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uptownchase · 7 years ago
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True Loyalty. Never doubted all the crazy ass ideas you came up with to get to where we at now. Dinner Club For Life Cuz Everybody Eats. Love you Bro Happy G Day @hidjifilms #MillionDollarYear
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barrygaudy · 8 years ago
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I live life knowing I can fail. Being real, being fake, living by your rules or living by others, I have the ability to fail, so why not present the world with who I am and not who you think I should be. Because I can fail at being who you want me to be... I've gotten on the me plane. Doing me things and aligning with those who want to know and understand me. It is what it is. I'm doing me. And in the end, for me, that's where true success lies. #ohenecornelius #richardbranson #onemilliondollars #dreamer #doer #milliondollarman #milliondollardeal #milliondollaryear #seekandfind #revolutionaryratchet #harlemriveryachtclub (at Greensboro, North Carolina)
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claudiafeuerstake · 8 years ago
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Welcome to Las Vegas! #doingthework #femininefreedom #feminine #freedom #realchange #wakingwomenup #changeisgood #revolutionary #spiritual #spiritualgangster #stephaniesynclair #milliondollaryear #howcaniserve #knowbetterdobetter #staytuned #somuchmoretocome (at Diamond Paradise Resorts Las Vegas)
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appsnonprofit · 5 years ago
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#psa it’s about that time again this year, I’m already filing taxes for 2020, don’t let WWIII go by and you haven’t implemented stimulating your own #stimuluscheck #obama #appsmobiletax #realestateinvestor #daytrader #multiplesourcesofincome #isupportblackentrepreneurs #tax #credit #realestate #taxrefund #milliondollaryear #maxtaxrefund #firsttimehomebuyer #thurmanmalik #assertivelypromotingphilanthropicaervices #assertivelyapps (at APPS MOBILE TAX Assertively Promoting Philanthropic Services LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7evfs1FPLx/?igshid=r4vn03bh6op0
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appsnonprofit · 5 years ago
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#milliondollaryear tune in closely after @appsmobiletax tax season ... it’s going down in 2020 #moneyteam meet @hey.rio #milliondollaryearllc 🧠 💵 @milliondollaryearllc #passiveincomeguru #salescoachguru 👑💡👑 (at APPS MOBILE TAX Assertively Promoting Philanthropic Services LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7eR4XZJDlVq6tgtVLJf1pk8kRBRReLFWEAZU40/?igshid=1u30yumj356kp
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magicalmillions · 6 years ago
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Right now is the time for hustle. Making all of the little pieces count toward the big pieces! I am doing what I have to do now to reach the goal! $1 Million in 1 year! It’s going to happen because it has to! We’ve got this y’all!!! #magicalmillions #do #dowhatyouhavetodo #dowhatyoulove #roar #courage #smallbusinesstobigbusiness #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #success #successstartswithyou #motivation #hardwork #hardworkismagic #instagood #followme #love #life #milliondollaryear #reachforthestars #ificandoitsocanyou #staymagical (at Keelin Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2bvY02AF2L/?igshid=13h4cmifq7ugu
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magicalmillions · 6 years ago
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The most critical part of success is us seeing ourselves as successful. That is a choice. We have to envision ourselves as successful, and we will become exactly what we see in ourselves! Let’s be successful together. #magicalmillions #seesuccess #choosesuccess #besuccessful #courage #smallbusinesstobigbusiness #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #success #successstartswithyou #motivation #hardwork #hardworkismagic #instagood #followme #love #life #milliondollaryear #reachforthestars #ificandoitsocanyou #staymagical (at Keelin Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2U2nc2gQ9i/?igshid=qeu4qw1fvh2d
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magicalmillions · 6 years ago
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In this world we have a lot of nay sayers. Hold your head high but never forget yourself! Be humble, remember where you came from! Work hard! You don’t climb the mountain on a slide. You make it there step by step. And most of all Be Kind. No amount of hard work should ever replace kindness. Kindness should be as easy as breathing. So much more comes back to you when you put goodness and kindness out in the world. #magicalmillions #humble #workhard #humble #courage #smallbusinesstobigbusiness #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #success #successstartswithyou #motivation #hardwork #hardworkismagic #instagood #followme #love #life #milliondollaryear #reachforthestars #ificandoitsocanyou #staymagical (at Keelin Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2T6oh4ADtx/?igshid=1vj1ouifduw1g
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magicalmillions · 6 years ago
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Words are our most powerful form of magic! We have to speak our reality into existence! Talk about your dreams as if they are already happening! Positive forces attract positive forces! Make your dream come true... I will! #magicalmillions #courage #nowishing #iwill #dreams #makeithappen #smallbusinesstobigbusiness #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #success #successstartswithyou #motivation #hardwork #hardworkismagic #instagood #followme #love #life #milliondollaryear #reachforthestars #ificandoitsocanyou #staymagical (at Keelin Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Isd5jgKgv/?igshid=2yf0o07emdsg
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magicalmillions · 6 years ago
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So I’m feeling the stress of impending failure this morning! I’m so very concerned that what I have to offer may not be relevant. I have failed before and often. I also have a bad habit of looking at my failures so often while trying to move forward. I MUST keep in mind that this is all part of the journey to success. I post these things more for myself, to surround myself with positive thoughts and increase motivation, than for the follows (although those are super cool too). But if what I can do somehow helps other people. My heart is lifted and I feel better about it. #magicalmillions #failure #failureisapartofsuccess #lookbacktolearn #progress #courage #smallbusinesstobigbusiness #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #success #successstartswithyou #motivation #hardwork #hardworkismagic #instagood #followme #love #life #milliondollaryear #reachforthestars #ificandoitsocanyou #staymagical (at Keelin Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2HaTVNgevl/?igshid=bt9l26hsg2i2
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magicalmillions · 6 years ago
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If all we do is stand around and wait for our passions and dreams to come to us, we will be waiting forever. We must create the magic that is our drive, our passions, our dreams. Make your own magic happen! I know I am!! #magicalmillions #dontwait #opportunity #createit #blessed #courage #smallbusinesstobigbusiness #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #success #successstartswithyou #motivation #hardwork #hardworkismagic #instagood #followme #love #life #milliondollaryear #reachforthestars #ificandoitsocanyou #staymagical (at Keelin Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2FvinNAiq9/?igshid=td2st4kqcwgd
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magicalmillions · 6 years ago
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Find courage in small amounts. In working for our dreams, it’s very easy to get discouraged. That’s ok, but courage is pushing past even the smallest of difficult moments. Stop and listen to the quiet voice. Start by listening to the smallest sound, eventually you will find your roar! #magicalmillions #roar #courage #voiceofencouragement #smallbusiness #quietvoice #perseverance #success #successstartswithyou #motivation #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #hardwork #hardworkismagic #instagood #followme #love #life #milliondollaryear #reachforthestars #ificandoitsocanyou #staymagical (at Keelin Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Efcdcgjz1/?igshid=rys147ji6rv9
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magicalmillions · 6 years ago
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Anything worth doing takes effort, drive, motivation, and most of all passion. Always keep the “view” in mind while making the climb, because in the end it will be worth it! #magicalmillions #itsuphillfromhere #view #itsaboutthejourney #motivation #perserverance #success #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #instagood #hardwork #hardworkismagic #love #life #milliondollaryear #reachforthestars #ificandoitsocanyou #staymagical (at Keelin Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2EIgg3gh1x/?igshid=1j64ieheazrr
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magicalmillions · 6 years ago
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We have to grow into our dreams like they are meant to happen. If you put things into motion, visualize the dream, talk about it as if it’s already happening, speak it into existence. Be the flower that exists and the bee arrives all on its own accord to grow your flower into many more flowers. Believe and you will achieve. #magicalmillions #betheflower #yourdreamswillcome #success #powerfulquotes #powerfulwords #instagood #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #love #lovewhatyoudo #financialfreedom #lifeisgood #followme #smallstepsbigresults #keepmovingforward #grow #growth #reachforthrstars #milliondollaryear #ificandoitsocanyou (at Keelin Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2BuOXMA2TU/?igshid=qhczngmztn89
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magicalmillions · 6 years ago
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It’s so very important to keep the mantra while chasing our dreams. Be strong of Character! Kindness and morals are the basis of all true success. Always work to increase your knowledge base. Intelligence creates pathways. Have the Strength to persevere, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Do it all with Style and panache! These will all work to form our greatest achievements. #magicalmillions #milliondollaryear #character #intelligence #strength #style #truebeauty #success #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #love #instagood #followme #newtuber #youtuber #lifeisgood #reachforthestars #ificandoitsocanyou (at Keelin Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1-YGGjAtC8/?igshid=gcip4lkr9z5y
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magicalmillions · 6 years ago
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Even the slightest of steps in the right direction is going to get us closer to our goals! It’s important to move forward at every possible moment. Even despite our fears, step forward, even if it’s only a small step, constantly keep moving forward! #magicalmillions #success #keepmoving2019 #keepmovingforward #smallstepsbigresults #entrepreneurlife #instagood #love #lifeisgood #followme #reachforthestars #milliondollaryear #ificandoitsocanyou (at Keelin Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/B17AxDkAZvb/?igshid=1ms6hfle6yjvw
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