#milluki zoldyck hxh
ploppymeep · 3 months
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animeyanderelover · 3 months
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Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional thoughts, clinginess, stalking, manipulation, male reader
Tags: @jamayah @chxxz @leveyani @cynniical @shenryu-sama
Zoldyck family with Gojo-like older twin of Illumi
Zeno Zoldyck
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🐲​You'd think that as one of the oldest members of the Zoldyck family, Zeno would act his role as the strict grandfather and drill into you every lesson you need to know as the future head of the family. Instead he has taken the complete opposite role and has settled into being the chill granddad for it is his son's role to lecture you in everything you need to know, not his. Most of the time he spends with you is more comparable to him just hanging out with you, unless he notices that you are slacking off in which case he will show you why despite his age he is still a feared assassin in the world. There are constant jokes thrown back and forth between you two as both of you try to see who can deliver verbally the bigger blow whilst both of you take it without a single grain of salt. Even during missions both of you have together, you tend to see who has the better one-liners all whilst being completely indifferent to the screaming and terrified targets. Silva has voiced his disdain as he thinks that Zeno is being too soft yet Zeno has always stood up. He's a proud grandfather so just let him do what he wants to do with his favorite grandchild. After all your very first word ever was "grandpa", how could he not love you?
Silva Zoldyck
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🐺​For all the respect he holds for his own father, the old man is giving him a headache with the way he treats you, his heir. Silva claims most of your time, either training you or teaching you everything you need to know as the next head of the clan. You are his entire pride and he has high expectations for you which he is confident you will live up to. There is especially much time poured into helping you honing your special Nen-abilities of the Infinity and your Six Eyes, skills which he is proud that you have gotten as it only further solidifies you as one of the strongest members of the family. He's aware of the fact that you favor your grandfather though and he knows that Zeno often sneaks away with you because he wants to spend time with you and the GIF I've used is probably the exact same expression he gives the two of you when he catches you. Is he perhaps a tad bit jealous that you favor your grandfather over your own dad? Perhaps, he is rather possessive after all but he would never admit that though his suffocating aura is already indicator enough of his feelings. He's most likely never gotten fully over it that your first word wasn't "dada" and Zeno has never let him forget it either.
Kikyo Zoldyck
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🔺​Kikyo has a terrible streak of jealousy and that isn't made better by the fact that Silva and Zeno steal so much of your time for themselves. As a result she is all the more smothering and clingy the moment you are by yourself as she seems to wait for you to be alone like a starved predator and pounces on you the moment neither of the two men are around. This woman is always complimenting you for everything. For your talents, your strength, your caring personality, your looks and whatever else you can think of. There is a tinge of bittersweet melancholy though as she sometimes mourns the time where you were chubby and small and came always stumbling towards her with a happy look on your face. Her little bird has left the nest far too quickly and has grown so independent.... Your kind and caring personality can be easily a trigger of her jealousy though whenever you pay attention to one of your siblings or can't spend time with her since you have promised someone else already that you'd be with them. She always makes a huge clamour whenever the topic of potential partners is involved as no one in her eyes could be worthy of her beautiful baby boy.
Illumi Zoldyck
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🤎​For as long as Illumi can remember, you two have always been together. You complete him, he completes you. After all both of you have been sharing the same womb, have shared everything since the very moment the two of you were conceived. It is this mindset that has always pushed Illumi to be surprisingly clingy, your silent shadow that has been trailing behind you ever since the two of you could crawl. From all of his siblings he has always thought that he deserves you the most, perhaps even more than the entirety of the Zoldyck family as the both of you share a special connection as twins. He's casually thrown needles into people's heads when they so much as dared to question whether the two of you are really twins as your appearances are like night and day, silently enraged whenever someone would do as much as doubt just how close the two of you are. He's the one seeking you out even quicker than Kikyo when neither Silva nor Zeno are in sight and likes to whisk you somewhere where he can have the time with you he thinks he deserves more than anyone else. He's tried to scare some of his other siblings away whenever he thought that they were stealing you away from him.
Milluki Zoldyck
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💻​Going back to Illumi bullying his siblings whenever they also try to get your time, poor Milluki is the one who gets the most of it, though Milluki has used this fact often to play the victim card to try to coax you into spending more time with him. Activities with Milluki contain munching on snacks whilst playing some video games or watching some Anime and with passing years this guy has installed an entire security system to make sure that no one disturbs him when he has you, his older brother with him in the room. The ony time where he has gotten too scared and let someone in his room is when either Zeno or Silva knock on his door as he knows fully well that they'll break it if he doesn't open it within 3 seconds. Whenever he has managed to make you promise to spend an evening with you, he buys tons of your favorite snacks and prepares your favorite movies, games and series so that everything is to your liking and so that he can hopefully become your favorite sibling. He's even made a phone specifically for you and gifted it to you on your birthday. There are a lot of special apps and features included on the phone, one of them being a very secretive tracker which allows him to always know your location.
Killua Zoldyck
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🪀​Killua has been clinging to you since he was a toddler and that hasn't changed much over the years. Seemingly adapting to the strategies of Zeno, Killua is always sneaky when he seeks you out and beckons you to follow him and spend time with him. He's probably one of the few who is willing to share his time with you together with some of his other siblings which is pretty much only Alluka. You've always indulged him though, knowing that there was a certain pressure on him due to his white hair and blue eyes as well. Killua has taken some pride in his appearance though, mainly because people not associated with his family always instantly acknowledged him as your younger brother whilst such recognition wasn't as granted with people like Illumi or Milluki which causes him to act somewhat smug in such given situations. Both of you have a sweet tooth and whenever one of you is on a mission, it has become a sacred ritual that the person buys something sweet before heading home again to share it with the other. The poor boy was heartbroken when you couldn't come with him when he took his Hunter Exam, though you strongly spoke up for him when people like Kikyo were hesitant to let him go.
Alluka Zoldyck
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💝​Whereas almost the entire rest of the family has always shunned Alluka, Killua and you were the only ones willingly spending time with her and playing with her. As a result Alluka as well as Nanika genuinely view the two of you as the only people both of them need and really love and Nanika especially grants the both of you free wishes. Okay, maybe not always free. At times there are demands for you such as wanting a piggyback from you, wanting a kiss on the cheek or wanting to be lifted up and spun around by you. Whenever you hear such words coming out of Alluka's mouth you instantly know that both of them want your affection and attention in that moment and you have never been able to deny them their requests, even if you have never used the wishes you were granted in return for something sinister. The room Alluka is kept in is filled with plushies and prettily designed because you demanded it to be that way and whenever Alluka or Nanika want the walls to be painted a different colour or desire a new plushie, you always take it upon yourself to fulfill them their wish and Killua gives you a helping hand for the majority of the time.
Kalluto Zoldyck
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🏮​Kallluto has arguably got the worst luck as he is the youngest member of the family and often is brushed over by all of his other siblings who deem that he should wait for his turn. The poor boy is a professional stalker even from a young age as he has spend countless hours watching other members of the family having fun with you all whilst he is deprived of it. He plays the even bigger victim card than Milluki for such reasons in the very moment you call out to him and spend time with him. Whenever you two walk around, he either clings to the sleeves of your clothes or even manages to hold your hand, his head constantly tilted so that he can look at you with sparkling eyes. The insecurities he sometimes feels as a result of being somewhat overlooked as the entire household revolves around you is something he learns to use effectively as an advantage when he wants to steal your attention away from someone else because he knows you'll crouch down and ask him if everything is alright the moment he starts fidgeting around with his fingers and makes himself small. As you are the person he idolises and looks up to, he ends up adapting your likes and dislikes all to feel closer to you.
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marosii · 8 months
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Ugly fucking doodles of my stupid wife and HIS stupid wife. and millu. I <3 millu.
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lovecherryzoldyck · 1 year
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oldie but a goodie. poor killua
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
how do you think the zoldyck family would react seeing how killua and (name) act with each other in fixer upper?
like him calling her mom, etc
This is actually a pretty helpful question, because they will be meeting with his family in the future!
Silva: sees this as an opportunity to use you to bring Killua home. when you don’t accept his gifts and money in exchange for convincing killua to come home, he gets a little pissed.
Kikyo: Oh she loathes you. Her precious baby is calling you mom, clinging to you for comfort!? If Silva would allow it, you would be dead already
Zeno: He’s one of the more normal people, and sees you a kind and nurturing person. He knows that killua loves you dearly, and would break if you were to get hurt
Illumi: at first, he is similar to Silva in seeing you as a way to bring Killua home. He asks you out on a date to try and woo you. If he has your heart, he’ll also have killua in the palm of his hand. But… you’re kind. He sees how much you genuinely love and care for Killua and… it makes him feel a certain way. He’s never seen someone care for another in such a way. Illumi thinks he’s fallen in love at first, and follows you around for a bit, but he actually sees you as a mother figure
Kalluto: Honestly he’s a bit jealous of Killua. He wants that same motherly love, to have someone protect and nurture him. Maybe in the future you’re able to do just that for him!
Milluki: thinks you’re attractive, but doesn’t really care much besides that
Alluka: you’re like her big sister! she always clings to you when she visits, tugging on your sleeve and giggling as she clings to you!
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snow-bees · 3 months
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Happy killua day here’s some killuas from~two years ago
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You know what the bad thing about the Zoldycks is? Besides the child abuse, domestic abuse, murder, manipulation, codependency, emotional abuse, lying, and the whole favorite child with no shame they all need to be on medication but they can’t because they are immune to it.
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rosazoldyckk · 1 year
Yandere! Silva X Daughter Reader
⚠️warning⚠️ obsessive thoughts and mentions of death
Fandom: Hunter X Hunter. Character(s): Silva Zoldyck, Zeno Zoldyck, Illumi Zoldyck, Milluki Zoldyck
A/N: I DO NOT INTEND FOR THIS CHAPTER TO HAVE ANY RELATIONS TO INCEST!! I'm aware that some things written in this chapter might be mistaken as incest, but I promise I don't intend to make it seem that way.
Of course you can interpret my writing however you want to, I have no issues with that. Just please know I don't write stuff related to incest♡︎♡︎
*.:✧*.:✧*.:✧*.:✧*.:✧ 1138 words *.:✧*.:✧*.:✧*.:✧*.:✧*.
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"Didn't I tell you to stop killing these poor butlers, father? How do you expect us to be taken care of if you take your rage out on our servents?" The young Assassin grumbled while putting her hands on her hips. Suddenly, the whole estate went silent. However, the rest of the lower butlers blinked and gulped in hope.
At the edge of the room, the young assassin can be seen. Her long H/C hair that shined under the moonlight can put any woman to shame. Her E/C eyes that they inherited from her father were sharp yet adorable. It could not be denied that with her looks and god-given talent for assassination that the girl belonged to the Zoldyck family.
With their sudden appearance, Silva lowered his guard and relaxed. It could be seen by his face that he adored the presence of his dearest daughter. With a soft tone, he asked, "Y/N, dear, what are you doing here? I thought you were out of the house."
The Lower butlers secretly beg the assassin to spare them from their death. By doing this, not only do they have a higher chance to survive, but they could also continue to contribute in caring for the Head's most adored daughter, Y/N Zoldyck.
One with no common sense would simply assume that Y/N was the glass child of the Zoldyck family, but behind closed doors they couldn't be any more wrong. Y/N was the glue that kept the family together. She was known to be cruel, sadistic, and outstanding in the art of assassination. However, there were people such as her siblings that could see the other side of her. Most of the time, Y/N was a kind and calm individual outside of work. And today just so happened to be a day where she felt generous.
Y/N thought for a bit before shaking her head, "I thought I told you our agreement about killing butlers in the mansion. Their screams can be heard from my room. It would be better if you killed them quickly or just let them free," she sighed as she turned her eyes to the poor butlers that had been severely tortured by electric shock.
Silva on the other hand glared sharply. Although it was subtle, his eyes went smaller, and clenched his hand.
He hated it.
He hated it when HIS daughter ignored him for Illumi.
He despised it when HIS daughter left him alone to play with Kalluto.
He loathed it when HIS daughter was playing video games with Milluki.
He felt sick to his stomach whenever he witnessed HIS daughter braiding Alluka's hair.
He detested it when HIS daughter is 'playing' outside with Killua and his pathetic excuses of friends.
And oh dear god did he want to smash a boulder across his head whenever he saw HIS daughter laughing with her mother and grandfather.
Silva loved his only daughter to death. Every inch of his daughter belonged to him and ONLY him alone. He hated sharing with others, family only being a small exception. If he could, he would lock her in his room and make her look at him and ONLY him alone.
Knowing that the entire family would riot against him if he were to bring harm to the assassin, he buried that plan deep within his heart and continued to be a 'good dad' for her. He forgot the agreement and decided to play it funny so that his daughter could let this case pass.
"I apologize, dear," Silva grumbled with a fake frown. "Unfortunately, these foolish butlers failed their mission and their penalty is nothing but death. I thought it would be great to punish them first but I overlooked an important part,"
Y/N kept her mouth shut and looked at her father. Somehow, Her emotions had stirred up from her father's response. She knew that her father loved her the most out of her brothers. He would remember every word she had said and did not dare to break any promises. Sadly, although she had been feeling generous, today has been a tiring day for her and all she wanted is a good night's rest.
"Just let them free for my sake. I couldn't hear them screaming any longer! Do you know how much their screams had disturbed me from my sleep?! This is a simple agreement and somehow you can't even remember my words. I'm so disappointed in you," Y/N spat in tiredness. As soon as she said that, she quickly turned her back and jumped to her room which is located on the outer side of the fortress.
Silva hid his rage and waved to her daughter's back. "I hope you'll have a nice dream, my sweet Y/N"
Soon after Y/N left the room, the temperature dropped. The butlers shivered as the waited for another wave of electricity to shoot through their bodies, but nothing came. They glanced up at their boss, only to see him with an expressionless face.
Without another word, he allowed the ball of electricity growing on his hand to explode, killing the butlers in an instant. With his eyes full of tenderness, he took a deep breath of air.
"I'll make it up to you, my daughter..."
Zeno sighed tirelessly as he observed his sons actions. "When will he stop with this obsessive behaviour? Those butlers did nothing except make sure Y/N was taken care of, and yet he still killed them? In all my years I've never seen Silva express such madness before."
Illumi sighed in helplessness to his grandfathers words, "Even I'm starting to get a bit bored now, As her beloved eldest brother I must make sure that she is on the path to success. Father doesn't need to get involved when she has me by her side at all times."
"You're right," Milluki replied in annoyance, "Though Y/N is next in line to head the family, seems like dad is a little too eager for her to stay by his side, am I right?" He grumbled as he shoved a handful of chips into his mouth.
The 3 of them shared looks of confusion as Silva finally got up to exit his room.
All they could do is wait.
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thepalina · 4 months
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скечик 🤏🤏🤏
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z0-ne · 1 year
How would the Zoldyck family feel about seeing Future Killua, y'know future Killua is all powerful and all but they also see with KIDS and his wife, but his wife is powerful like POWERFUL POWERFUL, and so are his kids but Killua and his wife don't agree on the kids being assassin's. And the kids don't want to be either. But despite all that, they're like a powerful family that can't be touched. How would the zoldycks react to this? Like headcanons of each Zoldycks reaction😳
YES A HUNTER X HUNTER REQUEST <3 I've been wanting one of these for so long <33
This is actually a really good question, I can't imagine any of them having a positive reaction to their most promising family member basically ending the family "tradition" it'd be a big loss and they won't be happy, accept alluka of.
WHAT IF: What if the Zoldycks had their most promising member go against their traditions with their own children?
● To say he was disappointed would be a huge understatement.
● Killua has seen his father upset before but to visibly see it on his face? It was scary, but he had you by his side to make it easier staying stern with his decision.
● He was very quiet, and it was somehow worse than him yelling. Just quietly staring you two down with his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes filled with a chilling rage. The room felt colder and you felt the fear of an upcoming fight just building, not to mention Killua tensing his muscles in preparation didn't help.
●Then his expression softened and he closed his eyes and sighed.
●"Fine, that's your decision but I can't say I'm not disappointed that you're willing to waste such potential."
● You were both relieved to not have to destroy your home and possibly loose limbs just for the sake of not putting your children through some trauma.
● He leaves without issues shockingly. He doesn't even ask to see the children again, if they approach he'll speak and tell them goodbye but he makes no issues.
● In the back of his head however he's thinking that assassin is just in their blood and eventually he'll get his way and those children will give into their urges.
● It will happen. One way or another, he'll make sure of it
● To be fair, Killua didn't even want her to know you were pregnant or gave birth, she only found out because she forced illumi to tell her once he came back from Stalking you two.
● Since she knew it was hardly anything stopping her from visiting, and with you trying to keep the peace for the sake of the children Killua really couldn't just kill her at the front door.
● She dotted over her grandchildren and kept talking so fondly of how amazing they'd be as assasins how they'd be merciless and talented.
"They won't be assasins." You quickly spoke as you had a butler take the children into another room, Killua and you standing beside eachother and looking at her as her face went to shock.
●She was very verbal with her disappointment and anger.
● You simply watched her, a bit amused at her tantrum and Killua was less than pleased to hear her loud banshee like screaming again.
● It's hard stopping him really, especially with someone he resents as much as his mother with no fear of a fight.
"These are our children to do as we please until they get older and say otherwise and our decision is final no matter what you, or anyone else says." Killua makes it very clear with his stern tone and cold eyes as he forces his mother to stop her tantrum.
● Unfortunately her silence doesn't last long and she goes on a long loud rant about how he is betraying the family and being a disappointment.
● So to prevent Killua from lashing out you have security drag her out kicking and screaming. Literally.
● Killua didn't even want him within one hundred feet of his children so this conversation was had far from your home.
● "You are wasting potential." He says in that blank tone, his large fish eyes staring into your soul as he shifts his gaze to you, making you uncomfortable enough to cringe. "Is it because of the woman? I'd assume such a distraction would effect you, had I known it'd be to such a severity I would have handled it long ago."
● His original plan was to use his pin on you, to shift your mentality to his liking so you'd convince Killua otherwise, and you didn't see it coming considering you hardly interacted with illumi since you and Killua were children.
● Killua however, having grown up with him saw it from a mile away and stood infront of you, immediately making his hostility known, not even hiding his bloodlust as he stares his older brother down.
●Disappointed with the obstacle Illumi sighs and puts the pin away, he's no idiot, a fight with Killua now that he's fully grown and unlocked his potential to its full is a death sentence waiting to happen, and now that you'll be made aware of what he was gonna do he won't risk fighting you either.
● "Fine, I won't. However I hope you know this is a foolish decision. Those children will be assasins, it's in their blood as much as it is in yours."
"Not if we have anything to say about it."
● Illumi stares at the two of you for an unnatural amount of time, it gets uncomfortable but then his gaze shifts to your home in the far distance.
● "Don't even think about it. You are to stay far away from my family, especially my children."
● Illumi looks back at Killua and then at you. "They are lovely assasins."
● Then he turns to leave.
● Out of everyone, Illumi is the worst member of the family to ever find out you two had children.
● Because he'll make sure they become assasins.
● One way or another.
(My love ♡♡)
● To be fair he doesn't care.
● When the news was spread that you guys had kids he just shrugged it off and kept either gaming or building bombs, whatever he does.
● Killua left the family quite a while ago and the animosity that was once held for him shifted into a lack of care for many of the things he did.
● However he did call him wondering what their mother was screeching about.
"Why is mother screeching about failure?"
"We won't let the children be forced to be assasins."
"Oh, whatever." He then hangs up.
● He's not going to waste his time convincing his competition over the years to make more competition with his kids. He's too old for that at this point.
● It doesn't benefit him or complicate things too much. If mother yells to loud he'll slap on headphones and let that be the end of it.
●Visiting? What for? So he can get banned like his mother did? No. He'll send a drone to see if anything changes with the children or if they inherited skills of any sort but that's rare.
● One time one of the children noticed and you watched from afar as they held a conversation with him for about fifteen seconds before the drone left.
● But really he doesn't care too much if at all.
● As one of the only siblings that directly Apologized and made an effort to rebuild a strained relationship with Killua Kalluto is the only assasin who was willingly told of your pregnancy and the birth of the children.
● They are happy for you both for having the children albeit confused about the fact that they won't be assasins.
● They question it at first but when Killua stays firm and explains it's too much for them they back down and respect his and your decision.
● They weren't exactly surprised considering Killua hated being an assasin and your background on being used because of your family. It's not surprising assasin business isn't something you'd want your children apart of.
● They don't want children so they don't understand your love for them, but they are respectful and leave it at you both not wanting it.
● Oh she was ecstatic when they were born. She lives with the two of you so of course she was first to know!
● She doesn't mind that they won't be assasins so when she finds now she shrugs it off. She'll love her nieces and nephews regardless.
● Her experience with assasins obviously isn't that great so she could be a bit relieved because they wouldn't be following that.
● So she's happy.
● He likely passed away around this time so he's rolling in his grave.
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imagobin · 13 days
HxH Poster Day 9 & 10: Milluki and Kalluto!
I was really really looking forward to drawing these two- it's one of my favorite little interactions! Kalluto is asking for chips 😭
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I had to flip them cause Milluki's so thicc there wouldn't be enough space for the writing otherwise lol
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With this I'm a third of the way through! I'm so happyyyy
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dyingroses · 6 months
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cureofthenonesense · 6 months
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It’s always your grandpa
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mayxo-hxh · 6 months
I love the Zoldycks <3
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teddy-yandere · 2 years
Platonic Yandere! Zoldyck Family x Reader
⚠️WARNING⚠️ will contain dark themes
A / N = Sorry for any grammar mistakes, I did not proofread this. Please read my bio before requesting, and make sure that my requests are open or else your request will be deleted. Enjoy <3
«★»———- HXH Adult Trio Masterlist
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
★ When you were first born , Silva and Kikyo made the easy decision to not raise you to be a assassin. ( Silva thought that you were too weak , and Kikyo just wanted to have you all to herself ). That being said , you were raised away from the whole “ must become a assassin “ vibe of the house. Instead you would spend you days with mainly Kikyo ( you mother ) .
★ It did doesn’t matter what your gender is , Kikyo loves to dress you up in fancy outfits.
★ Because you are so precious to the family , I can imagine Silva and Illumi being extremely strict over everything you can , and can’t do . Illumi is the type of guy who hovers over you shoulder watching everything you do with his blinking black eyes. He stares at you so much that sometimes you swear that you can feel someone staring at you in the middle of the night. While you are in bed .
★ Before you even ask - yes Illumi gets very jealous of his siblings whenever you hang out with them- especially Killua, instead of him. Illumi will happily let you sleep in his bed at night , when it rains ( or if you have a nightmare ) because he knows that you feel safe with him.
★ He will happily hum you a soft song and rub your back to comfort you whenever you have a nightmare
★ Milluki is the type of guy who would typically charge his other family members for his services - but not you. In fact , I am pretty sure that you are the only meme we if the family who is “ nice to him “. Similarly to the rest of his family , he feels a sort of obligation to take care of you.
★ That being said , he will happily monitor all of your social media accounts , and eliminate any of your online friends who he feels you two are getting “ to close “ to each other.
★ Zeno is definitely a more laid back yandere compared to the others.
★ He honestly prefers to stick to spoiling you , and trying to make sure that you know that what the family is doing for you is good. Since the moment you were born , Zeno made sure to get in your good side ( by buying you ice cream whenever you wanted ). That way , you would follow his rules. Now that I think about it , Zeno and Kikyo are very similar in many ways. They both love spoiling you. <3
★ Killua is extremely clingy to you. Because he is a little spoiled,he will basically demand your time. Whenever you were little , Killua would love to boss you around ( in a playful way ). When he is older , he definitely loves to protect you from any else. Remeber how I said that Illumi gets jealous of Killua ?… well yeah.
★ The two brothers are basically in a emotional battle to be your favorite. Let’s just say that they get very competitive. Poor Alluka has to try to drag you away from their mess.
★ I got too lazy to finish this
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
Thanks for reading , Darling !! <3
Have a nice Day / Night ~
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