#milkweed assassin
ray-roach · 1 month
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bug pictures i might’ve forgot to post
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whatnext10 · 1 year
Milkweed Assassin Bugs are Great Hunters and Pest Controllers
Milkweed Assassin Bugs are Great Hunters and Pest Controllers features a milkweed assassin bug that was found hunting in a patch of tickseed flowers. It describes the bug’s range, diet, hunting styles, and the author/artist’s feelings about the bug.
Searching Inside I really love the abundance of tickseed flowers that we have all over the place right now. Not only are the flowers themselves really pretty, but the pollinators adore them. So if I want to see and photograph bees, wasps, butterflies, and heaven knows what else, all I have to do is find a patch of these flowers. The other day I stopped at a bunch of them and as well as…
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fly-sky-high-arts · 1 year
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Character sheet for @/Mysterious_Luck on twitter!
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greenwallflower · 10 months
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Animal Stamps
The Netherlands – 2011 Buffalo Germany – 2023 Cat Canada – 2023 Mother and Baby Sea Otter. Designer Meredith MacKinlay, of Halifax-based Egg Design, chose embroidery as the basis for the design because of the association that fabrics have with feelings of homeyness and familial love – and because needlework lends texture to the animals’ fur and feathers. Temagami Anishinaabe artist Caroline…
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buglopedia · 1 year
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Milkweed assassin bug havin a nice snack
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alcnfr · 1 year
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A miraculously miniscule Milkweed Assassin Bug...
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bonebabbles · 8 months
I keep starting and abandoning posts that go into my drafts, as I try to stay tasteful about how fucking revolted this part makes me. Like, I'm legitimately unsure if the very relevant trauma I have is making me see things that aren't here
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But first we see that Star Flower is trying to ingratiate herself to the group, just after she reappears from chapter 5. Chapter 5 is about how Clear Sky is still abusive towards his son, and she comes in after stroking his ego, stressing how alone she is, and appealing to how she'll be loyal unlike his child. (She glances over at Thunder, directly implying this.)
Now in Chapter 9, she's babysitting and trying to care for Milkweed's kits (in spite of discomfort from Milkweed), taking a wet sleeping space away from the others, and pulling more than her own weight "without complaint." Putting herself through harsh sitations to prove her worth.
All while trying to appear extra attractive to Thunder, and later Clear Sky. Basically every man in power who can "protect her"
Like, am I going fucking crazy? With how we later find out that Star Flower was "promised as a mate" to One Eye's subordinate Slash, is... is that hypersexualization? One of the extremely stigmatized symptoms of sexual abuse?
She goes to find Clear Sky alone to throw herself at his paws, and he's very quickly attracted to how she promises to perfectly obey him, have no needs of her own, and finally be the perfect servant that he desires
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"I don't deserve your trust because I am dirt. I understand you because I also regret something. I'd die for you. I'll never betray you unlike those who have."
This isn't manipulation. She means this. The story is playing their romance sincerely. She's comparing "betraying" Thunder by telling her own father about an assassination ambush to Clear Sky's history of child abuse, physical assault, and murder
She believes she's on the same level as this; a monster who murdered a childhood friend in a fit of entitled rage. She was a victim of One Eye who really believes that the way her father used her means she "understands" this monster, deserves this treatment.
And Clear Sky LIKES that.
He likes that she will have COMPLETE FAITH in him. That she will follow him WITHOUT QUESTION. That she will OBEY his orders. That's fucking verbatim, that's THE TEXT!!!
Am I insane?? Am I wrong??? Am I missing something here???? Why the fuck is the fandom takeaway "haha sexy girl steals his dad." Did I read the same book
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(Hey everyone i wanna say is what kind of insect is your favourite?)
Epithet, well my favourite insect is me😈 but🤨 my true favourite is mosquito :3
Giovanni: Oh, hercules beetles are my personal favorite—They look so badass!
Rick: I too like those types of bugs! (he also likes hercules beetles)
Molly: I don't really have a favorite, but I do like ladybugs. They're pretty!
Sylvester: Crickets.
Mera: I honestly could care about insects. They're just annoying pests.
Indus: Ants! They protect and feed their queen like I do with Lady Mera. Those small little things have plenty of honor! Though they are a pain to get rid of when they appear out of nowhere...
Trixie: Thorn beetles!
Naven: I don't do well with insects, so, I'll have to pass on this one...sorry..
Phoenicia: Rose maple moths!
Lorelai: Dragonflies...
Howie: Bees.
Percy: Dung beetles.
Ramsey: Gotta go with the good ol' Brazilian treehopper.
Zora: The assassin bug.
Arnold: Green Milkweed Locusts.
Bugsy: I'll have to go with Goliath Beetles.
Howdy Mornin': Cockroaches!
Yoomtah: Rose maple moths! Those things are just the cutest!
Stink: Stink bugs! (obviously...)
Car Crash: Hummingbird Hawk-moth!
Flamethrower: Fire ants!
Crusher: Rhinoceros Beetle.
Spike: The Australian Walking Stick! Those things are sick as fuck!
Dark-Star: Grasshoppers!
Ben: I like ladybugs, they look so friendly and nice.
Martin: Oh, oh! My favorite ones are thos--
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siofra-river · 1 month
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The milkweed in the garden have really shot up and are finally blooming, so we have milkweed assassin bugs all over them, they’re so interesting to look at
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
ra's and talia al ghul x talia reader mom part 2 . Scenario where Jason discovers that Talia is his half sister and Ra's is practically his stepfather.
When Ra's and Talia arrive at the reader's house Jason opens the door, he is shocked to see the two murderers in his house and asks what they are doing and Ra's says "I'm here to see my beloved" and Jason is shocked to see say "my mother?" and Ra's smirks.
When the milkweed arrives and sees the three of them together, she is happy and surprised at the same time, and Jason asks for an explanation and then the reader tells her about her reincarnation and her old life with Ra's.
And Jason can only be shocked to look at his mother.
😅 We can only imagine the confusion and bewilderment Jason went through. True, it will take time to accept this fact at first. It wouldn't be easy for him to trust Ra's and Talia. He would never have left his mother alone with those two assassins in the first place.
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
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@blueberryrock submitted: Is there any way you could id this lil fella? They were about a usd quarter-sized and ate so many flies and roly polys lol so they were pretty big and was upset when i had to move them outside, i found him in [removed] if you could redact that pls!
I also found this lil guy in my grandparents house!
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Wow, thick. I love this enormous fella. I'm afraid without a clearer photo, I can't tell you what they are, though, other than a jumper! I'd need to be able to make out some markings. Some of the Phidippus jumpers in your area could get that large, but I'd expect to see some identifiable markings and it looks pretty solidly tan. So all I can say is that they are a friend :)
The other fella, though, I can tell you looks like a milkweed assassin bug nymph.
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lumierexfics · 2 years
Love Letter
This is a Valentine’s based event! I’m writing till the 14th and please read my rules and I’m open to any fandom! [5/20]
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So choose your flower!
Flowers / AUs
0. No flowers
1. Anemone, Knight AU
2. Arborvitae, Coffee Shop AU
3. Belledonna, Medieval AU
4. Milkweed, Amnesia AU
5. Pink camellia, Moulin Rouge AU
6. Red Carnation, Assassin AU
7. White Carnation, Bookstore AU
8. Red Columbine, Bounty Hunter AU
9. Crab Blossom, Mafia AU
10. Edelweiss, Reincarnation AU
11. Gardenia, Romeo & Juliet AU
12. Lavender, Wild West AU
13. Magnolia, Victorian AU
What will you tie your bouquet with?
0. No ribbon
1. Red ribbon, Enemies to lovers
2. Yellow ribbon, Academic rivals to lovers
3. Blue ribbon, Childhood friends to lovers
4. Tan ribbon, First love
5. Purple ribbon, Forbidden love
6. Ivory ribbon, Similarities attract
7. Gray ribbon, Opposites attract
After you’re done tying the ribbon, what ink will you write your love letter in?
Types of ink
0. Unable to write / no ink
1. Blue ink, Angst
2. Pink ink, Fluff
3. Green ink, Mystery
4. Red ink, Dystopian
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teknikolor-walters · 5 months
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Round 3; Red Daylily Vs A bouquet of rue, tansy, monkhood, milkweed and dame's rocket
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First, let's talk about the Red Daylily
Meaning and why this flower was chosen: The vibrant red means energy, power and love. Daylilies mean parent-child bonds in chinese culture, as well as forgetting something (you gift them to someone who wants/you want to forget smth). For the victorians, the fact that these flowers only last a day gives them a flirtatious and unstable/misterious/untrusworthy meaning, as well as symbolizing the early stages of a romance. This character has a religious affinity to blood which gives her supernatural powers. To him, blood means family (as in blood ties), specifically his mother which he never met (died not long after giving birth), but believes lives through his blood. The forgetting part is because her dad forced her to slaughter her pet lamb, which was so traumatic she completely forgot about. as for the victorian meaning, this character is constantly moving around and doesn't let herself get attached to anything or anyone, but is very flirty and charming with everyone to fight that loneliness (it doesnt work very well, since her relationships are always superficial and short-lived) Description: She was the only "son" of a very shitty conservative catholic dad. She discovered a paranormal ritual as a teen and got exorcised for it. Since then, she planned to fake her own death and run away. She did that and has been traveling around america since she was 18, charming people and making short-lived superficial relationships, not even telling her lovers her real name. Most importantly, she learned about her paranormal affinity with blood and how to control it, making a living out of heists and assassinations that use it as a weapon. She believes the power of the blood is the ghost of her mother guiding her to be a saint/messiah, and she doesnt know the difference between love and hate, its just blood in her head.
Check this character post here
Now, let's talk about the bouquet of rue, tansy, monkhood, milkweed and dame's rocket
Meaning and why this flower was chosen: Rue, which is used to symbolize regret partly because it’s in the name, represents this character, who bears deep regret for an incident more personally impactful than anything else could be; it wasn’t the character’s fault, but nonetheless it begs forgiveness, and in many ways it’s inseparable from the incident itself. Tansy, which can mean a declaration of war, thus symbolizes this character who is defined by its existence in a context created by violence. It wouldn’t be who it is if not for (essentially) war being waged against it and its family. And after that (if you could even say there is an after for this character), it lives in wholehearted (and correct) conviction that it has a nemesis out there, a true and personal enemy, who will declare their ill intentions to it clearly and politely. So it would have been perfectly feasible and appropriate for its nemesis to literally send it a tansy bouquet. Monkshood, which is a warning of nearby danger and thus represents this character’s knowing fear of its nemesis. Milkweed, which symbolizes freedom and remembrance, fits here because this character kept running its whole life in order to get some semblance of freedom and safety for its family, and because remembrance is something built into the foundation of its story. Dame’s rocket is representative of deceit, and this character is an unreliable narrator who bluntly claims the right to lie outright, as such rights must be exercised lest they wither. Description: This character is a sentient building who cannot substantially communicate except through the fourth wall. It is a traveler, an immigrant, an escape route, a victim, a trauma, a gasp of desperation, and an act of lines crossed. Many things have burned in its hearth fire. It has a nice rooftop garden. It created a multiple-choice backstory for itself—many lies, of course. It’s gone through some major renovations by its resident family. It’s got this pretty mural on its front door. It has given its audience (i.e. the real actual readers) a death threat.
Check its post here
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sams-soupy-art · 1 year
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These are my bug guysssss 💕💕 they’re datingggg 🤯🤯🤯 lil goober on the left is based on a monarch catapillar and lil goober on the right is based on a milkweed assassin bug ❤️❤️ also they’re welcome home ocs but idk if I should tag as welcome home?
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