#milkyway chasing
hcuyk · 5 months
[ 18+ ] . . . . . . . . OUR INFERNO MASTERLIST
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⧉ OUR INFERNO // elaborates the complexities within a relationship—the spark, the blaze, the pain. your love with haechan is a never ending fire; it's something so strong, so beautiful and powerful, that it suffocates you both into believing that your relationship would last, only for it to go down in flames ( ☄︎ )
› 〉 PAIRING // nonidol!haechan x fem!reader
› 〉 GENRE // varies every chapter : includes but is not limited to — high school au, college au, single dad au, enemies to fwbs to lovers to strangers to fwbs to ????, potential bad ending, smut, fluff, angst
› 〉 WARNINGS // varies every chapter : 18+ MDNI : includes but is not limited to — excessive profanity, cheating, toxic relationship(s), underaged drinking, these two are corruption itself : NSFW TAGS will vary and be stated in every chapter
˖⋆ STARTED ☆ 042124
⋮≡ [ OUR INFERNO EXCLUSIVE ] @flwoie @jaeims @n-jules @dnylwoo @milkyway-vxm @smwhrinthehaze @rjtulips @snflwrhaerecs4u @tmtxtf @kimsarah06 @chiieee @bbulbblemee @dreawinko @httpxelysian11 @sehunniepotrecs — fill out the form or comment/send an ask/dm to be added!
˖⋆ LAST UPDATED ☆ 042124
˖⋆ WORD COUNT ☆ 19k
⋮≡ [ PERMANENT TAGLIST ] @armysantiny @nyujjan @the-kpop-simp @sunwoosberrie @cosmiicdream @maeves632 @hyuckluvr-com @galacticseonghwa — lmk if you're a minor/uncomfortable with nsfw and i'll remove you from the taglist for this series! also lmk if you'd prefer to be tagged for inferno!jae or hyuck (or both)! — fill out the form or comment/send an ask/dm to be added!
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(일 ✧ 0001) — 4/21 — 19k
despite being your greatest archnemesis/rival/enemy/frenemy/whateverthefuck he was, haechan had always been by your side. that changed when your boyfriend was brought up, creating a newfound rift in your whateverthefuck relationship with haechan
— —|— — ii. ASPHYXIA
╰ · · AUTHOR'S NOTE: i hope you all enjoy this alternative of the original! | lovely credits to my beta readers like always — @drunkdrazed @winterchimez @stealanity @simpforsunwoo
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© https://hcuyk.tumblr.com/
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 17 - Pic 'n' Mix
@wolfstarmicrofic June 17, word count 706
Previous part First part
Sirius’s sweet supply seemed endless. He’d shown Remus what he’d brought with him after they’d finished their lion bars. He had Snicker bars, bags of Maltesers, more Mars bars, Milkyways, Milkybars, Rolos, M&M’s, the plain ones, the peanut ones and the biscuit ones, Haribo Starmix, Haribo Tangfastics and a fat bag of Pic ’n’ Mix. Remus had drooled over the selection. 
“Wow, your parents must be missing you,” He said dreamily as Sirius passed him a bag of Starmix. He ripped the blue bag open and popped a fired egg into his mouth. 
“Ha! Yeah right,” He shook his head as he laughed quietly. “These are all from Effie Potter. She knows I like a chocolate bar, and she always goes overboard.” Remus felt like there was more that Sirius hadn’t said. 
“So James’s mum sends James with sweets for you?” He asked cautiously, wanting to know why someone would send a boy she wasn’t related to so many branded sweets. 
“I, er, kind of live with James,” Sirius said awkwardly, dragging his fingers through his hair and yelping when one got caught on a tangle. “My parents kicked me out when they found out I liked boys. My little brother still lives there, but if the rumours are true he should be getting disowned any day now. But I doubt it will go that far. They’ll give him an ultimatum and force him to marry a suitable bride as soon as he’s out of school.” Sirius screwed up his face and huffed at the floor. “They need their heir after all,” He said darkly. He stood in silence for a second before he shook his head and plastered a huge smile on his face. “Anyway, enough of the tragic origin story. I live with James, and Effie and Monty are my parents now, and I’ve never been happier.” Remus stood up and wrapped his arms around Sirius, holding him tight. 
“Your real parents sound proper shit. I hope they get chased down the road by angry magpies,” Sirius collapsed into laughter, shaking against Remus. 
“Oh my god, Remus. Thank you, thank you for that image. Oh my god,” He repeated, wiping tears from his eyes. 
The cabin door banged open and James dragged Peter in, who was pressing a clump of cotton wool to his face. 
“I slipped on the dock trying to get the kayak out of the water. Pomfrey says it’s not broken, but I have to sit down quietly and hold this to it until the bleeding stops.” He grumbled as he went and sat on his bed. 
“I swear you’re cursed, Pete,” Sirius said seriously. “I’ve never known anyone who has so many accidents on a regular basis as you. You must have done something awful in a previous life for this level of torment.” Peter stuck his fingers up at Sirius. Sirius gasped at the audacity. “That’s it, you’ll be a fat little worm that can only eat lettuce in your next life now,” Peter stuck his fingers up again and left them there. Remus couldn’t keep the snort that escaped him as he laughed at the pair. James came over and plonked himself on Remus’s bed and helped himself to Remus’s Haribo. 
“Then you must have done something truly terrible to have parents like yours,” James quipped, coming to Peter’s defence. Sirius spun on him, pointing his finger. 
“Hey, I was wrongly accused or else how do you explain me finding you and our parents?”
“He’s got you there, James,” Peter said, his voice slightly muffled by the cotton wool. 
Remus sat back and listened to them tease each other, thinking he must have put up with a lot in his previous life to be this lucky now. He popped another Haribo into his mouth, only realising it was a heart when it hit his tongue. He smiled to himself and threw a gummy bear at the back of Sirius’s head, pointing at an unsuspecting James when he turned around. Sirius launched himself through the air, landing on James and toppling them off Remus’s bed entirely. Remus stretched his legs out fully. This is the life, he thought as he folded his arms behind his head and relaxed.    
Next part
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twinsandselfships · 4 days
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Oks: My very first fic writing experience - a MilkyWay drabble! Even though I write better now, I still think fondly of this one shot. Hope you enjoy!
Summary Mondays can be exhausting, but at least Aster and Rufina have each other to talk to and ask for support.
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Nobody likes Mondays. They make you say goodbye to weekends and say hello to work. Professor Kriv Kuzmich was the only person to enjoy Mondays, for this exact reason. One of such days he was substituting for professor Stargazer, who managed to get sick with sparkling rash right before his classes. That's why today the strict teacher was responsible for Stargazer's apprentice — a clumsy, nervous, but nevertheless diligent young man.
Since the morning, Aster has been running around various classrooms and offices on different floors, working like a dog. But he wasn't literally "running", since running around the Magical College is forbidden, even for graduate students and teachers. Therefore, the poor guy had to keep up with all the tasks of Kriv Kuzmich without breaking into a run. And worst of all, he still managed to stumble, slip, or drop scrolls and books from his hands.
While he was doing one of his many different chores, Aster was crossing paths with another grad student —  Rufina. She had better luck, since her supervisor wasn't as demanding. But even so, the young woman's back was hunching from the amount of work: the little kids need constant oversight and discipline. To Aster's surprise, his colleague always remained patient and calm when dealing with them (or, at the very least, tried to). Until this day he didn't really get a good look at how she teaches. Only now, as he was doing chores around the whole College, Aster noticed the young woman take a crying goblin girl aside during recess.
—What happened? There-there, it's alright, you can tell me, — Rufina spoke with a half-whisper, kneeling down to the little girl's level.
— The... The... Then I'll be a snitch! — tears started to flow like waterfalls from her small eyes.
— No, not at all! You poor thing. If someone offended you, tell me, — the young woman spoke in the most caring and soft tone that Aster has ever heard.
— B-but... What if they'll know it's me who told you...?
— So what! I'll take care of it, and they'll never upset you again.
— They won't? — the girl sniffed, her big ears twitched.
— I promise you that, —  Rufina smiled and patted the little kid on the head. — Whatever it is they told you is not true. And you wouldn't believe in something that isn't true, would you?
The goblin girl, still with watered eyes, shook her head slightly, looking at her teacher, Rufina spread out her arms, and the small student leapt into her embrace.
Aster didn't hear what Rufina whispered into the girl's ear, but he had a felling it was something along the lines of "Don't be afraid. Everything will be alright. I'm here". If the young man's heart wasn't already filled to the brim with warmth, it definitely melted right there and then. This observation surprised him.
As Rufina met eyes with Aster, a beaming smile appeared on her face, as if on it's own. The tan, shaggy young man, upon noticing this, smiled as well, but soon blushed, lifted his shoulders and looked away, as if trying to hide. The woman giggled softly, melted by the silly embarrassment of her childhood friend.
Finally though, this Monday came to an end. All the professors went away and left the grad students to clean up and get everything ready for Tuesday. Day was turning into evening and the sun was setting when the colleagues met in the orange-lit library — both were putting away today's textbooks and put new ones in their carts. Aster waved slightly to Rufina, and she hurried to break the empty silence.
— Hello! Oh, Aster, how I've missed you! — her voice was cheerful, but sluggish, like that of a princess who finally managed to escape from a dragon's nest after an hours-long chase. It seems that even she could barely stand on her feet. Aster knew, that if anyone else was in the library, his friend would straighten up and adjust her hair. But he, her childhood friend, was the only one here, and she wasn't embarrassed to show her tired side. On the contrary, in Rufina's presence, Aster tried to seem more dignified and confident than he really is, but always failed miserably. One day the young woman got tired of this act and asked the guy to be himself, because it was the real him that she liked. Since then, the young man stopped. Mostly.
— And h-hello to you, too! — Aster was stuttering, like he always was. — And I've missed you as well! You know, since that one recess I couldn't stop thinking about yooouuuuaaah, I mean, about that girl you had with the talk, oops, I mean... — now the guy's face turned red, and he was waving his hands around rapidly.
Rufina tilted her head to the side and arched an eyebrow, and then giggled.
— Ah, you're talking about that one. Oh, you can't imagine how much I dislike those who upset the little kids. In general, I don't like it when children are sad.
The woman's brows furrowed, her rather straight hair turned into fluffy feathers for just a moment.
— Oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah! I agree! I mean, you are so thoughtful, — the tan man nodded happily. His light-blue eyes were shining like the Milky Way.
Now it was Rufina's turn to blush. Her cheeks turned pink and she brushed off the sudden compliment. In usual circumstances she would lightly hit her friend's shoulder, but right now it was easier to simply wave.
— Aw, come oooon, ha-ha! — she continued to put textbooks on the shelves, then stopped, her eyes staring at the wall for a couple of seconds. — Aster, um... No, forget it.
The female grad student wanted to ask about one of the phrases that slipped off of her fellow sufferer's tongue. "He... couldn't stop thinking about me?". The thought elated her, though she was scared to put it into words. Even more so, they both were very tired right now. Who knows, maybe she just imagined it, or Aster was just tongue-tied, this happens to him often.
The woman turned her head to her friend. He was looking intensely at the letters in his scroll that listed the necessary textbooks for tomorrow and adjusted his glasses, as if it was gonna help him see better. Rufina couldn't not notice her colleague's sluggishness in the lanky guy's movements, the heaviness in his bent thin legs. "And how does he keep on standing on them?"
She looked at Aster's face again, and just in time, because at that moment his eyes closed and he half-lied down on the cart. The grad student would have inevitably slid to the floor, had Rufina not caught him by the shoulders. The woman was seriously scared, but having managed to save her friend from the cold embrace of the floor, she breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't the first time she'd caught "Mr. Shooting Star" (as the female grad student nicknamed him for his clumsiness), but he hadn't fainted before. Despite how tall he was, Aster weighed like a handful of grapes for Rufina, so she easily carried the shaggy bespectacled man to the chair.
Having finished with the books from both her and Aster's lists, Rufina wiped the sweat from her forehead and moved the guy to his room in the tower, with the help of magic. She didn't want to wake her friend. He had suffered enough for the whole day, let him rest (in fairness, she was very tired too, but of the two of them, Rufina was still stronger both physically and mentally). The young woman looked at Aster. Rufina took off his glasses, put them in the case lying on the cluttered table and, before leaving, softly stroked the guy on the head, as she had done so earlier today to the goblin girl.
It's amazing that such a hard and exhausting day didn't end on such a bad note for both of them. And both grad students were mentally grateful to each other, and grateful that they have each other in their lifes.
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dividers by @/cafekitsune
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Chilltrax (June 19, 2023)
23:58 Delerium And Mimi Page - Blue Fires 23:58 C H I L L T R A X - World’s Chillout Channel (Chillout Channel) 23:52 Zaven - Passive Activity (Evren Furtuna Remix) 23:47 Trilucid - Cheyenne (Extended Sunset Mix) 23:43 Kaskade - Find Love 23:39 Lar - Collide (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix) 23:39 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 23:36 Leisure Feat. Muroki - Summer Season 23:32 Satin Jackets & Panama - Alive 23:29 Sum Wave - Milkyway 23:23 Ultraista - Mariella (Zero 7 Remix) 23:23 C H I L L T R A X - Wonderful Tan! 23:19 Jan Blomqvist & Malou - Alone 23:16 Kelela - Contact 23:12 Attom - Distant Memories 23:08 Arto - Now You're Gone 23:04 Washed Out - Face Up 23:04 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 23:00 Feiertag - Didn't Know Why (You Lost Your Soul) 22:56 Blonde Maze - When You Move 22:51 Jean Caillou - Signs 22:47 False Intentions - Good Liar 22:43 Jako Diaz & Leyet - Only You 22:43 C H I L L T R A X - Chill Out Chilltrax 22:39 Sebastian Davidson - Nomads 22:36 Emmit Fenn - The Chase 22:31 Braxe Falcon - Step By Step (Amtrac Remix) 22:27 Woven - Brushes 22:21 Pilots Of Peace - Fallin 22:21 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 22:17 Nicolas Godin - The Border 22:13 Chill Cole - Liquid Life 22:09 Sg Lewis - Lifetime 22:04 Lamorn - Olsen After Midnight 22:00 Emancipator - Baralku 22:00 C H I L L T R A X - R.i.p. John Hurt 21:57 Cannons - Loving You 21:53 Pines Feat. Water Park - Tell Me 21:48 Blank & Jones - Floatation 21:44 Lipless & Blue Noir - Alone 21:41 Everything But The Girl - Forever 21:41 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel Redux 21:36 Dim Kelly - Nocturna Animal 21:33 Attlas & Jodie Knight - Used To The Silence 21:29 Leisure - Be With You 21:24 Zaven - Voliere Amplitude 21:21 Tep No & Noak Hellsing - I Won’t Need You 21:16 Max Cooper - A Model Of Reality (Tor Remix) 21:16 C H I L L T R A X - Escape The Noise 21:13 Elypsis - Open Your Eyes 21:09 George Fitzgerald & Syml - Mother 21:06 Charles Webster Feat. Shara Nelson - This Is Real 21:02 Royksopp Feat. Astrid S - Just Wanted To Know 20:59 Attom - Where Are We Going 20:54 Nando Rodriguez Feat. Lottie - Madness (Cafe Chill Out Mix) 20:53 C H I L L T R A X - Jimpster 1 20:50 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 20:46 Alampa - The One 20:43 Rocket Empire - Lima 20:39 Tennyson - Iron 20:39 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 20:35 Mozez & Tim Angrave - Head Full Of Dreams 20:32 Finding Mero - In Loving Memories 20:28 Vintage And Morelli Feat. Arielle Maren - The Light (Flexible Fire Remix) 20:23 Eli & Fur - Where I Find My Mind 20:19 Eric Hilton - Artifact22 20:19 C H I L L T R A X - Cool Refreshed Smooth As Can Be 20:15 Jan Blomqvist - Carry On (Earthlife Remix) 20:12 Two Lanes & Panama - Rolling Back 20:08 Pableno - Heights 20:04 Andrew Nagy & Joel Winterflood - Little To None 20:00 Lana Del Rey - Doin' Time (Chilltrax Yesterday/today Mix) 20:00 C H I L L T R A X - World Comes To Chilltrax.com 19:56 Sultan Shepard - Sirens 19:52 Nuage Feat. Gus - The Place We Know 19:49 Shallou - Heartaches 19:46 Holen - Healing 19:46 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 19:41 Dom Dolla & Mansionair - Strangers (Flight Facilities Remix) 19:35 Maya Jane Coles Feat .chelou - Never Asked For Much 19:32 Odsen - Retrospective 19:27 Tagavaka - Oxygen 19:27 C H I L L T R A X - Magnifyingglasssogood4u 19:22 Alex Lo Faro - Move With Me 19:18 Passenger 10 - Voices In Her Head 19:15 Forester - Symphony 19:10 Il:lo - Cynnes 19:05 Jody Wisternoff Feat. Sian Evans - The Bridge 19:05 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Bassy Dr 19:00 Elderbrook - Wasted On You 18:56 Satin Jackets Feat. Ivy Falls - Different Directions 18:53 Tescana - Benissa 18:50 Lp Giobbi Feat. Caroline Byrne - Another Life 18:46 Everything But The Girl - Run A Red Light 18:46 C H I L L T R A X - Street Life Worlds Cc 18:42 Jones Meadow - Shackles 18:39 53 Thieves - Heights 18:35 Phoenix & Dj Falcon - Winter Solstice (Braxe Falcon Remix) 18:31 Giants' Nest - Heart Void 18:28 Jimpster & Oliver Night - Ascension 18:28 C H I L L T R A X - Glitchy Toh 18:22 Washed Out - Hide (Amtrac Remix) 18:19 Dye O - Simply Be Here 18:14 Ry X & Olafur Arnalds - Colorblind (Whomadewho Remix) 18:10 Alampa - Seesaw Season 18:06 Toka Kakabadze - Urban 18:06 C H I L L T R A X - Trans Europe Vocoder 18:01 Monolink - Turning Away (Parra For Cuva Remix) 17:58 Blonde Maze - Fade Into You 17:53 Two Lanes Feat. Kwesi - Another Time 17:48 Volen Sentir & Makebo - Into The Stars 17:45 Olan - Wake And Return (Little Dragon Remix) 17:40 Reel People & Muhsinah - Something New (Kraak & Smaak Remix) 17:40 C H I L L T R A X - Chilltrax - Chill Out Piano 17:36 Feathervane & Oreonic - Overcast 17:32 Chicane & The Mannequin - Summer In E Major 17:27 Boerd - 2far 17:24 Melosense - Nous 17:19 Northern Form - Mend 17:13 Arley & Sirolf - One Day 17:13 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel, Chilltrax 17:10 Aether - Jupiter & Saturn 17:05 Trilucid - Cheyenne (Extended Sunset Mix) 16:59 Cubicolor - Wake Me Up 16:54 Sumsuch Feat. Matty Eeles - Find Home (Vincenzo-chilltrax Sumdub Mix) 16:50 Dreem - Miles Away 16:45 Vok - Figure (Wax Wings Remix) 16:45 C H I L L T R A X - Fresh And Fascinating 16:42 Fløa (Floa) - Pictures Of You 16:37 Attlas Feat. Mango - Over The Water 16:32 Joy Orbison Feat. Lea Sen - Better 16:28 Satin Jackets & Panama - Alive 16:28 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 16:25 Sum Wave - It Feels Like Summer 16:20 Royksopp - Me&youphoria 16:17 Kidnap & Pinkpirate - Things Change 16:12 Floa & Ra5im - Give Me A Second 16:07 Morgin Madison & Ryan Lucian - From The Start (Mm Chill Remix) 16:03 Christian Burns - Everywhere 15:58 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 15:53 Darius Feat. Benny Sings - Rise (Darius Remix) 15:48 Sofi Tukker - Swing (Mahmut Orhan Remix) 15:48 C H I L L T R A X - Escape 2 Music 15:45 Flexible Fire - Marea Turquesa 15:42 Reel People & Paula - Vibe (Moods Remix) 15:39 Drama - Dark Rain 15:34 Two Lanes - Movement 15:34 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 15:30 Andre Aguado - Through The Night 15:25 Braxe Falcon - Step By Step (Amtrac Remix) 15:20 Leaving Laurel - The Family We Find 15:15 Rüfüs Du Sol - See You Again 15:15 C H I L L T R A X - R.i.p. John Hurt 15:12 Elderbrook & Tourist - Howl (Chill Mix) 15:07 Sound Quelle & Tailor - Where We Should Be 15:04 Feiertag Feat. Tessa Rose Jackson - Ambivalence 15:00 Rocket Empire - Astoria 14:55 Alampa - Lush Dance 14:55 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 14:50 Steven Weston Feat. Tae - Same Dream 14:46 Leisure - Take You Higher (Serebii & Arjuna Oakes Remix) 14:43 Ran The Man - Yucatan 14:38 Alison Goldfrapp - The Beat Divine 14:35 Jones Meadow & Clara Mendes - Em Baixo 14:35 C H I L L T R A X - Be Svendsen World Comes 14:31 Sebastian Davidson - Nomads 14:28 Diplo Feat. Rhye - Mmxx - Xii 14:25 Attlas & Jodie Knight - Used To The Silence 14:20 Billion Watchers - Rainman 14:15 Gold Lounge - Higher 14:11 Kc Lights Feat. Leo Stannard - Cold Light (6am Remix) 14:07 Lar - Collide (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix) 14:02 Royksopp & Susanne Sundfor - Oh, Lover (Nto Remix) 13:58 False Intentions - Good Liar 13:53 Massive Attack - Weather Storm 13:52 C H I L L T R A X - Tcc Warm And Tender Ocean 13:49 Xixi Feat. Kwesi - Close To U 13:44 Eli & Fur - You And I 13:41 Flexible Fire - Amatista 13:36 Satin Jackets - Don't Worry (Lost Desert Remix) 13:32 Vandelux - All I've Ever Known 13:32 C H I L L T R A X - Worldschilloutchannnel Orbit 13:28 Shingo Nakamura - Falling Off 13:24 Mozez & Tim Angrave - Head Full Of Dreams 13:21 London Grammar - Lose Your Head 13:18 Dex 1200 - Ongea Nami 13:13 Odesza Feat. Olafur Arnalds - Light Of Day (Parra For Cuva Remix) 13:08 Nicholas Gunn & Alina Renae - Angel Eyes 13:08 C H I L L T R A X - E-chilled-music 13:04 Logic1000 - 21 13:00 Jan Blomqvist & Malou - Alone 12:57 Ben Macklin Feat. Emma Brammer - Stay With Me (Fvhm Remix) 12:53 Khotin & Tess Roby - Fountain, Growth 12:49 Alex V - Cristal Shore 12:43 Bob Moses - Tearing Me Up (Rac Mix) 12:43 C H I L L T R A X - Parents Magazine Seal 12:39 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 12:35 Tep No - Deep Sin 12:31 Il:lo - Ink 12:26 Chris Malinchak - Saving My Love 12:26 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 12:21 Maya Jane Coles Feat .chelou - Never Asked For Much 12:18 Attom - Where Are We Going 12:15 Forester - Saint (Shallou Remix) 12:11 Sons Of Maria - It Takes So Long 12:07 Rohne - Flicker (Faodail Remix) 12:02 Two Lanes - Searching (Exclusive Chilltrax Fixed It! Mix) 11:58 Kidnap - Start Again (Kidnap Piano Mix) 11:54 Duckmaw - Distant Worlds 11:51 Lost In Pacific & Hanging Valleys - Escape 11:45 Disclosure Feat. Jamie Woon - January (Finnebassen Remix) 11:44 C H I L L T R A X - Ct The Backward Chillout Channel 11:40 Sons Of Maria - Outbound 11:35 Lamorn - Olsen After Midnight 11:31 Henry Green - Shift (Edapollo Remix) 11:28 Holen - Healing 11:28 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 11:23 Boehm - Who You Are 11:19 Phoenix & Dj Falcon - Winter Solstice (Braxe Falcon Remix) 11:14 Ghenwa Nemnom - Story Of A Battle (Chris Zippel Remix) 11:09 Royksopp - Beautiful Day Without You 11:08 C H I L L T R A X - Magnifyingglasssogood4u 11:05 George Fitzgerald & Syml - Mother 11:00 R Plus & Faithless Feat. Amelia Fox - It's Enough (The Last High) 10:55 Marsh Feat. Leo Wood - Over And Over 10:52 Aftruu - Falling Asleep 10:48 Way Out West Feat. Hendrik Burkhard - We Move In The Dark (Sunday Maybe Mix) 10:48 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Bassy Dr 10:45 Afterlife - All I Wanted 10:41 Boerd Feat. Stella Explorer - Another Life 10:37 Jones Meadow - Need You Now 10:32 Alex Lo Faro - Move With Me 10:28 Evelynka - Letting Go 10:28 C H I L L T R A X - Escape The Noise 10:25 Finding Mero - In Loving Memories 10:20 Rodriguez Jr. Feat. Liset Alea - What Is Real (Deep In The Playa Mix) 10:15 Chicane & The Mannequin - Summer In E Major 10:11 Heard Right & Fløa - Enough 10:08 Che Jose Feat. Jodie Knight - Freedom (Mass Digital Remix Edit) 10:02 A.m.r - Sailor's Cry 09:59 Chill Cole - Liquid Life 09:54 Sound Quelle Feat. Daniel Robinson - Tempest 09:51 Alampa - Seesaw Season 09:48 Melosense - Explore 09:47 C H I L L T R A X - Something I Should Tell You 09:44 Cannons - Loving You 09:40 Faodail & Plya - Strangers Gone Missing 09:36 Arto - Now You're Gone 09:33 53 Thieves - Waves 09:28 Dj San & Sebastian Moore - In Your Eyes 09:28 C H I L L T R A X - Comes To Chill Out 09:24 Approaching Black - New Life 09:20 Satin Jackets & Panama - Alive 09:15 Bonobo Feat. Jordan Rakei - Shadows 09:11 Fakear - Crystal 09:08 Lapsley - 32 Floors 09:04 Everything But The Girl - Forever 09:04 C H I L L T R A X - Worlds Chillout Channel (Chillout Channel) 08:59 Two Lanes - Reflections (Il Lo Remix) 08:55 Nuage Feat. Gus - The Place We Know 08:52 Kaskade - Where Did You Go 08:48 Nils Hoffmann Feat. Malou - About You 08:44 Dye O - Simply Be Here 08:40 Thievery Corporation Feat. Shana Halligan - Love Has No Heart 08:40 C H I L L T R A X - Retsyn 08:36 Feiertag - Didn't Know Why (You Lost Your Soul) 08:33 Sebastian Davidson Feat. Lewyn - Second Hand Love 08:29 Tomb - Unbound 08:25 Aparde - Know You 08:25 C H I L L T R A X - Glitchy Toh 08:19 Braxe Falcon - Step By Step (Amtrac Remix) 08:16 Jones Meadow - Shackles 08:11 Blonde Maze - A Break In Continuity (Forty Cats Remix) 08:07 Jako Diaz & Leyet - Only You 08:03 Chris Malinchak - Control 08:03 C H I L L T R A X - R.i.p. John Hurt 07:59 Reel People & Paula - Vibe (Moods Remix) 07:55 Mahalo - Nothing Matters (Lipless Remix) 07:50 Volen Sentir & Makebo - Into The Stars 07:46 Kelela - Enough For Love 07:41 Washed Out - Hard To Say Goodbye (Lone Remix) 07:41 C H I L L T R A X - Chill Out Chilltrax 07:38 Sum Wave - Milkyway 07:35 Elderbrook & Tourist - Howl (Chill Mix) 07:30 Circle Sky - Your Name 07:27 Lar - Collide (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix) 07:27 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 07:22 Royksopp Feat. Astrid S - Let's Get It Right 07:19 Attlas & Jodie Knight - Used To The Silence 07:14 Emi Ca - Just Breathe 07:10 Kleerup Feat. Yuna - Break Down The Wall 07:04 Alison Goldfrapp - The Beat Divine 07:01 Morcheeba - The Moon (Kutiman Remix - Version B) 06:57 Otr Feat. Au/ra - Broken (Rac Mix) 06:51 Il:lo - Cynnes 06:48 Solomon Grey - Home 06:48 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 06:44 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 06:41 Mango & Cloudcage - More Than This 06:37 Giants' Nest - Storm Trap 06:32 Booka Shade & Satin Jackets - Fusion Royale 06:28 Eli & Fur - Where I Find My Mind 06:28 C H I L L T R A X - Organ The Chillout Channel 06:24 Sebastian Davidson - Nomads 06:20 Faodail & Kakadu - Painting In Shades (Edapollo Remix) 06:16 Mozez & Tim Angrave - Head Full Of Dreams 06:13 Sultan Shepard - Sirens 06:09 Lapsley - Levitate 06:09 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 06:05 The Knocks Feat. Foster The People - All About You (Equal Remix) 06:02 Dreem - Miles Away 05:58 Blonde Maze - Daydream (Otherwise Fine Remix) 05:55 Lp Giobbi Feat. Caroline Byrne - Another Life 05:51 Marsh & Jesse Bullitt - Mantis 05:51 C H I L L T R A X - Jimpster 1 05:48 Jan Blomqvist - Carry On (Earthlife Remix) 05:43 Zaven - Voliere Amplitude 05:39 Wassu & Mimi Page - Within Me 05:35 Everything But The Girl - Caution To The Wind 05:34 C H I L L T R A X - Escape 2 Music 05:30 Maxxim - Waterfalls 05:25 Maya Jane Coles Feat .chelou - Never Asked For Much 05:23 Marsh - Me & You (Joe Miller Remix) 05:19 Melosense - Nous 05:16 Emmit Fenn - --amman 05:11 Max Cooper - A Model Of Reality (Tor Remix) 05:05 Valante - Eio 05:01 False Intentions - Good Liar 04:56 Pines Feat. Akacia - History 04:52 Jean Vayat & Evelynka - My Soul 04:47 Two Lanes - Movement 04:42 Boerd - Blind 04:42 C H I L L T R A X - Cleanliness Don't You Agree 04:38 Elderbrook - Wasted On You 04:34 Running Touch - Why Do I 04:30 Odsen - Retrospective 04:24 Royksopp Feat. Pixx - How The Flowers Grow 04:24 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 04:20 Phoenix & Dj Falcon - Winter Solstice (Braxe Falcon Remix) 04:17 Baynk Feat. Drama - 1 Chance 04:14 Beacon - Feeling's Gone 04:14 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 04:10 Manu Zain - Yo Soy 04:07 Zimmer Feat. Panama - Make It Happen 04:03 Kc Lights Feat. Leo Stannard - Cold Light (6am Remix) 03:59 Ampm Feat. Michael Kaneko - Best Part Of Us 03:54 Fabio Vee - Real Mermaid 03:51 Equador - Break Me Gently 03:47 Otr Feat. Au/ra - Broken (Rac Mix) 03:43 Psychemagik Feat. Quinn Lamont Luke - We Can Be One 03:43 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 03:39 Dave Neville & Jazzy System - Street Life 03:34 Lev Feat. Lenn - Out Of The Dark 03:30 53 Thieves - Gold Dust 03:27 Elderbrook - Numb (Chill Mix) 03:23 Jones Meadow - Powerlines 03:18 Groove Armada - My Friend 03:13 Ad Brown, Ltn And Cat Martin - Miss You 03:09 Jan Blomqvist & Malou - Alone 03:06 Emmit Fenn - What Falling In Love Is For 03:03 Flight Facilities Feat. Your Smith - Heavy 03:00 Dex 1200 - Ongea Nami 02:55 Morgin Madison & Ryan Lucian - From The Start (Mm Chill Remix) 02:51 Heard Right Feat. Phoebe Tsen - Pulling Me Under 02:48 Giants' Nest - Flower Burst 02:43 Trilucid - Cheyenne (Extended Sunset Mix) 02:39 Floa & Phonic Youth - Falling Away 02:39 C H I L L T R A X - Street Life Worlds Cc 02:36 Sum Wave - It Feels Like Summer 02:32 Little Dragon - Water 02:28 Satin Jackets & Panama - Alive 02:25 Rocket Empire - Lima 02:20 Two Lanes - Never Enough 02:20 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 02:17 Edapollo Feat. Akacia - Run 02:13 Lar - Collide (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix) 02:08 Shingo Nakamura - Come Closer 02:03 Eli & Fur - Better In The Dark 01:59 Tycho - Receiver 01:59 C H I L L T R A X - Wonderful Tan! 01:55 Xixi Feat. Kwesi - Close To U 01:50 Ross Couch - On Fire (Downtempo Mix) 01:47 Pableno - Heights 01:42 Deep Sound Effect Feat. Svetlana Voice - Dreaming About You (Dj Aristocrat Remix) 01:39 Jones Meadow & Clara Mendes - Em Baixo 01:39 C H I L L T R A X - Chilltrax - Chill Out Piano 01:34 Braxe Falcon - Step By Step (Amtrac Remix) 01:29 Blonde Maze - Being Pulled (Polar Inc. Remix) 01:25 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 01:21 Eloi El - Stick Together (Blonde Maze Remix) 01:17 Kidnap & Pinkpirate - Things Change 01:13 Nuage Feat. Gus - The Place We Know 01:09 Harvey & Oscuro - You're All I Want 01:04 Chris Malinchak, Kiesza, Malin - Tree 01:01 Finding Mero - In Loving Memories 00:55 Massive Attack With Tracey Thorn - Protection 00:55 C H I L L T R A X - R.i.p. John Hurt 00:50 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 00:47 Beacon - Pay My Debts 00:42 Billion Watchers - Rainman 00:37 Double Touch Feat. Reigan - All I Want 00:37 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 00:34 Attlas & Jodie Knight - Used To The Silence 00:30 Chill Cole - Liquid Life 00:27 Pines Feat. Fractures - Rewrite The Ending 00:23 Vandelux - All I've Ever Known 00:19 Bonsaye - Viaje 00:18 C H I L L T R A X - Tcc Warm And Tender Ocean 00:15 Afterlife - All I Wanted 00:12 London Grammar - Baby It's You 00:08 Rocket Empire - Astoria 00:05 Odesza Feat. Maro - Better Now 00:00 Dusky Feat. Pedestrian - Spruce 00:00 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel Redux
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sheenas-diary · 1 year
Chasing milkyway, night skies and city lights! ✨ #romanticizinglife AS YOU SHOULD 🫶
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jackiesarts · 2 years
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Airglow and aroura with the milkyway while out night sky chasing. #nightphotography #milkyway #milkywaychasers #flueireupeninsula #waitpinga #southerncoast #southaustralia #Jacquelyn_nicholsonauthor (at Waitpinga, South Australia, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp4CEXvv9QH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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It's a party under the galactic core.
I was up in the Eastern Sierra a short time back and found a group of kids having a little shindig under the stars. While I was not fond of their noise, I can't fault them for their choice of venue.
6 frames stacked in Sequator
15 second exposure
24 mm
ISO 5000
Processed in Camera RAW and PhotoShop
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reading-totoro · 6 years
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Happy #BookLoversDay! These are some of several of my favourite books.
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1m58 · 6 years
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Chasing stars with bigfoot ✨
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idvlover · 4 years
Hi there 😁 my I request headcanons for Lucas, Joseph and Wu Chang's reactions to their survivor S/O being passionate about space ?
I'm going to assume s/o is from modern times
Wu Chang and Luca with s/o who is passionate about space headcanons:
Space had been talked about for a long time. Before Luca was even born, but it didn't become extremely popular until the 20th century (correct me if I'm wrong. I just know the cold war is what popularized it the most)
So when his s/o talked about space a lot, he's a little lost, but intrigued nonetheless
Might share what he knows only to get corrected because some information change over the years
What grabbed his interest the most is Apollo 13 moon landing. Like how on Earth did they make it to the moon? And come back?
Starts considering taking s/o on late night dates with a telescope
Listens to them go on and on about the stars, about their history, science, all of it
If his s/o has any books about space, he will no doubt read them
He finds it soothing when they talk about space. He loves how passionate they are and he never wants that to go away
Wants to have a matching space theme costume with them
Probably has a calendar for all the meteor showers, blood moons, which planet will show, all of it
Gets frustrated when it's cloudy or rainy. Probably yelled at the sky, despite his s/o saying it's fine that they can just have a casual dinner date
Yet it's really funny to watch. S/o may or may not have giggled discreetly
Other survivors and hunters are wondering if he's okay
"Why is he yelling at the sky in the rain"
"Tonight was supposed to be a blood moon. But as you can see the weather isn't fit"
"You might want to drag him in. I can see lightning strikes"
Definitely woke his s/o up at 3 in the morning because something caught his interest and he wants them to explain it
He also gets to learn how tiny earth is when s/o talks about the Milkyway
And also learns about blackholes and supernova
"That's cool, but please tell me the star won't explode"
"It's a rare occurrence, so probably not"
Stole Norton's Star Globe accessory to have s/o explain the star signs more
Norton had never felt so confused as to why he stole something that wouldn't help him invent things
S/o gave it back to him though, so he's not mad or anything
Wu Chang:
Xie and Fan figured out their passion after they got into the relationship
It was 2am in the morning and they're both REALLY worried because they couldn't find their s/o
That is until they heard mumbling and saw s/o looking through a telescope and look rather amazed by whatever is going on
Nearly scared the shit out of s/o when Xie asked what they are doing
That's when s/o explained they were looking at the stars and the two were more lost than Luca
But they eventually get a grasp on what they're talking about after further explanation
Even if they don't understand sometimes they still happily listen.
Fan finds the supernova cool
Xie is hoping that it never, ever explodes. Ever. Doesn't understand why Fan finds it cool
They try to do late-night dates. They do, but they just get so sleepy that they accidentally fall asleep on their s/o
Xie wondering why people are getting so bold and intrigued to the point they LEAVE earth
"What was the purpose of the moon landing???"
"Because the US refused to let Soviet Union win the space race after learning about sputnik"
"Soviet Union-"
"Ask Martha or Tracy"
"And sputnik???"
"Satellite made by the soviet union"
"S/o please...."
"A satellite is a-"
Xie only became more confused from there
Fan finds it neat that people were able to accomplish the moon landing. Like imagine being anywhere but the earth
Fan likes the history and some of the science more, while Xie loves the beauty space shows
Fan has probably gone around to survivors and hunters to tell them scary space facts just to scare them
They are both amazed by how much knowledge they have about space, and encourage s/o to keep following their passion
And if anyone tries to discourage it, you can count on Fan to make them regret it
Probably not only chase them but tell them about the possibility of the supernova. Had Probably made someone cry about it
Not that he regrets it
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Daisy > Daisypaw > Daisyspeckle Kit > Kittypet > Apprentice > Warrior <> Queen She-cat - ShadowClan Mother: Unknown Brother: Milkyscar Mate: Iceclaw Children: Fireripple, Podfern, Spikefang Mentor: Logtail
When Daisy and her brother, Milkyway, were born, their mother immediately gave them up, before they were off milk, to Twolegs. They were raised by Twolegs and sent out for adoption when they were two moons old. Luckily, they lived in households close by. Unfortunately, Daisy's housefolk never let her outside, and Milkyway's housefolk were unkind to him. When Milkyway finally ditched his housefolk and lived on the streets as a loner, hunting and eating scraps and fighting for a meal, Daisy wished she could join him. While she loved her housefolk dearly, and she always had a full belly and many toys to play with, she hated only being able to speak to her brother through a mesh screen. She hated, too, how her housefolk always chased Milkyway away, likely thinking him a tomcat interested in a dam.
It was one day when Milkyway came to her window with a strange cat that Daisy had hope. Milkyway was very excited, and rambled on about living in the forest and hunting plump squirrels and living with other cats. The strange cat introduced herself as Sageflower, and she brought three other companions with her, Toadskip, who was Sageflower's daughter, and Filly and Victor, who had left their lives to join her in her quest to find Sageflower's clanmates in promise of joining Sageflower's clan. Though Daisy was a bit hesitant, she agreed to leave her housefolk. Sageflower's group ripped the mesh apart and Daisy felt grass beneath her paws for the first time.
Daisy was excited but scared of the strange outside world. She had been pampered where her brother had been scarred. But she kept up with the other cats, and soon, they tracked down two of Sageflower's clanmates, Whiskerpelt the loner, and the newly named Sootie the kittypet. Sageflower attempted to convince them to rejoin ShadowClan as their numbers were dwindling, but both refused. Sootie offered them to stay in the outside cathouse for the night, and they did. In the morning, they bid their goodbyes, and Whiskerpelt pointed out to Sageflower that, while she had not convinced her and Sootie to rejoin, she had gained four new and eager members. Sageflower felt better after that, but heartbreak soon came as Toadskip revealed she wanted to stay with Sootie and her housefolk. With that, the group separated and Sageflower, Milkyway, Daisy, Filly, and Victor headed back to ShadowClan.
Daisy was very nervous upon seeing so many cats in such a strange place- she never knew what a forest even was before this moment. But her brother's optimism soothed her nerves and made her the slightest bit confident too. Soon, she was named Daisypaw and given to Logtail. He was calm and patient and level-headed; a great mentor to help her learn at her own pace. Admittedly, she was not as strong or natural as the other apprentices. After all, Victor and Filly were already a full grown cats, and Milkypaw had lived his live fighting to survive in Twolegplace. But she held her own and soon she was named Daisyspeckle while her brother became Milkyscar.
She became good friends with Hollyheart, Hollyheart's sisters, and other ShadowClan cats, but she also stuck closely to her brother, his mate Finchfur, and then his apprentice Icepaw, who soon became Iceclaw. Daisyspeckle found herself enjoying Iceclaw's silly songs, trying to sing along with him, and laughing at his jokes. She didn't even realize how much time she spent with the tom until Hollyheart pointed it out to her. Daisyspeckle was convinced he couldn't love her, a simple cat as she was, who wasn't very strong, or all that clever, and not at all ambitious or confident, but just content in the middle. But one starry night, after Iceclaw sang a song, she couldn't help but say, "I love you," and, to her surprise, after getting flustered, he said it back. And, so, they were mates.
Soon after, Daisyspeckle became pregnant, and they were overjoyed. Though, Daisyspeckle worried a bit - now was not the best time for kits to be born. Though leaf-bare would be ending by the time of their birth, the cruelty of BoneClan and its rogues still reigned on, led by none other than one of the former ShadowClan warriors Sageflower had been trying to track down - Darkwhisper. Still, Iceclaw promised he would take on all of BoneClan to protect her and their kits, and she trusted him. Their kits were born shortly, and they named them Firekit, because it was the opposite of Ice, Podkit, because it was plant-like like Daisy, and Spikekit, because they both liked that name. Daisyspeckle was never happier, though the kits may be exhausting, she had the other nursery queens, as well as Iceclaw himself, as he often spent nights sleeping beside her.
It seemed like time flew, and her kits were apprentices in no time. She and Iceclaw were never prouder of shy Firepaw, clumsy Podpaw, and bold Spikepaw, as well as Iceclaw's own apprentice Tornpaw, and her brother, Squirrelpaw. However, Daisyspeckle's fears grew as BoneClan's aggression only became worse, coming to a head when BoneClan launched an attack on ShadowClan's very camp, during the night. Having been on guard, Daisyspeckle was attacked first. She and Hollyheart called alarm, but, just as the warriors rose from their nests, Daisyspeckle's neck had been bit and the life drained for her body.
She joined StarClan quickly, and soon learned of the aftermath of the battle. Iceclaw and Tornpaw had been killed, and Spikepaw had nearly died as well. But, while she was among the few cats to greet Tornpaw after her death, Iceclaw did not appear in StarClan. Fearful, she thought he had ended up, dreadfully, in the Dark Forest, as he had confessed to training there when he was an apprentice, stopping only after earning his warrior name for his bloodlust in battle. But, kind spirit Morningcloud told her no such cat as Iceclaw resided there. Then, she learned from watching living cats below, that Twolegs had taken Iceclaw's body away. While other cats feared this, she knew the kindness of Twolegs. She knew they must have nursed him back to health and that somewhere out there, Iceclaw lived.
“Speckled ginger she-cat.”
Fun Fact: She did not believe in StarClan, so it was quite the shock when she died, but she got over it relatively swiftly. When Iceclaw confessed to training in the Dark Forest, she knew her mate wasn't a liar, but thought that he was really just training with rogues and the trauma clouded his mind.
Wiki Link.
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bluepallilworld · 2 years
Angsty things that could happen with my ocs but didn't because I don't plan for that to happen so far:
-Fancy reacting badly to meeting Vary and Shift
-Mimosa having a "soul attack"
-Lint wandering somewhere she shouldn't
-Mynn going through commontale's resets
-Nip accidentally scaring someone close too much
-Mu getting hurt enough to talk
-Moonie getting chase out of the village
-Nobody singing Waterbell's song anymore
-Soot messing up with his poison and seriously hurting Lint
-Milkyway going too far with her work and fainting
-Kirpa being dumped by Milkyway/ having a fight with his parents
-someone damaging Kilm's masks
-Nona's "former father" finding her back
-the return of the soulless padishs
-Jar finding out something she would have prefered to not find out
-Vary and Shift being separated
-Vivid's strawberry plant getting destroyed
-Amélie's room in fire
-Scorim burning his sister
-Seabyl getting yelled at
-Dasha's tail getting cut
-Jasy's crown getting hit
-Toddh complicated past's catching up with him
-Wolly away from water
-Starry Noodle starving and having to make a difficult choice
-Palida sick
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Chilltrax (May 08, 2023)
23:57 Flexible Fire - Amatista 23:53 Blonde Maze - When You Move 23:48 Ry X & Olafur Arnalds - Colorblind (Whomadewho Remix) 23:48 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel Redux 23:44 R Plus & Faithless Feat. Amelia Fox - It's Enough (The Last High) 23:40 Embrz Feat. Abroad - Rise 23:36 Rocket Empire - Astoria 23:33 Lipless & Blue Noir - Alone 23:27 Bob Moses - Days Gone By 23:27 C H I L L T R A X - Escape The Noise 23:22 Jones Meadow - Fences 23:19 Cannons - Loving You 23:14 Kraak And Smaak Feat. Izo Fitzroy - Twilight 23:10 Leaving Laurel - The Family We Find 23:10 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 23:07 Emmit Fenn - The Chase 23:02 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 22:58 Approaching Black - Sensitive 22:55 Tycho Feat. Rum.gold - Run Away 22:54 C H I L L T R A X - Tcc Warm And Tender Ocean 22:51 Satin Jackets Feat. Tailor - Somewhere In Paradise 22:47 Running Touch - Why Do I 22:43 Drama - 3am 22:39 Tomb - Unbound 22:39 C H I L L T R A X - Valante Io Toh 22:34 Dj San & Sebastian Moore - In Your Eyes 22:29 Pilots Of Peace - Fallin 22:23 Two Lanes - Belong 22:19 Morgin Madison & Ryan Lucian - From The Start (Mm Chill Remix) 22:14 Royksopp & Susanne Sundfor - Oh, Lover (Nto Remix) 22:14 C H I L L T R A X - Backward Rvb Where World Comes 22:10 Melosense - Nous 22:05 Sg Lewis Feat. Lucky Daye - Feed The Fire (Kassian Remix) 22:02 Everything But The Girl - Forever 21:57 Forty Cats & Arentis - Zen 21:53 Attom & Kwesi - Rogue 21:53 C H I L L T R A X - Street Life Worlds Cc 21:49 53 Thieves - Heights 21:44 Blank & Jones - Floatation 21:41 Leisure - Be With You 21:37 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 21:37 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 21:32 Eli & Fur - Where I Find My Mind 21:27 Monolink - Take Me Away 21:24 Flexible Fire - Marea Turquesa 21:19 Blonde Maze - A Break In Continuity (Forty Cats Remix) 21:14 Shingo Nakamura - Come Closer 21:14 C H I L L T R A X - E-chilled-music 21:09 Jones Meadow - Entrance 21:05 Floa & Phonic Youth - Falling Away 21:02 Gareth Emery - St Mary's 20:57 Arto - Now You're Gone 20:53 Boehm - Who You Are 20:49 Phello - Timelapse 20:49 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel, Chilltrax 20:45 Giants' Nest - Flower Burst 20:41 Elderbrook - Wasted On You 20:37 Henry Green - Shift (Edapollo Remix) 20:34 Emmit Fenn - What Falling In Love Is For 20:31 Dex 1200 - Ongea Nami 20:26 Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde 20:26 C H I L L T R A X - Glitchy Toh 20:21 Nicholas Gunn Feat. Chris Howard - Thought Of You 20:18 Sebastian Davidson Feat. Lewyn - Second Hand Love 20:13 Eric Hilton Feat. Brian Jackson - Something For Byrd 20:10 Lane 8 Feat. Channy Leaneagh - I'll Wait 20:09 C H I L L T R A X - This Is A Journey 20:06 Reel People & Paula - Vibe (Moods Remix) 20:02 Duckmaw - Distant Worlds 19:58 Heard Right Feat. Phoebe Tsen - Pulling Me Under 19:54 Che Jose Feat. Jodie Knight - Freedom (Mass Digital Remix Edit) 19:50 Logic1000 - 21 19:50 C H I L L T R A X - Escape 2 Music 19:46 Satin Jackets Feat. Mandy Jones - In This Life 19:43 Cannons - Footsteps In The Dark 19:40 Rocket Empire - Lima 19:35 Chris Malinchak - Saving My Love 19:29 Tycho - Horizon (Poolside Remix) 19:29 C H I L L T R A X - Be Svendsen World Comes 19:26 Sum Wave - Milkyway 19:22 Two Lanes - Searching (Ct Fixup Mix) 19:17 Shallou - Fading 19:12 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 19:12 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 19:07 Sons Of Maria - Close To Me 19:04 Jones Meadow & Clara Mendes - Em Baixo 18:59 Deep Lo - Lost In You (Soire Remix) 18:55 Christian Loffler Feat. Menke - Lys 18:55 C H I L L T R A X - We Are The Music Makers 18:51 Xixi Feat. Kwesi - Close To U 18:48 Odesza Feat. Maro - Better Now 18:43 Hausman & Lumynesynth - Faded 18:39 Woven - Brushes 18:35 Massive Attack - Paradise Circus 18:35 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 18:31 Jako Diaz & Leyet - Only You 18:27 Blonde Maze - Being Pulled (Polar Inc. Remix) 18:23 Melosense - Lost In Gruvv 18:18 Max Cooper - A Model Of Reality (Tor Remix) 18:13 Northern Form - Mend 18:13 C H I L L T R A X - Worldschilloutchannnel Orbit 18:10 Farius - Coming Up (Hold On) (Dokho Remix) 18:04 Royksopp - Beautiful Day Without You 18:01 George Fitzgerald & Syml - Mother 17:57 Giants' Nest - Heart Void 17:54 53 Thieves - Waves 17:54 C H I L L T R A X - Chill Out Chilltrax 17:49 Kaskade & Late Night Alumni - Save Yourself 17:46 Lar - Collide (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix) 17:42 Armin Van Buuren & Matoma Feat Teddy Swims - Easy To Love 17:38 Monolink - Turning Away (Parra For Cuva Remix) 17:33 Elypsis - Open Road 17:33 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 17:29 Vandelux - All I've Ever Known 17:24 Missfeat - The World Before (Niko Garcia Remix) 17:20 Pableno - Heights 17:15 Mango - Skyline 17:11 Fabio Vee & Mike D' Jais - Consolation 17:11 C H I L L T R A X - Ct The Backward Chillout Channel 17:06 Valante - Eio 17:01 Eli & Fur - Better In The Dark 16:57 Kidnap - Start Again (Kidnap Piano Mix) 16:53 Palladian - Zagara 16:49 Cannons - Tunnel Of You 16:45 Kelela - Contact 16:45 C H I L L T R A X - Escape The Noise 16:42 Duckmaw - Habits 16:37 Nicholas Gunn & Alina Renae - Angel Eyes 16:33 Satin Jackets Feat. Tailor - Spell 16:30 Jos & Eli & Eli & Fur - Riffs Of The Night 16:26 Flexible Fire - Amatista 16:21 Zero 7 - Don't Call It Love 16:21 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 16:17 Cinnamon Chasers - Surviving The Fire 16:13 Nils Hoffmann Feat. Gordi - No One Else 16:09 Sons Of Maria - Outbound 16:05 Two Lanes Feat. Kwesi - Another Time 16:04 C H I L L T R A X - Something I Should Tell You 16:00 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 15:56 Sultan Shepard - Sirens 15:53 Melosense - Can't Replace You 15:50 Jones Meadow - Expect 15:45 Bonsaye - Viaje 15:45 C H I L L T R A X - Comes To Chill Out 15:41 Evelynka - Letting Go 15:38 London Grammar - Lose Your Head 15:33 Zaven - Voliere Amplitude 15:29 Tep No - Say What You Wanted 15:29 C H I L L T R A X - Twcc High Standard Of Quality 15:23 Ghenwa Nemnom - Story Of A Battle (Chris Zippel Remix) 15:18 Arkangel - Paradigm 15:14 Blank & Jones - Alone In This Rhythm (Ben Macklin Remix) 15:09 Leaving Laurel - The Family We Find 15:09 C H I L L T R A X - Valante Io Toh 15:05 Royksopp Feat. Astrid S - Just Wanted To Know 15:02 Everything But The Girl - Forever 14:58 Vintage & Morelli - Once Upon A World 14:55 Zimmer Feat. Panama - Wildflowers 14:54 C H I L L T R A X - Cleanliness Don't You Agree 14:50 Elderbrook - Wasted On You 14:46 Lp Giobbi Feat. Dj Tennis & Joseph Ashworth - All In A Dream 14:43 Holen - Breathe 14:38 Double Touch Feat. Reigan - Greatest Day 14:33 Bob Moses - I Ain't Gonna Be The First To Cry 14:32 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 14:27 Arley & Sirolf - One Day 14:23 Eloi El - Stick Together (Blonde Maze Remix) 14:20 Aether - Jupiter & Saturn 14:17 Cannons - Loving You 14:13 Kelela - Enough For Love 14:13 C H I L L T R A X - Chilltrax - Chill Out Piano 14:07 Volen Sentir & Makebo - Into The Stars 14:03 Washed Out - Too Late 13:59 Floa & Phonic Youth - Falling Away 13:56 Odsen - Retrospective 13:52 Giants' Nest - Crema 13:52 C H I L L T R A X - Organ The Chillout Channel 13:48 Solomon Grey - Home 13:45 Melosense - Nous 13:40 Nils Hoffmann Feat. Julia Church - 9 Days 13:36 Two Lanes - Searching (Ct Fixup Mix) 13:30 Bronze Whale - Say It (Baile Remix) 13:30 C H I L L T R A X - Glitchy Toh 13:26 Sound Quelle & Tailor - Where We Should Be 13:21 Eli & Fur - You And I 13:17 Fakear - Crystal 13:12 Farius - A Big Life (Sound Quelle Remix) 13:08 Odesza Feat. Olafur Arnalds - Light Of Day (Parra For Cuva Remix) 13:08 C H I L L T R A X - Escape 2 Music 13:04 Chris Malinchak - Control 13:00 Reel People & Paula - Vibe (Moods Remix) 12:57 Sault - Wildfires 12:53 Rocket Empire - Astoria 12:49 Alampa - The One 12:45 Lapsley - Levitate 12:45 C H I L L T R A X - World Comes To Chilltrax.com 12:42 Elypsis - Open Your Eyes 12:38 Xixi Feat. Kwesi - Close To U 12:34 French Braids & Matt Hartke - Heaven On Loan 12:31 Jimpster & Oliver Night - Ascension 12:27 Aftruu - Falling Asleep 12:22 Marsh Feat. Katherine Amy - Find Me 12:22 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 12:18 Wassu & Mimi Page - Within Me 12:13 Royksopp Feat. Astrid S - Let's Get It Right 12:08 Emi Ca - Just Breathe 12:05 Feiertag Feat. Tessa Rose Jackson - Riptide 12:05 C H I L L T R A X - Magnifyingglasssogood4u 12:02 Jones Meadow & Clara Mendes - Em Baixo 11:57 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 11:53 Alex Hook Feat. Rene - You Showed Me 11:49 Khotin & Tess Roby - Fountain, Growth 11:45 Sao Miguel Feat. Sebastian Reynoso - Hope In Balance (Wisternoff-grant Remix) 11:45 C H I L L T R A X - Street Life Worlds Cc 11:41 Kidnap & Pinkpirate - Things Change 11:37 Forester - Symphony 11:34 Flexible Fire - Marea Turquesa 11:31 Liz Cass - Blue 11:26 Cinnamon Chasers - Great Escape 11:26 C H I L L T R A X - E-chilled-music 11:22 Approaching Black - Sensitive 11:18 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 11:13 Rodriguez Jr. Feat. Liset Alea - What Is Real (Deep In The Playa Mix) 11:10 Lar - Collide (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix) 11:10 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 11:06 Ferr By Ferry Corsten And Youth Novels - Hands 11:03 George Fitzgerald & Syml - Mother 10:59 Holen - Not Too Late 10:55 Genix & Zashanell - All I Want (Chill Out Mix) 10:54 C H I L L T R A X - Come Along Children - Need To Chill Out 10:50 Morgin Madison & Ryan Lucian - From The Start (Mm Chill Remix) 10:46 Passenger 10 - Voices In Her Head 10:42 Kayobe & Zoe Sky Jordan - No Sympathy 10:37 Il:lo - Cynnes 10:32 London Grammar - Sights (Tourist Version) 10:31 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 10:27 Everything But The Girl - Caution To The Wind 10:23 Flume Feat. Emma Louise - Hollow (Logic1000 Remix) 10:18 Steven Weston Feat. Tae - Same Dream 10:14 Elderbrook - The End 10:14 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel Redux 10:11 Dex 1200 - Ongea Nami 10:07 Twoworldsapart & Panuma & Nina Carr - Slippin' 10:02 Eli & Fur - Better In The Dark 09:58 Valante - Vana 09:54 Andre Aguado - Through The Night 09:54 C H I L L T R A X - Escape The Noise 09:51 Drama - Dark Rain 09:47 Farius - Coming Up (Hold On) (Dokho Remix) 09:44 Flight Facilities Feat. Your Smith - Heavy 09:40 Monolink - Turning Away (Parra For Cuva Remix) 09:35 Eelke Kleijn - Lifetime 09:35 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 09:31 Reel People & Muhsinah - Something New (Kraak & Smaak Remix) 09:27 Boerd Feat. Stella Explorer - Before We Drown 09:23 Arto - Now You're Gone 09:18 Two Lanes - Never Enough 09:13 Royksopp & Susanne Sundfor - Oh, Lover (Nto Remix) 09:13 C H I L L T R A X - Backward Rvb Where World Comes 09:08 Dim Kelly - Nocturna Animal 09:03 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 08:58 Satin Jackets - Don't Worry (Lost Desert Remix) 08:53 Billion Watchers - Rainman 08:48 Ry X & Olafur Arnalds - Colorblind (Whomadewho Remix) 08:48 C H I L L T R A X - Worldschilloutchannnel Orbit 08:43 Nicholas Gunn & Alina Renae - Angel Eyes 08:40 Lliam And Latroit Feat. Brea - Someday (Latroit Edition) 08:35 Mass Digital - Thoughts Of U 08:31 Melosense - Nous 08:26 Rufus Du Sol - Like An Animal (Trinidad Remix) 08:25 C H I L L T R A X - Valante Io Toh 08:20 Dj San & Sebastian Moore - In Your Eyes 08:16 Eli & Fur Feat. Brothertiger - She's Just A Wanderer 08:12 Jones Meadow - Fences 08:08 Vok - Skin 08:08 C H I L L T R A X - Parents Magazine Seal 08:04 Everything But The Girl - Forever 08:00 Leaving Laurel - The Family We Find 07:55 Sg Lewis - Lifetime 07:52 Lost In Pacific & Hanging Valleys - Escape 07:48 Maxxim - Waterfalls 07:48 C H I L L T R A X - Chill Out Chilltrax 07:44 Jako Diaz & Leyet - Only You 07:41 Kaskade - Where Did You Go 07:37 Tomb - Unbound 07:33 Emmit Fenn & Shallou - Hollow 07:33 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel, Chilltrax 07:28 Forty Cats & Arentis - Zen 07:23 Max Cooper - A Model Of Reality (Tor Remix) 07:18 Mishegas - Temporary Love (Il:lo Remix) 07:14 Rocket Empire - Lima 07:14 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 07:10 Embliss & Lumynesynth - Phases Of The Moon 07:06 Floa & Phonic Youth - Falling Away 07:03 Giants' Nest - Heart Void 06:59 London Grammar - Baby It's You 06:59 C H I L L T R A X - Dionigi/the Chillout Channel 06:55 Elderbrook - Wasted On You 06:50 Sons Of Maria - Are You 06:47 Bronson Feat. Gallant - Know Me 06:42 Zaven - Voliere Amplitude 06:37 Bob Moses - Enough To Believe 06:37 C H I L L T R A X - Glitchy Toh 06:32 Eli & Fur - Where I Find My Mind 06:29 Tep No & Noak Hellsing - I Won’t Need You 06:26 Satin Jackets Feat. Tailor - Somewhere In Paradise 06:20 Shingo Nakamura - Come Closer 06:20 C H I L L T R A X - Escape 2 Music 06:16 Duckmaw - Distant Worlds 06:10 Roisin Murphy - Incapable 06:07 Reel People & Paula - Vibe (Moods Remix) 06:02 Eric Hilton Feat. Brian Jackson - Something For Byrd 05:58 Ferr By Ferry Corsten And Rich Walters - Limbo 05:58 C H I L L T R A X - Be Svendsen World Comes 05:54 Cannons - Bad Dream 05:49 Blank & Jones - Floatation 05:45 Blonde Maze - Night Light (Hessian Remix) 05:40 Arkangel - Paradigm 05:35 Thievery Corporation - Liberation Front 05:35 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 05:30 Nicholas Gunn Feat. Chris Howard - Thought Of You 05:25 Roma Moss & Holy - Too Late 05:20 Fakear - Crystal 05:16 Pines Feat. Fractures - Rewrite The Ending 05:12 Phello - Timelapse 05:12 C H I L L T R A X - Twcc High Standard Of Quality 05:07 Alan Cerra - Radiant 05:04 Jones Meadow & Clara Mendes - Em Baixo 05:01 Otr Feat. Shallou - Heart 04:58 Pableno - Heights 04:54 Nightcap - The Two Of Us (We Only Need) 04:50 Mango & Cloudcage - More Than This 04:50 C H I L L T R A X - Chilltrax - Chill Out Piano 04:46 Xixi Feat. Kwesi - Close To U 04:42 Camelphat X Cristoph Feat. Jem Cooke - Breathe (Camelphat Just Chill Mix) 04:37 Darius Feat. Benny Sings - Rise (Darius Remix) 04:32 Volen Sentir & Makebo - Into The Stars 04:25 Disclosure Feat. Jamie Woon - January (Finnebassen Remix) 04:25 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 04:22 Vandelux - All I've Ever Known 04:19 Lapsley - 32 Floors 04:16 Sum Wave - Milkyway 04:12 Washed Out - Time To Walk Away 04:11 C H I L L T R A X - Listen To This! 04:08 George Fitzgerald & Syml - Mother 04:03 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 03:58 Royksopp Feat. Pixx - How The Flowers Grow 03:53 Andrew Nagy & Joel Winterflood - Little To None 03:50 Giants' Nest - Storm Trap 03:49 C H I L L T R A X - Ct The Backward Chillout Channel 03:45 R Plus & Faithless Feat. Amelia Fox - It's Enough (The Last High) 03:41 Mahalo - Nothing Matters (Lipless Remix) 03:37 Rocket Empire - Astoria 03:32 Rhye - Feel Your Weight (Poolside Remix) 03:31 C H I L L T R A X - Escape The Noise 03:28 Olan - Wake And Return (Little Dragon Remix) 03:24 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 03:21 Henry Green Feat. Andreya Triana - Tide 03:18 Flexible Fire - Amatista 03:18 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 03:13 Leisure - Slipping Away (Flight Facilities Remix) 03:08 Eli & Fur - Better In The Dark 03:03 Sumsuch Feat. Matty Eeles - Find Home (Vincenzo Remix) 02:59 Woven - Brushes 02:55 Chris Malinchak, Kiesza, Malin - Tree 02:50 Elderbrook & Emmit Fenn - I’ll Find My Way To You 02:50 C H I L L T R A X - Comes To Chill Out 02:46 Tensnake - Adams Hill 02:43 Cannons - Loving You 02:39 Circle Sky - Love Hertz 02:35 Tennyson - Iron 02:32 Dex 1200 - Ongea Nami 02:28 Autograf - Sleepless In Nyc (Extended Mix) 02:28 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 02:24 Satin Jackets Feat. Mandy Jones - In This Life 02:20 Boerd Feat. Stella Explorer - Another Life 02:15 Deep Lo - Lost In You (Soire Remix) 02:11 Sasha - Bygone 02:11 C H I L L T R A X - Extraordinary Craftsmanship 02:06 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 02:02 Duckmaw - Distant Worlds 01:59 Edapollo - Standing There 01:54 Northern Form - Mend 01:50 Bonsaye - Kismet 01:50 C H I L L T R A X - Street Life Worlds Cc 01:46 Cinnamon Chasers - Surviving The Fire 01:41 Mazoulew Feat. Bonnie Wylde - Circles 01:37 Holen - Breathe 01:32 Steven Weston Feat. Lapsley - Like I Used To 01:32 C H I L L T R A X - E-chilled-music 01:27 Ghenwa Nemnom - Story Of A Battle (Chris Zippel Remix) 01:22 Max Cooper - A Model Of Reality (Tor Remix) 01:18 Tagavaka - Oxygen 01:14 Farius - Coming Up (Hold On) (Dokho Remix) 01:14 C H I L L T R A X - Valante Io Toh 01:10 Vandelux - Tulum 01:07 Everything But The Girl - Forever 01:03 Odsen - Retrospective 01:00 Shallou - Heartaches 01:00 C H I L L T R A X - Musique Nonstop 00:56 Two Lanes - Searching (Ct Fixup Mix) 00:51 Sound Quelle Feat. Daniel Robinson - Tempest 00:47 Fhin Feat. Sahara - Fallin' Fallin' 00:44 Rocket Empire - Lima 00:40 Way Out West Feat. Hendrik Burkhard - We Move In The Dark (Sunday Maybe Mix) 00:40 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 00:36 Kidnap & Pinkpirate - Things Change 00:31 Sons Of Maria - Don't Tell Me I Can't Have It 00:27 Sum Wave - Moments Of Sundown 00:23 Monolink - Turning Away (Parra For Cuva Remix) 00:19 Che Jose Feat. Jodie Knight - Freedom (Mass Digital Remix Edit) 00:19 C H I L L T R A X - Organ The Chillout Channel 00:14 Blank & Jones - Floatation 00:09 Meeting Molly - Gerda 00:05 Floa & Phonic Youth - Falling Away 00:00 Emi Ca - Just Breathe
0 notes
d4gotten · 3 years
Title: Don't Count the Stars
Pairing: Midorima x Takao
Rate/Tags: Teen above, fluff, established relationship
Once Oha-asa declared Scorpio was at the last place, and that the best way to achieve good luck was to go to a place that reaches the stars, Takao knew his weekend plans were done for. Midorima rang him the second the reporter finished, requesting formally that the raven haired be prepared for a hundred- foot journey up a mountain.
"But why the mountains!?" he guffawed, already walking with Midorima to the train station in their hiking apparel with their backpacks on and Midorima still itemless. "I get it, we need to get your lucky item from a souvenir store at the foot of the mountain-"
"A Hannya brimstone is more likely to be effective coming from its original store location."
"Pffft. It's not like luck dimishes with delivery. That's how you get your other items! But seriously, a planetarium is less of a hassle."
"Takao," the ace said, voice reprimanding, "To do the best--"
It was drowned out by the sound of the train that wheezed past them and the two boarded with Takao laughing at how Midorima's legs will always be too long for the accomdating seats. Midorima found nothing funny. He was restless throughout the ride, only comforted once they secured his lucky item to which Takao commented "scarier than any apparition up the mountain peak."
"This is yours." the ace proceeded to hand him a Tengu brimstone charm.
"It's not my lucky item, Shin-chan. It's something about stars, remember?"
"Of course I remember-nandayo. It's a partner of mine, they must not be separated."
"I don't think this will save me getting lost in the mountain, though." he took it gratefully.
"Why do you think you will get lost?" Midorima asked before shooting his boyfriend a devastating look. Of course Midorima knew the reason. Takao only gave his ace-sama a grin.
The trail was dry given the approaching summer. The sky was the bluest with ample clouds that shielded them from the glaring sun. Much to Midorima's chagrin, the hike proved to be challenging, not because of the leg excercise (they have Shutoku training menu that could kill the unfit), but of Takao's innate skill to be care less. Midorima knew Takao was not immune from being, well, Takao. It was like the point guard wanted nothing to do with the safe trail. Once or twice, Midorima had to chastise him from pointing at paths no feet had ever treaded upon with an obvious look of excitement on his face.
"No. Don't forget your rank for today."
"You're right, but wouldn't it be awesome to know if there were hidden lakes or waterfalls in unknown webbed corners?"
"Unlikely. It would have been spotted by aerial cameras for geographic purposes. There are no such things here."
"That's why I said hidden."
"Do not forget our goal here, Takao." Midorima said, pulling Takao by his back collar for trying to casually go off to another path. The ace had kept a careful eye on the pointguard who naturally was pleased with the attention. It was one thing to invite his ever so firm boyfriend to embrace the sense of adventure and live life a little since they rarely hike up mountains, but it was another to convince Shin-chan that with his Hawkeye, he could definitely get them back on the trail in no time.
"Don't you trust me?"
"Let's not tempt fate," Midorima said, running his long taped fingers on Takao's hair and smoothing out a leaf that had gotten stuck there. The flush that rose to the point guard's cheeks was easily covered by his already red and perspiring body after two hours of walking.
Takao behaved after that.
The summit was empty when they reached it. Takao dropped dead on the ground while Midorima proceeded on fixing their tent. Everything was alright when Takao volunteered to get the woods for a bonfire. It seemed what hikers say was true, there is a different energy for when you reach the top of the mountain.
Midorima sighed and went with him anyway.
"You really don't trust me, eh?" Takao said bitingly. Midorima only pushed his glasses back at the bridge of his nose.
"It's not a question of trust, but of ranks."
Takao hummed, then glanced at his ace-sama thoughtfully, "So the best thing is to really stay with Shin-chan after all."
Midorima agreed. His luck would have to help Takao get through it. Plus, they were indeed, near the sky.
Dusk found them outside the tent, Midorina reading a book as he leaned on a tree while Takao chatted animatedly. They did not miss the sunset, the orange orb sinking in the horizon, bringing with it the light of the day, while around it the sky swirled of colours, red and pink then purple as darkness began to reign and consumed everything. The first star appeared just as they were preparing their dinner, cool breeze enveloping their skin as they watched the stars occupy the black veil like glitters. They stayed around the bonfire a few hours after cleaning up dinner, Midorima taking out an extra clean blanket to use as cover for the ground. The best hours to stargazed was between midnight and twilight and that they did not miss. It was a party of stars in the milky way to behold.
"They're all really up there," Takao said in awe, speaking for the first time since Midorima woke him up for the promised starshow. "There's so many no one would notice if one of them dropped out and fall to the ground. I mean look, even if I count-"
"Don't." Midorima said quietly, his glasses reflecting that star light, "It's been said it's bad luck to count the stars. A legend said you'd die when you reach 100."
Takao considered chuckling, only to find his breath taken at the spectacular view.
"Who'd count those anyway,"
"You can with your sharp eyes."
"Oh yeah-"
"You realized you just tempted me to do so?"
"I'd rather not have my long life partner to be haunted by badluck."
"Oh, Shin-chan? Did you just propose to me? Again? " Takao snickered while Midorima only gazed back the sky. It was nothing surprising. Midorima, from the time they became a couple, had been threatening to propose every minute of the day. Takao was baffled at first, but it was just like Midorima... To do everything he can as best as he could once he set his eyes upon something. So Takao could never feel he will ever be unlucky. Not with this, not with what they have. Maybe until Shin-chan gets tired of him, something which Takao didn't have the heart to deal with. As long as Shin-chan was still happy with him.
"Hey, Shinchan-" he pointed up. Midorima quickly wrapped his taped hand around Takao's knuckle.
"Don't count. Takao, know I don't want anything close to badluck when it is about you." Takao pressed his lips at how affected Midorima was about it. He does care about their relationship to the extent of paving the way to even make fate agree.
"I'm not," Takao whispered, gulping at the warm touch that gradually slid off his skin as Shin-chan let go but the lingering feeling remained, "But I was saying... that's Cancer right?" he pointed at the pattern on the sky. The mountain was too dark, the stars were like lamps, they all could be seen like fire.
Midorima was quiet.
"And that's Sagittarius?" there was a pause where Midorima frowned.
"That's not your sign. That's Akashi's."
Takao chuckled. "I know that. We both know all the Generation of Miracles' star signs, we even know their Oha Asa! What I mean is... Look at that? Cancer and Sagittarius are much closer up the sky than say... Scorpio beneath Sagittarius. Even the Zodiacs declares it. It's really not close, yours and mine." then as an after thought, a whisper to himself, "I wish our signs are closer."
The stars twinkled with no care for his melancholy. The world continued to revolved and he remained a tiny speck.
"Where are you looking at, Takao. Your Cancer is right here."
He glanced beside him. Shin-chan's eyes were on him, fiery and firm. The ace reached for his hand again and held it tight, knocking out the air from Takao's lungs as they gazed at each other, long and meaningful.
The stars were there in Shin-chan's eyes.
"It's closer, isn't it?". Midorima demanded quietly. Takao blinked, then brightened a she beamed and drew closer to the warm of his ace-sama, butterflies awoken in his stomach and flapping even to his ears.
"That's right. We didn't really have to go here, Shin-chan. I have all the luck... because Shin-chan is my star."
Midorima's silent agreement could be seen in the crinkle of the corners of his eyes and his soft smile that made Takao feel like stars just exploded in his chest. He entwined their hands together and tugged Midorima closer.
"The tent looks cozy now," he whispered, glad for the darkness that masked the blush of his cheeks. Midorima raised himself on one elbow, leaned to him and captured his lips. It seared hot Takao's body, ridding of any part of his skin that remained cold under the cool twilight breeze. Midorima continued to set fire in his body, crawling on top of him, Takao clutching the front of the shootingguard's shirt as they made a mess under the milkyway with stars as their witness.
"You just dragged me here for the milkyway makeout," Takao accused once Shin-chan pulled him to his feet, his lips still burning from the passionate kiss.
"The weather did say it is the best date for stargazing."
"Well, it is the best date so far." Takao let himself get wrapped around Shin-chan's long arm as they headed to the tent. "But if Shin-chan is my lucky item, even if we really did go off the trails, with you beside me, we're bound to get lucky!"
Midorima grimaced as he prodded Takao into the tent, leaving the zippers open as the bonfire danced outside, helping Takao out of his clothes while the raven haired chased his lips to continue where they left off.
"I would not recommend it. Not after we're done here until dawn." Takao's burst of laughter was music to his ears.
"Oh, Shin-chan, you animal!"
The Hangul and Tengu charms left outside the bonfire reflected the blazing fire, grinning up manically at the night sky.
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sallyannthearts · 3 years
Into the Unknown Norwegian Adventure Day 1
  Having lived 18+ years of my life in South East Asia before moving to Europe, I guess I had never thought I’d get to see the auroras. The first time I’d heard of them was when I was working as a flight stewardess (yes I did that to earn money for my Bachelors in Performing Arts' cause’ studying the arts isn’t affordable in the least. P.s: Thank you mom and dad!) and the pilots would tell me that they’d seen it from the cockpit. I’d wonder what they looked like in real life but never gave it much of a thought after. Was it to preserve myself from the possibility of never seeing them? Maybe. 
  But last year as I celebrated my 30th birthday and Covid prevented us from this trip to Norway that we finally managed to do a year later, I put it in my mind that I wanted to see them. And God, if you’re real, then thank you so much because see them I have for the last few nights throughout my entire stay here. Before leaving for this trip, people told us that seeing them was a high probability in the north but also based on chance as some people spent days here chasing them without ever seeing a sight. 
  I know that this is all just me being dramatic but though I kept my expectations low, I had a feeling… and this feeling was right. The auroras wanted and still want to dance and with them, I will continue to dance till the day my body breaks down into dust. For dancing is my body’s way of expressing life, just as the auroras do it only too well. 
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5th November 2021 
Location: Tromso Fjellheisen and then Skulsfjord 
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The day was spent chilling -literally- on the cold mountains on Fjellheisen where beauty first showed itself. And as if we weren’t cold enough, this was our first night ‘chasing’ auroras where we ended up staying hours outside. I say ‘chasing’ because she came right at us, electricity charged, dancing like a prima ballerina. 
  Beforehand, we really had no expectations as the applications said that it’d be very cloudy. You need a clear sky to be able to see them. Andro chanced upon a blogger who mentioned a few spots and we picked Skulsfjord because it was close to Tromso about 20-25 minutes drive away. We really didn’t know which way to look. Turns out, it was the right place as it remains (for now, as we still have 2 more nights here in Skjervoy) the most colourful show we had. 
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  On our way there, Andro was well concentrated on the road while I looked out the windows, wondering where they’d be. I saw these bright lights, some like long tunnels of the milkyway and suddenly a gurgling happiness started to bubble inside of me. I couldn’t understand why I was feeling this warm fuzzy feeling. I said to Andro,“I don’t know what those are but they are so beautiful.” Andro retells this moment as a joke now as he kept asking if he should stop but apparently I kept saying to drive on. The scene was a bit like this: 
Sally: (Stares out in amazement) WOW what is that! It’s so beautiful. Keep your eyes on the road! 
Andro: My eyes are glued! 
Sally: Oh My God, I’ve never seen something this beautiful. 
Andro: Should I pullover? 
Sally: No, just keep going. Let’s get to skulsfjord first. OH MY GOD I think this is it! 
Sally: OH MY GOD, ANDRO! If ever a higher power exists, a God… This is its way of expressing itself. Don’t look! Keep driving! OHHH it’s in front of us! Do you see it? What, you didn’t see it?! OH MY GOD IT’S BEAUTIFUL! 
  Luckily for him, we pulled over at our final destination for the night and saw the full light show. And because it was in front of a lake, the waters reflected the green, purple and red so expressively that our jaws were dropping incessantly between Oohs and Aahs. 
  At one point, it looked like giants taking huge steps in the sky as the lights danced from one end to the other. I remember seeing them again that night when I closed my eyes, wondering if it had all been a dream. Because the first time you see them really does look like they aren’t real. It feels out of this world, as appropriate that sounds, it is really that.
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