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nkogneatho · 19 days ago
it was today when i realized that one of those metal looking dildos aren't dildos but a face massager because i gifted my friend one with a note "i hope this pleasures you more than your ex" and she called me up and said "thank you for the face massager."
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why-the-heck-not · 10 months ago
the pure embarrassment of sending a ”oops I fucked up & will send this assignment a couple days too late sorry abt that”-email :’) noooooo
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berruornis · 1 year ago
now that I look, star trek is all over the goddamm place. peace and love in the universe.
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drakvuf · 2 years ago
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Gyerekek, Auchanban féláron adják a toffini tofukat!!
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littlegoldfinchh · 2 years ago
I hate when all these old hags cut in line at the bus stop like jesus fucking christ im going to kill all of you
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imfbsl · 3 months ago
pulpbrother kötre
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Get your hot and framed @pulpbrother pictures from Europe, supporting a tiny, Hungarian, independent, community based, commercial gallery :)
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fovarosiblog · 10 months ago
Néha szóba kell ezt szerintem hozni. Az Iparművészeti Múzeum 2017-ben bezárt. A felújítása áll, semmilyen dátum nem ismert a majdani újranyitásáról. A Néprajzit szintén 2017-ben dobták ki a Kúria csodálatos egykori épületéből. Az így a parasztok előtt örökre bezárult, egyszer majd tal��n fideszes főbírók fognak az erre teljesen alkalmatlan, hatméteres belmagasságú, freskós plafonú termeiben laptopozni. Talán. Mert ugyan mondták, hogy ez lesz, de eddig semmit nem csináltak, hogy ez legyen. Épült helyette egy látványos betonizé a felvonulási téren, végképp elpusztítva a reményt, hogy egyszer a Városliget megint akkora legyen, mint a Rákosi-banda előtt volt. Van akinek tetszik, van akinek nem, mindenesetre nem volt olcsó, tehát lehetett lopni, de egy kis probléma biztosan van vele: nincs benne múzeum. A szuper kiállítások helyett, amelyekben egykor a gyerekeimmel félnapokat el tudtunk nézgelődni, valami köcsögök vannak kirakva üveg alá, azzal, hogy ez itten koncepcijó. A Természettudományit, ami szintén nagy kedvencünk volt, a Válasz Online mai cikke szerint talán mégse zavarják Debrecenbe, hanem 277 (!!!) milliárdból - ami lenne, amennyi lenne a végére, de nem is számít, hiszen nincs egy vas se - elköltöztetik majd… valahová. Mert az tuti, hogy az egykori lovardában, amit Mányi zseniális tervei alapján teleépítettek egy nagyszerű múzeummal, nem maradhat. Kell a hely FEDETT LŐTÉRnek. A múzeumot majd szétverik, aztán hajrá, célra tarts. Addig beporosodva, lelassítva vegetál. Ha így marad, az unokáimat biztos nem fogom oda vinni. Mit nézzünk rajta, a port? Ugyanez áll a Mezőgazdaságira. Időnként szóba kerül, hogy kidobják, aztán hogy talán mégse, addig is porosan, megrepedezve, leállva, szerencsétlenül, látogatók és új kiállítások nélkül szomorkodik a helyén. A Hadtörténetit a kaszinótulajdonos barom egyszerűen kidobatta a kaszárnyából, ahol 1918 óta állt, hogy beköltözzön a legszebb panorámájú termébe. Szólt, hogy dobják ki, és kidobták neki, azonnal. Mintha kidobnák a Deutsches Museumot a helyéről, mert az aktuális bajor ipari miniszter bele akar kőtözni. Észveszejtő. Mindenesetre a Hadtörténeti további sorsa végképp homály. A Közlekedésit egyszerűen eldózerolták. Először azzal a dumával jöttek, hogy a tetejit le kell bontani, mert vissza akarják csinálni a millenniumi cirkusz papundekli kupolláját a tetejére. A vonatokat, buszokat meg majd leviszik lifttel a pincébe. A hozzáértők és hozzá nem értők magától értetődő pampogására, hogy az, izé, nem olyan egyszerű, ner-kompatibilis volt a válasz: kuss. Eldózerolták, majd gondolkodni kezdtek, hogy most aztán mi a f.szt csináljanak. Mit, mit, hát a közlekedésügyi főmókusuk, Vitézy ötletére rendeltek egy nyilvánvalóan soha meg nem valósuló grandiózus tervet egy impi építésztől. Aki fejből tudja a menetrendet, csak tudja, kitől kell múzeumtervet rendelni. Terv van, múzeum nincs, van viszont a hűlt helyén osb-lapokkal kerített kavics, azt őrzi a Valton Szekuriti a mi pénzünkön. A én kedvenceim, aztán a gyerekeimmel a kedvenceink a Közlekedési, a Hadtörténeti, a Mezőgazdasági, a Néprajzi és a Természettudományi voltak. Azt hiszem nem nagyon múlt el olyan iskola- vagy óvodaév közbeni hétvége, hogy valamelyikbe be ne néztünk volna. A Közlekedésibe bérletünk is volt mindig. Az olyan príma volt, hogy a nagyfiammal kiskorában minden áldott hétvégén el kellett oda sétálni, attól fogva, hogy járni tudott. Marcika, merre menjünk sétálni? Kögylekedétyibe!!! És csillogott a szeme. Sose felejtem el. Ez mára mind nincs. Ezek a barmok, állatok, sötét, kultúragyűlölő balfaszok mindet elpusztították. És a ner többi borzalmas örökségéhez hasonlóan ki tudja mikor lesz képes egy esetleg egyszer elkövetkező jobb kor helyreállítani őket. Tippem, hogy abba az állapotukba, amiben mondjuk 2005-ben voltak, kb. soha. Sötét, sötét társaság. A legsötétebb bunkók uralma. (Kecskés Márton, Facebook)
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aphrodeiities · 8 months ago
𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔶 𝔲𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔲𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢
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paid chart readings are open!
paid intuitive readings are open!
synastry readings will be open soon!
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♇ in a synastry reading, the planet [uranus] person, might feel weird or uncomfortable around the house person, or might find the house person to be weird.
♇ the two of them could meet at an erratic time or event.
♇ if not careful, the uranus person could be easily influenced by the house person.
♇ uranus person can easily get an inkling that the house person wants to be friends with them.
♇ uranus person could change the house person's ideas or mindet.
♇ uranus person might change how they behave when the house person is around.
♇ in the synastry chart, the uranus person could think the house person is very extreme with how they feel about them, [the planet person], or could think whatever they do is intense.
♇ uranus person could sometimes get impatient with the house person.
♇ this overlay in a synastry reading could make the uranus person want to help the house person to become more individualistic.
♇ uranus person could also think that the house person wants to change them to fit how they see them.
♇ the planet person can/might introduce the house person to other people, as uranus is the planet of connections.
♇ uranus person could sometimes feel like they make the house person excited, is an indication of being best friends.
♇ within this synastry reading, the house person might think the uranus person is eccentric, or they're just different compared to anyone else they've seen.
♇ the house person could also think that the uranus person just lives different, like marches to the beat of their own drum.
♇ they would think the uranus person lives freely, someone who likes to come up with new ideas as well.
♇ the house person cold also feel like the planet person inspires them to be themselves. badly aspected, could mean house person could think planet person is corny.
♇ house person could think that uranus person is distant with them, could have unreachable energy.
♇ though, house person could also start copying uranus person, style, lingo etc.
♇ house person could want to introduce the planet person to other people, their friends etc, could go both ways.
♇ this overlay is an indicator of either have very similar or very different tastes in things.
♇ house person could get intuitive downloads about uranus person, like gut-feelings etc.
♇ is an indicator of meeting online.
♇ house person could want everything uranus planet has.
♇ this overlay is an indicator of stroking the planet person's ego.
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synastry uranus in the houses masterlist
synastry masterlist
paid chart readings are open!
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remelemmostmaraholdonlaksz · 3 months ago
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ma betevedtem egy boltba es elallt a szavam a karacsonyfa disz kinalattol. le sem lehetett mindent lefenykepzeni, annyi fele volt.
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ajtostolahazba · 3 months ago
Tegnap a terápián az ex-1 került szóba. Megkérdezte a pszichológus, hogy milyen érzéseim vannak iránta. Előbb nem akartam elmondani, de erősködött, hogy kimondva talán máshogy érzek majd. így az abban a pillanatban eszembe jutó összes negatív jelzőt felsoroltam, és határozottan mondhatom, hogy az érzés, ami előjön vele kapcsolatban mindig, az a düh, a gyűlölet és a harag. Érdekes volt ráeszmélni, hogy 2-3 irányított kérdéssel hogyan lehet teljesen új perspektívából nézni dolgokat. Pédául, hogy miért várom, hogy úgy viselkedjen, mint egy normális ember, ha az elmúlt 34 évben képtelen volt rá? Vagy felismerni a mintát, hogy a gyerekeim ellen elkövetett verbális aljasságoktól való ösztönös védelem hogyan kapcsol be nálam, amikor a két éves unokámat akarom megvédeni az ő nárcisztikus, követelőző, de csak biológiai alapon követelt nagypapa szerepétől. És hogy miért van szükségem erre a haragra, miért érzem, hogy kell, hogy minden ellenem és a lányok ellen elkövetett szemétsége elleni tiltakozásom testet kell, hogy öltsön ebben a zsigeri gyűlöletben... ma este a sors fintoraként ő és én, mi ketten fogunk vigyázni Ádira. Ő egyedül alkalmatlan, nem tudja ellátni, nem is érti, nem is ismeri, így ott leszek én is, hogy tulajdonképpen Ő csak végig asszisztálja, ahogyan lefektetem Ádit. Vissza nem térő alkalom lenne elmondani neki mindent, mindet, amit gondolok. Hogy tönkretett, hogy kihasznált, megalázott..Hogy a mai napig leszarja a gyerekeit, hogy leszarja Ádit is, de követeli a szeretetet, amiért semmit nem tesz az égvilágon. És mindenki hibás, ha hozzá nem szalad oda a gyerek, ha nem ismeri, ha nem tőle vár vígasztalást amikor sír, pedig fennen hangoztatja, hogy ő nagypapa, de idén pl.csak 4x sikerült meglátogatnia az unokáját, az utolsó látogatása óta a gyerek beszél. 1 hónap Korfu, 3 hét Egyiptom, utazgatások, hobbi-építkezés, mert lóvé az van persze, ebből áll az élete, erre mindre van idő. Ő kijelentette, hogy élni akar, róla a gyereknevelés letelt( mintha valaha is része lett volna az életének a gyereknevelés), mindenki baszódjon meg... Szóval nem tudom mit érnék el vele, ha ma este négyszemközt elmondanám neki, hogy mekkora egy fasz, nem tudom van-e értelme egyáltalán mondani neki bármit. De lehet, hogy magam miatt megérné. Lehet, hogy nem miatta kell kimondanom, hanem magam miatt... Nem tudom...asszem most hagyom az ösztöneimet dolgozni.
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litteraturhistorikeren · 6 days ago
Jeg er på vej tilbage til Belgien i Flixbus, endnu en lang rejse over land. Jeg talte i telefon med den finske bartender i to timers tid, og så afsluttede jeg opkaldet, på en noget mærkværdig og pludselig måde, hvilket han også fangede, tror jeg.
Men det var, fordi jeg spurgte ham, om han er enig med min mor i, at jeg har forandret mig det sidste halve års tid; hvortil han svarede, at ja, jeg er blevet mere alvorlig og seriøs siden da. At da jeg kom til Finland i januar, havde jeg nok en mere naiv, “child-like” glæde og tiltro til andre.
Det ramte mig, som havde han hældt en sæk mursten ned over mig; at jeg har en ny version af mig selv at sørge over. Fordi jeg har mistet hende. Jeg mistede ikke bare vores forhold og drømme, da han knuste mit hjerte i sommers; jeg mistede også den version af mig selv, som helhjertet havde troet og håbet på de drømme, den romantiker, der var flyttet til Finland for kærligheden, som var villig til at sætte sine egne behov og personlige drømme til side for “vores”.
Og jeg sad med ham i telefonen og tænkte: og du dræbte hende. Du dræbte den version af mig.
Da jeg så ham i sidste måned, vendte alle følelserne tilbage; sorgen, vreden, men også kærligheden. Eller måske mindet, et ekko om den forelskelse, jeg så længe forbandt med ham.
For lige nu føles det ikke, som om jeg elsker ham længere. Det føles, som om jeg langt om længe har givet slip på den del af mig, der hang fast; for det gik langt om længe op for mig, at den del af mig ikke er styrende for, hvem jeg er længere.
Om fem uger rejser jeg tilbage til Finland for at bo der i fem måneder, men hvor er jeg dog glad for, at jeg tog den beslutning uafhængigt af ham; jeg tager ikke tilbage for ham, men for min kærlighed til landet selv, for mine venner og for den by, jeg sådan forelskede mig i for snart to år siden.
Det peger hen imod, at jeg om en måneds tid må fortælle den finske bartender, at vi ikke skal prøve at finde sammen igen, som jeg ellers overvejede så kraftigt, da vi sås i Belgien i sidste måned. Og som han så gerne vil, med høje løfter om, hvordan han vil ændre sig.
Sagen er, at han ikke har ændret sig siden da. Men det har jeg.
Jeg siger ikke, at det bliver nemt, men jeg har en stærk fornemmelse af, at dette forår bliver mit farvel til dét kapitel af mit liv.
Det er tid til noget nyt, og jeg glæder mig til at se, hvad denne nye (forhåbentligt klogere, visere og forbedrede) version af mig kan (og vil).
Jeg faldt for en Peter Pan, og jeg har langt om længe forladt Ønskeøen.
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vonatozzunkorokkeeeeee · 2 months ago
Here is a sideblog if you want to write or look at my wilder pictures. I gathered them all in one place. Thanks for your attention. 💕💕
Itt egy sideblog ha írni akarsz vagy nézni a vadabb képeimet. Egy helyre összeszedtem mindet. Köszi a figyelmet. 💕💕
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zeroz2ro · 3 months ago
377 / 0
Ha nem ad kegyelmet, nem tud hibázni!
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loganwalkerz · 30 days ago
Tw: kidnapping it's fed logan x Keegan so shocker
Keegan doesn't remember what exactly had happened, one second he was by Merricks side trying to stop the federation from raiding their base. He remembers Kick yelling before something hit his head and his vision was dark.
Where Keegan woke up was another issue, usually the pup man wouldn't find a dirty battle field an issue. It wouldn't of been the first time he's passed out in one, sand viper mission is the perfect example.
But now Keegan wasn't on the field. He was in some cell of sorts, one that looked like a pit with bars over the top. It looked like what Elias described contained Rorke when he was taken by the feds.
It was not the place that Keegan wanted to be and yet he has no choice in the matter, rubbing his head trying to gain some sort of consciousness and maybe some sort of guide on what the fuck to do. But from what Keegan could tell there was literally no way out without either a ladder or some help.
And the guest who arrived doesn't seem very willing to help. Keegan was expecting Rorke or maybe one of the federation lackeys to come in, spit some venom and torture him. The same way they did with Rorke but to him. He hasn't once thought he'd be met eye to eye with someone he was convinced was long dead, maybe Keegan should've realised that when the federation takes someome they don't really die.
Although Logan here may as well be, he hadn't seen Keegan in a while and both of them were currently looking rough. Although Keegan a little rougher than the state Logan was in, wearing the feds uniform with a grumpy scowl on his face at the mere sight of Keegan.
Keegan wasn't too sure why Logan looked so angry, but he could definitely guess a few things. The federation aren't exactly known for their kindness and he could only imagine the things that Logan has been through in the span of being taken and to now whatever he is now.
Keegan was staring at Logan with a wide eyed stare not wanting to believe that he was the one keeping him in there, most likely the federation right? Logan was brainwashed. He didn't want this, he was just convinced he was, right? It's not like Keegan could tell Logans thoughts but Keegan was sure this wasn't his friend.
Logan hadn't been the same man for months so least Keegan got that correct, and it's not like Logan exactly hates who he is now. His body became the coffin for his older self, buried the man deep inside never to return. The only funeral was a celebration by the Federation for another successful brainwashing.
Logan wasn't quite sure who he was angry at more, the federation for being successful or at the Ghosts for letting him get tortured. Remembering all the chances they had to come save him, literally Imagining Hesh fighting the stupid handlers away from him to help Logan get free. But Logan was never free, he was either under his father's burdens or under Rorkes. And without his father he had no other choice for the answer to now be Rorkes.
Before Logan had became apart of the federation he had already taken on some sort of responsibility over Keegan, his teammates who was a pup hybrid.
Logan liked Keegan, he thought he was a cool chill guy. He didn't seem as needy or as sensitive as most pup hybrids that Logan had met, despite that being very few he was impressed with how independent Keegan was. He almost admired it, he would never admit that but still. He thought Keegan was impressive for his species. He wanted to be like Keegan, tough and strong yet silent.
Maybe thats why after the federation had gotten a hold of him, he began to think more differently. His thought process hasn't changed too much, he still found Keegan impressive but his mindet wasn't to be like Keegan anymore.
No instead Logans new mindset was to learn how to break Keegan, find the ways to make him act like the hybrids that Logan had done so much research about.
He could've copied Rorke's methods, shoving Keegan into the pit but Logan finds Rorke's methods..faulty
But this was an opportunity for Logan, one that could make being the "bad guy" worth something other than Rorkes approval. Maybe he could get some benefits after all, that Rorke had left this as some sort of gift? It would make sense since Logan was owned a lot, saving Rorkes ass and proof checking the paperwork. He's surprised Rorke got this far, he's dumber than he looks.
Logan just stares back at Keegan cold eyes tracing up and down his body taking in every curve, eyes landing on the puppy ears on Keegans head. A slight grin on his face but nothing was funny here, there was no humour.
"Didn't think we'd capture a wild mutt but it's nice to see something different"
Logan hums to himself as he reached and pinched the tip of Keegans ears giving a slight tug to watch Keegan try wince away only to be held by the rope. Logan suddenly found this a lot more entertaining, the grumpy behaviour before gone knowing that this is what he got to work with.
Of course Logan knew that Keegan was a puppy boy when he first originally joined the Ghosts, it was honestly pretty obvious. But at the time logan took no clear interest in the hybrid because well..he had a lot of other things to be paying attention too! But now Logan has all the time in the world to mess and train Keegan. He has all the time to break him down and rebuild him as something more..to Logans taste.
So over a few weeks to months Logan came by every day for hours to mess with Keegans head, even bringing the bodies of some of the Ghosts to remind Keegan that no one is coming to save him. That he is officially under the federation but that Logan can give Keegan a choice
"You can join me. Get out of this cell and be at my side. I'll take you with me home, I'll give you a bath. As long as you promise to be obedient"
Logan grunts holding a collar in his hands, staring down at Keegan with a firm expression as he grabs his chin forcing Keegan to look up at him.
And Keegan is a mess, tears rolling down his cheeks making a mess of his old war paint. Tear streaks running through as the reality of the situation was really hitting Keegan, that he was alone in this. His options were to join Logan or rot and die in this cage alone. And Keegan doesn't want to die alone, not when Logan has managed to pleased the puppy headspace he has.
Keegan had sworn to never break as a ghost but yet there he was hands tied behind his back, chin resting in the hand of the enemy as he pathetically sobs. The reality that he needs Logan now, no other man had visited him and Keegan wonders if anyone even knows where Logans keeping him. If Keegan wants a chance to survive then he needs to trust Logan, and despite his body screaming at him he stared up to make eye contact.
Logan gave a slight 'tsk' seeing the tears in Keegans eyes and he shakes his head down at him. Thumb tracing Keegans lip
"Stop crying. You were given a choice. Join me or I'm leaving you alone, here, in this cell"
Logan huffs as Keegan desperately tried to clamper closer to Logan, learning that it's better to not speak. That being nothing but a dog has gotten him farther. Moving closer a silent beg for Logan to not leave him there, the way the team left Logan.there all those years ago.
This is how he can repay Logan right? From all the trauma? All the scars? The ones Logan had shown him, the ones the federation painted Logans body with. All because Keegan wasn't fast enough, he didn't try. So this is what he maybe deserves.
That doesn't mean though Keegan didn't try fighting at first, originally before the more obedient state Keegan was feisty. The first time Logan had tried putting his hands near Keegans mouth Keegan acted in retaliation, Keegan goes to try and bite at Logans hand, a warning nip at most but even then Logan doesn't put up with such bad behaviour. Two fingers in Keegans mouth purposefully triggering the gag reflex as Logan sighs with feigned disappointment
"Such a bad mutt..you're lucky I don't pull these teeth of yours out, make you a proper pup. All gummy"
Logan scoffed as he watched Keegans eyes widened and fluffy dog ears flatten back against his head. A look of fear on Keegans face as he gags around Logans fingers which were still in his throat.
Logan remembers that day very well as It was the first sign of Keegan finally breaking down, and he loves it. Watching Keegan become a mess slowly under Logans hands. Plans working good, almost too good but Logan didn't have to worry about Keegan escaping. Not with the other man completely dependant on him, especially the puppy side to him.
Logan has the pup boy wrapped around his pretty little finger, having Keegan in a mental space where he couldn't disobey Logan.
And whenever Keegan begins to think too much about the past his pretty lil tears begin to form as he's sat between Logans legs cheek against his thigh, a soft pout on his face unable to understand why his head feels so clouded as Logan gently rubs under Keegans chin the way you would to a puppy
"Poor thing, just so sad today aren't you? Too many big thoughts for your small head. Such a stupid puppy aren't you? Yes you are~"
Logan purrs, degrading the poor pup man who's too stupid to even understand the degrading due to the high pitch tone Logan used. Keegan thought he's being praised despite, thinks Logan is calling him something else. Only Logan knows otherwise and he plans on keeping it that way. Logan works hard on keeping Keegan at a obedient headspace, leaving Keegan yearning for praise and attention from Logan. He will keep Keegan yearning for Logan's validation and the need for Logans presence. Logan works hard to make sure Keegan craves him. And he does a damn good job at it. Leaving Keegan wanting and waiting for more, unknown to when the time will come or if it ever will that he'll be Logans and Logan will be his.
Logan knows the answer, and that's only whats important. That Logan knows it, because dumb pups like Keegan don't need to know anything. Nothing at all other than who their owner is and who to respond too. And from Logan's perspective? Keegan knows that very well. Between his legs obediently spending his day at Logans legs.
Logan has what he wants and Keegan doesn't even seem fully aware of How's he's acting, the only discipline he would get was a tap to the nose like one would scold a pup with. Maybe a rough tap to the hip too, keeping Keegan aware of who he belongs to and his status below Logan.
Keegan isn't his own being anymore but rather Logan's new mutt. Without Riley, Logan needed a replacement right? Now Logan has his new pup. And this one is his own. Keegan is Logans. But Logan is just Keegans master and he makes sure Keegan is very aware of that
Even then Keegans stupid puppy brain holds onto the hope for something more, maybe thats was apart of Logans tricks. Whenever Keegan begins to think too much his pretty lil tears begin to form as he's sat between Logans legs cheek against his thigh, a soft pout on his face unable to understand why his head feels so clouded as Logan gently rubs under Keegans chin the way you would to a puppy
Logan knows the answer, and that's only whats important. That Logan knows it, because dumb pups like Keegan don't need to know anything. Nothing at all other than who their owner is and who to respond too. And from Logan's perspective? Keegan knows that very well. Between his legs obediently spending his day at Logans legs.
And if Rorke tried to pay too much attention? Great, Logan brings up Rorke and Elias affair back when Logan's mother was alive. Usually shuts him up.
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oldmacykerenew · 11 months ago
Beindult a “biznic”.
Ma az edzom leadott 10 tyukocskara rendelest, plusz 3 nyuszis kosarra :D A kozmetikusom 3 tyukocskat ker. A fodraszom egy nyuszit es maaajd kesobbre 1 olyan autot, amilyen az ove (vagy legalabb olyan kekben :D)
Kaptam egy uzit ismerostol, hogy nagyon szeretne a gyerekeinek egy oroszlant es egy hosszuszarnyu balnat alvokanak Husvetra….
Azt, hogy hogy fogom mindet teljesiteni, meg nem tudom, mert eleg lassu vagyok egyelore, de megoldom 😀🤭
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jils-things · 9 months ago
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Hi, hope you don't mind me doing this, but, Rhys with questions 2 & 7 for the S/I ask game.
this is the most recent ask i got this like minutes ago but im answering this asap because rhys bb HEEEHEHEHE i absolutely do not mind, im very happy!
2. when in canon does your self insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
this po.kepasta is centered around carmine's downfall, so rhys has always been there his whole life - a major inspiration to carmine. but for the sake of the pasta ill cut straight to the HORROR(tm). rhys enters the story when he realizes that his brother is missing - just like the rest of the victims in kanto. he fears for his wellbeing and tries to find someone who is aware of the issue (who is redwoo.d, theyre acquainted) and redwo.ods most recent rumor of seeing the ghost is at that abandoned pok.ecenter and they both went off to find it.
which they do, watching ghost torturing poor carmine to hell and back and it's even hard to tell if carmine's moving, or its just the puppeteering movements doing it. it angered rhys to the core and he wanted to battle ghost even if it meant hurting himself. he's a champion, he's got this, right? right? ....
7. would any other characters (besides your f/o) have a crush on your self insert?
this. is gonna be so funny to answer.
SO. rhys. is ALSO MY F/O 🔥🔥🔥 (paired with layla). BUT I ALSO HAVE A FRIEND (hallo 🐷) WHO HAD AN OC TO PAIR WITH HIM BECAUSE THEY REALLY LIKED RHYS HEHEJAHEJAHJA but it's dormant for now but personally i would point at that oc to crush on him and i definitely support it as much as rhyla HEEEHEEHEE. the story has little to no characters as well so i dont think i can properly pick WHO could be crushing on rhys hehehe
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