhorn: Again, I'll take the bus.
Rhydon: The first ever pokemon.(created by the developers that is)
Chansey: Stop letting people eat your babies!
Tangela: The only pure grass type of gen one.
Kangaskhan: If the next region is based on Australia, then I hope we get a pokemon that actually looks like a kangaroo.
Horsea and Seadra: I can't roast seahorses.
Goldeen and Seaking: You're more of a collector's item than an actual pokemon.
Staryu and Starmie: Apparently, starfish come from outer space.
Mr.Mime: I read a dex entry about how it slaps people with its big hands and now all I can think of is that Will Smith meme but with Mr.Mime.
Syther: Or alakazam according to team rocket.
Jinx: Probably the most controversial pokemon in existence.
Electabuzz: Prepare to evolve into a very ugly pokemon in gen 4.
Magmar: They got a butt on their head.
Pinser: I can't get over their sideways mouth.
Tauros: Who put astrology into pokemon!?
Magikarp: Keeping using splash, and maybe we can win.
Gyarados: I think the only reason they're not dragon type is so they wouldn't be op.
Lapras: Can't roast perfection.
Ditto: The breeding slave pokemon.
Eevee: The best gimmick pokemon we've ever had.
Vaporeon: This pokemon has been forever ruined for me by a certain copypasta.
Jolteon: Raichu for dog lovers.
Flareon: Aka, Fluffier Eevee.
Porygon: I'm sorry that the pokemon company pinned all the blame on you instead of Pikachu.
Omantyte: This is your Lord? My Lord Lunala would destroy them.
Omastar: Again with the weird mouth.
Kabuto: The most forgettable gen one fossil.
Kabutops: One razor leaf, and you're dead.(again)
Areodactyl: Kid me would be over the moon if she knew there was a pterodactyl pokemon.
Snorlax: Oh look, a discord mod.
Articuno: One rock slide, and you're dead.
Zapdos: Those wings look like poorly cut paper.
Moltres: Who set their rubber chicken on fire!?
Dratini: You sure are teenie alright!
Dagonair: I just remembered that there's a type of lo mein called dragon noodles, while it was probably unintentional, I still thought that was a clever pun.
Dragonite: How can I roast something that's so friend shaped?
Mew and Mewtwo: Why does Mewtwo come before Mew in the pokedex even though Mew came first?
I'm actually gonna do Paldea next , so I can get to the good roasts before Sylveon.
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narukage · 6 years ago
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Zack 🔪
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azlovesem · 5 months ago
They say all of you harry potter kids did well after your series ended. And you support good csuses. I dont give a flying fuck gor what one ulidiot in the entertsinment industrybever writes or wrote. Theyre on the levelmof sn snt vonpared to me when it comes to anything let alone writing. Ha ga im done beating wveryone saw me kill everyone no o e can fifht. None of them my weapons are light years beyond you people. Ebtertsinment oeople ate like the weather. I conttol them. They say whatever who fuckn cares nobody. If i font care nobidy inpirtsnt enough yo fo much does. One storm ill wipe away all your gains gone. But i agree with yye fuckn ding bat writer. Youbguys fudnt go sll batty like dome people as kid actors. Not bad. But no one fears you lesst of all me. It takes fear to get anything resl done not charity. Othereise earth wouldnt be earth. Itd be your spoiled lil worlds not my big bad one. Still credit should be given where its due. You try yo help people youre not do annoying self absorbed as most smericans. If u i met uou all in a pub you could all pass for human in my book. Id easily pass as an Archangel youre in my planet not yours. Lucky you this place is burned out dump if uiu didnt notice. I like it that way or id change it. I hiant festering tire goreceith chopped up dead bidies dprinkled on top. Ha ha ahhh. Uour little wesk fragile world could be eaten by mine easy. No reason why fies everything need reason for you English assholes? If you were fuckn snart i eoikdnt gave kivked your asses and i wouldnt run yhe eorkd but i do not yhe Kong unless ur talkn about me. I coukdnt have been born on England. Being this deadly is only posdible if youre from where i am. Period. Younladies have a lovely evening. Emma you look besutiful as slways. I buried thrm alive watch how dliwly thise vanish ir tech people do again. Randomly it seens. Ha ha gahhhhh ha. I like to ket the elite know im the biss and csn kill snyone.it keeps ne the boss. Forever. See ya around. This is my llanet youll have no chouce just like snything else concerning me.
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lazyraton · 2 years ago
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All my sonic WIPs, doodles, and abandoned drawings of all of last year. Maybe I’ll finish or revive them within the year
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dangerbizz · 3 years ago
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yoooo I drew @projectsnt 's character, SNT If I'm being honest, I kinda see SNT as an inspiration. I'm not too sure how to explain it, but I guess just knowing that SNT exists makes me feel more comfortable when it comes to making ocs 👉👈
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stephsxcorner · 5 years ago
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Taylor Swift Speak Now tour Rehearsals 2
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ender-afton · 2 years ago
(Also note the fact I may be taking a break from my phone because of what is currently going on) (Nevermind I just had to block tags for my own sake)
Do you want a pfp with multiple characters? Speffically characters who do not have art together, Or are in different fandoms? Perhaps even your alterhuman types or alters all in a pfp? :3
Use my pfp as an example of what I'll do!
Just send an ask and I will make you a pfp :33 (Note that none of the art or pfp boarders are mine, I just do this for fun since I learned how to)
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Pronouns: Thing/Things, He/Him, Ry/Ryx and It/Glitch/Null
16 (Birthday is November 8th)
Legally blind in my right eye, ND
Eclectic witch (Thunder, Traditional, Green, Gray, Crystal, House)
Yandere + Kekkondere + Megadere (Yes I use these to describe myself)
Age regressor + dreamer (0-3), Pet regressor + dreamer, Cg
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William Afton kin, Fictionlink, Copinglink, Mirrorlink, Conceptkin, Songkin, Otherlink, Fictionhearted? Plantlink, Voidpunk, Aldernic, Horrorvesi, Ocvior
Reality shifter (Has yet to shift cause I keep forgetting)
Online family
Midnight (Mum), EJ/Louis (Dad), Grim (Second mum), Cato (Uncle), Ozzy/River (Sibiling) ( @/riverissilly ), Vinny/Dakota (Brother), Dizzy/Eli (Sibiling), Cookie (Sibiling), Avryn, Kio/Cicada, Olive (TRIPLETS), Z (Mother of my kids minus 4) (Ex-wife), Stars (Mother of my kids minus 8) (QPR wife), Akari (Godparent of my kids), Cloud/Zai(Lovestruck sys) (Child), Casimir (Child), Ares (Child), Lyla/Astro (Child), Oliver (Child), Nebula/Naevis/Miko(Starry void sys)(Daughter), Roxy & Bennie (Kds(?)), Seraphim/Francis(Seraphim System)(Child) ( @/the-church-of-strabismus ), Divinity(Child), Blue/Miles(Daughter), Rattie/RTS (Rat tail society)(Child), Thefroggiearmy(Child), Edd/Aubrey/Jordan(Niece/nephew), Tyler(Nephew), Ayva(Grandchild), Twinkie(Grandchild)
Rp things
Rp brackets/sign offs: Jennywise, Pennywise, Nightwise, Lanawise, Dawn, Thunder, And Midnight(JW, PW, NW, LW, DN, THDR, MDN) Jennywise's kids: Milo and Sonnet (ML, SNT) Pennywise's kids: Holly(wise), Persephone (HL, PHE)
Morrigan (Me) -MG, Kioshi (Me, Again) -KOSH (I'ma do none if it's just me-), Ezra, Athena, Saturn (EZ, AE, SU)
Glitchtrap/William, Delilah, Vanny/Vanessa, Kerrigan, Flare (GT, WA, DLH, VY, KRG, FRE)
Melody, Rain, Mareen, Daeva, Alex, Blaire (MD, RN, MIM, DPC, ALX, BR)
Vinnywise, Danawise, Kelseywise, Korawise, Iris, Cleowise, Tatum (VW, DW, KW, KW2, IR, CW, TM)
Glamrock Mangle, Glamrock Foxy, Roxanne, Glamrock Chica, Glamrock Casey, Glamrock Bowie, Alvira, Rockstar Tangle, Sunshine, Roux, Madame (GRM, GRF, RW, GRC, GRC2, GRB, AVR, RTG, STF, RTR, MTW)
Suki/009, Jaylyn/048, Vivian/068, Sparrow/072, Lixius/097, Zeppelin/105, Xia/117, And Dai/281 (EPT, JY, EPX, SP, LX, ZN, XI, DI)
Blog things
Tags: ☆ender glitches☆ -Main posts
☆ender codes☆ -Reblogs
☆ender manifests☆ -Replying on reblogs
☆ender breaching☆ -Venting/ranting
☆ender searching☆ -Bad tumblrs that need to be blocked
☆👁hypnose n spiral🌈☆ -Me n my friens fursona posts :3
🔮Glitchtrap breaches🔮 -Either regressed/dreaming or age(d)re rp
🎈JW dances🎈 -Caregiver rp
🏁Roxy races🏁 -Caregiver rp
👁Kitpup belps👁 -Me regressed
📻Alastor purrs📻 -Pet(d)re (perhaps) rp
-📻Alastor alterhuman...☆
-🍁Bobby Bearhug alterhuman...☆
-💿William Afton alterhuman...☆
-🌌Glitchtrap alterhuman...☆
-🍷🕸Angel Dust alterhuman...☆
-🍎Amanda alterhuman...☆
-💤🧸C.C alterhuman...☆
-🎀Mangle alterhuman...☆
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UPDATE: One has been changed to @the-glitched-daycare One has been added: @alastortheradiocat
Some userboxes I use
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ramthews-moved · 3 years ago
i’m ognna throw up laghing this isn’t even fnny
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asuka--langley--soryu · 4 years ago
have any thots on Asuka and Hikari’s relationship?
hi hi so I just rewatched the series and waited on answering this until after i was finished bc tbh I didn’t really have any opinions about hikari before. sad 2 report that after my rewatch i still really dont have a lot of thoughts-- or at least not a lot of fully developed and interesting thoughts. probably bc i love mean women and hikari’s main trait is being nice so :/ 
 anyways i think hikari is good ‘normal girl with normal feelings’ representation as much as she is also a little naïve/unaware of the pain of the two people closest to her (toji & asuka). she does a lot of ‘shoujo protag’ stuff and probably if this was a different show shed be the main character and probably that is the point. in terms of her and Asuka, I think Hikari is both a source of relative normalcy/comfort and also demonstrative of the distance between asuka and others emotionally (I’m thinking specifically of the scene w asuka breaking down in hikari’s bed and hikari giving her kind of bland platitudes in response). 
i have like 3/4s of an idea about hikari having a kind of blandish maternal energy in a ‘helpful/nice but largely emotionally ineffective’ way and how she might fit into the nge failed motherhood matrix. pseudo-parental as the class rep, meal making for toji, offering asuka a home--all kind of physical/tangible gestures of care but lacking a significant basis of genuine emotional support, if that makes sense. almost like play-acting motherhood, which is kind of the best anyone in this world so absent of mothers can manage--imitating gestures w/o understanding their contexts, without having the structures to possibly understand but trying and trying and suffering for your effort. Even in that she does these kind of acts of maternal service and even in that she has a crush on toji there is an amount of emotional vacancy/disconnect between her and the pilots bc she just like baseline cant actually conceptualize their experiences. hikari’s world is threatened but, as far as we understand it, pretty uncomplicated. she also has, iirc, a more solid familial support structure than most of the other students, which might be way she comes across so normal and unable to really understand/empathize w the eva pilot trauma vortex. maybe? 
hikari is largely only interesting to me in that ‘failed mother’ way i mentioned before. tbh in terms of asuka’s relationship shes pretty low on the ones that I think are particularly compelling but idk maybe im missing something! open to hearing other thoughts/or interpretations. 
(PS: if you were angling for more of my opinion on them romantically while i am deeply deeply dedicated to asuka lesbian truth i dont think hikari is the girl for her) 
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pjtomyduncan · 4 years ago
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hiraya-sa-dilim · 5 years ago
zack: tits on christ!!?
ray: watch your language
zack: jesus boobies!!/!
ray: zack please
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lethal-raindrop · 5 years ago
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I’ve been waiting FOREVER to use this meme god dammit
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