#mine are super teen -> mid twenties-> ancient being
aliengirl · 6 months
too anxious so im procrastinating my college work by committing a crime and changing Blue's hair and trying to show my sims age for once
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Bloodlines - Part 4
A/N: Based off of the song “Heathens” by Twenty One Pilots, this will be a multichapter fic with either a lyric being a chapter title, or the headers to break down the thought process of the chapter. None of the lyrics are mine, and they are all in bold - Again, I do not claim to own them, all credit where credit is due.
I do not own Teen Wolf or it’s characters. Sadly.
Word Count: 2,025 (Not including lyrics.)
Warnings: None that I know of. Mild language?
Beautiful people who helped me when I came to them with this crazy idea and said to run with it: @wheresthekillswitch @obsessed-withthe-hales @aworldmadeforme @life-what-life-i-dont-have-one @xteenwolfwritingsx
Coming back to Beacon Hills was supposed to be uneventful. Yet somehow, you are now stuck in the middle of two worlds you didn’t even know existed yesterday. Now between both worlds, but not belonging to either, you try to forge your own way, finding out that some ties are stronger than bloodlines.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
You’ll never know the psychopath sitting next to you
Stopping mid run and grabbing your head with both hands, you grimaced at the onslaught of memories flooding your mind. When Talia took them, she must have installed some failsafe just in case, a way for you to get them back if she weren’t around. You wondered with a heavy heart if she knew she wouldn’t be around.
Dropping your hands, you looked up to the sky, blind to the beauty of the twinkling stars above you, only able to acknowledge you were in some sort of clearing as you spun in slow circles, taking in as much of your surroundings as you could. You had a moment between the replays, and you used it to make sure the area was clear, safe, before you just collapsed to the ground, broke down and sobbed.
How many times had you sat next to Peter at lacrosse games? Smiled like nothing was wrong. Ignorant to the man he had become. And before that, how many times had you visited the Hale house, gone out for coffee, or gone to one of Derek’s basketball games and sat next to the lunatic?
How could you be so unaware? How could so much be missing? How could it all be happening under your nose when you’d had all the pieces, and you still not know?
You may have been young, and he may have just been humoring you since Derek treated you like family, but you had thought Peter saw you as extended family, too. You were only three years younger than Derek, four during certain months, and he never let you forget it, but you still considered all of the Hale’s your family by proximity.
He had been a good man. A kind man. A friend.
And somehow, on some level, he still was.
Despite everything, you still needed him in your life. His role wasn’t over.
You’ll never know the murderer sitting next to you
You sat there sobbing, gradually letting it ease into sniffles before you raised your head back up again.
No. It couldn’t be her. This wasn’t possible. She was dead.
This was crazy. How could you even entertain the idea of talking to a dead person? Maybe you were a banshee…. You heard her laugh drift through the forest around you, not able to pin one location. “No, you’re more of a war cry kind of person. You don’t have the pipes to scream like that.”
“How did you-”
“I’m in your head, Y/N. One of the perks is reading your mind. You think I’d pass up on that golden opportunity?”
You laughed softly, shaking your head gently. “You weirdo.”
“Says the one talking to a figment of her imagination.”
You just laughed. Well, she wasn’t wrong.
“There it is! You haven’t smiled in too long, Y/N. Don’t let all this town drama get you down. The only legacy you need to worry about is your own. Believe me. I speak from experience.”
“What other legacy would I be living up to?” You swiped at a few straggling tears, looking around absently for the source of the voice floating on the wind.
“Oh, that’s right. You don’t know yet. Well, remember yet.” She paused. “Either way, it’s still true. Even when you do remember, you still need to focus on you. Worry about your own thing. Don’t let a name, a rumor, a history get you down. Rise up, dust off, and move on.”
A silence settled over you, and you could sense things left unspoken. “Don’t hold it against them. Against him,” she finally spoke. “They all thought we were better not knowing. But just like you, I stumbled into this. It’s in our blood, it’s who we are. Eventually we’re bound to find it in the end.”
You smiled as a gentle breeze blew. “I never got to say goodbye.”
She sounded like she was smiling. “And now you’ll never have to.”
You’ll think, “How’d I get here, sitting next to you?”
You pondered the whispers of ghosts. Was your family a group of hunters? Maybe like Deaton, some kind of Druids…. Or were werewolves still a possibility?
You scoffed, shaking your head. None of that was a possibility as of an hour ago. What had changed since then? Leaning your head back with a sigh, you let it rest against the tree at your back, only to have it thump all the way back onto the flat surface of a stump. Eyes going wide, you quickly rose to your feet, swearing it had been an entire tree when you sat down, only to turn around and see the stump of an old tree in front of you. It looked ancient.
Reaching out timidly, you set your hand onto the many rings along the surface, proving how old the tree was. You felt a surge of power, of something, almost like electricity suddenly running from head to toe. Yanking your hand back quickly, the sensation subsided, but didn’t disappear.
Something inside you had just woken up, and it was getting ready to roar.
But after all I’ve said
“This is what I was afraid of.” Stiles’ voice startled you, making you look over your shoulder at the sound. Stiles stood on the edge of the clearing, looking at you sheepishly. He kept toeing the border that lead into the vast circle surrounding the stump, but the wary glance he sent it’s way seemed to be the deciding factor that kept him on his side of the line. He looked tired.
“How did you find me?” Of all the things you wanted to say, all the things that hung in that brief moment of silence as you took in his appearance, that was what came out first.
“This seems to be the spot to come when you are having some sort of supernatural revelation.” He smiled almost sadly. His hands dug deep into his pockets. “It’s the Nemeton.” He pushed his hands down further still, shrugging at the same time which effectively made him look like an awkward turtle as his lacrosse hoodie swallowed him up in the movement. Letting his shoulder fall, his hands remained in his pockets and he eyed the stump once again before huffing out what sounded like an annoyed grunt and taking a few steps toward you.
You rolled your eyes. “Of course it is. Leave it to me to find it,” you muttered, glaring at the stump before stilling, stopping as the thought hit you, Stiles reinforcing it as he voiced what was on your mind.
“Wait. How did you know what that word meant?”
You didn’t answer, you just shifted your weight from foot to foot. Truth was, you didn’t know.
“Y/N, how did you know? Have you been here before?”
Shaking your head, you turned the opposite direction and began to walk off, hearing his footsteps following quickly after you, making you turn abruptly. “Stiles! I don’t know!” You cried, arms wide. A moment of silence passed before you spoke again quietly. “And it scares me.”
Suddenly you found yourself wrapped in a hug, this time the lacrosse hoodie swallowed your face, and you were grateful for the small escape, hiding your face in the excess material of the hood for as long as possible, breathing in the familiar smell of Stiles, and letting it calm you. “Too many questions for one night. I’m starting to get a headache,” you mumbled into the material, pulling away from Stiles with a huff as he chuckled. “I got myself into, this, Stiles. Not you. Stop blaming yourself. If my family is in this, it would have happened sooner rather than later. I’m just glad I have you. Otherwise, I don’t know what I would have done with this information….“
“I’m glad you have me, too!” He smiled.
You laughed. “Please tell me you drove here? I am just realizing how far I ran, and it makes me want to groan endlessly.”
Please don’t forget
You walked the halls of school with your head a little higher. Something had changed that night, and while you knew parts were still missing, they would come along eventually.
Bit by bit life was getting back to normal.
Until there was an emergency pack meeting at the loft. Something new was in town. Something mean and dangerous. Something supernatural. And it wanted something to do with your pack.
Somewhere along the way they had lost the title of “the pack” and become “your pack”.
And just that simple change made your head rise just a little bit higher.
“Well, you sure seem better,” Scott said, matching your stride down the hallway, his signature crooked yet kind smile on his face as he gave you a once over before looking back forward as you walked side by side.
You smiled. “Yeah. Yeah, I feel better. And all because of a tree stump,” you shook your head disbelievingly, huffing out a laugh as you glanced to Scott still beside you.
“The Nemeton?” He winced, his voice annoyed.
You nodded with a smug smile, looking forward yet again. “The Nemeton.”
“I hate that thing,” Scott mumbled making you laugh gently as you both stepped out into the sunlight, the school day finally over. “So, do you need a ride to the meeting?”
His question caught you off guard, making you narrow your eyebrows at him. You played with the strap of your backpack for a second before answering. “Um, I was just going to ride with Stiles….”
“He left during third period.”
You rolled your eyes. “Of course he did,” you muttered under your breath, looking strangely again at Scott as he laughed before remembering he had super hearing. “Why? Are you offering me a ride on that little bike of yours?”
“No.” Well. That caught you off guard. “Sorry…. I’m Kira’s ride.”
“Then why did you-”
Tires squealed behind you, and you turned to see Derek in his large SUV.
Turning to Scott, he nodded before you even asked. “You heard him coming, didn’t you?” He continued to nod as he slipped on his helmet.
You turned back to Derek. “Stiles has been at the loft all day doing research. I was about to throw a book at him when I realized you probably needed a ride.” You laughed, and he smiled broadly. You even heard Scott let out a snort from behind the visor of his helmet. “So. Need a ride?”
“If it’s not too much trouble.” You smiled knowingly.
“Actually, I have a few things to do, so-” he let off of the brake and the car started to roll forward only to stop abruptly as he laughed at your cry of protest. “Get in.”
Opening the door, you climbed in and slammed the door. “Very funny. Ha, ha. Leave the girl stranded in front of the school. How valiant of you.”
“I would never,” he said playfully. Scott let out a laugh once again. “Shut up, McCall!”
“Oh yeah?” Scott shot back, his red eyes suddenly glowing from behind the visor on the helmet, his voice low. “Make me.”
Derek growled, but it sounded more human than wolf, as he threw his car back into gear. “Guy becomes an Alpha and suddenly he’s a cocky little sh-”
The revving of Scott’s bike cut off Derek’s last word, and he rode off past the car with Kira sitting on the rear, arms wrapped around his waist. After a few seconds, Derek mumbled, “Showoff,” which Scott must have heard because he popped a small wheelie before peeling away out of the parking lot.
Staring after your friend for a long moment, you then turned to Derek who wore a smug smile. “Shows what he knows. There is a shortcut to the loft if he had turned left.” He pulled up to the turn, his blinker blinking lazily. “And I’ll be damned if he beats me to my own damned house,” he finished quietly, before punching the gas and turning left, the force of it pushing you back in your seat and fumbling for the armrest with a gulp, clutching it for dear life.
Tags: @palaiasaurus64 @evyiione @trashy-for-teen-wolf @ohphillip @sammyrenae68 @abbytheninja @storytelling-reader What’s this?
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