#mine is beel's!!
solomiracle · 6 months
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please share after voting ^w^
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noecoded · 9 months
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heartbreaking:the worst people you know just started an emo band
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kitsune-oji · 10 months
There's No Guarantee You will be Different
Mc who has been hurt a lot in the past (betrayed, lied to, used) even by those that promised otherwise and were nice at first and struggles to trust others because of it. Not understanding why someone would actually like/love them or not believing them, being scared of getting hurt again and again like in the past.
Characters: Barbatos, Beelzebub
-> feel free to request this with other obey me characters too
Gn! Mc (you/yours)
Warnings/tags: hurt/comfort-y, Reader described as kind and tryna see the best in everyone
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"You keep saying you love me, you keep promising that you will never leave, that you'll never hurt me... How do you know that? There's no guarantee. In the past, I've trusted those who told me all that and in the end, they ended up breaking all their promises anyway. Please, don't promise me things you can't keep. Even if you think you can keep them now, you don't know how it will be in the future. Maybe you'll get sick of me too, just like everyone else. I love you too but... I'm just scared. I'm sorry."
"No, please don't apologise. You have every right to be scared and I'm so sorry that you've been hurt so much in the past. I understand that words won't convince you or rid you of your fears, so please... Let me prove it to you with my actions instead."
While Barbatos could technically look into the future, he would have to get Diavolo's permission. After all, he gave away his responsibility over his powers to his master because such knowledge only ended up bringing him sadness before
He's angry at the fact you've been hurt before and so many times at that. You're just too kind, he figures. Always trying to see the good in others and being much more vulnerable than you like to think
With a heart so big, it shouldn't really be surprising anyway
Barbatos decides to protect you as much as possible at least now and to show you just how much he actually loves you through his actions. He would have either way but now it's all the more important
He's literally always there when you need him. It only needs a word from you and he's teleporting to your side in an instant. Diavolo already knows what's up and Barbatos started always preparing everything so that even if he left on a moments notice, his master wouldn't have to miss his service for a second
Since he understands your fears, Barbatos doesn't mind if you need to ask him over and over if he still loves you, if he really won't leave, if you've done something wrong that would finally make him sick of you - he does, he won't, you didn't. Holding you close and letting you cry against his chest is one of the few ways he can soothe you and he's more than happy to do so, gently whispering to you that he does love you and you've done nothing wrong and you deserve so much, even if others hurt you before and couldn't see it
But he doesn't just want to be there when you're down, no
Without particular pattern, Barbatos tries to do little things to make you happy. Instead of one big thing, he likes to pepper them throughout your days to make your time a little sweeter. Like making you your favorite treats or drinks, getting you something you've been needing or wanting recently, just popping in sometime for a hug, a kiss maybe or planning little dates for you two. Whether it be inside - cooking/baking together, watching movies, playing games etc - or outside - a Café date, a picnic, going to a museum
He wants to make sure that you feel loved and when you don't, he just want to be there to remind you that you are, even if you don't believe it
"... No, I'm sorry. Even if you struggle to understand why, I do love you. Can you allow me to love you anyway, despite your fears? Please."
He's not the best with words but Beel felt his heart shatter when you told him about how you've been treated in the past. It only reinforced his opinion that he needs to protect you, though now also emotionally from others and maybe yourself
Still, he's not one to back down from such a challenge. You're family, you're his friend and his partner and if he didn't at least try, he'd surely be damned to depths even deeper than the devildom
Beel tries to keep close to you, unafraid to show everyone just how much you mean to him. He offers you his favorite foods and makes an effort to get you yours or even try his hand at making them himself
He's always around the corner when you need him, with a big hug and gentle kisses to your head or an intimidating face and strength if anyone is being an ass to you
Even if one of his brothers is the one saying or doing something shitty, Beel speaks up and tells them off for it
Unafraid of a fight because if he can't stand up to those closest to him, it doesn't mean anything when he stands up to strangers, right? (yes, even Lucifer)
Beel seeks out your company as much as possible and invites you to come with him if he needs to go somehwere/accompanies you if you want him to. Unless of course you need you-time or have other plans, though he will make sure to tell you that he's just a message or a call away. A promise which he makes sure to keep every time
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devildomtherapist · 2 years
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Made this while watching a video essay lmao
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mc-eden · 8 months
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Happy Halloween! 🎃 Any other Obey Me fans also fans of FNAF…?
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raggedy-spaceman · 11 months
Wait a minute… if angels are sexless, and Gabriel didn’t become human but just lost his memories…
Did he miracle himself a cock just before going to Earth??
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dark-side-blog3 · 3 months
Had a vision that the demon brothers set up a small, cozy area in a forest for their shared baby. A group of trees, each one decorated with each brother’s likeness - Asmo’s tree with fairy lights and heart stickers, Satan’s tree with a bookshelf carved into the middle full of child-friendly fairy tales, Levi’s tree with anime merch and fish paintings - and “age-appropriate” gifts resting against the tree at the bottom.
Now, their baby didn’t yet know they were a baby. So image their surprise when Beel carries them there in the middle of the night - no different than a nap! - and tells them about the brothers’ plan. They’re confused and scared, poor thing, but then the brothers come together and console them with their presents and presence (even though there’s no real difference to them). The brothers try so hard for their little baby to assimilate into the family. That’s why they made this little area. To help indoctrinate manipulate brainwash remind their little one of their place before safely bringing them back home to the family where they belong.
And as this place is for their baby, they shouldn’t ever mention the corpses in the foliage, or the pentagrams carved into each of the seven trees, or the many other activities that take place there… But maybe one or two slip ups can occur when trying to console such a fussy baby…
Taking place in a forest is unlike the brothers, giving it an almost ritualistic element, but an interesting idea nonetheless...
The idea that the tree's have symbols carved into them lends even more to the ritualistic aspect of your idea, as if the choices their darling makes (or refuses to make) will have lasting consequences to their psyche, and perhaps their physicality!
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belzrgr · 4 months
hmm i wish you would write a fic where beel gets lots of chrisses (chris kisses) and he gets really blushy and happy :>
🥺🥺 ♡♡♡♡♡ thank you, Dilly
Beel walked into his room and went straight to his bed to let himself fall down with an oomph. With the Fangol tournament right around the corner, the team captain had been really putting them through the wringer. Though Beel was one of the best on the team, there was no mercy even for him.
It wasn't that he couldn't bear it - his stamina and strength were good enough - it was just that it kept him so busy, that...
A soft knock at his door made Beel perk up and turn to face it.
"Come in", he said just loud enough for them to hear. Just as the demon had guessed, it was the one person he had been missing the most this whole day.
Chris stood in the doorframe for a second before gently closing the door and walking over to his boyfriend. Without a word, he flopped on top of him to hug/cuddle him. He had missed him too.
Strong arms wound themselves around Chris' back and a sort of chittering-purring sound started sounding underneath him. By now it was a familiar sound to hear but every time it made him as happy as if it were the first time he heard it.
Feeling fuzzy and warm around his heart, he scooted upwards to kiss Beel's cheek. Seeing it heat up and redden right under his nose, Chris couldn't help but giggle, kissing it again. Then his nose, forehead, the other cheek and more and more until little joyful tremors wracked Beel's body under him from the laughter bubbling up in him.
His face was so red, but the smaller man was sure his own wasn't far off in color either. With one last kiss to Beel's nose, Chris moved to instead kiss his lips this time and felt the arms around him tighten slightly. The chittering got a bit louder but it didn't bother him much, thankfully. After all, it was just proof that the demon he loved was happy and enjoyed their kisses just as much as Chris did too.
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Guys I love my Pug so much. If I had to go to Devildom I'm not going without him (He's a senior citizen with separation anxiety) but now I'm thinking of scenarios with my beloved Pug! (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
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Just imagine coming to Devildom and as Diavolo's doing his spiel this distinguished gentleman waddles his old man legs over to be near the MC. Standing by them and not really aware they're surrounded by demons but just wanting to be with them.
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Lucifer has to put a dog bed in MC's room and when MC sleeps they just hear his loud ass old man snoring. Every day MC Goes to RAD my Pug just watches them go sadly and sleeps or sits by the door until MC returns. A sad old man who misses his person.
The Brothers have to deal with his bad dog breath and old joints. Hear him grumble and grouse when they have to clean his ears and wrinkles. He won't bite them but his loud grumbles are enough to get the message only MC can touch him. Watch as MC has to pick him up and carry him upstairs/downstairs or watch his slow butt try to follow MC down the hallway or wherever he thinks they might be in the House of Lamentation. He doesn't really know what MC's doing he just wants to be near them or be included in the conversation around the brothers. Hes very lonely being near someone makes him happy. Heck even if the brothers try to comfort him they know as soon as MC walks in he's following them instead.
Oh Lucifer would hate his shedding he's like a cotton ball of fluff and wrinkles and if he ever holds him that black outfit is gonna get ruined. Lucifer would be so annoyed too as a senior Pug he has a special diet and has supplements for his bones and he has to make sure his brothers aren't feeding him anything to upset his digestion. He also likes to sun bathe so now MC and Lucifer try to talk to Diavolo about putting some lamps up so he can sunbathe (Which we ALL know Diavolo would. He probably would spoil my Pug more than he already is!)
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The Brothers will walk in to see this everyday laying anywhere and napping. He's potty trained and a good Pug he just isn't scared of the vacuum and stubborn as ever. Even if you put the vacuum near him he just sits there and looks at you unimpressed. A mad lad!
Mannnnn and then there's his walks. My Pug is such a senior citizen he loves his routine walks and will do them slowly enjoying the scenery. A walk around the block turns to an hour in a half if walking at his pace. He doesn't like other dogs and gets uncomfortable with them so the brothers also have to make sure hes okay because he's shy and antisocial. He only loves MC and people/demons/angels.
Just imagining him waddling his way through the castle also melts my heart. My Pug staying with Diavolo for a time fell asleep in Diavolos office and when Diavolo left he can hear his little nails scrape on the floor as he goes searching for him. He needs a person after all with him when he wakes up.
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Barbatos will probably hate him tho. My Pug sheds everywhere AND he doesn't care about rats or other animals (he hates cats tho cause cats make him jealous) and will just sleep as Barbatos fights a rat/mouse by himself.
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Solomon will probably try to test my Pug and if he does I'll fight him because my Pug isn't bright! What he lacks in intelligence he makes up for in ingenuity!
Simeon and Luke will probably like him until Simeon realizes his gloves are covered in Pug hair too.
And the brothers who have to live with him they'll probably be used to the 13 year old Pug wandering the house.
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Lucifer probably has to put a bed in his study since my Pug will probably lay in his room if he can't find MC.
Mammon probably carries him everywhere and buys him everything then gets offended when the Pug ignores him afterwards for MC. He thought what they had was special!!
Leviathan probably brings his Akuzon packages to him because My Pug likes unboxing and they can unbox and look at it together. He really loves it.
Satan can pet him as they read feeling the softness as he snores is nice. As well having Lucifer carry him is icing on the cake.
Asmodeus probably gets him new shirts and sweaters everyday and makes MC put them on him since he doesn't want Pug hair on him
Beel probably lifts my Pug like he doesn't weigh anything carrying and eating as my Pug sits by his legs needy (Mf would definitely feed the dog even after explaining his strict diet so everyone has to watch them)
Belphegor and the Pug probably sleep together their snores causing an earthquake as they both get it in for the rest of the cast.
Oh it would be so cute! He'd bask in the attention lol!! (Also this is entirely self indulgent I just wanted to make a post about how much I adore my Pug (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) )
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magicalmammon · 2 years
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mc remus + social media 3/?
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devilishdelights · 1 year
ok I need to know everyone’s headcanons on the characters heights please 🙆🏼
u can put it in comments, tags or my ask box
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noecoded · 1 year
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everybody knows ur right…everybody knows im wrong!!!!!!
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kitsune-oji · 11 months
-> Late Nights
Holding your Hand
Reader can't sleep and searches out a certain demon of Gluttony in hopes it will help
Beel x/& gn!Reader (you/yours)
Set in the beginning of the first obey me game - One Master to Rule Them All
Word count: 1'081
Tags/warnings: Reader is shorter than Beel, demons hc as being stronger than humans in general, fluff-like
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It was always in the late hours of night, when you were supposed to be asleep, that the thoughts that kept holding you from it started to emerge. Your eyes were drooping, heavy with exhaustion and the darkness around you started to feel more suffocating by the second.
You didn't want to stay here, not in this bed, not with these thoughts, not alone. Having to share a house with six relative strangers wasn't the most comfortable situation but you've been doing your best to get to know them. Not forced but slowly and surely. Until now, the one kindest to you had been the one who may have seemed the most intimidating at first.
Beelzebub towered over you as the tallest of his brothers, as well as the one with the most muscle mass. Despite the fact that all of them had supernatural strength you couldn't hope to compete with, the power difference was most obvious with him. Pairing that with the fact that he had a grumpy resting face and the rumbling of his stomach could make you mistake it for a large beast just wasn't very inviting and yet, he was much more kind than you'd guess.
In a way, he was blunt, honest to a fault but part of you liked that. With someone who would tell you right to your face that he may eat you alive or that he didn't like something you did, you never had to fear him pretending to like you or talking behind your back. It was unnecessary in his eyes and you could appreciate that a lot.
Last night you had still spent in his room - forced by the fact that your own had been halfway destroyed by that very same demon - and even though you had been relieved to have your own room again and thought Beelzebub would probably be happy over the same privacy as well, you just didn't know where else to go. As you stood in front of his door and raised your hand to knock, you paused. Would he be asleep already? Should you wake him up or would that upset him? You didn't really know where you stood with him yet and for a moment, you considered just going back and trying to sleep on your own once more.
No dice, as the door opened just as you lowered your fist again. Beel almost walked into you, not expecting you standing right outside of it. Why would he. By all means you should be in your bed right now, not here.
He stopped short and looked down at you, his face hard to read with how little emotion he showed. By now you knew that that didn't mean he didn't feel anything however, just that he expressed it in much more subtle ways.
"...are you hungry too?"
It was his way to invite you to go to the kitchen with him. You nodded.
The walk there was silent but it didn't feel as awkward as you had feared. Instead, it was sort of pleasant actually without any pressure to say something to fill the silence up with meaningless chatter. With Beel, you didn't have to talk a lot, just about the things that were important when the time was right. It felt like you understood each other without words fairly well already and it had only been about a week since you arrived in the Devildom.
The kitchen floor was cold under your feet, made out of stone slaps that were easy to clean in case of messes. Your toes curled as it got more and more uncomfortable and you tried to find somewhere to sit. There were no chairs at the table in the middle of the room but maybe you could just sit on top.
It came to about the middle of your back and you worried you wouldn't manage to get up on it but you tried anyway. And again. And again.
The little hops drew Beel's attention from the fridge, a leftover sandwich already stuffed in his mouth. Heat gathered in your cheeks in embarrassment and you stopped your attempts. Maybe you could just deal with the cold after all-
Beel stood and stepped close to you.
"Do you want up?"
His hands hovered over your waist, not touching. Something about the way he said it made you feel even more flustered than before but you nodded once more at his question, thanking him quietly after he sat you down at the edge of the table.
Silent once more, you watched him empty out the fridge with fervor. It was fascinating to see how quickly he managed to shovel it all down his throat, wasting not a crumb.
"I can't sleep", you whispered, knowing that he would hear. Fairly enough, his head turned the slightest bit towards you to listen better.
"I thought it might... be easier around you. If that's alright."
The next swallowing sound was almost uncomfortably loud in comparison.
"...it's ok. I thought the same."
The admission was a quiet rumble of his voice, though he didn't sound embarrassed but perhaps thoughtful. Despite the fact that the little food left in the fridge couldn't possibly have satisfied his endless hunger, Beel stood and closed the empty food storage. His hand reached out for you, palm up as he waited for you to choose.
You took his hand, hopping down from the table and shivering when you touched the cold floor again. Together you walked back to his room, your hand dwarved by his and you kept close to him, reveling in the warmth emenating from him.
There was no need to ask him why he had the same thought as you. It was most likely his nightmares keeping him up again and you didn't want to pry. You didn't really want to destroy this comfortable silence around him.
The two of you laid down quietly, shuffling close enough to once again hold hands, facing each other beneath the covers.
"Goodnight", you whispered.
"Goodnight", Beel whispered back, gently squeezing your hand before closing his eyes.
Mirroring him, you listened to his soft and steady breathing, thinking only of how your hand felt in his and if you had to worry about his brothers making a fuss over you sleeping here again tomorrow. For now, you didn't care. Future you could deal with that, present you slowly drifted off into the darkness that in his presence, let you breathe.
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ardeatheblueheron · 1 year
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Posting this separately because I can. >:3
Presenting, best hungry boi Beel.
The cutest and softest big bean amongst all the brothers. He never turned into his demon form in front of us. 🥺💗
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genodesu · 2 years
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Day 27: Snack 🍔🍡
Character: Beelzebub
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trueshellz · 1 year
Do you ever think about two of your favourite characters meeting and think: omg that would be so good and so bad at the same time?
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