plutoccult · 8 months
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pairing: sugawara koushi x female reader
description: it’s valentine’s day at the office, and you hope for it to be one you’ll never forget. however, everyone seems to be having a better holiday than you.
word count: 4.9k
also available to read on my ao3 here
author’s note: tis the valentine’s episode! plus, it’s episode seven of this au, which is also my favorite number. i wanted to make sure i had this out in time for valentine’s day, so i was really cranking out episodes like a madman. sorry for the content overload! i’ve been looking forward to writing this episode for awhile, and i really wanted to make something cute rather than something absolutely soul crushing (lmao BOOZE CRUISE), so i hope you enjoy it just as much as i enjoyed writing it. happy early valentine’s, everyone! <3
tags: @toorubobatea @intorder @dragon-slayer5 @femme-lune @jeanboyjean @cowgirlikets @darthferbert @kazuchaos @bakagun1312 @beingbrokenfitsus @mumblepingu @daedaep69 @intheewrld @msbyomimi @sukxma @akari-fujikawa @milkteeboba @5sos-wdw @todorokiskitten @intheewrld
taglist form here
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as weird as it sounded, you loved spending valentine’s day at the office. it felt like elementary school where you’d share little treats with your classmates. you were notorious for bringing in a box of valentine’s themed candy back in the day, and you lived up to that reputation even now. this year, it was valentine’s fun dip, your favorite.
you’ve spent valentine’s day as an engaged woman for quite a few years now, but you felt this year would be different now that you were less than four months away from your wedding. however, you and ryo promised each other not to go too crazy when it came to gifts. you were trying to save up as much money as possible before your big day. still, you hoped he would put in some effort.
you watched a delivery man enter the office with a big bouquet of red roses. could they be for you? you sure hoped so. you had never received such a bouquet like this before.
the delivery man placed the bouquet on top of your desk. you stand up and read the envelope that came with the bouquet to see who it’s for—hoping it’s for you—but alas, it’s for someone else.
“yachi.” you sigh. it shouldn’t be a surprise, but you couldn’t help but feel some sort of disappointment. still, you had all day to get a gift. you just had to be patient, although that will be a difficult task for you. you don’t even know how you’ve been so patient just for a simple wedding date.
yachi stood from her desk to receive her roses, practically skipping over as she was filled with joy. you look over to see a smile on yamaguchi’s face as he watched her pick up the bouquet, and you could immediately assume they were from him.
“wow, yachi. that bouquet is bigger than your head.” hinata said in amazement.
“i know!” yachi exclaimed. “quick, grab the card and read it out for me.”
“okay…” hinata obeyed, plucking the envelope out of the array of roses and opening up the card. he quickly read it over in his head before reading it out loud. “happy valentine’s day, buttercup. love, yamaguchi.”
“aw, yams!” she cooed. yamaguchi’s cheeks quickly turned pink. “you’re the sweetest.”
you groan as yachi ran over to yamaguchi and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before returning to her desk. they were adorable, you’d give them that, but man. you were already growing impatient.
“hey, y/n. why the sour face?” ukai asked you as he walked up to your desk. were you giving away your bitterness just by the look on your face? no, maybe you just had RSF or something. resting sour face is a thing, right?
“what?” you jump and place your hand over your heart. you really hoped no one else noticed anything off with you. “nothing, nothing. i’m fine.”
“well, i’m heading to tokyo for that meeting soon.” ukai said. right, the meeting. you remembered informing him a couple weeks ago about a meeting in tokyo with other branch managers and the new CFO of the company. you sure hoped he wouldn’t mess it all up. “want any touristy merch? keychain? t-shirt you’ll never let see the light of day?”
“no, i’m good.” you reply. what you really wanted was for ryo to blow you away with a valentine’s gift already.
“ugh, lame.” ukai rolled his eyes. “you want anything, tsukki? i bet they have weird dinosaur crap or something.”
“i’d prefer it if you didn’t do anything stupid in front of the new CFO.” tsukishima said. you were sure everyone was hoping for that.
“what? of course i’m not gonna do anything stupid.” ukai scoffed. “what do you think i am, an idiot?”
“yes, yes i do.” tsukishima deadpanned.
“well, no dinosaur crap for you.” ukai huffed like a child. “tanaka, you’re in charge.”
oh god, this was a match made in hell. why ukai decided to make a decision so randomly like that, you didn’t know, but he could’ve picked anyone else in the office and no one would’ve had a problem with it.
“woah, why him? why not me or suga?” daichi protested. “i’ve proven to be a good leader! i won you that stupid volleyball match with the warehouse guys! suga even took a volleyball to the face thanks to y/n’s fiancé!”
“woah, let’s not drag me into this—” suga began to say. he didn’t want to have to think about that again, nor did he want any extra responsibilities today. suga just wanted a relaxing day.
funny enough, ukai almost forgot about that happening. it felt so long ago, but it only happened in the fall. maybe he should reconsider his choices. “oh yeah… i change my mind. daichi, you’re in charge now.”
“god dammit!” tanaka whined. at least he had his fifteen seconds of glory.
“see ya, bozos!” ukai cackled on his way out.
as soon as the door shut behind him, you all let out a sigh of relief. maybe today wouldn’t so bad without ukai around.
“i’m pretty glad ukai’s not here, actually.” suga confessed without hesitation. you sat next to him, hurriedly nodding in agreement.
“we were all thinking it.” you add on to suga’s statement.
“yeah, i don’t have to worry about him on my back over my love life on a day all about love.” he chuckled. maybe he shouldn’t have said that out loud, but ukai’s absence was a massive relief and breath of fresh air.
“why would he be on your back?” you furrow your eyebrows.
crap. “oh, you know… he’s ukai. he’s always on our backs.”
“yeah, you’re right.” you shrug.
suga was thankful you brushed off any suspicions. that was definitely a close one, especially given recent events.
everyone went on with their day as normal, although some found it odd they weren’t being bombarded or borderline harassed by ukai for once. was it opposite day? no, it was valentine’s day. a weird one, it seemed.
after grabbing a cup of coffee, tanaka returned to his desk. a mysterious package sat next to his keyboard, which wasn’t there before. he looked at the plain, suspicious box in confusion, tilting his head as he tried making sense of it all.
“suga, what’s this?” tanaka questioned, hoping suga would have an answer.
“i don’t know.” he shrugged, which wasn’t the answer tanaka wanted to hear. “it’s yours, not mine.”
“but who put it here?” tanaka asked.
“it was already there when i sat down. just open it and see what’s up.” suga said.
“fine…” tanaka groaned before he reached for scissors and fumbled with opening the box. it took a minute, but he managed to get the job done. inside the box was a card, underneath an unknown item covered in tissue paper. who knows what it could possibly be?
“happy valentine’s day. love, your secret admirer—” tanaka’s jaw dropped to the floor. “holy F*CK! a secret admirer?!”
“i’m not even gonna scold you on censoring yourself.” suga rolled his eyes. he’s had his fair share of dropping bombs on camera too, he surely wasn’t innocent either.
“my word… now i gotta see what’s inside.” tanaka ripped away the tissue paper and picked up a bobble head that resembled him. he instantly loved it upon first sight, but if only tanaka knew who gifted it to him. “it's me… i'm the bobble head. nice!”
from afar, a soft grin crept up on kiyoko’s face, which went unnoticed by everyone in the office. could it be?
“someone in this office has the hots for me and all i know is that it better not be tsukishima.” tanaka said as he stared down the camera. “i mean, i get it, i’m a catch! but why be anonymous with your love? secret admirer, show yourself!”
it was hilarious how tanaka was blind to the only true possibility to the identity of his secret admirer, but the documentary crew would let him take the time to figure it out while filming some television gold in the process.
rather than doing work, nishinoya decided to use his time at the office to make plans for later. asahi was in on nishinoya’s plans, only because he begged him to, allowing his much smaller coworker to do all the talking, starting with suga and tanaka.
“hey, suga.” nishinoya leaned against suga’s desk. “you doin’ anything for valentine’s day?”
suga almost wanted to laugh maniacally. of course, he wasn’t doing anything today. he was pathetically single and had no eyes for other women. saeko was nice, but she was only friend material in suga’s eyes. at least he gained a friend out of that mess from the booze cruise, but tonight? suga planned to be all alone.
“heh, no.” he forced a subtle laugh, holding back on making a mockery out of his pathetic love life. “definitely not.”
“well, me and asahi are going on a bar crawl later. you’re definitely welcome to join.” nishinoya said.
a bar crawl? it didn’t sound like a terrible idea, but suga was worried about who would be attending. “i sure hope hinata isn’t invited. dude cannot handle his alcohol.”
“yeah, i bet kageyama will put a stop to that.” nishinoya chuckled. he didn’t even want to attempt to invite them, really. “so, you in?”
“um…” suga looked over at you. you’re oblivious to his stare as you’re on the phone with someone. of course he stood no chance, so suga quickly looked away to answer nishinoya. “yeah, i’m in.”
“sick! i’ll text you the details.” nishinoya replied. “tanaka, you know you’re always welcome.”
“i don’t know, noya. i might be occupied with a special someone tonight.” tanaka said as he leaned back against his chair, his arms behind his head. totally not for the purpose of showing off his biceps.
“oh, really? with who?” nishinoya questioned.
“oh, boy…” suga groaned. the poor guy had been dealing with tanaka over the moon thanks to this whole secret admirer thing all day so far. if there were a drinking game to take a shot every time tanaka mentioned his secret admirer, suga would be dead by alcohol poisoning already.
“my secret admirer.” tanaka smirked. if only suga had a shot to down right now.
“yeah, okay.” nishinoya scoffed, walking away from what has now become a foolish conversation.
tanaka stood from his desk defiantly, slamming his hands down as he yelled at nishinoya. “my secret admirer is real and i’m going to figure out who it is by the end of the day!”
everyone looked up to watch tanaka’s random outburst, rolling their eyes before getting back to work. suga snickered as a result, receiving a glare from tanaka. as if that guy ever scared him anyway.
nishinoya walked over to kiyoko next, the sound of her name escaping his mouth catching the attention of tanaka. “hey, kiyoko. you doing anything later?”
“um, actually i might have other plans…” she replied timidly.
“okay, that’s cool. have fun.” he said, finding nothing about her response to be suspicious. she was a pretty girl, why wouldn’t she have plans?
however, a light bulb lit up above tanaka’s head. could it really be the woman of his dreams who sent him the mystery package? nah, tanaka figured he was just reaching for the stars. there was just no way.
moments later, a different delivery man walked in with an arrangement of various flowers. just what you needed to see again. it was easy to figure out who they were for, and the card had proven your guess right.
“yachi, guess what?” you call out for her, hiding your jealousy.
“again?” yachi questioned, her puzzled face turning into an overjoyed one upon seeing a new bouquet just for her. “aw, yams, you didn’t have to!”
“rub it our faces, why don’t ya…” you grumble to yourself as yachi took her flowers back to her desk. did she really need another?
“i’m okay! i’m okay, i swear.” you say, your eye twitching as you lie your ass off. “i’m totally not jealous about yachi getting two bouquets already and we’re only halfway through the day.”
“um, i think—”
“i’ll take just a single rose! i don’t care! something! anything!” you exclaim. you had truly gone mad, and the crew was better off leaving you be with your madness.
later, tanaka found kiyoko in the break room making a cup of coffee. he didn’t even want coffee, he just wanted to do some investigating. tanaka just had to know if there was any chance of his dream girl harboring at least a little crush on him. he’d take anything at this point.
“hello, kiyoko.” he said. did that come off creepy? tanaka instantly regretted the delivery of his greeting, that’s for sure.
“hi, tanaka.” kiyoko replied. “i’ll be done in a second.”
“no, no. take your time.” tanaka insisted.
he watched intently as kiyoko made her coffee, grabbing vanilla flavored creamer—her favorite—from the fridge. tanaka always knew she poured it for exactly four seconds before putting in only one sugar packet. as kiyoko always said, the creamer was sweet enough.
“did you hear?” tanaka spoke up. kiyoko looked over to him to see what he had to say. she seemed to be as cool as a cucumber. “i got the best valentine’s day present ever and i don’t even know who it’s from.”
“yeah, we all heard you screaming about a secret admirer.” she giggled. “i’m glad you enjoyed your gift though.”
“oh, i did. i sure did.” tanaka replied with smirk. “did you get anything for valentine’s day?”
“just some candy.” kiyoko said. “y/n saved a blue fun dip specifically for me.”
damn, tanaka got stuck with red. but that wasn’t the point. he had to press the current matter further. “nothing special?”
“nope, i don’t usually get anything big for valentine’s day.” she shrugged.
“maybe this year will be different.” tanaka said, trying his best to come off a little flirty, but in a cool way. he wanted to be the man for her so bad.
“well, i sure hope it is.” kiyoko smiled, tanaka instantly blushing.
tanaka stood as kiyoko left the room with her mug. he didn’t really get any clues from that conversation, but it was worth it anyway because he at least he got to talk to her.
when he returned to his desk a minute later, a note appeared on his desk, just as mysterious as his gift from earlier. “suga? you know anything about this?”
“nope.” suga replied.
“typical.” tanaka scoffed as he picked up the note and read it aloud. “meet me in front of the warehouse at 5:30…”
woah. now things were really getting spicy in here. it was truly tanaka’s lucky day.
while tanaka tried analyzing the handwriting of the note over and over, a sudden commotion in the form of a delivery man struggling through the door with an oversized teddy bear on his back ruined tanaka’s concentration.
“god damn!” he exclaimed. tanaka definitely took the words right out of everyone’s mouths, yours included.
“yachi… hitoka.” the delivery man said out of breath, letting the teddy bear flop to the ground.
“uh… yachi?” you say to catch her attention. it shouldn’t even be a shock at this point. maybe you should blame tsukishima for forcing yamaguchi and yachi to confess their mutual crushes on each other months ago. all that teasing wasn’t enough, apparently.
“what—” yachi turned around. she immediately rushed out of her chair and leaped into the arms of the giant stuffed animal. “oh my god, i love it!”
you gently hit your head against the keyboard. no one seemed to notice your misery.
“i officially give up on valentine’s day.” you let out a loud groan. the crew wondered if the sounds of your agony could be heard from the conference room. unfortunately, it did.
the work day went back to normal, although yachi’s desk was littered with oversized gifts now. daichi couldn’t even see her face behind her computer screen anymore as her desk was crowded with bouquets and cards from yamaguchi. he truly outdid himself, even you couldn’t deny that. your jealousy still lingered, but at least yachi was happy.
without ukai around, you were glad to have a conversation with suga without the two of you being bothered. as he ate the fun dip you gave him earlier—only your most favorite people got the blue flavor—you recall a story from your junior high days.
“this kid gives him the twenty bucks and he actually snorts the pixy stix powder.” you say, detailing the end of your story.
“god, his poor nose…” suga cringed, although an idea popped into his mind. “hm, i wonder if i could snort this fun dip.”
“oh god, don’t!” you beg, grabbing his hand so he couldn’t do anything stupid. suga practically felt his heart jump out of his chest from the sudden contact, even if you didn’t seem to think anything of it. “i can’t lose you to silly candy.”
“it’s yummy though.” he grinned, swiftly moving on from the touch of your fingers grazing against his own, no matter how much he didn’t want to.
“yeah, on your tongue, not up your nose, dummy.” you scold him.
the two of you burst into laughter, the laugh fest interrupted by tanaka walking up to your desk. it seemed quite serious given his demeanor. “y/n. hi, how ya doing?”
“oh, hey—”
“good.” he cut you off. how rude. “listen, uh, may i speak with you... privately?”
“i’m kinda in the middle of a conversation…” you say, looking over to suga.
“y/n.” tanaka stared you down. he always did this when he was trying to get something he wanted. you knew him long enough to recognize the look.
“don’t give me that look, tanaka.” you cross your arms. “you don’t hold authority over me.”
“y/n, please just...” tanaka tilted his head, motioning for you to speak to him in another room. he really seemed desperate.
“do i have to?” you whine.
“love is on the line, dammit!” he yelled out, mayhaps a little too loud, but now you had no choice but to oblige.
“okay, okay!” you stand up from your chair. “let’s go then. sorry, suga.”
suga insisted it was no problem, but you still felt a little bad for cutting off your conversation like this. you and tanaka then walk out of the office and head into an empty hallway. if this was over nothing that important, you were going to be pissed.
“what is it that’s so urgent?” you ask tanaka.
“you’re a girl.” he said plainly. what a great start.
“well, unless my whole life has been a lie—”
“y/n. please.” tanaka interrupted, a pleading look in his eyes.
“sorry.” you say quietly.
“do you… recognize this handwriting at all?” he asked, taking out a card and folded note from his pocket. “it’s from my secret admirer.”
so that’s what this was about. you weren’t sure what tanaka wanted your help for so bad, but you figured it wouldn’t hurt to try and help him. “i guess i can take a look.”
tanaka handed you the notes and you inspect them carefully. it didn’t take you that long to figure out whose handwriting this belonged to. for you, it was clear as day.
without saying another word, you smack him across the face, the sound of the slap echoing throughout the hallway. did your coworkers managed to hear that from inside the office? you sure hoped so. it was so satisfying, and the crew ate up the drama. this was peak television right here.
“what the heck was that for?!” tanaka yelled as his face now stung like hell. “i oughta file a complaint!”
“you’re such an idiot! it’s so obvious who wrote these!” you yelled back, forcing the notes back into his hands.
“well, who?!” he asked.
you purse your lips and cross your arms. you were going to play the petty game. “i’m not saying.”
“please, i’m begging!” tanaka exclaimed. “don’t make me get on my knees.”
“actually, i’d love to see that.” you say. if anyone was going to threaten you with a good time, then you’d accept it happily.
tanaka did exactly as he said he would, getting down on his knees as he gripped the sleeves of your sweater. this instantly made up for the shitty day you’ve had so far.
“y/n, please tell me whose handwriting this belongs to.” he begged.
his desperation was almost adorable. you knew who he wanted to be the person behind everything today. while you didn’t want to totally give away the surprise, you would be glad to give a hint and hope tanaka figured it out in enough time.
“all i’ll say is you better buy this person a lot of tenmusu later.” you tell him, hoping that served as a suitable clue.
“tenmusu…” tanaka tried thinking, but couldn’t come up with anything. “who the heck likes tenmusu?!”
“you know.” you smirk as you walk away. at least you could help someone else be happy today.
you walk back into the office by yourself. suga, now sitting at his desk, looked at you with a raised eyebrow. “what was that about?”
you eye tanaka as he walked back in, rubbing over your handprint on his cheek. you look over to kiyoko who doesn’t notice you’re looking at her nor that you’re aware of her secret identity.
“i’m cupid, biyotch.”
it took tanaka five minutes to figure out who in this office likes tenmusu. he felt like he was on cloud nine if your hint was actually for real.
“could it… could it really be?” he questioned, almost in a love-filled daze. “if it’s really who i think it is, then i hope this dream never ends.”
just what you needed to see, another delivery man. at least it wasn’t anything lavish this time, nor was it for yachi. it was merely a potted plant and a simple card. you would be glad to sign for the delivery man.
you walk over to kiyoko, yamaguchi, and tsukishima’s desks and place the plant in front of tsukishima, the receiver of said plant. “tsukki, it’s for you.”
“please don’t let it be from my mom…” he opened up the card. yeah, it was from his mom. “dammit.”
“haha, lonely, lonely tsukki once again.” yamaguchi laughed at him.
“shut up.” tsukishima rolled his eyes. “you’ve been around me too much, yamaguchi…”
“just be glad you got something today.” you say to him before heading back to your desk. when you return, ryo walked in. hopefully, he finally has the gift you’ve been waiting for all day.
“hey, babe.” he said as he leaned against your desk, watching as you sat down. “you almost ready to go? i’m gonna get the car warmed up.”
you look around. everything was filed in the right places, there weren’t any emails, and nobody was calling. there was nothing else for you to do, but you sure were bummed to have wasted your whole day mindlessly doing office work without any joy or pep in your step. “i guess, yeah.”
“what's wrong?” ryo asked, noticing you looked quite down. you know it’s bad if even he notices.
“nothing, it's just that i had to sit here all day while yachi got like an entire hallmark store delivered to her.” you say, letting out your frustrations. ryo wasn’t exactly the best person to go to when it came to your problems, but you hoped he’d just listen.
“what, are you mad at me or something?” he questioned. that wasn’t the point. he never understood the point.
“well, no—”
“then what’s the problem, y/n? i can’t read minds, ya know.” ryo scoffed.
there was no point in telling him what was wrong. he would never understand. could you really be chained to him for life like your families expected of you?
“nothing. it’s nothing.” all you could do is just bite your tongue. you’ve done it so much that it doesn’t even sting anymore.
“well, valentine's day isn't over, babe.” ryo said, trying to cheer you up, but miserably failing. “let’s get you home so i can light a candle and toss some rose petals on the bed or something.”
god. anything but that.
“i just have some things to finish up before i leave.” you lie to him. you just wanted a breather before the dreaded ride home, really.
“yeah, of course.” he replied.
once ryo left, you watch as everyone packed up for the day. tanaka seemed to be stalling his exit in hopes of catching his secret admirer earlier than the planned meetup time, but had no luck. you really wished for the best in his quest for love, especially when the one he wanted for so long.
“happy valentine’s day, y/n.” suga said on his way out.
“yeah, happy valentine’s day.” you reply. suga wouldn’t let you down like this, right? if only things were different. curse the expectations that rest as boulders on your back.
“goodnight, y/n.” yachi said as she and yamaguchi carried out her gifts together. lugging that massive teddy bear seemed to be the biggest struggle of all. at the very least, you didn’t have to deal with that monstrosity.
“night, you two…”
even if your valentine’s day wasn’t what you thought it would be, you hoped someone else—no matter who that may be—had a good day.
(bonus scene)
tanaka waited outside the warehouse, his patience is wavering as it neared the meetup time. he had been dying for this all day, and it felt like time was going slower just for the sake of torturing him.
was this stupid? waiting around here like this? tanaka felt like a total idiot, that’s for sure. part of him almost thought this was one big prank, an insanely cruel one. if it was, then some ass kicking would definitely be in order.
just as tanaka was ready to say “screw it” and leave, his secret admirer finally appeared, the moment he had been waiting for all day. “tanaka.”
you weren’t playing around with your hint, it was kiyoko. come tomorrow, tanaka would give you the biggest hug in the whole world.
“kiyoko? it… it’s you?” he said breathlessly. “you’re my secret admirer?”
“mhm.” kiyoko shyly nodded.
tanaka still felt like he was dreaming. just the possibility felt like one, but knowing now that it truly was real, it was greater than the thought of pigs flying or finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
“why the anonymity?” he asked her. “you know i’d love anything as long as it’s from you. i mean, i asked you to marry me on my first day here, for christ’s sake.”
tanaka almost let out a laugh looking back at the memory of his first day. when he found out kiyoko would be showing him around the office, the words “marry me” slipped out of his mouth upon her introduction, almost like it came naturally. she didn’t seem phased one bit, simply saying “no” and moving on with the office tour as if nothing happened. kiyoko never once made fun of him for it, even if she had every opportunity to.
“i know. it seems so silly, but i just…” kiyoko paused. “i get shy with this kind of thing.”
“what do you mean?” tanaka asked. the moment of truth, he figured.
“i, uh…” instead of saying anything else, kiyoko gripped the collar of tanaka’s shirt and smashed her lips against his. it didn’t take long for him to reciprocate, immediately meshing against her lips. he felt like he was floating, but if anyone were to keep tanaka on the ground, it would always be kiyoko.
when she pulled away, tanaka immediately fell backwards, a loud smack against the pavement. that had to have hurt, but he truly couldn’t feel any pain after such a movie-like kiss.
“tanaka!” kiyoko gasped as she kneeled down to inspect him for any injuries. “are you okay?!”
“never felt better.” tanaka said, a dopey smile on his face. he truly was adorable in her eyes.
kiyoko softly grinned before helping tanaka back to his feet. the touch of her hand holding his finally allowed him to let the reality of the situation sink in; kiyoko actually liked him. no prank, no sick joke, all real. he couldn’t even fathom what he did to deserve such happiness.
“if it wasn’t obvious… i really like you, tanaka.” she said, any nerves she had throughout the day now faded away. “i’m sorry it took so long for me to catch up.”
“i’m just glad you made it.” he replied, tears forming in his eyes, all from pure joy.
tanaka leaned in to kiss kiyoko, finding solace with his arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around his neck. they kissed again, and again, and again, all without a care in the world. if tanaka could stay like this forever, he would. it felt safer this way.
“you wanna get some tenmusu?” tanaka asked as he pulled away.
“that’s my favorite.” kiyoko replied. “how’d you know?”
“a little birdie told me.” he shrugged, that birdie being you.
for tanaka, this was the best valentine’s day of his entire life. plus, nishinoya was certainly going to lose his mind when he found out about this. there’s truly nothing better than the girl he loved from the start finally feeling the same way.
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© plutoccult / 310802. please do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my content in or outside of tumblr. reblogs are appreciated <3
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skoolnites · 1 year
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-> 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: Y/n is a stressed out student who has decided to never fall in love with anything except for psychology. When faced with attraction principles for her final she becomes stuck between listening to her head or her heart. Besides there's no harm in tricking an oblivious atsumu miya into falling in love with you for the sake of science, right?
->𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: CollegeStudent!Atsumu x CollegeStudent!Reader
->𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙨: Open just pm or comment!
->𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚: this ones been in the drafts for way too long but I finally have time now. idk when i decided now was the time to put all my years of learning psychology to use instead of during my ap test but it is what it is. also every piece of notes that you see in this fic is directly from my notebook (you're welcome)
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profiles 1 | profiles 2
Prologue: Live Laugh Ethos
Test 1: Living Up to the Stereotype
Test 2: Copy Chameleon
Test 3: Falling on Your Face and Other Mistakes
Test 4: Definitely Not Stalking
Test 5: Pavlov's Dawgs
Test 6: Fingys
Test 7: Conversation Hearts
Test 8: New Light
test 9: Do me a Favor?
test 10: Nothing is More Romantic than Pit Stains
test 11: Red is for Math
Test 12: Other Variables
Test 13: Lowering Expectations
Test 14: It's Not a Pros and Cons List
Test 15: Soulmates are Dumb
Test 16: Don't Get Attached
Test 17: To Be Sorry 
Test 18: ????
Test 19: ????
Test 20: ????
Test 21:????
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tags: @milkteeboba, @90s-belladonna, @rosieyama, @buggy-cj
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trueshellz · 2 years
Hole in the Head
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Part of my Invisible Illness Series
Warnings: migraine, reader in pain, nausea, light sensitivity, odour sensitivity, cuddling, loud Bokuto
Summary: When quiet is too loud...
Tagging: @milkteeboba
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Somewhere between lunch and the end of the day, a niggling pain behind your eyeballs had gone from annoying to downright debilitating. You could barely managed to keep your lunch down, even having more water than usual hadn't helped. The journey home had simply made it worse, the train journey had been full of people and a plethora of smells. Cigarette smoke, perfume, food and sweat all together made the throbbing in your eyes migrate to the back of your head, moving your neck was uncomfortable and your stomach was doing somersaults, nausea making the back of your throat burn.
You could barely get yourself through the door, throwing your bag on the floor before downing your tablets and climbing into bed. Clothes in heaps on the floor, bra pulled off as you darkened the apartment and tugged the blankets over your head. You heard the door slam, waking you up from your nap and the noise vibrated through your skull your boyfriends 'hey, hey, hey' echoing through the apartment and making you whimper in pain.
Small tears running down your face, you knew he didn't mean to be so loud. It was something you loved about him, he could light up a room, make everyone laugh and he never failed to being a smile to your face. But right now all you wanted to do was cry, but opening your eyes hurt.
"Baby- oh no. I'm sorry."
The last word was a whisper, a warm hand on your face, thumb rubbing small circles on your temple which eased a fraction of the pain radiating through your head. You felt his lips against your hair, the smell of his aftershave filling your nostrils and making you wrinkle your nose.
"Oh, Kou. Your aftershave-"
"Bad? You liked it when I bought it?"
"Uh uh. Right now it's making me wanna throw up."
Bokuto hated this, hated seeing you in pain and worse not being able to do anything to help you. After seeing your eyes drop off most likely from your pain medication making you sleepy he quickly showered, washing the smell of the aftershave off and dressed in something from the cupboard that you had washed. Climbing into the bed behind you, his arms coming around you slowly so he wouldn't disrupt your sleep he kissed the back of head lightly.
"Mmmm... you smell different."
"Took a shower. Threw the aftershave in the trash."
"Kou... that stuff was expensive, you bought it overseas."
"Baby, I'm not gonna wear something that hurts you. We'll go shopping and you can choose something you like."
You turned slowly, burying your head in his chest and wrapping your arms around his waist. He was so big and warm, the heat seeping into your body and acting like a big hot water bottle. His hand rubbing circles on your back, the other cupping the back of your neck as he held you close.
"You need to eat, baby. I'll order some food if you want, what do you feel like?" He ignored your head shaking, tutting in disagreement. "You can't keep taking pain medication on an empty stomach and once you've eaten, we'll have a soak in the bath, yeah?"
Bokuto knew he was loud, it was something he tried to tamper down when you were in pain. Seeing you like this, all curled up against him looking small and fragile against his bulk, you were soft where he was hard and muscled. He loved the stark contrast having you in his arms felt perfect and he would do anything to make sure that he kept you safe and well.
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hanmaitani · 5 months
Taglist News
hi!! if you've been tagged then you're here because i've moved blogs and you were on the taglist of my previous blog!
since i have moved blogs, i have decided to wipe my taglist clean and start it over. if you would like to reapply to it then no problem !! - to be part of general taglists click this link here! - to be part of the taglists for any series please send an ask!! - current series include: You Will Find Your Wings (Kita Shinsuke) Hate You Hate Me (Tsukishima Kei) Side Effects (Tendou Satori) Protect You With My Life (Matsukawa Issei) Liberosis (Miya Twins) Desiderium (Oikawa Tooru)
PLZ NOTE ! i will be rewriting these series, meaning that old parts from my previous blog will be rewritten/posted before new ones.
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General Taglists: @pearl-blue-musings @ryomance @qichun @soranihimawari @twismare
@kennedy-brooke @msbyomimi @coyloves @awkwardaardvarkforever @katboops
@appalost @iluv-ace @nicerthanu @omgurmybae @cl-0-vr
You Will Find Your Wings (Faerie AU) Taglist: @rukia-uchiha-98 @karasunoya @all-in-the-fandoms @wolffmaiden @justsomeonewhoyoudontknow
@thisbicc @kamikokii @misfit-megumi @ryomance @pearl-blue-musings@
lauraagrace @qichun @lithielana @oyayablog @awkwardaardvarkforever
Protect You With My Life (Bodyguard AU) Taglist: @thisbicc @awkwardaardvarkforever @theperksofsimplybeingme @ayeputita @hxdruss
@misfit-megumi @ryomance @pearl-blue-musings @antique-remains @mayoforthewin
@milkteeboba @voids-universe @serostapesweat @ebiharachan @qichun
@bomjug @noosayog @kennedy-brooke
Side Effects Taglist: @tsukiran @the-last-shiv @faumpje
Liberosis: @the-last-shiv @iluvace
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byunbqbes · 2 years
(人◕‿◕) 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕟𝕖𝕨 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 (•◡•) - matchup for @milkteeboba
matched with sugawara koushi
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ah. sugamamawara the softest boi
he accidentally told asahi and daichi about his crush on you. and suddenly the whole karasuno volleyball team knows about it
dinner with you and the boys? suddenly nishinoya has homework. and kageyama has dinner ready at home. and hinata has caught the annual cold bug. and so on and so forth
the most caring bf ever ! he's always making sure you have your meals and you're staying hydrated uwu
he's the one making popcorn on movie nights
SOFT DATES all the wayy. loves to watch studio ghibli films with you until both your eyelids are heavy and you're on the verge of falling asleep on the couch
reading together silently. just 2 people. 2 books. and occasional smiles exchanged.
probably keeps a couple journal with you
y'all go out on dates and take pictures of and with each other. both the good pictures and the silly ones are going into the journal lol (despite the fact that you tried to not let him include one of your double chin photos)
he does this thing ! where he just asks you to dress some sort of way and brings you out on surprise dates
takes you to the prettiest skylines
late night deep convos!!! he loves to listen to you talk about your dreams, aspirations and sometimes the troubles that you may be facing
showers you with tiny pecks. sugawara LOVES to kiss your hand and smooth his thumb across your knuckles
sugawara and you bring out the best in each other.
// photo credits belong to owners!
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@diorgirl444 @starkluvrr @theweasleyskettle @milkteeboba
hi guys you’ve asked to be added to a tag list for my story willow tree.
i don’t know how to make a tag list as I am very new at this so I’m just going to do a separate post like this tagging everyone when there is a new chapter uploaded.
I think what I’m doing now is a tag list though? Idk guys, very confused but yeah.
I’ve also just posted a teaser for chapter two, it is linked below.
part two teaser: willow tree | remus lupin
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shu-glue · 2 years
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Chapter 7: Operation Help You Help Me, Commence!
Summary: You and Suna finally begin studying! At least, you would have begun if you both weren't so pissy with each other. After getting kicked out of the library, you take Suna to your secret study spot.
A/N: i am so over this /j tumblr kept nerfing the chapter and i couldnt figure out what was wrong im so sorry to the taglist, yall kept getting tagged omg. hopefully it works now and yall enjoy the chapter hsfhgjshgjsh
prev / masterlist / next
@milkteeboba @fairywriter-oracle @s-adidass @admiringlove @mmmaaannnsssiii @pavo-ocxllus @jojowantstocry @alienvarmint @meri-soni-meri-tamanna
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Said middle blocker doesn't lift his face from his arms. "Mm?" 
Face muffled in your hands, you mope on the sidewalk outside Inarizaki with Suna beside you, also moping.
"I don't think the library would be lettin' us back in any time soon..."
"Good morning, guys, where did we leave off last time?" The teacher steps off the podium and grabs a piece of chalk, beginning to write out the lesson on the board.
One girl lifts her hand tentatively. "We were learnin' about character archetypes."
"Thank you, Itto-san; now, please turn to page 95 of your textbook—"
If Suna wasn't so determined to prevent you from getting any more opportunities to get the upper hand on him, he would have gone to sleep one character archetype ago. Book propped up to cover his sleeping face, it was so, so tempting right now.
But alas, he knows that if he doesn't take down notes and you find out later, you'll never let him off the damn hook for the rest of the afternoon (god forbid). 
It's the day after you and Suna made your agreement and signed that goofy contract. That goofy ass contract. You'd think someone like you would have some cutesy handwriting, not chicken scratch and sentences that look like they're an airplane taking off.
He would have laughed out loud at the ever increasing irony yesterday if he hadn't felt so irritated with you.
("Hey. If ya didn't try ta blackmail me," you were smirking that goddamn smirk, unfortunately the very first 'smile' he's seen that reached your eyes, "I would have agreed ta tutor ya.")
Suna bites the nail of his thumb, glaring ahead. He'll admit, he was a bit too hasty in trying to mess with you. He'll have to be more careful around you in the future since you've proven to be able to turn the tide.
And because he's going to be around you more often now.
"That's suspicious."
Suna closes his eyes as if he feels a headache coming on and slowly opens them again as he turns to his right. Osamu is side-eyeing him, twirling his pen between his fingers. Dun eyes look him up and down, narrowed and eyebrows furrowed. What's all this scrutiny for?
"Are you quoting a meme or are you talking to me?"
"No, I'm talkin' ta the window." Osamu rolls his eyes. "Ya never take notes. Usually yer dead asleep by now and I have ta cover fer yer ass."
"Well, excuse you, maybe I'm actually going to take this class seriously." Suna rolls his eyes, ignoring the way Osamu snaps his head towards his friend, an eyebrow raised.
"Now that's even weirder. Who brainwashed ya?"
"Shut up."
Osamu's usually not so inquisitive and Suna would prefer it if the former would fucking stop right now. The thought of meeting with you later is already enough to make him want to lie about getting sick and take the rest of the day off. "Did ya get a tutor? That's the only explanation I could think of." Osamu tilts his head, as if he's more curious than he should be.
"Why are you so annoying about this?"
"I just didn't expect anyone to want to tutor you with your horrible personality." Suna glares at him at the comment. "Who's the unlucky bastard stuck with teachin' yer dense ass, anyway?"
Well, everyone is bound to know one way or another, and coming clean to begin with will stop any rumors from spreading. 
When Suna says your name, it takes Osamu a couple of seconds to fully register it. He turns away from Suna to look towards the board, then back at Suna again. He looks at his notebook before he snaps his head towards Suna once again, this time with wide eyes as the words sink in. "WHAT."
"Mr. Suna, Mr. Miya, would ya like ta discuss whatever yer discussing right now to the class?" The teacher asks them, every one of their classmates turned towards them once again.
"Ah… n-no sir." Suna mumbles, averting his gaze at the same time Osamu mutters an embarrassed "sorry".
"Just don't do it again or I'll have you both spend the rest of the class in the corridor."
The teacher returns to teaching and Osamu returns to… being Osamu; annoying the shit out of Suna. "Are ya messin' with me? Them?? The girl you've been having bad blood with for the past few days???"
"Did ya blackmail them ta do it?"
Suna is unfortunately reminded of his failed attempt at blackmailing you yesterday, which makes his face sour. "No, what makes you say that?"
Honestly, the thought of you tutoring Suna would raise some—if not all—eyebrows. That video posted the other day has made its rounds enough for everyone to guess that you and Suna are "mortal enemies". If someone from another class were to be asked what they think, they'd say that you and Suna being in the same room would just spell trouble (and inconvenience).
Neither of you are exactly thrilled at the prospect of being around each other either, but there's nothing else to be done. 
"How did ya convince them, then? Last I checked, they hate yer guts too. Maybe even more 'cuz you've been messing with them yesterday." Osamu asks, propping his chin on his palm.
Suna sighs, leaning back and tapping his pen on his desk. "Well, we made a deal, in exchange for tutoring me, I teach them—"
("Firstly, no one should know about this deal, especially Kita. If I found out ya tell anyone else about this, god forbid those Miya twins, yer dead to me." Maybe Suna should have asked if the soul-piercing and deadly glare on your face was serious or not.)
"—how to choose better manga next time." Now, Suna panicked; he said the first words that came to mind, apart from 'teach you how to be a girlfriend which is, in hindsight, such an absurd idea'. He just hopes you'd kill him a bit more gently now for outing you as an avid manga reader (you will not be pleased).
Osamu blinks. "...manga."
Suna's voice breaks. "Yes."
Osamu blinks again. "...they read manga?"
"They do; they, uh, they're not obsessed," (debatable), "and they don't read anything weird," (also debatable), "but, yes." Suna coughs. "They do."
God probably heard his plea because Osamu finally dropped it, shrugging his shoulders. "I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover." He says, turning back to the front of the class and Suna does a silent and subtle fistbump.
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Morning classes end and lunch comes and everyone walks out of their classrooms. Everyone except for a few, however; and that includes you.
You're glaring at the unopened melon bread package in front of you, wanting to eat so bad but your stupid brain is scolding you too much to do so.
What were you thinking?! Do you want to die early from high blood pressure?!
You shouldn't have agreed to Suna's offer! A player with a bad track record of bad relationships isn't the best source of relationship knowledge! You should've thought about that.
Maybe it was the urge to one up him or maybe you were just that desperate, but in hindsight, this entire agreement is fucking WHACK.
You whine out in frustration, dropping your head in your arms to bury yourself away from the world. You even said you need to be careful of falling in love. As if you'd ever fall for someone like him! He's the worst! The absolute worst—!
"Shut the hell up and leave me alone." You whine, lifting your head up to glare at whoever decided to interrupt your self-pity party. Only to have your eye almost poke out of their sockets when you see the familiar mop of silver hair that could only belong to Kita. A concerned looking one at that. 
"Hey, are ya okay?" Kita asks you, thick eyebrows knitted together in concern and your mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water, absolutely mortified.
"K-Kita! I'm sorry, I didn't—Oh my god, I'm so sorry," you let the sentence out with a rushed tone.
"I know ya never snap at people like that fer no reason, don't worry." Kita crouches down so he's eye level with you. "Then again, I haven't seen ya so irritated ever since we were kids. What's got ya so worked up?"
You let out a nervous laugh. Kita always knew if you were feeling down or feeling frustrated about something. That's just who he is, how he's been with you all your life. He could be a mountain away and he'd still be able to tell that you're overthinking about something.
("If it's real, then why hasn't Kita fallen for you yet?" The only good thing that happened after these words was the way Suna shut the fuck up at your glare.)
"Uhm, it's just something stupid, Kita." You say, hoping that that's enough to appease him. Alas, this is Kita. Mr. No-Gaps Kita is what his teammates call him, from what you heard.
"Ya can tell me anythin', remember?" Kita assures you, placing a hand on your forearm. 
God, if Suna were here, he'd probably comment on how rigid you became. "It's really nothing…" You trail off at the look on Kita's face and you internally groan.
Kita has two expressions that he knows absolutely, absolutely, wins you over every time. The Puppy Dog Eyes is his go-to because you always crumble under them after 3 seconds.
And the 'I'll Tell You're Brother About That One Time in the Porch And Won't Help You When He Teases You For It' look. He rarely ever uses this one. But when he does, you know he’s serious because he has shown you long chat threads between him and your dear older brother (you think the number one mistake in your childhood was allowing Kita and Shinichi to become friends as well) where Shinichi asks about how you're doing.
“Okay, fine! Just don’t tell Shinichi!” 
“I didn’t say I’d tell him…”
“Ya didn’t have ta.” You sigh, fixing your fringe. “I’m, uh, I’m tutoring Suna.” At your words, Kita's eyebrows raise and he straightens his back, surprised. You were adamant about not helping Suna with even a single chemical formula, so this is a shock.
"Ya sure? Ya don't have ta if you don't wanna, even if I ask ya to do it." Kita looks worried. "He needs the help but if he keeps being a bother to ya—"
You snort derisively, leaning back in your chair. "Well, he did try ta blackmail me," your admission immediately has Kita's face falling, replaced by an unimpressed glare.
"Oh. Did he now."
"Ya can stop thinkin' of making him suffer at practice later, we came to a compromise." You deadpan. "I know how to handle blackmail, Kita, I've done it plenty of times before. I wouldn't have agreed ta tutor him if we didn't have a deal."
Kita's face falls further, guilty, and you panic at the sight of it. You wave your hands frantically in front of you, stuttering over your words. "H-hey! Don't feel so guilty, Kita, it was my choice ta tutor him in the end." You assure him. "Besides, I ain't doin' it for free, he said he'd teach me—"
"—hOw to play volleyball!"
If Suna were here, he wouldn't have just taken a picture, he would have recorded that audio. Maybe even taken a video. Because this would singlehandedly be the most embarrassing state you've been in ever since you were born. No, ever since your soul entered this world.
Kita blinks, confused at your outburst yet again. "...volleyball?" He repeats, as if bewildered.
God, you hope your voice doesn't crack again. "YeAh!" Sigh. "Volleyball. I—I don't know how to play so like, I thought—I thought it would be fun, ya know? Since ya play. And yer the captain of the volleyball team. Ya should know, how fun it is…. since ya play it everyday."
If the ground doesn't swallow you up in the next five seconds, you're going to purchase the next ticket to Antartica. The penguins won't judge you there. 
Kita blinks again before he frowns and his eyes are downcast. "You could've asked me ta teach ya." 
If the ground doesn't swallow you up in the next five seconds as punishment for making Kita sad, you're going to purchase the next ticket to Antartica so the penguins can judge you instead (Rockhopper Penguins look judgemental enough. Though you're not sure if there are Rockhopper Penguins in Antartica).
"I-I didn't wanna bother ya, Kita, yer already so busy with yer team…" You say immediately, trailing off when you see the slightly disappointed expression on his face.
You never liked to lie to Kita. It makes your stomach ache worse than when you met him for the first time. You've dubbed it the worst feeling in the world when your lie makes him sad in the process as well. 
"I want to." He replies.
"I'm sorry, I really just didn't wanna bother ya…" You say, clasping your hands together on your lap. "When I learn how to play volleyball, let's play a match together! I'll beat yer butt like old times!"
Finally, Kita sighs and gives you an endeared smile, smothering a laugh and patting your head. It's warm. "If ya say so. Though, I don't remember a time ya beat me in anything."
"Sure, there was. Ya remember that time with—"
It was nice, talking to him like this again while it lasted. A cough interrupts the two of you and you both turn to the doorway to see Aran standing there awkwardly, wearing an awkward smile. "Sorry ta interrupt, Kita, the coaches called for ya." He says, giving you a sheepish nod in greeting, which you return.
Aran knows Kita is fond of you, though he had never been able to decipher why their captain took a liking to you (in their eyes). "Right, I'm coming." Kita says, standing up straight once again.
Before he walks away, he turns to you and, with a soft smile, he says, "see ya later."
You politely wave goodbye, and watch as Kita and Aran walk out of your classroom and out of sight. When they're truly gone, you slowly deflate, eyes downcast and lower lip caught between your teeth.
You're so tired of acting like strangers.
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With your art club duties done for the day, you immediately go over to the gymnasium. You finished at the same time the volleyball team finished practice, it seems, seeing as they are now busy tidying up the gym. You stand by the entrance, looking into the wide space with a blank but curious gaze.
Oddly, it's the older Miya twin who notices you first, freezing in the process of pushing the ball cart across the court. You blink, nodding at him. Which one was he again? Osamu? Atsushi? Atsumu?
"Pardon the intrusion," you say instead, bowing in politeness towards the faux blond. Instead of a proper reply, Atsumu gawks at you, eyes and mouth open wide, and he whirls around towards his twin with such speed you thought he broke his neck.
"SAMU. YA WEREN'T KIDDING, THEY REALLY ARE GONNA TUTOR 'IM." Were the words that escaped the blond's mouth in a rather eardrum-breaking shout. Honestly, judging from how he interacted with Nana the other day, does he really not have a low volume setting?
"SEE, I TOLD YA, YA DIDN'T BELIEVE ME." His twin is no different.
"Shut the hell up…" You finally notice Suna next to the gray-haired twin. He honestly looks close to melting to the ground. Maybe he shouldn't have told Osamu if he knew the latter would pester him so much.
"Pay them no mind. They're just surprised." Kita tells you as he walks towards you, but he has his piercing glare set on Atsumu and Osamu, who both stand rigid at the silent scolding.
You sigh. "Clearly." You mutter, before schooling your features. "I'm just here to fetch Suna."
"I'm coming, I'm coming, you don't have to escort me like I'm a kid." Said middle blocker glares at you with his sleepy eyes.
"I'm just makin' sure ya don't chicken outta our deal last second."
"Your sass is not appreciated after gruesomer-than-usual training." Suna rolls his shoulder to release the tension in his muscles. Practice is strangely harder than usual (Kita silently looks over strategy plans in the corner).
Osamu perks up as he suddenly calls your name, taking your attention. "If ya wanna read a new manga, try One Piece if ya haven't yet."
Silence. You blink once, twice, tilting your head. Suna silently covers his face beside you. "What?"
"Suna told me he'd help ya choose better manga next time in exchange fer tutorin' him."
Silence. You slowly turn to Suna with a scarily blank face, eyes wide and eyebrow twitching. "What?"
"Eh?" Suna hears Aran blurt out. "I thought Suna would teach them volleyball. That's what ya told me, right, Kita?"
It's your turn to freeze and slowly cover your face, as Suna slowly turns to you with a scarily blank face. "What?"
"We're doin' both!" You immediately exclaim, lifting both hands to slam them on Suna's mouth to stop him from talking. "He'll teach me how to choose better manga series," you give him a pointed glare, "and he'll also teach me volleybAll."
Before anyone could respond, you literally push Suna, middle blocker, 73.2 kilograms, out the double doors. "We'll be on our merry way now, goodbye!"
You're both out the doors and out of sight, leaving the rest of the team baffled at having one of their members—essentially—abducted.
Kita rubs a hand over his face. "I feel a heavy cloud covering me…."
"D-Don't worry, Kita! They'll be able ta be civil for a few hours at least!" Michinari cheerfully assures Kita. "The worst case scenario is that they kill each other!"
"......the cloud is getting heavier……"
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"Yer a goddamn asshole."
"I didn't exactly out you as an otaku—"
"I'm not an otaku!" You jut your pen at Suna’s face threateningly, which he easily moves to the side away from his vulnerable face. The air is slightly cold with the air conditioning, the ‘Please lower your voices in the library’ sign swaying idly in the draft. A couple of other students, maybe ten or twelve, are sitting at the other tables of the library. Some are just hanging around and refusing to go home yet, others cramming for quizzes tomorrow.
“Yes, sure, denial does not look cute on you, High and Mighty." Suna says and you massage your temples, feeling the worst migraine of the week coming on. You hate everything annoying.
"Let's just focus on studying fer now before ya give me a bigger headache." You say, sighing loudly as you pull out the materials you need for tutoring Suna. "Let's rank yer subjects from best to worst."
"What? Why?"
"In order ta pass midterms, we need to get all yer subjects at a passing grade. If yer best subjects are the ones yer already passing in, then we'll focus on your kryptonite first." You explain, tapping your pen on the table. "We'll give strict attention to your worst subjects then slowly start reviewing for yer better subjects once midterms are closer."
Suna opens his mouth to retort on instinct, but shuts it close again as he processes your words. "Makes sense."
You give him a passive shrug and a small smirk. "Of course it does, I said it."
"Sounding a little high and mighty there, High and Mighty." 
".............." You're dead silent, slowly raising a fist threateningly at Suna, who gets the message fairly quickly.
"Alright, I'll shut up."
Rolling your eyes, you listen as Suna lists Literature as one of his better subjects (a total shock to you, and when you tell him this, Suna pinched your arm) and lists Math and Science as his worst subjects (which didn't surprise you as much but when you tell him this, he still pinched you.)
"Lucky for you," you say, pulling out your Math and Science notes, "I tolerate those two subjects enough ta excel in 'em. We'll focus on Math an' Science fer now and work our way down to your easy subjects."
"I said Math and Science are my worst subjects but I don't think my grades are that bad." Suna interjects, crossing his arms.
"Well, that depends. Can I see yer recent quizzes from your Math and Science class?"
"I said, can I?"
Slowly, Suna pulls out a stack—more like crumpled PILE—of papers out of his backpack that you deadpan at, as he places the pile on the table and pushes it towards you. "...Additional Rule Number 7, don't shove yer test papers into yer bag as if they're cotton stuffin' fer a teddy bear."
"I was in a hurry." Suna wasn't exactly lying, per se, he was just in a hurry to not see the scores anymore.
Deadpan, you look down and sift through the pile, finally finding Suna's latest quizzes—
You're dead silent once again but instead of trying to hold back boiling rage, you're absolutely speechless. You alternate between the two test papers over and over again, as if it's going to change what you see on the paper, even turning them over again and again. A few other students in the library have decided to take glances at the two of you, wondering why there's so much incessant sounds of paper crumpling.
You finally look up at Suna with a blank expression, the two test papers in each hand. "Yer grades are fuckin' piss poor."
"It's not that bad—!"
"I don't know if a score of 0.5—in fuckin' total— is considered 'not that bad'!" You're waving his test papers in the air frantically, trying to channel your anger without punting him. "Look—LOOK—there's a freebie, a bonus question on the end, yeah? 'What is the name of yer Science teacher', yeah? That's the only source of yer score! And ya didn't even use the correct kanji!"
"I remembered it enough," Suna trails off, averting his gaze. "What would I do with the excess grades anyway?"
"Ya did not just call them excess grades!"
You massage your temples as you stare straight through Suna, finally realizing just what the hell you signed up for. This is it. The headaches to end all headaches. The peak of headacheness. The goddamn summit. No future headache will ever climb this high again.
"When are midterms…?"
"....in four weeks."
You slowly cover your face with your hands.
"...tutorin' just on weekdays ain't enough." You slide your hands down your face, already tired before you even started tutoring. "Yer not entirely a lost cause," ("Thanks???"), "but if we're gonna get ya ta pass midterms, we need a lot more sessions. A lot."
You're way too emotionally invested at this point because you cannot STAND to see grades that low again. "I'll hav'ta tutor ya on the weekends now too." You lean your chin on your palm. "This Saturday fer example, I'll come by yer house."
Suna grimaces at that and averts his gaze, scratching the back of his neck. "Maybe not my house. My little sister hates people in the house."
You hum. You understand the sentiment, since you don't like random people in your house either. "Then, we'll find somewhere quiet ta study. And fer god's sake, please review yer lessons at home."
"I do study at home, mind you."
"With grades like these??" You wave Suna's test papers in the air in front of his face. "No, ya ain't!"
"I'm sorry not everybody can be 'Miss Perfect' like you." Suna shoots back, glaring as he leans his chin on his hand as well. He's wearing such an arrogant and aggravating expression right now, and his tone is not helping.
"Miss Perfect??" You bristle, placing his test papers on the table again to clench your fists, not noticing your voice getting louder.
"What, you prefer High and Mighty, High and Mighty?" He goads, lips now stretched in his now familiar and all too infuriating smirk. Oh, he can just go and jump off a bridge while doing a triple backflip.
You and Suna glare at each other as the tense air around you increases tenfold, catching the attention of the rest of the students in the library. "Mind if I call ya Jackass then?" You shoot back.
"Bossy bitch."
"Baggy eyes."
"Whiney voice."
"Mr. Bean Haircut."
He did NOT! "Motherfu—!" You're about to release a spew of curses at the middle blocker in a fit of utter aggravation, fed up with his antics even after 20 minutes of being together. But you both flinch when you hear somebody shush you. Loudly.
The librarian is a mean lady and the only reason why you very rarely visit the library even though it has a considerable amount of books you'd like to browse through someday. Graying brown hair tied into a tight bun, egg shaped magenta glasses perched high on her snotty nose bridge. She's so vexing.
"Quiet." She says, eyeing you and Suna with the dirtiest look you've seen of her to date as she points up at a 'Please lower your voice in the library' sign. She's vexing but she gives you the shivers all the same.
"Ah, we apologize." You mutter, bowing your head.
"Sorry, I was just arguing with my tutor." Suna says at the same time and you whirl around to glare at him fiercely, which he ignores.
The librarian scoffs but returns to whatever she was doing before she set her ire on the two of you. "Great job, Suna." Your harsh tone doesn't evoke a response from him, his impassive gaze set on you. "Ya almost got us banned from the library!"
"Me?" Suna's scoff almost sounds identical to the librarian's. "You're the one who's getting riled up here, High and Mighty."
"Because you insist on bein' a pain in the neck!"
"I didn't even DO anything these past few minutes!"
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"Will ya please be serious about this fer once?!" You snap, finally lifting your face from your hands to glare at Suna for the nth time this afternoon. "We coulda been banned! The librarian just kickin' us out might be the nicer thing she coulda done ta us!"
"Your dialect gets stronger when you're angry." Suna unhelpfully comments instead of being serious like you asked. "That's a first, I gotta say."
"What first, that I was stupid enough ta argue with ya in the library?!"
"I was talking about almost getting banned from the library." Suna stands up and dusts off his pants. "But yeah. Seeing you get so riled up was entertaining, High and Mighty."
You sigh loudly, standing up as well and dusting yourself off too, stomping your foot. "At least yer the one who finds all of this funny." You send him a scathing glare. "Call me High and Mighty again and I'll break yer fingers, get ya benched from tournaments regardless of grades."
"Oooh, threatening me now. Not so innocent, are you, High and Mighty?" The kick you deliver to his shin completely wipes off the smirk that was starting to form on Suna's face. You're smug on the inside but you don't let it show on your face, turning around to walk away.
"Go home fer now, Suna." 
You don't let him have the last word, walking away before he could respond. You love doing that to him, don't you? Leave it up to you to rile Suna up just as much as he does you.
Not even the Miya twins are this annoying to him (and to say someone is more irritating than Atsumu? That's a feat). "High and Mighty… you've got no shame, do you?" He mutters under his breath, running a hand down his face. He has no shame either.
When he finally goes home to the apartment, he catches Risumi coming out of the living room, homework and empty strawberry milk carton in hand. Suna raises an eyebrow when he sees her and Risumi frowns, rolling her eyes.
"I'm home." He says as she turns around to walk back to her room. "Did you eat dinner?"
"Risumi, if I open the fridge and see the curry untouched, I'm telling Mom you're not eating again." Suna threatens, following Risumi to the hallway that leads to their rooms. "Risumi."
"Whatever." Risumi turns her head just enough to glare at Suna before she slams the door to her room shut behind her. Suna's nose would have been crushed if he was standing just an inch further.
Suna sighs loudly, partly in pettiness so Risumi could hear him through the door, before trudging to the living room. He drops his bag to the floor, rubbing his face as he plops down on the couch and covers his eyes with his forearm.
How are you and Suna going to complete even one study session if you're both at each other's throats all the time? Maybe if you hadn't judged his grades earlier— ugh!
"Dad," Suna calls out to the air. The small shrine sits pristine at the corner like usual, Suna's father—Suna Masashi—smiling brightly in the picture. "How do you deal with people you can't stand?"
Their dad was always good at that, Suna somewhat remembers. Dealing with people without letting his emotions or ideals get in the way of things. Their dad was always professional, stoic. But so warmhearted with him and Risumi and their mother.
Suna abruptly pulls his arm away from his face. "It's not like I didn't antagonize them first." He admits to the empty space. "But you know, they proved my point anyway. So annoying…"
He finally looks at the photo sitting atop the small shrine. Eyes crinkled at the corners behind dark rimmed glasses, lips turned upwards in a radiant smile—the only smile reserved for their family. Slight showings of a light stubble on his chin. Suna frowns.
Their dad was described as cold and arrogant. He heard his elementary classmates back in Nagoya say so while their dad was still alive. Cold, arrogant, stoic. 
The front door opens and Suna turns to see their mother, Suna Tsubomi, walk into the apartment, tired and dressed in her nurse uniform. She blinks when she sees Suna and gives him a bright smile as she kicks off her shoes. "Rintarou! I'm home." She readjusts her low ponytail.
"Welcome home." Suna greets back, nodding at her. "Uhm, mom."
Tsubomi blinks, tilting her head as she places her bag down on the couch next to Suna's bookbag tentatively. "What's wrong, Rin? Something bothering you at school?" She asks Suna, eyebrows furrowed.
"No, not really." Suna averts his gaze. "What was dad like in high school?"
Tsubomi laughs heartily, patting Suna on the head. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I couldn't resist like I couldn't resist your dad when we were second years." Her words make Suna groan in embarrassment. "Well, to answer your question, your dad was like… hmm, he was the same when he was in high school and when he became your dad.
"He was real quiet. Real intimidating, too. Everyone avoided him like the plague when he first transferred." Tsubomi giggles fondly. "But he wasn't as scary or arrogant as everyone thought him to be, mind you. I saw him chase down a cat that stole his underwear, you know," Suna snorts, "it's true! Chased it down three blocks before he got his underwear back. Your dad had his moments."
"What made you like him?"
Tsubomi hums, holding her chin with her fingers. "I didn't like him at first. Like everybody else, I thought he was rude and arrogant and cold." Her eyes soften ever so slightly as she looks over at the picture in the corner, atop the small shrine, as if a distant memory is replaying in her head. "But then, I don't know.
"I looked at him from a different angle."
Suna blinks, sitting up straighter when he hears those words. Tsubomi laughs, waving her hand. "And then we had you and Risumi so I guess that new perspective was worth it. Why do you ask, Rin?" Her eyes suddenly shone like stars. "Do you like somebody, perhaps?"
"No. No, it's just… somebody from school I've been having trouble with." Suna says, averting his gaze again. "They're cold, distant, and rude, and it always feels like they're judging everything and everyone." (You do, though.) "We were…supposed to be working together today, but we couldn't get anything done because we kept butting heads."
Tsubomi frowns, placing her hands on her hips with a stern expression. "Are they the one causing trouble?" She asks.
"...it's not entirely them." Suna admits, sighing.
Their mom hums. "Maybe the both of you butt heads because you haven't come to an understanding yet. Just give it time, and do what you're supposed to do. Who knows," she smiles brightly, close eyed, "maybe you'll see them in a different light, as they will you."
The middle blocker is silent, lips sealed shut as he glances at Masashi's picture once again. "Debatable."
Ring. Ring.
Tsubomi raises an eyebrow at the ringtone, watching as Suna pulls out his phone and stares at the unknown phone number in confusion. "Who's that?"
"I don't know."
Suna hangs up the call and not even two seconds later, the same number rings again, accompanied with a lone, borderline aggravated message:
unknown [7:37PM]
pick up the phone jackass
"I'm going to my room for a bit." Suna says, nodding when their mother tells him to just come out for dinner in a few minutes.
There's only one person he knows that would be able to channel such irritated energy in a text like that (it's lowkey funny). Plopping down onto his bed, the door shut, he finally answers your call. "Yo."
"Ya take so long ta answer a simple call."
"I don't normally answer random calls from random numbers." Suna furrows his eyebrows and rubs his temple. "How did you get my number anyway?"
"A little silver birdie gave me yer number when ya conveniently forgot ta do so."
"I didn't forget to give you my number. I remembered to not give you my number. Biiig difference."
"Whatever." Suna lets out a small 'snrk' at your exasperated tone. "I remembered a good spot for us ta study. It's a hole in the wall cafe some blocks away from the school. Only a handful of people go there, and I'm pretty sure no one from our school knows the place." 
"A hole in the wall, huh?" Suna muses, clicking out of the call to scroll through his social media, rolling his eyes when he sees a video of you and Suna arguing in the library entitled 'Suna Rintarou and Asagao Kid finally duke it out! #NO CLICKBAIT!!!' (he knows he records and posts videos of Atsumu and Osamu brawling from time to time but come on). "Sounds like a good idea. I don't really like the idea of other people watching us. I'm willing to guess you don't want other people to watch me teach you how to be in relationships, too."
"Of course I don't, jackass!" He hears you sigh from the other end of the line. "Then, let's walk together after yer practice and my club activities. It's a little hard to locate the cafe if yer not used to the area."
"Sure, High and Mighty." Suna smirks when he hangs the call up right after, knowing he didn't let you respond this time. Heh.
His phone pings again.
unknown [7:49PM]
youre an ass
He couldn't help it; he actually laughs out loud at your message, collapsing back onto his bed with a slight bounce of the mattress, his phone on his stomach. Maybe he should change your contact name to something he knows you'll roll your eyes at and chastise him for when you ever decide to steal his phone.
high&mighty [7:50PM]
dont change my contact name to anything stupid on your phone, okay
suna [7:50PM]
too late :P
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"We finished earlier than usual!" Nana cheers, pumping her fists in the air in victory as the three of you walk out the clubroom after another long day, stretching her back while she does so. 
Ryuji grins brightly back, glancing at you. "The posters for the volleyball team should be done by the end of the week as well, earlier than we planned."
"I know, I'm sorta happy about it." You smile, already imagining the elated face Kita would have once the posters are finished. "I'm kinda proud of them too."
"Ya should be more than 'kinda' proud of 'em, senpai!" Nana turns to face you, a stern expression on her face. "Ya worked on those posters real hard! And they all look so amazin', those meatheaded volleyball players would be downright stupid if they call yer hard work ugly!"
You giggle lightly, Ryuji rolls his eyes. "No one is going ta outright call Vice Prez's posters ugly."
"Ya never know. A couple of those volleyballers are outright dumbasses."
"Yer talkin' about the blond Miya."
"How'd ya know."
"Guys, stop it." You chastise them and they both sigh loudly, muttering drawled 'okay's. "Speaking of the volleyball team, I need ta go over to the gym and fetch Suna again for tutorin'."
Nana turns to you with a 'scandalized' expression, Ryuji blinks at you curiously. "WHAT? But I thought the both of ya got banned from the library! There was a whole video about it online!"
"We were just kicked out, not really banned. I found a good spot he and I could go to to study without anyone else catching us arguing." Your casual tone makes the two of them freeze, bodies going rigid and book bags almost falling from their shoulders from lack of support. 
"S, somewhere… secret?" Nana starts.
"Where no one else will see the two of ya?" Ryuji continues, face going white.
Oblivious, you turn around with a curious and impassive expression, mentally wondering why they suddenly stopped walking. "Yeah, why?"
You are responded to with Nana abruptly grabbing your biceps, holding you there with an urgent look on her face. "S-senpai, if Suna touches ya in any way, you run the opposite direction, ya hear me?" Her words prompt a weird noise from you, something between a strangled goat and a guy choking on jello, pounding on your chest to prevent choking yourself.
"Wh— wait, no, yer misunderstanding! We really are just going to study, we aren't going to be completely alone—!"
"Take this pepper spray with ya just in case." Ryuji hands you a small container.
"I don't need it! Why are y'all being so weird about it!" You ask, flustered at their ill hidden assumptions.
"Senpai, Suna Rintarou is a PLAYBOY and yer going to be together, ALONE." Nana pulls on her long wild hair for emphasis, in part frustration and part worry.
"I'll be fine!" You pout, crossing your arms. You're getting annoyed at their paranoia.
"Vice Prez, we're just worried about ya. We know he's not that bad," Nana gives Ryuji a hard glare, "we know he might not be that bad, but it's always better ta be safe than sorry."
Letting out a long, drawn out sigh, you drape yourself on Nana and Ryuji's shoulders, pulling them close to you with an exasperated and defeated expression. "Fine, I'll just be extra…"
"Extra careful." Ryuji points at you with a long finger.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll be extra careful."
"And kick him in the nuts if he does anythin' perverted!" Nana exclaims, some students around you turning their heads at Nana's words.
You cover your face to avoid being associated. "Got it. I'm leaving now."
"Remember, senpai, the nuts! Go for the nuts!" Nana yells after you and you walk faster, eager to escape the embarrassing situation.
On the plus side, you arrive at the gym in record time. On the down side, your shins hurt. Trudging to the entrance, you can hear the sound of the ball hitting the polished wooden floorboards and the squeaking of sneakers against the surface. You'll probably be hearing this a lot in the following weeks.
Moving the net away so you can enter, you announce your entrance, "Sorry for the intru—"
Only to be almost hit with a volleyball that's probably going the speed of a bullet train. "—sion." You calmly finish, passively watching the ball bounce to a stop a few feet away and slowly turning your gaze to see who almost hit you.
"I'M SORRY." None other than Miya Atsumu shouts from the other side of the gym, frozen on his post-jump serve position and face white as a sheet. You deadpan.
Is this something you have to get used to in the coming weeks too…?
"Great job, idiot." Osamu's sarcasm is met with a fiery response from Atsumu, who whirls around to face his twin with a crimson face.
This interaction alerts Kita of your presence while Akagi goes to fetch the wayward ball, the former already beginning to jog towards your side when Suna beats him to it.
"High and Mighty, careful or you'll mess up that pretty face." He teases you, hands shoved in his shorts as improvised pockets. You feel annoyed already.
"Aww, ya think I'm pretty, Suna?" You drawl sarcastically, throwing a halfhearted glare his way and daintily covering your mouth with your hand.
He rolls his eyes. "Got me again, you goofy cow."
"Did you just call me a cow—? Ya know what, don't answer that."
"I meant a cow as a compliment!"
"Oh thank you, great sweaty ass Suna." You drawl, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms.
"I'm sweaty, huh?" Suna outstretched his arms. "Gimme a hug."
"Ew, no. Yer gonna get yer disgusting sweat on me."
Suna gives you an unamused expression and suddenly stalks towards you, arms still outstretched and dead set on hugging you with his sweaty ass. "S, Suna, no. Absolutely not. Suna Rintarou, stop that this instant—SUNA!"
"Just one lil hug."
"No!" You squeal, clumsily trying to dodge his tall frame and his stupid long arms.
"You're so cruel, High and Mighty, denying a guy his hugs." He's deadpan as he chases you around the court, earning looks from the rest of the team. You continue to yell curses at him, evading him around the net that Aran and Ginjima are trying to take down to return to the storage room (and failing because of the two of you).
Akagi arrives back with the ball Atsumu served way out of bounds, raising an eyebrow at the scene in front of him as he glances at Kita. "Shouldn't we stop 'em?" 
Kita watches you and Suna, Suna finally getting close enough to wrap his sweaty body around you before you kick him in the shin. Osamu laughs at the middle blocker's plight. "No, let them be. We're finished with practice anyway." There's a small, soft smile on Kita's face, brown eyes crinkling at the corners. Akagi raises his eyebrows but doesn't reply, sporting a small smile as well.
Suna finally gives up and heads to the showers with the rest of the team, much to your relief. You don't want to walk around smelling like expired fish sauce. When he finally emerges from the locker room, dressed in his uniform and book bag slung on his shoulder once again, he drapes his large frame over you, his heavy weight making you grunt.
"I'm tired, carry me."
"Get off of me, ya jackass!"
"Yer goin' already, Suna?" Osamu calls out to the both of you, Atsumu close behind his gray haired twin. 
"Yep, I'm getting tutored by High and Mighty here." Suna pats your head. "This noggin's my lifeline right about now."
"Then ya better focus on studyin' a bit harder." You kick Suna in the shin again, making him pull himself off you as you begin to walk towards the exit, Suna dramatically limping right after you singing a string of curse words.
Osamu glances at his twin, an eyebrow raised. "Ya think they'll ever finish even one lesson?"
Atsumu doesn't answer that, instead narrowing his honey brown eyes at you and Suna before you exit the gym, more specifically at your retreating figure. "'Samu."
"Aren'tcha a little bit, I don't know, suspicious of the Asagao kid?" Atsumu crosses his arms. It's seldom that Atsumu is serious and actually thinks of something seriously other than volleyball.
"Why would we be?"
"Crap, I dunno, just—ya know, what if they're like Katatsu—" Atsumu stops, shaking his head and scratching his temple, nose scrunching. "Nevermind. Forget I said anythin'."
Osamu frowns and crosses his arms as well, everything from last year flooding into his head. He doesn't have to be Atsumu's twin to be on the same wavelength as him, to understand exactly what he's saying. "To be fair, I don't think there's anybody worse than that woman."
Atsumu snorts in derision. "Worse than her? No, never." He narrows his eyes. "But as bad as her? Maybe."
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If Suna hadn't deemed you at least sane enough to not kill him for all the times he's messed with you, he would have hightailed it outta there once he saw the dodgy alleyway you led him to. 
At least, he's sure you're sane enough not to do that, he thinks as he follows you down said dodgy alleyway at 6PM, the sun about to set, away from the mostly bustling street into the quiet, conspicuous, perfect-for-an-inside-job—
"I feel like you're going to have me murdered." His tone is blunt, face impassive when you turn your head behind you to look at him with a raised eyebrow. "At least let me say goodbye to my mom and my bratty sister first."
"I dunno, do ya think I'm capable of havin' ya murdered?" Suna is not too sure if that's sarcasm or not.
"I mean," Suna adjusts his book bag, "maybe not you alone."
You only hum in response, choosing to not reply to that as you continue to walk forward. "Wait, are you."
"Am I." You deadpan but you stop in front of a quaint, sliding door, flanked on either side with a vast array of flowers, bouquets placed onto small wooden boxes, with light brown awning.
It contrasts greatly with the rest of the alley, which is dark, damp, and honestly a little smelly. There's a wooden sign placed above the awning, the words 'Chiho's Flower Lab' written gracefully in calligraphy. There's also a relatively smaller sign next to it, which Suna almost didn't notice. 'Cafe on the second floor'.
"I hope ya ain't allergic to flowers." You say to a confused Suna, before you slide the door open, letting the light from inside bathe the dark and damp alleyway.
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Asagao General Hospital ID: Suna Tsubomi
Age: 43 years old
Birthday: February 13
Fun Fact: In high school, Tsubomi followed the gyaru trend and was one of the most popular girls among the student body (oh how did Masashi win this gal's heart?)
Sports Instructor ID: Suna Masashi
Age: 38 (deceased)
Birthday: April 4
Fun Fact: Masashi was the team's starting setter when he was in high school, though a bit of a loner because of his intimidating attitude.
Student ID: Suna Risumi
Age: 13
Birthday: August 11
Fun Fact: She's a closet otaku, none of her classmates in Kitsuhana Middle School know this side of her. Suna has caught her reading manga past 3 am in the past.
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koushi-waka · 4 years
hi can i request a scenario where tsukki or sakusa (whoever you choose!) are sick and the reader takes care of them but they’re super whiny and pouty and even though they don’t act like it they secretly love to be babied and taken care of by their s/o
god bless the s/o of either of these two when they’re sick oh GOD 
(obvi a tw for sick mentions!!!) 
Taking care of a sick Tsukki and Sakusa
Tsukki while sick is a nightmare, I’m not going to sugarcoat it. He’s venomously in denial that he’s sick the first few days. You probably caught him sniffling, asked if he was ok, and he quickly snapped about how he’s “fine” and that you should stop being such a parent. 
When he’s past the point of hiding the problems, where he has to call off school or practices, he’s basically a nightmare. You think he was sarcastic before? Well this is somehow ten times worse. 
It starts when you bring him some cough medicine, “Aww, are you concerned about me?” and get’s worse and worse when he realizes how irritated he is about being sick. He’ll get annoyed and say he can do all these things himself, but still will watch as you make him some homemade soup with a little smile on his face. 
Eventually he gets too tired to be a volatile little shit, so he instantly morphs into being whiny and annoying. Asks you to bring him everything, complains from the other room that you’re taking too long. Really, it’s just that he wants you to be around him because he feels like garbage and you being there helps, but god knows you can’t tell at first.
One night where he’s feeling really bad, he asks you to stay with him in the bathroom while he tries to relax through some waves of nausea and lets you rub circles on his back to calm him down. He’ll quietly apologize for being annoying, and tell you he loves you in a voice so soft you would probably have missed it if you weren’t sitting right next to him. 
When he feels better he’ll probably get you a little gift or something to thank you for taking care of him, flustered that you had to see him in such a “pathetic” state (”It was just a cold Tsukki...”). 
“Could you just let me take care of you without any sass?” You stare down at the blonde-haired man, the heavy blanket around his shoulders keeping him warm from the virus-induced shivers he was prone to the past few days. His nose was bright red, glasses long removed and placed at the nightstand as he angrily squints up at you; similar to a slighted cat. 
“I don’t need you to take care of me, I’m not a child.” If it weren’t Tsukishima snapping at you, you’d probably take any offense, but you’d been dating him for too long to not see past his several defensive walls. He didn’t like being seen like this, despite your constant reassurance that everyone gets sick. 
“Fine. I’ll just eat the soup that I made you myself then. You can starve.” His angry expression softens a touch, and he looks off to the side ‘nonchalantly.’
“What type of soup?” 
Godspeed, soldier. This man is the most irritating when sick. He’s miserable, crankier than usual, and a complete know it all about everything you do to try to help him. You try to give him one more pill than he should take? He’ll criticize your ability to help. Didn’t come with a mask? Are you stupid, or do you just want to get sick??
Really though, he does not want to get you sick. It’s one of his top concerns throughout the whole thing. The thought of that makes him more sick than he already is. He demands you wear a mask to avoid whatever virus he’s caught the whole time you’re there, and he won’t budge on this position. 
You’ll have to tiptoe around his mood a little, but he’ll settle once he realizes he doesn’t want you to leave him alone like this. He’s definitely a little dramatic at the start, but when he finally accepts that he’s sick he’s more agreeable.
The soup you make him to feel better? The best he’s ever tasted. He’s not sure if it’s because of the fact that it’s that you made it, if it’s actually good, or if it’s just so exquisite because his sick body is craving it, but he’ll make a small, appreciative comment about it.
If he ends up throwing up, he’ll be sluggishly apologizing throughout the whole thing. He didn’t want you seeing him like this, but the way he leans his whole body into you when you comfort him lets you know that he wants you to help him more than he wants you to scurry away from his sickness.
When he’s feeling better he’ll be constantly monitoring you for any symptoms just to make sure that you aren’t sick. If you do end up catching what you have, he’ll take care of you all the same (begrudgingly.) 
“That’s too much.” His voice is raspy, throat still raw from his earlier endeavor into the bathroom, and you look up from where the cup you were pouring the sickeningly thick, liquid medicine in at his figure in the doorway
“It’s on the line, Omi.” You hold it up so he can see, and his dark eyes squint at it before sighing behind his mask. His hair was pulled back with a thin headband to keep out of his face, dark circles under his eyes contrasting heavily against the paleness of his skin.
“...Fine. I’m going back to lay down.” He takes the cup of medicine gingerly from your hand, trudging back towards your bedroom until he falters in his steps, looking back when he realized you weren’t immediately following him.
“Are you coming?” You roll your eyes at the tentativeness of the question, bemused, as you follow him in to sit by his side once more. 
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animatedarchives · 4 years
hii soph I hope your doing good!! ILYSM we always have the sweetest convos and i’m so glad that i met you!! congrats on 600 bb you deserve it!!! ✨😌💓 id like to request a appearance matchup the preferred gender I want is male and the two fandoms I choose are haikyuu and mha <333
HIIII SWEETHEART thank you for always taking part in my events HAHA I REMEMBER YOU WERE HERE FOR THE LAST ONE TOOOO (and i took forEVER to do it so i shall deliver iMMEDIATELY this time 😌😌 hehe) but omg wOW WHEN I SAW YOUR PICTURE I LITERALLY WENT 🥺🥺 you are sOOOO DAMN CUTE AND ADORABLE I JUST WANT TO HUG YOU AND HOLD YOU MY LITTLE BABYGIRL 🥺🥺😭😭 i also aDORE your style you look sO GOOD IN THAT TOP 🤩🤩 and i think you will look good with ennoshita and midoriya!!
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pudding-head-kenma · 4 years
hi! i’d like to request a haikyuu matchup :) im not sure if this is how you do it :0 i’m a straight girl who’s 5’3 i’m mixed (blasian) i have shoulder length dark brown curly hair and brown eyes. my hogwarts house is racenclaw but i have a lot of hufflepuff qualities, my mbti is ENFP, my enneagram type is type 2, my zodiac is capricorn, I LOVE boba and studio ghibli movies. my interests are photography, reading, writing, and playing video games. I also love talking (1/3)
⤔ about dreams,horoscopes and their meanings. my fav song rn is “21” by gracie i’m a closeted weeb. I’m kinda shy when you first meet me but once you get to know me i’m pretty outgoing and crazy but overall i’d say that i’m more of an ambivert. I’ve been told I can get a bit stubborn but that’s only because it’s when i do something i’m not used to or it’s something i’m against. but i like to keep an open mind going into new things. I’m pretty artsy and i like expressing myself (2/3)
⤔ through different mediums. I don’t play a sport but I love to run and workout. I absolutely love flowers they’re so beautiful and I know a lot about them i have even have a little garden.I like to surround myself with people who have good vibes and bring out the best in me as well as themselves. (3/3) :)
Sorry this took me a while, I hope you like it!
✿ 𝒯𝒶𝒹𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾 𝒴𝒶𝓂𝒶𝑔𝓊𝒸𝒽𝒾 ✿
⤔ The way you guys would honestly be one of the sweetest couples ever?
⤔ I don’t know if the HQ boys have any official hogwarts houses but like Yamaguchi strikes me as a hufflepuff with some ravenclaw qualities, like the reverse of you in a way? 
⤔ Like he’s very smart but I think mostly he’s a creative carefree baby, even with all of his insecurities and self doubt, so I think you’d compliment each other nicely
⤔ Ghibli movies marathon with boba and snacks would be one of your most common dates. I also feel like you’d do that when one of you is sick/sad and you just wanna cuddle and be warm and comfy inside the house
⤔ I think he really enjoys the fact you like talking about a bunch of different topics, he strikes me as the type of person that really enjoys listening to people speak about things they’re passionate about, and he’s a very curious person so he’s genuinely paying attention to learn new things
⤔ Like you would tell him about his horoscope and he’d be super interested so he goes to research your horoscope and the next day he tells you all about what he learned and wants to show you he’s interested in what you’re interested in
⤔ You bring out the best in each other, he’s a bit shyer than you so when you’re first meeting you both feel really comfortable because you’re both a little shy and a little unsure
⤔ That’s good for him because being a bit jumpy around new people, it means that he’s comfortable with you since you behave a lot like him, and he knows how to act properly and knows you’ll respect his boundaries too
⤔ It’s good for you because the comfort and stability he brings means you can start to open up and be a bit more extroverted and cheerful, which in turn will make him open up as well and be the same way
⤔ Yamaguchi would turn into such a huge flower boy. I’m talking about letting you put flowers in his hair, learning the meanings of flowers, googling flowers before giving you a bouquet because he wants them to have a message and then getting super excited like “ !! do you like them?? you know what they mean right ??” like that would be the cutest thing ever
⤔ Would go running with you and I feel like he’d be very surprised at how much you enjoy it. I feel like being friends with Tsukishima and usually going to run with him during practise or something similar he thinks mostly people run because they have to, but you run as a workout and you enjoy it and it’s very nice, you have really nice jogs through pretty places
⤔ Would ask if you wanted to play volleyball with him, but not try to push you into the sport, just so you can spend time together. Plays his best when you’re watching his games 100%
⤔ Overall: Very soft, trusting relationship with lots of cuteness and shared hobbies.  
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iwaisa · 4 years
hii congrats on 1.5k!!! I recently came across your account and loved your work :) here are my 3 random facts
1.) howls moving castle is my favorite studio ghibli movie 2.) i rly rly want a axolotl they’re so cute ahskajaj 3.) i go to an arts school! i also would preferably want a boy tyty!
aaa thank you so much bby !! <3 <3
your new year’s kiss will be...
asahi azumane !
asahi can’t help but blush at the close proximity between the two of you as you show him a picture of an axolotl on your phone, gushing about how cute they are and how badly you want one. if he could, he would adopt one straight away if it means he could see that smile you gave him again. you swipe through your camera roll, and he’s quick to notice a piece of your art you’ve just finished. this time, it’s him gushing about your talent as an artist. 
daichi and sugawara notice asahi fiddling his fingers as the clock hits 11:59, and they excitedly push him towards you, causing him to nearly knock you over from the force. he apologizes profusely, causing you to giggle and ensure him that it’s alright. it’s now ten seconds until midnight, and asahi is still as nervous as ever for what he’s about to do. he feels your hand brush against his as everyone jumps up when it becomes the new year, and that’s his cue to cup your cheek with his palm as his lips make contact with yours.
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new year’s + 1.5k event ! - now closed !
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plutoccult · 8 months
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pairing: sugawara koushi x female reader
description: now that ukai knows of sugawara’s feelings for you, it’s only a matter of time before the big secret spreads throughout the office, leaving sugawara with plenty of damage control to do.
word count: 6.3k
also available to read on my ao3 here
author’s note: tumblr keeps playing games when it comes to this au showing up in tags, which may be because of “foul” language apparently, so i’m gonna “censor” this episode and see what happens. it will be uncensored on ao3 though. if you missed episode five, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ IT. it’s INSANELY annoying how tumblr keeps messing with me, and that’s honestly why i (along with literally every writer on here) press about reblogs. likes don’t do anything, reblogs do. not to sound like a pain in the ass, but how can you expect your favorite authors to feel inclined to write if you’re not helping them get exposure? anyway… i feel really good about this episode creativity wise (as i reworked the original episode a TON), and think it might be one of the better episodes i’ve written along with next week’s valentine’s episode. i hope you enjoy!
tags: @toorubobatea @intorder @dragon-slayer5 @femme-lune @jeanboyjean @cowgirlikets @okkoiktoru @darthferbert @kazuchaos @bakagun1312 @beingbrokenfitsus @mumblepingu @daedaep69 @intheewrld @msbyomimi @sukxma @akari-fujikawa @milkteeboba @5sos-wdw @todorokiskitten
taglist form here
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for the second time today, you returned to your desk with your teapot full of hot water. it was scorching against your hands, but you had to be careful with your steps in order to avoid any spills. you’ve been doing this practically everyday since the office christmas party, so none of your coworkers were phased by it anymore.
“hot, hot, hot.” you whisper to yourself.
you place the teapot down and let out a sigh of relief before sitting down in your chair. the crew watched as you pour the hot water into a mug and pulled out a dish full of sugar of creamer packets, ones you recently acquired so you could be more efficient with your tea. it wasn’t necessarily the excitement the documentary was hoping for, but they kept the cameras on you in anticipation for something with suga to hopefully come up. unfortunately, nothing spicy had occurred.
you stirred everything together before taking a sip, letting out an “ah, that’s the stuff.”
“i’ve been loving the teapot suga got me for christmas.” you say with a grin. “it gives me an excuse to drink more tea rather than coffee at the office, and not the kind you spill, if you catch my drift.”
you give a wink to the camera, but there might as well be crickets as none of the documentary crew laughed at your joke.
“none of you found that funny?” you pout.
out of nowhere, daichi huffed and puffed as he emerged from the break room. “ugh, who in god’s name spilled coffee in the break room and didn’t clean it up?”
not again, you think to yourself. there was always someone leaving a mess somewhere in the office. it was like working with a bunch of children most of the time. you could almost always point your finger on who was to blame, but it’s not like anyone would admit their wrongs, like tanaka, who was responsible for most messes in the office.
“wasn’t me.” he immediately objected. you almost wonder if he spoke up first on purpose so the suspicion would go to someone else.
“you know i don’t drink coffee.” tsukishima said, which was true. you would find him always drinking some sort of strawberry soda, which you tried once and swore it was the most disgusting drink you ever tasted.
“yeah, and y/n has just been drinking tea lately.” suga spoke up. he immediately regretted saying anything as tsukishima, yamaguchi, kiyoko, yachi, and tanaka all collectively eyed each other. his cover was slipping terribly, but suga couldn’t help but feel the need to defend your honor.
“well, whoever did it needs to clean it up because i’m not doing it.” daichi crossed his arms.
“you know no one is gonna fess up, daichi.” tsukishima rolled his eyes. “this happens every time.”
“and i’m not gonna be stuck with the mess again!” he whined. “it’s like how you all expect asahi to reach everything on the top shelf when we invested in stepladders for a reason. those things weren’t cheap.”
the camera panned over to asahi as everyone quickly turned their heads to look at him. “why… why are you guys looking at me like that?”
“well, some of our coworkers happen to be leprechauns, you know.” kageyama said, evoking gasps out of hinata and nishinoya.
“oh, that’s not—” you began to say before covering your mouth with your hand. it was best if you kept out of this one.
“kageyama, that’s offensive to short people!” hinata exclaimed with a pout. “after everything we’ve been through…”
“my point still stands.” kageyama shrugged.
before hinata and kageyama could break out into a fight for the umpteenth time—one where tanaka would definitely yell out “world star!” and pull out his phone to record—ukai came out of his office in order to investigate what his employees were arguing about rather than actually working.
“something the matter? what’s with all the chatter?” he asked, immediately recognizing his clever rhyme. “oh, i rhymed! that’s bars right there.”
“someone spilled coffee on the floor in the break room and left it there.” daichi explained to him. “as if this office needs any more mess, it’s a disaster around here. we need to do something about the cleanliness of our work environment.”
“hmm… let me think.” ukai stood there pondering for a minute, resembling the thinker. some of you wondered if he was posing that way just for the sake of striking a pose. it definitely wouldn’t be a surprise if he was.
“uh, hello? earth to ukai?” daichi waved his hand in front of ukai, thinking he was frozen.
“i’m thinking.” he muttered, trying to stay as still as possible, down to barely moving his mouth. yeah, he was posing just to pose. typical.
everyone continued to wait for ukai to suggest literally anything, but he stayed in his position for far too long. thankfully, yamaguchi decided to speak up, but he would quickly be shut down by ukai.
“why don’t we all just clean the whole office together—”
“let’s all just clean the whole office together!” ukai interrupted yamaguchi, taking all the credit. “yes!”
“i just said that…” yamaguchi frowned.
“it’s spring cleaning, baby!” ukai clasped his hands together.
“but it’s not even spring?” tanaka questioned. he should know better than to question his boss at this point.
“so? who cares?” ukai shrugged. “don’t make me assign you to cleaning the men’s room.”
“no, please! anything but that!” tanaka begged. ukai instantly found joy in this, giving the camera a sinister, yet also off-putting stare.
“i’m such a genius. if you do your spring cleaning in the winter, then you won’t have to do anything in the spring!” ukai said, praising himself as if it were his idea. “only i could think of such big brained ideas.”
“yamaguchi suggested it before you spoke over him.” a crew member spoke up, having documented it on camera.
“who?” ukai furrowed his eyebrows. it was almost hilarious how he couldn’t remember who he was.
while some were assigned to clean certain parts of the office, others were cleaning out their desks, which everyone was mandated to do today. it seemed like “spring” cleaning wasn’t such a bad idea after all as many found random miscellaneous items, having no idea when they were from. tanaka even discovered why his desk had such an odd odor, which was because of an expired donut. everyone gagged at the sight and smell of it as he chucked it in a trash can and ran off.
as you were cleaning out your drawers, yachi walked up to your desk with a bottle of carpet cleaner and a scrubbing brush.
“hey, y/n. here’s that carpet cleaner you asked for.” she said as she placed it down on your desk.
you look up from what you’re doing and see yachi right in front of you. you had been waiting for your chance to use it as there were limited resources to share. thankfully yachi agreed to give it to you after she was done with it.
“oh my god, thank you.” you let out a sigh of relief. “daichi would flip if he saw the coffee stains under my desk.”
“trust me, i know… we’re desk buddies.” yachi groaned. she wasn’t particularly fond of the seating arrangement around here. at least you had your own little space, one where suga could steal pining glances as much as he desired, which reminded her. “how’s wedding planning going, by the way? did you start yet?”
the initial excitement of finally setting a wedding date sent you into overdrive, your mind racing of all the things that needed to be done to prepare for a wedding. as much as you dreamed of this, you didn’t think you’d be stuck doing all of the planning alone. ryo hadn’t made a single contribution yet, and despite your families expecting you to walk down the aisle, some doubts couldn’t help but brew up in your head.
“oh, uh, i bought my veil recently.” you reply. you hadn’t even picked a dress yet, despite having a long way to go, but picking a veil just seemed easier for right now.
“aw, that’s so exciting!” yachi couldn’t help but feel bad that suga was overhearing this conversation, given his eyes were fixated on you as he waited for you to speak, which wasn’t that hard to notice. “how are you gonna do your hair then?”
“well, i was thinking about wearing it down. kind of like—” you take out your hair clip and let your hair down, fluffing it up a bit to show yachi. “—maybe something like this?”
suga felt his heart still for a moment as he intently watched you fiddle with your hair. he wished he’d seen you like this before as you always wore your hair up at work. why were you hiding such beauty? it pained him to think about ryo always being the one to see your hair untamed like this at home. even if you failed to realize it, you were drop dead gorgeous in suga’s eyes.
“wow, you look so beautiful. you’re gonna make people cry.” yachi said, already able to think of one person without hesitation.
as yachi spoke a little too loud, ukai—being the nosy boss he is—overheard your conversation and decided to butt in. with poor timing, at that. “woah, y/n. why don't you wear your hair like that all the time? it's so much hotter than what you usually do.”
you cringe and roll your eyes as you reach for your hair clip. suga let out a sigh, wanting the savor the sight for a little longer. maybe another time, he hoped.
“man, this must be torture for you.” ukai said as he walked past suga. suga’s eyes widen as he looked around to see if anyone overheard that, and thankfully no one did. everyone was too occupied with cleaning to bother, it seemed.
“yeah, on the booze cruise i told ukai about some feelings i used to have for y/n.” suga explained, albeit poorly. “i was just… feeling nostalgic, i guess, and i decided to confide in the world's worst confidant.”
used to have? even the documentary crew could see right through such a pathetic lie.
later that day, suga knocked on ukai’s office door. as expected, he wasn’t cleaning his office one bit. do as ukai says, not as ukai does, apparently. it wasn’t a shock, to be honest.
“hey, ukai.” suga said as he entered ukai’s office. ukai quickly turned down the volume on his computer—seemingly not doing any productive office work either—and looked up to see what suga wanted. “remember that thing i told you on the booze cruise about y/n?”
“boy, do i?” ukai asked. he had been reeling ever since the bombshell was revealed to him. it was more exciting than the lame reality tv he usually watched at home. “of course i do.”
“well, that was, uh, pretty personal, so if you can just…” suga paused. how could he make this sound the least offensive to his boss? “if you can make sure you don’t tell anyone else about it, that would be great.”
“what? oh yeah, my lips are sealed. like the bangles song.” ukai said.
suga furrowed his eyebrows. he didn’t feel confident in that answer. “that was the go-go’s.”
“just get back to cleaning.” ukai scoffed.
“you got it.” suga nodded. it seemed he just had to take ukai’s word for it, but some worry still lingered.
“suga and i are great friends. we hang out a ton, mostly at work, but the fact that he poured his heart out to me about y/n during booze cruise says everything about our friendship.” ukai said. “and because of that, i intend on keeping that information a secret for as long as i possibly can.”
“are you implying that it will spill out eventually?”
“course not. i’m the best at keeping secrets.” ukai then started to sweat profusely. he cannot keep this secret for long. “is it hot in here all of the sudden?”
while suga was cleaning his desk, ukai emerged from his office with what seemed like the sole purpose of bothering him. his careful tiptoeing towards suga was evident, even if he tried to be sneaky. “suga…”
“yeah, ukai?” he looked up, ruining ukai’s opportunity to potentially scare him.
“whatcha doin’?” ukai asked. “you like football?”
“uh, ya know, cleaning. like you asked me to.” suga deadpanned. “plus, i’m more of a volleyball guy.”
“oh, yeah, makes sense.” ukai said before getting to the real point of this conversation. “so, any news on you know who?”
suga initially wondered why ukai would be bothering him like this, especially in the middle of the day, but now it was painfully obvious. of course it would be about you, but here, right on the open floor? it’s like ukai was asking to publicly embarrass suga. the poor lad had been through enough embarrassment these past few months. the documentary has seemingly only made it worse.
“time and place, ukai.” suga shook his head in annoyance.
“i just want to know more about your love life, suga.” ukai pouted. of course, he had some valid concerns. suga was just crying to him about his dilemma not that long ago, after all, but still, why here and now?
“like i said; time and place.” suga insisted.
before ukai could plead his case, tanaka interrupted this conversation, seemingly out of jealousy over ukai newfound closeness to suga. “woah, what’s going on here? you guys besties all of the sudden?”
“um, yeah, we’re besties, tanaka.” ukai replied. suga wanted and scream and say that he was wrong. they would never be besties, never. “we tell each other secrets and stuff.”
“secrets? what secrets?” tanaka raised an eyebrow with a smirk. he instantly thought of one secret only a select few knew of, and suga knew he’d be thinking of it. “i know secrets.”
suga had to get tanaka off his back somehow. the combo and him and ukai would be a total disaster when it came to his secret. “deep, dark secrets?”
“wha… what do you mean?” tanaka questioned. it was hilarious how he was falling for this.
“oh, you know…” suga paused for dramatic effect. “the kind of secrets that could send people to jail.”
“oh my god…” tanaka let out a gasp then ran off like a scaredy cat. maybe that award went to the wrong employee on awards night.
that actually impressed ukai quite a bit. he wouldn’t say it out loud as he always had to be the very best, but ukai was definitely impressed.
“welp, back to work.” suga shrugged. this desk definitely wouldn’t clean itself, and he wasn’t sure if he could trust anyone else to go through his things. maybe he could trust you. knowing you, you’d organize everything by what you thought was worth keeping and what wasn’t, then let him figure out if your guesses were right.
“hey, uh, wait.” ukai said, catching suga’s attention once more. “what are you doing for lunch? i could take you out. my treat.”
lunch? with ukai? suga wasn’t sure if he was all too fond out that idea. free food, sure, but having to deal with ukai alone at a restaurant seemed like a bad nightmare. you never know what could happen in such an event.
“ah, no, you don’t gotta do that.” suga said as he quickly tried to think of an excuse to get out of this. “i gotta… ya know… clean and stuff.”
“what about we set up a picnic in the break room?” ukai proposed. “order some pizza and talk about you know who.”
nope. nope, nope, nope. suga knew ukai was just itching to talk about you. the only feasible solution was to get as far away from the office as possible and go out for stupid lunch. the sacrifices suga had to make for the sake of keeping his secret, well, a secret.
“haha, um… you know what? yeah, let’s go out. that’s a good idea, man.” suga stood up from his chair. ukai jumped up and down, overjoyed, which brought more attention to them. suga figured going right now was the best bet, so he quickly grabbed his coat and briefcase in order to leave right away. “let’s go now, actually. what place you thinking of?”
“oh, i know just the place.”
after an awkward drive, ukai and suga found parking in the city before walking over to a popular strip of restaurants. suga assumed being a boss had its perks as there was no way he could afford to eat like this all the time. thank god ukai was paying for this.
there seemed to be amazing places to eat around here, but suga found ukai leading him to the outside of what seemed like a… maid cafe?!
“ukai, what is this place?” suga asked, hoping and praying it wasn’t what he thought it was.
“it’s my favorite spot.” ukai said, noticing suga hesitate. “i go here all the time. come on.”
“if it’s what i think it is—”
“it’ll be fine!” he interrupted suga. “don’t be shy now.”
suga let out a sigh before he followed ukai inside. it was exactly what he thought it was. he was at a maid cafe.
“no… no, no, no.” suga shook his head. this couldn’t be happening to him right now.
suddenly, a pretty woman in a maid outfit walked up to them, greeting ukai first as he was a regular. “mr. ukai! come, come have a seat wherever you’d like.”
“sana!” ukai greeted her. it was even worse that he knew the employees by name.
“there’s no way…”
“ukai took me to a maid cafe.” suga said through gritted teeth. he was being interviewed outside the cafe, other cameras filming what was going on inside as ukai was being pampered by the waitresses. suga was lucky to have a chance to rant. “he took me to a F*CKING maid cafe.”
“you know you’re—”
“god, i’m tired of you guys scolding us over language. you’re just gonna cut most of this sh*t out in post anyway.” he cut off the crew member. he wasn’t necessarily wrong, but the poor editors had a lot of work cut out for them with the way the employees of japan pulp and paper act. maybe they were better off documenting another branch…
meanwhile at the office, tanaka walked up to your desk unannounced, digging his fingers into the bowl of jellybeans you always had out for everyone. you don’t even wanna know where his hands have been. now that you think about it, does he ever wash his hands? you wanted to gag.
“tanaka, can you not shove your hands in the bowl like that?” you ask with a disgusted look on your face.
“whatever. all the good flavored ones are gone.” tanaka rolled his eyes as he continued to dig into the bowl.
“it’s a communal bowl…” you sigh.
“am i not bestie material?” he asked you out of nowhere. “i thought me and ukai were besties.”
you weren’t sure why he was asking this all of the sudden, but if validating him meant he’d leave you alone, then you’ll do it. “yeah, you’re bestie material, tanaka…”
“would you ever consider me to be your best friend?” tanaka questioned.
now, tanaka was a terrible worker, but he wasn’t necessarily a bad friend. he would definitely do crazy things for the sake of his coworkers. you remember on your first day tanaka told you he kept ninja stars under his desk incase of intruders and he would defend you in an instant. sometimes he was a little dumb, but he had a good heart, shockingly enough.
“sure?” you shrug.
“excellent.” tanaka said before walking away all of the sudden.
while he wasn’t looking, you quickly grab the jellybean bowl and throw away its contents. you stare at the camera for a moment as they’ve captured what you’ve done before panning to ukai and suga returning from lunch. you instantly smile upon seeing suga’s face.
“hey.” you greet him.
“hey.” suga said as he hung his coat up.
ukai eyed the two of you before going into his office. you wondered what that was about, but you shook it off and went back to talking to suga. “so, how was lunch?”
“oh, you know, pretty productive.” suga then held up a printed picture from lunch, one with him, ukai, and a bunch of waitresses in maid outfits posing together. it was worth the money. “got a lot of work done.”
you blink for a moment as you soak in the picture in front of you. never would you have guessed that out of all places. still, it was hilarious.
“you’re the worst.” you say jokingly. “there’s no way.”
“ah, but there is.” suga replied. he blushed as you began to uncontrollably laugh. it was adorable. he found it to be one of his favorite sounds in the world.
you manage to control your laughter after a few deep breaths. no more joking around. “pretty sure you’ve got more cleaning to do.”
“yes, ma’am.” he jokingly saluted before going back to his desk.
suddenly, kiyoko stormed up to ukai’s office. you couldn’t remember the last time anyone ever saw her so angry like this. you even feared steam would come out of her ears, and since she was knocking on ukai’s door, you knew it wasn’t anything good.
“ukai, takeda and i need to talk to you.” she barged in.
ukai raised his hands defensively, acting as if he were getting arrested. “i didn’t do it, your honor!”
kiyoko didn’t have time for nonsense. she was livid. “ugh, come on. you’ve got some explaining to do.”
before ukai could try to protest, kiyoko dragged him away from his desk and led him to takeda, the last person ukai wanted to talk to right now. it didn’t matter what the matter was, he hated talking to human resources.
“specs, what do you have the female specs dragging me here for?” ukai groaned as kiyoko forced him to have a seat.
“uh, a new charge appeared on the corporate credit card—” takeda began to say as calmly as possible.
“you spent a hundred bucks at a maid cafe! you didn’t even get approval for this!” kiyoko interrupted him, yelling over takeda. if there was any good cop, bad cop action happening, it was clear who fit which role.
“it was a business lunch!” ukai argued. “who said i needed approval?”
takeda let out a sigh. there was a reason ukai couldn’t be trusted with anyone’s money, even his own, for that matter. he felt like he had to treat him like a child, despite ukai being the one in charge.
“ukai, you just got your corporate credit card back.” takeda scolded him. “do you really want me to take it away again?”
“what am i, a five year old? this is ridiculous!” ukai exclaimed.
“corporate is gonna be so angry!” kiyoko argued with him.
“look, suga needed a relaxing lunch.” ukai explained. “he’s been depressed and it’s been affecting his productivity. how is that not work related?”
kiyoko froze. now she’s wondering if ukai knows what she knows. does he know what she knows? takeda didn’t seem to budge by ukai’s explanation.
“he seems fine to me.” takeda shrugged.
“you're not his friend, you don't know what i know.” ukai said. “he is in love with a girl he works with who's engaged, so just cut me some slack, okay?”
unbeknownst to them, nishinoya overheard the whole thing as he walked by. “are you talking about y/n?”
no way that just happened. ukai is at a loss for words, same with kiyoko. he messed up big time.
“this is bad. so bad.” kiyoko said frantically to the camera. it was safe to say she was freaking out. “did suga tell ukai? or did he figure it out? god, suga! you’re such an idiot! i can’t stand this madness!”
thanks to ukai’s big fat mouth, suga’s secret had spread throughout the entire office like the plague and he had yet to figure it out, but he would soon enough.
the first person nishinoya told was asahi, who didn’t really have much of an opinion on it as he was merely a temp. once word got to hinata, however, that was when the train really started rolling. suga had no chance to swear nishinoya to secrecy, so his secret was finally spilled to everyone. well, everyone except you… for now.
hinata rushed to kageyama’s desk. had he gone any faster, he would’ve crashed and knocked over all of kageyama’s things, even his computer. it certainly wouldn’t be fun having to pay for a new one.
“jesus, hinata!” kageyama jumped out of his chair. “what are you tryin’ to do to me?!”
“nothing, nothing!” hinata exclaimed. “guess what? suga has got it bad for y/n.”
woah. even kageyama couldn’t pass up hearing such juicy information. he was rather impressed in suga’s taste in women too. you were a rather attractive woman, after all. “what? really? not bad, suga. not bad…”
ukai walked by as hinata spilled all the beans to kageyama. as hinata noticed ukai’s presence, he just had to get his opinion on the matter. after all, it was ukai’s fault the secret was revealed to everyone.
“hey, ukai. do you think suga is gonna try to break up the wedding?” hinata asked.
ukai was put off by such an outlandish question. he felt so guilty about this, as shocking as it was. suga actually put his trust in him, and he blew it in less than a week. some boss he was.
“hinata, suga is my friend, so the only people that this crush really concerns is suga and y/n...” ukai said. “and also me.”
of course, ukai had to make some of this situation about him. no surprise about that.
as suga tried to get some cleaning done, he felt as if there were more cameras on him than usual. to test the theory, he got up to go to the bathroom. the crew dared to follow him, but suga stopped before entering. there was no way he could let them film him doing his business.
“did the production value go up or something?” he furrowed his eyebrows. “what’s going on?”
before the crew could respond, nishinoya appeared, asking suga the last question he thought he’d have to hear. “suga, why didn’t you tell me you had a crush on y/n?”
his heart dropped instantly. it’s happening.
suga had to carry out this interview in the calmest way possible. he was livid, sure, but there also was a bit of relief. the burden of his secret was so hard to carry most days. but the only way he could make it out of this alive is if he played it off like he used to have a crush on you.
“well, the cat’s out of the bag. i used to have a crush on y/n and now i, uh…” suga hesitated. “don’t. how thrilling...”
the poorly fabricated lies continued.
now that suga got that dreadful interview was over with, it was time for him to talk to you about the newfound elephant in the room. as he discovered everyone was talking about this crush behind your back, suga decided he was better off confronting you about it. besides, it was either you find out through suga himself or ukai.
suga found you alone, knowing this was the only time and place he could get through this conversation. he didn’t need anyone else hearing in on this.
“hey.” suga spoke up. you look up and see his face, your calming smile putting him at ease.
“hey.” you say. “did you find anything good in your desk?”
“oh yeah, i found a coupon for a free sandwich.” he said. there had to be a way to bring up his crush somehow. “it expired in august, but i did find my phone charger from two years ago.“
“wow, big day.” you reply. big day was quite the understatement.
“i don’t even have that phone anymore.” suga chuckled.
“even better.” you grin.
“yeah.” he blushed.
thinking that was the end of the conversation, you began to leave the room, but suga quickly stopped you. this was his only chance, he couldn’t let it slip away.
“hey, uh, listen…” suga said as you stop in your tracks. you look up to see what he has to say. shockingly, this was harder than he thought it would be. “um, i told ukai on the booze cruise—it’s so stupid—but uh, i told ukai that i had a crush on you when i first started here.”
you felt your heart skip a beat. he had a crush on you when he first started here? now your mind raced back to suga’s first day at japan pulp and paper. he seemed so nervous, so you were the one to welcome him with open arms as you had only been with the company for less than a year at that point. you knew what it was like to be the newbie, so you wanted suga to feel more at ease. you didn’t think anything more of your kindness back then.
“oh…” is all you manage to muster out. you can’t believe you were so blind to it all. now you felt silly for only just now developing a crush on him within the past couple months. it was wrong on so many levels now.
“well, i thought that, uh.” he stumbled with his words. “i figured you should hear it from me rather than, you know, ukai of all people…”
“right…” you nod. even you could agree with that. that would result in a much more awkward interaction with your boss.
“and seriously, it's totally not a big deal, okay?” suga insisted. “and when i found out you were engaged, i mean, you know…”
right, of course. that cursed ring on your finger. no wonder he didn’t see you that way anymore, right? at least that’s what you thought was the case.
“no, yeah, i get it. i mean, i kind of…” you pause. lie, just lie, you thought to yourself. “i thought that maybe you did when you first started.”
“oh, you did?” suga questioned. now he felt a little stupid.
“well, i mean, just cause we got along really quickly…” you shrug. it was the best excuse you could think of on the spot, really. you clicked with suga faster than you did with anyone else. maybe there was a reason to that, now that you think about it.
“oh, so you saw right through me, great.” he forced a laugh.
“yeah.” you giggle. you were thankful suga fell for your sham, him feeling the same. “so are you going to be like totally awkward around me now?”
“oh, yeah, yeah... hope that's okay.” suga replied with a hint of sarcasm.
“mhm.” you nod.
“and y/n?“
“it was like three years ago, so i am totally over it.” suga said. even if he was far from over it, he had to lie for the sake of saving face. he didn’t want to give up since ukai told him not to, but suga couldn’t let you know the truth just yet. this was merely dipping his toes in the water.
“yeah, cool.” you say before finally leaving the room. suga figured he kept you for far too long, anyways.
“alright, cool…”
“so… suga had a crush on me, huh? emphasis on had, i guess.” you shrug. “more reason to move on from my own silly crush, right?”
the crew share a collective look. you wonder what they’re all thinking. was there something you still didn’t know?
suga was thankful his conversation with you went rather smoothly. all he had to anticipate now was ukai’s explanation for the mess that’s been made. who knows what ukai will manage to do, he was so predictable yet unpredictable at the same time.
ukai jumped when he heard suga knock, even worse when he saw his face. he knew exactly what this was about, so ukai had no choice but to motion for him to come in.
“hey.” suga said, closing the door behind him. no way could anyone else hear this right now. suga would lock the door and board it up if it had to.
“i know, i know, i know.” ukai sighed. “i messed up.”
it was actually a surprise to suga that he was owning up to his mistake. he figured he should go a little easy on ukai for the time being, depending on his future responses. “yeah, i was kinda wondering what happened with that…”
“i um… you know, expense reports.” ukai said, frantically trying to explain his way through this. “and then stupid specs! he’s such a goody two-shoes, disgusting. he got all on me about our lunch—”
“the one at the maid cafe.” suga interrupted him. the puzzle pieces were coming together.
“yes, the one at the maid cafe! said corporate was gonna be mad about it, and…” ukai began to tear up, not even trying to fight back his emotions. “i ended up spilling the beans! it was an accident, honest! god, i hope this doesn’t affect our friendship, suga!”
wow. and to think suga was just crying to him merely days ago. now the tables have turned. suga didn’t know whether this was sad or hilarious. would it be wrong to think it’s both? he sure thought of it to be both ways.
as much as suga wanted to totally flip out and scream his head off, he just… couldn’t. for one, he’d probably lose his job, but this situation was inevitable. secrets can’t stay secrets forever, no matter how much you want to hold them close. they always make their way out of your grasp somehow.
“hey, hey, hey. relax, man.” suga tried to calm ukai down. “it's… it’s not a big deal.”
ukai wiped away snot and tears, which was quite disgusting. “it’s not?”
“yeah, it’s fine.” suga let out a sigh. “it was bound to come out one way or another, i guess. everything’s gonna be alright, okay?”
“yeah… okay.” ukai nodded. he was thankful to not be on suga’s bad side, which he‘s never seen at its fullest potential. no one has, really. suga is far too patient for this disastrous company.
“good… good.” suga said. “see ya.”
man, ukai was such a violent crier.
as suga left ukai’s office, he eyed you for a moment, seeing you were walking over to where he just was. you would have no choice but to see ukai crying like a toddler, which no one should ever have to see in their entire life.
“good luck.” he quickly whispered to you as you walked past him, confusion written all over your face.
shrugging off suga’s random comment, you head into ukai’s office anyway, not even bothering to knock as the door was already open just a bit. nothing seemed out of the ordinary to you yet, as if ukai isn’t unordinary anyway.
“hey, here's your schedule for next week.” you set the paper down on ukai’s desk before noticing he’s wiping away tears. “woah, are you okay?”
“yeah, i'm fine.” ukai sniffled. “look, about you and suga—”
“oh no.” you shook your head. was that what he was crying over? woah, did suga make him cry? nice. “ukai, you don't have to—”
“no, i feel like it's my responsibility as your boss and also your friend.” he cut you off, but you didn’t see any need for this. you and suga cleared the air already, right? plus, ukai considering himself your friend was quite a stretch.
“no, really, it's okay.” you insist. “i know that suga had a crush on me when he first started or whatever. but that was a long time ago, so…”
“what? no. it wasn't that long ago. it was on the booze cruise.” ukai said.
what the heck could he possibly be talking about?
“suga had a crush on me on the booze cruise or he told you about it on the booze cruise?” you furrow your eyebrows.
ukai very quickly realized he messed up once again. he figured he was better off shutting up for once in his life. “ahh… yeah… i’m just gonna… shut my mouth. i’m clocking out.”
“oh… okay.” you say quietly as ukai stood up and walked out of his office so he could leave for the day. it was about five o’ clock, after all.
you follow ukai on his way out and see suga packing up, putting his coat on before grabbing his briefcase. he can detect your presence, even when leaning over for his briefcase as he could see your mary jane’s in his vision. black and shiny, just the way they always were. you never, ever left them scuffed.
“you need a minute?” he asked as you walked by.
“yeah, just need to get my coat on.” you reply.
suga waited for you to pack up before you walked out together, both heading towards the elevator. you and suga enter, just the two of you, stealing glances while the other wasn’t looking until your eyes inevitably meet. you can’t even deny how often he makes your heart race, it was almost a nuisance.
you didn’t know how long this song and dance would last, but you needed this feeling to go away before june. it simply can’t go on any longer.
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© plutoccult / 310802. please do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my content in or outside of tumblr. reblogs are appreciated <3
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alienaiver · 2 years
ahh I love this series so far can I pls be on the taglist :)
aaaah thank you so much !! 🥺🧡 ive put you on the taglist! 🥰🧡✨
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iwas-baby · 3 years
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—☼ broken pieces
includes: matsukawa x f. reader, iwaizumi x f. reader
genre: slice-of-life, fluff, angst, drama
about: where iwaizumi hajime leaves his now ex-girlfriend, unknowing she’s pregnant while matsukawa issei is left to pick up the broken pieces.
tags: teen pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy, angst, fluff, domestic fluff, dysfunctional families, found family, love triangles, friends-to-lovers, original characters, canon compliant, eventual smut
status: completed
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☼ one: unplanned
☼ two: blink of an eye
☼ three: back again
☼ four: mother knows best
☼ five: first loves
☼ six: doubts
☼ seven: un-official babysitter / date night
☼ eight: the finale
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taglist: @luvrinnie @bakugouswh0r3 @milkteeboba @kamalymaly @kameko-ko @tatiquichi @fandomtrashpandasposts @witcherydotcom @literaleftist @its-the-aerieljeane @daphnxy [closed]
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kannra21 · 3 years
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@milkteeboba @ink-mania y'all are officially their y/n's I can't imagine anyone else but you now 😆
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musamora · 2 years
𝖍𝖔𝖑𝖉 𝖒𝖊 𝖈𝖑𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖗 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖞𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙   「𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔬𝔨𝔲 𝔨𝔶𝔬𝔧𝔲𝔯𝔬」 ༉‧₊˚
i’ve created a youtube channel under my same username, mostly for creating content related to my writings. this video is one i thought some of you would be interested in, because it was specifically inspired by this series. i hope you all will check out some of my content :)
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taglist: @milkteeboba @aph-lovely @kashasenpai @kjk2788​ ​
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