hoziercriespower · 4 months
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Happy 34th birthday Hozier.
born 17th March 1990 on St. Patrick's day.
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owenhcrper · 1 year
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 2.06 - Lost in Translation
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shieldofiron · 4 days
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This blog is an official Wayne Munson appreciation blog ™
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azoraahai · 2 years
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on a scale from eddie to argyle, how well do you handle stress?
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wynsvre · 11 months
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nothing matters when we're dancing
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baleful-blurbs · 3 months
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seein as that last post blew up. I've withheld more of him & steve. srry. 🥲 yall go to war over this little freak, huh?
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fuctacles · 3 months
Under pressure
For @subeddieweek Day 1 | M | 1177 | accidental subspace, non-verbal communication, sleepover, Steve-instinctive-Dom-Harrington | Ao3
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Eddie avoided fights because he was a coward. A pussy, even, he'll admit. But there was a whole other reason for him avoiding sports.
He wasn't a big fan of physical contact. 
But since he's become better friends with Steve Harrington, he's been discovering things about himself. Things he wished would have stayed hidden. Forever.
The first time, it was a tussle for the remote. Eddie refused to watch another episode of whatever the fuck capitalist media was trying to spoon-feed them, while Steve was adamant there was a plot that he was invested in. One elbow to the gut and some pulled hair later, he landed underneath the guy, his weight pinning him to the ground.
Melting his bones.
"You okay?"
Steve sounded concerned about Eddie's sudden silence, and his mind scrambled to salvage his dignity. All he could manage was a groan, which Steve thankfully interpreted as a sign of pain and not the sudden weakness that it was. 
He instantly hopped off of him, apologizing.
Eddie has been avoiding and yearning for the touch ever since.
He had never considered Steve like that, but apparently being sat on was the biggest turn-on for his poor little dick, and now it was all he could think of at night.
His doom comes when he has to sleep over after a night of drinking. Steve insisted they share a bed, that it was alright, and Eddie foolishly believed him. 
It is fine until Steve rolls over to put away his glasses. 
"Shit, sorry. I just gotta..."
They didn't think this through, because Eddie was the one next to the bedside table, the one Steve was trying to reach. He almost crawls over Eddie to accomplish it, his weight heavy on top of him, pressing him to the mattress and making his mind go blank. 
He bites his lip so hard he probably draws blood, but it doesn't stop the whimper Steve's body literally pushed out of him.  Steve freezes. 
"Are you alright?" He drops the glasses and shoots up. "Did I hurt you?"
Eddie can't answer. His brain is screaming at his mouth, but he can't manage a single word, all he can think of is Steve's body back on him, that weight pressing him down, immobilizing him. He could probably reach pure bliss with just that.
When he doesn't get an answer, Steve pulls on his shoulder to flip him on his back. Eddie whines in protest but doesn't have enough control over his muscles to stop him. His shame gets put on display and Steve's eyes widen.
His pupils are huge as he blinks owlishly up at his friend.
"You okay?"
Eddie nods.
"Do you need anything?"
You. On me, against me, in me.
He shakes his head slowly, not breaking eye contact. This seems to frustrate Steve.
"Eddie, come on," he groans. "Clearly something's wrong. Do you need water? I can bring you some." He moves to stand up, but Eddie's in the way. He has to throw his leg over him, and Eddie presses his eyes closed, begging his body not to react.
It's enough to alert Steve, though, and he freezes hovering above him, mid-movement. 
It's a soft sound, barely there, and Eddie decides to keep his eyes closed. Maybe if he does, whatever realization Steve has gets forgotten, and he moves on, brings him the damn water, and maybe throws it on him like on a horny dog. Maybe that would help him.
But no, the ‘huh’ is followed by Steve settling down on his hips.
Oxygen escapes him in a whiny breath, and his body presses up without his control, seeking that delicious weight of another body. 
"Want to make out about it?" Steve asks out of the blue like any normal person would in these circumstances. But Eddie doesn't answer him, he can't, and he doesn't know. He can only stare and writhe under him, making tiny sounds of need he can't comprehend. Steve frowns down on him, partially concerned, partially curious. 
"Don't feel like talking?" he asks. Eddie gives him a nod. He hums. "Can you answer some yes or no questions? Nod for a yes and shake your head for no."
"You can blink twice if you don't know or don't want to answer. Okay?"
"What do you do if you don't want to answer?"
Eddie blinks twice.
"Good. Great." Steve smiles, and Eddie mirrors it through his haze. "Are you feeling alright?"
"Do you need water?"
"Do you need the bathroom?"
"A snack?"
Steve considers him, perched on top of his body. Eddie tentatively reaches up, palms resting on his thighs. Steve's gaze follows his fingers, where they just rest with no ill intent, only there to touch.
"Will we talk about it more in the morning?"
Eddie hesitates. Does he want to talk about it? To bring his shame to the light of day, confess the budding crush on his friend? But Steve doesn't seem angry, he's not kicking him out of the bed. He's being soft and gentle and trying to understand. Maybe in the morning, they could understand it together. Tentatively, he nods.
That eases Steve's frown a bit, but he sighs when another problem hits him.
"I don't know what else to ask," he admits with a huff. 
Eddie wants to help, so he slides his hands up, towards his hips, and tries to convey as best as possible where he wants him. He stares into his eyes, begging him to understand.
"Want me to lay down on you?"
He nods furiously, excited to get what he needs. 
Steve looks down. It's a minuscule movement of his eyes, but it's there. He will know if Eddie's hard when he moves, but he needs the heads-up. The bulge in Eddie's sweats is noticeable but not fully there, to Steve's relief. Having his friend under him in such a pliant state is already overwhelming as it is, and he knows Eddie will feel his own chub when he moves. 
"We're just sleeping tonight, alright?" Steve clarifies and Eddie nods without hesitation. "And cuddle a bit, I guess." Eddie nods again.
He moves, watching his friend’s face for any sign of distress. Eddie’s hands slide around him in an embrace that's more comforting than Steve's ready to admit, and soon they're chest to chest, legs tangled, and he has to crane his neck to maintain eye contact.
"That alright?"
Eddie's hands squeeze him minutely and Steve settles down against his shoulder, finally resting his full body weight against him.
The man underneath him sighs, and it's like his whole body deflates. He makes a content sound in the back of his throat, and Steve wants to cry. It's so endearing and so comforting to have Eddie trust him like that. To have him turn into mush in his presence. 
He hopes he's not overstepping when he presses his nose to Eddie's neck, inhaling him and softly caressing his skin when he murmurs a "goodnight, Eds."
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lucascsinclairs · 2 months
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Every Lumax Scene in Stranger Things: s2e9 - The Gate
"Relax, she's driven before." "Yeah, at a parking lot." "That counts!"
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Nancy (quietly to Steve while Eddie’s out of the room): Have you told him about the wanting six kids thing yet?
Eddie (popping his head back into the room): It’s seven now
Nancy (more relieved than ever that she’s not the one Steve wants to raise kids with him anymore): What?
Eddie: I talked him into raising the number. I say why limit ourselves when we’ve already proven we can handle that many
Nancy: You’re joking, right?
Nancy (turning to Steve): He’s joking right?
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henry-alex · 2 years
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You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?
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whilomm · 21 days
oh okay heres one:
"sleepaway camp"= you go there for at least a few days, a week, sometimes several weeks, and sleep there, as opposed to a """camp""" where you go for the day and your parents or whoever picks you up afterward (those arent really camps, but like. idk when i went to "space camp" it was a weeklong but not sleepaway). in the U.S. at least, the typical image of a sleepaway camp involves staying in cabins, dunno how common it is/what it looks like in other countries.
for the first few i just mean like. not necessarily a stealth church camp, just like. idk, a camp where theres also an Assumption Of Christianity and just general vibes without being actually church camp. So, there might not be daily services and jesusy dedicatwd activities, but maybe theres still a prayer said over meals and shit. Which i assume might exist...
(oh and @reblogforsamplesize if u wanna)
#buzzy#poll#polls#personally: yes i went several times#and i enjoyed it bc. camp!!! yay!!!#but the Church part of it. complicated feelings on that matter#mine were all weeklong camps#went every year for a few years i hink#it was fun bc again YAY CAMP!!! and the ones i went to were like huge things#they had cool water stuff like The Blob and waterslides and some fun games and shit#you could do paintball#and i wasnt like. NOT christian at the time. but i also Wasnt Really Feeling It#i was mostly into it bc. camp.#...maybe i should have asked my parents if i could just go to one of the normal summer camps instead lmao#like the 6 week ones or st#that coulda been fun ....#so my answer is Its Complicated#i did like. participate in the jesus side of things. but i was also kinda knowingly faking it u kno?#i remember one time during a service i started having a bit of a panic attack (mostly bc of the MASSVE crowd. this was a huge ass camp)#but i still had to like. stay. still do everything. my pastor was being nice about it but still was like :( well you cant leave#i remember that was the day we did some shit outside w torches#like. carrying torches in a big procession like some sorta ritual thing ig. fuck if i know.#and i was like crying while following the procession and trying to stop#(the crying STARTED un the megachurch extremely loud giaant speaker GET PUMPED UP!!! area and continued to the torches)#thars my stringest memory from church camp aside from when i fcking DEMOLISHED the frozen t shirt game#(they gave a few ppl on stage frozen t balled up shirts and it was like 'okay first one to unball it and put it on wins!!!')#(and while the two boys i was up against started trying to tear it open with their hands i just#(in my cute lil butterfly shirt and pretty skirt started SMASHING IT AGAINST THE GROUND FULL BODY AAAUUGGHH and broke that shit)#(i was sooo proud of mysekf and my oastors wife thiught it was Unladylike of me but i fucjing won. the boys copied me after a sec)#(but it was too late i won :) anyway yeah like i said mixed feelings u kno. anyway go blue beetles woooo!!!!!
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alexisrosemullens · 15 days
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@pscentral​ event 28: throwback
This is the Hollywood “Brat Pack.” It is to the 1980s what the Rat Pack was to the 1960s—a roving band of famous young stars on the prowl for parties, women, and a good time. And just like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Peter Lawford, and Sammy Davis Jr., these guys work together, too—they’ve carried their friendships over from life into the movies. They make major movies with big directors and get fat contracts and limousines. They have top agents and protective P.R. people. They have legions of fans who write them letters, buy them drinks, follow them home. And, most important, they sell movie tickets. Their films are often major hits, and the bigger the hit, the more money they make, and the more money they make, the more like stars they become. (x x) (template)
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azoraahai · 2 years
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eddie munson: certified atheist™️
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tiefy · 1 year
Spock: Doctor (derogatory)
Garak: Doctor (affectionate)
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allbornscreaming · 1 month
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ST. VINCENT at BottleRock (24 May 2024) (photos by Charles Reagan)
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joequinns · 2 years
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EDDIE MUNSON + features
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