mlyeko · 1 year
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just a puppy girl... livin in a puppy world....
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Ukrajinac u crnogorskim bankama drži 34,5 miliona
Ukrajinac u crnogorskim bankama drži 34,5 miliona
Foto: ilustracija U Crnoj Gori je posljednjeg dana septembra bilo 79 milionera, a najbogatiji među njima je Ukrajinac koji u crnogorskim bankama ima 34,5 miliona eura, saopšteno je Pobjedi iz Centralne banke (CBCG). Nešto manje novca od Ukrajinca ima državljanin Indije koji je na računima u Crnoj Gori deponovao 34,1 milion. To su trenutno dva najveća depozita fizičkih lica u domaćim bankama,…
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takethispotion · 1 year
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Touch starved duo
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lemonfroq · 1 year
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squids and peace!
+ bonus doodles of vash being an affectionate creature as usual (and credit to sol_rust and fresh8cto on twt for their zapfish!vash design inspos!)
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tomboyyyaoi · 2 months
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an hour late but happy birthday to the shit twins
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c2-eh · 7 months
If you could, could you make a post about charlos' hugs? Like just them hugging maybe the gift or photos. And when it happened? Thankkyouu
of course!! it will be my pleasure <333
Monaco GP 2021 - Carlos got his first podium with Ferrari and Charles went to see it <333
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2. Silverstone 2021
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3. Abu Dhabi 2021
4. Bahrain 2022
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+ half hug on the podium
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5. Silverstone post race hug, July 2022
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6. Carlos' birthday surprise; September 2022
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7. Austin 2022 + butt tap (x 7:41)
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8. Singapore 2023
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9. Las Vegas GP 2023 (i won't ever move on from this)
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+1 French GP. We do not have a video, just a mention of the hug <3
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0mka · 7 months
I think it's them
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ryuukami4 · 2 months
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babies plant birthday
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luxtoony · 1 year
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Ok everyone headcanons that Donnie is a Miku fan, he is being drawn in merch and cosplay etc...
but you know what peeps are forgetting?
That siblings will always (try to) destroy anything you love.
So that is a reason 1 of why I did it
Reason 2 is the bowtie trend on Twitter (I have Twitter now woohoo)
Reason 3 is... Well some elements of Hatsune Miku design are uncanny-ly similar to Leo's, like his gloves with the blue strip. Also well Leo plays with his bandana Tails like hair so HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO IGNORE THIS IMAGE
Oh and for all the AU's where Leo is called One, lil shout for u
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 4 months
Hi can you do a thing where young auron (like maybe....15 years old) travels to the future and meets adult auron, and is stuck there for 24 hours, and rook comes over for a surprise and sees young him and gushes over him calling him cute and adorable, and young him asked who rook is and auron says.....this is the love of my life
If you don't mind 🙏🏻🥺
They like us because of our personality??
Rook yawned into their hand as they walked to the kitchen to get some water. Groping the wall for the switch they flicked it and saw a kid looking at them with deer caught in highlights look. Both looking at each other the kid had red...hair? Rook looked at them hard as they started to connect that the kids looked a lot like...
"Auron?..." The kid seem to flinch a bit at them calling him out. Eyes flicking at the kitchen entrance and the gun in his hand made them feel a bit uneasy. "Are...you okay?" 'Auron' nodded and tried to speak but Rook's Auron, called out to them.
"Rook? Come back to bed, why are you- Who are you?" Confused was all over Auron's face and tone as he looked at the young man standing in his kitchen for some reason. Said young man step back a bit, why did this man look so much like a older version of himself?? Older Auron seeing the gun flinched seeing it, then glared at the teenager in front of him "Where did you get that?" Hissing out as he walked to him.
Causing the teenager to point the gun up quickly, he didn't know what would happen. Rook grabbed Auron and announced "I think that's you when younger???" Both boys paused looking at Rook, who then gestured to the gun "Put that away please? I just want to know how you got here?" Little A, nickname Rook gave him, put the gun slowly down but still held it.
"I...I don't know how I got here...Where is here actually?" The smaller red head questioned. Auron looked at him and sighed then turned to Rook "Can you make me coffee please? I'm going to need it." Rubbing his forehead he then sat down at the island and motioned the younger man to sit next to him.
Rook sighed as they began making Auron's coffee while humming a tune to themselves. Little A couldn't help but smile a bit when seeing that, "You are in a penthouse you'll own when older." Interrupted his staring. Auron then looked back at Rook that leaned against the island in front of them.
"Awee Auron you were so cute when younger!" Both blushed at the statement while Rook giggled then looked at the younger boy "Soooo are you hungry? Or thirsty I'll make something-" Rambling as they turned checking on the coffee then looking in the fridge in case the teenager wanted anything. Fussing really from both the Auron's perspectives.
"I-I can make something myself if I'm hungry don't worry Mx-" Little A felt flustered by this most of the time adults don't fuss over him because he is the older one. Usually it's Faust getting pampered, which now thinking of him he's worried. Thinking turned dark as he thought of what happened before coming here, he shot- Light laughter shined through his dark thoughts, looking up from the island he could have seen a halo above them.
"Mx? Holy shit! I'm not that old kid I'm probably a good 8 years older! Just call me Rook." Stating with a smile as they passed Auron his coffee. Flustered the younger man nodded, he was taught by....him, to always address a adult like that.
"Rook, dear, your flustering him. Be kind, he's still dealing with shit before coming here. Lord knows my prepubescent years were hell." Chuckling out as he sipped the coffee and sighed. "So, do you have any idea what could have caused this? What is the last thing you remember?" Questioning his younger self felt weird, but he was curious of how this happened.
Little A thought hard of what could have caused this, then spoke "There was this...Blonde man that showed up and tapped my shoulder. Saying I needed to do something?" Mumbling the last bit Auron nodded. So, Finn was meddling again he suppose. But there was a question shot at him from his younger self "So....their our partner?" Rook looked turned again from their breakfast they started making.
"Yes, they are." Simple words made the teen stare in shock. Causing Rook to snort holding their face trying to cover it. "I know shocking." Added by Auron as he sipped again at his coffee, causing Rook to giggle more.
"Someone liked us for our personality??" Yelped confused, setting off Rook in a full laughter as they tried not to drop the pan in their other hand. Auron nodded as he set down his finished coffee, little A was now staring at the counter, Rook and then Auron.
"Awe his confused face is so cute! I need to take pictures!" Declared as they put the eggs and pancakes on the counter. "Take what you want okay? If there is something you wanted but I didn't make, just tell Auron." Explaining as they gave Auron a kiss on the lips before fleeing back to the bedroom. Little A looked at the pancakes and then at Auron, who was smiling after Rook as they left.
"You can trust them, their cooking is good." Speaking as he got up and put his cup in the sink. Little A began to eat them, his body remembering that it only had cereal from this morning. He then heard a snap, turning his head he saw Rook holding a phone.
"Awwweee look at him Auron! His cheeks are puffed up like a hamsters!" Squealing only got a sigh in response as Auron looked lovingly at Rook. Auron looked at his younger self flush once again, this was going to be a long day for him.
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emergingghost · 1 month
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ardentem-iustitia · 7 months
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paper lily fandom are these anything. hello. hello there paper lily fandom
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tbgkaru · 1 year
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I need the cook with no game to bag the edgiest member of the crew, I'm not immune
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takethispotion · 1 year
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Kim needed a hug... edit: i forgot about the body hair, so have an updated version! :>
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aroaceqoutes · 1 year
How many of us are there?
so I just searched up on the percentage of aspec ( more specifically aromantics) people in the world and there's 1% of us world wide that makes it 79 MILLION OF US WORLD WIDEEE!!  (maybe the amount has changed though based on this 2016 study)
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afreakingdork · 6 months
If I had known it was the anniversary, I would've been able to draw something better, but for now, have this!!
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Happy 1 year anniversary to Weak Spot and congrats on all the feats! It's well deserved!! 💖💖💖
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