airxn · 6 years
honestly when kevin makes a new oc i just––
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vaguerdoubts-blog · 6 years
@mindsever hit like for a one-para starter!
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Not for a minute’s darkening time did Newton miss it. Knew who it was. Wasn’t letting him know. Wasn’t letting him know he’d spotted him at all. Names, yes, he didn’t know, but the click and the buzz from the dullest of shadows shouldn’t be expected not to come to his notice. Newton did, after all, work with cameras. It was a dying day now, and the walk hurt, from the stupid lump of greed behind him back to the shelter of the house. Disgusted him sometimes that he’d built up that kind of wealth. His hair stuck to his face, all the suspicion going around. Maybe that man had been chasing after someone else? Misused that wealth too, hadn’t he. All the money he’d tossed at shining up that building. And on the stairs, trailing up to his supposed home, he turned. He said nothing. His grip on that banister, that was important. He mustn’t shiver and he mustn’t be violent. Newton smiled. He only smiled, and then, he took a photograph of his own. There. Fuck off. He wished he could say “fuck off”. Documentation must have frightened this stalking maniac enough, and Newton pulled his hat down to cover his eyes. 
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traumeriin · 6 years
@mindsever liked for a starter.
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    “And...I’m done!” Rosemary flips her notebook over to reveal a sketch of Birthday Boy in a colorful cone hat and a huge cake in front of it. “What do you think? I think you look adorable.”
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woolfcried · 6 years
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         ‘i don’t think i could live ALONE again.’ that was why she preferred to keep a good amount of pets around the house, including the colorful bird perched on her finger.
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vampanic · 6 years
mindsever replied to your post: //i have so many fcs i wanna use but no muses for...
oh worm
//nina hage.n, ka.te bush, and brand.on flowers. maybe idk
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piper-aileen-lenox · 6 years
let me gush about y'all | accepting
For: @mindsever​
{ Holy shit??? You’re so creative it almost makes me angry? Like, truly and genuinely, the fact that you created Saint from scratch is so wild to me because he 100% feels like he came from some futuristic, dystopian television show or movie. He seems so fleshed out and real, while still having a futuristic element to him, but doesn’t seem outlandish. He still feels human while reflecting the very worst of us without seeming detached or robotic, which is a truly difficult feat to accomplish.  I just adore how unapologetically awful he is and how surreal your blog(s) are. I know I haven’t interacted with all of your other muses, but in just the little bit that Piper and I have interacted with Bob, I’ve been completely amazed by his entire concept. It is so clever, and weird, and unique that I want a whole book written about him and him fucking shit up. I am just..completely blown away by your ability to create characters in worlds that completely suck me in. Please don’t stop writing and creating, you’d be doing the world a disservice to deprive the rest of us your creations
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sstarlost-blog · 7 years
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        ‘ — i think humans are a lot more interesting than technology , ’ delicate fingers run over the screen once again , flinching back slightly as the action brings the screen to life . aliya’s neck cranes backwards with a grin painting her features , she’d much rather study his interactions with the machine than her own ‘ but the fascination with it is endearing . ’
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nctfree · 7 years
send me a ✧ and i’ll bold all that apply to your muse.
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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motorotom · 7 years
WILD @mindsever APPEARED!
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—  ⌈ ϟ ⌋  mo hates the winter. he’s terrible at bracing for the cold, he’s terrible at walking on the ice, and he’s god awful and dealing with SNOW. it did weird stuff to his inner electromagnetism, or whatever. threw off his internal compass. made the hairs on the back of his head stand on end. what the fuck ever excuse he wanted to give for just being outright IRRITATED by it, he’d come up with. in the shadows of darkness he was the literal flash of light, he felt his hands overflowing with electrical surges, lighting the dark around his palms with cackles and sparks. with a small sigh, he approaches a nearby streetlight that was no longer receiving power. gently, he places a palm on the pole, offering some of his own excess energy to the post. as it turns on, happily lighting his surrounding area, it HUMS with vitality and gratitude. mo smiles just slightly, and turns to walk away having his own problem solved, but stops in his tracks, just now noticing another figure under the light. 
                               “er ––” words escape him. “...hello.”
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bitemyhip-blog · 6 years
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fleshsashimi-blog · 6 years
Answer these questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better!
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tagged by: @damnedcrybaby thnx HUNNEY tagging: you do it and say i tagged u >:)
nicknames: i don’t know....kev? big ass bitch boy? 404 error screen?
zodiac: leo (ミΦ ﻌ Φミ)ノ
height: 6′1″
time: 2:05 pm
favourite band / artist: devo! i have a tattoo lol. japan and wall of voodoo r close seconds
song stuck in my head: twisted by stan ridgway
last movie i saw: fuck man....i dont even know...i’m not a movie person. i think it was arise! church of the subgenius, but that’s like. a documentary? 
last thing i googled: “how to break toys on neopets” ............
other blogs: @asbestcs and @mindsever but they’re both on hiatus rn
do i get asks: not on here really
why did i choose this username: my friend thought of it. this boy eat a human.
following: 46 blogs since this account is sorta newish
average amount of sleep: 5-8 hours?
what i’m wearing: goodwill jeans, and a black shirt w the playstation logo on it
dream job: i don’t want to work lol...... i guess just. to complete what i’m doing and be a professor
dream trip: kyoto, japan
favourite food: sashimi.....no joke. salmon and uni in particular
play any instruments: YES I PLAY THE SAXOPHONE and guitar. i haven’t played the sax in years tho....i’m a fake bill clinton
eye colour: shit brown
hair colour: shit brown
languages you speak: english and german
most iconic song: it changes every day man. today it’s twist by tones on tail
random fact: throughout the world the rate of schizophrenia in each country is consistently 1% of the population, except in ireland, where it’s 2%. researchers have no idea why
describe yourself as aesthetic things: a shitty mcdonalds at night, an old computer, driving stretches of highway at 2 am, crime novels that smell like mothballs and are yellowed w/ age, a pile of new wave records, a playboy magazine from 1983, an ash tray, early 2000′s toys, a pinstriped, ill-fitting blazer
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airxn · 6 years
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TAGGED BY: @mindsever ( like ages ago omg, thank u ) TAGGING: @alamortful :: @pinkheartmelodi :: @komala-scientist
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NAME:  Wesley Joseph Starks. NICKNAME:  Wes. GENDER:  CIS male. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:  homosexual/romantic. PREFERRED PET NAMES:  prooobably uses ‘baby’ often. Has no preference in regards to himself. RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  uh, all of them? Depends on the universe. He could still be married to Harry, seperated, divorced, or involved (in all likelihood with Levi). FAVORITE CANON SHIP:  ??? FAVORITE NON-CANON SHIP:  ???
OPINION ON TRUE LOVE:  and again this depends. Most Wesleys are disillusioned assholes but most Wesleys also love most Levis, truly. Though most Wesleys also often lie to people about most Levis so the answer might very well be ‘no’ even if it’s really a ‘yes’. OPINION ON LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT:  not real. HOW ‘ROMANTIC’ ARE THEY?: pre-tear Wes was a sap. A shy, insecure sap. The kind that buys you flowers and takes a knee to propose and like, fucking lights candles and runs a nice warm bath for you. Post-tear Wes is.......... a cynical asshole. IDEAL PHYSICAL TRAITS:  Well-built men who are taller than him. Likes them toned, not buff. IDEAL PERSONALITY TRAITS:  Intelligent, witty, sharp, decisive. Likes men who know what they want and go for it. Intelligence and book-smarts are a big turn on.
UNATTRACTIVE PHYSICAL TRAITS: ........boobs? Vaginas? I? I don’t know. He probably doesn’t like pudgy people like himself. His is enough pudge to go around. UNATTRACTIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS:  overt niceness, weak personality,  tardiness, lack of will and/or ability to learn. IDEAL DATE:  a visit to a museum, a good movie, maybe a bar lecture or really just take him out where you two can sit and talk; all usually followed or accompanied by a good meal. DO THEY HAVE A TYPE? I wanna say yes but, on the other hand, he didn’t really date a lot before Harry (who he considers to be way out of his league as-is) and Levi is absolutely nothing like Harry so... IDK. AVERAGE RELATIONSHIP LENGTH:  He dated one guy for like two weeks and another for a few months before he met Harry, and the two of them were together for thirteen years. Sooo..... Wes is the kind to Latch On For Dear Life. PREFERRED NON-SEXUAL INTIMACY:  either reading together or having long, complex conversations/debates. COMMITMENT LEVEL:  on the one hand, as previously established, Wes is the kind to latch on; on the other, finding the tear and the resulting consequences has made him rather promiscuous and pretty cynical when it comes to relationships - Levi being an exception, but only on the long run. OPINION OF PUBLIC AFFECTION:  it’s okay as long as it’s decent? Like, hand-holding or leaning against each other and a peck on the lips is cool. Anything more than that is kinda gross and he dislikes seeing other people do it too. PAST RELATIONSHIPS?  HARRY SMITH.
TAGGED BY @inrovina and @hockandhand the lovelies 💕 TAGGING @mindsever you’re pretty much the only person I know I didn’t tag on my other blog
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futurepop · 6 years
@mindsever commented for typhoid.
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     “Hypothetically speaking, if I wanted to like...shut off an android long enough to throw them into the trash how could I do that? I need to know for my A.I. Artificial Intelligence fanfic.”
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gloomfilled-a-blog · 6 years
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 I just started this blog a little over two weeks ago and wow okay. Just a few people I wanna give some short shout outs to and here they are. 
@mockedpain // @besocruel
You are the number one person in my life. You make everyday worth so much more because you are in it. I love you so much babe. <33
@dramatvrgy && @patriiiarch
If you haven’t read any of their stuff, I suggest you do it as quickly as possible. I follow their threads so closely and it’s just so great what they’ve been able to do with these two muses. They also seem to capture their essence so well it makes me envious. ALSO thank you to you both. You are both just amazing people and muse for the greatest parents ever. 
I honestly didn’t even have any clue you even had a muse for Joel since it seemed to come out of nowhere but I’m glad you made him. He’s such a sweet and amazing muse. I just can’t even with the thread ideas we come up with and everything else. Also the fact that you’ve been one of my good friends for damn near 2 years means a lot. <333
@multimuseum, @ofsmokeandsmiles, @whispersong, @frankcnbutler
to the rest of the fandom, thank you so much for making me feel so welcomed. I have love for all of you. <3
And then to everyone else, thank you so much for the patience and just being you. It makes the dash such a pleasure to be on. 
@apathetiics, @butscrewmefirst, @blendintowalls, @beyondcounting, @cavetigrim, @crookd, @chainkept, @dracdad, @deetziisms, @filmkilled, @falseleadered, @flesheries, @gcblinmcnarch, @hideyho, @hostagefled, @iiocane, @ilmorte, @junkiebtch, @jackpotthrill, @killerloved, @lycaean, @mohiican, @mostghcst, @mindsever,@normalwitch, @promiisekept, @paddingtonbear, @quotesravens, @queasymrtician, @ruthlessblue, @ringletsandpearls, @samenkomen, @the-alana-bloom, @theunwrittens, @vamytas, @vaguerdoubts, @zoklotala, @pherotox
If I forgot anyone I am sorry. That doesn’t mean I care any less. 
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vaguerdoubts-blog · 6 years
— answer these questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better!
tagged by: stolen from @couturess​ xo
tagging: @goodbyehearted​, @softintonation​, @fangsharrison​, @escapedartgeek​, @mindsever​, @senselessyears​, @ninaromina​, @badnewsvideo​, @rvlting​, @istigmatias​, @eritvita​, @tellingliies​, @ofcocaine​, @hottrampiloveyouso​, @c0kehead​, @damnedcrybaby​, @vamytas​, @mortiiicia​, @piper-aileen-lenox​, @ofthelabyrinth​ (and steal as you like!)
nicknames:   Mouse/Rose (online), Peigi/Maggie (real world).
zodiac:   Capricorn.
height:   5′1”
time:   6:28pm.
favourite band / artist:   The Kinks, Brian Wilson, Death in June, Current 93, 
song stuck in my head:  Death in June / Hail! The White Grain.  
last movie i saw:   Probably some miscellaneous BBC 4 documentary.
last thing i googled:   goodreads.
other blogs:   Just my personal.
do i get asks:   Very rarely.
why did i choose this username:   Line from the book..
following:   68.
average amount of sleep:   14 hours or nothing.
what i’m wearing:   A hoodie and pleated skirt.
dream job:   Musician or journalist.
dream trip:   Ireland.
favourite food:   Raspberries.
play any instruments:   Keys, synths, acoustic guitar.
eye colour:   Green. Far too green.
hair colour:   Brown, ginger. Patchy.
languages you speak:   English, Latin, a bit of Irish, a bit of Scottish Gaelic, very limited and forgotten French.
most iconic song:    Don’t you know God is disabled?
random fact:   I taught myself to read shortly before I was two.
describe yourself as aesthetic things:   Noisy music (punk/protopunk/industrial/power electronics/etc.), neofolk too, military surplus clothes, the smell of lavender and patchouli, overkill on charms/amulets.
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