#mine were side seats so really couldn’t see much at all plus filming blocking
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iwatcheditbegin · 3 months ago
For next tour a good reminder for myself and short folks.
Nosebleeds and upper level absolutely eat. You can see do much more. You can even see over any obstruction if your high enough. You also get a really cool birds eye view of it all. Floor and lower bowl ( depending on where you sit) you’re always gonna have some obstruction, especially if you are short
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wizkiddx · 4 years ago
was thinking for toms most recent ig story it sounds like hes working out early everyday, what if u did a blurb where the reader does it with his and its like best friend --> something else ? sounded like a you type of story, id love if you gave it a go ❤️💕
oohkay so sorry this lit just came through this evening and I suddenly got v stupidly into it (if u put in a req before that I promise I am working on it I just got way to invested cos this is stupidly cute) xxxx
summary: what starts off as tom taking you under his wing and some sunrise workouts together might just develop into something more
“It shouldn’t be legal…. to be doing anything… this fucking early!” Spoken, well yelled, in between the fake strokes of the exercise bike and your pants. All you got in response was the two men laughing at you, no sign of sympathy at all, as your gritted your teeth - fighting against every body instinct to stop the movements. Your heart was pumping like the clappers; breathing shallow and rushed and your arms… your arms felt like they were about to fall off. Combine that with the lack of sleep from waking up before the sun did at 5 am - meant you felt like your were in literal hell.  
Why ever you’d agreed to do these workouts with Tom and Duffy escaped you. Being the new and rising actress, with a new supporting role in the next Spiderman, meant you’d spent a lot of time with Tom over the past few weeks. Not to inflate his ego either, but Tom had been a real life hero to you. See, you were the complete opposite of his experienced and seasoned professionalism - this was your first acting gig. And what a gig it was, the second biggest part in a Marvel movie. You never really believed you’d get the part and even when you did, were pretty sure it was some elaborate joke, where Ant and Dec were going to jump out from some corner and go ‘ha its a prank!’ or something. 
Yet somehow it was all still happening, you had been flown halfway across the world to spend three months alone on a film set. Well obviously not alone, but you knew no one - you were a complete outsider. That, really, was the reason you’d agreed to do these sessions with Tom. He’d offered half heartedly while between takes as you were moaning about how out of breath you got in that scene. At that point, you’d only known each other for a matter of weeks, he really hadn’t expected you to commit to 5 am each and every morning. What he wasn’t aware of though, was how ocmplerly stranded and lonely you felt here, hence why you jumped at his offer. 
And yes you loved to moan and complain when you were there, however you were also so incredibly thankful he ever offered. Duffy, Tom’s PT, was a right laugh too and he took great joy in torturing you - and was also entertained by the new and inventive ways you’d insult him after he ordered you about. 
“Come on Y/n, 200m more and then we are done, even your little arms can survive that.”
“Really … not the encouragement… I was looking for.” Still panting, face bright red and blotchy as you pressed your legs straight again.
“Tom? You wanna help Y/n out?” 
“Nah you know… kind of enjoying seeing her in pain.” The British voice laughed from somewhere behind you, making you roll your eyes.
“Why the hell… are you not… torturing him?” He sounded way to comfortable and relaxed to be working hard. 
“He’s got a stunt heavy day today so wanted to go easy this morning.”
Now that was a bloody joke. You were BOTH filming the SAME scene today, doing the SAME stunts. 
“Did I forget to mention Y/n is on set too?” The joy in Tom’s voice made you want to do horrible things to him. Even though you felt like you wanted to collapse on the floor, you’d happily do a set or two on a punch bag right now - if that punch bag was Tom’s face. 
Before you could hurl some fresh abuse at your costar, Duffy called time on the rowing machine, turning the display off and passing your water bottle over as you slouched on the slidey seat. 
“Done good Y/n/n, I am actually super impressed with your progress” The stocky man patted you on the back genuinely, bringing a bit of smile to your otherwise grimacing face. He went over the chat to Tom about some boy shit that you couldn’t care less about, allowing you a couple minutes to get your breath back. As soon as you did and tried to dismount the machine of death, your ruined legs seemed to have other plans, shakily buckling so you ended up starfished on the floor, groaning at the dull ache that came with the sudden movement. 
And what show of concern did Duffy show you? A belly laugh that echoed round Toms indoor gym making you groan again, throwing your forearm over your eyes. It was in fact the curly haired brunette, who came and knelt by your side, wordlessly balling up the towel and placing it under your head as you shot your eyes open in shock. 
“You okay? Sorry… I might’ve taken our friendly competition a bit too far.”
“I just… just might have to gain the power of flight this afternoon cos my legs aren’t gonna bloody work.” Tom chuckled and shook his head at your dry humour. 
“Oh I’m sure we can talk to Jon and get that arranged… not like Marvel don’t spend years crafting the script and storyline for a newbie actor to change it all.”
“Might I remind you… they wouldn’t have to if your weren’t such a dickhead!” You exclaimed, sitting up and staring at him with an exasperated look than only made him burst out laughing again. 
“I’m sorry I’m sorry… I just cant take you seriously when you look like such a tomato!” His voice went an octave higher as he laughed at himself, the situation getting even worse for you when you heard Duffy join in too. 
The boy was bloody lucky you couldn’t lift your arms right now, otherwise they’s almost certainly be attempting to ruin his pretty boy face. 
After a long day of shooting you and Tom were in one of the set buggies, being taken back to your trailers to change for the evening. There was a peaceful silence until Tom ruined it yet again.
“ Got any fancy plans for this evening then?”
“Well you know me, back to my lonely little old place and  frozen pizza - so living the movie star life.” 
“It’s a Friday! You not going out with your team or anything?” He sounded so bemused at your quiet plans, and mention of a ‘team’ had you cocking your head to the side. 
“‘My team?’ Tom until I get my movie star pay check I can barely afford my pizzas, never mind a whole persons wage.” You were still only three weeks into filming and although you spent an hour every other morning sweating your ass off with Tom - apart from that you’d tried not to impose yourself on him too much. You didnt want to look clingy and naturally Tom always had a mountain of people vying for his attention - you would go to the back of a long line. So honestly, you were still a bit of a mystery to him, right now you’d both only scratched the surface on each other. 
“Really? I know this is your first big job but I thought you’d have someone here?” 
“Nah… I mean I’ve kinda clung to the Marty on the camera crew but he’s going to see family tonight sooo.”
“Come back to mine. I’ve swapped Harry for his twin Sam, which is a bit of an upgrade cos Sam’s a chef. He just arrived last night. I bet he can one up any pizza you were planning on.”
“Honestly I don’t want to impose, sorry I didnt mean for this to be a pity party or-“ The buggy slowed to a stop and Tom instantly vaulted out of it, standing right infront of you and blocking you exist off the back sofa. Both of you were still in costume, Tom in latex and you in your corset-esque two piece, but then both wrapped in matching long line black jackets supplied by set. 
“No come on I’m serious… Sam’s dying to meet you and it’d be good to spend more time together. You know, cos of chemistry and all.” The last bit was a switch from his cool and smooth, normally easy going tone - into something a bit more… anxious? Just like that, before your brain even knew what it was doing, you agreed, smiling broadly and nodding. 
So barely an hour later, you were knocking on the doors to Tom’s mansion-ish rented Atlanta home which was much much more grand than what the studio had arranged for you. Even though you were here most mornings, this time it felt different. Yeh it was stupid, but you can’t help the way you feel and you were stressed. For no real reason… just, just because. 
Thankfully, it wasn’t awkward at all  and you especially instantly hit it off with his younger brother Sam. Everything just felt easy and simple which meant so much more considering you’d felt so isolated an alone halfway across the world for your home comforts. Being British too, simply chatting to the two young men about your hometown and growing up was just so familiar, it really helped you feel less homesick.  Naturally too,  you’d fallen into a casual and friendly ribbing of Tom with Sam, making the three of you spend to majority of the evening cracking up (or in Tom’s case pouting at the abuse). It was a nice change from the two on one attack you got from Tom and Duffy that morning. You’d all cooked dinner together… well no, you and Tom had stood idly watching Sam cook an amazing chicken curry dish - which he promised to give you the recipe too. Honestly Sam felt like your long lost best friend, especially when it came to your shared ability to berate Tom for anything and everything. 
About an hour ago Tom had stuck on the film, effectively shutting up you and Sam - thankfully for him since Sam was just about to get to some rather embarrassing stories of Tom as a kid. You and Tom were on the longer grey sofa; with Sam sat  the other side of the coffee table in an impressively soft armchair - looking as though it was swallowing the lanky boy. The calm, the silence and the comfort was only going to go one way for you though. After your workout this morning, plus all the running and jumping during the shoot,  after what had already been a pretty intense week, it was hardly surprising that you didn’t even notice yourself drifting off the sleep. 
Who did notice though? Perhaps your brown haired costar who’d been stealing glances across to you ever since the movie had been put on? Because as much as he hated to admit it to himself, this didnt seem to be panning out as a normal job. A normal job is something you put your all into, for a couple weeks, and then leave with good memories and a good pay check. Yes, he had only known your for a matter of weeks or so but it already seemed to be unfathomable to cut ties with you. How would he go without your kind mannered abuse everyday? You were just refreshing, new and mysterious. And Tom was more than intrigued, his interest was peaked. 
And it was stupid to feel like that…. Of course it was. You can’t fancy a colleague because things get complicated and awkward. Tom knew that. 
Then why was he now delicately draping a blanket over your frame and smiling smally when you hummed in your sleep, in what seemed to be a show of appreciation for the layer of warmth? 
Because you were his excited puppy of a costar who is giving everything she has for the job? Because he is worried and wants to look after you? Because he cares? 
No matter why, in that moment you were contented and as was Tom. Oh and Sam? 
Sam saw the tell tale signs in his brother. He saw the way Tom had been touching your arm or the small of your back just a little more than what would be considered normal while he’d been cooking. He’d seen the way Tom had been laughing purely because you had. His eldest brother never did anything rash, it was always a painfully slow process for everyone involved. But Sam thought this just might be the start of something. The start of a slow burn.
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officialwittek · 4 years ago
pt. 4
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*gif is not mine* 
word count: 2,101
Ever since my little conversation with the girls I haven’t been able to really be myself around Jeff. Now I notice the side glances, the lingering touches on my thigh, the way his breath hitches when I get pushed a little too close to him at parties, and everything else I haven’t noticed before. My friends were adamant that he liked me back but I couldn’t see it. Slowly I distanced myself from them, for one my manager thought it would be a good idea to release some new music soon so I was extra busy and I can’t really be around my friends without feeling like my heart is going to explode. Of course they started noticing and not a day went by where I didn’t get texts from at least three of them asking where I was and why I stopped coming around. Even Jason and Josh dropped my apartment to make sure I was still alive.
Three weeks have gone by since my sleepover with Jeff. We still talk but not as much as before. Carly and Natalie were constantly calling and texting and I truly felt bad, but it would seem like such a bullshit excuse to say it’s because of my crush on Jeff.
“Sage, this is... this is real good work. I’m thinking we finish it up, and be set to release it in two weeks” James, my manager, said listening to to the final of three of the songs
“Thanks dad, I think today we’re recording the last song. I’ll email you our final version by the end of the day” I reply, he ruffles my hair and nods, leaving for another meeting while the producer and I talk about the last track
We record for about four hours, fine tuning every last detail. After the two of us finally felt good about it we sent the file to James who also gave the approval. We sent it in the the higher ups who also gave us the ok. All the promotional pictures were finished, we had an album cover chosen, now to put it all together and make this my first serious piece of art. After the long morning I decided to head straight to my apartment. I wasn’t particularly hungry anyways. I parked my car and took the elevator up to my apartment.  
I noticed shushing and brushed it off, thinking it was just Carly and Erin messing around. I unlock the door and see all of my friends crammed into this fairly small apartment. No one had their cameras out and they all had their arms crossed I sighed and put my things down before shutting the door.
“Before you even say anything. No I’m not on drugs, I don’t hate anyone, and I actually have been working on my music. My first EP is coming out in a few weeks” I explain, their faces relax and Carly walks up to me
“Don’t you ever try to ghost us like that again. We hated it” She said, wrapping her slender arms around my shoulders and I nodded, our friends came around and we all had a sweet group hug
“Well a congratulations are in order. I think we should celebrate tonight” David says, laughing loudly
“Fine, I’m stealing a Red Bull from your fridge though” I say, we all go downstairs and I finally notice some of their cars parked there
We all head to David’s house and I grab a Red Bull. We all sit in the living room. Filming dumb bits and getting ready for tonight. David wanted to throw it at his house since he wanted to keep it relatively small. Natalie, Carly, and Erin went to stock up for the night, asking me about all my favorite things. It took about an hour and a half for them to come back. Everyone helped get things from Nat‘s car and set up. We were finally ready and decided to start drinking before everyone got here.
“May Ilya and Zane stay away from the hospital. Amen” I yell, all of them cheering in response as we take our shots
After a few rounds of shots I was already pretty tipsy. I sat down at the couch, answering a few congratulatory texts from others. I talked to a few of our friends here and there. Jeff was nowhere to be found. I frowned a bit, but who can blame him? After all, I’m the one who made the decision to not talk to him.
“Do you think we could get a sneak peak?” Jason asks, taking a set next to me but I shake my head
“I want to keep it a complete surprise. Plus I’ve been thinking about having a release party and showing everyone there” I said, Jason actually thought that was a much better idea than just playing it
We made small talk here and there, apparently Wyatt has been dying to see my new studio. I loved Jason’s kids like they were my own family, especially since Wyatt and I have such a love for music.
“I’d love to have Wyatt at the studio. He can even record some things if he wants to. I know how to produce as well” I said, Jason damn near cried at the suggestion and we set a date
“Someone looks a little sober” Zane yells from behind us, I laugh and allow him to take me to the kitchen where the others were taking shots or making their best interpretations of different cocktails
After sampling everyone’s horrible attempt at a blackberry mojito it’s safe to say I was one shot away from exiting the physical realm. Especially since Zane decided it was appropriate to just dump nearly an entire bottle of rum in the drink. After a few minutes Todd headed to the door and let someone in. I heard the familiar accent and my heart dropped to my stomach. Jeff is here.
To be fair, I’m probably the only one who really cares that much, especially since I’m drunk as hell and I have a crush on the dude. I try to run and hide in a corner but there’s a lot more people now. I finally see an opening and head straight for the backyard. Thankfully no one noticed because Zane was too busy doing something extremely dangerous. I sit in one of the chairs we reserve for smoking, hitting my puff and scrolling mindlessly through TikTok, trying to get the thoughts out of my head. I hear the sliding door open and look up to see David.
“Alright what’s wrong? You look like we threw a party because we killed your dog” David jokes, my lips spread into a light smile
“Nothing, I’ve just been so exhausted lately with everything going on.. that’s all” I lie, I mean I’m not really lying, just not telling him the whole truth
“So it has nothing to do with Jeff showing up and you’re definitely overthinking and avoiding him even more. C’mon I’ve known you for forever, you can’t lie to me” He replies, his tone suddenly being serious
And it’s true, I’ve known David since I moved out here. He was my first real L.A friend. He’s seen me at my absolute lowest moments, and someone I could always go to whenever something was wrong. I hated that he could read me like a book.
“Fine, the Jeff thing is a contributing factor. But I’m being honest about the exhaustion” I say, crossing my arms like a child
We sit and talk, something we haven’t done in forever. It felt nice to have someone listen to me. After about half an hour of just talking we decide to head back inside. I felt too sober again and took some shots with Natalie and Toddy. I could feel Jeff’s eyes glaring a hole into the side of my head, but I was too sober to deal with anything right now.
At around 1:00 am. I got hungry and ordered DoorDash for everyone. All the other guests had left so it was just our main group scattered around the house. Jeff was surprisingly still here. Todd had whispered to me earlier that the only reason he was sticking around this late was to make sure I got home alright. I smiled at the sentiment, he was always making sure my drunk ass was safe.
Our DoorDash arrived and we all ate while watching some movie David found on Netflix. Jeff took a seat next to me, the look in his eyes was telling me he was going to ask for my permission so I simply nodded and scooted over so he could be comfortable. After we ate David wanted to get some last minute bits before we left for his vlog tomorrow.
“Jeff are you attracted to Sage?” David asks, my breath hitches in my throat, making me choke on my water
“No, I’ve blocked her out. Since she’s part of the friend group I don’t want to make anything weird” He replies, I can tell the answer even made David a little upset
Jason makes a joke to lighten the mood before there’s any tension which I greatly appreciate. Although Jeff’s words struck a cord, while I sit there repeating what he said it hits me. He’s right, I can’t guarantee that if Jeff and I were together that it would be for life and I can’t lose my second family. He’s right, it would never happen. Before I know it I feel my eyes watering and Natalie gently grabs my hand before leading me to her room with the rest of the girls in tow. When she closes the door I finally let it all out
“It’s ok princess, let it out” Mariah says, the girls wrapping me in a group hug
“It’s so stupid, we’re best friends before I let this stupid ass crush ruin everything but just hearing him say that out loud made it so much more concrete that we will never be together” I cry, resting my head on her shoulder
We have a little talk and I clean myself up before we all go back outside. At that point  David was done filming and was looking through the footage on his camera to pick out some clips. Jeff was waiting patiently on the couch before Corinna spoke up.
“Hey Jeff, I’m gonna take Sage home. We have some plans tomorrow and it would just be easier if I stay over” She says, it’s sort of true, Corinna has some meetings in the morning and they’re closer to my place but she isn’t staying over
“Oh ok, I should head out then. I’ll see you guys later” Jeff says, saying his goodbyes and leaving
“So was anyone else uncomfortable with Jeff’s answer or was it just me?” David asks, the group agrees, it’s definitely in his right to say that I mean no is mad
“Yea, I wasn’t mad cause it’s his own opinion and Jeff is a big boy, but he seems to sort of lead you on for him to turn around and say that he doesn’t even see you like when we ask him about Natalie and Corinna” Heath replies, everyone nods in agreement and I just sigh
“I’m not mad, I mean I have been sort of ghosting everyone these past few weeks, maybe he’s just upset” I explain, Heath and Todd give me the look
“Baby that’s bullshit and you know it” Heath laughs, Todd agrees with him and taps my leg
“To be honest, he was very stressed out while you were gone” He says, I know he’s trying to make me feel better but it doesn’t really help
Corinna and I leave shortly after we have our little group talk. We caught up during the car ride and before I know it we’re at my apartment. We say goodbye and plan to meet for lunch tomorrow before I head up to my apartment. I knew Carly was probably fast asleep so I tried to be as quiet as possible.
I get ready for bed and climb into my warm blanket, wrapping myself like a burrito. I browse TikTok on my phone for a few minutes before setting my alarm. Just before I let sleep take over my phone buzzes on my nightstand.
Jeff: I missed you.. I’m sorry for being an asshole tonight. I had no idea that I was leading you on, but I didn’t know you had a crush on me..
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miss-authorcita · 6 years ago
London Boy
So Taylor Swift's album released today at midnight and I listed to the whole thing and I loved it! Excuse my obsession but as soon as I heard London Boy I couldn't help but imagine singing it to Tom Holland and my creativity spark. It's not a very well thought One-Shot since I did write it at 1am after listening to the whole album so sorry if it's not as good as I feel it is while being sleepy at 2am.
Summary: Inspired by the song London Boy by Taylor Swift. You move to London where you meet and fall in love with Tom Holland.
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I had arrived at London late last night and hadn't had the opportunity to explore the city till today. It was entirely breathtaking or at least the blocks I'd walked from my new loft were. I was strolling Camden Market, my headphones on and jamming to Motown's greatests hits, currently The Supremes 'Baby Love' was working as the soundtrack to my English tour.
I regretted not wearing a thicker jacket since the weather was very different from what I was used to back in SoCal. I was sporting my Bruce Springsteen tshirt, faded blue jeans, converse that once upon a time used to be white and my thick wool jacket. I decided to dip into a dive bar for warmth before I kept on exploring.
I sat on a stool and ordered a Tennessee whiskey getting the classic 'Tourist' look from the bartender. 'Not a tousiris, but yes I'm new' I said in my mind for the tenth time that day.
I was enjoying letting the liquid warm my body when I heard a loud but contagious laugh. I turned towards the sound finding a trio of boys. The one laughing I could only see his profile but he had tousled brown hair, adorable dimples and was just incredibly attractive.
"That's bollocks!" He exclaimed to his friend, the accent making me melt on the spot.
His friends caught me staring and "subtly" told him. He turned around and our eyes met, I choked on my drink causing me to blush. What would be the odds of running into Tom Holland? He walked away from his friends and approached me. I couldn't control the smile that took over my face.
"Hi." He said leaning against the counter. "I'm Tom."
"I know." I answered, extending my hand for him to shake. "I'm Y/N"
"Pleasure, Y/N. I was going to offer to buy you a drink, but I see you already got that covered." He said indicating to my still very full glass of whiskey.
"How about I buy you one?" I flirted and he chuckled and took a seat on the stool next to me.
We sat for awhile exchanging stories and pleasantly flirting with each other.
"This might sound odd but one of my mates is having a little party tonight, at Highgate. Would you like to come?" He seemed nervous after he asked and I smiled wide making him relax a bit.
"I'd love to."
After the party and meeting all his best mates as he said we kept on spending time together. I started to love high tea in the evenings and telling him all about my college years and comparing to his Uni. He knew I loved musicals so he'd taken me to the West End one night to see the production of Wicked.
I couldn't believe how quickly we became a part of each others lives. We'd spend our nights in the pub, screaming at the TV as we watched Rugby with his school friends. He'd always split a cab with me to make sure I got home safe. We'd cuddle on the ride, watching the gray sky on that rainy cab ride.
"You don't to go home tonight." I whispered in his ear after a whole month of dating.
"Babe, don't threaten me with a good time" he purred, locking his caramel eyes with my own.
My answer came in the form of a kiss and just like that we walked hand in hand into my tiny London loft.
When we felt like enjoying the music and nightlife we would spend nights in Brixton. Other days it was artisan coffee shops in Shoreditch in the afternoon.
Soon it couldn't be helped and the paparazzi started posting our pictures in magazines and websites.
'Spotted: mystery girl with Tom Holland. Is the Spiderman actor in love?' The headlines said. I worried about it as I read the theories online on my phone waiting for Tom to be ready to go out.
"Maybe we should stay in today." I voiced once he stepped into the living room.
"Oh, alright. Are you feeling alright?" He asked concern evident on his face.
"I just...don't want to be outside." I hesitated, not knowing if I should voice my fears.
Tom sat beside me and put his arm around me, bringing me closer.
"You can tell me." He promised.
I took a deep breath "We've only been together 3 months and they're trying to define our relationship before we even have! I mean we've never talked about it. I don't know if this is just casual for you or if it's more or I don't--" I groaned and buried my head in my hands.
Tom chuckled and brought me closer. He started kissing my head and ear and neck till I started laughing and pushing him away. He waited till I calmed down to kiss my lips, softly.
"Darling, I fancy you" he breathed and my breath hitched.
"So I guess all the rumors are true" I said and we spent the night inside, watching TV in our pajamas and eating junk food.
Tom was leaving for Ireland to film a movie he'd booked. The schedule said he'd be away for 2 months and he promised to be back in time for the holidays.
"I'm going to miss you so much, love." He said, his arms around my waist as we said our goodbyes.
"We'll skype as much as you can and we'll see each other soon...right?" My insecurities making an appearance even though I didnt want them to.
"Of course! I still have loads of London to show you." He insisted, pulling me closer.
"You said you'd show me more of Hackney." I reminded him.
"And I will! I'm going to take you to the Museum of Curiosities. You'll love it...or maybe you're tired of the urban side of London. I could take you to the Louis Vuitton shop up on Bond Street, we can see the classier side of London." He was rambling, something I now knew he did whenever he felt nervous.
"I just wanna be with you." I confessed, looking at him adoringly. He smiled, those dimples that first pulled me making an appearance and enchanting me all over again.
We kissed one last time before he got in the car and I watched it drive away.
In the months he was gone I missed him like crazy. He'd become home to me in such a short amount of time. They say home is where the heart is, mine is with Tom. We texted constantly and Skyped, but we both had responsibilities plus the distance didn't allow us as much time as we had when he was here with me.
I still went out, I enjoyed walking SoHo and drinking in the afternoon with friends from work. I even met up with his mates and hung out.
I was walking home one night from the pub. The streets were already decorated with lights, multiples Happy Christmas signs hung in every store, it was clearly the best time of the year but I couldn't help but be blue. I rounded the corner when I saw him. Sitting on the steps of my loft, suitcase in hand and probably freezing.
"Tom!" I yelled and ran to him, almost slipping in the process.
Our bodies smashed into each other as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed every inch of my face and I laughed, letting him because the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy.
"I missed you so much, love!" He exclaimed and kissed me firmly on the lips.
I ran my fingers through the hairs at the nape of his neck and pulled him closer. Once we were both breathless we pulled away.
"You didn't tell me you were coming." I scolded but the smile on my face told him I wasn't really upset.
"I wanted to surprise you." He said and kissed my cold, red nose.
"I love you." I couldn't hold it in anymore.
"I love you too." He spoke in his gorgeous English accent and we kissed once more.
Here we were, a couple weeks before christmas, in the snow, declaring our love for each other. I can't believe I fell in love with a London boy.
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jojoreadwhat · 5 years ago
you're all in my hands tonight, tonight I'm a rock 'n' roll star. / honey & smoke - m.h. x OFC story
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Four Days Later, On A Friday.
Matty's POV
Computer Education had already given me a sour taste in my mouth and I only sat through two of its lectures. One because I knew majority of what was listed on the slides Professor Nolan was scheming through. I really had no explanation why I applied at UNI in the first place. I had high hopes that the tapes the boys and I sent into Capital Records would hit a soft spot. Sending us on a one way trip to success, where none of these qualifications would matter as long as I wrote out the music.
Then again if it all went down hill where I'd arrive at my flat with a box of tapes with the word 'denied' repeatedly stamped over it like fragile, even though my heart would be the fragile piece in that box. It would open the door behind the scene, the little paper of a degree with my name. A ticket of being able to tweak the shitty tunes on the radio that replayed like the TV movies do on Sundays.
Two, Professor Nolan was a bit of a drag. A fine dapper looking gentlemen in his early fifties. His hair slick back dirty blonde with what looked like emerald eyes the last time I stood close. A close shaved beard that extenuated his sharp jaw line. Dressed to the nines that if you seen him on the streets, you would've thought he had millions and a white collar type business. Even though, his Gucci navy suit that my father had exactly and bought for fifteen hundred dollars could make you believe he sat on a green mountain of dollar signs.
I felt his personality and aura resembled a present me. Barely in tune with all the new things happening but completely in tune with the young ladies that gave any advantages to pass. But in his case the young ladies could pass as daughters if the sucker had any.
"Open Audio Access on your laptops." He commanded, changing the slides that was accompanied with taps and clicks from everyone following along. I sighed to myself, everything that was on those poorly designed boards. I had edited and achieved on a new track the boys and I had recorded last night.
I slouched back in my seat, listening to Nolan's cocky Mr. Know-It-All demeanor. His degrees decorating the back of his desk fact it in that he knew more. Only giving him the approval of having Professor in front of Nolan instead of Mister.
After commenting on Mindy's plaid skirt, Professor Feast-A-Lot finally dismissed us.
I still had a class within the hour, just some simple music class that I signed up for the laughing matter. Always stating my answers to bands I drowned myself in as the other students wanted to cuss me out. Sighing to themselves, like that mop got the spill of answers.
With the time I had between I decided to get some coffee. The tea I had earlier with George talking about his night wasn't living up to it's strong expectations. Even though the class I just left could stand as a contender of an explanation.
I walked with the rush of the hundreds in the halls, making my way to left wing lounge and turning the corner of muraled up wall, covered in vibrant flowers and weird shapes from the art program.
Waiting at the counter I turned to scan the little lounge, just many studying with their textbooks as heads. Some talking to another. Just the common vibe of any little coffee shop you stepped your foot into.
One of them sticking out like a sore thumb.
Writing in her leather bound journal that rested on her crossed legs, playing with the slight tear in her in the hem of her playful colored dress.
Relaxed and looking out the window on the purple wing-back in the cafe lounge. Watching the shades of orange, red and yellow converse against the blue sky. Admiring her side profile, a high cheek bone with a light dusting of blush against her milky skin, her perfectly rounded jaw. Her lashes curled with a coding of mascara that complimented her baby blues.
I watched as she grazed her bottom rosy lip with the back of her pen in thought.
The red headed barista asked for the second time what I wanted before realizing that she was even speaking. Finding it hard to take my eyes off the scenery near the window. I ordered my black coffee, then pointed out Lucy who looked disappointed in the last drops of her cup. Dark roast, light with vanilla, sugar and two shots of the sleep she had lost the night before.
Lucy's POV.
I was finding myself becoming a frequent patient with my therapeutic glances of the vibrant trees and the sounds of the espresso machine. Sitting in the same wingback, looking about the window, stuck in what I was going to jot in my journal next. My first week of being in London and enduring classes was wrapping up, nothing worthy had happened yet to write about and I was finding myself running around a writer's block.
As much as I wanted my creative juices to keep blending. I couldn't complain about how things were going. University has been so far treating me well. I've met a good handful of my professors in Week A, many have taken a liking to me which I couldn't quite grasp. But it wasn't a bad feeling to know about, plus Professor Jones really liked my thesis of A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Putting a good word into the librarian of the Uni's library and landing me a interview for Monday.
Things at the university housing with Liz and Abby was going pretty well too. I was growing more fond of them by the minute, both interested in the same type of books, music and films. Liz was a bit realistic and logic about life, which kind of put a damper on things if you were trying to live in a fantasy world with reality biting you in the ass. Then Abby was more free spirited and self aware of what made an individual very much happy, even when the world was not so happy.
Then lastly, home. I finally Skyped my brother Eric and my dad. It was early for them but quite late for me. But in all I was mixed with emotions, both joyful and sad that I wasn't home. They are doing well so far.
I sighed to myself, resting my leather bound on my lap and retreating my blue eyes to the shades of orange, red and yellow. Reaching for the coffee I had finished moments ago, but reluctant to get up and grab another.
But that was before one was brought to me instead. By another thing that I had happened to come across this week.
"Am I intruding?" The English native that I met my first night here had greeted, handing me the warm paper cup with pretty botanical flowers repeated. I shook my head, gesturing my free hand to the wingback across.
Matty sat down, folding his long legs over one another. His eyes meeting mine, smiling softly as his mouth indulged in a sip. Giving me a few moments to admire before another word.
He wasn't wearing his glasses today but his hair was the same as the night I met him. Pulled back into a bun with loose curls shaping out his face. My eyes leading down to his lined out jaw. His collarbones, the tattoo that always made an appearance no matter what type of shirt he wore this week. To the lasting hole over his knee.
I was broken from my stare when he had chuckled, possibly figuring out that I was staring long.
"Anything new?" He asked, his eyes gesturing to my open leather bound. I shook my head, slowly closing it against my knee before my eyes met his again.
He looked at me surprised and in disbelief, "So the storyteller doesn't have a story to tell?" He questioned, resting his cup on the table aside us. I shrugged, it was truly hard to believe but as my mind moved fast the world outside of it didn't and I was at a stand still.
"It just been classes, reading and then some." I finished, finally taking a sip of my coffee.
Matty smiled at me again, a smile I could watch curl at the ends of his mouth like a favorite part to a movie. "We may have to change that." He said, looking at me with tricks under his sleeves and me swimming in his over sized sweater.
I had to cut my coffee break short when I realized I had time run to my next class, Woman Studies.
Shortly becoming my favorite class as we debated fundamental rights and she played Kathleen Hanna fronted Bikini Kill winning my anarchy heart.
"Don't forget to read The Second Sex and please have your reasoning's sent in by 12 AM on Monday." She dismissed. I followed suit with the rest of the class as I packed away my things for the weekend.
Making my way to the hall to get lost in the hundred of others trying to head out and not miss the next Tube coming by. The boy in a leather jacket that I was sharing a coffee with an hour earlier was leaning against the wall next to the door.
His devious smirk gracing upon his face, "I'm feeling like you're onto something." I commented, a small smile plastering across my cheeks. Matty rippled a contagious laugh that I could listen to like an album on my turntable.
"Can't a gentleman just walk a lady home safely?" He remarked.
"No! That's a lie!" I laughed, hitting Matty's forearm lightly. We had moved onto music since Matty offered to walk me home. And let's just say we had a few differences.
Matty loved older music, which I did too. But I found Prince to be a bit cooler than MJ. Which didn't sit well with Matty. "Have you heard the magic in Rock With You?" He mentioned, "It's fucking legendary!" It was so funny to see him go off, but I never said I didn't like the man! I knew how the sounds had your hips moving. I was just a Purple Rain kind of girl.
Matty stood in front of me, walking backwards down the sidewalk.
Girl. Close your eyes... He began singing, moving his hips to the beats that played out in his head. Taking my hand, and pulling me close.
Let that rhythm get into you, don't try to fight it. Placing one hand above my hip, the other still in mine. Directing my hips into a sway, as his voice hit me like sweet serenity.
He went on, and I was enjoying every bit of it. Music was his muse like books were mine and he wasn't ashamed to show it. His hips showing that he never stopped moving either.
We had arrived to the front of my flat, Matty belting more songs of MJ.
"I have to get in," I mentioned, not really wanting to do so. Matty's lips kept moving "Not until you change your mind." Singing in the measures of Don't Stop Till You Get Enough.
I chuckled, still dancing with him till I finally caved in. "Alright, Michael Jackson is better." I confessed, meaning every word that fell from my mouth. He just chuckled, pulling me closer and bringing his lips to my ear.
"I think you're lying" his warm breath grazing my lobe. Sending chills down my spine. I went to protest when Liz and Abby got out of their car. Interrupting our manifest. They just softly smiled, saying Hello before retreating up the porch. I looked up at Matty, who still had his hand around my waist.
Matty pulled away with a soft but questionable expression on his face. I wondered what was on his mind.
"Come watch us play tonight." He said, "The boys and I are playing at the bar George's bartends in. I'd like to see you there."
Many different excuses ran through my mind. Studying, catching some sleep, watching the same three episodes of The Office, outline my far along memoir that would be a flop. Just a rush of things that could've fallen from my mouth.
"Alright, sounds like fun." Happened to be the better option.
Matty's smirk turn a bit shy, looking to the ground before he looked back up at me.
"I'll pick you up at 6?" He questioned, I nodded. Still confused on why I was agreeing to this extravaganza in the first place. A smile gracing his face once more before turning on his Vans to head back to where his road led him.
"See you soon, Blue."
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Irrational Fears. Sam Winchester x Reader
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There was a reason the Winchesters kept you around. You were badass, trustworthy, intelligent beyond belief and fearless… well, they thought you were fearless but you knew otherwise.
You rounded the corner of the library, heaving the noise of the small telly. Dean was watching one of the old westerns he loved, but by the time you took a seat in between the boys, the film was drawing to a close.
“My turn to pick the next film,” Sam smiled, moving from the sofa to choose one of the videotapes in front of him. It has been a long time since you’d had a movie days with the boys so were more than happy to watch the action-filled films they were likely to pick. Sam, as usual, was taking forever to pick a film so you decided to go and get snacks from the kitchen.
When you came back Sam was placing the video in the VHS player. You settled back down in your space between the boys, snacks in your lap. Dean instantly grabbed for the bag of chips, making you chuckle. As Sam sat back down beside you, opening his arms out so you could do your usual of snuggling close to him, the film began to play. The familiar opening tune made you sit upright, a slight shudder running through you.
Now much like your boyfriend and his brother, you were a hunter. There was a reason the boys kept you around and it wasn’t just because you were a pretty face. You were fierce, smart, and hella badass. You’d gone face to face with most monsters people thought only came from their nightmares. Demons, werewolves, vampires, and even the Devil himself, just a handful of the dangerous beings you had gone face to face with and yet as the owl swooped across the screen, you couldn’t help the slight irrational fear that coursed through you.
You knew it was silly, this was technically a children's film, but you decided that your best bet was to simply snuggle into Sam, close your eyes and just listen to the film when it got to the bit you dreaded the most.
Sam felt the way you tensed as the film started. While usually yes you would snuggle close to him when you watched films, today you seemed to get considerably closer than usual, hiding your face in his chest as though you were hiding.
“I haven’t seen this film in ages,” Dean smiled. “It's such a good film. The Labyrinth is a classic.” You would disagree, mostly because this film was filled with the one thing you hated. Puppets. You hated them, everything about them freaked you out. The fake voices, the way they looked lifelike yet lacked the ability to express more than one facial expression, their beady little eyes. Puppets freaked you out since you were a child so this film was essentially a nightmare for you. However, even if the little soulless demons scared you more than they should have, you couldn’t tell Sam.
Since you had gotten together around six months ago, Sam hadn’t really seen you express any vulnerabilities. You were a badass hunter in his eyes. Sure, behind closed doors you were sweet and caring but he hadn’t ever seen you be vulnerable before. Plus, if you told Sam to turn off the film now, you wouldn’t just be telling him about your irrational fear, but also Dean, who would never let you hear the end of it, just like he did with Sams fear of clowns. So rather than bring it up you decided to just suck it up and shut your eyes for the majority of the film, starting when the creepy little goblin fucks came on to the screen.
The film played on, you enjoyed just listening but any time you opened your eyes you were met with the face of a puppet, causing you to flinch and shut your eyes again, cuddling more into Sams side. Sam, of course, noticed, Dean would have noticed too had he not fallen asleep. Sam couldn’t help but worry a little bit but when he asked if you were okay you just nodded, keeping your eyes closed.
When the film had finished you were relieved. Looking at the clock you saw it was late, so you and Sam decided to go to bed, leaving Dean snoozing softly on the sofa.
You’d put the film behind you, grateful you could just close your eyes and pretend there weren’t puppets on the screen.
Sam could still sense the slight tension as you slipped into the bed beside him, cuddling into him again. He knew you well enough to know something was wrong.
“Y/N, babe,” he sat up, pulling you with him so he could look at your face. “Why did you have your eyes shut during the film? Did you not enjoy it?”
“Oh no, it's not that,” you mumbled. Clearly, you hadn’t been as discreet about blocking out the film as you thought.
“Was it David Bowie’s bulge? I can understand why you wouldn’t wanna look at that,” he chuckled a deep chesty chuckle. You couldn’t help but giggle. Sam had a way of making you smile even when you didn’t want too. You sighed, taking a deep breath before muttering out,
“Ihaveafearofpuppets.” You said it so quickly Sam didn’t quite catch it.
“What did you say, babe?”
“I have a fear of puppets,” you mumbled again, just a little louder this time so he could hear it. Sam was honestly a little stunned by this. Sam hadn’t ever seen you show fear, not even the toughest cases you worked, so for you to tell him you had a fear of something like this was very surprising to hear.
You couldn’t help but feel a little bit embarrassed by this, especially seeing the look of shock on his face.
“Why didn’t you say, baby?” Sam could see the embarrassment along your cheeks so pulled you in for a hug. “We could have picked something else.” “Dean was there, and come on, he's a bit of a dick when it comes to other peoples weaknesses,” Sam laughed, his chest jumping making your head bounce.
“That’s true. Why didn’t you tell me this before babe, had I known I would have never put the film on.”
“Because I’m a hunter. We’re not meant to have silly little fears like that.”
“I’m scared of clowns.” “Yeah, but a clown could actually kill you.”
“Thanks babe, lovely reminder of why I fear them,” he chuckled.
“Sorry,” you giggled back, “but you know what I mean. Clowns are alive, all things alive have the potential to be dangerous. Puppets on the other hand, well they can’t do anything to me so it’s kind of stupid to fear them.” Sam placed a gentle kiss on your lips, pulling you closer.
“Babe, sometimes fears aren’t rational, but that doesn’t mean you can’t fear them,” he smiled, pulling back and taking your cheeks in his hands. “Thank you for telling me this, because now I can protect you from the puppets.”
“And I'll protect you from the clowns,” you pulled him back in for a kiss, gently tugging him down to lay with you in the bed. Even if at that moment when you told him you had felt more vulnerable than ever, you had to admit it was nice opening up to him, especially knowing that he would protect you if you ever did come head to head with one of the fuzzy bastards.
So this fic is one that I thought of not long ago. 
I have a fear of puppets so I thought I’d make a fluffy fic about it. (Please don’t judge me, also the muppets and sesame street are fine its just every other puppet that freaks me out, in particular, Bagpuss). I have plenty of irrational fears (this being the worst one) but here are a couple other silly fears I have alongside the puppets. 
Rats/Mice in any form of animation (the mice in Coraline or the rat king in Hilda are perfect examples of this irrational fear of mine. THE WORST ARE THE SINGING MICE IN BAGPUSS BECAUSE THEY FREAKY FUCKS AND PUPPETS)
Stop motion animation films, particularly if they involve clay (I can't watch Coraline or nightmare before Christmas because they literally fill me with so much dread I feel like I need to die) 
Last weird one I will share with you is my fear of windows at night... this came from a scary story I read online one where someone said they saw a face behind them in the window... now I'm scared of dark windows. Also mirrors at night. 
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menalliha · 7 years ago
Summary: Your brought into a talk show to talk about the upcoming Infinity War. But you were brought down memory lane and a surprise at the same time.
Word Count: 2190
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: fluff!! Cuteness!
A/N: I was bored and this popped into my head. Sorry it’s lame. I’ve had writers block bad and this is all I had. 😅
My Masterlist
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Today was the day it was all about you. You were having an interview on the Ellen Show with the upcoming release of Infinity War and your husband Chris being away for his own interviews. With your mom backstage with you holding your two-month old baby girl, Ellie Evans, you couldn’t be happier.
You knew a lot of the questions would be about how you and Chris met and why you kept it secret for so long and a few rumors that went around about you a few costars.
You walked out on the stage and waved while the crowd went crazy upon seeing you. Taking a seat across from Ellen, you crossed your legs and smiled.
“Well this is weird. Last time we all saw you, you were in the early stages of your pregnancy and had Chris attached to you at the hip.” Ellen stated.
Laughing softly, you nodded in agreement. “My family likes to laugh at me and say he’s my arm candy. I mean he did everything he could to not leave for his interviews and meetings. Ever since having Ellie he hasn’t really left her crib side or mine. And with Infinity War coming out everyone has their own thing to do. He’s been going with Sebastian and Anthony to interviews.”
“Now speaking of that, you were left out on a lot things on set right?”
“Sadly, it wasn’t that I liked to spoil things, a lot of my scenes involved being around Chris and Scarlett and Elizabeth. They never told me that Chris was to grow out his beard. So my whole time filming my scenes before his, I never saw him. They kept up separate. Considering I was pregnant and he couldn’t keep his hands off of me.” You laugh and looked around. “When I first saw him finally, we had to redo that scene like ten times. First time I forgot my lines. He was laughing at me, the rest was because I kept playing with his beard.” You shrugged and laughs more.
The time you spent on set and having to redo scenes because of surprises and due to pregnancy was unbearable. The Russo brothers pretty much filmed your scenes and had you stay home for the rest. Chris was constantly calling you on his breaks making sure you were ok and eating like you should.
“Well you and Chris have been together for how long exactly? You’ve been married for almost three years now. But together for way longer than that.” Ellen looked at the screen behind you and her that was flashing pictures of you and Chris when you both were younger.
You smiled when one popped up that was most recent. It was when Ellie was born. You smiling down at the bundle of joy in your arms while Chris sat next to you on the bed and talked to her. It was one of the best moments ever. Cause he was in his Captain America costume.
“We’ve been friends ever since we both joined Marvel. He’s a very sweet and likable guy. All the members saw us as a thing since we always hung around each other in between shoots. People made bets. I was also very close and still am to Sebastian. He’s more like a big brother and the godfather to our daughter. He called it way before anyone. We dated for well over four years before he proposed. It was supposed to be a private thing but him always being easily excitable, he sent out a mass text to ALL the members and I knew something was up when they all showed up to our dinner.” You peeked at the screen and saw the picture of Chris proposing to you.
“I mean you are one lucky woman. Getting Chris and the man who plays Captain America is a two for one. And having a huge family like the Marvel family. Your daughter is very lucky.” You nodded in agreement with her.
“She really is. And it’s funny, my mom and I were staying in a rented condo here and like I said, I was forced to stay home under house arrest. He flew my mom here and of course we assumed she would have been born here cause of filming, his mom was due to fly down literally the week she was born. She was born a week and a half early. I called his phone, I called Sebastian’s phone… I called everyone’s phone. I called Robert… and he put me on speaker, yelled for Chris and said ‘Dude you need to leave now.’ I heard Chris ask why. And at the moment I just lost it. I screamed as my mom was driving. It scares the life out of her. I told him if he didn’t get his ass to the hospital right that instant I wouldn’t let him live it down. He ran alright. He never changed. So while I’m being prepped, I hear people in the hall get all excited about this man dressed as Captain America. I thought nothing about it till that crazy man came to my room.” You laugh hard and cover your mouth, you almost falling from your seat.
Ellen laughed with you. “Was it just him that left the studio?” You shook your head no. “Who else was there?”
You managed to catch your breath. “Everyone. As soon as Chris left, everyone else joined him. I wasn’t embarrassed, I just was in a lot of pain. I was glad everyone came but that stopped the product for a bit. They were ahead of schedule anyway. Everyone wanted to see the baby. Sadly everyone but Chris left and I was in labor for well over a day and a half. He never left my side and never changed out of his costume. Chris tried to get his mom down here early and switching everything around while he was doing that… they let my mom stay with us in there and I was so so thankful. Chris was a mess, trying to ease my pain how he could. He felt so bad.” Wiping the loose happy tears from your eyes, you still managed to chuckle.
“Well you have Ellie here with you and your mom. But I also have a surprise for you as well. How about we bring them out together? Close your eye please Y/N.” You did as Ellen asked but was very iffy on it.
“I’m not gonna get scared first am I…? I know how this usually goes.” Keeping your eyes covered, the crowd broke out into small cheers and aw’s knowing your mom had brought out Ellie and the surprise Ellen had. You felt a presence behind you but assumed it was your mom. A small kiss lingered on your cheek from the person and then the smell of a very familiar cologne filled your nose. You tried your hardest to not think it was your husband.
The couch sank down under the weight of the other person. You jumped a little when you felt a hand on your thigh as they rubbed your leg. You took your hands away from your face and saw your husband. He held your daughter close to his chest with one arm and rubbed your leg with his other.
“Surprise!” He laughed and tried to keep Ellie asleep. “This is actually one of my interviews but I was told to keep it a secret.” He smiled and looked at you with his bright blue eyes.
You wanted to smack him for this but you were so happy to see your husband. Especially holding his daughter. That is what caused the audience to ‘aw’ so much. It did cause your heart to flutter and skip a beat.
“Now the whole family is together!” Ellen cheered and clapped. Your face heated up from embarrassment. You were smiling like a little school girl who had a crush on a celebrity you didn’t even know. “Ok so one question I have is, what is your most embarrassing moment on set?”
You try so hard to not die from embarrassment at what you did on set. Sadly it was recorded and forever on the internet and gag reel.
“Y/N I see that your looking a little flustered. I assume being around the guys you have a lot to talk about.” Ellen smiled and saw how Chris was just laughing.
You shook your head and tried to ignore your husband. “Yeah actually it’s a video that haunts my life to this day.” You sighs and cross your arms. “I hate it so much. I always do most of my own stunts and this one backfired. One of my wires broke and I was left dangling while all the Chris’, ALL of them, Robert, Anthony and then Sebastian was just like laughing in the background. It was funny but also embarrassing. I was supposed to be on a diet and I was still like in the early stages of pregnancy so everyone was laughing cause I ate a huge lunch. Pretty much they wanted to jump and pile up on me. If my Chris didn’t remind them I would have been done for. These guys are beefy. Chris Hemsworth and Pratt are big guys and so is Robert. I was doing a flipping scene and when I went to land, it pulled back and broke. Just leaving me there.”
“Well to no utter surprise we have the video. We won’t say who gave it to use but um you have amazing taste in godfathers for the baby.” Ellen cough and the crowd laughed.
“Alright Y/N let’s test some stuff before fully going all in for this scene. That way we can see if the bungie's will hold.” One of the stunt directors called.
“My suit is so tight.” You huffed and rubbed your stomach. “I should have stopped at one burger and had a salad with it. It’s gonna come back up tonight anyway.”
“How many burgers did you have? Probably couldn’t out eat me!” Chris Pratt called from the side.
Your husband laughed. “Trust me she could especially right now. She had like 6 burgers, 2 large fries and a extra large chocolate milkshake. Plus the rest of my food.”
You huffed and smacked his chest. “Chris!! Don’t tell them all of that!!” He looked at you so offended. “You know I’m sensitive about what I eat right now. And I ate a lot at lunch.” Pouting, you turned away from your husband and tugged on the bungie’s. “Alrighty let’s test this.” You stepped back to jump, as you did, you did a few front flips and as you went to land, one of the bungie’s broke and left you suspended in air off the ground. “This is not my fault! I swear!”
“It was those extra burgers!” Pratt called, almost falling over laughing. “This is what happens when you eat for two!” You glared and flipped him the bird. “Come on now! Their recording this! Children will see this. We can’t pile up on you or hang off of you. So I have another idea!”
“You realize they’ll get me down and I can still chase you down Pratt. I’m still fast.” Crossing your arms you ignored his yelling and felt him grab your leg and pull you down and put you in a headlock. Trying to get free, you felt him rub his knuckles on your head. “Get off of me you big gorilla!!” You laughed and tried so hard to squirm free.
“Hey guys! Free noogies!! She can’t do anything!!” Pratt yelled and sudden you heard Hemsworth laugh and couple of others join in.
“I swear I will get you ALL back!” You laughed trying to fix your hair. “I have to get this restyled.
“They wanted to jump on you but they can really do that.” Your Chris walked over and laughed. “That’s all the payback from what you do to them. I’ll just pay you back another way.”
“I’m suffering enough with what you’ve done Evans. I have to suffer for 9 months.” You laughed softly and he helped you down finally. “This is going to be a long process.” You huffed and blow hair from your face.
You sat on the couch and covered your face. “For the record it was actually 3 burgers, 1 fry and still a milkshake.” You shrug. “When your man offers you food you go all out.”
Chris wrapped his free arm around you and holds Ellie closer. “I completely understand why. I watched her pull through with all the issues of pregnancy. The morning sickness and everything with it. I wish I could have been around more for her. I am now especially.” He kisses your cheek and smiles. “She’s a great woman and actress. Me and the others wouldn’t have it any other way.”
You know you were blessed to be apart of his life and same for him. The memories just kept flooding back and you stared at your most recent memory laying in his arms.
Once again I apologize if this sucks. I was bored and have had awful writers block. But comments would be helpful and appreciated!!
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itsawinwinthing · 7 years ago
Cell Block Tango - Sebastian Stan (Ch. 11)
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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Original Female Character
Word count: 2337
A/N: none
Warnings: argueing, angst
"W-what?" I breathed out in disbelief, are my ears deceiving me? did she just say what I think she just said?
"You should have just told me," She muttered walking closer to me, I was so speechless I didn't know how to respond, "Can we go somewhere that isn't pouring so we can talk?" She asks softly.
I nodded as she walks past me to the edge of the street, the urge to reach out and grab her or hold her hand, something any kind of contact with her was overwhelming, but I wouldn't, I couldn't.
The two of us slipped into the cab, drenched was an understatement for how wet we were at this moment. The cab driver asked us where to, and I immediately answered instructing him to go this particular building on the corner of a crossroad. We sat there in total silence, we both knew that if anything was spoken that it wasn't going to be appropriate to talk about in this cab.
As soon as we pulled up to the building I ushered her out of the taxi and inside out of the frigid rain. I led her down the hallway to where I was staying with Chris and Robert, as soon as we were inside I broke the silence.
"You're shaking," I exclaim as she shook, holding onto her soaking clothes in an attempt to retain her body heat from escaping.
"Well I'm in freezing wet clothes, so yeah I'm shaking," She mumbled softly.
"Wait here," I instructed as I disappear down the hallway. Rummaging through my things, I pull out a t-shirt and sweatpants for myself, as well as a long sleeve shirt and sweats for her, "Here, change out of those wet clothes, there's a bathroom just around the corner," I instruct.
"Thank you," She replied, disappearing into the bathroom giving me a moment to also change out of my soaked clothing. I sat there waiting for her for what felt like an eternity, but was really only a few minutes when she came waltzing out of the bathroom and sitting on the couch across from me. That warm heat began to spread throughout my chest seeing her in my clothes.
I stood in the bathroom, leaning with my palms pressed against the bathroom counter trying to calm my whirling brain. His clothes were comfortable, filled with the familiar scent of him that I couldn't help but soak in, I missed this smell. I gathered myself and walk out to meet him on the couch.
"Why didn't you tell me, Sebastian?" I ask I wasn't angry nor did I have a grudge towards him, I just want to understand why he felt he could tell me how he felt.
"I didn't think you felt anything but friendship for me, so the only way I could move on was to distance myself from you, give you and myself space," He explained, "I realize now that it wasn't the right decision, and it wasn't mine to mak-," He states.
"And how's that been working out for you?" Interrupting him from his monologue. He paused looking back at me, "I'm sorry," I mumbled, "I'm at fault too here," I admit, "If I would have had the courage to tell you, maybe none of this would have happened," I reply, wondering if we could have just skipped the uncertainty and unanswered questions had we just been open with one another from the start.
"And why didn't you?" He asked curiously.
"I could ask you the same thing," I retort. Sebastian let out a heavy sigh, rubbing his hands down his face before getting up from the couch walking around the side with his back turned to me.
"You're so much younger than me, and you have so much ahead of you, Nicola," Sebastian exclaimed, his back still turned to me.
"Is that why didn't tell me?" I ask, getting up to stand in front of him, "Because I'm younger than you," I mutter, lifting his chin to look me in the eyes.
"I'm 10 years older than you," He states.
"You know a part of me was afraid to tell you because I was afraid you viewed me as a little girl," I admit to him, being open and raw with what scared me.  
"I've never seen you as a little girl, just a strikingly strong woman, but I don't want to stand in your way," He admits, his arms crossed firmly against his chest.
"You can't stand in the way of something you're meant to be a part of!" I explain, holding onto either side of his arms, distressed that he was trying to push me away and opting out of being in my life because he thinks he is in the way. The adrenaline started to course through my veins as he didn't respond. I did something I would have normally never had the courage to do, "Plus, the age gap never meant a damn thing to me anyway," I exclaim, pulling him towards me, connecting our lips.
He stumbled back a bit, taken off guard by my sudden forwardness, trust me I was also surprised by my actions. Just as I began to think that what I had done wasn't the best move, his lips molded into mine, kissing me back. Placing his hands on either side of my face, cupping my cheeks, deepening the intimate moment we were sharing.
Before this kissing fest turned into something more, we both pulled away, our foreheads pressed together, eyes closed while Sebastian's hands still held my face in his grasp.
"Nicola . . ." Sebastian breaths out softly, so quietly it was almost inaudible to the ears. All the adrenaline had dissipated, and I was now standing there, eyes squeezed shut as fear came over me like a cloak of darkness just waiting for him to say something, anything to reassure me. The silence lingered between the two of us as the anxiety built up inside of me, "Nicola . . ." He utters once more.
"You don't have to say anything," I respond, pulling away from him, I guess there really was no changing his mind, he's made his decision. I went to grab my wet clothes, tears welling up, threatening to spill out.
"Woah, Nicola!" Sebastian blurted out, grabbing my arm to whirl me back around to face him. I was too embarrassed to look directly at him, oh how the tables have turned, "Look at me," He said softly, not responding he turned my face to look him in the eyes, "Why the tears?" He asks, his eyebrows knitting into an intense frown.
"I can't listen to you tell me no again," I mumbled, trying to remain firm and not break down.
"Good, you don't have too," He replied, my eyebrows were now the one knitting together, "Because I'm not going to," He added on at the end, "I just couldn't find the words to say to you a moment ago," He explained, "And now I have," He states more confidently.
I couldn't even speak, I just stood there looking into the oceanic blue eyes that reflected in mine. Realizing my awe-struck moment he stepped forward to me, wrapping his arms around me securely.
"Nicola, I can't tell you enough how sorry I am for being such an ass. What I did to you, what I put you though, I'm so sorry. I never want to make you hurt or see you hurt ever again. All I've ever wanted was to do what's best for you," He muttered into my hair.
"I forgive you, Sebastian but you should know that what's best for me is you," I mumbled into his chest, "And I'm more than willing to give us a shot if you are, Seb," I exclaim, there was no answer for a moment, pulling away from his chest, "Sebastian what is it?" I ask concerned as he flashed me a toothy grin.
"You've never called me Seb before," He chuckled, holding onto me tighter causing me to giggle.
"Well, Seb, what do you say? Are you going to take a chance on me?" I ask him softly.
"I would want nothing more," He smiled, lifting my chin to plant a soft, lingering kiss on my lips, "So, can I officially ask you on a date?" He chuckles, pulling away.
"Obviously you goob," I laugh, hitting his chest playfully.
. . .
I stood in front of my bed, letting out a heavy sigh of fulfillment as I flipped my suitcase down on top of the heavy foam. It felt so good to be done filming and having it now in post  production. It felt even better to be back with everyone in New York now that they've finished filming Age of Ultron.
I unpacked my things and tossed them into the dirty clothes hamper before hoping in the shower to wash of the airplane stickiness left on my skin. The warm water rinsed away all of the drama that had filled my life over the last couple of months and replaced it with a satisfaction that couldn't go unnoticed.
. . .
"Fellas, I have something I need to own up to," I admitted, unsure of how they were going to take it, these men where like a band of brothers to me and I couldn't stand if they were mad at me.
"What's up Seb?" Robert asks as he, Chris E, Chris H, Mackie, Paul B, Mark, and Hiddleston sat around the living room in Roberts house. Man, it sure did feel good to be back in New York.
"I haven't been totally open with you guys," I sigh as silence filled the room, all eyes were wholeheartedly on me, "A few months back Robert and Evans asked me a question that I totally avoided, and I don't want to avoid it any longer. To let the rest of you in on the scoop, they asked me if I have feelings for Nicola and I told them no," I explained taking in a deep breath the men sitting around the room began to glance around to one another, their eyes almost glowing, dare I say I could see Robert smirking, "And man could that not get any further from the truth," I chuckled nervously awaiting the clans response.
The guys erupted into a choir of shouts as they nearly tackled me from my chair, patting my back acting like I had scored the winning goal for the World Cup. As soon as the rowdy bunch settled down, I couldn't help but crack up as they all took their seats once more.
"Sebastian you sly dog, I knew you liked her!" Mackie gawked from across the room.
"Told you, you wouldn't be able to hide it from us," Chris E beckoned.
"I know, I was just in a weird spot and now I'm not," I replied, "But that's not all that I have to tell you," I smiled bashfully, trying to conceal a level of my joy so I wouldn't get shit from the guys.
"You're still holding out on us Stan?" Robert joked.
"She has feelings for me too," I chuckled happily as the boys hollered with glee, "And I'm taking Nicola out tomorrow night ... on a date," I informed as the boys began to act like teenage boys finding out girls no longer have Koodies.
"Holy shit, you're kidding me right," Chris chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I'm not," I chuckle back in response to my best friends reaction.
"Give the man some credit, and for god-sakes Evans watch your language," Robert jokes ferociously.
"How'd it all happen?" Tom asked curiously, his gaze attentive to hear my response.
"Yeah, she told me at the bar back in London you hadn't talked to her since the premiere you dick," Robert scolded.
"Well, that is true," I fessed up, Roberts eyebrows knitting together in a joking frown, "When I saw her there I didn't know what to do or how to even act around her. As soon as she ran out the pub I chase after her and I admitted it to her standing there freezing our asses off, and she stunned me by admitting she has feeling for me as well,"  I explained.
"How corny, you guys admitting your undying love for each other in the pouring rain," Hemsworth jokes, pressing his hands to together as he ferociously batted his eyelashes, Tom and Mark shoving him back into his seat.
"I'm not in love with her," I reply, "At least, not yet anyway, we're going to give this a try and see if it works, no expectations, we don't want to put that kind of pressure on one another it's so early on," I explain as the guys settle back down after Hemsworth charade.
"You better tell us when you kiss her!" Paul interjects, resulting in a cackle across the room.
"Well. . ." I draw out, grabbing at the back of my neck.
"SEBASTIAN STAN!" Robert shouted, "You already kissed thy fair maiden and didn't tell us?!?" He exclaimed.
"She actually kissed me," I chuckled.
"Mmmm I like a woman who isn't afraid to be in control," Anthony cooes.
"Shut it Mackie," Chris H states, shoving him jokingly.
"I really like her fellas, and I don't want to mess this up so please, no sexual innuendoes or jokes please, you already embarrass me enough," I chuckle.
"Don't worry Seb, we really are happy for you, we wouldn't do anything to jeopardize your relationship with Nicola, you know how much we love her,"Chris E states reassuringly.
"Yeah, and we'll keep the sex jokes to a minimum," Robert jokes.
Man was I proud to calls this bunch of assholes my friends.
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blueboxesandtrafficcones · 7 years ago
All I Want for Christmas is You (Naked) - Chapter 2
Part 2!  Rose and Nine make it to the Powell Estate, where Jackie drops quite the surprise on them about how they spend the holiday.  Later, conversations about movies based on Time Lords/Ladies.
Plus, smut.  Only one scene this time, sorry.  :P  NSFW
@chiaroscuroverse @dwsecretsanta
@timepetalsprompts - Eccleston smouldering/smirking.
@doctorroseprompts - snuggling under blankets.  Non-platonically.
Beta’d by the spectacular @stupidsatsuma!
Overnight bag in hand, Rose walked into the console room to find the Doctor standing off to the side, a puzzled look on his face as he glanced between the captain’s seat, the main console, and the railing by the front door.
“Everything alright?” She asked, wrapping an arm around his waist.  He pressed a quick kiss to her lips before smirking at her.
“Just trying to plan my reward.”  His eyebrows wiggled as he slid one hand into her back pocket, kneading the flesh below it before pulling her close against him.  Even through two pairs of jeans, Rose could feel him stirring to life.
“You’ve gotta earn it, first,” she reminded him sweetly.
“Oh, I will.”  The Doctor promised, leaning down to lay kisses along her neck.
“Mmhmm.  Keep in mind I will kill you if there’s a mark for Mum to find,” she murmured even as she held his head in place.
He shuddered in exaggerated horror.  “No chance I can talk you back to bed?”
“Sorry.”  Not sounding sorry at all, Rose slipped from his grasp to lay their bag by the door.
Scowling, he began his dance around the console, coordinates already set.  “Fine.  21st December, 2006.  Powell Estate.”
The landing was rough, and as always they were thrown to the floor laughing.  The Doctor ended up lying half on top of her, and took the opportunity to steal a kiss.
“Now, remember, Mum knows nothin’ about us, yeah?  Let’s keep it that way,”  she ordered.
“Yeah, yeah.”  His huff turned into a groan when she squeezed him through his jeans before running her knuckles along his zip.
Before he could react further she was up and away, bouncing by the exterior door.
“Come on!  It’s just a couple of days.”
Grabbing the bag, she didn’t wait for him.  She’d already learned that as much as he disliked the idea, he hated being separated from her more.
Muttering under his breath in Gallifreyan about teases and what he planned to do to her when she decided he’d earned his reward, he followed.
By the time the Doctor had gotten himself under control and reached the Tyler flat, Rose and Jackie had already hugged and were headed for the kitchen, gossiping away.
More than happy to be ignored, he merely closed the door behind him and headed for his usual seat in the far corner of the sofa.
He was flipping idly through Jackie’s mail when they returned from the kitchen.  Jackie pausing when she saw him, before settling the tea tray on the coffee table.
“Hello,”  she said stiffly, glaring at the alien she held responsible for her daughter’s continued disappearance.
“Jackie.”  He replied, adding a grin when Rose glared.
“So, you said you had a surprise involving cousin Mo.  What’s going on?”  Rose knew that limiting the conversation between her mother and her boyfriend/traveling companion/alien lover was the safest bet.
“Mo has a new boyfriend,” her mother announced with relish.
“So – he’s young. Handsome.  Rich.”  Jackie wiggled her eyebrows.
“And that’s why we had to come rushing here so early?”  The Doctor demanded, looking up from fixing his tea.
Jackie glared at him. “Yes.  Because, he’s got an estate in the country, and he’s invited Mo to spend Christmas with ‘im.  And of course she said, ‘I’m sorry, dear, but I always spend Christmas with my cousin and her daughter, that’s the only family I’ve got’, and do you know what he said? He looked at her, and he said, ‘Darling, invite them along.  I must meet them.’  Isn’t that wonderful?”
Rose stared at her mother, aghast.  Being at the flat for a few days was bad enough; he could always flee to the TARDIS if Jackie got to be too much.  But a country estate?
“So instead of spending Christmas here…”
“We’ll be at his estate! It’s a full manor house, and Rose, Mo said it’s gorgeous.  She’d marry ‘im today if it meant she could keep the house, even pop out a kid or two!  Can you imagine?”
Rose smiled weakly, listening with one ear as Jackie continued to prattle on about her expectations, feeling the Doctor’s horrified gaze burning into her.
She was so screwed.
“No,” the Doctor said adamantly the first moment they were alone, Jackie off to begin tea.
Rose bit her lip, torn between her mother and him.
“Look, you don’t have to go, yeah?  Stay here, spend a couple days working on maintenance.  Or you could just wait ‘til we leave then jump forward to the 27th.”
“What and leave you alone for six days?  Not bloody likely, Miss Jeopardy Friendly,”  he snorted.
“Well, I’m going.  You can join me and suffer in silence, you can stay here, or you can jump ahead like I suggested.”
She glared as good as she got, and their heated staring contest only ended when the Doctor realized that with how close they were standing and the neckline of her top, he had a decent view down her shirt.
“I don’t like any of those options,” he told her breasts, and she snorted, obligingly rolling her shoulders back slightly to present a better view for him to ogle.  If the two lumps on her chest could convince him better than her promises, well, Rose knew better than to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Unless it was a Totrionian horse, but that was another matter altogether.
“Doctor.”  She casually folded her arms, smirking when his mouth fell open a bit at how the movement pushed her breasts together and up. For all his claims about ‘superior biology’ this, and ‘Time Lords don’t do relationships, Rose’ that, he was more susceptible to her womanly charms than any other bloke she’d ever met, and she wasn’t above exploiting that.
“Fine,” he capitulated, pulling her hips against his as her arms instinctively went around his neck. “But I’ve a right to complain, and you can’t stop me.  And when we’re done, I’m going to take you to Dreamia III, where they really know how to celebrate Christmas right.  The only preview you’re getting is: the best hot chocolate of your life served in a mug bigger than your head.”
“So long as your complaints are to me and me only, not where anyone else can hear, then fine.”
“Fantastic.”  He lowered his head to seal the deal with a kiss, but Rose stopped him before he could lay one on her.
“Uh uh, not where Mum could see.”
Groaning, the Doctor dropped his forehead to hers.  
It was going to be a long six days.
“Do you think he’s a time thingy like you?”  Jackie asked out of the blue.
It was much later that night, and she was in the armchair while Rose and the Doctor were snuggled together on the couch behind her, It’s a Wonderful Life playing on the telly.
“What?”  The Doctor looked up from where he’d been tracing a single fingertip along Rose’s ear, grateful for the dark room that blocked Jackie’s view of them.
“This angel person. ‘S he a time whatsit like you, to be able to show ‘im an alternate future?”  She munched on popcorn, waiting his answer.
He stared blankly at the back of her head.  “It’s a movie, Jackie.  He’s not a Time Lord.”
Jackie huffed.  “Well, I don’t know.  There’s more than just you, isn’t there?  Couldn’t it be based on one of your lot?”
The question sent a thousand images rushing through his mind, of things burning, glass breaking, children screaming, a terrible robotic voice crying ‘EX-TER-MIN-ATE.’  Rose’s warm hand on his thigh drew him from the memory.
“No,”  he answered shortly.  A squeeze to his leg told him he’d been too abrupt, so he tried to offer an olive branch.  “Mary Poppins was, though.”
“What, really?”  Rose looked up at him, startled.
“Yeah.  Friend of mine, actually - Romana.  Long story.”
She considered the idea for several long moments.  “Makes sense. After all, her bag was bigger on the inside.”
He grinned down at her, but instead of a reply, he let out an undignified squeak when Rose’s hand pressed along the front of his jeans.
“Alright, there?”  She asked, eyes twinkling up at him as her fingers began to stroke along his zip, coaxing him to life.
He was fairly certain he made some sort of affirmative noise, glancing over at Jackie to see her once again enthralled in the film.
Looking back at Rose, he saw the mischievous look in her eye just before she timed undoing the zipper to a sound effect.
“We watch this every year,” she explained unnecessarily, fingertips wandering through the slit in his pants.
“Fantastic.”  The Doctor struggled to keep his breathing even, suddenly understanding why Rose had insisted they cuddle under the blanket on the near side of the couch; they were mostly behind Jackie, leaving less of a chance of being caught.
After several minutes of her gently stroking him while watching the movie, he tried to relax and enjoy the low hum of pleasure.  Her touch was light enough it was unlikely he’d make a mess of himself, and he made a valiant effort to pay attention to the film.
Eventually, one hand still casually pumping him, Rose tapped his chest with the other.  Looking down at her, it took several seconds to process that she wanted them to shift.  Turning fully onto his side and sliding down, back against the back of the couch, Rose stretched out flat next to him, laying one foot flat so her raised knee would block Jackie’s view, were she to turn.
The Doctor resettled the blanket over them, before gliding his hand under Rose’s jumper to lie against her stomach, his thumb idly stroking her belly button and his pinky dipping below the waist of her trousers.  Meanwhile, she tightened her fist around him, giving him more of the friction he needed as she began to work him in earnest.
Giving up on the movie he allowed his eyes to fall closed, focusing instead on both the feel of her hand around him and the soft skin under his own as it crept further inside Rose’s knickers.
He’d just run his middle finger through the wetness she was leaking, about to work it inside her, when Jackie stood abruptly causing his eyes to snap open and Rose’s hand to freeze. “Right.  Bloody hell, that wine goes right through me now.  I’ll be back, but you can let it play.”
The moment Rose heard the bathroom door close, she scrambled off the couch to kneel in front of it, the Doctor staring at her.
“Well go on, sit up, we’ve only got a minute or two.”  She hissed at him, and he obeyed, still not understanding.
The moment he was upright, though, Rose whipped the blanket away and unceremoniously slid her mouth over him.
Barely managing to contain his shout of surprise, he gaped at her furiously bobbing head.  The low-burning fire she’d been cultivating in him for the better part of an hour quickly built to a raging inferno as his eyes rolled back and he pressed a hand to her hair, fighting the urge to thrust against her.
“Unh, unh, unh,” he panted as she sucked him, stroking what she couldn’t reach.  The third time she took him whole she hummed lightly around him and he was lost in a wave of pleasure.  It wasn’t until he came down he realized that he’d been steadily chanting a chorus of Rose, fuck, and yes.
She was just tucking him back into his pants when the bathroom door opened, and by the time Jackie returned to the sitting room they were back in their original positions, calm and casual as could be.
Completely unaware of what had transpired practically under her nose, Jackie settled in her chair, asking blithely, “Did I miss anything?”
No matter how many times she asked, her daughter refused to admit why she’d burst into laughter at the question.
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a-gert-lush-holiday · 6 years ago
Travel day, and day 1
Our travel day started off well, but slowly started to descend into minor chaos. Lucy woke up around 11pm from an apt nightmare about missing our flight, and so the pair of us decided not to go back to sleep. This was partially so we would definitely be up in the morning, and partially so both of us might be tired enough to sleep on the flight. We tried the TV in our room, however this unfortunately didn’t work at all! We ended up chatting and playing random app games until 4:30, when we both got ready to head out for the day.
A taxi hailed by the front desk got us to Terminal 4, WHSmiths got me a lock for my suitcase - I had been unable to find mine before leaving home, and we finally got our cases checked in around 6:15.
Time for security, which I think is everyone’s least favourite part, but was definitely Lucy’s nemesis today! As well as being selected for the dreaded body scanner, her backpack was also selected for screening 😣 In contrast, I sailed right through for a change! (I seem to get all the random checks when travelling alone on planes - this is even more terrifying when you get pulled to the side whilst an officer speaks to you in German and all the German you know flies out your brain like whoosh). Security over, we had a browse of the shops and popped into Costa for a drink and a sit down until our gate was announced.
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Bing! What’s that phone? Oh, delayed 45 minutes? I mean, that’s rough, but not the end of the world, our connection is still doable.
Just as if to prove me wrong, pretty much as soon as I said this another text arrived, putting the time back to 10am. This was...not so doable. At this point, Lucy is beginning to freak out that her nightmare is coming true, and quite honestly despite the brave face I was trying to put on to keep calm, so was I! Luckily no more texts were received, and we boarded the plane at 9:40 - which was definitely pushing it but hey if the plane took off at 10 we still had time before boarding opens!
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*sigh*. I really should stop jinxing myself, because sod’s law took over and made us take off at 10:20. This meant that as we landed at 12:25 in Paris, we had 5 minutes before boarding opened, and it was looking increasingly unlikely that we were going to make it. We managed to jump off the plane at 12:40, and the pair of us literally sprinted as fast as our legs would carry us!
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Charles de Gaulle unfortunately has another set of security when changing flights, and this is where all hope started to seem lost as Lucy got selected for bag screening again! We explained this to the officer and he very kindly did the fastest yet thorough bag check he could, and we continued our sprinting to the gate, allllllll the way down the end of the terminal! (Because of course it would be!)
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Fortunately, the Japan gods seemed to be on our side, as check in had not yet closed! As we made our way onto the plane I received a notification that check in was closing ASAP, so we made it literally by the skin of our teeth.
Crisis averted and butts in seats, we finally were on our flight bound for Tokyo! Lucy settled in on the IFE with either Ant Man or Crazy Rich Asians - I initially debated whether to start watching Ralph Breaks The Internet, but figured I would start watching films after the dinner service. Instead, I settled in with the inflight map, whilst listening to Muse (Simulation Theory, in case anyone was wondering!)
Shortly afterwards, the hostesses came round with a wet towel, round of drinks, and some rosemary crackers. I initially wasn’t sure if I would like them, but they tasted a bit like focaccia bread in cracker form! They also went well with the apple juice I ordered, however after this light snack I was still hungry and dragged a Twix from my bag. After a play through of the album, I finally decided to start an episode of Family Guy when we were somewhere over Copenhagen, thinking food would be coming soon. This turned out to be a smart move, as the second the episode finished it was our turn to be served food!
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Our choices today consisted of chicken in sauce, or Japanese style beef curry. I love Japanese curry, so decided to go for the beef, which did not disappoint! Yes, it’s airplane food. Yes, it will never be as good as the real thing served up in an actual restaurant. But for airplane food? The beef was tender and well seasoned, the sauce was delicious and easy on the tastebuds, and the rice wasn’t too soggy or too hard. Chase that down with Camembert and proper french butter on a roll, and a delicious lemon and poppy seed cake, and I was content.
However, I did leave the salad - I’m honestly not a great fan of vegetable salads, especially when smothered in mayo. Lucy has the same meal as me and tried the salad - she ended up leaving it as it was no bueno for her.
I kept an eye on the skymap whilst we ate; we were now flying over Helsinki! The flight seemed to be going really fast at this point, however there was still another 9 hours to go. I settled in and watched a documentary about airbus beluga planes, Lucy listened to some music, and then we both tried to have a nap. Emphasis on the ‘try’. After a lot of tossing and turning, a 30 minute food documentary break, and a change of album from Red Hot Chilli Pepper’s Greatest Hits to a Nirvana compilation, I managed to catch a disjointed 2/3 hours of sleep. Lucy was unable to sleep, and therefore watched another film before poking me awake around 2 hours before decent, taunting me that I missed the ice cream rounds xD
It was not long after I woke up that I began to notice a peculiar smell coming from the galley behind us - I figured this was breakfast, but it had a very strong smell of something that was making me feel ill. However, when food was brought round an hour before landing, breakfast tasted a lot better than it smelt!
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This was a scrambled egg, vegetable and...some sort of starch medley - unfortunately I couldn’t read all of the French on the front. The smell I realised after tasting it was most likely soy; whilst I love soy sauce in many things, if I whiff the bottle directly? Nope. This went down with a roll, butter and strawberry jam, plus a nice creamier tasting french version of what I assume was actimel, and a madeline. There was also what I thought was a very fruity yoghurt as the front said ‘apple vanilla’ in French, but as it looked and tasted like baby food one tiny bite of this was enough for me.
Shortly after this, we began the decent, landing cards were completed, and we landed safely at Narita airport. At this point I began to have an ‘oh my god, is this actually real?’ moment, and felt quite emotional. I have wanted to visit Japan since I was 14, and never truly thought I would ever get to make it happen. It still doesn’t quite feel real at the minute! My mind was constantly narrating as we exited the plane such gems as ‘oh my god, I’m standing on a Japanese escalator!’ (Which, in hindsight, I am so glad I did not say out loud!).
On to immigration! Here I have another tip: you’re going to need a black or blue pen, and pick up an immigration card from the desk by the queue. Sit in one of the seats and fill it out. Do not pass go, do not collect £200.
Yes, the card you filled out on the plane...was not the whole story. You need to fill out an immigration card also alongside the customs landing card, which you are not told about on the plane, nor is it particularly well signposted until you get to the end of the queue and the official at the line directing you to a attended booth for fingerprints and photographs takes a look at your documents and tells you you need one to proceed.
Which is fine, but then please don’t be like me and fill the form out in red pen, because you will get kicked out the queue yet again to fill it out on a dark colour. No where is it stated that red pen is the work of the devil, but these things happen so off I went to do as the man said. Ah, Japanese bureaucracy at it’s finest!
It was around this point I turned my phone on and connected to the free WiFi, and my heart immediately sank. You see, I had one more fear that I did not tell Lucy about, knowing that it was most likely going to happen due to the short connection and not wanting her to worry, and I had just had it confirmed.
‘Your baggage items will not be delivered upon arrival. They are still in transport. Please visit the baggage desk for further information’. At this point, given the baggage situation, the third time round I jumped in the line I felt so dejected, like ‘please, dear lord, let this be it!’.
This time round the gentleman waved me through, I passed through immigration, met up with Lucy (who was fortunate enough to have filled the form out in blue pen the first time round after our queue kicking), and together waited in a queue with a lot of people from the same flight.
This was also where I experienced Japanese bureaucracy and efficiency at it’s finest - the desk staff were working so hard to explain the situation, advising how to fill in yet another form to confirm the loss of the baggage and open claims for everyone, and were then escorting people to Customs so they could be processed (as obviously we were no longer accompanied by baggage, the lost baggage forms had to be processed so Customs can check the baggage after its arrival). We were also advised that we would get the equivalent of $100 a person that would be refunded for the purchase of essentials upon providing receipts - assuming the delay is only as long as the day they stated, this is actually a better deal than our travel insurance!
Finally, finally we were free on Japanese soil - and all we wanted to do was get to the hotel and de stress. Not to be, as check in was not until much later in the day, and we now needed to purchase a change of clothes.
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At this point, I decided to get out a bit of extra cash at a 7-11 atm, praying the whole time my card would not get blocked, and internally cheering when I was presented with a wad of cash. My second stop was to grab my newly purchased Passmo (a bit like an Oyster card, but it can be used across Japan, and not just London), and complete a childhood dream - paying for a drink at a vending machine with your train pass.
Okay, yes, that sounds really lame nowadays when we have contactless payments and you can use your phone to buy pretty much anything. However, back in college before this technology really even existed as more than a concept in the west, I saw a video on YouTube of a guy paying for his drink using his IC card, and this basically cemented the idea that ‘Japan is this cool place that thinks outside the box why do we not have this man I wanna go there’. And now I have. So I did xD
Peach coca cola in hand (10/10 would buy again, the Diet Coke version at home is far inferior), we jumped on the Sky Access train (half the price of the Skyliner, with only a couple more stops, plus you don’t need a reserved ticket) to the Skytree and its shopping mall to pick up some clothes, and other bits like a hairbrush or face wipes. I ended up going in Uniqlo, and in there I saw the cutest Moomin shirt :D So of course I brought it! I also grabbed a pair of shorts, a shirt, and some clean underwear to change into, and then after browsing a bit more we hit up a Combini for lunch as the food hall in the Solamachi was packed.
I chose a onigiri with chilli oil filling (it had a sort of umami taste, with sesame I think?) and Lucy had a cheeseburger. But that’s okay, because she got to enjoy that they will put it in the microwave for you! We also both picked out a pastry each, for which I went for a choco-coronet and Lucy went for a croissant which ended up having a delicious sugar crust on top!
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At this point we still had time to kill, so it was time for a browse around outside in the fresh air. Cherry blossoms were still in bloom, albeit barely, so we took a moment to admire these before moving swiftly onwards, and finding a gacha shop.
For the uninitiated, a gacha shop is full of gachapon machines (gachapon being tiny capsules filled with toys, like what’s in a kinder egg but not encased in chocolate), all selling different collectible sets. From this with the meagre change I currently had, I ended up with a Hogwarts hufflepuff badge, a tiny Iron Man, and a Sylveon keychain. All fairly decent pulls.
Another wander, a jump on the subway one more stop, and we were checking into our hotel. More on the hotel hopefully later, but I can confirm it is very very nice :)
For today, that is where I will have to stop, as Lucy has been sleeping pretty much since (a full 24+ hours without sleep will wreak havoc on you, yikes), and I have been pottering around trying out things like the indoor slippers, and heated toilet seats (11/10, need one for home so I don’t freeze my arse off when attending the ladies room).
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