#milk does asoue
milf-lover42 · 1 year
Headcanon that Olaf and Esmé only had sex once the entire time they were “together” and they BOTH had to imagine the other was Georgina to get through it
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hansgrubr · 6 years
y’all i bought a fuckin MINI OVEN so now i can make OVEN FOOD again B)
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theajaheira · 6 years
Incoming: spam of good questions. (Sent on Anon bc I want this to be about you having positive stuff, not about whoever-is-doing-this being nice.)
THIS IS SO SWEET on all the levels. thank you so much!!! i’m gonna just copy-past these questions here and answer them sequentially + directly
When did you first start shipping Giles/Jenny? At what point did you know that they were the OTP for you?
tbqh, it wasn’t till s2 that i realized how cute i found them. like they’d had the whole tensiony thing going in s1, and i loved the way they interacted already, but when i saw them giving each other big heart eyes in when she was bad it was like. sign me the fuck UP. the moment i knew for CERTAIN was like literally all of some assembly required because that whole sequence of events was so adorable.
not to derail, but i maintain that giles and jenny were a slow burn couple who burned way too damn fast. they were barely friends at the end of i robot and suddenly she’s giving him the soft eyes in prophecy girl???? where are all the awkward tense uncomfy conversations???? we were Robbed
Do you ship Jenny with anyone besides Giles? If so, who?
canon does not give me many age-appropriate options (which says something Significant about btvs and its lack of female mentor figures). the only 2 ships i see regularly in fic (besides g/j of course) are jenny/xander (ick.) and jenny/joyce (which i just don’t see; they have like nothing in common whatsoever). tl;dr i ship jenny with lilah in a friends-with-benefits situation (or in very very specific circumstances, like in my detective au, where jenny doesn’t know from the get-go that lilah is straight-up evil), and i HARDCORE ship jenny with olivia caliban from asoue. because olivia is soft and kind and warm and that is jenny’s type of person, no matter how hard she likes to pretend she goes for the badass people
Do you ship Giles with anyone besides Jenny? If so, who
ETHAN RAYNE. god. those two were Chaos Boyfriends it’s canon and they have such a flirty angry charged dynamic. i swoon
What flavor milkshake would Jenny order? What flavor would she order for Giles?
jenny would order something with coffee, cookies, or caramel, and then wheedle giles into trying some of hers. she wouldn’t order a milkshake for him bc giles thinks milkshakes are stupid (”ice cream was already milk!!! milk is milk is milk!!!!”). they are probably having an argument in an ice cream parlor right now
Have you ever written a fanfic that explored Jenny’s heritage as a Romany woman?
i have not. very specifically because canon did a horrible job of it and the last thing i want to do is echo that, + i don’t think i know enough about romany culture to do it in a way that did jenny or her culture justice. 
What’s your favorite Jenny quote?
“i just wanna help.” i want to shove this at anyone who says jenny’s a cold, callous, vengeful person, because all that woman has in her heart is love and she just does not know what to do with it. she deserved to love and be loved and it breaks my damn heart.
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whydontwejustblog · 7 years
unusual asks
@anon that said “1-100,” i’m no chicKEN—
spotify, soundcloud, or pandora? spotify all the way.
is your room messy or clean? messy i like to think it’s neat.
what color are your eyes? a boring dark brown.
do you like your name? why? i hate it. i wish it was esteban julio ricardo montoya dela rosa ramirez.
what is your relationship status? what’s a relaytionsheep?
describe your personality in 3 words or less. boring.
what hair color do you have? still a boring dark brown.
what kind of car do you drive? color? …i’m not old enough to drive, but if i was, you better bet i’d have a rainbow car because #yolo. (lmao stop your influence @heartsavery.)
where do you shop? at the candy store. *instantly thinks of heathers*
how would you describe your style? non-existent.
favorite social media account? if i say tumblr, will it start working for me?
what size bed do you have? a queen-sized one. (no, that wasn’t a pun or anything.)
any siblings? i like to think she doesn’t exist.
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? i’ve heard of this place called niue, which apparently has pikachu coins as part of their currency, so sign me up. (japan is also another option, because i love the atmosphere in kyoto. except for that one time i got lost at night near a creepy abandoned church.)
favorite snapchat filter? i don’t use filters much since i don’t take pictures of myself, but i’ll have to say the classic dog filter.
favorite makeup brand(s)? i don’t wear makeup.
how many times a week do you shower? i shower around once or twice a day. weird, i know, but it’s normal around here in a country that’s hot all year round. (except, of course, when there are typhoons, because it’s one extreme or another.)
favorite tv show? danger dings (read: stranger things.) i even have a side blog for it. *cough* @anevenstrangerblog *cough* i know the question only asked for one but can i throw in asoue too? i love both the books and the netflix show. malina’s so pretty i cri. ooh, andi mack is another show that i absolutELY LOVE AND—
shoe size? 6.5 in us women’s.
how tall are you? not tall at all. next question.
sandals or sneakers? sneakers are all i own.
do you go to the gym? no.
describe your dream date. with nikolai lantsov. but since he’s “fictional,” i’ll settle for the person giving me a fortune, then leaving me alone for the rest of my life. (but if the person was finn wolfhard / malina weissman / sadie sink, they can *in mulan’s grandma’s voice* stAy fOrevEr.)
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? about 2500 pesos and 2000 yen.
what color socks are you wearing? they’re pikachu socks.
how many pillows do you sleep with? one or none because quite frankly, i only like hugging pillows. sleeping on them is uncomfortable for me.
do you have a job? what do you do? i don’t have a job, but my class runs a business (with a beneficiary who all the proceeds go to), and i manage its marketing and finance. i also design a couple stuff for my mom’s clinic thing, which i guess is considered a job since i get paid.
how many friends do you have? if you don’t count online friends, zero ahaha.
what’s the worst thing you have ever done? lmao idk, exist?
what’s your favorite candle scent? i dunno. most probably woodsy or floral scents.
3 favorite boy names? names don’t have genders.
3 favorite girl names? names don’t have genders.
favorite actor? noah schnapp, my precious son.
favorite actress? millie bobby brown because why not.
who is your celebrity crush? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
favorite movie? the bee movie ahAHAHAHA the original spongebob movie.
do you read a lot? what’s your favorite book? i read waaay too much, and just like any of my other favorite things, i can’t pick just one favorite book, but i love six of crows by leigh bardugo.
money or brains? can i have both?
do you have a nickname? what is it? i’m called stupid a lot, does that count? ahaha :’) micah’s actually one of my nicknames.
how many times have you been to the hospital? too many times to count.
top 10 favorite songs? i have too many songs i like, so i’ll list some i remember right now (and limit myself to one song per artist.) crazy=genius by p!atd, bellyache by billie eilish, migraine by tøp, c’est la vie by maurice moore, glorious by macklemore, for him by troye sivan, my songs know what you did in the dark by fob, non-stop from the hamilton cast recording, teacher by prettymuch, and we the party by why don’t we.
do you take any medication daily? just vitamins, not medication.
what is your skin type? idk dude.
what is your biggest fear? the unknown.
how many kids do you want? zero.
what’s your go-to hair style? just my hair down since i’m lazy.
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc.) i don’t know how to describe the size of my house lmao.
who is your role model? thomas the tank engine.
what was the last compliment you received? i’m not sure if it was meant as a compliment, but that one anon who asked advice from me said they were awed by my independence so there’s that.
what was the last text you sent? i sent “i’m hungry” to one of my housekeepers.
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? he IS real. i don’t know what the quackidy quack you’re talking about.
what is your dream car? lightning mcqueen. ka-chow!
opinion on smoking? i’m asthmatic, so personally, i don’t smoke, and i don’t encourage it either. if you’re talking about cigarettes, it harms the lungs of not only the smoker, but the people around them. it also affects air pollution (its effect is 10 times stronger than those of diesel car exhausts), and i’m very against all types of pollution to the environment. (i’m looking at you, glitter, which, if you didn’t already know, contributes to the pollution of waterways.)
do you go to college? i will in 2 years. (i’ll be a wee child all alone in another country :’( @whydontwejustbesomethingdiffrent i’m dragging you along if it’s the last thing i do.)
what is your dream job? i don’t really know lmao.
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs.
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? who doesn’t?
do you have freckles? no.
do you smile for pictures? i don’t like having pictures of me taken, but i occasionally smile awkwardly.
how many pictures do you have on your phone? i recently cleared out my photo library so now i’m left with only 3033 pictures.
have you ever peed in the woods? no.
do you still watch cartoons? duh.
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonald’s? there are no branches of wendy’s where i live so i’ll go with mcdonald’s.
favorite dipping sauce? does gravy count?
what do you wear to bed? pajamas.
have you ever won a spelling bee? i’ve never participated in one aside from the mini ones we used to hold in class before, which i won because the competition wasn’t exactly tough.
what are your hobbies? photography, bullet journaling, brush lettering, eating, reading, scrolling endlessly through my phone, dying, and other fun stuff. coding and robotics are cool too.
can you draw? @thefangirlingmaster i still stand by my opinion that i can’t.
do you play an instrument? the only instrument i can fluently play is the violin, since i was taught how to play it at 6 years old, but i own a guitar and keyboard which i can sorta play.
what was the last concert you saw? a pentatonix one.
tea or coffee? water.
starbucks or dunkin’ donuts? starbucks.
do you want to get married? not really.
what is your crush’s first and last initial? f.w. (hint: it rhymes with pinn rolfhard.)
are you going to change your last name when you get married? i dunno man.
what color looks best on you? still dunno man.
do you miss anyone right now? no.
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed.
do you believe in ghosts? uh…
what is your biggest pet peeve? my neighbors slow walkers
last person you called? my dad.
favorite ice cream flavor? cookies and cream.
regular oreos or golden oreos? i only eat mini-sized regular oreos.
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? choCOLATE *insert gif of that one fish from spongebob*
what shirt are you wearing? a panda shirt i got from singapore a couple years ago.
what is your phone background? it’s a zoomed in face of the ice cream octopus from dora. my parents say it’s creepy, but i think it’s calming. (i couldn’t post it on here because tumblr says i reached a limit, but if you wanna see it, tell me to send it to you.)
are you outgoing or shy? depends on the people i’m with.
do you like it when people play with your hair? it tickles.
do you like your neighbors? i’d prefer it if they moved far far away (haha shrek reference) and took their horrible karaoke with them.
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? i wash my face everytime i shower.
have you ever been high? nope.
have you ever been drunk? nope. (i was gonna come up with some punny joke but i’m too hungry to think right now. which reminds me, i have to go eat something real quick, be right back—)
last thing you ate? oh wow, perfect timing. i just ate mango float.
favorite lyrics right now? it’s from my son troye’s song, suburbia. “swallow nostalgia, chase it with lime. better than dwelling, and chasing time. missing occasions, i can’t rewind. can’t help but feel i’ve lost what’s mine.”
summer or winter? it’s basically summer all year round here so—
day or night? night.
dark, milk, or white chocolate? milk chocolate.
favorite month? december.
what is your zodiac sign? sagittarius.
who was the last person you cried in front of? my dad.
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the-golden-ghost · 6 years
ASOUE Season 2 Thoughts
I thought the acting and the pacing and general setting of the show felt more natural in S2. Not that it didn’t have that weird unreality feeling but it just... flowed better? Or maybe it was just because I was used to it.
I was wondering why K. Todd Freeman was still listed as a main character and I’m glad they got to incorporate him into the episodes he wasn’t in in the Book!Verse. They did a good job with that and it never felt weird or forced since Poe is so useless and oblivious anyway. Like of COURSE he’d show up randomly. (Also K. Todd Freeman’s Poe is just amazing)
Kinda sad that they cut Violet’s scene at the end of the Hostile Hospital where she loses hope for a minute, kinda like Klaus does in the jail of TVV. They sort of brushed over that scene too. I guess they’ve had more recruiting scenes for them, though, so it’s not like they haven’t been given development it’s just been different. Also Violet needs to get her ribbon back stat
So the casting on this show is constantly surprising me in a good way. I wasn’t at all sold on Neil Patrick Harris or Patrick Warburton for season 1 and I wasn’t sold on Lucy Punch or Tony Hale for season 2 but man they’ve all been fantastic so far.
They did SUCH a good job with Hal. Betraying Hal is the first “wicked” thing the Baudelaires do and in the books it fell a little flat just cause Hal is... sort of just a friendly but oblivious old man? And it’s not “right” to trick him but you know, it has to be done. But in the SHOW oh man they really milked the betrayal thing hard. And that never gets resolved, either. He just... genuinely believes that the people he trusted most turned on him. Poor Hal.
They did a good job with Nero too. I think Book!Nero would have gotten grating really quick because he yells everything and is a jerk. In the show he’s still a jerk but he comes off as more... unhinged and not completely aware that he’s obnoxious, as opposed to an intentionally caustic asshole.
Granted they didn’t give him the snail tie. RIP snail tie
“Those who can’t do, teach.”
Larry Your-Waiter is a gem. I don’t know what’s going to happen with him, I’m like 98% sure he’s not going to ‘be’ anyone as a twist (unless he’s the Snow Scout leader? Actually that I could see, since he’s heading to the mountains...) but I also don’t know if he’s going to die or live or WHAT since he wasn’t really in the books.
Jacqueline too? She’s not Kit, so who is she?
Speaking of Kit, it occurred to me that they’re probably teasing Kit as Beatrice. Which is interesting but doesn’t quite have the right impact since book readers won’t fall for it and show watchers don’t know who Beatrice is, other than Lemony’s ex.
They’re doing the ‘survivor of the fire’ Quagmire twist twice. Granted this one was in the books too.
I don’t really like how they adapted Olivia, that’s the only one so far that’s disappointed me. It doesn’t make sense especially since the Calibans are an old VFD family and we actually meet Olivia’s sister Miranda and Miranda’s daughter Friday in book 13. I also liked the inclusion of a character in the books who wanted nothing to do with the schism since as far as I can recall, Olivia was the only one. And in the show the Baudelaires don’t really need another person helping them on the sidelines; they’ve got Jacqueline and Larry. I just didn’t see the point.
However, the mini plotline with Jacques and Olivia DOES give me hope that they’ll do a similar thing with Kit and Dewey. Maybe just Kit, since Dewey works undercover, but he could pose as his brothers. Or be her agent on base or something. (I’m almost certain we’ll get Extra Kit Scenes but I’m not sure about Dewey)
What the heck happened with Olaf and Josephine
Who taught Sunny to swear
Fernald is perfect and I am so hyped for TGG to see his development
Speaking of Fernald/the Henchpeople... they didn’t kill off the Henchperson of Indeterminate Gender or The Bald Man which I’m happy about, since it wouldn’t have hit the same way with the way the henchpeople are played in the show, but... I sort of liked watching Olaf’s troupe die off and leave him, one by one in the books. It gave everything a more serious tone. Like I still hope Fernald and the White-Faced Women leave, and maybe the Bald Man and the Henchperson do as well? But who knows they might just take that bit out entirely.
Two lions
The Dance Scene had me looking for Widdershins and the Denouements shook. Also they said the night at the opera the sugar bowl was stolen but I thought the opera was when Olaf’s parents got murdered? Or was it the same night? Does the sugar bowl contain poison darts?
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milf-lover42 · 11 months
By the way today, October 25th, is Esmé and Georgina’s anniversary of any of you even give a single flying fuck about it
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milf-lover42 · 2 years
This is critical information for any ASoUE blogs that follow me, I hate Lemony Snicket (the character not actual Daniel Handler) with a passion that rivals the burning of Wolf-Rayet star WR 102 and I will take every chance I get to shit on him. No I don’t take criticism. No I’m not sorry.
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