#milton dammers headcanon
babbling-idiot · 6 months
Can you please do hc's of Shepherd (would you rather), Herbert West, Johnathan (evil clergymen), Crawford (from beyond) and any other Jeffrey Combs character with a s/o who is non binary and also emo/alt?
(When you said emo/alt I assume you meant the clothing style? I hope that's right or else I'll feel like a real dumbass. I'm ignorant to some things so please excuse me if I have it all wrong.)
Shepard Lambrick:
First off lets just start with the fact that he loves your style
He loves you in general
He doesn't mind that your nonbinary
He is probably one of the few people you could go to about your problems
Especially when you are having a hard time with your clothing choices
He doesn't want you to feel intimidated by the game
He would love it for you to come and watch one of these times but doesn't want to pressure you on it
If you do decide to join him one night he would be ecstatic
He would introduce you to the group and to Julian
Julian is very understanding of you in general but since Julian is an asshole, he doesn't talk to you or anyone for that matter
Shepard hates this and will "force" Julian to communicate with you and everyone around
He does it out of love
Herbert West:
Loves that you don't care about what people think
He too could care less about other people
He does on an odd level trust you with every bit of information he has
He barley trusts Dan with every smidge of info he has
But its a great thing
He is one of those boyfriends that will kill someone for looking at you odd or saying something wrong
He will do that, put their eyes or tongue in a box with a bow and present it to you like it's his greatest accomplishment
Has a love for you that would outdo any famous poet
Like Shepard he does not mind you being non binary, as long as you are happy
Took him a second to understand what non binary was he is with you 100%
He likes your style though
He is really into the style and would love to see all of it
Thinks you are a work of art to be honest, he fully believes you were sent to him for a reason and you make him such a better person
He literally worships the ground you walk on
Would do anything you asked him to
Though he may have offed himself he still says things like "Death could not keep me away from you."
Calls you sweetheart, darling, hun
A whole bunch of different pet names
Dr Vannavutt:
He is old
He is slow to understanding what exactly non binary is
You have to explain it slowly, word by word
He does eventually get it
Just have mercy on him, he's an old man
He loves seeing people evolving into independent people
Becoming what you feel inside and he supports that shit
Honestly would love it if you could explain everything to him one of these day
Like all of the different genders people are
He would love to learn all of them so he can have all the info
So he can at least be on the same level, at least generationally
Thinks the clothing is odd though
He does get it but its not his favorite but definitely likes it on you
Thinks you are beautiful and thinks that you are the only one that can pull the style off
My god he has so much to learn, so much has changed its gonna make his head spin
John Reilly:
He loves it all
He is just so hypnotized by you
He cant explain the feeling he has
But he can explain in detail how much he loves you
You being non binary and having the style you have is just icing on the cake
He just wants you and you being who you are and being able to express it in your own way makes him swoon for you over and over again
He's an old fashioned kind of guy, so expect doors to be opened, candlelit dinners, walks in the park (literally), and hand kisses
He loves being cliché and finds it absolutely beautiful when you blush at one of his actions
Milton Dammers:
Let's be serious here, he was horrified of you the first time he saw you
Your style scared him but the second he met you and talked to you he was in love
He knows you are non binary and loves that
You are always so patient with him and he loves that
He believes that throughout his career that every moment has lead to him meeting you
Now has the want to make you happy all the time
So don't be shocked if you find a home cooked meal
And yes he burnt it once before because he is used to the microwave
He really likes it when you take him with you on shopping sprees
He never gets himself anything he just loves watching you get excited about clothing and the joy that crosses your face when you find a good piece
It honestly gives him immense joy watching you be happy
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lightofthemoonglow · 2 years
Who I Write For
Jason Voorhees
Michael Myers (OG and RZ)
Thomas Hewitt
Carrie White
Norman Bates
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Herbert West
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Tiffany Valentine
Crawford Tillinghast
Leslie Vernon
Marty Mikalski (from The Cabin in the Woods)
Milton Dammers
Ash Williams
Peter Strahm
Amanda Young
Also, if someone isn’t on the list, ask me and I’ll see what I can do.
What I Write
Those alphabet meme things
Short fics
Probably other stuff
If I reblog one of those prompt lists, something off that. If you see one of those and it looks cool, send it my way!
Both SFW and NSFW things
Age gaps are fine, as long as all characters are over 18.
Here is a link to my rules re: ‘spicy’ material
Here is a link to the tag on my blog that’s for prompt lists I love. If you send in a request for one of those, please specify the list. 
Also, very important: this is a blog where by default, the reader is not white. Why? Because I am a human smoothie and this is my blog.
What I Won’t Write
Eating disorder or body image related requests (due to being in recovery in regards to something in that department)
If a request is very, very specific may take some time to write due to me trying to fit everything into the piece.
Anything to do with/related to clowns. Why? Because I hate them.
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Fight(ing) Headcannons:
Lester Sinclair:
Why? Why would you even ask her this? She doesn’t want to touch him, much less fight him unless he’s showered or she has her fancy water bo (it’s a staff, yes she occasionally pretends to be Donatello- the mutant turtle, not the Renaissance artist). She has absolutely no contact with any of the Sinclairs unless something hinky happens/is predicted to happen to a member of the magical community. If she does end up in Ambrose, her prerogative is getting who or whatever got stuck there out unharmed. Then it’s fight time.
Immortal or not, Baird is still assigned to The Library by NATO and still retains her rank as Colonel. She’s breaking in to get people and get them out safely. Then she’ll take out Lester. Flynn, immortal or not, will try to Librarian himself out of the situation. It will work, but you should probably send someone with him to expedite the process. Will fight if necessary. Not good at it though. Sending Jake, Cassie, or Ezekiel (aka people who are relatively easy to kill) is a bad idea. Cassie can math her way out, and will probably choke Lester if she can get her hands on him. She does not have a good track record of sneaking. Jake can and will fight, might be slightly disarming because of his Oklahoman accent. Ezekiel will be extra annoying because there’s no WiFi or fun shiny things to steal. Jenkins never leaves The Library. Unless there’s vampires involved. And that was one (1) time.
Vincent Sinclair:
Siren doesn’t want to fight Vincent either. It’s not his fault (or as much his fault) that his brother is an asshole. She will fight him, but will probably just knock him out and not kill him. Unless he’s already hurt someone from The Library or whoever she’s trying to get out of Ambrose. Then it’s game on. She could get in and out of town unnoticed and probably would if possible. Tries very hard not to break his sculptures. Might leave him art supplies sometimes if no one figured out she was there. Definitely tries to convince The Library to put up wards to keep people away. Unfortunately they can’t because Ambrose and its residents have nothing to do with magic.
Baird may fight him, Flynn would again try to Librarian himself out, Cassie is adorable but they’re trying to get her to stop casting spells so she’d probably try and run. Ezekiel is not built for fighting- hiding things and stealing? Yes. Fighting? No. Jake would only fight if necessary.
Bo Sinclair:
Oh my goddess she would fight this man so hard he would die before her first punch made contact. He’s slightly attractive but that excuses nothing about masterminding a wax death trap. Or being mean to his brother. Mostly it’s the wax though. Still tries to avoid being seen during any and all rescue operations.
Baird would also fight him but can’t kill with one punch as a mortal. Immortal she probably could. Flynn definitely would fight him but since there’s no swords he hopes he can find a crowbar. Jake would have a slight upper hand. Cassie might end up in the chair but could definitely get herself out. Don’t send Ezekiel unless you feel like using the tunnels to get out. Jenkins would run Bo through with a sword but that would be too nice of an end for him. You have to earn the right to die by the hand of Galahad (one of Jenkins’ many names, he was, in fact, a Knight of the Round Table).
Herbert West:
She likes science guys, he’s a little weird, definitely doesn’t fight him. Will ruin his batches of Re-Agent though. Mostly ends up fighting his reanimated projects. Wishes he would stop for five minutes so she could have a drink of water please and thank you.
Baird gets a headache from the fumes. Mostly does avoidance maneuvers. Flynn and Cassie could probably figure out why the Re-Agent doesn’t return people to their correct state. They are too geeked by the science to fight. Jake is disgusted, but at least it’s not magic. Probably decapitates a reanimated corpse. Ezekiel would not be interested in this. Do not send him unless absolutely necessary. He can’t fight, that’s what the Guardians are for! Jenkins does not have time for this. Will want Herbert’s research to use for a completely different use though. They may become research friends just leave them alone in thier labs please.
Dan Cain:
Nobody fights this guy. They may try to get him some therapy. Mostly they try and stop the mobile corpses from destroying everything.
Meg Halsey:
Nobody fights her either. They try and protect her (and Dan, to an extent) from the locomotive flesh bags and will definitely find her a good therapist. And possibly a guy that doesn’t try to put her heart in a Franken-corpse.
Jason Vorehees:
He’s a very good tennant and a special stabby man. There is no fighting. His mother’s blood sacrifice did resurrect him, so when that happened The Librarian at the time bought Camp Crystal Lake and left it in his will to The Library (through some fake holding companies). They didn’t have the Back Door (it goes anywhere on Earth there’s a door) then, so they could never visit. Once they get the Back Door and things quiet down a bit, they put up wards to try and keep people away. It works for the most part. Jason is basically adopted and they try and socialize him a bit. It’s a slow process.
Michael Myers:
Siren in a fight with Michael is a draw unless she has the original script for Halloween that she can suck him back into. Michael can only be summoned on Halloween and only gets to stay in this plane for the entirety of October 31st. The goal each time is to summon him first and then suck him back into the script for another year. If someone else summons him they do try and corral him as best they can to minimize the body count until they can get him back in the script.
Jenkins, Baird, and Flynn can all fight and keep him at bay until someone can find the script. Mortal Baird and Flynn should probably not approach. Cassie, Jake, and Ezekiel should DEFINITELY not go anywhere near him. Siren can die so she’s not the best choice but if none of the immortals are there she’s the first option.
Billy Loomis:
She can stop him without fighting him. Probably might get a couple hits in to try and knock some sense into his stupid head. Tries to keep him from killing people. He’s not magical though so unless he hurts/is predicted to hurt the magical community in some way she has no involvement.
Baird would try to mom him out of it. Still might fight him but there’s no way she can’t win. Flynn is just weird uncle vibes. He’s not doing any fighting. Jake could fight him but only if Billy doesn’t have a knife unless Billy actually attacks him. Cassie can’t fight but might whack him with a frying pan. Ezekiel? Where did he run off to? And just where did that tripwire come from? Jenkins would only fight if necessary. The likelihood of no one else stopping him is practically zero.
Stu Macher:
Again, can win without fighting. Would take him for burgers and life advice. Probably leaves him with her grandma for a home cooked meal. The Aunties will check in when they remember. No one from The Library is getting involved with this unless there’s something/someone magical that could get hurt by this. If he can do the Shaggy voice that’s also a free pass to not dying. Everyone else is the same as they are for Billy but they are a bit more supportive with the whole ‘you need a better friend’ thing. Will fight him but they really don’t want to.
Freddy Krueger:
Siren can’t fight him because her brain can’t be controlled by Freddy awake or asleep. He cannot summon her or appear in her dreams. If she could fight him she would wipe the floor with him.
Jenkins, Baird, and Flynn don’t sleep, because they’re immortal so they also can’t fight him. Jenkins and Baird could whoop ass though if they did sleep. Flynn would survive but not win 60% of the time.
Mortal Baird and Flynn have a lesser chance of winning, 70% and 37% respectively. Cassie might have a 60% chance because of the retained magic, but Jake and Ezekiel have 40% chance each. Jake because he can actually fight and Ezekiel because he’s unpredictable.
No fighting unless she gets possessed by a demon. Siren wants to borrow her hair (and clothes). Or maybe get hers to look like that at some point. Is that Manic Panic dye? Might teach her a couple moves. Maybe.
No fighting, Siren and the immortal crew will try and help him with his Sumarian ‘tattoos’. Siren has doctor friends that specialize in demon birthing and aftercare so she’ll definitely set up an appointment for him. Cassie thinks he’s adorable and might try to pet his hair. Jake will practice sparring and try to teach him how to get out of holds. Ezekiel wants fish tacos. Jenkins would also like to try a taco but doesn’t need to eat (except for the one time he became mortal but the timeline was reset because of the toaster so he’s actually still immortal).
Ash Williams:
Siren probably wouldn’t fight Ash. He’s been through enough. She might mistake him for Santa from a distance until she realized he didn’t feel right. Since she’s ruled out the possiblity of Santa having a mid version crisis, all that’s left to do is do some reconnaissance. He’s an odd duck for sure but the chainsaw hand is cool. Would definitely offer to take the Necronomicon to The Library and keep it locked up. She’d leave it to Jenkins to do any curse removal though. The only time she WOULD fight Ash is if she was incredibly drunk and thought he stole Santa’s face.
Baird would probably have a beer with Ash, Flynn would try (and fail) to make snacks, Jake Stone would absolutely have a beer with him, Ezekiel would nick a few 45’s and also annoy him accidentally (on purpose), and Cassie would not be enthused about it but would definitely ask interesting questions. Jenkins doesn’t ever leave The Library unless necessary but if he did, he would bring a sword.
Milton Dammers:
You can fight a ghost but nobody would try that with Milton. Siren doesn’t know anything about him until he becomes a ghost. The clippings book only alerts the Librarians (and Guardians) to new threats, so evil murder ghosts only show up once. The Library also had limited resources when this happened, so if this wasn’t the most pressing thing at the time, it got ignored. Now that they have more people, they can cover the backlog of cases. Milton is still himself even while ghosty, so he’s probably terrified of her. Especially once he finds out she’s not (fully) human. She’s definitely not the one to help him move on if needed.
Cassie did retain some magic from the storybook incident and is fully human. Plus she’s adorable. He’s more comfortable around her but Cassie can’t see or hear ghosts. Baird has the same problem but has no residual magic if she’s still human. If she’s immortal, she might be able to see him. Flynn is the same as Baird, but at least his not female self won’t make Milton have a panic attack. Jenkins can definitely see ghosts, but is a grumpy old man with terrible bedside manner. He does make good tea though. Jake is at least less grating than Ezekiel can sometimes be. Neither can see ghosts. Milton might know about Ezekiel’s second top secret FBI file. Ezekiel did convince Frankenstein’s Monster to not murder, see a dermatologist, and signed him up for Tinder. That’s working out well. Ezekiel might actually be the best choice to help Milton.
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deepspacedukat · 3 years
Current Requests
These are the requests I have received and am currently working on. I’ll update this post as needed, so if there’s a question of whether tumblr ate your ask, please check here first. These are what I have currently, NOT NECESSARILY THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY WILL BE POSTED.
Last Updated: 4/18/24
Fic/Drabble Requests:
- Damar (ST:DS9): Smutty sequel to “Tiny Dancer.” (Anon request) - Preliminary Title “Warm Me Up”
- Kov (ST:ENT): Pon Farr smut. (Anon request) - Preliminary Title “Calm Veneer”
- Q (ST:TNG/DS9/VOY): Paris smut (Requested by android-boyfriends) - Preliminary Title “Paris or Bust”
- Malcolm Reed (ST:ENT): Request was for anything, so this will be a comfort fic (Anon request) - Preliminary Title “Restorative Properties”
- Keevan (ST:DS9): Artsy s/o (anon request) - Preliminary Title “Brushstrokes”
- Gul Madred (ST:TNG): Dark, kinky smut (horta-in-charge) - Preliminary Title “Interrogation”
- Dukat (ST:DS9): Female Vulcan!Reader smut (virtually-vulcan) - Preliminary Title “Armored Contradiction” (potentially more than one chapter, because brain)
- Weyoun (ST:DS9): Smut with glowing eyes (azorastarr) - Preliminary Title “From The Dark”
- Shran (ST:ENT): He tries to teach the reader some Andorian (Anon Request) - Title TBA
- Shran (ST:ENT): He tries to teach the reader Andorian customs (Anon Request) - Title TBA
- Colonel Lovok (ST:DS9): Corrupts Federation officer reader while the two are in Dominion prison (anon request) - Title TBA
- Romulan/Human headcanons: fluffy - I’m doing some general, and some more character-specific. (Anon Request)
- Picard (ST:TNG): His girl is a security officer who likes music/painting, etc. (Anon request) - Title TBA
- Milton Dammers (The Frighteners): Auditory-tactile synesthesia (Anon request) - Title TBA
- Koval (ST:DS9): “Trepidation” style riff but without the established relationship (bigblissandlove1) - Preliminary Title “Catch, Release, Repeat” (2 or 3 parts)
- Major Hayes (ST:ENT): Werewolf AU (horta-in-charge) - Preliminary Title “When All The Moons Are Full”
- Telepathic virus AU (horta-in-charge) - Title TBA
- Q starts an experiment house with multiple characters (bigblissandlove1) - Title TBA (and probably more than one chapter to get the proper effect)
- Shran x Reader x Weyoun - Sharing her for “diplomacy” 👀 (Anon request) - Preliminary Title “Temporary Alliance”
Mini Drabble/Ficlet Requests:
- Kov or Mestral smut (multiple numbers) - Title TBA
- Dukat + 98 +136 smut (Anon request) - Preliminary Title “Beneath”
Plot Bunny WIPs:
- “The Only One” Parts 8-11
- Brunt (ST:DS9): Smut - Don’t look at me like that/I blame Jeff. - Preliminary Title “Everyone Has Their Price”
- Hemmer (ST:SNW): Fluff based off a quote of his - Preliminary Title “To Fix What Is Broken”
- Weyoun (ST:DS9): Defector!Reader serves at Weyoun’s pleasure (smutty of course) - Preliminary Title “Serving”
- Dukat (ST:DS9): Fic based off “Natural” by Imagine Dragons - Preliminary Title “Natural”???
- Weyoun (ST:DS9) + Dukat (ST:DS9): Threesome imagined by some cursed part of my brain and inspired by tagthetrekkie - Preliminary Title “What We Do In The Dark”
- Pre-Surak Soval (ST:ENT): uh...don’t know how to describe this besides smut with mild plot - Preliminary Title “Enantiomers” (multi-chapter)
- Shran & Soval (ST:ENT): 3 way smut after the events of “Kir’shara” - Preliminary Title “Atonement”
- Shran (ST:ENT): Smut based around “Cease Fire” S2E15 - Preliminary Title “Amidst The Ruins”
- Shran (ST:ENT): Pon Farr style Andorian heat inspired by an anon ask - Preliminary Title “Heat”
- Shran (ST:ENT): Secret collab fic with android-boyfriends 👀🤫
- Milton Dammers (The Frighteners): General fluff - Preliminary Title “Special Agent”
- Sumner Cavic (Urgency): Smut - Preliminary Title “Hey, Neighbor”
- Admiral Savar (ST:TNG): Plot TBA - Preliminary Title “First And Foremost”
- Mirror!Shran (ST:ENT): Smut, a lil fluff, and a lot of emotions (3-ish chapters) - Preliminary Title “Mirror, Mirror On The Wall...”
- Letant (ST:DS9): Chin’toka continuation (multiple chapters) - Preliminary title “Romulus” (Ch. 1 Title “Temrhae (Beginning)“)
- Solok (ST:DS9): “Reluctantly Primal” sequel, ready room smut - Preliminary Title “Personal Report”
- “Praetor’s Pride” Part 6-12?
- Dukat (ST:DS9): Enemies to lovers, captive/captor (multiple chapters) - Preliminary Title “Captive”
- Letant, Koval, Vreenak, S’Talon: SMUTTY SMUT (inspired by bigblissandlove1) - Preliminary Title “Friendly Competition”
+ About 20 more plot bunny drafts I’m too lazy to add rn. They will be added in due course, but for now, surely this list has enough to keep your thoughts occupied...?
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combsmusings · 4 years
Request for @starmadnessgod
I’m really sorry for the wait, I wanted to make this a lot more than it ended up as and I hope it’s okay! I appreciate you bearing with me! I did what I could!
Herbert West, Crawford Tillinghast and Milton Dammers with a transmasc, Panromantic Demisexual genderfluid partner
Herbert West is the last person in the world to be concerned with this, he’s definitely not straight (or honestly cis to my mind) so he’s not going to bat an eyelash, other than to maybe ask if you’re interested in T or anything he can help with surgically.
He’s more than comfortable with the demisexuality as well, I completely headcanon him this way romantically and sexually.
He’s also pretty decent with pronouns too, if they fluctuate, he cares more if work gets done than anything else if I’m honest, he’ll correct himself before asking you yet again for the instrument he needs
It’s hard for him to form attachments in general, it’s going to take some work to get there, but once you do you’re stuck with him forever. You’re his lab partner for life.
This boy is not the type to judge or jump to conclusions on anything, (and if he’s straight either is honestly up in the air, as a bi person myself the alarm in my head is going off)
He’s quick to ask about pronouns and takes note of them, also what you’re comfortable wearing and being surrounded by, and is really proud of you for who you are
This man is also more than happy to take things slow before reaching any kind of sexual relationship, it’s a relief to him honestly
He’s subtly romantic and kind, and will take special care to make sure you’re happy and content.
This is a very hurt and damaged man, and if you manage to get close to him, he’s not gonna let go
He’s suffered a lot of abuse, and having someone near him is so healing to his psyche and he couldn’t be happier
Having a transmasc s/o is perfect for him (since low key, I also can imagine him being trans masc as well)
He’s gonna defend you and care for you to the last, defend him in return, a mutual support system would be good for both of you
Watch anyone misgender you and watch him go off, he’s your s/o and also an FBI agent with some power and will not let anyone forget that
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jar-of-ectoplasm · 4 years
I’m SCREAMING!!!!!!! I’m glad you like my writing even though I post like once a month. Here’s some quick headcannons for your boys!!
Herbert West with an S/O that has glasses:
-Herbert is fucking blind without his glasses dude. The only time he ever takes them off is when he’s sleeping or when he’s being dramatic (which is all the time)
-Sometimes he accidentally grabs your glasses instead of his and just goes around like that until somebody (usually Dan) makes a comment about it or you take them back
-If you’re looking around for your glasses and they’re on your head, Herbert will just sit back and watch you wander around looking for them until you realize where they are
-He thinks you losing your glasses is very funny but when he loses his glasses and you laugh about it he gets very pissy (hypocrite)
Milton Dammers with an S/O that has glasses:
-He’s a lot less mean about the whole “glasses on your head when you think you lost them” thing. He’ll just point to your head if you ask where they are, but if you don’t pick up on that Milton will shakily take them off your head and put them back on for you (you may or may not get poked in the eye)
-If he notices your glasses are foggy/dirty, he’ll clean them for you
-If you let him, he’ll try your glasses on just to see what he look like in them (we all know he’d be even more handsome). In return for letting him try on your glasses, he’ll let you wear his coat and it is very big on you
-Whenever you want to try new frames, Milton is right there with suggestions. He knows a whole lot about you and your style so he always has the best recommendations for your glasses
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I’m thinking of opening up requests for headcanons if anyone is interested! I’m not in the practice of writing full fics but I really enjoy brainstorming headcanons for characters and relationships.
Would anyone be interested in this?
I’d most likely be writing for
Herbert West
Crawford Tillinghast
Milton Dammers
And other Jeff characters when I see more of his roles and get a better feel for them
Update: @combsmusings is the new blog I created!
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babbling-idiot · 2 years
How would Milton Dammers react to an s/o who has lots of piercings and tattoos? (And maybe scarification unless you feel that falls under your self harm rule which i totally get if you do)
(Yes, that is included in my rule and thank you for understanding, i hope you enjoy this non the less!)
Milton honestly was horrified of you for the first few times he saw you
He honestly didn't really pay attention to what the tattoos were exactly, and your piercings were the exact same
You look quite scary in a way with the piercings and such
But the moment that changed was when he was in the store
He was walking down an aisle and bumped into you, you were polite to him, excusing yourself for bumping into the man and you smiled at him
His view on you changed immediately
He continued to run into you on occasion and every time you were just as happy to see him like the last and all the times before 
The next time he sees you is when he was walking his way from the parking lot to the police station and bumps into you again
This time he very curious as to why you were there
Of course, the only reason is because you found out he worked at the police station and wanted to ask him out for coffee
When you revealed this to him, he was very shocked, and could barely wrap his brain around the fact you wanted to get coffee with him
So, he shakes his head yes and suggest to you the time of when he gets off for his break
Sometime later you guys go on a date and it goes very well
You guys go on quite a few more after that, after finding that you both like each other a lot
He loves that you don't care what other people think about all of the tattoos and piercings
He especially loves it when a kid come up to you and ask questions and you of course being polite and answering the questions 
Smiling at them and them smiling right back
He really sees how great you are and loves that about you
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babbling-idiot · 3 years
Milton Dammers
The Frighteners
S/o who is non binary and emo/alt
Milton Dammers Headcanon: S/o with tattoos and piercings
Milton Dammers x reader
Milton Dammers Headcanon: Motherly type s/o
Milton Dammers Prompts: Stealing his sweater
Milton Dammers Hcs: Calling his s/o beautiful for the first time
Milton Prompts: Helping reader with mental issues
Have power over me
Milton with a shy s/o
Milton w/ Bodyworship Hcs
How he reacts to his s/o collecting barbies/dolls
He reacts to his s/o being quiet while in bed Headcanon
NSFW prompt
Only for you
S/o who is taller then him and protective
There for you
S/o react to Milton being a ghost
NSFW Headcanon
Fluff Headcanon
Standing up for Milton
How he reacts to cute and cheesy nicknames
Milton with a touchy-feely s/o
Soft Headcanon
How you meet
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babbling-idiot · 3 years
Milton dammers x reader
Tumblr media
Requested: nope
Warning: slight angst if you squint and some fluff
(So this is something I've been working on and I hope you all enjoy it!)
If only you had known Milton when he was younger. If only you had been there to talk him out of being a cop. If only you had been there to talk him out of taking that case. Maybe you would have been able to save him. Save him from what? The cults, the pain, the torture he endured. Then maybe you would have felt much more at ease. But no. The game of life had figure that you and Milton would only meet after years of pain, loss, loneliness, and sadness. Only then would you meet.
Though Milton didn't believe in God, or at least you didn't think he did. You believed it was God that lead you to each other. Had set up your lives to finally meet and be able to help fix each other. It wasn't just fate, it was the work of God.
When you did meet Milton, he was a rude, introverted, and scared man. He had no interest in being anywhere near someone who was interested in "being" with him. He had had many horrible instances where his "lovers" would use him. He would not be a fool and fall for yet another. He would not make another mistake like all those other times. Even after years of being a man who wore his heart on his sleeve, he changed, after years if abuse. He finally became the closed hearted man he had wished to be.
When he caught feeling for you, he was angry. He wanted to be rude to you to push you away, to scare you away. But you stayed. You stayed by his side even though he would scoff, and turn his nose up at anything you said. He cared, more than anyone in the department but he didn't want to revert back to his old self. He didn't want to get hurt again. So he defended himself. He told himself that no matter how strongly he began to feel for you nothing would break him.
Years. Years of being angry towards you only helped you see through his cold demeanor. You had been told of his past cases and all the things that they overshared on. It told you everything. Even the things you didn't want to know. So, you made it your mission to show him kindness. No matter how he pushed you away. You would always show him kindness no matter what.
It started off small. Little waves with a smile. He would look away with a shake of his head and go the opposite direction. Then it would turn to saying a small hello every morning as you walk by him. He’d ignore you and continue on. Then actually getting him a black coffee. This would change to every other morning as to seeing how he actually wouldn't even touch them on some days. Then came to sitting next to him when your breaks would end at the same time. Moving into lunch as well. Always asking permission first was just something you did. At first he would say no, just like that. With no emotion. Then he actually would say yes. But you would sit at a distance. Across the table from each other. No talking and when break was over you would bid him a wonderful day. Now though you sit with him almost everyday but that could change depending on his mood.
Sometime he would forget to get lunch and you would gladly ask his favorite food. Which would be just plain ham sandwiches. Which you gladly would make for him, you always made two just in case. You would put them in a sealed plastic bag and give it to him at the beginning of the day. This process took a lot longer. He didn't trust you remember. So getting him to eat the food you made was a very hard task. It took a few day of cutting a slice of his sandwich and eating it yourself in front of him to get him to finally try it for himself. When he did eat it though, he acted as if it was the best ham sandwich he had ever had. Which was odd. He always brought his own, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that he liked them.
Now he never said this to anyone nor did he plan to but....he liked you. He liked how nice you were, he liked how you looked at him with that smile. Liked how you looked at him like you weren't weirded out by him. He also like how you didn't mind his past cases. Liked how nice you smelled when you would pass by him. Liked how you would wave and say hi. Liked how you would bring him coffee and lunch. He liked you. He liked you so much he tried to push you away. Now though he doesn't plan to let you go. He enjoys your company, your laugh, your smile, your eyes as they gaze at him. He was infatuated with you and didn't know what to do about it. He was scared, scared like he was a teenage boy all over again. He felt like one too, like he was back in the crowded hallways, talking and commotion going on, and then there's you. You stood out from all the rest. Your smile brightens up the room and all he could focus on was your face. All he wanted to do was kiss you. To run his fingers through your hair and tell you he loves you. But he was scared and had no idea how to tell you.
When the day came that he finally told you, it was on a case. The most awkward and weird times but it was definitely a welcome surprise. You remembered how you had been sat on top of a man whom had been running from you both for a good solid 5 minutes before you finally caught up and tackled him. Milton had been close behind but just not quite faster than you. You had just cuffed the man who was still trying to catch his breath. When you looked up at Milton he was also breathing heavy, but was giving you an odd look. Then he told you. Told you all about how he felt and how much he loved you.
Secretly he had expected you to scoff, and turn away laughing. To tell everyone in the office how ridiculous he is and how stupid he is for thinking he could be with you. But you didn't. You smiled and blushed. Then picked up the man that was running and escorted him to your police car. After sitting him inside you looked back at Milton. You smiled again and then confessed your feeling back to him. He was surprised. He never thought that you'd like him back. He remembers how he felt his cheeks burn. He was so flustered and so happy that nothing could take that moment from him and nothing ever did.
Now he was sat on the couch in the your living room. He thinks back on his memories of you. As he slowly cards his fingers through your hair as you lay your head on his lap. He feels how soft your hair is against his palm. How peaceful you looked as you slept made him feel content. The way you buried your face in his stomach made him want to hug you close. The way you slightly smiled when he ran his fingers through your hair. He wanted to stay in that moment forever. Just watching you sleep, keeping you safe. You were the only person left in his life that cared, that loved him like he wanted to be loved. The only person left that didn't judge him by his past.
He wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. He would quit the FBI if it meant a normal, happy life with you. He wouldn't even think twice about it. He wanted to be with you and have a family with you. Besides the fact that he disliked children, he would gladly have them with you. He wishes that however many children you end up having that they are all like you. This makes you laugh every time. What was wrong with them having something that resembles him? He was a wonderful man when he wasn't working with assholes. But he didn't see that in himself. He never saw the good in himself. But with you he felt like it didn't matter what happened in the past. All he cared about was you. All he could think about on days when he would be alone at his desk, was how highly you speak of him. How you defended him on so many levels. How you always smiled when you brought his name up. 
He loved it, loved that beautiful smile and the way you would squint as you laughed at something he said. He hoped that he would continue to see that, for the rest of his life, in the morning, during the day, at night, whenever he saw you he couldn’t help but feel a smile creep up on his face as well. You made him feel loved, you made him feel special. And he couldn't imagine a moment in his life without you.
(So if you enjoyed this please do leave feedback it helps a shit ton and I appreciate every bit of it! Have an amazing day and stay safe out there in the world!)
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babbling-idiot · 4 years
Milton Dammers Headcanon
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Requested: Nope
Warnings: Nope
(So, a little backstory. Person likes a post I made and I clicked on there profile. Scrolled a bit and came upon a certain post. It was an idea they had for a milton dammers fic and I was like "Hey I like that." So I liked it and they contacted me. Needless to say this is what I came up with, I hope you like it @lasernahrwal)
First off I dont have a doubt in my mind that milton is super nervous about this
I mean he loves you, obviously. But even though you both have been together and you have told him time and time again that you accept him in every way, hes still not confident in himself
But to not get weird with this, he probably sets up some kind of at home date night?
You know like a home cooked meal, movie set for after, blankets at the ready for snuggling up together
The whole package
I'd like to think he says it like so quietly at first, you know where you have to ask him what he said.
Hed play it off like he didnt say anything
Then while your both sitting together on the couch, movie playing everythings quiet, he just looks at you and very clearly says "You're so beautiful."
Now you've been told by him, that he loves you, cares for you, needs you in his life.
But god, youd be lying if you said that hearing this didnt make your heart skip a beat
Youd be blushing, just the way he says it make your heart quicken and makes you smile so wide
It's just so nice to hear him say it.
But putting aside how you react to hearing this. Did I mention the way he looked at you?
When he said "You're so beautiful." His eyes just softened. Like he was so much in love with you.
I mean he is, but the way he looked at you made you think he was re-falling in love with you
He looked so so content and happy to finally say it
He even, and god this shocked you but 10x happier, he kissed you on the forehead
Made your heart do a little dance
(I am having so really weird troubles tagging the person that had the original idea. I hate tumblr sometimes. I hope you liked this ans that it wasnt to cringey of a fic. Have a wonderful day and stay safe out there in the world!)
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babbling-idiot · 4 years
Milton Dammers Headcanon
Request: “Hello, since you are doing a lot of Milton stuff, can I request some headcanons about him with a fem SO who is taller than him, and also very protective over him? Can be as NSFW or fluffy as you like!” -by anon
Warnings: Fluff
(Hey anon, so you said NSFW or fluffy and so I decided to go with fluff! I hope you like this and it is what you were hoping for!)
First off everyone is taller than him. Even if you're shorter your still taller somehow.
In all seriousness though he does enjoy the fact that you're taller/
That means if he can’t reach something on a shelf or in a cabinet he can just call your name and you there to help.
But when you feel the need (Which is a lot of the time) you will tease him about it, playful teasing of course.
Going as far as holding up the item he needs in the air with a grin that makes his cheeks go pink and his ears red.
Something you love doing to him is coming up behind him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders or waist and just looming over him.
He gets flustered over this very easily so be prepared for him to turn around in your arms to hug you, trying to him his beet-red face
Also, You Are The Big Spoon
Now when it comes to being protective, he’s like everyone else ‘I can take care of myself
Deep down he loves it but shh no one knows
Especially if he’s at work and some newbie is an asshole towards him you love coming up to them and giving them that ‘I can and will tear you a new asshole’ look, they just look at you horrified and they apologize and leave
Now this is what he thinks about you being protective
He just feels so so so safe with you
He doesn't have to worry about feeling uncomfortable around people cause you’ll be there to just swoop him up and take him somewhere else
It’s like you know him like the back of your hand
(Hey again! So I hope you liked this and I hope it wasn't too short. Please do remember request are always open and remember to have an amazing day and stay safe!)
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babbling-idiot · 4 years
Milton Dammers Headcanon
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Request: "hi there :) i really like your milton dammers writing and i was wondering if you could do some headcannons about his female s/o being relatively quiet in bed? thank you :)" By Anon
Warning: Slight NSFW
(Hey anon! So I hope you enjoy this and that this is what you meant by relatively quiet in bed? So sorry if I misunderstood.)
Just like Milton, I feel he is somewhat on the quiet side as well, this is gonna sound kinda sad but he had all that time in those cults that he had practice at being quiet (I feel horrible for writing that, don't hate me please)
Except now he is having sex at his will and it's fucking awesome, anyways back to the main topic\
Now talking about sleeping together you and he are kinda-ish opposites if ya get my meaning.
He is sorta vocal, mostly grunts and groans and maybe even whimpers here and there but other than that he is also quiet or tries to be when he doesn't need to be, like on reflex, almost feels as though you may tell him to be quiet but you're not…..you know?
You never told him 'Hey I'm quiet when I have sex', instead it was when you first had sex that he found out
When he realized that you were quiet in bed, immediately he thought he hurt you or something happened and your hurt, he scrambled to get off of you as fast but carefully as he could
Panic is not the right word to describe how he felt, he felt really stupid afterward though let me tell ya!
You can't tell me he doesn't at least try to get a sound out of you (Milton is quite vanilla and isn't super sexual but that doesn't mean he doesn't think about shit) Like will put extra effort into pleasuring you, even going as far as holding back his release just to see if he could get anything out of you and when he realizes that it's no use, you know what happens ;)
Now if the reason you silent is because of medical, traumatic, or something else then you know, he's there, listening to your every word
If you're just silent because you're naturally silent in bed then woop-dee-doo
Also, it did not stop him from thinking that he wasn't pleasing you, a small part of him went down that path and was like 'I'm not pleasuring them, wow I suck'
But later you dismissed it and told him it was amazing and that your just quiet in bed and nothing more
Let me be honest though he does feel prideful if you let out a sigh of some sort or any kind of noise meaning you're feeling good, God it's like winning the lottery, hell smiles to himself and just congratulates himself
(Hey again! So I hope you enjoyed! Again sorry if this is not what you wanted. Requests are always open and remember to be safe and have a great day yall!)
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babbling-idiot · 4 years
Milton Dammers Headcanon
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Request: "How would Milton's s/o react to seeing him as a ghost after his run in with Patricia?" -by Anon
Warning: Milton being dead
(Hey anon! I hope you are satisfied with this headcanon. I hope this is good enough.)
Well I'd like to think, pissed smooth off
I mean I know I would be
You went to his funeral, Frank and Lucy were there, mostly for your sake and for support, cause they knew how much you loved Milton
You didn’t take it all too well, most of the time you’d stay up and just sit on the couch asking if he could hear you and trying to reach out to him
Which never worked, till now
one day you're at home doing work and out of know where you see Milton and fall over the back of the couch, which hurt like a motherfucker
He is also pissed, mostly cause it took so long for you to finally see him and cause he’s fucking dead
I mean damn! After everything Milton has gone through and now this!!
Oh man this changes everything though big time
Milton didn't know what to do after he was killed so of course he went straight to you, again it took a while for you to see him
Which was not good what so ever, it broke your very being
Even though he was there with you, to kind of help you through your breakdown, it just wasn't right
This wasn't right, he should be here, with you eating dinner or cuddling with you but no instead he is this see-through ghost that is just standing there.
I'd like to think that over time, you get used to it.
As you get used to his ghost-ness, you get used to not being able to hug him, which sucks, tremendously
Though you do go to Frank to get some info on ghosts, cause he was around that for like, ever
Like can you make contact with them, can they make contact with you, and things like that, most of it was a big fat no
But hey at least you tried
He does go with you almost everywhere you go, to the store, to your friend's house, to which he just mocks them, cause they never really like him and it's just funny that he'll just stand behind them and make faces and mock them
He loves doing that to the ones that didn’t like him, but mostly to make you smile and laugh, which works a lot of the time, and your friends will look at you like your are crazy, but you have to play it off, as you saw something and it made you laugh or you remembered something
He is still Milton, just dead, but one day everything will be ok
(I hope you like this anon!)(Also, me and my mom were arguing over if Milton goes to heaven or hell?!? Like he should end up in heaven but my mom was all over me on how Milton should actually go to hell?? Like what kind of fucking logic is that, He never did anything wrong, he had all this shit done to him so he should go to heaven!!) Also like shouldn't Milton had got to see the ghosts as well, i mean he did get all the 'Fruity Cases' right, isn't that traumatic or was it not traumatic to him?)
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babbling-idiot · 4 years
Milton Dammers NSFW headcanon
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Request: Non
Warning: NSFW (My first one like this so be gentle)
(This is my first NSFW headcanon or anything of the sort and so please give me some feedback on what you think, enjoy!)
Welp, I don't exactly know how to start this off but here we go!
Milton is a freak period!
And I don't mean freak as in how that woman yelled at him in the car, I mean he's a freak in the sheets
I like to think he has a kink on covering your mouth when yall have sex
Cause you know he has a volume issue
So I like to imagine he just puts his hand over your mouth or hell he may even gag you with his tie
I also like to think he has a sensation kink
You know the one, pretty sure he likes the idea of you touching him and teasing, really just feeling everything, heightens his senses you know!
From the slow caresses down his chest to the teasing at his thighs. The teasing is most likely his favorite but sometimes he wishes you had mercy on him
Though please don't be fooled this boy has guidelines/rules pretty much anything that tells you what he is willing to do with you and what he is not willing to do
Which makes complete sense, cause we all know what happened to him, no need for a backstory
If I think about it he may even have some kind of dom/sub kink
I mean surely he does, maybe he is the one who's the sub or maybe he's a switch I don't know, but he's something
But when he wants to dom, I think he likes it more when you ride him
So he can watch your facial expressions, you know see your face contort into pleasure as he hits that sweet spot inside you over and over again
Something else I just thought of is maybe when yall have sex he likes to take you from behind, not like normal though, more like maybe something with your back against his chest and his arms wrapped around your body or maybe even he has a grip on your throat
But I don't think he likes the idea of restraints, for you or him
Or anything to do with degrading him or anything along those lines cause I think we all know he probably has some form of PTSD
Also he like slow, passionate sex
He enjoys the slowness of it, it gets him going
especially if you take your time with him and praise him, he has that kink to yes!
He likes how you go over every scar with light kisses and again you praise him and you're not just skimming over them without care
Aftercare is a must
Like really helping him after cause you know this man lives for your soft, gentle touches
He likes to cuddle after, laying there in each other's presence just enjoying the moment
And by god there better not be a phone call in the middle of a damn cuddle session! Cause that thing is gonna be thrown across the room, out the window somewhere, where it doesn't bother the cuddling
(Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed!)
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babbling-idiot · 4 years
Milton dammers Headcanon
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Request: Anon
Warning: non, but Milton blushing be warned!!
(So this is for the request I got for Milton on how he reacts to his s/o calling him handsome/cute, I hope this satisfies you anon, if not please let me know! Enjoy!)
You know personally, I think this is one of that moments when I say, that Milton has never been called this by someone who's not his mom, aunt, or grandma.
I think the only time he's ever heard those words is when he was at a family thing and grandma comes up pinching his cheek calling him a handsome boy.
He didn't hear it on no damn cases that's for damn sure!
So I'm gonna say he's never been called that by a significant other, mostly because he's probably never had one and he also thinks he is most definitely not handsome, but when you said it. The man thought he was dreaming.
He was a blushing, stuttering, stammering mess, he is so fucking adorable.
The man turned into a damn tomato with how red he got.
Let me tell you something though, he didn't think he was handsome, not for a second but when you called him handsome when you came into the door, he immediately was like 'Hmm, that's new, imma think about that for a little bit.'
And when I say he thinks about it, he stares out a window thinking like 'I wonder why they said that. Do they think I'm handsome?' Then at the end, he's like I guess I can accept that.
There was a point when after you saw how he acted after you said that, you stopped cause you thought you broke him, thinking you made him uncomfortable so, you stopped.
Ohh nooo!
That was a bad idea! He is on you like white rice. "Y/n why did you stop?" "Stop what Milton?" He would look down all blushing and shit "C-calling me handsome..." He would say quietly
This made your heartache, he liked the name, he liked it! 
Oh and believe me you call him handsome way more after that!
Every chance you get you call him handsome and sometimes cutie, but that’s only when you know he won’t have a damn heart attack
I mean the name cutie gets more of a reaction out of him than handsome
It’s also cute when after you call him these names, he’ll look at you blushing and just smile!
That smile makes your day better immediately, cause you to know its genuine and it’s because of you! 
(This is to anyone really, please remember I am new to writing here on this platform, so please take it easy on me lol. Also please remember requests are always open, send me something!)
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